The right to apply for information about the state of the environment. Obtaining information about the state of the environment The concept and types of environmental rights of citizens

The main reserves for the development of production, their classification

The transition of the economy to market relations makes it objectively necessary to find internal production reserves for increasing production efficiency at enterprises.

Under internal reserves understand the possibilities of improving the use of enterprise resources (material, technical, energy, financial, labor) as a result of improving equipment, technology, labor organization, production and management.

By implementation methods distinguish between technical and organizational reserves. Technical are associated with an increase in manufacturability, a decrease in material consumption and labor intensity of the finished product due to technical improvements. Organizational associated with the improvement of the management structure, the use of more progressive forms of organization of labor and production. Organizational reserves are closely related to the scientific, technical and social development of the enterprise.

By mobilization time Intra-production reserves are classified into current and prospective. To current include such reserves that do not require significant capital investments and can be used in the next planning period, to promising - which require large investments and can be used in the future.

Depending on the nature of the resources, the use of which is planned to be improved, there are reserves:

1. the use of tools and means of labor (the possibility of a more complete loading of equipment, reducing the time it is in repair, the rational use of tools, etc.);

2. saving objects of labor (opportunities for waste-free and integrated use of raw materials and materials, their rational choice, use of waste, strengthening the savings regime, revision of standards, etc.);

3. saving working time (the possibility of a more complete unloading of workers, reducing losses and unproductive costs of working time, changing the structure of personnel, etc.);

4. finished product (opportunities for improving properties, increasing the durability and reliability of products, reducing defects, using the requirements of international standards, etc.);

5. general production: associated with the organization of the production process (reduction of the duration of the production cycle, the size of work in progress, stocks), as well as unused opportunities to reduce the time for technical preparation of production and the development of new types of products.

Identification of organizational reserves should:

1. ensure the revision and clarification of the norms on the basis of which the calculations of the main indicators of the enterprise's work are made;

2. to give a qualitative and quantitative description of the identified reserves;

3. identify organizational innovations and develop organizational and technical measures aimed at using the identified reserves.

The results of the analysis of organizational reserves should provide the most complete and systematic orientation of all production links to maximize the final results of the enterprise.

Analysis of the organizational state of the system, first of all, consists in assessing how it corresponds to the current and future tasks and conditions of its functioning.

System Analysis is a set of techniques and methods for studying an object as a specific system that has both internal and external diverse connections with other surrounding objects.

During the analysis, answers to such questions should be obtained: where is the “bottleneck”? are there any reserves? Answers to them can be obtained on the basis of an analysis of the technical and economic indicators of the enterprise (workshop, site, teams), the production rhythm schedule, work time balances, data on staff turnover, etc.

Next, a study or further study of the system in given areas is carried out. This process consists in a consistent assessment of individual elements, properties and relationships of the system from the standpoint of how they affect the result of the process. Methods for such an assessment may be different for different kinds of tasks. For example, using the techniques of functional cost analysis, a system element or relationship can be evaluated on the following questions:

What is he/she for? (Their functions are in the system process.)

Are the costs for him (her) great?

Could this function be done more cost-effectively using a different element or a different link?

Is it possible to do without performing this function at all without damaging the system process? (Detour maneuver).

Does this set of elements and links between them ensure sufficient completeness and completeness?

In the practice of solving organizational problems, the normative approach is most common, when the assessment of individual objects, properties (parameters) and system connections is based on their comparison with established standards, standard solutions, and stages. At the same time, the success of the solution depends on the progressiveness and scientific and technical level of the standards.

Following the analysis of the system, the process of designing a more efficient version of its organization begins. It is expressed in the exclusion, replacement or addition of individual elements and relationships in the system, which could provide the desired output.

Finding the best option that provides the maximum value of the efficiency criterion at the lowest possible cost does not mean solving the problem. To make a realistic decision, it is necessary to study information about the resources necessary for its implementation.

Resource analysis can lead to the conclusion that this solution is not feasible with the available funds, human resources and within a given time frame. In this case, various kinds of adjustments are made to the adopted variant, which may lead to some decrease in the efficiency criterion, although they make the decision realistically feasible.

The work on organizing operational services begins with the fact that an employee of the operational unit who has received an industry (zone, line of work) in operational service must know how many and which enterprises (institutions, organizations) are located in the service area. Next, the employee proceeds to analyze the state of the operational situation. In general terms, the content of the operational situation includes the following groups of factors:






the presence of operational-search and other forces and means that the subject of analysis has.

This set of characteristics is used mainly by management structures. For the operational staff of law enforcement agencies, as a rule, it is necessary to analyze the operational situation at the serviced object (group of objects), territory or line of work. In this regard, the content of the operational situation is significantly narrowed and includes only the following factors:

Socio-economic characteristics;

Criminogenic situation;

Forces and means of an operational officer of a law enforcement agency.

As a result of the analysis of the operational situation in a certain territory The employee must receive the following information:

1. By socio-economic characteristics:

economic potential (number of enterprises, institutions, organizations, direction of their economic activity);

industrial and other relations; entrepreneurial activity of the population;

the position of socially weakly protected categories of citizens; the level of tax collection;

availability and condition of communications, etc.

2. According to the criminogenic situation:

Structure, level, dynamics and proportion of crime;

The presence and nature of the activities of persons of operational interest;

The prevalence of administrative offenses; criminological characteristics of persons committing offenses;

State of conservation of property; conditions conducive to the commission of crimes, etc.;

3. Forces and means of an operative law enforcement agency:

Availability and quality characteristics of confidential employees;

The list of subjects with which the detective interacts, and forms of interaction;

Technical equipment of an operational officer, etc.

The study of:

Production technologies, accounting procedures, spending, transportation, storage of these funds;

Data regarding financially responsible and other persons who have direct access to drugs, sources of their material security, its correspondence to the income received; lifestyle, connections, the presence of a criminal record and other materials indicating the probable criminal activity of the inspected;

Materials of audits of economic activities of enterprises and institutions, claims for the supply of raw materials and finished products; other documents related to the production, acquisition, storage, destruction, release and consumption of drugs;

Structures and procedures for the implementation of the protection of enterprises, institutions, organizations and other objects, the implementation of access control on them;

The procedure for the selection and placement of personnel directly related to drug operations.

Employees of law enforcement agencies during the operational search activities at drug production and storage facilities should be aimed at identifying:

Drug addicts, drug users See the Unified Departmental Glossary of Terms Used in Estimating the Scale of Distribution and Illicit Use of Drugs. - M.: FSKN, 2006., persons previously convicted of embezzlement of state property and drug-related crimes, among financially responsible and other persons with access to drugs;

Prescriptions for fictitious patients and persons who are not prescribed medical drug use;

Cases of replacing drugs in ampoules and other containers with other means;

Facts of misappropriation of drugs due to their fictitious write-off for scientific research or treatment of oncological or other categories of patients;

False documents for the destruction of drug-containing medicines with expired shelf life and facts of misappropriation of such medicines;

Operative and other information about the appearance of a consignment of narcotic drugs in illicit circulation in the served territory and taking measures to establish their quantity, volume, frequency of appearance, features of labeling, packaging, packaging.

Thus, the correct organization of operational work on the indicated objects in order to carry out preventive and operational-search activities cannot be ensured without a thorough study of the characteristics of their production activities, knowledge of the contingent of workers who are entrusted with operations with drugs, the state of preservation of state property at a particular enterprise.

In addition to the above enterprises involved in the production, storage, distribution and use of narcotic drugs, law enforcement agencies provide operational services to other facilities and territories, which include:

Joint-stock companies, agro-industrial complexes engaged in the cultivation of hemp;

Settlements where illegal sowing of crops prohibited for cultivation has been repeatedly recorded;

Settlements located near the arrays of wild-growing hemp;

Areas adjacent to transport communications located close to places of cultivation or wild growth of drug-containing plants;

Processing facilities See the Uniform Departmental Glossary of Terms Used in Assessing the Extent of Distribution and Illicit Drug Use. - M.: FSKN, 2006., storage, production of drug-containing raw materials.

Their operational service is aimed at revealing the facts of illegal poppy and hemp crops, identifying persons arriving in the area with the aim of stealing drug-containing plants from sown plantations or harvesting wild-growing hemp for further handicraft production of drugs, buyers of raw materials and homemade drugs.

Operational maintenance of territories and facilities is provided by a combination of the following organizational measures:

Study, analysis, assessment of the operational situation in the assigned territory or its separate parts;

Determination of operational service modes for specific facilities and territories;

Organization of a system for collecting information of operational interest;

Planning operational-search and other measures to prevent and solve drug-related crimes.

A comprehensive analysis and assessment of the current situation allows operational law enforcement officers to make adequate decisions for the implementation of interaction between various services and units.

Operational maintenance of objects and territories is impossible without planning and implementing a whole range of covert measures, the basis of which is the work on the selection and placement of covert apparatus.

Positive results in the fight against the drug business are achieved where they skillfully organize the selection and placement of covert sources of information. This contributes to the creation of a stable secret apparatus that can provide effective assistance in the fight against drug crime.

The implementation of control, regulation and management of industrial objects of textile production requires, first of all, obtaining objective initial information about the state and course of technological processes occurring in automation objects. In the process of measuring various physical quantities, it is necessary to determine the quantitative value using appropriate technical devices, called means of obtaining measurement information (sensors). These devices are an integral part of almost any industrial automation system.

With a large variety of measured technological parameters, it is difficult to count on the successful development of sensors without their systematization and unification. Studies carried out in the 1970s by the Institute of Management Problems to estimate the size of the area of ​​such information made it possible to create a cadastre of quantities and parameters to be measured.

Cadastre- a systematic set of information compiled periodically or through continuous observations of the relevant objects. It combines physical quantities that determine the state of technological control objects in various industries. These include the quantities of space and time, mechanical, electrical and magnetic, acoustic, light, and also relative. The cadastre determines the prospects for the development of the range of measuring instruments - sensors of technological processes.

On fig. 2.1 shows the structure of the inventory of measured quantities. These are mainly quantities used to control and automate industrial facilities. The above classification and list of measured and controlled values ​​of GSP are rather conditional: they mainly reflect the existing tradition, but, on the other hand, limit the area of ​​distribution, determine the nomenclature of all TSA included in its composition, and serve to outline the range of objects control and management currently covered by the SHG.

Basic concepts in metrology

Metrology called the science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and ways to achieve the required accuracy. It serves as a theoretical basis for measuring technology.

by measurement called finding the value of a physical quantity empirically with the help of special technical means.

To solve the problems of automatic control and regulation of technological parameters of textile production, the reliability of the value of the measured value of the controlled parameter is essential. Thus, measurement is characterized, first of all, by obtaining quantitative information about the measured quantity, or the so-called measurement information.

A distinctive feature of the measurement is that this process necessarily involves one or another simple or complex physical experiment. In some cases, quantitative information about the measured value cannot be obtained only by theoretical calculations. Even if the values ​​of individual quantities are obtained by calculation, then the calculation formulas used in these cases must necessarily contain the value of other quantities determined experimentally.

To carry out the measurement, of course, the measuring instruments are necessary, with the help of which the measuring process is carried out, as well as the method or method of measurement, characterized by a physical phenomenon, which is used in the measurement, depending on the measuring instruments used.

Thus, the concept of "measurement" includes the following main elements: measurement condition, units of physical quantities, measuring instruments, measurement methods, observer or any technical devices for the perception and use of the value of the measured quantity, measurement result.

Measured quantities. When considering this issue, we will focus only on the measurement of deterministic quantities, without affecting the measurement of the statistical characteristics of random processes.

There are quantities that are continuous in value and discrete. The former are characterized by the fact that in a given range, measurements can have an infinite number of values. A quantity discrete in value in a given measurement range has a limited number of values ​​(levels), and any subsequent value differs from the previous one by the same value.

In measuring technology, the term “analogue value” is also used, that is, a value that is a similarity to another value, or, in other words, reflecting another value. If the first (basic) value changes continuously, then the analog value will also change continuously. On this basis, devices with a pointer moving along the scale are called analog, and devices that give out measuring information in a discrete form in the form of numbers are called digital.

Measurement conditions. When measuring, it is necessary to take into account the mutual influence of the medium and measuring instruments, with the help of which measurement information is obtained. The introduction of measuring instruments into the environment should not change its properties, otherwise false or distorted information to one degree or another will be obtained. At the same time, it should be emphasized that the interaction of the environment and measuring instruments is necessary, since only thanks to this, the transmission and reception of measuring information by the device occurs. The influence of measurement conditions must be taken into account when choosing a method and processing measurement results.

Units of physical quantities. In measurements, the most important role belongs to units of physical quantities that have such dimensions, which, by definition, are assigned the numerical value "1". For comparison and unambiguous interpretation of measurement results, a system of units has been established by law. The main units are reproduced in the form of standards, i.e., such measuring instruments that allow, with the greatest accuracy achieved, to transfer the reproducible size of the unit to other measuring instruments used in wide practice.

Means and methods of measurements. The technical means used in measurements and having normalized metrological properties are called measuring instruments. Measuring instruments serve as the basis of measuring technology.

Measurement methods depend on the methods of obtaining measurement information and the patterns underlying the measurements, as well as on many other factors: the type of the measured quantity, its value, measurement conditions, the required accuracy, etc. In fact, the measurement method is determined by the principle of comparing the measured quantity with unit and physical laws underlying the measurement.

Measurement result. Any measuring instrument for a number of reasons cannot give an absolutely accurate value of the measured quantity. Therefore, the true value of a quantity has to be considered only as a value that ideally reflects in qualitative and quantitative terms the corresponding property of a given physical object. For practical use, the value of the quantity is taken, determined experimentally with the help of measuring instruments to such an extent that for a specific purpose it can be taken instead of the true value. Thus, one of the cardinal tasks in measurements is the estimation of measurement errors.

Since the commercial success of an enterprise in modern conditions depends on the degree of customer satisfaction, the quality system should be focused on information about the needs and the degree of their satisfaction, as well as the state of the market of competitors and the quality of their products.

The basis of the quality system should be marketing research, in the implementation of which it is necessary to take into account the following features of the modern market:

- the consumer dictates what, when, in what form he wants to receive and at what price;

- competition in the market due to its globalization is sharply aggravated;

– consumer needs and the market situation change very quickly.

The function of marketing should be to determine the needs, demand, specific and expected requirements of consumers and the market, product characteristics that meet consumer requirements and regulations.

It is precisely the fact that the modern world market is a buyer's market that prompts the governments of all industrialized and many developing countries to contribute in every possible way to increasing national exports.

Consider the concept of competitiveness. This is a very important criterion that characterizes the company's ability to exist in market conditions.

In general, under competition is understood as: an element of the market mechanism or a form of interaction between market entities or the economic rivalry of isolated commodity producers for market share and profits, obtaining an order or

We are interested now product competitiveness- the ability of the product to meet the requirements of the market for this type of product.

Assessment of the competitiveness of the goods (CSP) is based on a comparison of this product with the corresponding products of other firms. The indicator of product competitiveness is expressed by the ratio of the useful effect to the price of consumption, and the integral indicators of the characteristics of the product - its quality - are taken as the useful effect.

Ways to get information: market analysis, open sources, marketing research, own research, involvement of an outside specialist, etc.

Quality planning

Product quality planning is understood as the establishment of reasonable targets for the production of products with the required values ​​of quality indicators for a given ms of time or within a given time interval.

Quality improvement planning should be based on scientifically based forecasting of the needs of the domestic and foreign markets. To correctly substantiate quality improvement plans, data on the results of product operation should be used, and information on the actual level of its quality should be summarized and analyzed.

The subject of product quality planning are, ultimately, various indicators that reflect both the product properties of the department and the various characteristics of the quality management system and processes. These indicators are reflected in specific tasks to improve the quality of products in the plans for research and development work, standardization and metrological support, the introduction of quality management systems, and the technical development of the enterprise; training, etc.

The main objectives of planning to improve product quality are:

Ensuring the release of products with the maximum compliance of its properties with existing and future market needs;

Raising the technical level and quality of products to the level of the best domestic and foreign samples;

Establishment of economically optimal tasks for improving the quality of products in terms of their resource provision and consumer demands;

Improving the structure of manufactured products by optimizing its size range;

Increasing the production of certified products;

Improvement of individual consumer properties of already manufactured products (reliability, durability, safety, efficiency, etc.);

Timely reduction of output or removal from production of obsolete and uncompetitive products;

Ensuring strict compliance with the requirements of standards, specifications and other regulatory and technical documentation, timely implementation of newly developed and revision of obsolete standards;

Development and implementation of specific measures to ensure the achievement of a given level of quality;

Quality improvement planning should be carried out at different levels of management and stages of the product life cycle, including design, production and operation. Quality improvement plans must be provided with the necessary material, financial and labor resources, and planned indicators and quality improvement measures must be carefully justified by economic efficiency calculations.

Planning to improve the quality of products at the enterprise should be based primarily on:

Careful study of current and prospective demand for products;

Analysis of consumer feedback on the behavior of products in operation;

Drafting contracts with customers.

Quality improvement plans should also consider:

Results of product certification;

Progressive requirements of current standards and specifications;

Research results;

Patent materials;


Scientific and technical information data;

Consumer requirements.

Creation of a quality system

The quality system is a set of organizational culture, methods, processes necessary for the implementation of general quality management. The choice of a quality system model depends on the financial condition of the enterprise, the goals that it pursues when creating the system, the size of the enterprise, the structure and organization of production. Creating an effective structure of the quality system requires maximum integration of the activities of all departments and services of the enterprise.

The successful functioning of the quality system and its further improvement depends on the organizational structure of quality management, which can be:

- vertical (top to bottom);

– horizontal (system of cooperation).

The choice of organizational structure depends on the concept of quality management preferred by the enterprise and the goals of creating a quality system. Hierarchical organizational structures with vertical management processes, as a rule, are poorly adapted to the development and implementation of modern quality systems. The most effective horizontal quality management processes, among which the following are recognized in the world:

– project management style;

– statistical process control;

- building organizational structures from the chains "consumer - supplier";

– structuring of quality functions.

The project management style has become widespread. The project is always focused on a specific consumer and product customer. The project manager is appointed by the top management of the enterprise and is accountable only to him. Within the project, a project team is created on a competitive basis, which develops all processes and a quality system in accordance with the requirements of a given consumer. The essence of statistical management is to use statistical methods to minimize process variability. Deming argued that the quality of the product will be higher, the less the variability of projects.

The concept and types of environmental rights of citizens.

Under environmental human rights understood the rights of the individual recognized and enshrined in legislation, ensuring the satisfaction of various human needs in interaction with nature.

The fundamental rights are enshrined in the Constitution:

1. the right to a favorable environment,

2. the right to reliable information about her condition

3. the right to compensation for damage caused to his health or property by an environmental offense

AT federal law"On protection environment"Constitutional environmental rights are partially reproduced, but in a worsened version. According to Article 11, an analysis of environmental rights enshrined in legislation, i.e. human rights to nature or related to nature, allows us to combine them into the following groups:

Rights aimed at meeting human needs at the expense of natural resources. These include right to a healthy environment and environmental rights(water use, subsoil use, forest use).

Rights aimed at protecting health from the adverse effects of the environment. the right to health care (art. 41), to work in conditions that meet safety requirements(art. 37), as well as radiation safety

Rights that serve as a means of enforcing and protecting the rights to a favorable environment and protection of health from the adverse effects of the environment.

the right to reliable information about the state of the environment,

ü for compensation for damage caused to human health or property by an environmental offense,

ü to protect the environment from the negative impact caused by economic and other activities, emergencies natural and man-made nature, for compensation for environmental damage

ü create public associations, funds and other non-profit organizations carrying out activities in the field of environmental protection;

ü take part in meetings, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing, collecting signatures for petitions, referendums on environmental issues

The right to apply for information about the state of the environment.

Citizens own the right to submit applications to public authorities Russian Federation, public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, other organizations and officials about receiving timely, complete and reliable information about the state of the environment in their places of residence, measures for its protection.

Information - any information, regardless of the form of their presentation.

The object of relations arising in the course of the implementation of the right of citizens to environmental information is itself environmental information, which may contain information:

On the state of the earth, soil, subsoil, water, atmospheric air, flora and fauna, natural complexes;

About an environmental threat or risk to human health and life; on chemical, physical and biological impacts on the state and objects of the environment and their sources;

On activities that adversely affect or may affect natural objects and humans;

On measures for the protection of the environment, including legal, administrative and other;

On the activities of state bodies, legal entities and entrepreneurs in the field of natural resources management, nature management, environmental protection, enforcement and protection of environmental rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, if the need for such activities is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The guarantees of the rights of citizens are the timeliness of the provision of environmental information by official bodies, its reliability and completeness.

So, credible undistorted environmentally significant information is recognized that is or should be available to specially authorized state bodies in the field of nature management and environmental protection and other subjects of law within their competence.

Complete can be considered information that is transferred to interested parties to the extent that a state body, local government body or other owner (owner) of information resources can or should possess it.

timely information transmitted to the person who applied for it may be recognized as soon as possible from the moment of the request and, without fail, before the expiration of the period specified in the legislation, if any. In the event that the authorities do not respond within 1 month to the request of citizens to obtain information about the state of the environment in their places of residence, citizens in such a situation have the right to file a complaint with a higher authority or court

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Article 8.5) provides for administrative liability for “hiding or distorting environmental information”. ( Concealment, deliberate misrepresentation or untimely communication complete and reliable information about the state of the environment and natural resources, about sources of pollution of the environment and natural resources or other harmful effects on the environment and natural resources, about the radiation situation, as well as distortion of information about the state of land, water bodies and other environmental objects persons required to provide such information).