
Presentation "Essential oils" in chemistry - project, report


Slide 2 Purpose of the work To consider and study methods of obtaining essential oils; Consider their use and effect on the human body. Slide 3 Relevance A period of acute respiratory diseases is approaching, the number of sick children in school is growing

Heading: Planning

Methods and types of cross stitch

Methods and types of cross stitch

History of embroidery Embroidery is one of the most beloved and widespread types of needlework. In the old days in Rus', all women mastered this art. A girl of seven or eight years of age began to prepare her dowry, and by the age of fifteen or sixteen

Heading: Efficiency

Profession: driver and truck driver

Profession: driver and truck driver

My dad is a driver. In our age of speed, the profession of a driver is very important, because freight transport transports tens of tons of cargo. My dad's working day starts early in the morning and ends late in the evening. After inspecting the car and making sure it was in good working order, dad

Heading: Control

Development of an action plan for the design of a marketing service in a hotel

Development of an action plan for the design of a marketing service in a hotel

Creating an effectively working sales department in the hotel business is one of the central tasks, the successful solution of which will determine the profitability of the hotel. It is important to understand that the number of employees in the sales department should be directly proportional

Heading: Efficiency

Marketing project: essence and strategies What is the company’s marketing plan

Marketing project: essence and strategies What is the company’s marketing plan

The vast majority of Russian marketers were brought up on Kotler’s books. His contribution to the popularization of marketing is, of course, invaluable. But, perhaps, it is in this role that he will remain in history. American authors Hibing and Cooper, famous all over the world

Heading: Planning

Break-even point: calculation formulas and control methods

Break-even point: calculation formulas and control methods

The break-even point is a formula for success, a kind of magical point, after passing which you can say with relief that you “survived.” I hope everyone has calculated it, and not just relying on luck... The success of any company is measured by the size and growth of the resulting

Heading: Control

Lesson plan: "Structure of the digestive system"

Lesson plan:

Plan Introduction 1. Structure of the digestive system Oral cavity Small intestine 2. Functions of the gastrointestinal tract Digestion in the oral cavity, chewing Functions of saliva Swallowing Digestion in the stomach Principles of regulation of digestive processes Transition chyme

Section "qualification characteristics of positions of managers and specialists in ensuring information security in key information infrastructure systems, countering technical intelligence and technical information protection"


Download the job description of an information security specialist (.doc, 75KB) I. General provisions A person with a higher professional (technical) education is appointed to the position of an information security specialist without presenting requirements for

Heading: Control

Disadvantages or misuse?

Disadvantages or misuse?

V.N. Khomich, A.S. Antonchev BALANCED Scorecard SYSTEM: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES The concept of Balanced Scorecard and the possibility of its use by organizations to improve the efficiency of their business is considered. The proposed system is based on

Heading: Investments

Retro bonus (rebate) in trade marketing Who is the retro bonus system suitable for?

Retro bonus (rebate) in trade marketing Who is the retro bonus system suitable for?

The form of the document “Supply Agreement with the condition of payment of retrobonuses” belongs to the heading “Agreement for the supply of goods and products”. Save the link to the document on social networks or download it to your computer. deliveries with the condition of payment of retrobonuses [

Heading: Innovation