Monthly sales report. Nikolay Mrochkovsky99 sales tools. Effective methods of making a profit. Analysis of the implementation of the sales plan

Improving the efficiency of the sales department in 50 days Ryazantsev Alexey

Report template package

Report template package

1. Activity report

The activity report quantifies the activities that managers have completed during the day, as well as the day's totals. The following are entered in the table:

Month, date and day;

Delay, in minutes;

Number of new cold calls;

Number of exits to decision makers (DM);

The number of sent commercial offers (CO);

Number of repeated calls;

Number of successful calls;

Number of appointments;

Number of meetings held;

Number of invoices issued;

Amount of payments, in rubles;

A mark is made that the call log (the next day) is filled out and sent to the head of the ROP sales department (Table 5.2).

This is one of the most powerful tools in the sales department. By implementing it, you will be able to maintain labor productivity, as over time, managers begin to perform fewer targeted actions. In addition, you will be able to control how many actions managers perform and see how the conversion and payment amounts change.

Report completion time: 10 minutes.

2. Work log

The work journal is one of the main working tools of a sales manager. It is prepared at the end of the working day for the next day. Contacts for touches are entered into it. At the end of the working day, the completed workbook is handed over to the head of the sales department by e-mail - if a document sharing system or CRM is not set up.

What data is recorded in the work log.


LPR name.

Phone and e-mail.

Call result.

Source for collecting contacts (so that managers do not choose low-quality databases on their own) (Table 5.3).

Table 5.2. Call log

Table 5.3. Work Log Example

This tool helps you get started quickly in the morning and make calls in a block in two to three hours, rather than searching the Internet for contacts of organizations one by one. The average speed of the manager in this case will be five or six contacts per hour. And having a work journal, people come to work and can immediately call ready-made contacts.

If the list is not made in the evening, you can be sure that the manager will easily devote this important process all the first half of the day.

3. Checklist "Schedule of the day" (table. 5.4, 5.5)

Table 5.4. Sales manager checklist

It is important that the work in the department is built in blocks: one block is two to three hours, within which one type of work is performed (mostly). Turn off multitasking for your managers and you can increase their productivity by at least two and a half times. Don't believe? Schedule a trial month and see for yourself.

Scientists have proven that it takes about 30 minutes for our brain to peak and enter a state of flow. And in order to get out of it, a small switch to another thing is enough, even for 30 seconds. This is important to understand. Therefore, you can not give managers the opportunity to call all day. They should have a call block. Same with other tasks.

The second plus here is the psychological aspect: when you set yourself a time limit on a task, you complete it much faster than if you had a lot of time to complete it.

4. Base for boosting warm clients

The customer base is necessary in order not to lose potential customers who contacted you - they were sent a commercial offer, maybe they held meetings, but it didn’t come to a sale. Our statistics show that at this stage, 20-30% of transactions fall off - just because they simply forgot about the clients, hoping that if they decide, they will call themselves. Work should be carried out with all warm clients, the dates of the next calls and the boost to the transaction should be determined (Table 5.6).

After filling the database, the manager enters the schedule into his calendar and sets a reminder on the phone. Or fills out your Google calendar and puts a SMS reminder in it. Very comfortably.

5. Meeting report

Employees fill out a report on the meeting after the meeting. It fixes the subject of the meeting, the main agreements and the dates of the next touch.

The report is important because it allows management to monitor the meetings actually held and their effectiveness.

Table 5.5. Checklist for Sales Manager

Table 5.6. Sales boost base

Often there is a problem when managers set up meetings for themselves, while they themselves go about their business.

Sales manager meeting report

Date _______________ Name of manager _________________

Company name ________________________________

The contact person _______________________________________

Manager's Notes:

Meeting result:

Next steps:

Next steps for the client:

6. Reporting of the head of the sales department

The report on the results of the sales department is filled in by the head of the department and thereby enables the director of the enterprise to control the sales performance for the department as a whole and the results of each manager (Tables 5.7, 5.8).

You can add any other metrics, such as the number and volume of upsells, sales of partner products, and so on.

Table 5.7. Sales department report

Table 5.8. Sales report of a specific manager

7. Audit of the client base

The head of the sales department conducts an audit of the client base once a month / quarter. Based on the results of the audit, he fills in a report table (Table 5.9).

Table 5.9. Audit of the client base (according to ABC segmentation)

8. Reporting of a sales representative (merchandiser)

It is used to control the bypass of outlets subordinate to the sales representative (Table 5.10).

Table 5.10. Sales representative daily report

9. Base of key clients

It is important that managers keep a database of key customers. Because you need to maintain communication with them of a completely different quality. Business is based on this part of your base, and it is very important to establish system touches in it.

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Analyzing a company's sales and profits is one of the important aspects of a marketing specialist's job. Having a properly prepared sales report at hand, it will be much easier for you to develop marketing strategy development of the company, but the answer to the management's question "What are the main reasons for the decline in sales?" won't take long.

In this article, we will consider an example of maintaining and analyzing sales statistics for manufacturing plant. The example described in the article is also suitable for the retail and wholesale trade, to analyze the sales of an individual store. The template for sales analysis in Excel prepared by us is very large-scale, it includes various aspects of the analysis of sales dynamics, which are not always necessary for every company. Before using the template, be sure to tailor it to your business specifics, leaving only the information you need to monitor sales fluctuations and assess the quality of growth.

Introduction to sales analysis

Before you analyze sales, you need to set up the collection of statistics. Therefore, determine the key indicators that you would like to analyze and the frequency of collection of these indicators. Here is a list of the most necessary sales analysis indicators:

Index Comments
Sales in pieces and rubles It is better to collect sales statistics in pieces and rubles separately for each commodity item on a monthly basis. This statistics allows you to find the starting point of a decrease / increase in sales and quickly determine the reason for such a change. Also, such statistics allows you to track the change in the average price of shipment of goods in the presence of various bonuses or discounts to partners.
unit cost The cost of goods is an important aspect of any sales analysis. Knowing the level of product cost, it will be easier for you to develop trade marketing promotions and manage pricing in the company. Based on the cost, you can calculate the average profitability of the product and determine the most profitable positions in terms of profit to stimulate sales. Cost statistics can be kept on a monthly basis, but if this is not possible, then it is advisable to track the quarterly dynamics of this indicator.
Sales by sales area or sales region If your company works with different regions / cities or has several divisions in the sales department, then it is advisable to keep sales statistics for these regions and directions. If you have such statistics, you will be able to understand which areas primarily ensured the growth / fall in sales and quickly find out the reasons for deviations. Destination sales are tracked on a monthly basis.
Product distribution Distribution of goods is directly related to the growth or decline in sales. If the company has the ability to monitor the presence of goods in the Republic of Tatarstan, then it is desirable to collect such statistics at least once a quarter. Knowing the number of points in which the shipped item is directly presented, you can calculate the turnover rate of goods in retail outlet(sales / number of RT) and understand the current level of demand for the company's products. Distribution can be monitored on a monthly basis, but it is most convenient to monitor this indicator quarterly.
Number of clients If a company works with a dealer link or in the B2B market, it is advisable to track statistics on the number of customers. In this case, you will be able to assess the quality of sales growth. For example, the source of sales growth is an increase in demand for a product or simply geographical expansion in the market.

The main points to pay attention to when conducting a sales analysis:

  • Dynamics of sales by goods and directions that make up 80% of the company's sales
  • Dynamics of sales and profits in relation to the same period last year
  • Change in price, cost and profitability of sales for individual items, groups of goods
  • Growth quality: sales dynamics per 1 RT, per 1 client

Collection of sales and profit statistics

Let's move on to an example that clearly shows how to do a sales analysis.

The first step is to collect sales statistics for each current company item. We collect sales statistics for 2 periods: the previous and current year. We divided all articles into product categories, for which we are interested to see the dynamics.

Fig.1 An example of collecting sales statistics by commodity items

We fill in the above table according to the following indicators: pieces, rubles, average selling price, cost, profit and profitability. These tables will be the primary source for future sales analysis.

Positional sales statistics for the year preceding the current period is necessary to compare current reporting figures with the previous year and assess the quality of sales growth.

Next, we collect shipment statistics for the main areas of the sales department. We break down the total revenue (in rubles) by sales areas and by main product categories. Statistics is needed only in ruble terms, as it helps to control the overall situation in sales. A more detailed analysis is necessary only if there is a sharp change in sales dynamics in one of the directions.

Fig.2 An example of collecting sales statistics by directions and regions of sales

Sales Analysis Process

After all the necessary sales statistics have been collected, you can proceed to the sales analysis.

Analysis of the implementation of the sales plan

If the company is planning and a sales plan is set, then the first step is to evaluate the implementation of the sales plan by product groups and analyze the quality of sales growth (the dynamics of shipments in relation to the same period last year).

Fig. 3 An example of analyzing the implementation of a sales plan by product groups

We analyze the implementation of the sales plan according to three indicators: shipments in physical terms, revenue and profit. In each table, we calculate the % of the plan and the dynamics in relation to the previous year. All plans are divided into product categories, which allows you to understand in more detail the sources of undersales and overfulfillment of the plan. The analysis is carried out on a monthly and quarterly basis.

In the table above, we also use the additional field "forecast", which allows you to forecast the implementation of the sales plan with the current dynamics of shipments.

Analysis of sales dynamics by areas

Such a sales analysis is necessary to understand which areas of the sales department are the main sources of sales. The report allows you to evaluate the dynamics of sales in each direction and timely identify significant deviations in sales in order to correct them. We break down total sales by OS areas, and analyze sales by product categories for each area.

Fig. 4 Example of sales analysis by areas

To assess the quality of growth, the indicator “sales growth dynamics compared to the previous year” is used. To assess the significance of the direction in the sales of a particular product group, the parameters "share in sales,%" and "sales per 1 client" are used. The dynamics is tracked by quarters to eliminate fluctuations in shipments.

Analysis of the sales structure

Analysis of the sales structure helps to take a general look at the effectiveness and importance of product groups in the company's portfolio. The analysis allows you to understand which product groups are the most profitable for business, whether the share of key product groups is changing, and whether price increases cover the cost increase. The analysis is carried out on a quarterly basis.

Fig. 5 An example of analyzing the structure of sales of the company's assortment

According to the indicators "shipments in physical terms", "revenue" and "profit", the share of each group in the company's portfolio and the change in share are estimated. According to the indicators "profitability", "cost" and "price", the dynamics of values ​​in relation to the previous quarter is estimated.

Fig.6 An example of the analysis of the cost and profitability of sales

ABC analysis

One of the final stages of sales analysis is the standard one, which helps to conduct a competent assortment policy and develop effective trade marketing activities.

Fig.7 ABC example assortment analysis

ABC analysis is carried out in the context of sales and profit once a quarter.

Residue control

The final stage of sales analysis is monitoring the balance of the company's products. Analysis of balances allows you to identify critical positions for which there is a large surplus or a shortage of goods is predicted.

Fig.8 An example of the analysis of product residues

Sales report

Often in companies, the marketing department is held accountable for meeting sales targets. For a weekly report, it is enough to track the level of implementation of the sales plan by the cumulative total and indicate the forecast for the implementation of the sales plan for the current level of shipments. Such a report allows you to timely identify the threats of non-fulfillment of the sales plan and develop corrective measures.

Fig.9 Weekly sales report

Attach a small table to such a report describing the main threats to the fulfillment of the sales plan and proposed solutions that will reduce the negative impact of the identified reasons for not fulfilling the plan. Describe what alternative sources can be used to increase sales.

In the monthly sales report, it is important to reflect the actual implementation of the sales plan, the quality of growth in relation to the same period last year, an analysis of the dynamics of the average shipment price and the profitability of the goods.

Fig.10 Monthly sales report

You can download the template for sales analysis presented in the article in the section.

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By the way, they are almost always different. “Downward” is based on actual costs, planned profit, last month's results plus growth.

“Internal” relies on clients at work and their status. Knowing this difference, the ROP can adjust the activity of employees.

An example of an "internal" plan: We have a manager Ivanov, he makes a list of his clients and gives them statuses.

For example, Horns and Hooves LLC requested an invoice, and the layout of the contract was already agreed with IP Ivanchenko, but the representative of Selkomplekt LLC took a break.

And the ROP is already adding up the numbers from each seller, understanding how much real money the company will receive in the future in this period.

internal plan

1.2 Planning the work of the department

Also in the company, the ROP should develop and maintain a clear planning system for managers, this is necessary in order to make it easier for employees to understand their actions, and for the manager to control them. And such a system should include at least:

  1. Setting tasks for a specific date. Having entered the system, the manager should see the clients with whom he will interact today, as well as other tasks.
  2. Making forecasts for the manager. The system shows information about the likely payments from customers for the period. Moreover, ideally, the system sums up these amounts and shows a probable plan.
  3. Work day plan. In the context of the department, a clear description of the work of the department is created. As a result, there is an understanding of which of the employees at what time receives incoming calls, who makes outgoing calls, etc.

As a rule, all this fits in (such as Bitrix24, SalesapCRM). But if you are not yet particularly disposed to such an approach, then it will fit in 5-7 different Excel pages with ready-made formulas for each cell.

Good decision

2. Decomposition

Drawing up a sales plan and it, both for an individual employee and for the department as a whole, is perhaps one of the main responsibilities for the head of the sales department. It's a pity that only a few use it.

Example: If the director has set a plan of 1,000,000 rubles per month, then the ROP breaks this plan into details to predict actions.

  • With 22 business days, you need to make transactions for 45,454.5 rubles per day (1,000,000/22).
  • If 4 managers work, then each of them must sell 11,363 rubles a day.

Knowing the amount needed to achieve the plan each day, the ROP makes adjustments.

If on Monday, instead of the planned 45,545 rubles, 30,000 rubles were sold, then the balance is transferred to the next day. So on Tuesday the plan will be 45,545 + 15,545 = 61,090 rubles for everyone.


3. Motivation

About the motivation of the sales department and employees separately, we already have articles on the topic. But then I will still reveal the basis, albeit briefly.

3.1 Motivation of the sales team

In this case, it is not an individual who is motivated, but a team of specialists. All plans add up and get a general plan for the sales department. The purpose of such motivation is to fulfill the plan, even if there are laggards in the team.

If the plan is not met, managers who have already reached their planned sales volume continue to work hard to close a colleague's drawdown.

Possible rewards:

  1. Fixed material bonus for the implementation of the general plan, distributed proportionally;
  2. Non-material remuneration for all employees in the form of an offsite corporate party;

But ROP does not have to be banal in bonuses, no one has canceled the flight of your imagination.

For example, managers can be incentivized to over-fulfill the plan by promising that all profits in excess of a designated amount will be spent on additional health insurance policies for employees.

Hmm .. you need to think about it, so I haven’t motivated yet

3.2. Personal motivation

According to numerous studies, it was found that if you do not motivate employees individually, then they will not only sell averagely, but can also pull everyone else down.

That is why the manager is obliged to motivate each employee individually, so to speak - to give a personal incentive.

Possible rewards:

  1. Increased% for overfulfillment of the plan;
  2. Award for the best result of the period;
  3. Bonuses for and for achieving the plan

In addition, not only money, but also intangible factors favorably affect the psychological mood: the title of the best employee, diplomas and award cups, dinner with a manager and a key client. This is personal motivation.

4. Organization

In order for the work in the department to go like clockwork, it is necessary to correctly organize and adjust the work of employees.

And this is the most logical thing that is included in the duties of a leader. However, I will give you the main points:

  1. Regulations. Describe clearly what the manager should do in working time in what order and in what time frame.
  2. Instruments. The development and provision of sales tools to employees allows them to carry out their functions with high quality.
  3. . Establishes interaction between departments within the organization, in order to understand with whom the salesperson needs to interact.

The ROP must organize the work in such a way that in any situation the manager knows: what to do, how to do it and what tools to use.

For example, when making an outgoing call, use one sales creak, and when making an incoming call, use a completely different one.

5. Control

With the best organization, a full-fledged activity is impossible without a developed work control system.

It includes several main points, and then electives.

  1. . The most important issues are voiced at them and current problems are solved, academic performance and the implementation of the plan are also discussed.
  2. Control with CRM. The history of each client should be entered into CRM in a timely manner, the status and status change should be affixed.
  3. Employee reporting system. Salespeople must report daily on completed tasks and activities.
  4. Recordings of conversations. It allows you to assess whether salespeople adhere to how well they advise the client.
  5. Dashboard. The results board shows the actual/plan ratios, including cash flow into the firm's account and daily activity.
  6. Workday map with optimization. The map is analyzed for non-core cases that are not always immediately visible.

And this is one of the weakest points of any company from our experience. As a rule, everyone gives tasks to employees, but they are not checked at all.

And this is in vain, since salespeople automatically start to be lazy, because no one checks, which means you can play for free somewhere. In addition, reporting, in their opinion, does not lead them to big money (naturally, this is a delusion).

By the way. If you decide to use CRM, then I recommend Megaplan, and especially for you I have prepared a promo code “Megastart”. It gives a 10% discount + another 14 days of free trial. Just tell it to a specialist ->

6. Training

Only competent people work well, therefore, in the work of the ROP in without fail employee training should be included. There are five types of training:

  1. Primary. New hires are taught the information they need to be successful.
  2. For problem areas. It is carried out if it is necessary to improve specific indicators.
  3. situational. When help is needed, what steps are needed in a particular situation.
  4. Strategic. It is applied if the company has implemented a new tool.
  5. Qualifying. ROP learns new sales tools and then trains subordinates in this.

This is another weak point. And it's not even about managers, but in general about people. We don't really like studying. This is especially evident in the stars of companies that are already doing so high.

But you and I know that you can always sell better. Or as the saying goes, "There is no limit to perfection."


When selecting a leader, it is important to understand not only what functionality he should perform, but also what qualities are optimal for this.

It is also necessary to take into account the rights of the ROP and the regulations according to which he will report to the director of the organization.

ROP qualities

The head must have the appropriate qualities and competencies necessary for the full implementation official duties. And now we will analyze the most basic ones that you should pay attention to when hiring:

  1. Focus on achieving results;
  2. ambition;
  3. Leadership skills;
  4. subordinates;
  5. Incentive activities;
  6. Setting goals and demanding their implementation;
  7. Requesting information from other managers;
  8. Other guarantees under the Labor Code.

The rights give the ROP the opportunity to work comfortably and fully perform their duties.

Only he should have rights not formal, but real. After all, this is a leader, not an ordinary employee. He needs to feel empowered to manage his sales team.

ROP reporting

The head of the sales department reports only to his immediate supervisor.

As a standard, the head of the sales department reports to to CEO company, but sometimes his immediate supervisor may be the commercial director or the head of the sales department.

As a rule, each boss submits his own list of reports, we personally recommend at least this one:

  1. Current financial performance;
  2. Percentage of plan completion;
  3. Information about the work of subordinates;
  4. Description of further prospects for sales growth.

And of course, reporting is divided into daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual.

The more often there are changes in the company and in terms of sales, the more often and more such “boring”, but very useful materials should be.

Briefly about the main

The ideal sales manager is someone with charisma and leadership qualities who has experience both as a line salesperson and as a sales manager with excellent knowledge of the responsibilities.

He is ready to make decisions independently, to bear responsibility for them, for which he has the appropriate skills and competencies.

Such an employee usually claims a good salary. But most importantly, as practice shows, a good ROP uses the full potential of employees, which already in the first six months of work leads to a significant increase in the company's profits.

So you need to discard the thought “When there is money, then I will hire a ROP.” Time to move on to the next level “Until I have ROP, I won't have any more money”.


If you look at the modern world of business, you will see that 97% of companies fail in the first three years of their existence. And the main reason for these depressing statistics is by no means high taxes, bad employees or raider takeovers, but insufficient sales.

At the same time, there are companies that have put sales on stream, which works stably, bringing regular predictable profits.

If you are dreaming of a similar pipeline in your business, then you are on the right track. This book is a useful tool to help you build an effective sales system.

We will explain to you how to understand the weaknesses of your company, we will analyze how to work effectively with sales personnel, where and how to hire them and motivate them to achieve maximum results, and, of course, we will consider a huge number of strategies that will help raise sales to a fundamentally new level. level.

All that is required of you is the speedy implementation of all the described mechanisms and patterns in life. Our goal is not to show how difficult it is to be a businessman today, but to give effective strategies so that you can become the best businessman in your industry.

We wish you an exciting and interesting implementation! Believe me, this is much more interesting than just reading and getting new information.

Nikolay Mrochkovsky,

Control of the sales department. How to herd cats?

In this book, we decided to slightly change the traditional logic of presenting material, giving right off the bat the most important tools for the fastest implementation in your business, and explaining the whole theory after that.

This is done so that you can take and apply all the techniques in your business right now and get specific visible results.

Sales manager tools

In order for the sales team to bring consistently high results, it is necessary to constantly apply both the stick and the carrot. Otherwise, all your efforts to build a well-functioning system will be reduced to zero. At the moment there is no more efficient way than a reporting system. Thanks to the implementation of the methods described below, you will evaluate the work of sales managers not from their words, but based on real numbers.

Results Report

As soon as you hire your first sales manager, the challenge is how to keep track of their work and keep the whole process under control at all times.

Surely it is no secret to you that in many companies it is rather unclear what exactly happens in the sales department. That is, in general, it is clear that sellers make calls, go to meetings with customers, hold presentations of goods and services, actively try to sell and somehow interact with current customers, but how exactly all this happens is very often not very clear.

And this is one of the main problems, because not a single employee, especially the seller, can be left without control. As soon as control disappears, chaos immediately begins, and in this case it is only a matter of time before the sales performance drops to zero or (in the worst case) the entire department falls apart altogether.

Before moving on to the first document of this block, we would like to divide all the control tools for sales managers into two large groups:

1. Tools for process control.

2. Tools for monitoring the result.

Almost any company controls only the results of sales managers, while completely forgetting about the process itself. That is, it tracks how many sales a particular seller made, how many customers he brought to the company, and how much profit it brought. And, unfortunately, this is where all control ends.

As you understand, it is extremely important to control the process itself. Then you will see where this or that employee makes mistakes, you will be able to correct it and monitor the progress of the work.

We will talk more about monitoring the results in the “Calls and meetings log” block. Now let's take a closer look at how to control the result and, most importantly, with what.

What is a results report?

It is filled in by the sales manager on his own, and always on a daily basis. The fact of filling should be reflected in your system.

Most sales managers are not very fond of filling out various documents. They try to avoid this in every possible way, using various excuses, but your task as a leader is to be persistent in ensuring that all regulated actions are performed efficiently and on time.

In the event that the sales manager forgot or did not complete all the required reports at the end of the day, the simplest and most popular sanction: all interest rewards for that day are not counted. In other words, signed contracts and past payments do not count towards his remuneration. The method is quite good, easy to implement and, most importantly, effective.

What information should be included in the report?

♦ Contact information about the manager.

♦ Plan for the next month in terms of profit (sales).

In this area, you yourself choose which parameter to bind to, it all depends solely on the specifics of your business.

It's usually better to tie to profits, because if you tie to sales, salespeople are tempted to give big discounts no matter what, just to increase sales, in which case they don't care how much profit the company makes.

What kind information blocks present in this report?

1. Date.

2. Day of the week(not necessary). It often makes sense to include this block in the report when the business is subject to local seasonality by day of the week. There are statistics confirming that for some reason sales go worse on Monday and Friday, and better on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. If you notice similar situations in your company, then you should include this column and work to improve sales on non-productive days.

3. Sales volume.

4. Profit included in total sales.

5. Profit earned since the beginning of the period. Here we look at how this or that employee approached the implementation of the plan.

6. Percentage of completion of the plan. By seeing these indicators, you will be able to control managers and clearly understand which of them need to be pushed and motivated (we will talk about motivation in a separate chapter) to fulfill and overfulfill the plan, and who should be properly “kicked” to improve results.

7. Remuneration of the sales manager. For a complete picture of what is happening, you also need to see the earnings of each manager.

To summarize all of the above, with this report you control all key indicators on a macro scale. What does it mean?

This means that keeping this report is great, but not enough for complete control. After all, while everything is going well - this is visible, and small errors can be noticed, but as something starts to go wrong (let's say sales fall sharply), you cannot understand why this is happening right now. What exactly is the sales team doing wrong? Where does he need help and what should he concentrate on?

It will help you deal with situations like this. log of calls and meetings. We will talk about it a little later.

Table 1. Sales manager performance report

Checklist for every day

Consider a checklist for each day. What it is? In fact, a checklist is a regular list of actions, where the sales manager puts a tick next to each completed action. This is done because both managers and leaders, and almost all people forget about many things. And if we always remember about global tasks and goals, then small ones simply fly out of our heads. This is a human factor, and there is no getting around it.

therefore tasks need to be transferred to paper. You can keep a diary, but a checklist is very good for sales managers. Then every day a person immediately sees what and - most importantly - when he needs to do it.

It works like this. To begin with, the sales manager comes to the planning meeting, where the tasks for the day are discussed and the plan for the week is approved. Then there is a discussion of the details related to the internal sales processes in the company, the manager makes notes for himself and goes to work.

He prepares a call list, that is, he finds those clients who can be called again or send an offer, draws up a meeting plan, and so on. In other words, he prepares a list of actions for a full day's work.

After that, he makes calls. We recommend that the manager, before going to a meeting or doing other business, call customers, that is, carry out telephone sales before lunch, since this is the most productive period of the working day.

After the salesperson has made the required number of calls, he marks the completion of the action in the appropriate column and proceeds to the next stage - telephone conversations with interested customers.

These can be people who called themselves or, for example, left a request on the site. That is, the salesperson is engaged in full-fledged work with the so-called "warm" customers. Then he puts the appropriate mark in the checklist and moves on.

Further, reports are filled in, that is, a record of calls and a report on payments for the day are kept. The manager fills in the list of calls from his personal data, he can request a payment report from the accounting department, from the head of the sales department, or in any other way provided for in your company.

Then, in the evening, calls are made to customers who were billed yesterday or today. In other words, the manager contacts clients who need to be reminded of themselves. Has payment been made? If not, for what reason? When will it be done?

And finally, the sales employee makes a plan for tomorrow. At the end of the working day, he sits down and looks at what he needs to do with those clients with whom he spoke today. Who should call again? Who do you need to meet? What should the leader say at the meeting? And so on.

The manager prepares all this at the end of the working day, and by no means the next morning, because by morning many things can be forgotten. That is, it is imperative that in the evening the manager writes a plan for the next day.

The most important: checklist must be printed. Only in this case, the head of the sales department will see if the manager misses any actions and at what stage of work he is at one time or another.

The period for checking checklists depends on the specifics of your business - maybe it should be done once a day, or maybe once a week. We recommend checking the checklist every day at the planning meeting, plus, once a day, selectively with several managers.

Failure to complete the checklist may result in various penalties.- verbal warning, reprimand, fine and so on. Here everything depends entirely on you. We will talk in more detail about penalties and motivation in the chapter “Motivation of sales managers”.

Table 2. Sales manager's daily checklist

work log

The next document we want to show you is also filled in by the sales manager during the day - this is a work log. Let's take a closer look at the proposed template (see Table 3).

The first columns are quite obvious - this is the name of the manager, the date and the name of the company with which negotiations are underway. Every morning, when the manager comes to work, in addition to the checklist, there should be a document with a list of clients to call on his desk.

It is also very important here that the work log is filled in the evening, because if the manager does it in the morning, it will take a very long time.

All columns after “Company Name” and “Phone” are filled in by the manager after calling the client.

"Contact person" - here the name and position of the person with whom the negotiations were held are indicated.

"What was offered" - this column is filled in if the sales department employees offer several items of goods. If you have one product, then there is no meaning in this column.

"Result" - in this column it is necessary to indicate what agreement the manager came to after talking with a potential client.

"Notes" - this column contains information that may be useful in further communication with the client.

A very important column is “Entered in the database”. Here, the owner of the work log simply checks the box after he adds the client to the database. This is done in order to control the entry of customer information into a common database.

The next column is “Date of the next contact”. If the work with the client is not completed and he said: “Yes, I was interested in everything, I want to work with you further”, and some next step is implied, then it is noted here when the date of this step is scheduled.

This is one of the main tools for successful sales in any business.

The most important:

1. Don't give salespeople take your workbook with you.

2. Be sure to keep work logs, fasten and fold in a special folder. And then, if you need to open the archives and remember who specifically interacted with this or that client, this can be done. Of course, all this information should be entered into the database, but for some reason this sometimes does not happen. Therefore, it makes sense to save archives - often this helps to find the contacts you need.

Table 3 sales manager workbook

Call and meeting log

In your company, the log of calls and meetings may differ from the sample we offer (see Table 4). It depends on the structure of the business, the presence or absence of meetings, and the names of the categories that customers can move into. You can modify our magazine or create your own based on it.

Note the name, date, time of arrival of employees at work. The last parameter is very important. It is necessary to fix the time when employees come to work - especially salespeople, who are often famous for their irresponsibility. If everything is fine - good, but when we see that employees are more and more disruptive, with the help of a spreadsheet, we can control the entire sales process.

Break the process into steps and enter indicators that reflect the state of affairs on each. In this case, there is a call to the "cold" base. The sales manager must make an appointment, then send a commercial offer, sign a contract and receive payment.

What should the magazine look like? First, the number of calls is recorded. The task of the manager is to drive into the appropriate column the number of initial calls made per day to new customers. The next column indicates the number of repeated calls - to those clients with whom the manager has already interacted.

You will also need the columns “Number of meetings. Primary” and “Number of meetings. Repeated. They allow you to see how many managers made appointments as a result of calls made and how many actually took place. It is clear that in this column meetings will be noted not with today's clients, but with those with whom it was agreed earlier.

Then you need the Incoming Customers column. It records how many managers processed clients who themselves became interested in something, called and got to this manager. The “Interested Clients” column shows how many such clients are among all those whom the manager called or met with.

Table 4 Call and meeting log

The table is completed by the columns “Commercial offers sent”, “Contracts signed” and “Payments”. For payments, their number and amounts are indicated in separate columns. When we have detailed statistics, we can clearly see where are the problems. Let's say a manager comes in and complains that the customers aren't coming. We look at the call log with him. He himself sees and understands that clients will not go if he makes only ten new calls every day. This may well be if the sales manager is actively involved in the work, has gained enough customers and sits on them "spuds".

While he has a stream of money, but customers will gradually fall off, and he almost does not find new ones. And at some point, money becomes scarce for him. He comes running and says that everything is gone, the clients are not coming. And the numbers in the magazine show - of course, they don’t work. How will they go if you don't call them and don't go to meetings?

The number of calls made is important. It is necessary that salespeople, despite the presence of repeat customers, make sure to make “cold” primary calls to generate an incoming flow of new customers. The number of repeat calls shows how well managers work with current clients.

In the column "Number of meetings. Appointed” we see that, despite the many calls, few appointments are made. It is necessary to compare this indicator with the results of the work of other sales managers. Let's say one person consistently has three or four appointments for thirty calls, and one or two appointments for thirty calls. Clearly something is wrong with the other one. What need to do? You need to sit next to this manager and listen to how he makes a dozen calls right in front of you, and adjust his work. Most likely, in a conversation with customers, he does something wrong.

The number of meetings shows how often the manager meets with clients. It's one thing to make an appointment, it's another thing to hold it. This is also an important indicator.

Then we look at the number of incoming clients. It may turn out that on some day there was a large flow of incoming calls, and the manager “floated” on them. He made few calls on his own initiative, but this is understandable, since there were a lot of incoming calls that day. This happens after the launch of advertising.

The number of sent commercial proposals is fixed after the manager went to the meeting. This allows you to see how many of these customers and interested customers after a telephone conversation he sent commercial offers.

You also need to know how many of the interested customers who received the commercial offer signed contracts. This indicator shows how well the manager works out and converts interested customers into those who signed the contract.

Payment is the result of work. Here we see how much the manager monitors current contracts, how well he works out, squeezes customers so that they make payments. Many people are probably familiar with the problem when there is a contract with a client, but for some reason there is no payment.

The log of calls and meetings is essential for you. He will help monitor the work process of sales managers. The sales manager needs this tool to control all his employees.

Make a table and make managers fill in all indicators without fail. A good motivation tool is when an employee does not receive a reward for a day in which something is not filled.