An intellectually creative bird hunting game. An intellectual and educational game dedicated to International Bird Day. Competition "Homework"

Target: introduce students to the diversity of birds; with oral folk art dedicated to birds; cultivate a caring attitude towards birds and the surrounding nature.

Progress of the event

Salemetsizderme kurmetti konaktar, mugalimder men okushylar.

Today's game is dedicated to birds, because without bird chirping the world would be boring. It is difficult to imagine spring without starlings, the sea without seagulls, or a grove without nightingales. And how many pests do birds destroy! That is why we dedicate this meeting to them, our feathered friends.

Historical reference.

Every year on April 1, International Bird Day is celebrated all over the world. Bird Day began to be celebrated at the beginning of the 20th century. But the return of migratory birds, signaling the onset of spring, began to be celebrated long before Bird Day received official status. According to ancient custom, on this day people were supposed to bake larks from dough and sing special “cry songs.” This is where the tradition of hanging birdhouses, titmice, cackle houses and other bird houses begins in the first days of April.

In 1902, the “World Convention for the Conservation of Birds” was drawn up in Paris, which was signed by more than a dozen states. It came into force on December 12, 1905. Since 1906, the world began to celebrate the official Bird Day.

This holiday is held in many countries: Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, New Zealand, Estonia, Uzbekistan.

In Kazakhstan, Bird Day is being held for the seventh time, since 2006. The first bird of the year was the rare steppe sandpiper - the lapwing, in 2007 - the barn swallow, in 2008 - the Siberian crane, in 2009 - the lark, in 2010 - the common starling, in 2011 - the great tit, 2012 - the steppe eagle, the bird of 2013 was the goose - little squeak.

What do you know about this bird?

The lesser white-fronted goose is a small goose from the duck family, found in the northern part of Kazakhstan during migration. The Lesser Lesser Goose is very similar to the White-fronted Goose, which is a game species in Kazakhstan. In flight, it is difficult to distinguish them, only by their voice - in the lesser goose it is high and squeaky.

According to ASBK, over the past 30 years, the number of lesser white-fronted ducks in the country has decreased by almost 7 times. Currently, the lesser goose is listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

Today, in honor of Bird Day, a KVN game will be held among 7th grade students.

It's time to introduce the teams. Please go on stage. Team 7 "A" class, team 7 "B" class. Teams, introduce yourself.

(teams introduce themselves)

Thank you. And so, the start of the game.

1. Competition “Find out the riddle”

(teams receive sheets with unfinished riddles (you can use a slide). For each riddle that is correctly completed and guessed, the team receives 2 points. (The number of stars corresponds to the number of missing words)

1. Leaves are falling from aspen trees,
Rushing in the sky sharp*
(Wedge; Flock)

2. No hands, **
A hut has been built
(without hatchet; Nest)

3. I swam in the water,
Yes ** !
(Sukh remained; Goose)

4. All migratory birds are more common,
cleans the arable land from *.
(Worms; Rook)

5. Carpenter with a sharp chisel
Builds * with one window.
"I'm knocking on wood,
Get the worm*!”
(House, I want; Woodpecker)

6. Flies all night -
Gets mice.
And it will become * -
Flies to sleep in *.
(Light, hollow; Owl)

7. She walks so importantly through the swamp!
And the swamp creatures run away.
After all, if * he cannot hide,
Then no one will help this *!
(frog, frog; heron)

8. She sits on a branch in the forest,
One thing * she insists,
She counts the years for all of us,
* she loses hers
( "Peek-a-boo" , chicks; Cuckoo)

9. Wears a gray vest,
But the wings have -**.
Do you see twenty couples circling?
And they shout: ***
(Black color, Carr! Carr! Carr; Crow)

10. Tail with patterns,
Boots with *,
Songs *,
Time is counting.
(Spurs, singing; Rooster)

11. And he doesn’t sing,
AND ***.
Why is he considered a bird?
(does not fly; ostrich)

12. ***, but it doesn’t come out of the swamp.
(crying in the swamp; Kulik)

Thanks guys.

2. Competition “Homework”

Each team prepares several proverbs and within 5 minutes the participants must name as many proverbs as possible and explain their meaning.

(proverb with explanation - 3 points, proverb without explanation - 1 point)

Possible variants of proverbs.

1. The little bird started singing early, lest the cat eat it!
2. Writes like a chicken with its paw
3. The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.
4. Nightingales are not fed fables
5. Chickens are counted in the fall
6. Eggs don't teach chickens
7. The goose is not a friend to the pig.
8. Each bird has its own habits.
9. It’s good for a bird in a golden cage, and even better on a green branch.
10. A raven won’t peck out a crow’s eye.
11. The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.
12. The bird is visible in flight
13. It’s not a falcon, it won’t fly away
14. Money is like birds, it flies and comes.
15. How a bird lives: it neither sows nor reaps
16. A bird is red with its feather, but a man is with its mind
17. The cuckoo praises the rooster because he praises the cuckoo
18. Wet chicken, but also cockerel
19. Youth is a bird, old is a turtle!
20. In words - an eagle, in reality - a wet chicken

Well done, you completed the task. The jury is given the floor to sum up the preliminary results.

3. Competition “Collect a bird”

(5 points for the competition)

Participants are given an envelope with puzzles and the team that quickly collects and names the bird will receive 3 points. The answer sheet is submitted for verification by the jury.

. (Shikyldak kaz)

While the team members are collecting the bird, I invite the audience to also play and even help the teams.

Playing with spectators

Spectators are divided into fans of 7 “A” and 7 “B” classes, the points they earn are added to the team points. (For each name 0.5 points.)

“Which fairy tale is this bird from?”

Birds appear in many fairy tales, some of which we will now recall.

Possible answers: Galchonok Khvatayka. (Uspensky E. Uncle Fyodor, cat and dog), parrot (Oster G. Charging for the tail), nightingale (Andersen G. H. Nightingale), goose (Lagarlef S. The Wonderful Journey of Nils), golden cockerel (Pushkin A. S. The Tale of the Golden Cockerel), raven (Andersen G. H. The Snow Queen), owl (Milne A. Winnie-the-Pooh and all-all-all), swallow (Andersen G. H. Thumbelina), sparrow (Chukovsky K. Cockroach) , swan (Andersen G.H. Wild swans. The ugly duckling). DuckTales; Madagascar; Lost and found; Parrot Kesha; A bag of apples; Woody's Adventures; Winnie the Pooh and others; Smeshariki; Chicken Run; Thumbelina; Rio: Ryaba Hen.

Completion of task 3 of the competition is checked. (Jury's word)

4. Competition “Captains Competition”

The captain competition will consist of two different tasks. (the first is for knowledge, the second is for attention)

First task. Question to captain 7 "A":

1. How is the word penguin translated? (Answer: wing - hairpin)

Question to captain 7 "B":

2. Which bird floats in its nest like on a ship? (Answer: great grebe)

Second task. Guess the bird from a fragment of the image.

1. (answer: owl)

2. (answer: duck)

Well done, and we continue our game.

5. Competition “Continue the Sign”

(each participant who answers gets 1 point)

  1. The owl screams…..(in the cold)
  2. The titmouse starts squeaking in the morning... (wait for frost)
  3. A chicken stands on one leg... (towards the cold)
  4. Sparrows bathe in dust... (for rain)
  5. Lapwings scream in the evening... (towards clear weather)
  6. The ducks are playing... (towards the rain)
  7. A bird knocks on the window... (letter)
  8. Hear croaking... (bad sign)
  9. A stork flew over the house...(a baby is born)
  10. The goose hides its beak under its wing... (towards the cold)
  11. The bullfinch is chirping under the windows (for the thaw).
  12. Pigeons coo, cuckoos cuckoo (for warm weather).

The jury speaks to sum up the preliminary results.

6. Competition “Shifters”

It will be necessary to rearrange the letters in these words in such a way as to obtain the names of birds listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan. Share your results with the jury.

Playing with spectators

You have one more try to help the teams score points.

1. Combine pickpocket with a pronoun - You get a bird with black plumage. And the same trick with a shorter ending will give another bird blacker than night.

Answer: Thief + she = crow; thief + he = raven.

2. The first one is lying on the ground, the second one is flowing into the Volga. A whole bird is called.

Answer: Sor + Oka = forty.

3. I go to the ocean and break ships there. If you assign a letter, I will fly in the air.

Answer: Reef - vulture.

4. Full of grains, bends downwards... Swap the letters - This is a bird hovering in the sky.

Answer: Kolos is a falcon.

Well done, next competition - guess the bird based on its description.

7. Competition “Guess the bird from its description”

I offer you pictures of birds. After 5 sec. you need to pick up the picture that shows the desired bird (if no - 0, if yes - 1 point).

  1. The largest bird in the world? (Ostrich). (slide no.)
  2. The heaviest and largest bird of the steppes. Listed in the Red Book? (Bustard). (slide no.)
  3. This bird is the smallest in the world, can it pollinate plants? (Hummingbird). (slide no.)
  4. The meat and eggs of this bird are unique products; they were served as a delicacy to Ivan the Terrible, and in Japan to children. What bird are we talking about? (Quail). (slide no.)
  5. Of all the birds, she received the most ridicule. They called her stupid, pathetic, and even tried to expel her from the army of birds. The intelligence of this bird has long marked the lowest division on the scale. Name this bird. (Chicken). (slide no.)
  6. This bird does not build nests or hatch chicks. Name it? (Cuckoo). (slide no.)
  7. What bird can move up and down a vertical tree trunk with its head? (Nuthatch). (slide no.)
  8. What bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill). (slide no.)
  9. Is this bird called a feathered cat? (Owl). (slide no.)
  10. Is this bird called a chatterbox? (Magpie). (slide no.)
  11. Which bird's wings are covered not with feathers, but with scales? (Penguin). (slide no.)
  12. Which city is named after the bird of prey? (eagle). (slide no.)

Well done, are you tired? Let's take a little rest. And while you are relaxing, I will tell you about birds in the heraldry of Kazakhstan. It's no secret that birds are a favorite theme for flags, coats of arms, seals, and emblems. Pay attention to the slides. (presentation)

The next competition is topsy-turvy.

8. “Topsy-turvy” competition

Each team receives an envelope. This envelope contains riddles and letters. You need to guess the riddle and form the answer from the letters. Let's see which team can do it the fastest! (Which team completes the task faster receives 5 points, the jury assigns points to the second team at its discretion)

RELO- He builds a house on a rock.
Isn't it scary to live in it?
Although there is beauty all around,
But such a height!
No, the owner is not afraid
Roll down a steep cliff -
Two mighty wings
The owner... (answer: eagle)

Game with the audience “The birds have flown”

While the guys are working, I will play the game “The Birds Have Arrived” with the audience. I call birds. If you hear something other than the name of a bird, you can clap or stomp. (for 5th grade spectators)

The birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, flies and swifts...
What is wrong? And who are the flies?
Birds arrived: pigeons, martens...
Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, lapwings, siskins, mosquitoes, cuckoos...
The birds arrived: pigeons, tits, jackdaws and swifts,
Lapwings, siskins, storks, cuckoos, swans and ducks -
And thanks for the joke!

Thanks guys.

Team responses

While the jury is summing up the results of the latest competitions, I invite you to take part in the auction. Who can list more names of candies with “bird names”?

Possible answers: Balaban, swan song, bluebird, cheerful crane, crane, golden pheasant, flamingo, magpie, white-sided geese, swans, marvelous bird, bird's milk, golden comb cockerel, crow's feet, swallow, petrel, seagull, pelican, pockmarked hen.

Well, let's ask the jury to announce the results of the game and name the winners!

Winner's reward ceremony.

The jury's word.


Zhas dos, bіz senі kұttyқtaymyz!
Omir boyy tabigatty ayalap otype,
Ony saktau ushin kolynnan kelgenin
Barlygyn zhasaytynyna senemiz!

We congratulate you, our young friend!
We believe that throughout your life you will carry
Love nature and you will do anything
It's up to you to preserve it.

Thank you for your attention. See you again!

Irina Vasilyeva
Intellectual and creative game “In harmony with nature” in a preparatory school group

Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 13

Intellectual and creative game"IN harmony with nature»

IN school preparatory group.

Performed: Vasilyeva I. E. teacher preparatory group.

Target: the formation of the beginnings of ecological culture in children,

development of environmental consciousness.



Consolidate the knowledge acquired in the process of direct educational activities to develop environmental ideas

Develop environmental thinking and creative imagination.

Expand children's understanding of the life of animals.

To develop the ingenuity and intelligence of children, their erudition.

Develop environmental culture in adults.


Foster a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and rivals.

Preparatory work:

Reading Zotov "Forest Mosaic". (Bear, fox, wolf, hare, wild boar, squirrel, hedgehog).

Di "Plants of the forest, field, garden, meadow".

Di "Guess who it is".

Consideration of encyclopedias about birds and animals of our forests.

Drawing wild animals.

Guessing riddles about plants and animals.

Qualifying round.

Material: Cards with tasks 6 pieces.

Christmas tree with feeder, apple tree for birds.

Pictures with birds.



Two easels with sheets of paper and wax pencils.

Pictures of forests and meadows.

Plants for them.



Progress of the EVENT

Presenter: The silence of the forest is full of miracles.

You are standing in front of a fairy tale,

A fairy tale is a forest.

Save this fairy tale:

Don't tear, don't crumple, and don't frighten away.

– Dear children, dear adults, we are glad to welcome you to our quiz "This Wonderful World". Today, 2 teams of parents and children will take part in the quiz. Let's welcome them.

Belyakov Fedor, Akimova Alina, Lapin Evgeniy, Belyakova Daria, Kostruba Grigory.

Belyakova Natalya Dmitrievna, Belyakova Natalya Aleksandrovna

Savicheva Natalya Vladimirovna, Lapina Natalya Vladimirovna,

Kostruba Svetlana Anatolyevna.

(Teams enter to the accompaniment of solemn music, sit down

Team greeting children:

Captain: "We are a team"

Children: "Young ecologist".

Captain: "Our motto"

Children: “We know our opponents, we wish them good luck.

But we will win anyway, we won’t let ourselves be offended.”

Team greeting parents:

Captain: "We are a team".

Parents: "Defenders nature» .

Captain: "Our motto"

Parents: “We wish our opponents never to lose heart.

Show everyone your knowledge and skills today.

And we won’t let ourselves down, we will show off our intelligence.

Presenter: You will be assessed by a representative jury in composition:

Head of the nursery school Chugunova Elena Fedorovna,

Methodist d/s Bezrukova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna.

Parent representative: Tyutyalina Natalya Sergeevna.

Presenter: IN nature There are many mysteries and miracles, today we will try to guess some of them. But we have a game, and every game has rules, listen to the rules of our game.

Discuss the issue as a team.

Listen carefully to the presenter.

Use the signal card if the answer is ready.

Competition 1. "Warm-up". Questions for the team "Young ecologist":

1. Who is called a connecting rod?

2. What trees do cones grow on?

3. What animals does the tail help?

4. At what time of year do the leaves fall?

5. How many legs does a spider have?

6. What are the leaves of coniferous trees called?

7. Which bird is called the doctor of the forest?

8. Which herbaceous plant blooms first? When? (Coltsfoot, in April.)

9. Who crows at the cuckoo? (Male.)

10. Why don’t birds peck a bright ladybug? (Releases a caustic liquid.)

11. Which tree's sap is sweet? (Birch, maple.)

12. What is the name of a birdhouse made by human hands? (birdhouse)

13. Which pet has horns? (cow)

14. Where is the grasshopper's ear? (On the foot.)

Questions for the team "Defenders nature» :

1. What kind of wood are matches made from? (pine trees)

2. Which tree is the symbol of Russia?

3. What plants help with illness?

4. The fruits of which tree do squirrels like?

5. What is the river covered with in winter?

6. What shrub is called "wild rose"?

7. What is the name of the book where endangered animals are recorded?

8. What plant is said to burn? (nettle).

9. Which mushrooms appear first? (Morsels.)

10. Which trees have red leaves in autumn? (Rowan, maple.)

11. Flat sea fish with eyes on one side of the body? (Flounder.)

12. What bird is called the winged postman? (Pigeon.)

13. Medicinal plant growing along roads. (Plantain)

14. Are the flowers of this tree used as tea for colds? (Linden)

Presenter: You answered well and weren’t at all bored!

Competition 2. Divide the birds into two groups wintering and migratory.

Migratory: Martin. Rook. Starling. Thrush.

Wintering: Tit. Woodpecker. Sparrow. Nuthatch.

3. Artist competition “Complete the animal”

One or two participants from each team go to the easel and complete the picture of the animal as presented. According to the card that shows the tail.

Fox, hare, bear, wolf.

Playing with spectators.

1. Even though the snail is small, it carried away the whole house.

Answer, is this true? (Yes)

2. A swan swims in a pond and sleeps on an apple tree in the garden.

Answer, is this true? (No)

3. Can a seal lie on its side all day?

Answer, is this true? (Yes)

4. Can a badger climb onto a branch for pine cones?

Answer, really. is this? (No)

5. Can a wasp fly into the sky?

Answer, is this true? (Yes)

6. Can a bear, like a squirrel, climb a tree for a pine cone?

Answer, is this true? (Yes)

8. Answer me all together kids:

Does autumn have a golden season? (Yes)

9. And in winter there are prickly needles on the Christmas tree?

10. Do delicious candies grow on a branch in summer?

Presenter: Next competition

4. "Guess who?". Each team will receive an envelope containing a picture depicting representatives of the animal world. Teams need to use gestures and facial expressions to depict who is in the picture. Members of other teams determine. In this competition, the jury evaluates the speed and correctness of the answer, as well as artistic abilities. Squirrel, mouse, wolf, hare, bear, fox, crocodile, giraffe.

Game with fans.

In the thicket, he raises his head and howls with hunger... (wolf)

Teaches daughters and sons to grunt... (pig)

Quack-quack, saying through the reeds, he goes to the river to swim... (duck)

Loves a fight, looks like a dog... (wolf)

Who knows a lot about raspberries, clubfooted, brown... (bear)

5 competition "Guess by the description".

This is an amazing animal. His hearing is more subtle than that of cats and dogs. The animal’s sense of smell is extraordinary – it senses a beetle or larva in the ground at a depth of several meters. But his eyesight is weak. Eating All: berries, plant seeds, worms, mice, insects and even snakes.”

Clue: Although he is small, he is not afraid of predators, he has protection from them.

Answer: hedgehog

“This beast has two main methods of defense against enemies: camouflage and legs. He jumps and runs very quickly and easily - so easily that he doesn’t even fall into the snowdrifts. He doesn't just run away from danger, he chooses the shortest path to salvation. But it happens that neither cunning nor speed help, then he falls on his back and defends himself with his strong hind legs.”

Clue: He is considered a big coward. Answer: hare.

“This is the most cunning and cautious animal. He knows how to camouflage himself perfectly, he has keen vision, hearing, and sense of smell. And how he dances! It rises on its hind legs and walks in this position with small steps. Among people, this dance is called “foxtrot”. The animal feeds on insects, rodents, birds, and sometimes animals: hedgehogs, hares.”

Clue: A red, fluffy tail helps to escape from pursuers (covers his tracks). Answer: fox.

“This is a very large and strong animal, it can walk on four legs, sometimes stands on its hind legs and roars throughout the forest. Many animals are afraid of him, he climbs trees well and even catches fish. In winter it hibernates."

Clue: loves honey and raspberries very much. Answer: bear.

6 competition: Place the plants in their growing areas.

Forest and meadow. Forest: lily of the valley, sleep grass, lungwort, bell.

Meadow: Clover, dandelion, plantain, St. John's wort.

The jury sums up the results.

Presenter: While the jury is summing up the results, I have riddles about plants for the fans.

“Like pines, like fir trees, but in winter without needles”. (Larch)

“The long-legged sisters came out in a flock onto the meadow, their eyelashes are like snow and their eyes are like the sun.” (Chamomile)

“What is my name, tell me, I often hide in the rye, modest, wildflower, blue-eyed...” (Cornflower)

“Golden and young, in a week he turned gray, and after two days his head went bald.” (Dandelion)

“You injured your leg while hiking, fatigue doesn’t let you walk. Bend over, the soldier by the road is ready to come to everyone’s aid.” (Plantain)

“He lives by the fence, doesn’t recognize anyone, he’s not a dog, but he bites and won’t let you pet him.” (Nettle)

The jury's word:


Leading. Take care and protect nature. Remember:

The paper you throw will lie on Earth for more than two years,

tin can - more than 30 years,

plastic bag – 200 years,

glass – 1000 years.

Take care of these lands, these waters.

I love even a small epic.

Take care of all the animals inside nature,

Kill only the beasts within yourself.

The song is common.

"Let's save the daisy in the meadow".

Announcement: Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

Only here on Saturday, November 21st there will be a parent meeting on the topic “The role of the family in the education of cognitive interests and the child’s curiosity through environmental education.”

Parents and children will introduce you to interesting experiments which can be done with children at home.

You can become a spectator of the game "Lucky case", in which parents and children will take part. The venue for all events is the music hall.

Time 11:00 am.

/Teachers, children/.

Target: formation in primary schoolchildren of the foundation of environmental, cultural literacy and relevant educational activities.



  1. To develop children’s environmental literacy while studying the nature of their native land.
  2. To expand the practical activities of students in the study and protection of birds of the Astrakhan region.
  3. Study additional material from scientific literature and Internet resources.


  1. To instill love for one’s native land, to cultivate a desire to take care and protect “our little brothers.”
  2. Observe the rules of moral and ethical behavior in the natural world and people.
  3. Teach to do good.


  1. To develop in children the need to communicate with nature and the world around them.
  2. To develop in children a sense of responsibility for our feathered friends.

Type of extracurricular activity: intellectual game.

Methods and methodological techniques: Game, research (problem-search method), project method, ITK.

Research stages:

  1. Creating a problematic situation.
  2. Study.
  3. Information exchange.
  4. Organization of information.
  5. Linking information.
  6. Summing up, reflection.

“The only path leading to knowledge is action”
B. Shaw

The new educational standards show a strengthening of their focus on educational outcomes as a system-forming component of the design of the standards. The learning process is understood not simply as the assimilation of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities that form the instrumental basis of students’ competencies, but also as a process of personal development, gaining spiritual and moral experience and social competence.

The Standard is based on a system-activity approach, which is conceptually based on ensuring that students’ educational activities correspond to their age and individual characteristics.

The priority goal of school education is to develop the student’s ability to independently set educational goals, design ways to implement them, monitor and evaluate their achievements, in other words, the ability to learn.

In order for students’ knowledge to be the result of their own searches, it is necessary to organize these searches, manage students, and develop their cognitive activity.

A child is an explorer by nature. A tireless thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to observe, experiment, and independently seek new information about the world are traditionally considered as the most important features of children's behavior. Research and search activity is the natural state of a child; he is determined to understand the world. And how great is his desire to know his native land!

It all started with a walk in the school yard. The children noticed that they did not hear birds singing in the school yard. We asked them: “What needs to be done so that birds fly into the school yard and delight us with their singing?” They suggested making feeders, hanging them and feeding the birds. Sparrows, pigeons, and titmice began to fly to the feeders. The guys are very inquisitive and decided to find out what other birds live in our region and why some are listed in the Red Book. A lot of research work has begun.

The children were divided into two groups. One group studied the life and habits of wintering birds, and the other studied migratory birds. It was no accident that the guys named their teams. On November 12 we celebrated Bird Day - Zinovy-Sinichkin Day. Titmouse's day, Titmouse's holiday. This day is considered the beginning of the all-Russian cultural and environmental campaign “Feed the Birds!” On this day we hung up feeders and wanted to attract everyone to this good deed. Therefore, we held the “Feed the Birds” campaign and in honor of the “Titmouse Day” holiday we named the team “Titmouse”. On November 12, we started working on the project “Birds of the Astrakhan Region”

And on April 1, ornithologists around the world celebrate International Bird Day. This holiday began in 1906, when the International Convention for the Conservation of Birds was signed. Bird Day appeared in Russia in 1926. On this day, birdhouses are hung, so the team that studied the life and habits of migratory birds called their team “Starlings.” On this day we completed work on the project.

As a result of extensive research work, the children learned: birds are a class of vertebrate animals that have mastered the air environment for life. This left a special imprint on their external and internal structure. There are now more than 8,600 species of birds living on Earth. 789 species of birds have been recorded in the fauna of Russia. The bird fauna of the Volga delta and the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain contains 298 species. 72 bird species are listed in the Red Book of the Astrakhan Region.

From scientific literature and the Internet, children learned what birds live in our region, why they are on the verge of extinction and how to help the birds. We found out what birds like and all winter from the school window we watched how the birds merrily scurried around the feeders. They compiled the Red Book of Birds of the Astrakhan Region, which included 72 species. The guys prepared messages, reports, made crafts, created projects, and prepared presentations. The children proposed a presentation of the project “Birds of the Astrakhan Region” in the form of an intellectual game “Birds are our friends” to once again remind everyone that we are responsible for nature, for our “little brothers”

The changes taking place in modern society require accelerated improvement of the educational space, determination of educational goals that take into account state, social and personal needs and interests.

In this regard, the developmental function of training becomes a priority, which should ensure:

  • formation of the personality of a junior school student,
  • revealing his individual capabilities.

This is one of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Intellectual game on the theme “Birds”.

(8-11 grade)

biology teacher

MBOU "Plekhanovskaya Secondary School"

    Slideshow “What kind of bird am I?”

Mobility, beautiful plumage, multi-voiced singing - all this makes birds a wonderful decoration of nature. It is no coincidence that many lines in the poems of Pushkin and Nekrasov, as well as the wonderful creations of artists and composers, are dedicated to birds. Everyone is familiar with Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived,” the romances “The Lark” by Glinka, and “The Nightingale” by Alyabyev. Scientists have calculated that about 100 billion birds now live on the globe, which 20 times more than people. And this alone indicates their great and varied importance in the life of our planet.

    Blacklist (presentation slides)

Today we will talk about birds. Many of them may surprise us, believe me.

Did you know that monuments are erected not only to poets, generals and heroes, but also to the most common birds for us.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, even before our era, the warlike tribes of the Gauls attacked Rome. They surrounded the Capitol, a fortress on the highest hill. The Gallic invaders decided at night to climb the steep slopes of the hill and kill the inhabitants of Rome, who hid in the Capitol...

The defenders, extremely exhausted, were sleeping. Even the guard dogs fell asleep. And the inhabitants of Rome would have been destroyed, if not for... GEESE!

Before the enemy had time to appear on the walls of the fortress, the geese suddenly began to cackle, so loudly that the defenders were on their feet in a moment. They bravely rushed at the treacherous Gauls and defeated their army!

So they say ever since: “Geese saved Rome.”

For this, the grateful Romans declared geese sacred birds and erected a large monument to them.

You see: such ordinary birds as geese are also capable of performing heroic deeds, for which there is a monument to them.

Competition 1. “Put on a Pedestal”

Monuments to birds are evidence of a person’s good feelings and gratitude to his friends and helpers. Cast from bronze and sculpted from marble, they decorate streets and squares. And each of these unusual monuments has its own interesting and instructive history.

What kind of bird are we talking about?

1 The submarine's lifting system and communications were damaged. The bird was released using a torpedo tube to deliver a message about the accident. The crew was soon rescued. The bird was awarded the highest military award and forever enlisted in the crew of the boat. This happened in 1942 in England. A monument was erected to the bird. Name it. (Pigeon)

2. In the besieged city, people were dying of hunger. When they placed the bird on the fortress wall, the enemy decided that there was still a lot of food in the city and lifted the siege. This happened in Germany in the 16th century. Grateful people erected a monument to the bird. What kind of bird is this? (Rooster)

1. In 1850, poultry was first imported to America, and it soon became familiar there. It so happened that in the suburbs of Boston insects multiplied greatly. The caterpillars greatly increased in number and began to cause serious damage to crops. The bird came to the rescue - it destroyed the pests. As a sign of gratitude, residents erected a monument to it in the central park of Boston. Name the bird (Sparrow)

2. 2 monuments were erected to this bird in honor of its saving of crops from locusts: one in the USA, Utah, and the other in Australia. After all, she saved people from starvation. What kind of bird is this? (Gull)

Competition 2. "Warm-up". Each team must answer as many questions as possible in three minutes. Jury, it's time!

Questions for Team 1

1. Which bird has the longest tongue? (At the woodpecker)

2. Which birds have wings covered not with feathers, but with scales? (In penguins)

3. What does the fieldfare thrush feed its chicks? (Insects)

5. Who is called the “water sparrow”? (Olyapka)

6. Why do birds swallow pebbles? (They use them to grind solid food)

7. Where does the tit build its nest? (In the hollow of a tree)

8. Why does the goose get away with it? (The bird's feathers are greased)

9. What bird is popularly called a thief? (Magpie)

10. Who has not life, but raspberries? (At the robin)

Questions for Team 2

1. What do a bird and a ship have in common? (Keel)

2. What bird can fly tail first? (Hummingbird)

4. Do our migratory birds build nests in the south? (No)

6. Which bird hatches its chicks in the rain? (Swan)

7. What birds dig holes for their nests? (Swallows)

8. What is the name of a birdhouse made by man? (birdhouse)

9. The name of which poisonous forest plant is associated with the name of a bird? (Crow's eye)

10. Name the bird - the symbol of Russia. (Eagle)

Competition 3. We play hide and seek.

Better mental exercise

No for adults and children:

Who plays hide and seek with us,

He becomes smarter.

Assignment: If you put together words and letters in a word accordingly, you will get the names of well-known birds.

1. Skin ==

2. Nougat ==

3. Leather + thief + he =

4. Hill + and + tail ==

5. Kushka + shooting gallery ==

6. Funnel + sizo ==

7. Paddle + oh ==

8. Hit + o + thief ==

9. Spike ==

10.Spindle – but + t ==

11.Three + w + s ==

12.Coward + sa ==

13.Bulog + ь ==

14. Rod + horse – b ==

Playing with the audience.

1. What birds spend the night in the snow? (grouse, capercaillie).

2. What’s inside bird bones? (air).

3. How many chambers does the heart have in birds? (four).

4. Which bird’s chicks don’t know their mother? (cuckoos).

5. Do our birds build nests in distant countries? (No).

6. What birds don't fly? (penguins, ostriches).

7. Does the chicken breathe in the egg? (Yes).

8. What do storks eat? (fish, frogs).

9. What birds turn white for the winter? (partridges).

10. What is more scary for birds in winter – cold or hunger? (hunger).

11. Which bird hatches its chicks in February? (crossbill).

Competition 4. Feathered musicians.

Everyone knows that birds are excellent singers and musicians. You could write an opera by listening to songbirds. Russian composer N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov used the voices of birds in music more often than others. In the opera “The Snow Maiden”, the chorus and bird dance contain the voices of the cuckoo and white-browed thrush, and in the Spring recitative there is the whistling of a bullfinch. The beginning of the Straussian waltz “Tales of the Vienna Woods” almost coincides in rhythm with the alarm calls of a male finch (an excerpt from the work is heard). Now you have to listen to recordings of bird voices and determine which of the birds these songs belong to and find these birds on the slides.

Contest. Riddle stories.

Can you recognize birds by their description?

Competition 5. “Bird portraits”.

1 team. Poets dedicate their poems and songs to this bird... It’s a pleasure to watch how it proudly cuts through the surface of the water with its wide chest, majestically carrying its graceful head... (swan).

2 team. This is a large bird, weighing 3 kg, wingspan 2 m... The face is a flat disc, half of which is occupied by expressive eyes... It easily turns its head 270 around the vertical axis... (eagle owl).

3 team. This bird is found only in tropical forests... The weight of the egg is only 2 mg...

Pollinates flowering plants. (hummingbird).

4 team. It has a long neck, short legs set back... Wide wings help it dive perfectly... It is not without reason that in ancient times, having tamed this bird, people made this feathered fisherman their assistant (cormorant).

5 team. This is the largest bird, weighing up to 90 kg...Flightless with powerful legs (African ostrich).

6 team. The appearance of this bird is very diverse. Its small body is supported by high legs - stilts, which makes it possible to consider it the longest bird in the world.

Lives along the shores of the Caspian Sea, some lakes of Kazakhstan... This is a miracle - an unopened pink bud (flamingo).

1 team. A sedentary small bird jumps on the ground in short leaps, dives into the snow and bathes... With its bright plumage against the background of white snow, it greatly decorates gardens and parks in winter... This bird is the first herald of winter... It got its name from the word “snow” (bullfinch).

2 team. A migratory bird, it leads a sedentary lifestyle only in the south...Together with rooks, they walk through the fields, collecting insects, their larvae, worms from the ground...They willingly occupy artificial nesting sites - birdhouses (starlings).

3 team. One of the most beautiful (the male is bright red) and most unique of our birds. He has a lot of unusual things. Not only does her beak “back to front”, she hatches chicks in the middle of winter, in severe frost, but she cannot die “humanly”. Her body is so saturated with resin in old age that it does not rot for many years. (crossbill)

4 team. This bird obtains food for itself by running under water, along the bottom of clean rivers and streams. For this reason they called her the water sparrow. And everything she has is adapted for this. There is a coccygeal gland, like all waterfowl, to lubricate the feathers with fat, and the “ears” are closed with a special valve when diving. At a time when other birds are cold and hungry, she lives happily ever after. (dipper)

5 team. This bird has special vision. Her eye can select from the field of view only that information that it needs at the moment, and does not notice other information. One of the US aviation companies has invented an electronic eye that can determine the direction and speed of an object, its shape and size. The “eye” can, for example, recognize a bomber and a missile and not notice other flying objects. (pigeon)

6 team. It is also called killer whale. This is how people expressed their love for this bird. It is easily recognized by its long sharp wings and long forked tail. This is a bird of air. She rarely and reluctantly falls to the ground, and sits on thin branches or wires to rest. She even drinks water and bathes on the fly, flying over the water and scooping it up with her beak. Looking at them frolicking in the sky, we think they are playing. In fact, they tirelessly catch small midges, flies and mosquitoes that fly in the air. (martin)

Competition 6. "Let's sing." Songs about birds are sung one verse at a time.

Competition 7. Quiz.

Questions are asked to the teams one by one. (Question – 1 point)

2. This bird can fly the fastest and longest - three years without stopping. (Swift)

3. What bird is the name of the constellation? (Swan, etc.)

4. Which city is named after the bird? (Eagle)

5. Does bird milk exist? (In pigeons, penguins)

6. Which bird, according to the proverb, constantly praises its habitat? (Sandpiper)

7. The song of which famous bird of our region attracted the attention of N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov to create the melody of the Spring recitative in the opera “The Snow Maiden”? (Bullfinch)

8. What birds set up kindergartens? (Penguins, ostriches)

9. What pollinating birds do you know? (Hummingbird)

10. The bird is a symbol of peace and purity. (Pigeon)

11. All the beauty of this bird is in its tail, which resembles a musical instrument: its long outer feathers are curved in the shape of a musical instrument, and between them, like strings, the finest white feathers are stretched. (lyrebird)

12. In the 50s, the Chinese began to destroy sparrows due to the fact that they pecked many grains of rice. What did this lead to? (To the massive proliferation of pests that were previously destroyed by sparrows. As a result, harmful insects caused damage many times more than sparrows.)

13. Villagers never throw away chicken egg shells; After grinding it beforehand, they again feed it to chickens and pigs. Explain why. (The shell contains calcium and other elements the body needs to form bones and shells.)

14. What is the peculiarity of eggs laid by birds on bare rocks? (They have an angular shape)

15. Extinct, wingless, giant bird. She was almost as tall as a giraffe and ate leaves from the tops of trees. (New Zealand moa.)

16. This bird is the same name as the great Russian writer. (Gogol)

17. What birds’ eggs were used as vessels for wine in ancient times in the Mediterranean countries? (Ostrich eggs)

18. These birds are depicted on the coat of arms of New Zealand, they are protected by the state, and we willingly feast on fruits with the same name. (Kiwi)

Competition 8. “Pantomime”

One participant per team. The opposing team names a bird for the participant, which he must depict, and his team must recognize.

Competition 9. "Expert of the Russian language." Explain why such sayings about birds arose:

Gray-haired like a harrier.

Like water off a duck's back.

Came out unscathed.

Deaf grouse.

Got along like a woodpecker.

He was huddled like an owl.

Playing with the audience.

2. Which birds have color-related names? (green, spotted, black woodpecker, flamingo).

3. What bird secrets does leaf fall reveal? (nests).

4. Why do starlings and jackdaws sit on horses, cows, and sheep in the spring? (hair is plucked from animals to build a nest).

5. What do little birds do when they see an owl? (gather in flocks and raise a cry)

6. What do birds do to make up for missing teeth? (pebbles, pieces of glass in the stomach).

7. What birds do not sit on trees or the ground, although they fly? (swallows, swifts).

8. Large American bird of prey (condor).

9. When is a sparrow's body temperature lower in winter or summer? (same).

10. Which songbird can dive and run underwater in search of food? (dipper).

11. Eggs and meat of which birds are used in the treatment of many diseases? (chicken).

Competition 10. “Folk signs”

1. The bullfinch sings in winter - in the snow, blizzard and slush.

2. Grouse and partridges are hiding in the forest thicket - wait for a snowstorm.

3. A cuckoo crows on a dry tree - it means frost.

4. Sparrows chirped together in winter - to the thaw.

5. The titmouse began to sing in March - it spells the warmth of spring.

6. A sandpiper flew in from overseas and brought spring out of hiding.

7. Blackbird in bad weather - screams sharply.

8. When the hoopoe sings in the spring, it’s time to sow beans.

9. Jackdaws fly in flocks - in the rain.

10. If a lark builds a nest in a hole, it will be a dry summer, and if it is on a hillock, it will be a wet summer.

11. The nightingale sang - spring began to wane, and summer began to increase.

12. Early swallow - for a happy year.

Conclusion. The jury's word. Song "Request".

Intellectual and educational game for children (6-7 years old) of the preparatory group “Why? Where? Why?"

Varygina Irina Evgenievna.
Purpose of the lesson: To develop independence, cognitive and creative activity, to create opportunities for self-realization in children.
Develop children's speech through didactic games and exercises.
Check, summarize and systematize children's knowledge about the world around them. Show that nature is beautiful in all seasons, that nothing happens in nature by chance.
To develop in children the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between objects.
Take part in a group conversation: listen carefully to the task, answer questions, speak out proactively, defend your opinion to prove the correctness of reasoning about the seasons, fairy tales, nature, analyze independently.
To develop the emotional and volitional qualities of a person in a role-playing game, the ability to develop the plot of a game situation, performing leading and secondary roles.
Create a friendly, friendly environment that unites the children's team.
Strengthen the ability to select verbs to nouns, continue to develop the ability to read poetry expressively, use counting rhymes during games, solve riddles using pontamimu.
Develop skills of relationship and cooperation in a team, promote love for nature, the desire to achieve results through common efforts.

Preliminary work: work on projects: observations, keeping an observation diary, conducting didactic games on the topic, viewing reproductions of paintings, children making origami crafts, organizing role-playing games, playing out situations on the topic, memorizing poems, songs, preparing presentations, phonograms, slides.

Equipment: drum with a spinning top “Field of Miracles”, envelopes with questions, attributes for the role-playing game “Bus”, pictures depicting birds and animals, a diagram of geometric figures - a fox, a goose, a magnifying glass, cards depicting animal tracks.
For children: emblems - cornflower, chamomile.
Abacus with colored inserts.
For the jury: chips are green, red.

Integration of areas: Communication, socialization, music, cognition.

In the center of the hall there is a drum, in the middle there is a spinning top, along the edges of the drum there are envelopes with images of fairy-tale characters with questions.
The presenter - teacher begins the game, inviting children in uniform with emblems into the hall.
Team “Cornflower” and team “Romashka” come out.
Guys, let's imagine that we were invited to a television studio for a children's program, where we will play an exciting game. Do you agree to be participants in this program? And Ivan Budeev’s dad, Igor Aleksandrovich, will be the cameraman and director. We must be attentive and answer questions correctly, but to make the program interesting, we will also act as artists. I will be the TV presenter, and you will be the participants. But to get to the TV studio you have to take a bus.
Children quickly build a bus out of chairs and use a rhyming rhyme to choose a driver:

I drive, I drive, I drive
Your bus to the garage
One two three four five-
He will sleep in the garage.
He will sleep until the morning -
New game in the morning.
Who wants to be a driver?
Come out! You should drive!
Chauffeur: Dear passengers, please take your seats on the bus. And to avoid getting bored, let's play a game.

Didactic game: “Chain”

Children take turns naming Russian folk tales without repeating themselves.
Educator: I can call you experts on fairy tales! Well done!
Well, here is our stop - “TV Studio”.
We go into the television center building. We walk along long corridors, and here we are in the studio.
Children, like in any game we have a jury and participants.
Condition: for each correct answer, the cornflower team receives red chips, and the daisy team receives green chips.
The director is on site, the jury is assembled, the children and the host of the program are here.
Attention! The TV show begins.

TV presenter: Good afternoon, dear TV viewers. Today in our studio are children from kindergarten No. 5 “Joy” r.p. Bazarny Karabulak.
They came on the show to show how well they can play serious games and answer difficult questions.

The fanfare of R. Strauss sounds; At this time, the children are divided into teams and prepare for the game.
TV presenter: And so, the first team is “Cornflower”!
(a team representative walks around the hall and presents his emblem)

We are funny guys
And we don't like to be bored
With pleasure, all together
Let's start playing with "Daisies".

TV presenter: Second team – “Romashka”
Competing in this hall
“Daisies” and I said:
We'll all remain friends
We are entrusted with you
Conduct a successful battle.

TV presenter:
Our kindergarten loves KVN,
He is happy to announce the game.
Here are the fans, and here is the jury,
The path to victory is difficult, no matter what you say.

1 category - Native nature
Children spin the drum one by one
The question is asked by a wise owl.
Chirping, chirping,
She's been busy all day
This fidgety bird
The same color as birch.
Find a picture of this bird.
She's a night bird
She can't sleep in the hollow
She can't sleep all night
She's a hunter. (owl)
Find a picture of a bird.
3. Whose teeth grow every day? (hares, beavers).
4. Which animal gives birth to its cubs in late autumn? (hares).
5. What large animal eats ants? (bear).
6. Which animal curls up into a ball in moments of danger? (hedgehog).
Tricky question:
The largest animal in the Saratov region? (elk).

Game exercise “Finish the sentence”

In summer, the water from the sun…heats up
Green leaves of trees in autumn...turn yellow
Birds fly south in autumn...
In the spring, birds build nests...
Bees collect honey in summer...
Snowflakes fly from a snow cloud
In spring, icicles under the sun...drip
In winter, the water in the river...freezes
In autumn the cold rain... pours

How many birds are in our feeder (They squeeze rhythmically and
unclench their fists Has it arrived? We'll tell you.
Two tits, sparrow, (For each bird name
Six goldfinches and pigeons, bending one finger each.)
Woodpecker with variegated feathers
There were enough grains for everyone. (They squeeze and unclench again

2. rubric - “Tricky questions”
Lisa Patrikeevna asks questions

1. How many tails do seven cows have?
2. How many noses do two dogs have?
3. How many steps will the pike take in one minute?
4. There were 4 large branches and 4 small ones growing on the birch tree, with one apple each on them. How many apples were growing on the birch tree?

3. rubric - “Fairytale house”
Little Mouse asks questions
Children name a fairy tale in which there is such a house:
1. Hut on chicken legs
2. A house was built in the forest - there are many inhabitants in it (Teremok - they call the inhabitants of this house)

Game - "Complete the name":
1 team:
Koschei the Deathless
Vasilisa-... The Wise
Boy - ... about the size of a finger
Team 2:
Elena the beautiful
Sister - ... Alyonushka
Brother - ... Ivanushka
Tiny - ... Khovroshechka
Marya -...Princess

The poem is read by the team - “Cornflower”:
In a distant, dense and dense forest,
Where will you find one path,
If you walk boldly and straight along it,
Then soon you will come to a hut without windows.
And the fairy tale will wake up, and the forest will come to life,
And Baba Yaga will ascend to the porch...
She will wave her magic broom three times...
And he will instantly gather an unclean retinue.
It will spin, turn, and walk through the forest.
And in a mad dance he will rush around,
Until the hero suddenly appears.

Exercise “We are now heroes”
We stood up together
One two Three!
We are now heroes!
We'll put our palms to our eyes,
Let's spread our strong legs, turning to the right,
Let's look around majestically.
And you need to go left too
Look from under your palms,
And to the right, and again
Over the left shoulder...

Our rival
Dear colleague!
Ready your sword
And also a shield.
And gather more strength -
Here only the strongest will win.

And, of course, friendship will win,
And humor and cheerful laughter.
Therefore, friends, everyone needs
Just firmly believe in your success!
4 Category - “Art”
You, of course, are familiar with the picture where Alyonushka is sad on a pebble,
Who wrote it?

What fairy tale can this picture be attributed to?

Draw a Russian birch tree.
Draw Alyonushka on a pebble.
Prove what time of year is in the picture.

5 Rubric - “Let’s think slowly”
What do we have for hearing? - ears
How can a frog hear? - through its skin
Why does a hare need long ears? – produces sweat
Why do dolphins cry?
When does pike come ashore?

Tensely: The flowers stood in a circle, as if they had woven a wreath. Decided flowers butterflies
catch. They tensed their whole body, spread their legs wider, slightly forward
They leaned forward, stretched their arms forward. Grab! Grab! Didn't catch it, flew away
Relaxed: While they were catching butterflies, a strong wind blew, the flowers squatted, the stems
They lowered them down and hung up the leaves. Everything is relaxed, the leaves are like
the threads are hanging.
Fun: But suddenly a cool rain began to fall, the flowers were so happy, they immediately
straightened up. They got up in the rain cheerfully, they were in a good mood.

Riddles about the seasons:
The cold has arrived
The water turned into ice
Long-eared gray bunny
Turned into a white bunny
The bear stopped roaring:
A bear hibernated in the forest.
Who can say, who knows when this happens?

If there are thunderstorms in the field,
If the grass has bloomed,
If there is dew early in the morning
Blades of grass are bent to the ground,
If in the groves above the viburnum
Until the night the hum of bees,
If warmed by the sun
All the water in the river to the bottom
So this is already......

I open my buds
In green leaves
I dress the trees
I water the crops
The movement is full
My name is….

I bring the harvest
I am sowing the fields again,
I send birds to the south,
I strip the trees
But I don't touch the pine trees
And Christmas trees. I …..

Exercise "Guess what time of year?"
Children are asked to listen to a short text of several sentences that describes a particular time of year. After listening to the descriptive text, children answer what time of year it is.

The sun shines little, and its rays do not warm the earth. It's snowing often.
Puddles, rivers, lakes froze. Quiet in the forest and field. A bear sleeps in a den, a hedgehog in a hole made of dry leaves.
The bird cherry blossomed at the edge of the forest with fragrant white flowers.
Bunnies gathered in a green meadow early in the morning, enjoying the warm sun, jumping, playing, and feasting on young, juicy grass.
The trees are covered with green foliage. It smells like ripe fragrant strawberries. The birds are singing loudly. Butterflies fly, bumblebees buzz. The meadow is like a colorful carpet.
The leaves on the trees have turned yellow and red, flying off the branches and covering the ground with a multi-colored carpet. The sky is often covered with clouds. Birds are preparing to fly to warmer climes: starlings gather in noisy flocks, and the farewell cries of cranes can be heard.

Exercise "Transformation"
1. Frown like an autumn cloud.
2. Smile like a cat in the sun, or the sun itself.
3. Get angry like children whose ice cream was taken away.
4. Be scared like bunnies who saw a wolf.
5. Show what kind of face you have when you are happy.

The next trail belongs to an animal that can tell this story about itself: I am fast and agile, I can climb a tree. I can catch up with an elk in the forest, snatch a fish out of the water, I walk through the forest - a twig will not crunch, and no one will catch up with my run.

The animal that left its mark in the snow is also unusual. It is interesting that if he is afraid of something, he cries exactly like a human child.

This is a voracious omnivorous animal. He eats beetles and ants, wasps and bumblebees, gnaws the antlers shed by elk, caterpillars, mice, and steals eggs from bird nests. Loves Christmas tree seeds, nuts, mushrooms and berries.

Task 1 - ask “Daisies”
Collect from geometric shapes - a fox and a goose.

A child from the “Daisies” team is reading
I'm a funny fox
A wasp grabbed my tail,
I, poor thing, was spinning around like that,
What has broken into pieces!
Three magpies near a stump
They began to gather me.
An argument broke out between them:
It turned out to be a fly agaric!
Help! Help!
Put me together from pieces.

Task 2 is given by “Cornflowers”
I'm a funny white goose
I'm not afraid of anything!
But yesterday I fell off a hill,
It fell to pieces.
The raccoon collected me
It turned out to be a steamship!
Help! Help!
Put me together from pieces.

Mini sketch: “Sparrow and tit”
Sparrow: Guess tit, which weapon is the most terrible?
Titmouse: I know, I know - a gun!
Sparrow: I didn’t guess!
Titmouse: I know, I know - gun!
Sparrow: I guessed wrong again!
Tit: I know, I know…. Don't know!
Sparrow: Slingshot! They won’t shoot at sparrows from a cannon, but from a slingshot, just have time to jump away! I already know, I’m a shot sparrow!

Song “If you went on a journey with a friend” (lyrics by M. Tanich, music by V. Shainsky)

Exercise "Visualization"
We close our eyes and imagine,
We remember what happened now.
Imagine a big TV
On it you will see what happened to you:
Songs and dances, games and fairy tales,
How we played, what we said.
We remembered everything and forgot nothing.
Open your eyes and let it happen
Everything you saw in the movies will tell.

Fanfare sounds.

Summing up the game:
We were just playing
How do children
What is outside the game is tinsel for us,
This is the sweetest word in the world -
Our common game!