Professions related to numbers. Find out your profession by date of birth - numerology

Work makes up a major part of our lives. In it we realize our personality, show our physical and spiritual potential. In order for work to bring satisfaction, and not irritate with necessity and routine, you need to make the right choice and work with inspiration.

And to make a choice, you can use, for example, numerology. Numerology is simple and accessible to everyone. It considers only the behavioral aspect of human personality. It has developed a language that relates to the discussion of a person’s personal qualities. Just as we learned to read letters, we can learn to read numbers. Now numerology is becoming widespread and is one of the most effective methods of knowing yourself and others.

Each personality is influenced by three main numbers: fate, soul and name. It is enough for us to consider the influence of only the fate number (life path number, date of birth).

Destiny Number is what you were incarnated with and what you should do. It shows what your nature is and what abilities you have to realize yourself in this world. The destiny number is determined from the date of birth. Add up the numbers of the birth month, date and year. Collapse to one digit.

Let's consider a person's business qualities according to the Destiny Number (Life Path Number).

Destiny number – 1

In any work he shows his individuality. Dynamic, has business acumen, values ​​time. Thinks and acts clearly. He is independent in his assessments and does not change them. He is able to get excited about something and ignite others. He is dedicated to his work with all his heart and supports his employees. It is important for him to feel his importance in the business; he strives for success and recognition. Active, mobile, varied work is suitable for him, where the result is visible, where he can show determination, responsibility, introduce new ideas, a new approach. Work with communication, business trips, travel, social and spiritual work, jurisprudence, any work related to an idea.

Monotonous and boring work, where he will not make independent decisions or experiment, is not suitable, nor is working with people, where he must show concern for others and patience.

Destiny number – 2

He takes his work seriously and thoughtfully, devoting himself wholeheartedly to the task. Works slowly, but responsibly. He does everything calmly and systematically, delving into all the intricacies of the work. Has insight, intuition, sees many details and details that are invisible to others. He is reliable and will never let you down. His abilities are best expressed in working with people.

He works well with real things, where you can see the result of his work, he likes to make things that are durable and of good quality. Suitable work in the social and service sector, where there is communication with people.

Work that requires speed and quick reaction is not suitable; where working conditions are constantly changing; where you have to be tough with people; where pioneers and experimenters are needed; administrative work.

Destiny number – 3

Business imagination, multilateral interests, energy, intellectuality, and optimism distinguish him. Capable of generating a huge number of constructive ideas. He has great enthusiasm and an innate ability to achieve success, including financial success.

He likes intellectual work that is interesting to him, which can be completed in a short period of time, and better yet, contains something new every time. Any business that requires ingenuity, mental stress, management, travel, working with a computer, in the media, as well as a business where there is a rapid turnover of finances is suitable.

Work that is monotonous, repetitive, or involves responsibility for others is not suitable.

Destiny number – 4

He is characterized by seriousness, patience, and consciousness. Prefers a stable and reliable business. Takes moral and material responsibility. Provides support and protection to others. Strives for order and planning. Pays attention to the smallest details. New projects and affairs begin only after careful preparation.

Suitable for the production of something material, industry, construction, agriculture, trade, as well as work related to security and control.

A job where you need to make quick decisions in frequently changing conditions, short-term and emotionally unstable work is not suitable. He is not successful in short-term, dubious, adventurous activities; Long-term projects are preferable.

Destiny number 5

He performs well in everything that requires organizational skills and the ability to communicate with people. Adheres to laws and established procedures. Prefers work that involves variety, requires quick decision-making, and provides the opportunity to monitor the overall progress of the enterprise. He needs active activity and a free daily routine.

A job where you can express yourself and your organizational skills is suitable: administrator, manager, manager, entrepreneur, director, teacher, public figure, etc. He is not afraid to change his field of activity.

Working in a large organization is not suitable if there are no prospects for advancement; Anything where the end product is either intangible or uninspired should be avoided. He quickly gets bored with constant and monotonous work.

Destiny number – 6

Organized, flexible, smart and reliable worker. The interests of the business and the team are the main thing for him. Great worker. He performs well in work that requires diligence, communication with people, and understanding of other people's problems. He is attracted by a convenient and pleasant place to work. Prefers to work in a team.

Any activity that requires the practical execution of specific tasks. Work related to educational institutions, public organizations, medicine. An activity where you can show concern for others, and also associated with bringing harmony and beauty to life.

Work that requires quick, decisive action, administration, organizing people, and large-scale activities is not suitable.

Destiny number – 7

Self-confident, patient, balanced, intuitive, and has an extraordinary analytical mind. He constantly strives for new knowledge. Financial success comes as a result of painstaking, professional, individual work. The ability to concentrate, the ability to analyze, and insight contribute to his advancement and success.

Without effort, he can become an expert in a number of areas. Any job related to the dissemination of knowledge, science, jurisprudence, law, control, finance is suitable: consultant, diplomat, manager. Increased interest in psychology and human relationships. Work related to craftsmanship, creating beauty and harmony: designer, stylist, hairdresser, art, etc.

You should avoid working in a large team or working at a very fast pace.

Destiny number – 8

Dynamic and responsible. His common sense, courage in decision-making, and strong principles are ideally suited for large projects and the implementation of long-term goals. Has the ability to inspire people and bring them together to get work done. Success comes only through cooperation and helping others. Financial success is inherent in him more than others.

Everything related to responsibility, analysis, solving complex problems, leadership, finance. Has managerial talent in all types of activities, especially in the field of business and financial transactions. Understands the material world, intuitively knows how to implement this or that financial project.

The desire to make money and position your only priorities, to the exclusion of spiritual values, will inevitably lead to losses; Usually these are major life changes: bankruptcy, financial failure. However, he has the ability to overcome such situations better than others.

Destiny number – 9

He has a broad outlook, rich intuition, developed creative imagination, a sense of beauty and harmony. Sees the whole matter better, the prospects for development, than small details. His interests are truly comprehensive, and he succeeds in everything. Prefers to work independently and on his own initiative. His attitude towards work is determined by his interest in it.

He is interested in any job where there is an opportunity to demonstrate his abilities and knowledge, where he can share knowledge and use it for the benefit of others. Work with communication, business trips, travel, social and spiritual work, jurisprudence, any work related to an idea. Prefers activities with a free daily routine.

Work that requires thoroughness and attention to detail, monotony and repetition is not suitable; where you have to adhere to strict rules; where the final product is an object, not an idea, and where independence is not encouraged.

Choosing a profession is an important step in the life of every person. After all, the average person spends most of his life at work.

And if the work does not satisfy him, then his whole life will seem like sheer torment. The date of birth of a person influences many factors, because at the moment of birth DNA programming occurs, information about a person’s abilities and predisposition to a particular type of activity is laid down.

How to find out your birth code

To do this, add together the birthday, month and year until you get a single value. For example, my date is April 24, 1982. We add up all the numbers: 2+4+0+4+1+9+8+2=30 We simplify to a single value: 3+0=3 My birth code is 3. We look at the meaning of the number below.

Decoding: how to choose a profession

Code “1” The desire to find and realize oneself

Field of activity: managers of various ranks, organizers, creative people who prefer an active lifestyle and interesting and dynamic work. Active, mobile, varied work is suitable, where the result is visible, where you can show determination, responsibility, introduce new ideas, a new approach. People with code “1” are real generators of ideas, which they themselves strive to bring to life.

What profession to choose: doctors, managers, public figures, artists, artists, bankers, secretaries, civil servants, jewelers.

Code “2” Desire to be loved and popular

Field of activity: helping and caring for others. People with this code feel great in the social sphere, as well as in the service sector. They just need to feel the benefit of their activities and the calling of those around them.

What profession to choose: social workers, doctors, travelers, service providers, philosophers, housewives.

Code “3” Strength and energy for your realization and protection of people

Field of activity: any business that requires ingenuity and mental work. These people are distinguished by a strong desire for self-realization, which also includes caring for others.

What profession to choose: managers, athletes, military personnel, journalists, businessmen, racing drivers, Emergency Situations Ministry employees, system administrators.

Code “4” Search for new knowledge and new paths

Scope of activity: an occupation that requires attention to detail, the production of something material, as well as security and control. Representatives of this code are excellent specialists in working with information, searching for new knowledge and new ways to solve certain problems.

What profession to choose: analysts, teachers, doctors, sales representatives, administrators, journalists, salespeople, clerks,
healers, information workers, builders.

With help you can find out which profession is right for you. This will allow you to find a suitable job that will bring not only good income, but also moral satisfaction.

How to calculate the numerological number of your work

In order to determine a suitable profession, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. For example: 05/23/1963 = 2+3+0+5+1+9+6+3 = 29 = 2+9 = 11 = 1+1 = 2. In this example, the number of work is two.

After you calculate the profession number, all you have to do is find out the value of your result.

The meaning of the numerology number of work

  1. Professions in management and management are suitable for you. Creative work (designer, writer, musician) will also bring you financial success. In addition, you can earn big money by starting your own business.
  2. A job in finance is right for you. You will make an excellent bank employee. You can also succeed in working as a psychologist, secretary, teacher and educator.
  3. Your numerology number indicates public activity. Success is guaranteed if you work with people or on stage. The work of a presenter, actor, or musician is good. You know how to beautifully express your thoughts and communicate with people. It gives you the opportunity to achieve success in writing, trading and teaching.
  4. You have a talent for organizing and analyzing. In addition, you have organizational skills. You can find yourself in science, agriculture, as well as in finance and accounting.
  5. Your work must necessarily involve constant movement. Monotonous work is not for you. Five people will be able to reach the top of their careers in television, journalism, show business, trade and entertainment.
  6. You need a profession related to people or everyday life. You can start producing clothes, toys, food, furniture. You can also become an excellent psychologist, doctor or social worker.
  7. It is important for you to work individually. Only alone can you achieve success. You can become a scientist, writer, critic, clergyman, lawyer and teacher.
  8. You will be able to achieve career heights by dealing with investments, monetary assets and real estate. You can also become an excellent manager and manager. The main thing that should be present in your profession is a large scale of activity.
  9. Activities associated with risk and great responsibility are contraindicated for you. You can find yourself in design, art, medicine, psychology.

With the help of numerology based on your date of birth, you can determine the most profitable and interesting profession for yourself and achieve financial well-being. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

30.04.2014 13:07

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That's interesting test for a suitable profession. The test is calculated by date of birth. I don’t know what its results are worth, but the principle of the test is cool.

Each number corresponds to a specific group of professions. First, calculate your personal code based on your date of birth. Example: you were born on January 13, 1972.

Number: 13=1+3=4

Month: 01=0+1=1

Year: 1972=1+9+7+2=19=1+9=10=1+0=1

1 3.01.1972=4+1+1=6

Thus, the personal code for the date January 13, 1972 is number 6. Now calculate your code and see the results.

    1. People whose code is the number “1” strive to find themselves and self-realization. They work best in leadership positions or creative professions.

    The work must be active, mobile, bringing immediate results. Such people are ready to act decisively and take responsibility. Such professions as artist, manager, jeweler, secretary, public figure, doctor, civil servant are suitable for them.

    2. Code “2” indicates a person’s inclination towards popularity and recognition by other people, as well as sensitivity and developed imagination.

    Such people know how to communicate well and are ready to help others, so they find themselves in the social sphere and the service sector. They make good social workers, doctors, artists, philosophers, bartenders, waiters, actors, farmers, and housewives.

    3. People whose code is the number “3” are ready to help and protect others. They also direct their energy towards self-realization.

    They work best where they need to act independently, using their minds and being creative. Such professions as manager, journalist, military man, race car driver, customs officer, emergency services officer, athlete, surgeon, worker, businessman, etc. are suitable for them.

    4. Code “4” indicates a person’s tendency to analyze and the ability to work with information.

    Such people are constantly looking for new paths and new knowledge. Any business that involves attention to detail and material production is suitable for them. They make excellent analysts, teachers, journalists, administrators, clerks, sellers, sales representatives, information service workers, builders, and doctors.

    5. People whose code is the number “5” strive for truth and higher knowledge.

    It is better for them to choose work related to business trips, international information exchange, and the opportunity to demonstrate their organizational skills and personal talents. Such professions as lawyer, entrepreneur, teacher, financier, scientist, government official, translator, psychologist, guide, writer, manager are suitable for them.

    6. Code “6” speaks of a person’s penchant for creativity and the desire to preserve beauty and harmony in everything.

    Such people communicate well with other people and feel great in the field of art. They make good designers, cosmetologists, lawyers, diplomats, restaurateurs, doctors, bank employees, musicians, artists, writers, and jewelers.

    7. People whose code is the number “7” are able to recognize the truth, strive to develop their own personality and gain independence.

    Any responsible position that requires patience, concentration and endurance is suitable for them. Such professions as consultant, official, stylist, historian, realtor, doctor, builder, law enforcement officer, lawyer, administrator, psychologist, miner, salesman, bank employee, farmer, designer are suitable for them.

    8. Code “8” indicates a person’s inclination towards democracy, freedom and respect for individual rights.

    Such people are good in professions that require ingenuity and creativity, as well as in management positions. They make excellent financiers, marketers, nuclear scientists, inventors, motorists, mechanics, social workers, engineers, teachers, doctors, dancers, and advertisers.

    9. People whose code is the number “9” strive to overcome their ego and achieve true spirituality.

    Any activity that requires imagination and intuition, giving them the opportunity to share their own knowledge with others, is suitable for them. Such professions as pharmacist, psychologist, chemist, social worker, scientist, musician, private detective, sailor, poet, oil worker, actor, healer, lawyer are suitable for them.

Do you dream of finding out which profession is right for you? Take this numerology test to get the answer to your question.

Choosing a profession is not at all as easy as it might seem at first glance, because your future life, well-being and career will depend on it. This test invites you to discover your natural inclinations and talents from a numerological perspective.

To calculate the most suitable profession, you need to add the number of your date of birth and the number of your name.

The table below shows the numerical value for each letter:



















Calculate the sum of all the numbers corresponding to the letters of the first and last name, summed with the numbers of the date of birth, reducing this sum to a single digit number, by adding the digits of this sum and repeating this action as many times as necessary.

For example: Ivan Ivanov, date of birth June 2, 1990. 1+3+1+6 + 1+3+1+6+7+3 + 2 + 6 + 1+9+9+0 = 59 = 5 + 9 = 14 = 1 + 4 = 5.

The meaning of the profession number in numerology

Inventor, designer, pusher, pioneer, teacher, pilot, writer, lecturer. All types of creative work.

Actor, secretary, archaeologist, antiquarian. All peaceful and harmonious professions.

Lawyer, artist, musician, writer, doctor, manager. All types of activities related to food, medicines, artistic products.

Specialties related to mechanics and physical research. Draftsman, architect, electrician, productivity expert, profitability expert, engineer, stenographer, accountant. Success in sports is possible - athletics.

Scientific research. Analytical, detective professions. Psychologist, playwright, lecturer, insurance agent, traveler. All types of activities that require mental activity for success.