Media advertising. What is display advertising and how does it differ from contextual advertising? What is display advertising and how does it work in everyday life

Going to various sites in search of information, we often see flashing pictures or links to various resources before our eyes. All this in the language of professionals is called "media advertising". A banner is not only a hyperlink to the advertiser's website, but also visual information in order to increase the rating and image of the company or, in other words, create a brand with the help of purposefully placed data.

The content of the banner can be different: from a regular photo or logo to overlaying text that can change, creating some kind of action.

The big advantage of the banner is its low price compared to analogues and a much larger audience range. That is why media advertising is the most profitable and productive, and also helps in solving such problems as conducting an information and PR campaign.

In order for the banner to be the most effective, you need to make sure that it has an attractive appearance, but at the same time it does not look too clumsy and bright; submit information in such a way that the image is both well remembered and informative.

There are two types of banners: regular ones made in or .Gif, and those created on the basis of Flash and Java applications that allow you to add sounds or videos.

Informational - they simply convey relevant information about a product or service;

Image - create pleasant emotions in the target audience associated with the advertised product, increase recognition trademark.

The most popular formats are: Pop-Under, Top-Line and Rich-Media.
An advertising banner made using Pop-Under technology appears in a new window, and is not embedded in the page being viewed, which does not annoy the user at all. Also, this technology supports the use of not only conventional formats, but also allows you to embed sound and video in the banner. The advantage of using them is that they have no restrictions on size and design, you can activate the ad window only when the elements have loaded completely, the requirements for the design of sites that are selected as advertising platforms are very low.

Top-Line technology is used when it is necessary to promote any brand of goods. Banners are very popular due to their large size and location in the header of the site.

Rich-Media is a multimedia format based on flash technologies.
Media-contextual advertising is a method of promotion on the Web, which consists in matching the advertised materials with user requests. Such advertising is designed to help you find the information you are looking for on the desired topic.

The range of its use is extensive - from a small poster in a shopping center to video advertising in social networks.

What is display advertising and how does it work in everyday life

Let's talk about a real case from life. Marketing Director Mikhail, sitting comfortably in his car, was driving to a business meeting and was a little nervous because the secretary Masha had not reminded him of the meeting in advance. On the way, he noticed a billboard that showed Smart Watches and a brief inscription above them:

“All control is in your hands”

In the evening, while watching TV, he again saw the Smart watch in the commercial. And, immediately, without delay, he entered the phrase “Smart watch” in the Google search box. After reading detailed information about their benefits, and watching a video review on YouTube, Mikhail thought about the need to buy this fashionable device. The benefit was obvious, but he still had doubts.

In the meantime, at the moment when the subject of interest to him was driven into the search line, the entire Internet learned about his interest in smart watches. So, Mikhail got into the lists of sellers of Smart watches. And now the very fact of the sale has become a matter of time and the concern of targeting advertising, the task of which was to tirelessly remind Mikhail of the Smart Watch he really needs.

Early in the morning, Mikhail was browsing the feed on social networks. In the right column, he saw a banner with an attractive picture of a Smart watch, which contained the message:

“Are you still in doubt? And there are two hours left before the end of the action.”

In a second, he was on the site, where after a while he made a purchase.

Display advertising is an effective method to increase sales

The main role of media advertising is to create the image of the seller and promote it as a brand. A well-designed marketing campaign strategy makes it possible to strengthen your position in the market and get ahead of your competitors.

With the help of media advertising, the image recognition of the brand and the number of loyal customers are growing. Through the correct impact and emotional influence on the subconscious, the buyer develops a need for the advertised product.

Display advertising is also used to inform potential buyers about interesting events, promotions and product innovations. The result of media advertising and evaluation of its quality is a significant increase in sales.

Types of media advertising

Display advertising is used everywhere. Theater posters are posted on the streets of the city, and windows with attractive offers pop up on mobile phones. Depending on the placement - in offline or online spaces, display advertising has different effectiveness.

Offline display advertising

Thirty years ago, offline promotion dominated the world. Then, for the general attention of the consumer fought through the media (media) and print media. Today they are also relevant, and in everyday life there are the following types of offline media advertising:

  • Television is short videos that are shown between programs and films, as well as in the middle of their broadcast. This is the most expensive type of media advertising. And it doesn't always justify its investment.
  • Radio refers to sound promotion and has a wide range of impact on the target audience - from housewives who listen to the radio in the kitchen to car drivers. Instead of a bright picture, here they focus on the expressiveness of the sounding text. Among all media, radio advertising is the cheapest.
  • Billboards and boards - they are installed on all main streets and popular places. Installation costs vary by location and size.

  • Printed publications - glossy magazines and newspapers. They differ in affordable price. But the effectiveness of such promotion in recent years has been rapidly declining.
  • Outdoor advertising is, as a rule, bright, eye-catching signs on buildings or free-standing structures. Used to indicate your location to potential buyers. The price depends on the type and location of the object.

  • Internal advertising is all kinds of information posters in the windows, banners, spiders, three-dimensional pictures and letters, price tags, etc. The task of which is to create prompts for the client at every step to perform the necessary action. For example, buy two units of goods and receive the third as a gift.
  • Advertising on transport is used both outside buses and cars, and inside minibuses and buses.

With the advent of the Internet, the spectrum of the marketing industry has expanded and subtly attracted the attention of a large part of the audience. Statistics in recent years show that financial investments in marketing campaigns on the Internet are constantly growing. Which suggests that this direction is certainly profitable. Therefore, it makes sense to dwell on each type separately, along with examples of media advertising.


Banners are blocks of different sizes located in different places on a web page. They have a graphic image and text content, and are designed to attract the attention of the target audience. The more bright and emotional elements a banner has, the more attractive it is for the consumer.

Types of banner ads

  • Streamers - a banner that is located at the top of the site. It is placed statically, and it looks like a stretched canvas. For the reader, he does not look intrusive, and at the same time directly conveys his information.
  • Richmedia are pop-ups that block out content for the reader. Often used in the form of sound animation or video. Readers are often perceived negatively. And as a result, they may leave the site page altogether. It is recommended to apply for warm and hot target audience or for free offers.

  • - the specifics of this banner is that when the pop-up banner is closed, a new window of the advertising site opens in the background. The reader does not see it until he closes the main page on which he was. Popunder is considered a less aggressive advertising method.
  • Expanding banners – when you hover over a banner, its picture “expands”, i.e. increases in size. At the same time, closing the screen with the context. If the cursor is moved away from the banner, the image will immediately return to its previous position.
  • Imitation banners are pop-up banners at the very bottom of the site screen, visually repeating messages on social networks. Accompanied by sound. Due to the similarity with the usual messages, they attract attention and do not cause a desire to close. The reader reads the message and usually goes to the advertiser's website.

Which banner placement to choose

There are two types of placement of advertising banners - stationary and dynamic. And each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. So, a stationary banner is not aggressive. When updating the page of the site, it remains in the same place and in the same form, without changing the picture and information. The reader gets used to it. And as an unpleasant consequence, does not respond to it.

A dynamic banner can annoy the reader. Therefore, it is important for marketers to make them attractive and use interactive elements. Each time a new banner pops up, the picture and its content change, which is more attractive and, as a result, more likely to interest the reader to follow the link to the advertiser's website.

banner blindness

Statistics show that three out of ten banners are simply not seen by readers. Or they are simply ignored. Even in cases where the information in the pop-up window refers to the question for which the reader looked at the specified site. The thing is that the Internet today is full of advertising noise and the reader deliberately avoids it.

In order to avoid such behavior, it is recommended to reduce the number of advertisements, make it more creative, interesting, and take into account the interests of the reader. It is recommended to constantly conduct testing in order to track which promotion is more acceptable to a potential buyer.

Video advertising

In recent years, advertising, which is presented in the form of videos, is gaining more and more popularity. Indeed, it is more pleasant to look at a dynamic spectacular picture and listen to an inviting text, which immediately complement the emotional background of the reader and make him more loyal to the subject of promotion.

Such a video is always attached to the link, and if it is of interest to the target audience, then it will be enough to click on the video to go to the site with the interested product. Also, when making a video, a time ruler is always shown. That gives the viewer the opportunity to decide whether to watch to the end or turn off the commercial.

Video advertising is often used on such popular platforms as YouTube, Rutube, Vimeo, VideoClick, etc. Video advertising is also gaining popularity on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, VKontakte, etc.

Types of video ads

  • Pre-rolls - used just before the video is shown, which the user decided to watch.
  • Mid-rolls - appear in the middle or after a pause of the video being watched.
  • Post-roll - ends the video.

The duration of the listed videos is recommended no more than 15-20 seconds. This is the same length that up to 50% of viewers watch. Typically, a viewer can skip watching a video ad after a certain amount of time. But the spectacle and the exact hit of the content, due to the correct targeting, convince the potential buyer to watch this video to the end.

  • Overlay - different from the above types of video advertising, and is used as a superimposed stationary banner on the video being produced.


The most expensive and requiring constant financial injections is branded advertising. Most often, it is used by large companies in order to attract more attention from the army of consumers.

Branding, although it involves laying large amounts in the budget, as a result creates a favorable image image of the company and increases consumer loyalty to it.

Branding originates from banner advertising but has a greater scope for creativity to promote one's own brand. To create an image and increase awareness, on the websites of large companies, branded elements are used throughout, a single style for the design of graphic images and texts, and an attractive background of the web page.
Distinctive corporate design of the site pages provides quick recognition and easy influence on the decision-making of the target audience. And as a result, it ensures high efficiency of the marketing campaign.

Text & Image Ads

These are ads in text and graphic design that are positively accepted by the audience because of their similarity with the design of the site on which the visitor is located. Seeing such an advertisement, he does not get the impression that they are trying to sell him something. And, he most often shows interest in reading such an advertising post.

Text and image ads do not require large financial investments and special design. All that is needed for success is to choose a more suitable narrowly-themed site, and make the design of the advertisement similar to the style of the selected site.

Online display advertising - its advantages and disadvantages

After we have considered the essence and all types of media advertising, it's time to pay attention to what is good promotion on the Internet and what to be wary of. So to say - "aware - means armed."

Disadvantages of online display advertising

As in the entire business world, everything needs to be given special attention to each stage of the marketing campaign. If you do not take due care of this, then the following may turn out.

  • banner blindness. Due to the large amount of media advertising, it is often difficult to reach a potential buyer.
  • Expensive. To achieve high efficiency, it is necessary to calculate all the stages in advance and put a good amount of money into the budget of a marketing company.
  • Difficulty of hitting the target. Without good specialists in design, context and marketing, there is a chance to create advertising that will work for nothing.
  • Aggressiveness. The monotony and aggressive methods of media advertising can form a negative impression about the company and even blacklist it.

Benefits of online display advertising

Despite the disadvantages, the advantages of advertising on the Internet are much greater. If you follow all the rules and recommendations, the result will definitely not be long in coming.

  • Clear targeting. The tool, which appeared in 2009, allowed the Internet industry to clearly hit its target audience. And as a result, the opportunity to make advertising only for a narrow number of consumers - those who need it and are interested. This provides significant savings in the financial cost of advertising.
  • Price. Promotion on the Internet, even the most expensive, will be much cheaper than advertising on television. And unlike all offline media advertising, promotion on the Internet makes it possible to immediately go to the advertiser's page and get to know the product of interest.
  • Easy performance tracking. Using Internet advertising analytics tools, you can track how every penny of invested money works. Where did the visitor come to the site, how much time did he spend, and what interested him the most. After analyzing the data obtained, you can clearly track where advertising is less effective and where you need to strengthen your positions. And as a result, adjust the marketing strategy.
  • Wide coverage. Using targeting, and knowing where it is, it is enough to identify a popular online platform and put ads there. This will lead to a wide reach of users.
  • interactivity. Advertising on the Internet is more often entertaining than it attracts attention. Also, the user can always make a decision in relation to the appearing advertisement. He can become interested in her, join in her conditions, or turn them off if desired.
  • Brand recognition. Frequent and unobtrusive appearance in front of your target audience, with a variety of interesting offers, creates brand recognition and loyalty of potential buyers to it.

What is the CTR of display advertising on the Internet and how to improve this indicator

CTR = (all clicks / all impressions) * 100

In real life, things are not as good as in the above example. The average CTR for banner ads is between 0.01% and 2%.
What actions can influence this indicator so that it is more effective?

  • As already mentioned, you should clearly strategize the marketing campaign and clearly articulate its goal.
  • Pay special attention to the creativity, emotionality and colorfulness of the advertising product itself and its content.
  • With the help of targeting, it is necessary to correctly select the target audience and its habitats.
  • Constantly monitor analytics and adjust the strategy based on its data.

The right tactic marketing strategy, will provide a higher CTR of media advertising on the Internet.

And finally, a few tips that will ensure the success of display advertising on the Internet

  • Take a good look at the sites where your ad will be placed.
  • Pay attention to the quality of the site itself, the interestingness of the information provided and the number of its visitors.
  • Give preference to sites with fewer ads. Accordingly, for your target audience, advertising noise will be lower, and the likelihood that you will be noticed will be higher.
  • Creativity, brightness, emotionality, interactivity - these are the main parameters by which you will be seen on the vast expanse of the Internet.

"and what is the use of a book,"
thought Alice "without pictures
or conversation?"

"and what is the use of a book," thought Alice "without pictures or conversation?"

Everyone knows the feeling of disappointment that a child faces when he decides to flip through a thick book from his parent's shelf. And everyone knows exactly the reason for the spoiled mood - the lack of pictures. At a later age, when having already learned to read, a young man takes a book where, even if there are no pictures, but each page almost entirely consists of monotonous moralizing texts, devoid of dialogues or at least paragraphs, a similar feeling arises. Later in life, similar mini-traumas are prepared for everyone who flips through books in a store or at a party before reading them or receiving a weighty recommendation.

What are the causes of the described "disorder"? The fact is that we all come from childhood. And almost everyone took the first steps on their mental path in a playful life form, relying primarily on the most informative and fully formed channels of communication with the outside world - visual and emotional.

In many smart books, it is repeatedly stated that 95% of the information entering the brain is visual signals. And if we combine this knowledge with folk wisdom, which claims that “habit is second nature”, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that not only the information received in the learning process, but also memorization mechanisms are also a necessary component of the process of personality formation. So, if from childhood we are trained to perceive information in the form of colorful pictures and explanations of a loved one, this cognitive mechanism is fixed as the main and, therefore, comfortable. In the future, any visual information with comments is associated with childhood, home and good mood, which in turn keeps attention on even the most uninteresting topics.

Almost all advertising tricks are based on the described mechanisms - if you want to be noticed and remembered - first of all make an attractive picture, and then the content. It would be ideal if both the picture and the content, being in close relationship, will synergistically form their own positive emotions in the mind of the consumer. It is the memory of them at a time when it is not clear what to do next that will be the most powerful incentive for a subsequent purchase. The Internet for fans of the visual range with comments, as you understand, is Paradise. Everything is simple, interesting, in color and sometimes even with sound.

Display advertising (medical)- advertising containing, in addition to textual content, additional sound and visual information - graphics, video, animation (the so-called multimedia). In many ways, the media is similar to advertising in print media. However, the presence of a hyperlink, animation, interactivity and even a call to a mobile phone (WOW-call) in a banner significantly expands the impact of media advertising.

Types of display ads

How can moving pictures be used to sell such serious things as, for example, BMW? And how does this relate to children's desire to leaf through books? It's very simple: remember Harry Potter with magical paintings and candy wrappers, the images on which moved and spoke ... How could they CHILDREN all over the world to spend so much money on the dreams of an elderly British woman, if they FOR PARENTS such fantasies were alien?

Advertising platforms
  • Thematic and information portals (this includes all major sites: Yandex, Rambler,, RBC, news, etc.)
  • Video hostings (YouTube, etc.)
  • Banner exchange networks - an aggregator of impressions on a large number of small (not only) sites. Initially, they were intended specifically for the exchange of banners, that is, each network member could not only place their own banners on the sites of network members, but also had to place other people's banners on their site. At present, such networks have become more like an aggregator, a tool for obtaining paid traffic, when the advertiser simply pays for impressions and provides banners that are automatically placed on network sites. However, there is still an exchange option, when placement does not require financial costs, but obliges to place someone's banners at home. Examples of banner exchange networks are TBN, Russian LinkExchange (RLE), SSBN Banner NetWork, PBS, ELBN, etc.
  • Affiliate networks (YAN, GDN, VKontakte) are pratenry sites of large advertising platforms where they can centrally place their advertising content.


The primary task of media advertising is branding. The fact is that the classic media has a wide, but not at all accurate audience coverage - very different people are interested, for example, in the Yandex.Weather service. Nevertheless, a number of thematic sites can attract a fairly narrow audience in large numbers (for example, sections dedicated to a particular brand on the car portal, sites dedicated to mobile devices, etc.), and media for this audience can show very good results in the relevant topics.

One way or another, media is a full-fledged traffic influx channel that should not be ignored if the budget allows. If savings on advertising are introduced, as a rule, it is the media that is reduced first because of its ambiguity ...

However, with the advent of targeting (and retargeting), there are opportunities for a more accurate and effective use of media advertising - the ability to segment the audience by gender, age, interests, or even by visiting your site earlier allows you to make media really effective.

Promising areas of media
  • - showing banners to an audience that was previously interested in the advertiser's site, or even a specific section on the site, or who performed a previously specified action (for example, subscription, registration or order).

  • RTB(real-time bidding) - the technology of auction placement of banners on sites. For each position for placement in real time, a mini-auction is carried out, when everyone can get information about the site, placement position, and in some cases, the visitor who is ready to see someone's ad right now on this site - if such the site and such a visitor are interesting to us, we can participate in the auction and, possibly, win them. Then it is our banner that the visitor will see exactly at this place. All this takes a fraction of a second while the site with the banner is loaded in the user's browser.

Modern man daily faces a huge array of information. It is sometimes quite difficult to draw his attention to the offered goods or services. For this, a powerful tool has been created - media advertising, which, if properly presented, effectively affects the subconscious of the consumer, creating the necessary associations, and thereby stimulating sales growth.

Display advertising on the Internet is a popular area of ​​online marketing, designed for the visual perception of information. This is a rather powerful tool that allows you to announce a new brand and form an attitude towards the company and product.

The Internet is an excellent medium for posting various kinds of information. To date, many ways have been developed to influence the human brain through the competent choice of colors, the selection of slogans, and the placement of graphic information on the page.

Display advertising has not only visual capabilities, it also has an excellent technological base. This helps to reach and attract a specific consumer. Targeting allows you to select a potentially interested audience by a key set of characteristics, such as gender, age, income, etc. The choice of a product or brand by the consumer as a result of viewing bright and “suitable” information is intuitive, this leads to an increase in sales and brand development.

Tasks of online media advertising

  • – creation of a recognizable image and a reminder of it;
  • brand promotion - the choice of the target audience and the formation of product fame;
  • attracting attention - competent design of the information provided, its originality and effectiveness;
  • sales promotion - persuading the consumer to make a purchase from a particular company, announcing sales, discounts and promotions.

Types of media advertising

It is customary to include any materials aimed at visual perception as varieties of the media engine of trade.

The main types are as follows.

  1. - Most users associate media advertising with them.

Banners are the most common type of online advertising. This is bright, attractive information, often not related to the semantic load of the site. Banners are quite intrusive, sometimes they have sound, they can be animated and funny. The main goal is to be noticed, to declare a product or company.

Advertising banner on the Yandex browser search page.

Thus, the purpose of banners is not to sell, but to create an image due to visual visibility or redirect to the official website if a potential consumer is interested.

Examples of the most popular banners:

  • classic - traditional ads in the form of ordinary pictures or teasers, they are small in size, therefore inexpensive;
  • stretch banners - are placed on the entire width of the web page and are similar to outdoor advertising signs;
  • rich media - an obsessive, "pop-up" ad that is impossible not to notice;
  • pop-under - an information block, when clicked, a window with advertising also pops up;
  • pop-ups - open when hovering or when “clicking” on them with the mouse;
  • imitations - pop-up messages, similar in appearance and sound to the received messages in social networks, which are often reacted by inexperienced users.

Each of the banner options is quite effective, but not durable, so the formats need to be constantly updated.

Teaser blocks on the page of the social network Odnoklassniki.
  1. Branding is the creation of an original image for products and brands. As a result, the company acquires a wide range of consumers, its products become recognizable and rise in price.

Choosing the right logo, correcting the name, applying the original style are key factors in branding and promoting goods and services.

  1. Video materials. The name speaks for itself, highlight the following advertisements in the form of videos:
  • streaming video (pre-rolls, mid-rolls, post-rolls) - files that start playing before the user gets acquainted with the site, in the middle or at the end;
  • overlay - an overlay of advertising, usually in text form, to the video file being played;
  • video banners - are used to "fit" the video in the banner.
Video advertising of a popular brand on a page in Odnoklassniki
  1. Text and graphic blocks are advertisements with a title, picture and brief description. Such blocks take up little space, they are quite effective, since they are more likely to resemble not an advertisement, but a recommendation. Moreover, the right choice of description, for example, some understatement, attracts attention and makes the site visitor learn more about the product.

What is RTB

To date, there is an easy way to place media advertising - this is RTB. What is RTB and how does this system work?

Real Time Bidding is a special platform that purchases and places advertisements through an auction.
Thus, there are three subjects of the process:

  • user;
  • RTB system;
  • advertisers.

The user visits the website. RTB gets access to its ID and the kind of information interesting to the person. The system analyzes this data and puts it up for an online auction. The advertiser who offers the largest amount gets the right to place his block.

Scheme of the advertising campaign on the RTB system

This demonstration of media products is inexpensive. Moreover, the advertiser himself has the right to set an acceptable price in the following ways:

  • a specific budget and terms for advertising placement are set, while it is possible to limit the amount of purchase per one thousand impressions;
  • minimum CPM - with this setting, advertising is placed on non-competitive sites and is inexpensive;
  • fixed rate - the cost of 1,000 impressions is set;
  • average CPM - the customer specifies the price, which is adjusted by the system by 15–20%.

So, how much does media placement cost?

The RTB system offers many options for cooperation. Yandex is the cheapest, the average price for 1,000 views is 35 rubles. The cost of sites and is almost twice as high.

The cost of media advertising

The choice of the type of media advertising depends not only on priorities, but also on the financial capabilities of the customer. There are large advertising agencies that themselves are engaged in the promotion of advertising on websites and offer a wide range of services, including ad adjustment and the choice of platform for placement. The cost of their services is approximately 20 thousand rubles per month.
Placing a banner either in the relevant networks or directly can be free or start with a minimum amount of 200–500 rubles.

The most expensive is branding. It is available mainly to large corporations, since the price of this type of media advertising is over 500 thousand rubles.

The effectiveness of media advertising

Display advertising is effective tool at the beginning of its action. As the embedded information ages, it annoys users, becomes uninteresting, and therefore loses its relevance.

According to statistics, the response to media advertising occurs in 0.5–2% of cases. This one is indicatively quite good, as there is a significant increase in sales. In addition, the link is mainly clicked by new consumers; reminding regular customers of the existence of the brand is one of the goals of advertising. Thus, online media advertising is a powerful marketing tool.

The choice of creative ideas and a platform for placement, analysis of the effectiveness of advertising of other companies, proper planning of product promotion are the main secrets of success, following which you can achieve a significant increase in sales.

At one time, we argued for a long time in which category to include advertising on transport. In theory, this is an outdoor advertising designed to attract the attention of users, which means it belongs to media advertising.

Therefore, in this article, let's figure out what display advertising is, what it consists of and how it can be useful for business.


Its main task is to attract the attention of a person. For this, various technologies are used containing texts, pictures, infographics, company logos, maps, and more.

Let's do a little experiment. Think back to the ad you saw today. Most likely, you won’t even be able to remember the last 5 advertising messages.

This is fine. Too much noise. And in 95% of cases, this noise is created by media advertising, because the following channels are included here:

  • Advertising on TV;
  • Advertising in the press (in printed matter);
  • Internet advertising;
  • Outdoor advertising;
  • Internal advertising (this is advertising inside shopping centers leading to the trade pavilion);
  • Advertising on transport.

From what we saw above, we can conclude that all advertising belongs to the media. But it's not.

  • Cold calls or cold calls (telemarketing);
  • Advertising catalogs and brochures;
  • Souvenir products;
  • Promo events.

And I'm probably going to say something stupid now, but it suits everyone. Without exception. For example:

  • Niche b2b - advertising in the press is ideal, as well as transit advertising (branded transport that delivers orders to customers);
  • The b2c niche is advertising on TV or radio, although many people refuse it because of its high cost in favor of outdoor and indoor advertising.

Or a universal “gentleman's set” for all areas - + customized. The same advertisement on the Internet. But there may be other options.

Life hack. If you are going to make a landing on your own, then I recommend PlatformaLP , Tilda , Bloxy .

For example, one of our clients, with the help of posting ads in the entrances, as well as placing ordinary ads in newspapers, was able to achieve much more than using other different ones.


But you follow our youtube channel, right?! So one of the latest videos “Bad advertising does not exist” did not pass you by. Not?! Then here it is. A must-see for the knowledge of "zen".

Death of offline display advertising

But I'm not going to say that traditional advertising is dying, because after one case of our client, I'm not sure anymore.

Our satellite TV installer decided to declare war on the competition.

Provided that for the most part it was, and not made according to technology or.

Many tools have been used. Competitors "died in batches." And at that moment, when the number of competitors decreased to the number of fingers of one hand and the advertising budget practically dried up, and potential buyers were simply “fucked up”.

So the season has come and the client decided to allocate a small budget for offline advertising, as they say, “for testing”.

What was his astonishment when the results from the "test advertising" turned out to be more significant, and the advertising itself more effective.

It was after this moment that I again believed in traditional advertising and that it works, at least in the regions. But this is a small digression.

Pain from the difference: offline and online

That is, on the Internet, this can be done in a more targeted way, that is, to show your ads more precisely (choose a specific display geography, age of people, etc., or only on thematic sites).

Offline, this feature is not available. This is what gives rise to the second difference. Aggressiveness.

One of our clients, who has been successfully working in the service market for more than 20 years and has 6 branches in Moscow and the Moscow region, with a monthly budget for website promotion of about 200 thousand rubles.

Media advertising media

In our blog, we have written a huge number of articles on different channels and methods of advertising. To learn them, read these 3 articles first:

After studying these articles, you will decide on specific ways of presenting information, which can be conditionally divided into four means of transmission (type).

Which one is more effective and how to apply them to your business, we will consider further using the example of several companies.


As a rule, the larger the size, the more it attracts attention. The more accessible the place, the more expensive the cost.

Offline, we still pay for the fact of placement. On the Internet, the method has evolved and become more client-oriented, that is, payment for clicks has appeared.

But on urban and small sites, there is also a placement scheme with payment for the time it will be on the site or for the number of impressions on the site.

Such media banners are now fashionable to call - teasers ("teaser" - tease). That is, with their information, they tease the user to take a targeted action: go, call, click or go to the site.

In offline space, on average, you will pay from 10 to 50 tr. for one banner. As part of the online space, I will give an example of placing a banner for a week on the main page of Yandex.

Prices on Yandex

You see everything right. The numbers start at 4 million per week. You can find the full price list on their website. But this is if you have a federal project and you need to cover more than everyone.

However, I want to warn you. Banners have become boring to such an extent that now there is a so-called “banner blindness”.

This is when the client psychologically does not notice advertising banners. Therefore, just in case, think carefully and count everything again, if you suddenly decide to put the entire advertising budget on the purchase of one banner.

Video advertising

The most engaging means of presenting information. True, it takes time to get used to it.

Due to ignorance of this, we once lost a large amount of money. Namely, they gave video ads for directors in social networks in working time. Result?! They opened it, but did not turn on the sound, as they were at work.

In addition to the fact that it is important to know at what time to show ads globally, you need to know what to show and how long.

I’m sure you’ll figure out when and what to show, but I’ll tell you about the length, because there are 2 types of video advertising:

  • Rolls. Commercials that play while you are watching a video. You can call it an ad break, which is both online and offline.

    – Pre-rolls (pre-roll) – videos played BEFORE the start of viewing.

    – Mid-rolls (mid-roll) – a video that is played IN THE MIDDLE of the view.

    – Postrolls (post-roll) – video that is played AFTER viewing.

  • Overlay (overlay). Banner (I said that there are a lot of them). A banner that is placed at the bottom of the video and shown while watching the video. Offline, these are running lines.

Personally, we now give a lot of emphasis on video advertising. Although it takes more resources, the effectiveness of media advertising in this form gives the maximum effect.

But don't forget about our mistake. In addition to the video, you also need to use text with an image, because not everyone has time to watch a video and not everyone likes to do it.

Branded advertising

It is also great for various movie premieres or presentations of new products.

And only large federal companies use it, the buyers of which are every second person.

Branded advertising

Our personal conviction is that if you are not in the VIP segment and you are not a federal company with billions of dollars in turnover, then you need to postpone this method of transmitting information for later.

It will give you recognition, but will not give you a purchase. In addition, if you have gone down this road, then get ready to pour money into image advertising constantly, because as soon as you stop doing this, you will be forgotten like “the first bruises on your knees.”

Text & Image Ads

Offline examples are ad newspapers and magazines, where we see a separate attractive picture and a separate text.

Offline, at the beginning it was not clear to me, until I saw an example. Behind these words is the Google Display Network (GDN). Rather, advertisements with pictures for these networks.

Text & Image Ad

Recently, the cost of an ad in contextual advertising increased significantly, if we talk specifically about the search.

I want to keep silent about offline, but my inner voice makes me say it.

This is a double monster. I say this from experience, as I was previously a co-owner of the magazine.

It brings customers, but if we talk about maximum efficiency, then it can be achieved only by being placed in specialized publications.

Ad newspapers also work surprisingly, but only if your target audience is retirees (there are still certain conditions, but these are rather exceptions).

Briefly about the main

It was not in vain that I gave an example about our client, who used display advertising to “mow down” competitors.

By the way, this allowed him not only to remove many small competitors, but also to take first place in the region in terms of sales and recognition.

It is through the use of offline and online media advertising that he has achieved such results.

I'm also sure you've tried or are using the display ad formats I listed above. Whether you use it correctly or not, it's hard for me to say.

But most importantly, you must realize that only with an integrated approach can great results be achieved and the benefits of media advertising will become apparent.

And for dessert, a small bonus. According to research by Business Insider Intelligence among online display ads, the video format has the highest CTR (click-to-impression ratio) at 1.84%.

All other indicators were much lower. I think you now know where to direct your efforts 😉