Baba Yaga first mention. Origin of Baba Yaga. Where did the image of Baba Yaga come from? Salad Baba Yaga

“The fence around her hut is made of human bones, and skulls hang on the fence instead of pots; instead of a bolt, she has a human leg, instead of locks, she has hands, and instead of a lock, she has a mouth with sharp teeth. Judging by the description, it is clear that this is one of the most creative interior designers, only she managed to organize a good security system with the help of the situation.

So who is she? And what role did she play at the time? Where did the image of Baba Yaga come from? Where did the origin story of Baba Yaga come from? Let's figure it out...

Baba Yaga has shaggy hair, braids are untwisted. In the culture of the ancient Slavs, loose hair is a connection with the other world; the dead woman's braids were also untwisted. Baba Yaga, apparently dead. A bone leg - dead so long ago that the body rotted away. Nose stuck to the ceiling. Apparently, her house is very crowded.

Baba Yaga flies in a mortar, which is very similar to a deck, a prototype of a coffin. He sweeps up his wake with a broomstick. There used to be a custom: when the deceased was taken on a sleigh on his last journey, a sleigh trail was swept behind him so that he would not return to the world of the living. Why is it flying? Because the dead don't walk, they are carried. And the soul flies In addition, Baba Yaga does not see anything, she does not have human vision. “Fu-fu,” he says, “it smells like a Russian spirit.” But she has a different vision - she sees the future.

Everything shows that Baba Yaga is a dead woman. She lives in a hut on chicken legs. Previously, the Slavs had a custom: after the death of a person, when the soul had not yet decided, it needed to determine a home. To do this, they made a ritual doll, a house for her was placed on a felled tree. Here is a hut on chicken legs. The roots are very similar to chicken legs. A hut without windows and doors - the dead do not need them. There is only an entrance where offerings are placed. The northern peoples still have this custom. Vasilisa the Beautiful found so much food at Baba Yaga that ten people could not eat. It means that she was not a simple deceased, since she has a lot of offerings.

Many scientists insist that Baba Yaga is a divine essence, the progenitor of the human race. They come to her for advice. Ivan Tsarevich receives magical gifts, Vasilisa the Beautiful, after visiting the hut of Baba Yaga, finds herself a husband-king and the ability to perform magical actions. She weaves extraordinary fabrics, sews extraordinary shirts.
There is a folk wisdom that for any knowledge we must turn to our ancestors. Where are the ancestors? From the point of view of folk culture - in the other world. Baba Yaga is, as it were, the head of this other world. That is, to get some knowledge, you need to go there. In other words, to the experience of ancestors, which is what fairy-tale heroes do. It is no coincidence that in many fairy tales there is a stone by the road. The positive hero necessarily chooses the road where he will die. Again a metaphor - he goes to the world of his ancestors, where he receives all the gifts. The conclusion is this: only those who observe traditions, turn to the wisdom of their ancestors, acquire all the blessings on Earth.

Baba is the main woman in all cultures. Stone women were worshiped by many nations. A woman was called a woman only after the birth of a child. The single-root word "babay" also means brownie, the head of the clan. "Yaga" - fire - fire. There was a verb to yag. This is a special cry in which all energy is concentrated. Yagal hunters, women in labor. That is, Baba Yaga was the main mother who knew everything.

“Now I’ll put it on a shovel - and into the oven!”

And it wasn't as scary as it seemed. Take at least the fairy tale "Geese-swans." Translated from Sanskrit, swan geese are the souls of the dead who accompany the foremother. It was they who took away brother Ivanushka to Baba Yaga. There she wanted to roast him. In fact, there is no fairy tale where Baba Yaga would roast children, she only wants to do it. But there was a wonderful ritual - baking a sick child. The midwife put the child on a rolled out dough (a certain conspiracy was spoken into this dough) and wrapped the child in it. After that, she put it on a bread shovel and stuffed it into the oven for a while. She pulled it out, unfolded it, gave the dough to the dogs. The child recovered. Similarly, in the Russian folk tale about Baba Yaga. It's scary in our opinion. But if you look from the point of view of culture, then Baba Yaga turns from a negative character into a positive one, into a healer.

It turns out that she transmits life to the child through her skill and through the oven, which is also in ancient culture was a sacred object, such a feminine principle. Everything is turned upside down. Baba Yaga is an absolutely positive hero. She just wanted to bake Ivanushka and return healthy to people.

Yaga in fairy tales acts as a gatekeeper, guarding the border between the world of the living and the world of the dead, and a guide to another world; she tests the heroes who are trying to penetrate the world of the dead, and helps those who have passed these tests.

Yaga's hut, standing on the border of two worlds, is, as it were, the gate to the dead kingdom, the afterlife; even its appearance in fairy tales and beliefs reminds of death: it is very similar to a domina (a funerary structure in the form of a human dwelling) and is often surrounded by human remains (skulls hang on the wattle fence, the door is propped up with a foot, etc.).

It is even possible that the tales of the "Kidnapper Yaga" arose on the basis of an ancient witchcraft rite of initiation, initiation of young men into hunters, introducing them to a certain age group. The rite of initiation usually consisted in the fact that adolescents, boys of 10-12 years old, were taken away from the village for some time and subjected to various tests, conducting a kind of exam in all practical hunting skills; at the same time, the young men seemed to “die” for the tribe, so that men, warriors and hunters would be “born” instead of them. The "examination of maturity", which all the young men had to "pass", was presided over, apparently, by a man, a hunter. However, the initiations contained not only tests in dexterity, accuracy, fearlessness and endurance, but were also a partial introduction of adolescents to the sacred secrets of the tribe, to the magic ritual of hunters. In ancient times, this complex ritual, the ceremony of initiation of young men into hunters, could also be led by a female witch, who later, with the disappearance of matriarchy, was replaced by a male teacher (who served, perhaps, as the prototype of the “grandfather of the forest”). Probably, such a woman symbolically represented the same Great Mother, the goddess - the mistress and progenitor of animals, associated with the other world of the dead. The image of such a “knowledgeable” woman could well serve as the basis for creating the fabulous image of Baba Yaga, coming from the forest, kidnapping children (i.e. taking them away for the initiation rite) and striving to roast them in the oven (“kill a child so that a man is born” ), as well as giving advice and helping selected heroes who have passed the test.

Ziterov Yu.A. 1 Nagikh P.O. 2

2 Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 3

Ziterova N.P. one Mukhina T.I. 1

1 Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 3

The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Job Files" tab in PDF format



Fairy tales are a wonderful work of art. Our memory is inseparable from them. In almost all fairy tales, one of the heroes is Baba Yaga. What is it about this dashing creature that frightens, and at the same time attracts, attracts to fairy tales? We have always been interested in the question: who is Baba, where did she appear in Russian folk tales and what does her name mean?

Baba Yaga is one of the most famous and mysterious creatures on earth. Most people think of her as an ordinary evil witch.

Having visited the village of Kukoboy, Pervomaisky district, we learned that some people call Baba Yaga the ancient Slavic coastline, the goddess, the mistress of the forest and animals. Did Baba Yaga really live?

Project basis: Educational standards.

Target: Find out who Baba Yaga is - a fictitious image, or the name of an evil old woman who actually existed.

Tasks: To study the origin of the name, attributes. Find out if Baba Yaga is always a negative character. To study the trace that Baba - Yaga left in literature, in the life of modern man. To find out

whether there are surnames and names of settlements in the Tutaevsky district of the Yaroslavl region with names from the word "Yaga".

Object of study: Russian folk tales.

Subject of study: the image of Baba Yaga, her magical attributes (hut on chicken legs, stupa).

Defined research methods:

search for information;

questioning; analysis; observation; classification; generalization.

Practical significance of the study: this material can be used in literary reading lessons, during class hours and quizzes.

628 students were surveyed.

Survey Questions 1-9 grades:

Who is Baba Yaga?

What does Baba Yaga look like?

Good or evil?

What does she do with those who get to her?

How old is she?

Survey results

1. Who is Baba Yaga?

98% of students consider Baba Yaga a witch, a character in Russian folk tales. 2% of respondents found it difficult to answer

2. What does Baba Yaga look like?

Describing the appearance of Baba Yaga, schoolchildren indicate that this is an ugly old woman with long tufts of unkempt hair, a hooked nose. These features were indicated by 98% of the respondents, 2% found it difficult to answer.

3. Good or evil?

Of the respondents, 80% of the students consider Baba Yaga evil, 14% - both evil and good, 6% - good.

4. What does she do with those who got to her?

94% of the students answer that Baba Yaga feeds, gives water, asks where the path leads, soars in the bath, wants to eat, roasts in the oven; 6% believe that she helps those who come to her.

5. How old is she?

The age is indicated different: from 36 to 1000 years. Age from 36 to 55 years was named by 3% of the respondents; from 55 to 100 years 9% of respondents, from 100 to 300 -28% of respondents, more than 300 -60% of respondents.

conclusions : Most students (98%) are familiar with the image Baba Yagi from Russian folk tales, have an idea of ​​how she looks, what she does with those who got to her. Not everyone considers her evil (6% consider her good, 14% both evil and good). Most of the students surveyed (60%) believe that Baba Yaga is over 300 years old.

The age, presumably, of Baba Yaga is from 30 to 40 years old, because in the 16th century, the average life expectancy was 30 years, and at 40 a person looked like a decrepit old man. Now Baba Yaga would be about 460 years old.

First mention about Baba Yaga dates back to 1588, that is, if we count until 2018, then they have known about her for 430 years.

The results of the study of the names of settlements

The results of a study of the names of residents of the city of Tutaev (7832)

In preschool institutions of the city and the region, the name Yagilev was found from the word "Yaga". (Verified 3339 names)

In the schools of the city and the district, the name Yagilev was found from the word "Yaga".

(Verified 3485 names)

Results of research of surnames according to telephone directories.

In the city and district, the name Yagilev was found from the word "Yaga". (1008 names checked)

Conducted research on the names of settlements, research on the names of residents of the city of Tutaev

In the Yaroslavl region, there are no settlements with names from the word "Yaga".

In the city and district, the name Yagilev was found from the word "Yaga". (Verified 7832 names)

conclusions : Words similar in sound to the word “Yaga” are also found in our time, for example, in the name of Yagilev (yagel is deer moss, it was once called “yag”. There is a version that Baba Yaga received such a name, since she lived in the area where the reindeer moss grows.)

Main part

Who is Baba Yaga? The meaning of the name Baba Yaga

According to one version of Baba Yaga - this is a guide to the other world - the world of ancestors. She lives somewhere on the border of the worlds of the living and the dead, somewhere in the "far away kingdom".

Name "Baba Yaga" from the dictionary of V. Dahl: the first word "woman" comes from the word "babayka", which is used to scare children; the second word "yaga" means a forest woman with an impudent, grouchy character; in some Slavic languages, the word "yagaya" means a person with a sore leg: Yaga - a bone leg.

According to Max Fasmer, Yaga has correspondences in many Indo-European languages ​​\u200b\u200bwith the meanings of “illness, annoyance, wither, get angry, annoy, mourn”, etc., from which the original meaning of the name Baba Yaga is quite clear.

According to another version, the prototype of Baba Yaga - witches, sorceresses who treated people. Often these were unsociable women who lived far from the settlements, in the forest.

For some information, She got her name from the old word "yaga". V. I. Dal in the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" interprets this word in this way: "shout, make noise, rage, scold, quarrel, swear." You can also find there: “Yaga is a kind of witch, an evil spirit, under the guise of an ugly old woman. Russian ethnographer N. Abramov in the middle of the 19th published "Essays on the Birch Territory", where he suggested that the word "yaga" comes from the name of outerwear ("yaga" or "yagushka"), which was always worn with the wool out. Such clothes in the mythology of the ancient Slavs were an obligatory attribute of "evil spirits".

According to another hypothesis , in the language of the Komi peoples, "yag" is a pine forest, and the Khanty word "yakhem" is consonant with it - boron. And Baba Yaga in this interpretation is a forest woman. It can be assumed that Yaga lived in a pine forest. Fairy tales also testify to this. She lives in a dense forest or in a swamp.

Also have assumption, that she received such a name, as she lived in an area where reindeer moss grows, once it was called "yag".

There are other versions, according to which Baba Yaga came to Russian fairy tales from India ("Baba Yaga" - "yoga mentor"), this is also confirmed by the famous researcher of Russian folklore A. Podyapolsky.

There are versions according to which Baba Yaga came to Russian fairy tales from Central Africa (stories of Russian sailors about an African tribe of cannibals - yaggas, led by a female queen). The sailors were horrified by the orders laid down there for centuries.

There is a version, that Baba Yaga (Yoga) is the Goddess who conveys (accompanies) the dead from this World to that Light.

Supporters see another version in Baba Yaga, the Great Mother - the great powerful goddess, the foremother of all living things ("Baba" is the mother, the main woman in ancient Slavic culture). Orphaned children Yoginya "Baba Yoga - the golden leg", that is, in golden boots, delivered to her foothill Skete, which was located in the very thicket of the forest, at the foot of the Iriysky mountains (Altai) and then the children were dedicated to the Gods. She did all this in order to save these last representatives from the most ancient Slavic and Aryan Clans from inevitable death. Children were dressed in pure white robes, decorated with flowers, given them sleep-herbs to drink, and laid in a cave niche. There were two niches. Children were placed in the back niche. Then, brushwood was placed in the first niche and the back niche was pushed inside the cave. But no one saw that when she moved, a stone wall descended, which blocked the brushwood from the children. Then the priest or the Yogin Mother herself set fire to the brushwood, and for all the laity and those present, the brushwood burned. It was believed that the children were burned, roasted in the oven, and then some speculated and said that the children had been eaten. In fact, these children were taken to rooms or cells in the rock and raised from them priests and priestesses. When the time came, these orphans, boys and girls, were united in a family union so that they could continue their Family. But after 10 or 20 years in a young priest or priestess, no one could recognize that little ragged child as an orphan. And the expression "to dedicate to the Gods" meant to serve the Gods of one's Family, one's people.

Well, the final version, Baba Yaga arrived on our Earth from outer space and is an alien. Her stupa is a kind of spaceship, a device that is one of the steps of a huge spaceship necessary for mobile movement in space over short distances.

2.2 Hut on chicken legs

And the famous hut on chicken legs is, as it were, a gateway to this world; therefore it is impossible to enter it until it turns its back to the forest . A crossroads or a fork in the road was once called a "chicken leg", and such a place among the Slavs was considered "unclean" and dangerous. But, most likely, "chicken" is a modified "chicken" over time, that is, fumigated with smoke. The ancient Slavs had such a custom of burying the dead: on the pillars fumigated with smoke they put a "hut of death" a small log house with the ashes of the deceased inside, a domina (a funerary structure in the form of a human dwelling). There is an assumption that the hut on chicken legs indicates another custom of the ancients - to bury the dead in dominas - special houses placed on high stumps. In such stumps, the roots come out and are really somewhat similar to chicken legs. The dead were buried with their feet towards the exit, and if you looked into the domino, you could see only their feet - probably from here the expression "Baba Yaga bone leg" came from. .

2.3 Rituals

Thanks to the texts of fairy tales, it is possible to reconstruct the ritual, sacred meaning of the actions of the hero who comes to Baba Yaga. In particular, V. Ya. Propp, who studied the image of Baba Yaga on the basis of a mass of ethnographic and mythological material, draws attention to a very important, in his opinion, detail: after recognizing the hero by smell (Yaga is blind) and finding out his needs, Yaga must drowns the bathhouse and evaporates the hero, thus performing a ritual ablution. Then he feeds the visitor, which is also a ritual, "mortuary", treat, which is not permissible for the living, so that they do not accidentally enter the world of the dead.

2.4 Attributes of Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga rides or flies through the air in iron, stone, fiery, etc. mortar, drives with a pestle or stick, sweeps the trail with a broom (therefore, the broom in the pictures is always turned with the handle forward, the broom back). From the 12th century, they began to bury the dead in dugout oak logs - stupas (hence the expression "give oak" or "give oak ahead of time", that is, to die, has come down to our days). In 1703, Peter I issued a decree prohibiting, under pain of death, cutting oak forests. .

2.5 Magic helpers

The magical assistants of Baba Yaga are the swan geese in the fairy tale of the same name “three pairs of hands” and three horsemen - white, red and black (respectively, day, dawn and night).

2.6 Characteristic phrases

Fu-fu, it smells like a Russian spirit.

2.7 "Motherland" and Baba Yaga's birthday

In 2004, the village of Kukoboy, Pervomaisky district, Yaroslavl region, was declared the "homeland" of Baba Yaga, and the museum of Baba Yaga was also created there.

2.8 What Baba Yaga looks like.

Baba Yaga - shaggy (and braids in those days were untwisted only to dead women), blind-sighted, with a bone leg, a hooked nose ("nose has grown into the ceiling") - a real evil spirits, a living dead.

2.9 Overbaking the Child

There is an assumption that the prototype of Baba Yaga is witches, healers who treated people. The passion of Baba Yaga to fry children in the oven on a shovel is very reminiscent of the so-called rite of "baking", or "baking", babies with rickets or atrophy, sometimes with a hernia: the child was wrapped in a "diaper" of dough, placed on a wooden bread shovel and three times put into a hot oven. Then the child was unwrapped, and the dough was given to be eaten by dogs. .

In the Vladimir province, all children were "baked" immediately after childbirth. In Russia, the rite was known mainly in the Volga region, the central and southern Russian provinces, as well as in Siberia. Older children were treated in a similar way if they fell ill: they were put on a shovel and carefully brought to a burning stove. In this case, it was believed that the diseases were burned and, together with the smoke, went out through the chimney, and the “re-baked” child became healthier. And it really helped a lot! The village healer performed this ritual. Only in fairy tales this rite changed sign from "plus" (treatment of the child) to "minus" (the child is fried to eat). It is assumed that this happened already in those times when Christianity began to take hold in Rus', and when everything pagan was actively eradicated. But to the end, Christianity still could not defeat Baba Yaga - the heiress of folk healers: there is no evidence in any fairy tale that she ever managed to fry someone.

2.10 Types of Baba Yaga

According to the largest specialist in the field of theory and history of folklore, V. Ya. .; the most common is the “Kidnapping Yaga”, which carries away people and especially children, whom she then tries to fry and eat; The third type is the "Warrior Yaga", who fights with the heroes and defeats many of them.

There are also different forms (formats) of Baba Yaga:

"Yaga-adviser". She herself does nothing for the hero, but indicates who to turn to for help.

"Yaga-mistress" of the forces of nature and wildlife (rules the wind, morning, evening, night; wolves, bears and other forest animals).

"Yaga-protector" (patron), following with the help of her magical assistants (owls, saucers, etc.) the adventures of the hero.

“Yaga-progenitress” (mother, grandmother for several of her daughters, granddaughters, Yagishn). There is another “type” of Yaga “Yaga is a seductress”.

2.11 Baba Yaga: positive or negative character?

10 fairy tales were analyzed. We came to the conclusion that Baba Yaga can be both a negative and a positive hero.

"Swan geese" -

Negative, as he kidnaps children to eat.

"Princess Frog"-

Positive, as it gives advice on how to defeat the enemy (Koshchei)

"Baba Yaga"

Negative, because I wanted to eat the girl.

"Baba Yaga and Zamoryshek" -

Negative, because she wanted to destroy all the brothers.

"Vasilisa the Beautiful" -

Positive, as she helped Vasilisa by giving her fire (a skull with burning eyes).

"Maria Morevna" -

Negative, because she wanted to kill Ivan Tsarevich.

"Ivan Tsarevich and Bely Polyanin" -

Negative, because she fought with heroes.

"The Enchanted Princess"

Positive, as she helped find the princess.

"Finist - a clear falcon" -

Positive, since all three helped find Maryushka.

"The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water"

Positive, as she gave advice on how to find water and apples.

The image of Baba Yaga is used in literature, music, painting, cinema, cartoons. There are games, poems, riddles about Baba Yaga (see the author's book "Who is Baba Yaga?", Appendix).

Conclusions: the image of Baba Yaga is a collective image, and not the name of a specific person.

A fairy tale is a product of its era, it changes in time, folk thought makes its own corrections. In fairy tales, several images of Baba Yaga are described, both negative and positive.


During the study, they found answers to many questions, read Russian folk tales, learned the meaning of incomprehensible words, conducted a survey among students on the topic of the study. One must always be attentive to the reading of any work of art, since only thoughtful reading will make it possible to make some new discoveries. Baba Yaga is always different. She has many roles, many types. She is not only evil, but also kind, economic, hospitable. Fairy tales tell us that kindness, intelligence, politeness and courage help not only to reach the goal, but also to stay alive, to remain human. After going through all the stages of the study, we came to the conclusion that the origin of Baba Yaga is associated with the image of the mistress of animals and the world of the dead, the keeper of customs and traditions. Baba Yaga can act both as a pest and as a donor, a magical helper. Attributes such as a hut on chicken legs, a stupa, a shovel, with which she throws children into the oven, are consistent with pagan pre-Christian beliefs, ideas and rituals. Baba Yaga is one of the most significant coastlines of the family. Over time, Baba Yaga from the shoreline of the family turned into a malicious old woman. Baba Yaga is not just a fairy-tale character, it is an image in which the history, beliefs and rituals of the East Slavic tribes are embodied. Baba Yaga testifies to the great importance of women in the period of matriarchy and in subsequent periods of the development of society. Baba Yaga remains an eternal mystery to man.

This work has a great educational and practical focus: a collection of materials has been prepared with information about Baba Yaga, a selection of poems, drawings. Research will be of interest to both students and teachers and will be useful in conducting lessons and extracurricular activities.

List of used sources and literature

Folk Russian fairy tales by A.N. Afanasiev - M .: Children's literature., - 1992. - 245 p.

Dictionary living Great Russian language. V. Dal - M .: World of Books, 2002.

Favorite fairy tales. Collection of Russian folk tales / Compiled by I.I. Komarov. - M.: RIPOL CLASSIC, 2002. - 512 p.

Grandma's tales. Collection of Russian folk tales / Compiled by I.I. Komarov. - M.: RIPOL CLASSIC, 2002. - 608 p.

Propp V.Ya. The historical roots of fairy tales. - M., 1985. - 248 p.

Attachment 1Apps 2

Vasin Stas, 8 years old

Shvets Artyom, 13 years old

Palazhov Egor, 8 years old

Ryabkov Alexander, 13 years old

Starostina Natalia, 13 years old

Evgenyeva Ekaterina, 13 years old

Suvorova Lera, 9 years old

Ameryan M., 13 years old

Ishutin Andrey, 13 years old

Nazarov Vasily, 10 years old

Kalinycheva Daria, 13 years old

Pirogova Alina, 13 years old

Anufriev Anton, 8 years old

Rotermel Julia, 13 years old

Larionova Anna, 13 years old

Smirnova Polina, 11 years old

Serafimenko Alina, 8 years old

Kopatova Alina, 13 years old

Suloeva Ekaterina, 9 years old

Sorokina Anna, 13 years old

Lapshin Sergey, 9 years old

Baba Yaga

Once upon a time Baba Yaga

On the edge of the forest.

She lived all alone

In his simple hut.

And everyone thinks she's evil

Children are scared at night...

And how does she live alone

Nobody really knows...

And I decided to find out

Is it really evil?

I'll tell everyone, I won't lie!

I know everything about her!

I'm going on my way

Its forests are dense.

Passed the wide fields

Wheat, golden.

Wandered into a dense dark forest.

I became very scared. The pines are big - to the skies ...

And it's closer to night!

And strange sounds around -

Now crackling, then howling, then knocking.

There is only fear in my eyes,

But I pulled myself together!

And he ran with all his might

Where did the eyes look?

I even forgot about Baba Yaga.

And suddenly, I look at the spruce

It costs one hut

Annex 3

A light flickers in her,

And in it sits an old woman

And sings a song.

Grandma has no strength at all

All hunched over, gray-haired.

I went up to her and asked

Who is she?

And she told me -

Her name is Yagoya!

Lives in the forest all alone -

Alone with your misfortune.

Grandma's leg hurts

She became completely lame.

No one will visit her -

Nicknamed Bone Leg!

Grandchildren forgot about her

And made up stories

That evil, harmful lives,

What is dangerous for children!

I feel sorry for my grandmother.

We drank tea with her!

And delicious pancakes

They were for food!

No scary Baba Yaga!

All this is just a fairy tale!

Forgotten are grandchildren,

Without their love and affection!

Don't hurt grandmothers!

Visit them often!

Love your grandmothers!

Don't forget about them!

Appendix 4

Sayings of children about Baba Yaga

3-4 classes

An evil, ugly hag, a witch, a black magician, an anti-hero, a woman who looks indecent, is responsible for kidnapping children from the village, does not love anyone, even animals, Koshchei's grandmother, lives in a hut with legs; the hut has paws.

Angry, because there is nothing to eat, she forced people to climb into the stove, and then ate them; angry, because they did not love in childhood. Kind - planted in the oven to cure. He warms everyone by the stove, but it happens that he wants to eat someone.

A cunning and nimble woman in old age; an old, crooked face, one tooth sticking out of her mouth, a clumsy elongated nose, red eyes. Bony body, dark, wrinkled skin, Creaky back, hands like a squirrel, long yellow nails, legs crunch like branches. In torn form.

5-6 classes.

An old woman with a house on chicken legs; grandmother who conjures; an insidious witch who harms everyone; loves himself alone, spoils everyone's life; who catches the eye, put in a cage. She took children and adults into slavery, forced them to work for her for food; lures people into his hut and does something with them, and then eats. Flies on a bucket or a broom.

Slightly kind; kind, when something is given to her, evil when there is a hunt. Angry because you don't have enough friends. She is evil because everyone is afraid of her, and if they are afraid of her, then she is evil. In fairy tales, evil, but maybe in our life the opposite is true.

An old grandmother of unenviable appearance; evil green eyes, crazy look; large bright red lips; with a bunch of warts; she has pimples, her skin is rough; hairstyle like some kind of nest; hair on end; gray hair, something like a mop; hair tied in a bun; scarred, wrinkled face; a scarf on the head, galoshes below; back as a question mark.

Appears in many Russian fairy tales, drives into captivity. If you offend - it will be evil, if you praise - it will be good; and children wanted to eat, but also a good character; angry at people who think badly of her. Thin build, flabby skin, flies in a basket with a broom, lives in a hut that can walk.

An old woman with a club, looks like a homeless person, is constantly dissatisfied with something.

Aphorisms Annex 5

(Vik Stepanov)

For some, Baba Yaga is also a Muse. * Baba Yaga's stupa serves as the first step to mastery. * Baba Yaga's memoirs are stored in Kashcheev's chest. * Baba Yaga's hut wrote like a chicken - with her paw. kissed by Baba Yaga, a skull. * Two boots of a pair - the bone prosthesis of Baba Yaga and Koschey, himself like a prosthesis. * Baba Yaga wrote as her left bone leg suggested. bone leg.

Image in art Appendix 6

Russian writers and poets A. S. Pushkin, V. A. Zhukovsky (“The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”), N. A. Nekrasov (“Baba Yaga, bone leg”), A. N. Tolstoy, V. I. Narbut and others.

Fairy tales

Baba Yaga;

Swan geese;

Princess Frog;

Vasilisa the Beautiful;

Marya Morevna;

Ivan Tsarevich and Bely Polyanin;

A hut on chicken legs;

Finista's feather is clear of a falcon;

Go there - I don't know where, bring something - I don't know what (arranged by A. N. Afanasyev);

Go there - I don't know where, bring something - I don't know what (arranged by A. N. Tolstoy);

Vasily Shukshin: Up to the third roosters;

Leonid Filatov: About Fedot the Archer, a dashing fellow;

A. S. Roslavlev: The Tale of the Three Royal Divas and Ivashka, the Priest's Son;

The Tale of Masha and Vanya;

Baba Yaga and Zamoryshek

Enchanted princess

Tale of rejuvenating apples and living water


In the collection of musical pieces for piano by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky "Children's Album" of 1878 there is a play "Baba Yaga". The image of Baba Yaga is dedicated to the ninth play "The Hut on Chicken Legs (Baba Yaga)" by Modest Mussorgsky's famous suite


Picturesque interpretations of her image became widespread among the artists of the Silver Age: Ivan Bilibin, Viktor Vasnetsov, Alexander Benois, Elena Polenova, Ivan Malyutin and others.


More often than others, Georgy Millyar played the role of Baba Yaga, including in films:

"Vasilisa the Beautiful" (1939)

"Frost" (1964) "Fire, water and ... copper pipes" (1967)

"Golden Horns" (1972)

"Fire, water and ... copper pipes" (1967) - Vera Altaiskaya (daughter of Baba Yaga)

"Merry Magic" (1969) - Valentina Sperantova

"At the thirteenth hour of the night" (1969) - Zinovy ​​​​Gerdt

"New Year's adventures of Masha and Vitya" (1975) - Valentina Kosobutskaya

“How Ivan the Fool went for a miracle” (1977) - Maria Barabanova

"There, on unknown paths ..." (1982) and "After the rain on Thursday" (1985) - Tatiana Peltzer (good Baba Yaga)

"Purple Ball" (1987) - Svetlana Kharitonova

"The Island of the Rusty General" (1988) - Alexander Lenkov (robot Baba Yaga)

Father Frost (1996) - Donald O'Connor

"The Tale of Fedot the Archer" (2001) - Olga Volkova

"Miracles in Reshetov" (2004) - Yola Sanko

"Forest Princess" (2004) - Galina Moracheva

"A New Old Tale" (2006) - Elena Sanaeva

"The Book of Masters" (2009) - Liya Akhedzhakova

"Adventures in the Thirtieth Kingdom" (2010) - Anna Yakunina

Frost (2010) - Kristina Orbakaite

"Real Tale" (2011) - Lyudmila Polyakova

The Good Fairy (Spanish: Hada Madrina) (TV series 2015) - Macarena Rivero


"Ivashko and Baba Yaga" (1938, voiced by Osip Abdulov)

Geese Swans (1949)

The Frog Princess (1954, voiced by Georgy Millyar)

"The End of the Black Swamp" (1960, voiced by Irina Mazing)

"About the evil stepmother" (1966, voiced by Elena Ponsova)

"The Fairy Tale Takes Over" (1970, voiced by Clara Rumyanova)

The Frog Princess (1971) (dir. Yu. Eliseev, voiced by Zinaida Naryshkina)

"Vasilisa the Beautiful" (1977, voiced by Anastasia Georgievskaya)

Zhiharka (1977, voiced by Vasily Livanov)

"Flying Ship" (1979, women's group of the Moscow Chamber Choir)

"Baba Yaga against!" (1980, voiced by Olga Aroseva)

"Ivashka from the Palace of Pioneers" (1981, voiced by Yefim Katsirov)

“And in this fairy tale it was like this ...” (1984)

Brownie Kuzya (1985-1987, voiced by Tatyana Peltzer)

"Wait for it!" (16th edition) (1986)

"Dear Goblin" (1988, voiced by Viktor Proskurin)

"Two heroes" (1989, voiced by Maria Vinogradova)

"Dreamers from the village of Ugory" (1994, voiced by Kira Smirnova)

"Grandma Yozhka and others" (2006, voiced by Tatyana Bondarenko)

"The New Adventures of Grandma Yozhka" (2008, voiced by Tatyana Bondarenko)

“Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych” (2006; Russia) directed by Ilya Maksimov, Baba Yaga was voiced by Natalya Danilova.

“About Fedot the Archer, a daring young man” (2008; Russia) directed by Lyudmila Steblyanko, Baba Yaga was voiced by Alexander Revva.

"Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" (2011; Russia) directed by Vladimir Toropchin, Baba Yaga was voiced by Liya Akhedzhakova.


Grandma Yaga's birthday

Cracked cup, And lingonberry tea. And my heart is heavy - There is no one to meet. Baked pies with jam In the morning pies. Here is the birthday of Grandmother Yaga ... Guests will not arrive Say hello, Wish you good health, Many long years. Old hut, And around the taiga. And the old woman Babushka Yaga is sad ... It just so happened, It just so happened - Somehow it didn’t work out, Somehow it didn’t grow together. She wiped her tears with her shirt by chance ... Cracked cup And cooled tea ...

T. GoetheU Baba Yaga Hut limped - Like Baba Yaga, she is also an old woman. Her knee hurts very badly in the morning, Of course, damn arthritis! Granny Hut begins to treat: She pours hot water into a tub, And, splashing a little potion there, Poparka - she offers her - foot! What kind of potion is this - a huge secret! Grandmother keeps it for a thousand years! It contains a hundred fly agarics and birch buds, Two snake skins, cuckoo tears, Another cobweb from the surrounding bushes ... But I'm not ready to say the exact recipe.

*** Christmas trees-pines,

Prickly needles.

Without a broom, I'm like without hands,

Without my broomstick!

I can't fly without a broom

There is nothing to cover the traces.

Woe, woe at Yaga,

Help if you can.

Look at me,

Well, why am I not beautiful?

My girlish beauty

Can't help but like it!

Here I will walk in front of you,

Here I will dance, here I will sing.

Well, what a cutie I am

How I love myself!

About Baba Yaga They say very stupidly: A bone leg, A whisk and a mortar. And the arms are crooked, And the teeth are upright, And the nose is very long, And it is bent with a hook.

I will quickly destroy the existing image: Please look into my pure soul. And there you will discover such distances, Which you have never seen anywhere.

In my heart I am kind, Good, fair ... Not so very much, But still beautiful.

But if inside I am kind and beautiful, Then from above, outside, Cunning and dangerous. In my life I will overcome any of you, Or even kill ... But in my heart I will regret

(Eduard Uspensky)

V. Kosov Baba Yaga There is a hut at the edge of the forest, An old woman has been living there for many, many years, And she has no friends. So the hut is spinning As the old woman wishes. What stood at the trough. That trough has been for many years And there is no replacement for it. She cooks dinner in it, If she really needs it.

E. Lipatova. Song of Baba Yaga The path is overgrown with weeds, In the quinoa garden, There is no way for uninvited guests Neither here nor there! There are thistles in the yard, In the underground of boogers, Cat Vasily catches fleas All day on the bench. It's bad to live alone in the wilderness - Sing, Vasily, for the soul! An old woman - No girlfriends, no movies ... Chicken legs from the hut We ate with Vaska for a long time. It hurts here and it hurts there, They say - sciatica, The dream is gone, and the light is not nice ... If only Leshy would call!

K. Strelnik Lonely Grandma Yozhka . Next to her are an owl and cats, And even chicken legs do not please her. Everyone is afraid of meeting her, They don’t want to sit in the oven. Grandma thought about it, How to attract guests? tea with cake. And then chicken legs would dance along the path, And the owl and cats would sing along to the guests.

sorkin In a deep forest there is a hut On chicken legs at the edge. It stands two steps from the forest. Grandmother Yaga lives there.

*** Baba Yaga has been in bed for a whole month. Ill, her illnesses have overcome her. - Oh, I'm a poor thing! - Yaga sighs, - My bone leg whines.

Here's jelly from the mold! Haven't you tried tea until now? Drink it - and you will immediately forget About the mundane carousel! It doesn't taste so good, But it relieves the trembling, You'll be healthy by tomorrow, If only you don't die! (L. Filatov "About Fedot - archer, daring young man")

Annex 7


There is a hut in the dark forest, (we walk) It stands backwards, (turn) There is an old woman in that hut, (tilts) Grandmother Yaga lives. (turn back) Crochet nose, (show nose) Big eyes, (show eyes) Like embers are burning. Wow, what an angry! (we threaten with a finger) Hair stands on end, (hands up)

One of the guys playing is Baba Yaga, he stands in the corner of the room. The guys come up to him and tease:

Baba Yaga - Bone leg, Fell off the stove, Broke her leg. Went to the garden, Scared the people. Ran to the bathhouse, Scared the bunny!

Grandmother Ezhka-Bone leg, Fell off the stove, Broke her leg. Went outside, Crushed the chicken. Went again - Crushed forty-five!

Baba Yaga starts jumping on one leg, trying to catch one of the dodging and running children. Whoever Baba Yaga catches changes roles and the game continues.


An old woman lives in the forest. She has a miracle hut. She flies on a broomstick. She steals children at dawn. And she has a bone leg, Her name is ...

This old woman does not like children. They often scare her kids. Grandmother has a bone leg, The old woman's name is ... .

An old woman stands, Behind her is a hut. Holds a broomstick. Flies until dawn.

There is a hut, in the hut - an old woman. The muzzle is sinewy, the leg is clay, The back is humpbacked, the head is shaggy. Ivanushka is standing next to her, What is the name of this grandmother?

A hut is lost in a dense forest. A difficult old woman lives in a hut - Takes a broomstick, but sits in a mortar, And immediately flies over the forest like a bird!

In a deep forest in her hut, An old woman lives all alone. She does not sweep the floor with a broom, A broom is an old woman's plane!

Menu Annex 8

Baba Yaga Pie

Description: This large and delicious apple pie can be baked both in the oven and in the slow cooker.

Chicken egg - 5 pcs.

Sugar (you can put 1 cup) - 3/4 stack.

Butter (or margarine, room temperature) - 250 g

Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.

Cinnamon (optional) - 1 tsp

Wheat flour - 2 cups

Soda (not baking powder!) - 1 tsp

Apple (it is advisable to take dense apples) - 1 kg

Baba Yaga cocktail

It is immediately clear that it smells of Russian spirit here! A cocktail with the fabulous name "Baba Yaga" will immediately and for a long time plunge you into the very depths of the mythical reality of Russian folk tales.

Salad Baba Yaga

300g. boiled chicken fillet; 150g. raw carrots, grated on a Korean grater; 150g. boiled beets - grated on a Korean grater; 1b. corn, 200g. red cabbage - finely chopped; green onions; 1p. chips; mayonnaise

Appetizer Baba Yaga

Loaf of loaf;

1 boiled potato;

2 boiled eggs;

A bunch of parsley;

150 g of cheese;

2 small carrots;

Sweet red pepper;

Tube for a cocktail;

2 green peas;

10 sorrel leaves;

2 large carrots;

10 breadsticks;

Glossary of terms Annex 9

Baba Yaga is a popular character in Russian folk tales. Usually,

evil old witch.

Yaga - to sting, to hurt, to torment.

“Chicken legs” - this name most likely came from “smoke”, that is, fumigated with smoke, pillars on which the Slavs put a “hut of death”.

Myth - an ancient folk tale about legendary heroes, gods, natural phenomena; false story, fabrication.

Mythology - a set of myths of some people; the science that studies myths.

A pestle is a short heavy rod with a rounded end for crushing something in a mortar. (Stone, copper, wooden pestle.)

Pomelo - a stick with a rag wound on the end, a washcloth, needles for sweeping, a broom.

A fairy tale is the oldest folk genre of narrative literature, mostly of a fantastic nature, aimed at moralizing or entertainment.

A stupa is a heavy metal, wooden or stone vessel in which grains, bark, leaves, etc. are crushed with a pestle. Stupa with Baba Yaga (in fairy tales about Baba Yaga, who flies in a mortar and with a broom).

What role does Baba Yaga play in Slavic mythology and what is the history of this hero? From childhood, we know that this is a decrepit sorceress or witch, a negative hero who lives on the outskirts of the forest and steals babies. But is the image that fairy tales present true, and did Baba Yaga really exist?

In the article:

Baba Yaga in Slavic mythology - the character we know

Baba Yaga performed by George Miller

Baba Yaga is a formidable Slavic witch. The witch has a variety of artifacts in her arsenal: mortar, broom, invisibility cloak, walking boots.

Fairy tales describe the habitat of Baba Yaga as follows: a high fence of human bones around the hut, skulls are located on the fence, a human leg plays the role of a bolt, and a lock is a mouth with sharp teeth. The sorceress herself is half-blind, with metal teeth and a bone leg.

The evil and insidious sorceress is always trying to lure someone into her house, roast babies in the oven and tries to kill good fellows.

In fact, such an image is far from unique and is found not only in Slavic, but also in Scandinavian, Turkic and Iranian mythology. A similar sorceress even exists in African legends.

However, is it worth believing the image that fairy tales formed for us in childhood? Everything becomes a little clearer when you think about the ancient society and matriarchy. In ancient times, in order to become an adult, it was necessary to master certain skills and prove that a person really owns them.

If we talk about matriarchy, then such a decision (whether a person has become an adult or not) is made by a woman. The matriarchy ended, but the function of the main woman remained. It is quite logical to assume that such women became priestesses from now on, who were forced to go into the forests.

With the end of the matriarchy, the priestesses become hermits and already live separately from other people. They all also continued to test "candidates for adulthood."

Have you thought about what situations fairy tales describe if the main character is a man? Being captured by a witch, he must complete some tasks. In fact, they were quite simple, in order to pass the test it was necessary to catch someone, bring something, chop firewood, defeat someone.

Couldn't a man prove in a similar way that he had become a warrior, a person capable of finding food for himself, protecting his future wife, family?

If we talk about women found in such fairy tales, then they are mostly princesses, special beauties and needlewomen. If we look at these girls, we will understand that such women could become the wives of princes, or they themselves claimed some significant role in society.

Ordinary relatives clearly could not test such applicants. It was the high priestess who should have done it. In this case, the tasks assigned by Baba Yaga were also natural: cook, sew, clean.

Thus, one can come to the conclusion that Baba Yaga really existed. However, it was a collective image of all those priestesses whose goal was to help people, not harm.

Baba Yaga - caring coast

Despite the fact that such a character seems uncomplicated and simple, there are other theories that describe this heroine of Slavic myths from a completely different angle.

According to one of them, this woman was a caring and wise shoreline, and the name Yaga is the transformed word "Yashka", that is, "lizard", the progenitor of everything that surrounds us. In our time, a word close to this is known - “ancestor”. According to this version, this witch is considered the progenitor.

There is a legend that earlier the sorceress was a good witch, a shore. When Christianity was radically adopted in Rus', everything that was good, bright and pure that had ever ennobled paganism was tried in every possible way to spoil and destroy.

Therefore, negative features were attributed to the coastlines that helped people: disgusting appearance, evil intentions. Therefore, it can be assumed that initially Baba Yaga among the Slavs was a kind character, caring and undoubtedly very important.

For example, do you remember that the evil old woman from fairy tales tried to bake babies? If you look into the depths of this ritual, you can discover amazing details. In ancient times, the ritual of baking children was widespread. This was done both with a magical purpose and with a practical one. It is worth noting that this rite was popular even until the beginning of the 20th century.

The ritual of baking a child was resorted to if the baby was frail, premature, he had rickets, atrophy and similar diseases. This rite is performed by a grandmother healer. The baby was smeared with dough, put on a shovel and briefly sent three times to a melted stove. Now you can see the tale in a different light, in which Baba Yaga tried to save the child, to help him get stronger.

There was also an opinion that in this way it was possible to burn all the diseases that would go out into the street with smoke through the chimney, and the baked child would become healthy and strong.

What is known about the witch's habitat? The legs of the hut in which the fairy-tale character lived are called “chicken legs”. Various transcripts indicate that this can be understood as "legs, supports of the kuren", which were often used in the construction of the hut.

Is Baba Yaga really the goddess Makosh?

The above theories regarding the origin of Baba Yaga are far from the only ones. If we turn to Slavic myths, we will find out another, very strange and seemingly unreal legend.

According to her, Baba Yaga is a far from terrifying sorceress who lives in a remote hut in a dark forest. And the legendary character, the dark witch and the wife of Veles himself. This leads to the idea that, perhaps, behind the appearance of Baba Yaga, she is actually hiding, who was the wife.

As you know, Makosh was one of the central figures in Slavic myths, she was especially popular with female representatives. She was considered the deity of good luck, fertility and grace.

Witch living between two worlds

Since for a long time Yaga lived on the outskirts of the forest (on the border between the world of people and the dark forest - the world of the dead), this influenced her future fate. She always lived on the borderline between reality and Navi.

Perhaps that is why the townsfolk attributed to her the features of a sorceress who lives between two worlds. This information explains the presence of a bone leg in a witch, because she is part of the afterlife. In this case, Baba Yaga looks like a living dead.

Often, when describing the image of this character in ancient Slavic mythology, people mentioned that she had iron teeth. This indicates that Baba Yaga cannot be called a creature from Navi with one hundred percent certainty. All due to the fact that such a metal has long served as one of the main weapons against dark forces, along with silver.

However, it is also impossible to rank her among the living, since she knows how to speak with plants, animals, commands the elements, and has various magical attributes in her arsenal.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Municipal educational institution

"Koltalovsk secondary school"

Research work

Subject: Baba Yaga. Who is she?"

Humanitarian Section


Chapter I. Image of Baba Yaga in Slavic folklore.

Chapter II. The origin of Baba Yaga and the etymology of her name.

Chapter 3


List of used literature.


“Baba Yaga is a kind of witch, an evil spirit,
under the guise of an ugly old woman.

"Baba Yaga - positive
character of ancient Russian mythology.

Relevance. Fairy tales are beautiful works of art. Our memory is inseparable from them. Russian fairy tale has created an intricate world. Everything in it is unusual: the ax itself cuts the forest, the stove talks, the apple tree covers with its branches the children running from the swan geese sent by Yaga.

In almost all fairy tales, one of the heroes is Baba Yaga. What is it about this dashing creature that frightens, and at the same time attracts, attracts to fairy tales. We have always been interested in the question: who is Baba, where did she appear in Russian folk tales and what does her name mean?

Therefore we have chosen research topic: "Baba Yaga. Who is she?"

Object of study- the image of Baba Yaga.

Subject of study- the name of Baba Yaga, her magical attributes (hut on chicken legs, stupa).

Research objectives:

2. Analyze and summarize the data obtained.

Research methods: to solve the tasks set in the work, a descriptive method is used (namely: observation, classification, generalization).

Research material the texts of fairy tales served,

scientific research about Baba Yaga.

Practical significance of the study: this material can be used in literary reading lessons, during class hours and quizzes.


Image of Baba Yaga in Slavic folklore

Baba Yaga is a character of Slavic mythology and folklore (especially a fairy tale) of the Slavic peoples, an old sorceress endowed with magical powers, a witch, a werewolf. By its properties, it is closest to a witch. Most often - a negative character.

In Slavic folklore, Baba Yaga has several stable attributes: she knows how to conjure, fly in a mortar.

Lives in the forest in a hut on chicken legs, surrounded by a fence of human bones with skulls.

She pursues her victims in a mortar, chasing her with a pestle and covering her trail.


Baba Yaga has the ability to decrease in size - this is how she moves in a mortar. She lures good fellows and small children to her and roasts them in the oven (Baba Yaga is engaged in cannibalism).

According to the largest specialist in the field of theory and history of folklore, there are three types of Baba Yaga: a donor (she gives the hero a fairy-tale horse or a magical object); the kidnapper of children, Baba Yaga the warrior, fighting with whom "not for life, but for death", the hero of the fairy tale moves to a different level of maturity.

At the same time, the wickedness and aggressiveness of Baba Yaga are not her predominant features, but only manifestations of her irrational (inaccessible to the understanding of the mind) nature. There is a similar hero in German folklore: Frau Holle or Bertha.

At the same time, the wickedness and aggressiveness of Baba Yaga are not her predominant features, but only manifestations of her irrational (inaccessible to the understanding of the mind) nature. There is a similar hero in German folklore: Frau Holle or Bertha.

The dual nature of Baba Yaga in folklore is associated, firstly, with the image of the mistress of the forest, who must be appeased, and secondly, with the image of an evil creature that puts children on a shovel to fry.

(this is reminiscent of the rite of "baking a child")

Baking a child is a ritual performed on infants with rickets or atrophy (according to popular terminology, dog old age or dryness): an infant is placed on a bread shovel (sometimes wrapped in dough) and thrust into a hot oven three times. According to other versions, a puppy is put into the oven with the child so that the disease passes from the baby to the animal.
The fairy tale only corrected the plus sign (baking a child should benefit him) to a minus sign (Yaga fries and eats children). Most likely, this happened during the period of the establishment of Christianity, when everything pagan was eradicated and demonized.
This image of Baba Yaga is also associated with the function of a priestess who leads adolescents through the rite of initiation (the initiation of a young man into full members of the community). The initiation rites were created by the tribal system and reflected the interests of the hunting society. They contained not only tests in dexterity, accuracy and endurance, but were also a partial familiarization of adolescents with the sacred secrets of the tribe. The rite usually consisted in the fact that boys of 10-12 years old were taken away from the village for some time (most often into the depths of the forest, to a specially built hut), where they went through a special school of a hunter and a member of society. There they were subjected to various tests. The most terrible ordeal consisted in staging the "devouring" of young men by monstrous animals and their subsequent "resurrection". It was accompanied by bodily torture, injuries, ritual surgery. This mysterious and painful rite meant the symbolic death of a child and his rebirth as a full-fledged adult member of the community - a man, a warrior and a hunter who was allowed to marry

Often the initiation ceremony was directed and led by a woman - a witch or priestess. There is a version that she personified the Great Mother - a pagan goddess, the ruler of the world and the progenitor of all living things. This mysterious figure, most likely, became the basis for creating the fabulous image of Baba Yaga, who lives in a forest hut, kidnaps children(i.e. takes away for the rite of initiation), roast them in the oven(symbolically devours so that a man is born), as well as gives advice and helps selected heroes who have passed the test.

So in many fairy tales, Baba Yaga wants to eat the hero, but after feeding, giving him drink, he lets him go, giving him a ball or some secret knowledge, or the hero runs away himself.


The origin of Baba Yaga and the etymology of her name

Yaga is a famous person, but where did her name come from? Baba Yozhka, from Yash, foot and mouth disease, and then ancestor. Ancestors are the progenitors of all living things, that is, Baba Yaga held an honorary position in the pantheon of the ancient Pagans.

There is an interpretation according to which Baba Yaga is not a native Slavic character, but an alien one, brought into Russian culture by soldiers from Siberia. The first written source about her is the notes of Giles Fletcher (1588) “On the Russian State”, in the chapter “On Permians, Samoyeds and Lapps”

“As for the story about the Golden Baba or Yaga Baba, about which I happened to read in some descriptions of this country, that she is an idol in the form of an old woman, giving prophetic answers to the priest’s questions about the success of the enterprise or about the future, then I was convinced that it's just a fable."

According to this position, the name of Baba Yaga is associated with the name of a certain object. In N. Abramov's "Essays on the Birch Territory" (St. Petersburg, 1857) there is a detailed description of the "yaga", which is clothing "like a dressing gown with a turn-down, a quarter, collar. It is sewn from dark non-spewers, with wool outward ... The same yags are collected from loon necks, with feathers outward ... Yagushka is the same yaga, but with a narrow collar, worn by women on the road ”(a dictionary gives a similar interpretation in Tobolsk origin).

Another hypothesis of the origin of the name of Baba Yaga. In the Komi language, the word yag means boron, pine forest. Baba is a woman (Nyvbaba is a young woman). Baba Yaga can be read as a woman from a forest forest or a forest woman.

There is another character in Komi fairy tales, Yagmort (Forest Man).
However, this position contradicts the data of modern scientific etymology, according to which the name of Baba Yaga is in no way connected with the Turkic name of clothes “yaga”, which goes back to jaka / jaka - collar.

According to Max Vasmer, Yaga has correspondences in many Indo-European languages ​​​​with the meanings of “illness, annoyance, wither, get angry, annoy, mourn,” etc., from which the original meaning of the name Baba Yaga is quite clear.

According to another version, the prototype of Baba Yaga is witches, healers who treated people. Often these were unsociable women who lived far from the settlements, in the forest. Many scientists deduce the word "Yaga" from the Old Russian word "yazya" ("yaz"), meaning "weakness", "illness" and gradually fell into disuse after the 11th century.

Proponents of the third version see in Baba Yaga the Great Mother - a great powerful goddess, the foremother of all living things ("Baba" is the mother, the main woman in ancient Slavic culture) or a great wise priestess.

There are other versions, according to which Baba Yaga came to Russian fairy tales from India ("Baba Yaga" - "yoga mentor"), from Central Africa (the stories of Russian sailors about the African tribe of cannibals - Yagga, led by a female queen). The sailors were horrified by the orders laid down there for centuries. Matriarchy flourished in the tribe, the priestess wore the tibia of a slain beast. There was also natural cannibalism.

They also derive the word "Yaga" from "yagat" - to shout, putting all their strength into their cry. “Yagat” meant “shouting” in the sense of “swearing”, cursing. Yaga is also derived from the word “yagaya”, which has two meanings: “evil” and “sick”. By the way, in some Slavic languages, “yagaya” means a person with a sick foot (remember the bone leg of Baba Yaga?) Perhaps Baba Yaga absorbed some or even all of these meanings.


Magic attributes of Baba Yaga (hut on chicken legs, stupa)

The image of the "hut on chicken legs" is a unique phenomenon, constituting a single whole with the image of Baba Yaga herself. First, she is able to move (chicken legs). Secondly, it recognizes the human voice and responds to commands. Third, she is able to see through windows, speak through doors, and think.

The hut is often surrounded by a fence made of human bones; skulls with eye slits are planted on them. And instead of wooden supports on which the gate is hung, there are human legs, instead of a bolt - human hands, and in place of the lock for the key a human mouth with sharp teeth is mounted.

In ancient times, the dead were buried in dominoes - houses located above the ground on very high stumps with roots looking out from under the ground, similar to chicken legs. Domovins were placed in such a way that the hole in them was turned in the opposite direction from the settlement, towards the forest. People believed that the dead were flying on coffins. The dead were buried with their feet towards the exit, and if you looked into the domino, you could only see their feet - hence the expression "Baba Yaga bone leg." People treated their dead ancestors with reverence and fear, never disturbed them over trifles, fearing to bring trouble on themselves, but in difficult situations they still came to ask for help. So, Baba Yaga is a deceased ancestor, a dead man, and children were often scared by her.

And in the mortar - no less wonderful than Baba Yaga's vehicle - they also see connections with the funeral cult. The Indians have a stupa in general - a cult funeral and memorial structure.
(Well, so do the Indians!)

The image of Baba Yaga is associated with legends about the hero's transition to the other world (Far Far Away). In these legends, Baba Yaga, standing on the border of the worlds (a bone leg), serves as a guide that allows the hero to penetrate into the world of the dead, thanks to the performance of certain rituals.

In fairy tales, the hut SPINS. What about the grave houses, of course, can not be said.

In general, it must be said, houses on poles for ancient Russian architecture are a completely ordinary phenomenon. Barns, bell towers, and residential buildings were placed on pillars or stumps. Firstly, it's cold, secondly: spring flooding, thirdly: mice...

But only one type of building on one of these pillars rotated.
This, of course... THE MILL...

Isn't she, a mill typical of the Russian north - a pole, and there is a hut on chicken legs?

What I especially like about this hypothesis is that in this scenario one does not have to invent a funerary explanation for the stupa.
The stupa is a very logical attribute for the mistress of the mill. For the STUPA is a MILL and it is, only manual.


I think the resolution of the conflict lies in the validity of the hypothesis that initially in pagan times Baba Yaga was a positive deity, almost the personification of the Mother Goddess. And only with the advent of Christianity, she suffered the fate of all other pagan idols - they turned into demons, demons and witches, old witches, sometimes cannibals, living somewhere in the forest in a hut on chicken legs .... . The Great Mother was simply unlucky: virtue is faceless. No one remembers what this life-giving goddess was. But Baba Yaga, terrible and bloodthirsty, thundered through the ages...

List of used literature

1. Afanasiev Russian fairy tales in 3 volumes. - M., 1957.

2. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language in 4 volumes.- M.: "Russian language", 1991.

3., Toporov Yaga // Slavic mythology. Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 1995.

4. About Russian fairy tales, songs, proverbs, riddles of the folk language: Essays. - M: Children's literature, 1988.

5. Propp the roots of a fairy tale. - L., 1986. wikipedia. org›wiki/ Woman-Yaga, ru. wikipedia. org›wiki/ Hut _on the _chicken _legs

7. sueveria. *****›Musei/ Jaga.htm

8. *****›Whymuchka›where18.php