Business processes

Fundamentals of marketing management Formation of a unified marketing service

Fundamentals of marketing management Formation of a unified marketing service

It is possible, especially at the beginning of mastering the concept of marketing, to confuse such completely different but interrelated concepts as “marketing management” and “marketing management”. To avoid such confusion, it would not be amiss to “put all the dots on

Heading: Motivation

What is quantitative and qualitative distribution What is quantitative and qualitative distribution

What is quantitative and qualitative distribution What is quantitative and qualitative distribution

Let's look at this method of promoting goods and services as distribution. Let us outline its pros and cons, mistakes of novice distributors, benefits and possible costs. We will also compare different types of distribution and highlight the best one. What is distribution? This is an activity of

Heading: Control

Distribution: management and control What is weighted distribution

Distribution: management and control What is weighted distribution

2015-11-26 17:06:14 Qualitative and quantitative distribution Qualitative and quantitative distribution are two terms that are very often used by sales department employees when communicating, as well as in the commercial departments of an enterprise. If you look

Heading: Planning

Strategic Communication Decisions What are the Roles and Key Functions of the Sales Force

Strategic Communication Decisions What are the Roles and Key Functions of the Sales Force

We have shown that marketing is both a system of thinking and a system of action. To be effectively implemented, the strategic choices made by a firm must be supported by dynamic action programs, otherwise the chances of commercial success are slim.

Heading: Efficiency

How to find sales channels for new products?

How to find sales channels for new products?

Knitted clothing items are still relevant. After all, you can’t imagine winter without warm hats and soft sweaters. That is why many novice businessmen are interested in questions about how profitable the production of knitted products is.

Heading: Control

Organizing the production of cinder blocks is one of the most popular types of business. How much money do you need to start a business producing cinder blocks?

Organizing the production of cinder blocks is one of the most popular types of business. How much money do you need to start a business producing cinder blocks?

According to the testimony of experts in the field of economics, one of the most promising areas of commercial activity is the production of construction and finishing materials. The demand for these products is not decreasing, which is why we should start our own

Heading: Initiation

Personnel training in production: how to organize effective training of workers

Personnel training in production: how to organize effective training of workers

Vocational training is a systematic process of developing among employees of an enterprise the theoretical knowledge, skills and practical skills necessary to perform work. Professional development is the process of preparing an employee to perform

Heading: Control

Divisional organization

Divisional organization

Divisional structure is an enterprise management structure in which the management of individual products and individual functions is clearly separated. A divisional structure arises when, as the main criterion for combining employees into departments of the highest

Heading: Control

Disadvantages or misuse?

Disadvantages or misuse?

V.N. Khomich, A.S. Antonchev BALANCED Scorecard SYSTEM: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES The concept of Balanced Scorecard and the possibility of its use by organizations to improve the efficiency of their business is considered. The proposed system is based on

Heading: Investments

Customer loyalty is... Customer loyalty programs, examples What is a loyalty score

Customer loyalty is... Customer loyalty programs, examples What is a loyalty score

The concept of customer loyaltyHigh competition in the market forces manufacturers of goods and services to fight for their consumers. The sales volume of any commercial organization is determined by the number of clients or customers. To attract the target auditor

Heading: Control