How to promote a beauty salon from scratch: step-by-step instructions. How to open your own recording studio for business Monthly expenses in times of shortage

How to promote a beauty salon - 6 effective types of advertising that can double your income.

In this area, every second casual visitor becomes a regular customer - with the right approach to him and advertising.

Unfortunately, many businessmen use this method to speed up beauty salon promotion, like advertisements in the media - in newspapers, magazines.

The problem lies in the following - in this way you can make yourself known, offer a discount, but in no way retain the client.

In order for people to constantly visit the beauty salon, completely different methods of promotion are recommended, which you will learn about below.

Does a beauty salon need a website?

Any self-respecting company will not develop its business without creating a website.

Without it, it is impossible to find out the manager’s address, phone number, or any other information.

For a modern consumer, just a beautiful outdoor sign will not be enough to decide to visit you.

He needs information that should be on the site.

A person first thinks, “Can I afford this service in this salon?”

He will want to go online, find out more about the craftsmen and, of course, prices.

He may also be interested in reviews.

The website is not a method of promoting a beauty salon, but it is a support for all subsequent actions, for example, for ordering flyers.

If the salon has a specialist with international experience, indicate this on your resource.

1. Promotion of a beauty salon using SEO optimization

Let's talk about the site.

The basic solution to how to promote a beauty salon with its help is SEO optimization.

This is a whole range of measures aimed at increasing the site’s position in search results for the necessary key queries.

Serves for the following purposes:

  • improves certain technical (quality) indicators of the site,
  • allows you to promote the salon according to specific customer requests,
  • increase “authority” in the eyes of visitors.

The promotion of a beauty salon begins with this setup method.

To organize competent SEO promotion, you will need a lot of capital - from 50,000 rubles.

2. Contextual advertising for a beauty salon

How can you promote a beauty salon if you don’t have a large amount of money for promotion?

And this will entail much lower costs - from 20,000 rubles.

  • text,
  • banner.

The budget for this method of promotion can be adjusted and, for example, this service can be ordered mainly on the eve of the holidays.

Instead of “inexpensive hairdresser,” it is better to use “budget haircut.”

The likelihood that you will be found on the Internet will become much higher.

The competition is quite high and if you use so-called high-frequency queries, your salon may get lost among the more popular and “authoritative” ones.

Another example for comparison: “hair salons in city N” - about 14,000 requests and “hair lamination in city N” - 200 requests.

3. What is an online catalogue?

If you enter “beauty salon in the city of N” in Google or Yandex, the search engine will return information from the catalogs of all and similar establishments in the city.

If you are not registered there, it will be very difficult to find your salon online.

4. Promoting a beauty salon through cooperation with partners

Interesting fact:
Among the most unusual salon procedures, one can highlight a procedure originally from Mexico. In order to restore the body's skin to its former elasticity and attractiveness, cactus and agave juice are used. Pieces of cactus are laid out on the surface of the body, and then juice is poured over everything. This mixture improves blood circulation and reduces the appearance of cellulite.

Any successful businessman has connections with partners and collaborates with other companies and resources.

If only because it is very profitable: for example, you can purchase consumables for a beauty salon at a significant discount.

The following cooperation opportunities will help you quickly promote your beauty salon:

    Discount coupon sites.

    There is a large audience on such platforms.

    The idea is this: you provide a discount on a service to a large number of people.

    In this situation, profits do not increase, but more people will learn about you.

    Women's portals.

    There are many websites and magazines for women where you can place banner ads.

    There are also databases of salons in a particular region, where you should also register.

    Companies operating in related fields.

    How do you feel about, for example, exchanging audiences with a wedding dress salon?

    This can be a very profitable cooperation, and it will be much cheaper for the client to purchase a dress and hairdresser services in a comprehensive package.

5. How to promote a beauty salon through PR promotion?

It is important to know that the quality of information plays an important role in attracting people.

If marketing plan corresponds to the desires of the consumer, and he receives the information he needs, he shows great interest in you and is ready to place an order.

You can attract potential clients using the following actions:

    There are different types of forums: parent, regional, women's.

    There are a lot of questions there that people wait a long time for an answer to.

    Try to analyze what forum visitors are interested in, provide them with information, and conduct consultations.

    The more people you help, the more they will tell others about your salon.

    The website of a beauty salon must have a mandatory “Reviews” section.

    If you have just opened and buyers have not yet written anything about you, use services such as irecommend.

    There you need to create a page for your company so that people can freely post their wishes and criticism.

    “It’s its own thing.”

    Invite clients to share stories about how a new hairstyle has impacted their life - they passed a successful interview or met their future husband.

    Stories from real life influence readers much more than “dry” advertising that you employ hairdressers with international experience.

    With the advent of their own forum, they will not refuse to receive additional information, and will also tell their friends that you can talk to a consultant for free by phone and sign up for a hairstyle selection.


    All work of the salon masters must be photographed.

    The more photos posted on the site, the better.

6. Advertising for a beauty salon on social networks

It is difficult to imagine modern business without Internet marketing, namely, without social networks.

In the beauty industry, SMM is more effective than in any other industry, because women love to discuss hairstyles, share their experiences, recommend this or that artist to their friends, and talk about makeup secrets.

    VK/Facebook group.

    Let users create posts, discuss, comment, like and repost.

    Beauty is a visual sphere, so an account in will only be a plus, because you can post selfies, looks and “before”/“after” photos there.

    There is no need to constantly post only about your services.

    Dilute the content with interesting events from the world of makeup or fashion.

    The more photos, the better.

    For example, a photo report from a fashion show in Milan or an article on the topic “The most fashionable trends in nail polishes in 2017.”

    Let your clients evaluate the work of the masters.

    This way you can understand what they like more and what jobs are more in demand.

    Accounts of other beauty salons.

    Even though they are your direct competitors, the audiences are different everywhere.

    Add hairdressers from other salons as friends, communicate with their owners - this broadens your horizons and the possibilities of profitable mutual cooperation.

The video provides detailed instructions for promoting a beauty salon on Instagram:

Common advertising mistakes to avoid

Today, at any kiosk you can buy many magazines dedicated to the field of beauty.

It does not attract new clients in any way and salon owners simply lose money on this.

It is important to remember two basic rules for the effective impact of advertising:

    If this is a photo report from an exhibition where the masters received awards, let them write about it in some magazine just once.

    Another time, offer a discount on the eve of the holidays, and then get people interested in a new master from Italy.

    There are many platforms where people can find out about your salon.

Internet marketing is the most effective way of promotion.

Traditional methods of promotion, such as distributing flyers near a shopping center or banner advertising, have almost no effect.

Beauty salon promotion largely depends on how you run your advertising campaign.

Never promise what you cannot yet offer!

And always pay attention to negative reviews - they should not be ignored under any circumstances.

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Although you cannot hope for all this one hundred percent if the studio does not work for
fear, not for money, but for conscience and reputation.

This is probably also very important.

Mary[dossier] This phrase indirectly hints at the low prices I indicated... It follows that the “chocolate” will not be available right away and you may have to work at a loss for some time (the time depends entirely on you).

Thank you everyone, everything is very instructive. The overall picture is clear. But the question concerned PRa directly. I see the general opinion - most of all clients are supplied by and-no, promotion in this is the most important thing. In real life (leaflets, advertisements, etc.) you don’t have to look for them (clients). Got it right?

My personal experience shows that the bulk of clients come, as they say, “by acquaintance.” Few people dare to plunge into a stormy sea without first considering the pros and cons. :-)

As a rule, people who have realized the need for a website begin to interview friends who have a website already There is. After listening to a variety of reviews, they draw organizational conclusions.
After this, they begin to take a closer look at the recommended studios, immediately discarding the non-recommended ones (they have no time to delve into the details). A targeted collection of information on the topic of reputation begins. Then they meet with the manager.

That is why I said that you need to create a positive reputation for yourself. As a car repairman friend of mine says: “The first half of your life you work for your reputation, and the second half it works for you!”

Mary[dossier] Yes, leaflets and advertisements are outdated, and you will not earn a reputation with their help. Although, depending on what you want, if you want to make sites in a stream of 500, then leaflets and advertisements are just for you. But if you want to make more or less serious websites for serious money, then leaflets will not help.

If you have nothing to start with and you can’t promote yourself on the Internet, advertise (and I would also advise you to pay the magazine distributor, for example, “from hand to hand”, print out about 400 of your beautiful leaves and let them put in when delivering, but it all depends on the price).

From experience:

  1. In the five years of our work, not a single real project has come from the Internet. There were potential clients, but they were counting on “freebies.” And we abandoned them in time.
  1. It’s logical to promote yourself via the Internet, but this is where the competition is enormous and even the internal price of PR on the Internet amounts to tens of thousands of dollars. per month in this segment. There will be an effect. The main thing is money)
  1. Before you think about how to promote yourself, you need to decide pricing policy and the concept in general...
  1. Most of our projects are based on introductions from management, and a smaller part are from professional “sales” managers.

Dct what was said is true... But the main thing was not said. You need to clearly understand WHO the CLIENT is and WHAT PRODUCT you are offering him... As soon as you understand this for yourself as clearly as possible (and not as many do - our client is a company with a non-zero budget for development), it will become much easier for you... And then you need to THINK about how to deliver information about yourself to your client.

Perhaps you will build your company in such a way, and differentiate yourself from your competitors, that the events will be terribly non-standard, but extremely effective... Suppose you decide to build yourself up by making websites for machine-building enterprises in the tool industry... (by the way, a very non-fishy segment, with its own specifics, good money and a dense Internet promotion... and you can sell so many things). The method of promoting such a studio will be so different from the methods of a traditional web studio that it won’t seem like much!

1. Terms and definitions In this agreement on the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), the terms below have the following definitions: Operator - Individual Entrepreneur Oleg Aleksandrovich Dneprovsky. Acceptance of the Agreement - full and unconditional acceptance of all the terms of the Agreement by sending and processing personal data. Personal data - information entered by the User (subject of personal data) on the site and directly or indirectly related to this User. User - any individual or entity, having successfully completed the procedure of filling out the input fields on the site. Filling out input fields is the procedure for the User to send their first name, last name, phone number, personal email address (hereinafter referred to as Personal Data) to the database of registered users of the site, carried out for the purpose of identifying the User. As a result of filling out the input fields, personal data is sent to the Operator’s database. Filling out the input fields is voluntary. website - a website located on the Internet and consisting of one page. 2. General provisions 2.1. This Agreement has been drawn up based on the requirements Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” and the provisions of Article 13.11 on “Violation of the Law Russian Federation in the field of personal data" of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and applies to all personal data that the Operator can obtain about the User during his use of the Site. 2.2. Filling out the input fields by the User on the Site means the User’s unconditional agreement with all the terms of this Agreement (Acceptance of the Agreement). In case of disagreement with these conditions, the User does not fill out the input fields on the Site. 2.3. The User’s consent to the provision of personal data to the Operator and their processing by the Operator is valid until the termination of the Operator’s activities or until the User withdraws consent. By accepting this Agreement and going through the Registration procedure, as well as by subsequently accessing the Site, the User confirms that, acting of his own free will and in his own interest, he transfers his personal data for processing to the Operator and agrees to their processing. The User is notified that the processing of his personal data will be carried out by the Operator on the basis of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”. 3. List of personal data and other information about the user to be transferred to the Operator 3.1. When using the Operator's Website, the User provides the following personal data: 3.1.1. Reliable personal information that the User provides about himself independently when Filling out input fields and/or in the process of using the Site services, including last name, first name, patronymic, telephone number (home or mobile), personal email address. 3.1.2. Data that is automatically transferred to the Site services during their use using software installed on the User’s device, including IP address, information from Cookies, information about the User’s browser (or other program through which the services are accessed). 3.2. The Operator does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the User. In this case, the Operator assumes that the User provides reliable and sufficient personal information on the questions proposed in the Input Fields. 4. Purposes, rules for the collection and use of personal data 4.1. The Operator processes personal data that is necessary to provide services and provide services to the User. 4.2. The User’s personal data is used by the Operator for the following purposes: 4. 2.1. User identification; 4.2.2. Providing the User with personalized services (as well as informing about new promotions and services of the company by sending letters); 4.2.3. Maintaining contact with the User if necessary, including sending notifications, requests and information related to the use of services, provision of services, as well as processing requests and applications from the User; 4.3. During the processing of personal data, the following actions will be performed: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, blocking, deletion, destruction. 4.4. The user does not object that the information specified by him in certain cases may be provided to authorized state bodies of the Russian Federation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.5. The User's personal data is stored and processed by the Operator in the manner provided for in this Agreement for the entire period of activity by the Operator. 4.6. The processing of personal data is carried out by the Operator by maintaining databases, automated, mechanical, and manual methods. 4.7. The Site uses Cookies and other technologies to track the use of Site services. This data is necessary to optimize the technical operation of the Site and improve the quality of service provision. The Site automatically records information (including URL, IP address, browser type, language, date and time of request) about each visitor to the Site. The user has the right to refuse to provide personal data when visiting the Site or disable Cookies, but in this case, not all functions of the Site may work correctly. 4.8. The confidentiality conditions provided for in this Agreement apply to all information that the Operator can obtain about the User during the latter’s stay on the Site and use of the Site. 4.9. Information that is publicly disclosed during the execution of this Agreement, as well as information that can be obtained by the parties or third parties from sources to which any person has free access, is not confidential. 4.10. The Operator takes all necessary measures to protect the confidentiality of the User’s personal data from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction, including: ensuring constant internal verification of the processes of collecting, storing and processing data and ensuring security; ensures physical security of data, preventing unauthorized access to technical systems , ensuring the operation of the Site, in which the Operator stores personal data; provides access to personal data only to those employees of the Operator or authorized persons who need this information to perform duties directly related to the provision of services to the User, as well as the operation, development and improvement of the Site. 4.11. The User's personal data remains confidential, except in cases where the User voluntarily provides information about himself for general access to an unlimited number of persons. 4.12. The transfer by the Operator of the User’s personal data is legal during the reorganization of the Operator and the transfer of rights to the Operator’s legal successor, while all obligations to comply with the terms of this Agreement in relation to the personal information received by him are transferred to the legal successor. 4.13. This Statement applies only to the Operator’s Website. The Company does not control and is not responsible for third party sites (services) that the user can access via links available on the Operator’s Website, including in search results. On such Sites (services), other personal information may be collected or requested from the user, and other actions may also be performed 5. Rights of the user as a subject of personal data, change and deletion of personal data by the user 5.1. The user has the right: 5.1.2. Require the Operator to clarify his personal data, block it or destroy it if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, and also take measures provided by law to protect his rights. 5.1.3. Receive information regarding the processing of his personal data, including information containing: confirmation of the fact of processing of personal data by the Operator; the purposes and methods of processing personal data used by the operator; name and location of the Operator; processed personal data related to the relevant subject of personal data, the source of their receipt, unless a different procedure for the presentation of such data is provided for by federal law; terms of processing of personal data, including periods of their storage; other information provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data can be carried out by the User by sending the Operator an appropriate written (printed on a tangible medium and signed by the User) notification. 6. Responsibilities of the Operator. Access to personal data 6.1. The Operator undertakes to ensure the prevention of unauthorized and non-targeted access to personal data of Users of the Operator’s Website. In this case, authorized and targeted access to the personal data of Site Users will be considered access to them by all interested parties, implemented within the framework of the objectives and subject of the Operator’s Site. At the same time, the Operator is not responsible for possible inappropriate use of Users’ personal data that occurred as a result of: technical problems in software and in technical means and networks beyond the control of the Operator; in connection with the intentional or unintentional use of the Operator’s Websites other than for their intended purpose by third parties; 6.2 The Operator takes necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the user’s personal information from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions of third parties. 7. Changes to the Privacy Policy. Applicable legislation 7.1. The Operator has the right to make changes to these Regulations without any special notice to Users. When making changes to current edition

The date of the last update is indicated. The new edition of the Regulations comes into force from the moment of its publication, unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the Regulations. 7.2. The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Regulation and the relationship between the User and the Operator arising in connection with the application of the Regulation.

I accept I do not accept

Fine arts teacher Maria Paliy is tired of working at school. She didn’t want to adapt to the standards that were imposed there, and four years ago she created her own studio, “I Want to Draw!”

There, children and adults are taught to draw in a variety of genres. For the first two years, all the proceeds went towards rent, but last year we finally managed to turn a profit. Now Maria is going to open a second studio in St. Petersburg.


Founder of the studio “I want to draw!” How it all began I have two higher education: I am an art teacher and journalist. She started working at the age of 18 as an art teacher in


In April 2009, I drew the “I want to draw!” logo. and started a blog, through which I found my first students. I taught classes at my home. Over time, my apartment could no longer accommodate everyone, and a friend offered me the use of his office for free on weekends to study. I then charged 300 rubles per lesson.

First investments

After a few months, I earned about 30,000 rubles - and for 18,000 rubles I was able to rent a small room on Taganka for a month, where I could already conduct classes on weekdays. I spent the rest of the money on materials. The room had built-in wardrobes - there was no need to spend money on furniture to store everything you needed.

A year later, we moved to a slightly more spacious, but also more expensive premises on Brestskaya - by that time the money we earned was already enough for expansion. New studio We tidied it up ourselves, painted the walls, came up with a design. After some time, we hired a cleaner; before that, I did the cleaning myself.

Our main income comes from events in restaurants
And shopping centers, festivals, children's parties


Four years after opening, I continue to do everything myself: I write on a blog, answer calls and letters, and do accounting. It is not yet possible to consistently pay someone for this work. Professional accountant We only hire people to help with our restaurant contracts.

“I want to draw!” became a conveyor belt of leaders who began to open their own schools - there are already several of them. It's great that our work model helps people get inspired and create their own new projects.

We are currently working on opening another workshop “I want to draw!” at Yugo-Zapadnaya. We are now registering specifically for this purpose. trademark However, this takes a lot of time - the process has been going on for about a year and a half. In addition, we have already received several proposals to open other studios in Russia under our brand. We are thinking about this issue. We are planning to open a studio in St. Petersburg.

When you start something , go wherever you are called, meet people halfway, even if they offer you a smaller budget than you planned.

Don't be afraid to do some things with your own hands. There is nothing wrong with making calls, writing letters, cleaning the office yourself. But you shouldn’t be afraid to trust people with some work.

Text: Galina Shmeleva