Review: Ornithologist - who is he? What does ornithology do? What is an ornithologist? What is his field of activity? What is the science of ornithology? Who does an ornithologist study fish or birds?

There is a huge variety of sciences in the world of biology. However, the study of birds can easily be called one of the most interesting and fascinating. It's time to learn more about this activity and find out who is called an ornithologist.

The history of close study of birds has been practiced since ancient times. However, only recently did this technique receive its official name.

The study of birds first began to emerge in the 18th century; it was during this period that Carl Linnaeus was able to give precise names to some bird species.

In the 19th century, this science began to actively progress. Scientists around the globe have begun actively studying the world of birds. The first stuffed birds began to appear in museums, and a magazine devoted to this topic was published.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, the colonial expedition of the West took place. European scientists made an incredible journey around the planet, thanks to which they were able to identify a huge variety of birds. At the beginning of the 20th century, a huge number of amateurs began to appear who voluntarily began to study the animal world.

Today this science contains a lot of knowledge and research. And to promote it, the most modern techniques are used.

Who is called an ornithologist?

Today there are many specialists in various fields of study. A scientific ornithologist is engaged in constant observation of the life of birds, on the basis of which certain conclusions are drawn.

Moreover, the scientific ornithologist studies not only wild individuals, but also those that live at home. Such birds are attracting increasing attention from specialists. After all, scientists are especially interested in knowing how wild individuals transform their instincts to survive in domestic conditions.

Becoming an ornithologist is quite difficult, because it is not just a profession, but a real calling. A person who decided to connect his life with the world of birds. He must have the following skills:

  • special attentiveness, a specialist must notice even the smallest details;
  • the ability to draw, of course, in the modern world you can get by with ordinary cameras, but in emergency conditions it is not always possible to use them;
  • the ability to analyze and competently compare what is seen;
  • love to the animals. This point is the most important, because only if you love the profession you can devote yourself completely to it.

In modern society, consulting an ornithologist allows you to understand in more detail various exciting issues. It was the work of these people that made it possible to compile a list of the brightest and largest parrots in the world.

Objects of ornithological study

Many people are tormented by the question of what exactly the work of these specialists is based on. During their work, they study the following types of birds:

  • species living in the wild;
  • agricultural birds;
  • pets living at home.

The specialist must devote enough time to studying a specific species. After all, an ornithologist studies the following questions:

  • determination of the approximate number of individuals of a given species;
  • find out the key features;
  • careful study of new individuals;
  • study of the place of residence;
  • determining the movement routes of flocks.

Consulting an ornithologist allows you to clarify certain points.

Research methods

There are several study methods that specialists use in their practical activities:

  1. Collecting feathers and eggs. Initially, this activity was the main one. Experts also collected carcasses, from which they soon made stuffed animals. Thanks to this, today, various museums and centers have full-fledged collections, including various breeds of birds. When making the first stuffed animals, arsenic was used, but soon, due to its high toxicity, it was decided to abandon it due to the safer one - sodium borate.
  2. Field observations. It began to be actively used in the creation of appropriate optical equipment. After all, the telescopes that were originally used did not allow for a detailed study of birds. Today everything is much simpler; scientists do not have to catch birds to do the necessary research.
  3. Desk studies. Field studies have a number of disadvantages; not all aspects of life can be studied based on them. Therefore, for a more detailed study, a laboratory examination is necessary.

The proud title of ornithologist is deserved not only by people in this specialty, but also by those who are ordinary veterinarians. After all, these doctors are also closely involved in the study and treatment of birds.

Today, if necessary, you can always call an ornithologist. However, it is worth understanding that such services require certain financial investments. Usually the list of services is expensive, but it is worth noting that it includes the following:

  • consultation;
  • surgical intervention;
  • thorough endoscopic examination;
  • accelerated diagnostics, allowing for an accurate diagnosis.

Calling an ornithologist is often the right decision, thanks to which it is possible to clarify the diagnosis and organize prompt treatment. Typically, a one-time appointment costs between 400-500 rubles; if the client wants to organize a home visit, the price can increase to 2000 rubles.

Every experienced parrot breeder knows in detail who an ornithologist is. After all, it is this specialist who becomes an important person for his pet, who helps treat, administers vaccinations and gives the necessary advice regarding proper care.

In contact with

Undoubtedly, the work of an ornithologist must be present. Ornithologist - who is this? What does he do? What does the science of ornithology study? We will definitely find answers to all these questions.

What kind of science is ornithology?

Ornithology is one of the branches of zoology that studies birds. The object of study of this science is the physiology of birds, their morphology, taxonomy and their distribution across territories. In simple terms, ornithology is the science of birds.

The first ornithological studies were carried out in the fourth century. The founder of the study of birds is considered to be the ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle. It was in his works that the anatomical structure of birds and their simplest classification were first described.

The activities of ornithologists are very diverse. Research into this science includes:

  • counting quantitative indicators of bird populations;
  • determination of their varieties based on physiological characteristics;
  • drawing up classifications (systematics);
  • studying the geography of settlements of different species of birds;
  • determination of migratory routes of migratory birds;
  • organizing work to protect rare and endangered bird species and increase their populations.

Ornithologist - who is this?

As we were able to notice, ornithology is a natural science that is entirely based on communication with nature. From the definition it is not difficult to guess that an ornithologist studies birds.

The work of an ornithologist involves constant observation. People in this profession study birds in their different habitats. These can be natural conditions - forests, meadows, groves, where birds live in close proximity to nature. Ornithological research also concerns birds that have adapted to life in large cities, where they are forced to change their natural habits in order to exist in symbiosis with humans and the products of their vital activity.

The results of the ornithologist's work allow us to learn more about the nature around us, to see how amazing and diverse the fauna of the Earth is. The research carried out should give us new knowledge, surprise us, and also motivate us to preserve and protect life on our planet.

Among the workers of this science there is also an ornithologist. It's not hard to guess who it is. This is a specialist who treats birds - both birds living in the wild and those kept at home.

What qualities should people in this profession have?

In ornithology, as in any profession, you need to have certain personal qualities that help you achieve high results. A good ornithologist - who is it, what qualities does he have? This:

  • innate observation;
  • attentiveness;
  • perseverance;
  • ability to concentrate on details;
  • ability to analyze.

Perhaps the most important quality that should be present in any ornithologist is especially towards birds. Only a person who is sincerely interested in the life of birds will enjoy the research, make the right conclusions, and maybe even make new scientific discoveries.

The profession of ornithologist is one of the specific ones. You cannot be a good ornithologist and not love your job at the same time. Only those who are confident in their choice of profession and are ready to completely devote their life to the study of birds will definitely achieve success in ornithology.

Where do ornithologists work?

Ornithology workers can find work in such institutions as:

At a time when there is underfunding in the scientific field, ornithologists sometimes find it difficult to find work in their specialty, and they are forced to work in related industries.

Why is James Bond here?

James Bond is a famous ornithologist from Philadelphia. He studied Caribbean fauna and his book Birds of the West Indies was published in 1936. The scientific works he published became fundamental in the field of ornithology.

It is no coincidence that the popular superspy, the hero of twenty-five films, bears the same name. The author of spy detective stories studied birds and, choosing a nickname for the main character of his novel, borrowed the name of the author of one of the books on ornithology, thus making him famous.

Public ornithology

It's hard to argue that bird watching is a fun activity. In this regard, the concept of amateur ornithology arises. This accessible, exciting activity has been chosen as a hobby by many natural science enthusiasts.

It's easy to watch birds simply from your apartment window using binoculars. You can see even more by going for a walk in the city park. Sometimes ornithology enthusiasts organize joint trips out of town to observe birds. Cameras and video cameras are used to record the results of such artisanal research.

- (Greek, from ornis bird, and logos word). Bird connoisseur. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ORNITHOLOGIST Greek, from ornis, thos, bird, and logos, word. Bird connoisseur. Explanation of 25,000 foreign words... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

ornithologist- a, m. ornithologue m. Scientist, ornithologist. BAS 1. Our first excursion to the Franz Josef coast was led by... an ornithologist who knew the habitats of birds very well. Sokolov Mikitov In Tikhaya Bay. Birdwatchers don't fly. // Banner 2003 7 179.… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

ORNITHOLOGIST, ornithologist, husband. Scientist in ornithology. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

ORNITHOLOGIST, huh, husband. Ornithologist specialist. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Noun, number of synonyms: 1 zoologist (23) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

M. Specialist in the field of ornithology. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Ornithologist, ornithologists, ornithologist, ornithologists, ornithologist, ornithologists, ornithologist, ornithologists, ornithologist, ornithologists, ornithologist, ornithologists (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

ornithologist- ornithologist, and... Russian spelling dictionary

ornithologist- (2 m); pl. ornitho/logi, R. ornitho/logi... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language


  • Birds and their nests, R. Bular, S. Ivanov. Raoul Boulard, a famous 19th-century French ornithologist, described birds in such a way as to make these fascinating creatures interesting to the average reader. He paid attention to often... Series: Culture and traditions Publisher: White City, Sunday Day,
  • One in Antarctica, G. Billing. The hero of the book, Richard Forbash, a young New Zealand ornithologist, lives for five months (from October to February) as a hermit in a lonely Antarctic hut, by the way, the same one where in... Publisher:

The science called ornithology is a branch of vertebrate zoology that studies birds. As well as their embryology, morphology, physiology, ecology, systematics and geographical distribution.

This, perhaps, will be enough to describe what an ornithologist actually does.

But, if you look deeper, ornithology is not such an uninteresting profession.

Take, for example, when an ornithologist rings a bird and meets it after a certain number of days, months, or even years.

Ornithologists can also be called personal “architects of birds”, because basically they design feeders for them, leave reserves of lard for tits and save “condemned” birds from death.

As for the career ladder, it will be very difficult to achieve any success in this science. Of course, unless, as in any other science, a person is very dedicated to his work. Therefore, only those who are completely confident in their own choice should connect their lives with this profession. To engage in this profession professionally, you must have a higher education in biology.

Profession ornithologist - salary

As a rule, this question is difficult to answer; salaries depend on various types of grants and degrees. Researchers cannot boast of high salaries; their wages are about 400-700 dollars per month.

Where does an ornithologist work?

  • natural conservation societies;
  • research institutes;
  • universities;
  • zoos;
  • agricultural enterprises.

See also:

Personal qualities

  • attentiveness;
  • love to the animals;
  • ability to concentrate;
  • ability to analyze data;
  • observation.

The most famous ornithologist in the world is still Philadelphia-born James Bond. Exactly the one whose name Ian Fleming used to create the most famous English spy.


Well, the profession of an ornithologist, like any other profession in the field of “Specialists in Natural Sciences,” requires responsibility and is quite complex. But with significant deepening and love shown in the matter, success can be very close.

The name of the scientific field - ornithology - speaks for itself. Science studies birds, their habits, their dreams, the influence of the environment on them and their influence on it. It seems that we can end here. We can also add that Aristotle himself first mentioned birds as an object of scientific research two and a half thousand years ago. After that, they were studied, one way or another, by hundreds of prominent scientists. Initially, birds became the object of study for mercantile reasons. Science was driven by falconry. Later during the Enlightenment, the behavior, anthropology, and morphology of birds began to be studied more closely.

Let ornithologists catch sparrows and ostriches, make the necessary measurements and research. If they need to, they can ring the bird. So that, having found it many years later, other ornithologists made their own conclusions, known only to them. Their activities can be briefly described here. And this description will be quite sufficient. But this is only from a distance. If you look deeper, the profession of ornithologist is an extremely interesting thing even for those who are far from naturalism.

This conclusion can be made if there is a personal acquaintance with a “avian scientist.” I had such an honor.

One day, that is, one day, when I was visiting my father in the village, a certain stranger came to him. More precisely, he burst into the house, because his size was immense. A huge bearded man in a well-worn sheepskin coat. He and his father looked at each other for a couple of minutes, and then rushed to meet each other. It turned out that this man was also an Afghan and a colleague of his father’s in Turkmen training. Moreover, he was and is an inveterate ornithologist. I have been suffering from this since childhood, when I made feeders for forest birds, stockpiled lard for tits, and rushed to the death to protect chickens prepared for execution. He even devoted his weightlifting and semi-professional boxing classes to ornithology. There is an extremist environmentalist.

After demobilization, he did not go home. They, demobilized Afghans, were transported in a separate carriage, separated from the rest of the passenger cars by several tanks. Such security was justified. Soldiers who fought are hot-tempered people. And when it comes to drunkenness, they’re just beasts. The train traveled first through Kazakhstan, then through Siberia. And somewhere in Transbaikalia, an ornithologist decided to get off. On my own. He jumped out of a moving train. It was winter, the frost was below fifty. But the future scientist was not afraid of anything. He wandered through the taiga for several hours and came to some Evenki village. There he settled with some Evenk or Even. By spring, the hospitable host's wife became pregnant. From an ornithologist. And he had to go into the forest.

In the forest, he came across a very good forest, which stood on the bank of the river and was inaccessible to any fishing equipment. The future scientist began to cut down pine trees and float them several at a time downstream to the nearest village. Only God knows how far he walked until he floated several hundred logs. It is known that he did this from April to August, tirelessly pursuing his goal. The result of the activity was the construction of a house and the purchase of a Zhiguli. After the ornithologist moved into the house and tried to register there, the police came to his house. And he answered for both deforestation and poaching (there were witnesses in the remote taiga). As a result, four years in prison. Two years later he was released under an amnesty.

But most importantly, while doing all these legal and illegal things, the guy constantly studied birds. He observed their habits, kept a diary, and made sketches. As a result, almost a year's life in the taiga turned into a multi-volume study in the field of ornithology. In addition, he discovered one species of newts hitherto unknown to science. And, mind you, the ornithologist did all this with only eight years of education.

After his release, the future scientist graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Applied Zoology and Phytology as an external student, completing the entire course in two years. And two years later he defended his Ph.D. thesis, fully confirming his knowledge in the field of ornithology.