What kind of medical examination is needed. Medical examinations of employees - the procedure for conducting mandatory, periodic and extraordinary medical examinations. Groups of persons with mandatory medical examination upon admission to work

A referral for an initial medical examination upon employment is issued to a future employee by the employer. This document indicates information about the employee and the name of the medical institution in which the examination by doctors will take place.

When passing the survey, the future employee must have a referral issued by the employer and a passport.

A card is being created in the medical institution, where conclusions will be recorded during the examination by specialists.

Pass order

The list of specialists of the medical institution that you need to go through varies depending on the position held by the future employee.

Also, the list differs depending on the gender of the employee.

The standard list of doctors during a professional examination when applying for a job:

  1. ophthalmologist;
  2. otolaryngologist;
  3. surgeon;
  4. psychiatrist;
  5. therapist.

Women usually have an appointment with a gynecologist. A medical examination by a gynecologist upon employment is mandatory according to Order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 1996 (as amended on February 06, 2001).

The specialist examines the woman, takes bacteriological and cytological tests. If an examination by a gynecologist is mandatory due to a profession that requires an annual examination, the woman cannot refuse this procedure.

In case of refusal from a physical examination by a gynecologist, the employer can not hire.

For some vacancies, it is obligatory to undergo a psychiatric examination when applying for a job.

What tests are taken when applying for a job? A future employee during a preliminary medical examination must take a blood test and a urine test, as well as undergo a fluorography and an electrocardiogram.

After passing the examination by all specialists and passing the tests, the employee should obtain a conclusion from the general practitioner. How long is a medical board valid for employment? The certificate-conclusion is valid from six months to a year, depending on the form.

If during this period a person was seriously ill or had an operation, then the certificate is considered canceled. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a new medical examination.


For a preliminary medical examination during employment, the employer issues a referral indicating the name and address of the medical institution for undergoing this procedure.

Between an employer and a medical institution licensed to conduct medical examinations, most often contracts are concluded.

If an agreement has not been concluded between the employer and the medical institution, then the future employee undergoes a preliminary examination by specialists in any medical institution licensed to carry out these procedures.

City, district, republican, settlement clinics have such a license. When contacting private medical centers and clinics, it is necessary to clarify the availability of such a document.

Forms of medical certificates

No. 086/y

This form of medical certificate is two-sided, has 12 points. It is filled in by the therapist of the medical institution indicating the personal data of the employee with a list of previously transferred diseases, information about vaccinations.

Then each specialist who conducts the inspection puts a note in the certificate. The results of the analyzes and possible limitations are also recorded here. The conclusion about the professional suitability of the employee is made by the medical board.

This form of certificate is signed by the doctor who issues it, the signature of the head physician and the seal of the medical institution are also put. The certificate (form No. 086/y) is valid for six months from the date of issue.

Medical certificate form No. 086 / y :

No. 001-GS/u

This form of certificate contains a conclusion, which indicates that a citizen of the Russian Federation does not have diseases that prevent the passage of a civil or municipal service RF.

Also, this certificate is used to examine the presence of a disease in a person undergoing examination, in which the passage of these types of services is impossible. The certificate is signed by the doctor who issued it. The signature of the head physician and the seal of the medical institution are also put.

The certificate (form No. 001-ГС/у) is valid for twelve months from the date of issue.

So, before employment, a future employee is given a referral for a preliminary medical examination. When passing the examination, it is necessary to go through all the doctors indicated in the certificate issued by the therapist.

This procedure is necessary to assess the health status of the future employee and the suitability of the future position.

5/5 (1)

Who is legally required to undergo a medical examination?

At the legislative level, a rule is defined. Upon employment, the candidate without fail must undergo a medical examination to determine his fitness for work in his position on the basis of physical condition.

Based on Article 213 of the Labor Code Russian Federation During employment, some candidates must undergo a medical examination without fail. This is necessary to identify the preparation of a person for work, as well as to identify restrictions on the performance of job duties.

The criteria for the physical condition of a person when applying for a job are all completely different. For example, a sales assistant in a store may well have poor eyesight. With such a pathology, he is fit for work. But if the driver’s vision suffers, then for medical reasons he may not be allowed to work.

Attention! Medical examination at the initial employment is carried out for the following citizens:

  • adult candidates for the position;
  • workers employed in a hazardous or unhealthy place;
  • workers employed on a rotational basis;
  • drivers;
  • judges;
  • specialists in the food industry, the sale of food products, servicing public catering establishments, the sale of food products;
  • employees of waterworks;
  • medical personnel, qualified doctors;
  • employees of preschool, school, secondary and higher education (teachers, educators, educators, technical staff).

Citizens from the above list undergo an initial medical examination. However, at the legislative level, a list of specialists is defined for whom a medical examination must be carried out twice a year or, conversely, once every two years.

List of doctors and tests

The list of doctors that a candidate for a position must pass is always different. It all depends on the specifics of the job that the person wants to get. At the intended place of work, the candidate is given a referral for examination, and the therapist determines the list of specialists that the person must visit.

During employment, the candidate passes the following doctors:

  • therapist. This is the main specialist from the list. It is to him that the candidate for the position comes first. The therapist determines which other doctors the citizen must visit to identify hidden diseases. In addition, the therapist will conduct an initial examination, which includes measuring height, weight, and blood pressure. He makes an analysis of vaccinations, if something is missing, he sends a person to affix them. And it is the therapist who issues the final conclusion;
  • ophthalmologist identifies vision problems. It is passed by all candidates for the position, regardless of the specifics of the work. However, the optometrist may prohibit the performance of certain job duties;
  • surgeon reveals the general physical health of the candidate for the position. It reveals previously acquired bone and brain injuries, which in the future may affect the quality of work performed. If injuries are not stopped, then this can lead to a deterioration in human health. In this case, the surgeon will not allow the candidate to work;
  • addiction psychiatrist reveals the general problems of a candidate for a position with a psycho-emotional state, as well as a person's addiction to alcoholic beverages and drugs. A psychiatrist-narcologist is one of the main specialists for examination during employment;
  • otorhinolaryngologist(ENT) reveals general hearing problems. It determines whether the candidate has defects in the nasal cavity and throat;
  • gynecologist only girls go. This is not surprising, because a gynecologist is a female doctor. The specialist conducts an initial examination of the woman, and also takes an analysis. Absolutely everyone is required to go through a gynecologist, otherwise you can forget about the proposed position, the therapist will not allow the candidate to work if there is no gynecologist in the list of doctors passed.

The therapist has the right to appoint other specialists for the passage, if there is an urgent need for this.

Important! In addition to visiting doctors, a candidate for a position must pass some tests:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • blood chemistry;
  • smear for cytology.

If a candidate gets a job related to public catering, food sales, then he additionally passes the following tests:

  • analysis that detects diseases that are sexually transmitted;
  • a swab from the throat and nose;
  • research on Escherichia coli, as well as invasion.

A medical examination during employment includes not only an examination by doctors and testing, but also some research.

These include:

  • fluorography is necessary to determine the condition of the lungs, to exclude lung cancer, as well as tuberculosis;
  • An ECG is necessary to study the functioning of the heart;
  • analysis of the vestibular apparatus in the study of a candidate whose work will be related to height;
  • all candidates for the position, whose work is associated with shortness of breath, undergo spirography;
  • gastroscopy is provided for workers in the Far North.

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List of required documents

Upon employment, a candidate for a position undergoes a mandatory medical examination. As a result, he receives a medical opinion in the form of No. 086 / y or No. 001-GS / y. But employees who pass the inspection again do not need to receive this document.

As a result of the study, a citizen's medical book is filled out, which reflects the following information:

  • date of issue of the book;
  • the name of the owner of the book;
  • the name of the organization where the citizen undergoing the inspection works;
  • the name of the department where the employee performs labor duties;
  • a complete list of factors that affect the danger of work and create harmful working conditions;
  • the final result of the study based on the specialists passed by the citizen (it is issued by a general practitioner).

Please note! The medical book is certified by a seal and signed by the medical commission. After the inspection, an appropriate entry is made in the employee's personal card about the examination.

Period of medical examination

At the legislative level, the period of validity of the conclusion on passing a medical examination is determined. The document is valid for six months. For example, if a candidate, after passing the examination, did not manage to get the desired position, he has the right to use a certificate when finding employment in another place.

If for employment in another position it is necessary to undergo an extended medical examination, then it is enough for the candidate to pass the missing specialists. You do not need to spend personal funds on the passage of already passed doctors.

Please note that fluorography is valid for a whole year, and not for six months. Save the document on passing the examination, when you visit the doctors again, you can save on lung examination.

Where to get a medical examination

You can take an employment survey at any medical organization providing such services. However, the clinic must have the necessary permission to carry out such activities.

As a rule, large companies enter into an agreement with medical centers, where their employees will be examined in the future.

However, the main disadvantage of medical centers is that their services are much more expensive than the services of similar public clinics.

As a rule, the employee does not choose the place of medical examination. This is due to the fact that when issuing a referral, the name of the organization is indicated in the document.

Watch the video. How to pass a medical examination for work:

What certificate should be issued

As a result of passing a medical examination, the therapist issues a medical opinion. However, this is not a simple certificate issued by a doctor. This is a document whose form is regulated at the legislative level.

It is allowed to issue a conclusion of two types:

  • 086/y;
  • 001GS/u.

Document 086/y

Conclusion on form 086 / y is a document printed on A5 paper and filled out on both sides.

Remember! This conclusion must include the following information:

  • name and number of paper;
  • the name of the clinic where the candidate was examined;
  • Full name of the candidate for the position, his date of birth, place of registration, residence, contact phone number;
  • a list of diseases that the candidate suffered for the position;
  • opinion of a specialist with a signature and date of issue of the conclusion;
  • information about the passage of instrumental research;
  • test results;
  • conclusion of the therapist on the suitability of the candidate for the position;
  • date of issue of the document.

The document is filled in form 086 / y exclusively in black or dark blue ink. The paper is signed by the chief doctor of the hospital, the therapist, and also the head of the medical commission.

The conclusion on the passage of a medical examination in the form 086 / y is drawn up in two copies. The first remains in the citizen's medical record, the second is sent to the employer.

Medical certificate 001GS/u

The conclusion in the form 001GS / y is practically no different from the previous document. It reflects information that the candidate for the position does not have diseases that prevent the employee from performing his job duties.

However, the difference between this certificate is that in order to obtain it, you only need to go through a psychiatrist-narcologist, as well as pass primary tests.

Sign the conclusion in the form 001GS / y the chief physician, therapist, chairman of the medical commission.

Certificate validity period

The conclusion on the passage of a medical examination has a validity period.

Attention! At the legislative level, the following periods are provided, which directly depend on the form of the certificate:

  • 1 year for the conclusion in the form 001-GS / y;
  • 6 months for the conclusion in the form 086 / y.

Sometimes the document is canceled ahead of schedule. This happens if the employee, after passing the examination, was on sick leave for a long time. Then the employer has the right to send the employee for a re-examination.

Help can be used when applying for a job elsewhere. However, the employer has the right not to accept such a document, but to send the applicant for a re-examination. Most often this is due to the different specifics of the position.

Passing a medical examination during employment is a mandatory procedure. It helps to exclude the presence of diseases in the applicant that interfere with the performance of labor duties. In this way, employers insure themselves against employee injuries associated with the poor physical or psychological state of the employee.

Medical examination: cost

The applicant undergoes a medical examination in the organization where the employer sends, so the candidate for the position has no choice. He cannot choose the medical company that takes less money for passing the examination.

However, if the exact name of the clinic is not indicated in the direction from the employer, then you can undergo an examination at any medical center. an organization that provides such services and has the appropriate license.

In public hospitals, the cost of a medical examination varies from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. It all depends on the specifics of the intended position. For example, when applying for a job at a catering company, you will need to pass additional tests, which increases the cost of the examination.

The applicant pays the commission himself. In rare cases, companies enter into an agreement with honey. organization and transfer funds to it for passing inspection by employees.

But in any case, after the presentation of the receipt, the money spent on obtaining a medical opinion is returned to the employee by the employer.

Who should pay

In accordance with applicable law, the medical examination is paid by the employer. This rule is enshrined in article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

As a rule, during the initial examination, the employee independently pays for the conclusion. But after his employment, the employer is obliged to compensate for all costs associated with the study.

Important! If passing an inspection during employment is not mandatory, and the applicant passed it on his own initiative, then the employer has the right not to compensate for the costs.

To compensate for the costs of passing the commission, the applicant must provide a medical opinion, as well as a receipt for payment for the examination.

If, at the legislative level, the employer is obliged to send the employee for examination, but he did not do this during employment, then the company will be liable in accordance with Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Can they get fired if they don't pass?

If the applicant does not pass the medical examination, the employer does not have the right to accept him for the position. In case of failure to pass the periodic commission, the employee may be dismissed if he has not provided a medical opinion within four months from the date of the obligation.

If during this time the employee is sick and unable to perform labor duties, he is transferred to another, easier position.

With a long-term illness, an employee may be fired for health reasons. If an employee, for health reasons, is transferred to another position, the salary of which is lower, then the employee is compensated for his previous earnings.

If a person is fired for health reasons, he is entitled to all compensation payments provided for by current Russian legislation.

Employee Responsibility

The applicant is not entitled to refuse to undergo a medical examination. Without a medical opinion, he simply will not be hired.

Please note! If an employee refuses to undergo a periodic examination, the employer has the right to dismiss him for health reasons. Other liability of the employee in case of his refusal to pass the commission is not provided.

Employer's responsibility

In case of enrollment in the staff of an employee who has not passed a medical examination, the employer will be liable. According to Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for individual entrepreneurs a fine in the amount of 15,000 - 25,000 rubles is provided. If the company has the status legal entity, then the amount of the fine increases to 130,000 rubles.

Also, the responsibility of the employer is provided in the event that he did not compensate the employee's expenses for passing the inspection. In this case, the employee must apply to the court.

Before starting work in a new place, an employee must provide a sanitary book or a certificate of the established form. They contain information about the health status of the employee.

According to the law, the employer monitors the regularity of medical examinations. There is a mandatory one - when applying for a job, then they pass periodic and, if necessary, extraordinary. The regularity of periodic in most cases - once every two years, and under difficult working conditions - annually.

Mandatory medical examination

The direction for inspection is issued by the management of the enterprise and has an arbitrary form. The hospital issues a conclusion of a special form. It contains information about a potential employee: the position for which the applicant is counting, profession, work experience and insurance. It is determined what kind of medical examination should be when applying for a job, which doctors sign it.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 302-n dated April 12, 2011 provides for the procedure for passing doctors and approved the list of narrow specialists who should be passed. It lists the types of work. Sends for a medical examination and is paid by the employer.

The choice of doctors is provided by the specialty of the applicant for work. It is possible that the composition of specialists is approved by the ministry or department in which the employee is going to work.

The approved list of narrow specialists includes an oculist, a surgeon; neuropathologist, otolaryngologist. It is according to the results of their examination that the therapist writes his conclusion.

Both those working at the enterprise and those who are employed are required to undergo a medical examination, in accordance with Article 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The employer must explain to the applicant for the position which doctors need to go through and which tests to pass, since each of the industries has its own health requirements. A form for passing a medical examination can also be obtained directly from the enterprise.

An employee has the right not to undergo a medical examination during employment if his position does not fall into the list specified in Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But if there is an internal document on the mandatory provision of a certificate, he will have to do this. If the employee refuses to pass the commission, the employer may refuse to employ him with a written justification.

Analyzes and research

At the preliminary stage, potential employees are given fluorography and a cardiogram. AT mandatory list includes a number of tests (blood, urine). The blood test indicates platelets, leukocytes, erythrocytes and ESR. In the urine, protein, sugar and sediment microscopy are determined. The result of biochemical analysis is the determination of the content of glucose and cholesterol in the blood serum.

Fluoroscopy is required annually. This is due to the danger of tuberculosis. More often it is not recommended to do it because of the irradiation of the body. If a year has not passed, the fluorography is considered valid.

According to the law, the district therapist must begin and end the examination. At the beginning of the examination, he will coordinate the passage of the necessary narrow specialists. At the end, they will certify the documents and issue a final permit. Each of the doctors must put his seal on the form. The patient must watch carefully so that no one misses.

When undergoing a medical examination by a gynecologist, when applying for a job, attention is paid to bacteriology (study of flora) and cytology (identification of atypical cells).

If a woman is over 40, then every two years she is given an ultrasound of the mammary glands.

In addition to the therapist, an examination by a psychiatrist and a narcologist is mandatory.

Minors are subject to the same requirements as regular employees. True, they do not need to undergo a cardiologist.
For some categories of employees, a short course of lectures and a test for knowledge of the sanitary minimum are provided. This may take several days. At this time, it is necessary to visit special centers for hygiene and epidemiology.

Medical examination allows you to identify the presence of occupational diseases. Their statistics are kept. Morbidity analysis allows you to determine measures to improve working conditions.

Depending on the conditions of the future work of the employee during the medical examination, various factors are determined that can affect the body. For example, in persons whose production activity is accompanied by thermal stress, thermal stability is determined (clause 3.3 of MP

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Private and public clinics

The conclusion on the passage of a medical examination is provided by both private and public clinics.

The visit to the state clinic is longer due to the queues. The advantage is that you don't have to pay.

The preference for a private clinic is without waiting in line, and the results will be ready on the same day. But you have to pay for the comfort. However, not all clinics have the right to issue medical examination certificates. A mental health certificate can only be obtained from a public hospital.

Important information

It should be noted that according to the law, the passage of scheduled medical examinations for working citizens is mandatory once a year, and for employees of the food industry - twice a year.

Blood tests are accepted by almost all clinics that have official registration. Their conclusions are certified with a signature and a seal. At the same time, some state medical institutions take tests for description in the same private laboratories with more modern equipment.

You need to take accurate information from the employer: whether a certificate from a particular private clinic is suitable. Following the labor code, the employer pays for the inspection. The employee retains the right to refuse to visit those doctors whose visits are not provided for by law and are not regulated at the enterprise.

Features for different categories of workers

The Labor Code, among the categories undergoing a medical examination, singles out people performing heavy and dangerous work, transport workers, trade and food industry workers, employees of children's and medical institutions. Under special control are those who stay on long (several months) business trips and work in the Far North.

For those who work with children and food, a more thorough examination is carried out. It must be passed by all staff of child care facilities, since children are at risk for various respiratory diseases.

A thorough medical examination is also carried out in the transport sector, since those involved in the transportation of people are responsible not only for their lives, but also for the health and safety of passengers.

Catering workers can infect people with various viruses that enter the body with food. In addition to standard examinations, catering workers require the conclusion of a bacteriological laboratory about the absence of Escherichia coli and other viruses. The same requirements apply to employees working in trade.

The table shows the categories of employees for whom mandatory preliminary medical examinations are also established.

Consequences of not having a medical examination certificate

The absence of a health book or other documents on a medical examination by an employee entails liability. The employer has no right to conclude with him labor contract. The punishment awaits the employer if the medical examination is overdue. For a repeated violation, an official may be suspended from work for up to three years.

The fine is up to 25,000 rubles for individuals and up to 130,000 for legal entities.

When refusing to undergo a medical examination, a new employee must be aware that it will be legal for the employer to refuse employment.

Watch a video that will tell you in detail about passing a medical examination

Payment for services

The company pays for all types of medical examinations necessary for employees. For optimal work, management can choose a medical institution and conclude a service agreement with it. Then on a certain day, all employees quickly pass the necessary doctors.

There is an option to pay bills to employees who have passed the inspection. Their cost must be agreed with the employer. An employee writes an application for reimbursement of expenses for a medical examination and receives payment in the first salary.

When concluding a contract with a medical institution, it is necessary to check its license and eligibility to provide such services.
It must be remembered that certificates are valid only for a certain time, so do not delay presenting them at work.

If you have any questions about passing a medical examination when applying for a job, write in the comments

An employee is not required to tell his employer about his health condition. But when applying for a job for many positions, you will have to go through, which will determine whether the person is suitable for the performance official duties. But you need to know for which specialties such an examination is mandatory. Today we will talk about who undergoes a medical examination when applying for a job and what are the nuances here.

Types of work activity with health requirements

There is Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the mandatory medical examination before employment. It lists the types of labor activity for which such an inspection is mandatory. If the company does not organize it for these specialties, this is fraught with fines and other sanctions:

  • Any work for citizens, .
  • A place with or hazardous working conditions.
  • Food industry.
  • Trade specialties.
  • Medical posts.
  • Children's educational and educational institutions.
  • Specialties with extreme working conditions.
  • Jobs related to driving.
  • Specialties where work is carried out on a rotational basis.
  • Professional sports.
  • Cosmetologists and hairdressers.
  • Works in the Far North.
  • Judges.
  • Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, police and military.

There are nuances

The inspection is organized and conducted by the employer, who also pays for it from his own funds. Since the passage of the commission is not included in the compulsory health insurance, it cannot be paid at his expense. In order to draw up an employment contract with the applicant, the organization is obliged to send it to the medical commission. For this, he is given a special one. If a special document is required for work (driver's license, medical book or weapons permit), the person must pay all the costs of obtaining it himself. In order not to pay the employee for these papers, employers most often choose those applicants who already have such papers when hiring.

The organization is not obliged to pay for the receipt by the employee of special professional documents (driver's license for the driver, weapons permit for the security guard, etc.).

A medical examination before hiring an employee is necessary in order to:

  • Determine whether the health of the candidate corresponds to the profession for which he is applying.
  • Carry out a health protection event (for example, a potential employee may be found to have a dangerous disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets or through shared utensils).
  • Detect serious diseases at the earliest stages and subsequently cure them.

But a mandatory medical examination when applying for a job is not needed for those who are not included in the above list. Nevertheless, the employer, at his request, has the right to draw up a local act, according to which the employee must present a health certificate. In practice, this procedure is rarely used.

If for some reason the person himself had to pay for the inspection (and this is often the case for applicants), the company must return the money to him. As a rule, the refund is made with the first salary.

If the employer has concluded an employment contract with a person who has not passed a medical examination, he faces administrative liability. So, for officials this is a fine of five thousand rubles, for individual entrepreneurs the same amount or closing for 3 months, and for legal entities the fine reaches 50 thousand rubles.

Which doctors to go through

The composition of the doctors who need to go through depends, first of all, on the specific work activity. For example, if the main burden of the position falls on the eyes (for example, for drivers), then you will definitely have to go through an ophthalmologist. For most professions, the list of doctors is as follows:

  • Otolaryngologist.
  • Surgeon.
  • Neurologist.
  • Therapist.
  • Oculist.
  • Gynecologist / urologist.

In addition, the citizen will have to visit the laboratory to pass OAM and UAC, as well as take a fluorographic picture.

In conclusion, we emphasize that a medical examination upon employment is a measure provided for by law for some positions and necessary for the implementation of labor protection and people's safety. If the employer neglects this procedure, then he is threatened with penalties. In other cases, a medical examination may be requested at the request of the head. However, it is worth considering the fact that the results of a medical examination should not be the basis for discrimination when making a decision to take a position. Otherwise, a person can apply to the labor commission, and fines are possible.

It explains how often the annual medical examination takes place at work ( labor Code, Art. 213). And Article 214 describes the duties of an employee in the field of labor protection.

You should also point to Article 185 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to this article, the time that was spent by the employee on the passage of doctors must be paid.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 214. Obligations of an employee in the field of labor protection

The employee is obliged:

  • comply with labor protection requirements;
  • correctly apply means of individual and collective protection;
  • undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, instructing in labor protection, internships at the workplace, testing knowledge of labor protection requirements;
  • immediately notify their immediate or superior manager of any situation that threatens the life and health of people, of any accident that occurs at work, or of a deterioration in their health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning);
  • undergo mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations, other mandatory medical examinations, as well as undergo extraordinary medical examinations at the direction of the employer in cases provided for by this Code and other federal laws.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 185. Guarantees for employees sent for medical examination

For the duration of the medical examination, employees who are required to undergo such an examination in accordance with this Code shall retain their average earnings at the place of work.

What documents are needed to pass the medical examination for work?

  • passport of a citizen who is assigned a preliminary medical examination;
  • where the citizen is employed. Usually, those surveys that are necessary for a citizen for employment are noted in the direction;
  • outpatient card.

When employed at a food industry enterprise and an enterprise where communication with children takes place, the employee must draw up.

For its registration it is necessary provide a 3x4 photo. During the initial application, you will also need to provide SNILS, CHI insurance policy and receipt about paying for a medical examination at this clinic.

We also note that if a medical examination takes place in a paid clinic, then SNILS and OMS do not need to provide.

Help about passing

After all the doctors have passed, a certificate is issued on passing a medical examination when applying for a job. The help states whether the employee passed the medical examination or not. In some cases, a certificate of medical examination upon employment is not issued, but a medical book is provided. But the medical book is not issued immediately.

If the position requires a medical book, then before it is issued, a person who has passed all the doctors is issued a certificate stating that his personal medical book is in the hospital, he passed the doctors, and the document itself will be issued a certain number.

For employment, a certificate is usually required to pass the medical examination for work forms.

Since 2009, for employment in the civil service, it is necessary to present a certificate.

It should be noted that the period of validity of such a certificate differs from the period of activity of the periodic examination of personnel already working at the enterprise. Help 086 / y has a validity period of 6 months. Certificate 001-ГС/у is valid twice as long, namely 12 months.

I did not pass the medical examination at work - what to do?

You can not pass the examination in case of detection of diseases with which it is impossible to work in this area. For example, this is an open form of tuberculosis or other diseases that are detected through research.

If this happened need to undergo treatment. In this case, there is suspension from work who have not passed a medical examination until it has been passed and provided to the employer.

List of diseases for which a medical examination certificate is not issued:

  1. Eye diseases. If this is work at a computer or acts related to driving, then it is unlikely that people who have vision problems will be admitted to it.
  2. Infectious skin diseases.
  3. In some cases, it is alcoholism, drug addiction and mental illness.

For example, cannot be a driver in that case, if a person suffers from seizures in any form or has sufficiently serious hearing impairment, as well as mental retardation.

But workers whose activities are related to computers usually pass all examinations. No special diseases are indicated for them.

If the driver has not passed the pre-trip inspection, he is not allowed until the shift. The employee must be sent to the clinic.

In accordance with Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when applying for a job. But some employers are trying to violate the labor code and are not willing to pay for medical examinations. If employer does not want to pay for a medical examination, he violates labor laws.

Validity and frequency of holding

Employment is different. For example, certificate 086 / y is valid for six months. The sanitary book is considered valid for a year, then it is necessary to re-examine.

Medical examination is carried out with a frequency of 1 time in 6 months before 1 time in 2 years depending on the enterprise.

For example, employees whose activities are related to working at a computer (if they spend more than 50% of their working time at a computer) must undergo a medical examination once every 2 years if they are over 21 years old.

Car drivers must also undergo a medical examination once every 2 years. In addition, drivers must undergo a medical examination. at the start of each shift. Such an inspection is called a pre-trip inspection and all those who drive vehicles must pass it.

Individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to transportation must also undergo a pre-trip inspection.

Can I be fired if I don't pass the test?

If the employee has not passed the examination, he will be removed from work(Article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is likely that the employee will be given a vacancy in which he can work.

If vacancies that an employee can occupy in an enterprise No, and he did not pass the medical examination at work - dismissal at the enterprise.

If, according to the results of the medical examination period of suspension from work is less than 4 months, then after this time the employee is reinstated and continues to work at the enterprise. If the suspension period more than 4 months or not listed in the results of the medical examination, then employee will be fired.

Employer's responsibility

The employer is not entitled allow employees who have not passed the examination to work. For this, the administrative responsibility of the employer is provided (permission to work without a medical examination).

This applies to those employees for whom a medical examination is mandatory.

According to article Art. 11.32 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for the administrative responsibility of the employer for admission to work without a medical examination of the employee. In case of such an offense, the employer will be required to pay a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles.

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 11.32. Violation of the established procedure for conducting a mandatory medical examination of drivers of vehicles (candidates for drivers of vehicles) or mandatory preliminary, periodic, pre-trip or post-trip medical examinations

Violation of the established procedure for conducting a mandatory medical examination of drivers of vehicles (candidates for drivers of vehicles) or mandatory preliminary, periodic, pre-trip or post-trip medical examinations shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to one and a half thousand rubles; for officials - from two thousand to three thousand rubles; for legal entities - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.

Note. For the administrative offenses provided for by this article, persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity, bear administrative responsibility as legal entities.

Lack of medical examination when necessary, violates labor laws and the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor.

In addition, such absence can cause serious consequences, such as the emergence of epidemics and other negative consequences. That is why the rules for passing a medical examination when applying for a job were created.