The most popular niches in business. What business is relevant now and what is in demand. Hazardous waste disposal services

Hello dear readers. Today we’ll talk about business during the 2019 crisis and share a small selection of current business ideas in unstable times of crisis.

If you have your own ideas, we are waiting for them in the comments under the article.

How to open a business in a crisis

This is probably the main question for everyone who wants to make money during a crisis. Let's see what successful entrepreneurs say about this.

Founder and owner of Tinkoff Bank.

According to Oleg Tinkov, special attention in times of crisis should be paid to the medical sector and everything connected with it. With a reasonable approach, startups that are focused on the production of dietary supplements, medications, equipment for clinics and pharmacy chains can be profitable. Little competition and growing demand create ideal conditions for private medical institutions and the hospital sector.

In the absence of large initial investments, Oleg Tinkov advises paying attention to the promising market for developing applications for gadgets and online consulting. The businessman rightly believes that Russia is noticeably behind many world developments in the field of medicine and moving away from them by 15–20 years, and for beginners there are plenty of opportunities for copying.

Founder and owner of such companies as Dymovskoye Sausage Production, Suzdal Ceramics, Respublika (a chain of bookstores) and Rubezh (cafes and restaurants).

The owner of a network of well-known companies believes that in these crisis conditions it is better to start business projects related to import substitution. An analysis of the trade market and customs statistics over the past few years will provide a clue. These may be some types of food products for which demand has been stable. He believes that the crisis situation did not change either the people or the officials.

Vadim Dymov is convinced that it is possible to achieve financial heights by opening new projects in agriculture. As an option, he proposes to use state land shares in the Far East to grow soybeans, which can be exported to China. A risky but simple business can bring significant profits.

The businessman does not rule out achieving success by opening startups in the field of engineering logistics and components for assembling units. He claims that there are absolutely free niches for the development of medium and small businesses in small towns far from Moscow. Why not open a carpentry workshop to produce excellent domestic furniture? Suddenly? But it’s very nice to create and use something that’s your own, to raise your own brand.

Founder and owner of the Dodo Pizza chain of pizzerias.

According to Fyodor Ovchinnikov, the time of crisis is a period that is favorable for opening almost any business. After all, this crisis simply creates a new one from the usual coordinate system, and life continues to take its course. Only the rules of the game change, and it is not “what” that is important, but “how” to act in new conditions.

Fyodor Ovchinnikov is confident that Mercedes will be in demand during the crisis. The main thing is to find an optimal and competitive business model to win in modern conditions.

Fyodor Ovchinnikov suffered a serious setback early in his financial career. His first project to sell books turned out to be unprofitable and a failure, but only helped the businessman develop a new strategy. Now the entrepreneur approaches the beginning of each of his business as if there is a serious crisis in the yard. He immediately asks himself a reasonable question: “What will happen to his business project when everything gets bad, even if everything is good at this stage?” He rightly believes that it is precisely in these difficult and new times that a healthy and strong business can be formed in the country.

Founder and owner of the Expedition company.

According to entrepreneur Alexander Kravtsov, now is a great time for any new endeavors. Here it is important to invest your soul into a business project and maintain good spirits. If you don’t hide and don’t retreat, then everything can turn out to be an excellent and profitable business.

Alexander Kravtsov believes that there are no crises. Now there are a lot of markets that are losing money. But there are many enterprises simply overwhelmed with stable orders. For example, the only Russian company producing backpacks is working at full capacity.

The businessman believes that interesting and relevant topics for new business are food and tourism development.

It is better to become more active in those financial niches from which foreign investments have left. But he recommends being more careful with fixed expense items. Serious changes are taking place in the market in favor of the employer: many active and qualified specialists are being released who can be useful for new projects.

Alexander Kravtsov believes that a businessman in a crisis should become a cynic: not pay high rent, not pay inflated bonuses and not invest in dubious projects.

TOP - 15 business ideas during a crisis

Below we have collected 15 small business ideas during a crisis. This is not all that can be discovered in an unstable economic situation, so we will try to supplement the article. Including your ideas, which you will leave in the comments!

You can also get useful information from the article about.

Business idea No. 1 – Opening an online store

Preliminary costs- from 200,000 rubles.

The general essence of the proposed idea is the development and organization of an online store, the sale of goods through the site, and its delivery to customers using a courier service or regular mail. The relevance of such a project has been confirmed by numerous economic analysis market. The service is increasingly in demand among middle-aged buyers, and the monthly growth of the market speaks of its prospects.

When planning to open an online store of women's or children's clothing, the owner faces the following costs:

  • costs for development and technical support for uninterrupted operation of the site;
  • wage administrator, courier;
  • if necessary, renting a warehouse;
  • transportation costs when purchasing goods.

The rent for the premises of a stationary store is replaced by the content of the website, the purchase of software, and advertising costs.

The average percentage of profitability of knitwear and clothing stores is at the level of 20-25%. If you invest more than 200,000 rubles in the purchase of goods, the monthly net profit can be from 40,000 rubles. By actively promoting an online store, analyzing the assortment and costs, you can pay for such a project in just 4-6 months.

Business idea No. 2 – Opening a street fast food

Preliminary cost of the project- 275,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is the discovery of a small point of sale for the production and sale to consumers of a certain type of snacks and drinks. Unlike the usual shawarma and hot dogs, the project proposes to develop an assortment based on sandwiches with nutritious and tasty fillings, classic or closed sandwiches. The relevance of the idea lies in the constant demand for fast food products. During a crisis, people go to restaurants less often and increasingly prefer quick-to-cook and inexpensive street food.

It is better to open such a stationary point in places with a large flow of people: near metro stations or bus stops, shopping malls, higher educational institutions. Main costs:

  • rental of a trading place;
  • purchasing a stall, tent or trailer;
  • purchase of heating and refrigeration display cases, equipment for work.

If we base the calculation of approximate income on daily turnover of around 8,000 rubles, then we can talk about average monthly revenue of 240,000 rubles. With a profitability of 30% included in the price, such street fast food will pay for itself in 5 months. You can increase the influx of customers by adding dishes with non-standard ingredients, offers for vegetarians or healthy food connoisseurs who have difficulty finding a decent catering outlet.

Business idea No. 3 – Opening a pancake cafe on wheels

Initial investment- 400,000 rubles.

The business idea is based on equipping a pancake baking station, organizing the production of special fillings, and selling this original fast food to the buyer. There are many companies on the market offering a tasty product, so competition in the sector is high. By relying on non-standard products for fillings, beautiful presentation, excellent taste, you can get a stable profit and regular customers.

To organize the process, it is better to choose a mobile point that can be moved when changing the place of trade, transported to participate in events and public holidays. Its equipment will be the main cost item for opening a pancake cafe.

Successful development of production is possible in the case of:

  • a wide range of interesting fillings;
  • staff professionalism;
  • choosing the right location.

In most such enterprises, the markup level is 80-100%, which completely covers utility bills, all costs and provides a stable profit. We can talk about complete self-sufficiency only after a few months due to the initially low cost of this product and strong competition.

Business idea No. 4 – Bakery and confectionery

Approximate investment amount– 1,000,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that people will always want to eat, in connection with this, opening a catering business during a crisis period becomes relevant, even when not everything is in order with the economy in the country. Small companies, combining the functions of a bakery and a store, are gaining popularity in large cities. An interesting assortment and a pleasant homely atmosphere can attract buyers with different income levels. The essence of this idea is the design and opening of a fully equipped enterprise that is engaged in baking and selling bakery and confectionery products to consumers.

To locate a bakery and pastry shop, you must carefully select a place with good traffic. Ideally, if there is a shopping center, bus stop or office block nearby. The project can be developed in two directions:

  • a simple bakery and confectionery with a sales area;
  • bakery and pastry shop with a small cafeteria for visitors.

The first option is more economical in terms of investment and requires less time spent on organization. With a good location, the bakery can serve 300–800 visitors per day, each of whom will make a purchase in the amount of 200–400 rubles. The approximate profitability of a small enterprise without a cafeteria is 20%. With such volumes of trade, the costs of opening a bakery and confectionery will pay off in less than 10 - 12 months.

Business idea No. 5 – Opening an outsourcing company

Minimum investment– 550,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project is the creation of an outsourcing company that provides various services to third parties for a fee. As your main specialization, you can choose accounting or legal support for business, solving financial or IT issues, or creating an external call center to work with orders. The market for such outsourcing companies is just emerging, making the business project relevant. During a crisis, many companies reduce staff and it is more profitable for them to outsource tasks.

To organize and start work, it is necessary to solve two specific tasks:

  • renting a convenient office space in the central part of the city;
  • recruiting real professionals in the chosen field.

In addition to the initial costs of renting and decorating an office, it is necessary to invest part of the funds in advertising and maintaining life in the first months of formation. Work with clients is carried out on the basis of a special agreement. The cost of services is calculated individually for each work situation. Great attention must be paid to the quality and completeness of the work. This will help in attracting regular customers and increasing the profitability of the outsourcing company.

Business idea No. 6 – Opening a canteen

Minimum investment– 1,000,000 rubles.

The essence of the project is the opening of a small enterprise Catering in the format of a city canteen. Its services will be in demand among people with different incomes: students, pensioners, business travelers. Such budget canteens have a stable demand and show low competition even in large cities.

After choosing the work format, you should decide on the premises. It must fully meet certain technical requirements. The best option would be to rent a former catering establishment or a spacious hall near a train station, higher educational institutions, or shopping malls.

The main cost items may be:

  • refurbishment of premises for visitors;
  • purchase of kitchen and commercial equipment;
  • training and maintenance of the team.

It is considered optimal to accommodate up to 50 visitors at a time. Workload varies depending on the time of the working day. The average is a traffic rate of 50-60% with a check for 200-300 rubles. The daily income of a canteen with such a volume starts from 25,000 rubles. Taking into account all the overhead costs and the cost of renting the premises, such a “delicious” business project can pay for itself in just a year of stable operation.

Business idea No. 7 – Business in the production of frame houses

Minimum investment– 500,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project is the development and implementation of a business idea for the turnkey construction of frame houses. The purchase of small wooden houses is in demand among the middle class, which seeks to move closer to nature outside the city. Construction works from foundation to turnkey delivery does not exceed several months. The affordable cost of materials makes frame houses a good investment.

To implement the project, it will be necessary to open several offices in different areas that will accept orders and enter into contracts for the sale of finished objects. At the first stage, the main investments will be:

  • training and wages for construction crews;
  • maintaining staff in the office;
  • advertising expenses;
  • purchasing the necessary tool kits.

The level of profitability is calculated based on the cost of materials spent on the object. On average, one meter of living space costs 30–40 thousand rubles. You can sell it at a price of 70 thousand rubles, receiving a net profit after the sale of a cottage or townhouse in the amount of up to 2 million rubles. Such a business can become profitable and bring stable income, having paid off after two completed projects.

Business idea No. 8 – Opening an economy class hair salon

Amount of capital investments- over 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea is to open a small hairdressing salon that provides a full range of necessary services at affordable prices. Such a project will be relevant in large and medium-sized cities due to the constant demand of the population of different ages and incomes. By providing quality service at prices affordable for most clients, you can create a project with a stable income.

The main amount of costs falls on the purchase of specialized furniture, work equipment and cosmetics, design and equipment of the hairdressing salon. Good cross-country ability is ensured by its opening in a densely populated residential area near a bus stop and shopping centers. To get additional profit you can:

  • use leasing of workplaces instead of hired personnel;
  • invite representatives of related professions to sublease to increase the flow of clients (manicurists, makeup artists).

With an average bill for a service of 250 rubles and servicing at least 16 visitors per shift, the return on investment period is planned to be up to 18 months. Expanding the list of services, holding promotions and self-promotion will help improve results, guaranteeing a profitability of 29%.

Business idea No. 9 – Opening a pharmacy

Preliminary costs- from 500,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is the wholesale purchase of a wide range of medicines and the organization of a stationary pharmacy to sell these medicines to the population at retail. Given the high demand for this type of product, even with the existing level of competition, the project can be a very profitable financial idea.

Good and stable profit in this area of ​​​​business depends on pricing policy, selection of the most stable suppliers and location. A small pharmacy operating as a discounter will be in stable demand among the population of the residential area. Its opening is optimal near metro stations, a transport stop or a grocery supermarket.

To implement the project you will need:

  • specially converted non-residential premises;
  • personnel with appropriate education;
  • concluding contracts with trusted suppliers.

The profitability of a pharmacy is directly proportional to the turnover of medicines. Taking into account the specifics of the legislation, entrepreneurs set high markups for some groups of drugs. Additional income comes from the sale of medical equipment, hygiene items, and baby food.

Business idea No. 10 – Opening a children's consignment store

Estimated investments- 300,000 rubles.

The general essence of the idea is the organization of a small store to accept goods for sale from customers for the purpose of subsequent resale, taking into account a certain commission to the seller. This area of ​​activity is rapidly growing. High-quality children's products are in high demand, especially in conditions of tough financial austerity in many young families.

The main cost is to rent a small space, renovate it and equip it with retail equipment, furniture and stands. The project does not require purchasing items from wholesale warehouses, but an important component is constant advertising to attract potential buyers and sellers.

It is better to open a store in a densely populated area, near grocery supermarkets or children's clinics. Requires small investments:

  • colorful facade design;
  • content of the website or groups on social networks;
  • staff salaries.

For such a project, economists consider a profitability level of 12-15% to be good. With a daily turnover of 15,000 rubles, the monthly net profit minus all expenses can be 30,000 rubles. Savings can be achieved by making such an enterprise a family business and not hiring outside employees.

Business idea No. 11 – Opening training courses

The relevance of this idea lies in the fact that parents will not save on children even during an economic downturn. Private schools for studying foreign languages ​​or preparing children for the Unified State Exam may not be affordable for some parents during a crisis, but budget private courses (individual or in a small group) are quite possible.

Estimated investments depend on the scale of the business. You can purchase all the necessary interactive training tools and organize training courses at home or rent office space by the hour. The remaining costs will go to advertising: in social media. networks, on message boards, newspapers, etc.

Business Idea No. 12 – Farm Products

During a crisis, many products in large supermarkets rise in price. During this period, the sale of farm products directly from the farmer becomes especially relevant. Having received all the necessary documents, you can organize a stationary point at the market or a mobile sale of: milk, eggs, cottage cheese, pork, beef, poultry, etc.

Initial costs will depend on the scale of the business organization. You may need to purchase a special tank for transporting milk, rent a sales pavilion, or hire a salesperson and driver. In addition, you can develop an individual design for your company, including the cost of branded stickers for cars and products.

Business idea No. 13 – “Everything at one price” store

Estimated investments- 700,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that all the stores in this area on the market “rose” precisely during the crisis. In pursuit of a good price, people strive to save as much as possible, increasingly visiting stores with a fixed price. The assortment will depend on your preferences, from inexpensive products to household supplies.

You can purchase a franchise or open a store yourself. In any case, the essence will be similar. Costs will go to:

  • rental of premises;
  • purchase of commercial equipment;
  • first batch of goods;
  • hiring employees.

As in any business, do not forget about the successful location of the retail outlet: a busy street, a walkable area.

As a supplier, you can consider purchasing goods from China.

Business idea No. 14 – Manufacturing business or import substitution

Import substitution- a key point in organizing a business during an economic downturn. In addition, state policy is entirely directed in this direction. There are many grants and third-party investments in organizing production in our country. This may be new to some, but goods can be transported not only from China, but also to China! Many food products there have a high price, and if the supply is properly organized, we can talk about a promising business.

In addition, during a crisis, imported products increase in price due to currency fluctuations. In this regard, the demand for domestic goods with stable, reasonable prices is increasing. This forms the basis for organizing a manufacturing business.

This may include agricultural products(honey, nuts, meat, milk, cheeses, etc.), textile production, conservation(fish, porridge, vegetables, etc.), fresh vegetables and fruits and much more.

Business idea No. 15 – Home-based beauty salon

Estimated investments - 30 000.

The popularization of masters who will come to your home and prepare you for important events has become relevant precisely during the crisis. Beauty salons do not reduce prices for their services, but private hairdressers, makeup artists, and manicurists charge much less money, and they do not have to share with the owner and pay rent.

All initial costs will go towards taking special courses, purchasing the necessary equipment and advertising. To prepare a portfolio, you can try your skills on close relatives and friends.


Now you know how to open a business in a crisis. Is not step by step instructions, but only ideas. We will be happy to discuss with you in the comments the issues of small business in times of crisis and are waiting for your ideas that, in your opinion, can be started in Russia during the crisis.

And also take a look at the section -. There you will find even more collections of articles with business ideas.

Free market segments can be found in almost every area entrepreneurial activity. The most important thing is to consider their prospects in time. The 2019 business niches presented in this article are great for starting a new business. They arouse great interest in society, so they are guaranteed to bring good income.

Choosing a field of activity

Before you decide on the choice of the current niche for business in 2019, you need to decide what you want to do - production or provision of services. If we talk about choosing a direction of activity in general terms, then “green business” has recently shown the highest profitability.

It could be:

  • Processing of secondary raw materials;
  • Alternative energy sources;
  • Growing medicinal plants;
  • Growing organic vegetables and fruits;
  • Production of natural cosmetics.

Modern people are concerned about the state of the environment, so any business related to improving the environmental situation is doomed to success. Ask around, find a suitable idea and try to convince them to invest money in it.

With the right approach, any free niche in business in 2019 can become highly profitable and promising. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, focus on those areas of activity in which you have certain knowledge and skills. At first glance, it may seem that an empty niche for a business from scratch is the best option for a novice entrepreneur. But, if you are a beginner in a particular area, it is unlikely that you will be able to competently develop a strategy and calculate everything possible risks. Therefore, before deciding which business niche to occupy, you need to objectively assess your knowledge and financial capabilities.

Features of choice

Not all fresh ideas show high profitability in practice. Before choosing an open niche for a small business in 2019, you need to find answers to several questions:
  1. What target audience will your business be aimed at?
  2. Will your idea interest consumers?
  3. Why will customers choose your product or service?
  4. Are there any disadvantages to your chosen line of work?

When determining the target audience, it is necessary to pay attention to the age range of potential clients, gender factor, as well as their social status and income level. Don’t forget that choosing a niche for a business from scratch is a very important and responsible stage, on which the success of your future business largely depends.

Study especially carefully all the weak points of the new business niche of 2019 and its disadvantages. Collect useful information on social networks or conduct a short survey among your friends and acquaintances. Once you have carefully analyzed the results, you can begin to develop a business plan.

Over the past decade, the list of working business niches has been significantly updated. We present to your attention several that are guaranteed to bring a good, stable income.

Mobile service

The number of people with smartphones is constantly growing, so mobile services can easily be called the most popular niche for business in 2019. What can you do?

  • Development mobile applications. Nowadays, almost all large companies use various applications to promote their services or products. In addition, interest in such a product began to grow in the banking sector;
  • Mobile versions of sites. According to sociological surveys, about 75% of citizens of our country go to global network via mobile devices. Based on this, we can conclude that in the future the demand for the development of mobile versions of websites will grow;
  • Payment services. This is a fairly profitable niche in 2019, which allows you to earn decent income. But in this matter it is impossible to do without innovative technological solutions;
  • Lead generation. According to statistics, 70% of Internet users get to various sites from social networks Accordingly, they are the main source of lead generation. There are a lot of freelancers working in this business niche in 2019, but despite this, it needs a unique selling proposition.

If you are looking for free niches in business in Russia, be sure to pay attention to this area of ​​activity.


Nowadays, mainly artificial materials are used to produce various products, so the demand for something natural and, at the same time, original has begun to grow. As a rule, such unique products are made by hand, so they are not cheap. If you are creative and love to do handmade, you can start related to the production of handmade products. There are no big players in this market segment, so the level of competition here is quite low.

What can be produced?

  • Exclusive clothing and accessories;
  • Handmade jewelry;
  • Christmas decorations;
  • Holiday decor;
  • Author's dolls;
  • Original interior items;
  • Pottery, etc.

Handmade ideas are a great way...


Recently, manual therapy has become very popular. People who do not respond to conventional drug treatment often turn to alternative medicine. The demand for such services is growing every year. This is an excellent niche to start a business because it is highly profitable and does not require major financial investments.

Second place in popularity is occupied by specialized clinics - cardiology centers, ultrasound rooms, etc. Of course, in order to occupy such a profitable niche for business in 2019, serious capital investments will be required, but service in highly specialized clinics is not cheap, so you can quickly return all your initial investments.

Dental offices are very popular. Modern people want to have a personal dentist whom they can visit at a time convenient for them. The most important thing in this matter is the low-cost, high-quality services provided with comfort.

Before choosing a niche for your business, weigh the pros and cons to avoid serious mistakes at the start.


Beginning entrepreneurs are often interested in what business niches will develop during a crisis? The answer is simple - everything related to essential goods, and in particular, food.

What can be done?

  • Organize production. We are not talking about huge enterprises here. For example, you can start making homemade sweets, canning, pickles, etc.;
  • Trade. Don't rush to open a store right away. First, try selling custom-made cakes or cakes online. This is enough ;
  • Food delivery. This is another in-demand business niche in 2019 that has not yet been filled by other entrepreneurs. You can have hot lunches or pizza delivered from nearby cafes or cook them yourself at home. If you want to do this kind of business, you first need to objectively assess your capabilities. Most likely, you will have to hire an assistant or enter into a cooperation agreement with a courier delivery service.

Food production and trading are among the top business niches for aspiring entrepreneurs. This line of activity is in demand in any economic conditions, so it is guaranteed to bring a good, stable income.


Video on the topic Video on the topic

How to sell your knowledge? There are many options:

  • Write books or small manuals on a topic that you are familiar with;
  • Make video tutorials and sell them online;
  • Develop various training courses;
  • Conduct trainings and seminars;
  • Offer consultations to clients.

Choose, in your opinion, the most successful business niche and start acting. Nowadays, many people are eager to gain new knowledge, so you will not lack clients.


Due to the crisis, many people are in no hurry to throw away old things that need to be repaired. If you know how to repair household appliances or furniture, you don’t have to think long about what niche to choose for your business. Open a repair shop and start making money. Even if you are not technically savvy, you can rent a room, purchase the necessary tools, equipment and hire qualified specialists. In principle, repairs can also be carried out at clients’ homes. This option is suitable for beginners who do not have money to rent space for a workshop. By the way, this is very convenient for customers, since transporting large household appliances, such as a refrigerator or washing machine, certain problems may arise.

One of the best niches for business in 2019 is turnkey apartment renovation. Such activities will bring good profits in 2018. There is one secret in this matter. Most often, customers do not understand the quality of work, but they always evaluate the level of service. If you want your business to develop, complete all work strictly within the agreed time frame.

“Mobile payments”

You yourself have noticed how quickly the number of smartphone users is growing. Experts believe that this market will continue to develop. In this regard, the promise of mobile payments is clearly visible. The largest banks, Internet companies, new payment systems working with electronic currencies offer a lot of new services. This is just the beginning; mobile payment market participants are announcing new opportunities. The market is very promising, because mobile accounts for a small percentage of the total payments. Consumers appreciate the convenience of these services and look forward to new opportunities.

“Internet of Things”

The first connection of an electrical device to the Internet occurred in 1990. Now technology allows you to connect TVs, watches, and electric lamps to the Internet. In Singapore, drivers use special radio keys to automatically pay tolls on the road. The developers predict the emergence of new opportunities - for example, a refrigerator that itself orders the missing products, vehicles, which remind you of the need for preventive maintenance or refueling. Experts believe that in the future these technologies will become a part of human life.

Every day, network users throw in a huge amount of information. The developers offer an interesting approach to using our communication on social networks, data about preferences, habits and everyday concerns. Recording, analyzing and archiving this information can significantly make our lives easier and improve service in the service sector. In 2014 Insurance Company Intouch proposed installing special mobile applications that analyze the driver’s driving style. For careful driving, users are offered insurance discounts of up to 20%. Big Data has prospects in many industries, because it is possible to create offers of services and goods to meet the constant needs of the consumer, simply by analyzing the range of his interests and frequent purchases.

This system of acquiring knowledge will soon replace traditional educational institutions. Already, the most advanced universities offer entire courses that can be listened to on the Internet for free. The resource savings and social impact of this approach to knowledge provision are enormous. A person just needs to have access to the Internet, and he can gain any knowledge that was previously available to only a small part of children from wealthy families. Some universities offer students of these courses to take tests and issue official documents confirming the acquisition of knowledge.

“Online trading and grocery delivery”

In developed countries, this trend is developing very quickly and is pushing traditional shopping trips out of the market. The ability to order groceries through a special service on the Internet and receive them through delivery upon arrival at home saves a lot of time. Retail networks We are also happy to develop this area, because it allows us to reduce queues at the cash registers and significantly reduce the costs of organizing work.

“Portable gadgets”

Sports bracelets that count the number of steps and distance during race walking and running, monitor heart rate and other medical indicators have become widespread. In the near future, developers predict the emergence of new smart gadgets - multifunctional watches, glasses, rings and bracelets. The only problem facing the mass dissemination of modern technologies in this area is the too high cost of new products. For now they are available to the wealthiest consumers. But manufacturers are actively working to reduce the cost of smart gadgets, because they can be used in almost all areas.

“3D printing”

Only the lazy have not heard or read about houses built using a 3D printer. These technologies are actively used in Asia, but are gradually entering the European market. With the help of 3D printing it will be possible to produce almost any non-food products. We can already say that this method of production has revolutionized and expanded possibilities incredibly. There will soon be dramatic changes in the labor market and in many industries. This technology allows not only to save on the cost of goods, but also to produce things that were not even attempted to be put into production using traditional methods.


Surely you have already seen presentation videos with new developments by scientists. The introduction of drones for the delivery of purchases is being seriously discussed; cars are appearing that are controlled by an automated system and do not require active actions from the driver. Ideas from books, in which a robot nanny takes care of babies, or a robot gardener takes care of the lawn near the house, no longer seem fantastic and are quietly entering our daily life. It is noteworthy that in the modern world, large capital is not needed to create a progressive robot - interesting startups appear every day that can not only make people’s lives or work much easier, but also revolutionize the perception of robotics.


The sharp development and great prospects of this direction are noticeable even in everyday life. Devices that 5 years ago worked only after being connected to the electrical network are now equipped with batteries. With the development of alternative energy sources, this area has become even more interesting, and promises great prospects for those who can quickly adapt and start working with new technologies. The issue of conserving resources and creating new types of batteries that provide recharging without being tied to traditional energy sources is recognized as one of the most pressing today.

“Commercial real estate in the regions”

Modern offices and shopping centers are business as usual for megacities, but literally 100 km from big cities it is impossible to find a decent commercial property. The demand for this type of real estate in the regions is very high; the prospects are also increased due to the relatively low cost of land plots. Experts say that interest in this area is quite high, especially in medium-sized cities with developing industries.

“Smart materials”

This direction covers many areas of the economy. Scientists are actively working to create super-strong, environmentally friendly and durable fabrics, construction and industrial materials. Many people know how high the expectations are for nanoparticles, which can revolutionize not only the economic but also the medical sphere.

“Components for automobiles”

The demand for cars is growing relentlessly, and forecasts show that this trend will continue in the coming decades. Manufacturers are constantly working to improve old models and create new ones. If only very large companies can handle the complete assembly of a car, then small enterprises can produce various components. International corporations are happy to enter into contracts with contractors around the world, because this allows them to significantly reduce the cost of cars.


With the development of technology and new discoveries by scientists, medicine is gaining more and more opportunities to cure diseases that were previously considered hopeless. At this stage, there is a clear tendency to change the basic approaches to the organization of healthcare. Those who can adopt innovative approaches have enormous prospects.


Environmental scientists are literally screaming that humanity is drowning and suffocating due to excess waste and irresponsible attitude towards its disposal. The emergence of new technologies for recycling waste into new products or energy sources has given the planet hope. In the coming decades, we can expect a sharp surge in activity in this direction. New enterprises specializing in waste disposal and recycling receive support from governments, non-profit and public organizations, because their activities are extremely important for all humanity.

“Private alternative energy”

An example is the appearance of solar panels in private households. As a rule, they fully satisfy the family’s needs; the excess can be sold to neighbors at affordable rates. In many countries, residents of cities and streets create associations and provide themselves with cheap energy. This trend will develop, because people really need it.


The development of technology is bringing people closer to space. They are talking seriously about space tourism, the possibility of creating settlements on other planets, and flights to other galaxies. The prospects of this direction are extremely high, because the resource of our planet is not eternal. The super profits of companies working in this direction also confirm this.

“Care for the Elderly”

The increase in the number of older people is a global trend. Modern medicine is making progress in treating many diseases and saving lives, but has not yet found a recipe for prolonging youth. The services of services that provide assistance to older people in solving various everyday issues, providing care for the sick, are in increasing demand, and this trend will develop.


The advantages of this method of starting a business are so obvious that every year more and more businessmen prefer this option. For large companies, this development path is also more profitable. Experts say that the franchising market will grow. This will lead to an increase in the level of service, a decrease in the number of bankruptcies and the unemployment rate. It’s not just large companies that are creating franchise offers. This method of development is also chosen by newcomers who have achieved some success and tested their business model in practice. Franchises are often offered by companies that specialize in the implementation of modern technologies, mobile applications and other progressive areas.


Scientists say that the role of agriculture will grow as the world's population increases. There are already very reasonable concerns about looming food shortages and the need to support more effective methods agricultural farming. At the same time, there is active work on the development of environmentally friendly technologies. Those who manage to occupy this niche will soon find themselves a big winner. New discoveries make it possible to grow plants without soil, in an aquatic environment. Scientists are looking for new ways to replace dangerous pesticides with safer pest control products. There are many innovative and effective approaches to farming; it is only important to implement them and make money by reducing the cost of food.

“Geological exploration”

The issue of natural resources is very acute. Fortunately, the depths of the planet have not yet been fully explored, and every day there are reports of the discovery of a new deposit of oil, gas and other minerals. There is a real war going on in the world for Natural resources, and those involved in the search and development of new deposits receive great prospects for the future. But that's not all. Humanity is faced with the question of rational use of resources and finding new ways to extract them from the depths. The main task is to preserve nature as much as possible and not destroy forests and the top fertile layer of soil.

It's no secret that many people dream of opening their own business, which will give them the opportunity to work for themselves and ensure financial independence.

However, for this it is necessary to have not only start-up capital, but also a fresh idea that allows you not to get lost among the mass of more successful competitors. This article outlines the newest and most promising business ideas that allow you to try your hand at entrepreneurship with minimal risks.

Business ideas relevant for Russia

Repair of plastic windows

Starting investments: from 100,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: depends on the region, but not less than 35 - 45,000 rubles.

Despite the fact that the quality of such products is usually higher than windows made of wood, many specialized companies try to save on consumables and installation materials. Therefore, people are willing to pay for the defects of pseudo-masters that create certain inconveniences, such as constant drafts, condensation or heat leakage.

A company that installs heated water floors

Initial investment: from 120,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: 60 – 100,000 rubles.

Payback period: from 3 to 6 months.

The problem of insulating your own home does not lose its relevance for the majority of Russian residents, so such a business, with a competent approach, is very promising and profitable. Installation of water heated floors is carried out in the shortest possible time, but requires certain experience and a team of qualified workers.

Rural tourism

Initial investment: from 200,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 100,000 rubles and above.

Payback period: from several months to a year.

Many residents of megacities, tired of the constant noise and bustle, get great pleasure from relaxing in the countryside with clean air and a special village flavor. Guests can be entertained with fishing, a classic wood-fired sauna, horse and sleigh rides, or traditional Russian cuisine. This direction is quite unusual and very promising.

Business ideas from scratch

Entrance redecoration services

Monthly profit: from 25-35,000 rubles and above.

Payback period: from 1 to several months.

Since most people have no illusions about the efficiency of the work of public utilities and housing offices, it is not difficult to organize a fairly profitable business with a small start-up investment. To do this, you just need to find a team of workers and organize advertising support for your own initiative.

Trade in farm waste

Initial investment: from 25,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 20-40,000 rubles and above.

Payback period: 1-3 months.

Such waste makes excellent organic fertilizers, for which there is constant demand. To start a business, you need to negotiate a truck rental, find willing sellers, and find suitable buyers.

Unoccupied business ideas

Organizing quests for the purpose of getting to know each other

Initial investment: from 35-40,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 25-60,000 rubles and above.

Payback period: several months.

Residents of big cities often suffer from loneliness and boredom. Therefore, combining an original quest with the opportunity to meet a person of the opposite sex will definitely find its target audience.

Tattoos on teeth

Initial investment: from 80 to 120,000 rubles.

Payback period: from 2 months to six months.

Today, the topic of tattoos is very popular and popular. However, few people have heard of tattoos on teeth. This business idea is perfect for creative people who have the rudiments of artistic skill.

In Europe

Diapers for celebrations

Initial investment: from 50,000 rubles.

Payback period: from 3 to 6 months.

Despite the strangeness of this idea, it managed to gain considerable popularity in Europe. Brides dressed in tight corsets and fluffy dresses often resort to such services.

Personal shopping consultant

Initial investment: minimal, from 5,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: 25 – 50,000 rubles.

Payback period: 1 month.

In order to look original and bright, many Europeans are ready to pay for the services of a personal shopping consultant. The task of such a specialist is to create and maintain the client’s image, as well as select the most suitable wardrobe, based on its characteristics and individual requests.

Foreign business ideas

Making liquid stone

Initial investment: from 250,000 rubles.

Payback period: from 6 to 12 months.

This product is a special mixture of waste construction production. After the mixture is diluted with water in the required proportion, the material becomes extremely similar to ordinary stone, but its cost will be significantly lower.

Production of environmentally friendly polymer materials from avocado seeds

At the moment, throughout the civilized world there is a desire to consume products made from organic materials. Plastic made from avocado seeds is partially biodegradable and much less hazardous to human health.

Original ideas in the world

Making disposable tableware from organic materials

Besides natural fiber, in the production of disposable environmentally friendly tableware, seeds of various plants are used, which germinate directly during disposal. In order to start such a business, very large financial investments are required.

Taxi service with a non-standard twist

While a taxi service that delivers food or alcoholic beverages may not surprise anyone, pet taxis are a fairly new trend that is gaining popularity in many countries around the world. A relatively new service, relevant for residents of large cities, is the provision of professional psychological assistance directly during a comfortable trip.

Fresh ideas from the USA

Gym on wheels

Starting investment: 1,000,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 150,000 rubles.

Payback period: from 8 to 18 months.

Mobile gyms, which are buses equipped with all the necessary exercise equipment, are currently becoming increasingly popular. The target audience of mobile gyms are office clerks, managers and knowledge workers who lack physical activity.

Hazardous waste disposal services

Most modern people are well aware that failed batteries, batteries and old computers must be disposed of in a special way so as not to cause harm environment. However, not everyone is aware of exactly how such a procedure should take place.

To become an intermediary, all you need is a car and a little advertising support. In addition, many older laptops and computers contain sufficient amounts of copper, platinum and gold. So such a business has excellent prospects not only in the USA, but also in Russia.

Manufacturing Business Ideas

Making toothpaste

Initial investment: 1,200,000 rubles.

Payback period: up to 1.5 years.

Despite the seemingly high competition in this area, the modern market suffers from the lack of high-quality mouth cleaning pastes made from natural ingredients. Due to the increased popularity of a healthy lifestyle, such products, with competent advertising support, will definitely find their regular customers.

Manufacturing and installation of wind generators

Monthly profit: from 120,000 rubles.

Payback period: 1 year.

A wind generator can provide autonomy from power supply, and allows you to save a lot by reducing electricity consumption. Installation and maintenance of such generators can be an excellent and profitable business for regions with frequent and strong winds.

Business ideas relevant for Moscow

Mobile auto diagnostics

Initial investment: 8-12,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 65,000 rubles.

If some time ago diagnostics were performed exclusively at specially equipped stations, today a special scanner and a laptop with special software are sufficient to carry out a full diagnostic. Such a service could not come at a better time for residents of the capital who value their own time.

Weight Loss Consultant

At the moment, excess weight is a very common problem that affects many Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region. The essence of the work of a weight loss consultant is:

  • creating individual diets;
  • selection of the optimal set of physical activities;
  • constant information support for clients and their competent motivation.

The amount of starting capital varies depending on the region and some features. For example, some consultants prefer to work from renting their own office space. Others find clients using Internet resources.

Business ideas related to construction

Production of aerated concrete blocks

Initial investment: 40,000 – 50,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 20,000 rubles.

Payback period: 7-8 months.

Blocks made of aerated concrete have ideal geometric proportions and good strength. Their production guarantees a quick profit, subject to the successful choice of business partners.

Manufacturing and installation of compact home saunas

Initial investment: 800,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: 120,000 rubles.

Payback period: 10 – 12 months.

If some time ago installing a sauna in your own bathroom seemed like something fantastic, today the popularity of such services is rapidly growing. Since self-installation of a home sauna requires professional tools and certain knowledge, you can make very good money from services for equipping Finnish saunas for home use.

Internet related business ideas

Messenger taxi

Initial investment: 5,000 – 15,000 rubles.

Payback period: 1-2 months.

It is very convenient and inexpensive to call a taxi using one of the currently popular instant messengers: for example, Viber. In this case, the client’s location is determined automatically, which ensures the fastest possible delivery of the car.

Virtual friend

Initial investment: minimal, to get started it is enough to have access to the Internet and an account on one of the social networks.

Monthly profit: from 15 to 40,000 rubles.

Payback period: 1 month.

For many residents of large cities, loneliness is a serious problem that negatively affects the nervous system, and, as a result, health. At the moment, the service of an interlocutor, a drinking companion, or just a partner for going to the cinema or an exhibition is gaining popularity. You can register on one of the specialized sites, set your hourly rate and start making money on simple, sincere human communication.

“Old well forgotten = new”

Breeding crayfish

Initial investment: 150,000 – 200,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 100,000 rubles.

Payback period: 6-8 months.

Previously, crayfish were sold by boys who managed to catch at least a dozen pieces, but now this innocent fun can become an excellent source of income. Restaurants and other places are constantly in need of fresh crayfish, so there will be no shortage of customers, while maintaining living conditions acceptable for crayfish in an artificial reservoir is easy.

Online training

Initial investment: 1,000 – 2,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 60,000 rubles.

Payback period: 1 month.

For those who speak an exotic language at an advanced level, individual lessons may be a good idea for a home business. Training can be carried out both through on-site classes and using modern communication tools such as Skype. People with specialized knowledge should engage in providing professional consultations online.

Entertainment Business Ideas

Holidays agency

Initial investment: 30,000 – 40,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 50,000 rubles.

Payback period: 3-4 months.

Nowadays, ordering various animators and artists for children's and adult parties is becoming increasingly popular, so by opening an agency providing entertainment services, you can make great money. The main thing is the diversity of the repertoire: you need to prepare a base of professional actors who, by prior agreement, can go to the venue of the holiday (celebration) with an incendiary mini-concert program.

Organization of printing on flowers

Initial investment: 300,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 50,000 rubles.

Payback period: 6 – 10 months.

Today, surprising a woman with even the most exquisite bouquet of flowers is not at all easy. Using a special printer, you can write a beautiful declaration of love directly on the petals, or apply an unusual image that will give the bouquet not only a bright appearance, but also a distinct personality.

From China

Resale of goods from China and dropshipping

Initial investment: 1,000 – 5,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 20,000 rubles.

Payback period: 1-2 months.

Now the direction of trade from China in a wide variety of goods is developing. But, despite the impressive volumes of the market for Chinese goods, there is still an unoccupied niche in this area of ​​​​business. To start trading, you need to select the goods that you would like to trade, and then, having created a website, wait for orders. Earning money through dropshipping requires minimal investment.

Sale of artifacts and props from famous films

Initial investment: 15,000 – 40,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 20,000 rubles.

Payback period: 2 – 4 months.

Of course, we are not talking about original stage props here, but about high-quality copies of similar things. The knife with which Rambo walked through the jungle, the mask of Darth Vader, the curved dagger from The Chronicles of Riddick or the alien costume is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Therefore, a business selling such things can definitely be called very promising.

New product as a business idea

Production and sale of original creams for moisturizing facial skin

Initial investment: 2,000 – 20,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 40,000 rubles.

Payback period: 4-5 months.

Now the market of cosmetics and facial skin care products is flooded with useless creams containing a lot of chemical additives. You can offer the production of a fresh, unique face cream (mousse) that would take into account all the characteristics of the client’s skin. To begin with, you can limit yourself to creating a thematic community in one of the popular social networks, in which

Wi-Fi kettle and other unusual goods

Initial investment: 25,000 rubles.

Payback period: 2 – 3 months.

In order to put on such a kettle, just press one key on the screen of your own smartphone. You can choose one of four boiling modes, maintain a constant water temperature and set a timer.

Home Business Ideas

Making edible bouquets for weddings and celebrations

Initial investment: minimal.

Monthly profit: from 20 – 30,000 rubles.

Payback period: 1 month.

Unlike bouquets of fresh or artificial flowers, a composition made of cheese, salami, herbs or fresh fruit will become a real table decoration.

Rental of costumes of various cartoon and cinematic characters

Initial investment: 10 – 15,000 rubles.

Monthly profit: from 15,000 rubles.

Payback period: 1 – 2 months.

Those who have handicraft skills and cannot live without creativity can try their own hand at making original costumes for children's parties, birthdays and adult corporate events. To begin with, you can get by by creating a thematic community on one of the social networks, where photographs of costumes and the terms of their rental will be posted.

Video compilation

During an economic crisis, many businesses are forced to lay off their employees in order to stay afloat. Citizens who are left without work, but have some savings, are trying to open their own business in order to survive these difficult times with dignity. The most profitable business in Russia for 2019 includes many different ideas. We will look at some of them in this article.

Car dismantling in the garage

So which one profitable business open from scratch? Experts recommend first of all paying attention to the automotive sector, and in particular to the trade in used spare parts. During the crisis, many car owners cannot afford to buy new parts, so they look for cheaper used parts.

Now let's talk about income. Alcohol trading is the most profitable business in Russia, which brings substantial profits to entrepreneurs. Even if you sell only vodka in the glass shop, the initial investment will pay off in the shortest possible time. In small establishments, 50 grams of vodka costs 40 rubles. If you sell 1 liter, you get 800 rubles. The wholesale price of 1 liter of vodka is 300 rubles. The average bill at a cheap glass shop is 120 rubles. If your establishment is visited by 50 people per day, you can earn more than 100 thousand rubles per month. In expensive wine bars located in public places, the monthly income reaches 250-300 thousand rubles. If you can’t think of a profitable business you can open with a small investment, start with such a small and at the same time quite profitable establishment.

Bed linen production

Another profitable business idea. This is the best option for entrepreneurs who want to open a small, profitable enterprise with minimal investment. The situation in the bed linen market is favorable for opening a new business. According to statistics, there are about 55 million households in our country and each of them buys 5-6 sets of bedding. At the same time, the leading place in sales volumes is occupied by domestic manufacturers.

If you do not have large start-up capital in order to open a full-fledged manufacturing enterprise, you can organize such a profitable business at home. To do this you will need:

  • Sewing machine;
  • Overlock;
  • Textile;
  • Consumables;
  • Package.

At home, it is better to sew bedding to order, since you will not be able to compete with large manufacturers, both in terms of production volume and quality. But services for sewing bed linen of non-standard sizes are in demand in almost all major cities of our country. In fact, this is an ordinary narrowly specialized atelier that specializes in sewing bedding. The profitability of the bed linen business reaches 50%. You will spend approximately 100 thousand rubles on the purchase of equipment, fabrics and advertising. If things go well, you can return your initial investment in just a few months. The state allocates. If you manage to get such financial support, you can expand production and eventually turn it into a large-scale garment factory.

Production of stewed meat and semi-finished meat products

Some experts believe that today a profitable business can only be opened in the food industry. And they are partly right, since demand for such a product does not fall even in difficult economic conditions. The biggest income comes from and, since the cost of raw materials is much lower than the cost final product. If an entrepreneur is able to ensure high quality and excellent taste of the product, as well as find permanent markets, the enterprise will develop and generate a decent, stable income.

In order to start producing canned meat on a large scale, large investments will be needed, so it is better to start such a business at home. As containers for the stew, you can use ordinary glass jars and tin lids for preservation. It is most profitable to produce canned meat on a farm basis.

Growing remontant raspberries

Residents of rural areas often wonder? There are many ideas related to growing various crops that do not require major financial investments. One of them is this.

If you want your business to develop and bring good profit, you need to draw up an action plan and strictly adhere to all its points. The amount of initial investment largely depends on the raspberry variety and the planned volume of cultivation. The larger the land plot, the larger the starting capital. The profitability of growing remontant raspberry varieties reaches 65%. If you simultaneously sell cuttings and shoots, this figure will increase significantly.