Form t11 sample. Employee incentive order. Who prepares the form

Tell me please, can we use the orders developed by the enterprise for the payment of bonuses without specifying the amounts or are the unified form of the order T-11 mandatory for use


Answer to the question:

No, specifying the amount in the order (percent )the award is mandatory regardless of the use of a unified or self-developed form of the order for bonuses.

In connection with the entry into force on 01.01.2013 federal law dated 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ "On Accounting", the obligation to use unified forms of primary accounting documents remained only for public sector organizations, other organizations will have the right to independently develop their forms.

Therefore, if the employer wishes to continue using the unified forms, they can be taken as samples and, if necessary, corrected. The resulting forms should be without fail approve in the accounting policy. In this case, the form will have a mark on its approval by the order of the employer.

If the employer wants to refuse to maintain any unified form, this is also his right. However, according to Art. 8 and 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ "On Accounting" a simple mechanical refusal to use certain forms of documents is unacceptable. In this case, the organization must develop its accounting policy. Develop forms of documents used for one or another accounting, including for accounting for labor and its payment. New accounting forms are approved by the head of the organization on the proposal of the chief accountant. From the moment the new forms are approved, an organization that is not related to the public sector of the economy may not use standard forms, but use its own.

Thus, if your organization does not belong to the public sector of the economy, then you have the right to either approve a new form of the incentive order, or make changes to the unified form by removing the necessary columns, fixing this order with a separate order, or issue it as an annex to the accounting policy.

At the same time, even an independently developed form of the order must comply with the requirements of Art. 9 of Federal Law No. 402-FZ of 06.12.2011, according to which such a document must reflect not only the fact of payment of the premium, but also the cost indicators of the operation (in your case, the size of the premium)

We also note that, as a rule, the basis for charging wages are orders for the payment of bonuses. Therefore, if you remove the column indicating the amount of the premium from this form, then in the event of a dispute, it will be extremely problematic to determine the amount of the premium.

If you want to exclude the amount of the bonus so that, when reading the order, other employees do not get access to the personal data of other employees, then you can provide for the acquaintance of employees not with the full text of the order, but with an extract from it relating only to this employee.

Details in the materials of the System:

  1. Answer:How to get employee incentives

Types of incentives

The employer has the right to reward employees who conscientiously perform their labor duties (). He determines the form of encouragement on his own. The employer can:

  • express gratitude to the employee;
  • pay an employee a bonus;
  • reward an employee with a valuable gift or certificate of honor;
  • to present the employee to the title of the best in the profession.

Such types of incentives are given in Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In the local documents of the organization (, Regulations on moral and material incentives, etc.) or in the collective agreement, other types of incentives can be established. For example, an extra day off, a free trip to a resort, a gym membership, a cash allowance for vacation, a letter of thanks to the employee's family, etc. For special labor services to society and the state, employees can be nominated for state awards. This is stated in Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Documentation of employee incentives

Labor Code The Russian Federation does not provide for a procedure for issuing employee incentives. Therefore, you need to install it yourself in the local documents of the organization. As a rule, the promotion procedure consists of several stages.

First, the immediate supervisor of the employee prepares. The submission provides an assessment of labor and professional activity employee, characteristics of his personal and business qualities, as well as the rationale for the expediency of rewarding.

Based on the presentation, the head of the organization issues an order to reward the employee according to a unified (), approved, or according to. If the incentive is not related to the payment of cash (bonuses) to the employee, then the details can be excluded from the unified order form: “in the amount of ____ rubles. ____ kop. (instructions approved).

After the order is issued, make an entry:

  • in an employee (in section VII "Awards (incentives), honorary titles", if the organization uses a unified form).

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  • Order on bonuses for employees(form T-11 and T-11a) - an administrative document from the management of the organization on awarding a bonus to an employee of the organization. During work activities an employee, he can be rewarded by the management for any special merits; as a bonus, he can be given a diploma, gratitude, monetary or material reward. An employee’s remuneration is drawn up by drawing up an order on bonus payments to employees. The order can be drawn up in free form on the letterhead of the enterprise, or you can use the convenient unified form T-11 and T-11a. The first form is designed to encourage one employee, the second - for a group of employees. We will analyze how to correctly draw up an order for bonuses using the example of the T-11 form.

    Order on employee bonuses form T-11 sample filling

    Before personnel service draws up an order, the head of the department in which the employee works must draw up a proposal for promotion, on the basis of which the order will already be issued. This representation is indicated in the text of the order as the basis for drawing up.

    An order is an administrative document, it is drawn up on behalf of the management of the enterprise.

    In the text of the order, you must specify the basic data of the employee: position, unit, full name. After that, the achievements and merits of the employee are reflected, for which he is presented for promotion.

    The last item you need to specify the type of bonus (encouragement). This may be a cash prize, then it is indicated in words in the order. If this is some kind of material thing, a gift, then its name is also indicated in the order. In addition, the employee may be awarded a certificate and a commendation.

    Bonus memorandum - basis for remuneration

    The basis for bonuses to an employee may be a memorandum to the management about the labor success of the employee. The figure below shows an example of filling out a memorandum from the production director addressed to the general director.

    Employee bonus notice. Fill example

    The figure below shows an example of rewarding an employee with a monetary reward based on a management order.

    In addition to monetary reward, an employee can be encouraged with a valuable gift. The figure below shows this sample order.

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    In addition to paying the basic salary, the employer can encourage the employee with additional amounts of money - bonuses or valuable gifts.

    All types of bonuses must be issued using an order, which is the basis for their accrual.

    For registration of these payments, unified forms are provided: T-11 and T-11a. The first form is designed to reward one employee, and the form with the letter “a” is used if two or more employees of the company are rewarded.

    Are these forms required?

    Now the use of unified forms in personnel records management is no longer mandatory, therefore, the employer can use the T-11 and T-11a forms at will. He can develop his own form or make changes to the unified ones. The main thing is to approve the new form by order of the organization.

    Also, an order for bonuses can be issued in free form on a common form for orders approved by the organization. Typically, this method of issuing bonuses is used when it is necessary to describe in detail the achievements of an employee for which he receives a bonus, or when orders for incentives are posted in public places (information corners, honor boards, etc.).

    In these cases, an order issued in free form is better perceived when read.

    An example of the text of an order for promotion in free form:

    According to the results of the competition "The Best Production Site", held from May 21 to May 30, 2020, the production site of Branch No. 4 took first place.

    I ORDER:

    1. Encourage with a cash bonus for the results achieved:

    • A.A. Ivanenkov, head of the section - in the amount of 5000 (five thousand) rubles;
    • N.N. Egorov, foreman of the site - in the amount of 4000 (four thousand) rubles;
    • V.V. Nikitin, electrician of the site - in the amount of 3000 (three thousand) rubles.

    2. Pay the premium at your own expense.

    3. Order to bring to the attention of all employees of the organization.

    Order for financial assistance

    In addition to various monetary awards, there is also such a thing as material assistance.

    For these purposes, there is no separate unified form, and therefore, forms T-11 and T-11a are very often used to process material assistance, especially if the organization uses automated programs for conducting personnel records management (FIREPLACE, HR Department PLUS, etc.) , in the standard versions of which only unified forms are included.

    The uniform form can be adapted by changing the name. That is, initially the order is called “On the promotion of the employee (s)”, but you need to replace it with “On material assistance”, or “On the payment of material assistance”.

    You can also use the free form of the order. But in any case, you need to clearly indicate the type of cash payment, you should not write wording like: "pay a sum of money in the amount of ...". Depending on the type of payment you receive will depend on:

    1) personal income tax- the premium is taxed in full. In the case of material assistance, personal income tax is not taxed on the amount of 4,000 rubles per year in general cases and up to 50,000 rubles with a lump sum payment for the birth of a child.

    Or it is not subject to taxation at all, regardless of the amount, if paid in connection with natural disasters or terrorist acts;

    2) Income tax organizations - material assistance does not reduce the taxable base. The bonus can reduce the taxable base only if it is accrued for the labor achievements of employees (fulfillment of the plan, achievement of certain indicators, making rational proposals, etc.).

    Bonuses paid in connection with anniversaries and holidays do not relate to labor costs that reduce the amount of the organization's profit;

    3) Insurance accruals- material assistance is exempted from payment in cases provided for by law (in the amount of up to 4,000 rubles, at the birth of a child up to 50,000 rubles, compensation payments for damage caused due to natural disasters, payments in connection with the death of family members). The premium is subject to insurance premiums in all cases.

    Grounds for issuing an order

    The following documents can serve as the basis for issuing an order for bonuses (material assistance):

    • Employee statement. Most often, it is written for the payment of material assistance in the event of cases when such payments are provided for in the local documents of the employer.
    • Service note. Written by the immediate supervisor of the employee with a request to reward him for the results achieved, excellent work, etc.;
    • Employer's order on the payment of bonuses for holidays and anniversaries;
    • Local regulations of the organization, where the procedure for the payment of material assistance and bonuses is prescribed. Moreover, the employer himself decides how to call this or that payment. For example, in some organizations a bonus may be paid on the anniversary of an employee (retirement, marriage), and in some - material assistance. It depends on the corporate policy of the organization. In cases where bonuses and financial assistance are prescribed by law, their names do not change (material assistance for the birth of a child, in connection with the death of a family member; bonus for performance);
    • Other documents on the basis of which the employer may decide to make payments in favor of the employee.

    After the order is issued, a copy of it is sent to the accounting department for the calculation of the amounts indicated in it. No specific dates have been set for the payment of bonuses and material assistance. They can be issued to the employee immediately after accrual or timed to coincide with the salary or advance payment.

    Instructions for filling out the T-11 form

    Using the T-11 form, a bonus is issued for one employee. The order in which it is filled is as follows:

    Name of company

    Here it must be entered in full, without abbreviations. It is allowed to enter the abbreviated name in brackets (if any), as in the constituent documents. This procedure is established by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated 03.03.2003 No. 65-st.

    The above document is valid only until 07/01/2018, and then GOST R 7.0.97-2016 will come into effect, but it also contains the same requirement regarding the name, as a requisite of the document.

    All of the above rules apply to individual entrepreneurs in full.

    Next to the name there is a small field reserved for OKPO, the data for filling it out are taken from the list of codes issued by the statistical authorities during the registration of the company. But leaving this field blank will not be a blunder.

    The surname, name and patronymic of the employee is entered in full, in the genitive case.

    Personnel Number

    Structural subdivision

    If it is absent in the organization, this line is not filled.

    Encouragement motive

    In this line, you can describe in detail the reason for rewarding an employee if the organization does not use free-form order forms or the order is issued using a specialized program.

    Type of promotion

    This line explains in what form the encouragement (material assistance) will be made: cash, a valuable gift, or simply an announcement of gratitude or a certificate of honor.

    Then the document is indicated that served as the basis for issuing the order (employee's statement, memo, manager's order, etc.)

    The signature of the manager, as well as the signature of the employee that he is familiar with the order.

    Instructions for filling out the T-11a form

    Form T-11a is intended for processing payments to several employees at once. The main details of the order are drawn up in the same way as in the previous form.

    Also, similarly to the T-11 form, the lines are filled in: “Motive of encouragement” and “Type of encouragement”, after which the subsequent information is entered in the form of a table. This means that the motive and type of incentive must be the same for all employees listed in the order. That is, even if the same employee simultaneously receives a bonus and financial assistance, it will be necessary to issue two different orders for him.

    Filling in the tabular part of the order:

    1. Last name, first name and patronymic of the employee - is entered in full;
    2. Personnel number - if any;
    3. Structural unit - if any;
    4. Position - in full, without abbreviations;
    5. Amount - the amount to be paid to the employee. This form does not provide for its duplication in words. If an employee is encouraged not to in cash, then the form of encouragement is indicated (gratitude, diploma, valuable gift);
    6. The signature of the employees is that they are familiar with the order.
    7. The basis for issuing the order (the period after the table). There may be several reasons, the main thing is that the motive and type of encouragement coincide in them. Or, conversely, one document can serve as the basis for issuing several orders. For example, there is one memo that contains information that the employee must be encouraged with a certificate of honor and a cash bonus. In this case, two orders will be issued, but the basis for them will be the same - the above memo.
    8. Signature of the head of the organization.

    The term and place of storage of orders for bonuses

    The original order is stored in the book of orders for personnel. A copy in the accounting department, where it is either filed in a separate file, where all copies of orders are stored, or pinned to documents on the accrual of bonuses.

    Orders on bonuses to employees and the issuance of material assistance to them must be stored in the organization for 5 years, and then subject to destruction. But in practice, it is better to destroy such documents after the tax audit has passed.

    Since in its course various questions may arise about the taxation of amounts accrued on the basis of these orders, and it will be necessary to confirm the wording, on which, as mentioned above, how these amounts will be reflected in the tax accounting of the organization depends.

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    The head of the organization issues an order to encourage (bonuses or awards). This order is issued in the personnel department in a unified form No. T-11 or T-11a (for a group of employees). The order serves to document the fact of rewarding employees. Information from the order is entered into the employee's personal card.

    The unified form No. T-11 was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 01/05/2004 No. 1.

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    How to fill out an order for encouragement

    The employer can encourage his employees for the impeccable performance of their duties, conscientious work and more. Encouragement can be expressed in the form of gratitude, a cash prize, a certificate of honor or a valuable gift, as well as a presentation to the title of the best in their profession.

    In order to give an employee a bonus, the head of the enterprise issues a special order to encourage the employee. The basis for it is usually the petition of the head of a particular division of the company, however, these can also be other documents confirming the merits of the person being awarded (for example, confirming his work experience at the enterprise). As for the order itself, here you do not have to invent or invent anything. The document is not only unified, but also approved by the State Statistics Committee.

    You will need a standard T-11 form. You need to enter the name of the enterprise in it as it is written in your constituent documents. If you - individual entrepreneur, enter your OKPO code in the order to encourage the employee. The document number and date of the order are affixed in accordance with the current data.
    In the order to encourage the employee, you must also enter the personnel number of the employee you want to reward, his full last name, first name and patronymic, the name of the department (structural unit) where he works, and the title of the position (according to the staffing table).

    The motive of encouragement is written with a small letter. These can be, for example, “high achievements in work”, “conscientious performance official duties" etc.
    In the field "reason for promotion" enter the name of the document-foundation (for example, the petition of the head of the department).

    Now it remains only to sign the document. The head of the organization does this first, its first person - he enters the name of his position (for example, general director, chairman of the board of directors or president), surname and initials and signs. After that, the order is certified by the seal of the company.
    After reading the incentive order, the employee also puts his signature on it and indicates the date of signing.

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