Let's learn how to make money with dropshipping. What is dropshipping and how to make money on it? After reading this material you will know

AliExpress has received a lot of publicity in recent years. It was advertised as a magical e-commerce site that allows anyone to open .
This is of course a positive thing, for sure. But as with anything, this all has its pros and cons.

In this guide, we're going to tell you how to quickly navigate AliExpress, step by step. We will also honestly tell you about all the pitfalls of this business direction.

Let's start!

By now you've probably heard of Chinese billionaire Jack Ma, or at least his $307 billion company Alibaba. He is considered the Asian version of Amazon's Jeff Bezos.

The company was born from the fact that Ma couldn't easily find Chinese products online. The resulting platform allows Western buyers to connect with Chinese and Asian sellers in a move that has revolutionized e-commerce around the world.

Alibaba, an original site built for wholesale purchases. Sellers usually have minimum requirements for bulk orders. You can directly contact Chinese manufacturers to place orders, and payment is usually made by bank transfer. This method purchases are not very common in Russia due to the difficulty with payment, delivery and communication with wholesalers. But if you want to save money, you can place your order through intermediary companies, most of which are located in the Far East.

Aliexpress is its sister site. At its core, Ali is a large dropshipping platform. There are many retailers who resell products to you. Of course, you don’t win in price, but for that you get the opportunity to place separate orders and not experience difficulties with paying and receiving goods

How does dropshipping work with Aliexpress?

Dropshipping simply means that when your customer makes a purchase from your website, you order the product from your Chinese supplier and they ship the product to your customer. You don't have to store any inventory or worry about packaging and shipping.

Dropshipping from AliExpress requires you to first create your own online store or have a place to sell your goods, such as Ozon or Avito.

When a customer makes a purchase, you place an order with the seller on AliExpress. The seller ships the items and you keep the price difference as profit.

Many well-promoted Russian online stores operate using a dropshipping system and their customers don’t even know about it. You do not have to inform your customers that the goods are not in your warehouse, the main thing is that the process of working with the supplier is discussed and established so that you do not have questions about the delivery of the ordered goods.

As you get bigger and scale your store, you can send orders to these suppliers for better rates and terms. This is why it is so important to choose the right suppliers from the beginning and build relationships with them.

Aliexpress Dropshipping: Pros and Cons

There are good and bad things to using AliExpress for dropshipping. Here they are:


  • AliExpress has a database of hundreds of millions of products. So there will be no problems with choosing a niche to open your online store using the dropshipping system.
  • Starting a business with AliExpress is 100 percent free. Other services, such as Worldwide Brands and Doba, charge hundreds of dollars for startup fees and monthly fees.
  • You control your own profits. Prices on AliExpress are extremely low and give you the opportunity to make really big profits.
  • Product trends appear on AliExpress overnight. When will a product like this come out? Fidget Spinners, with a 200% probability you can count on the fact that he is already on Ali. And you have the opportunity to become the first to start making huge money on a product that is just beginning to win the hearts of millions.


  1. In some cases, delivery may take more than a month. But recently, there have been gaps in delivery issues and in some cases delivery takes 12-17 days.
  2. You cannot bind items. If a customer orders three items from three different suppliers, they will not be able to arrive at the same time.
  3. Suppliers on AliExpress may not speak the best English language, which may cause communication problems.

Is AliExpress safe and reliable?


The big benefit of working with AliExpress is that it offers greater protection for buyers during ordering, shipping and returns. The site's features have been designed to keep the buyer in mind at every stage of the sale.

Dropshipping (or reselling products) is a great way to start a business without having to worry about inventory or shipping. The scheme is quite simple: you put the product up for sale on your website and, having received the order, write to the supplier so that he sends the product to the buyer on your behalf. We will look at this scheme in more detail in our (slightly expanded) translation of an article from the Shopify blog.

The most difficult thing when doing dropshipping is finding a reliable supplier. But there is a great marketplace for this.

With AliExpress, you can easily find items to sell in your store without worrying about inventory or shipping. You can pay for goods at wholesale prices, and the seller will send them directly to your customers.

Why AliExpress is suitable for dropshipping

AliExpress is a huge marketplace with a large selection of products that you can sell in your store. Due to the fact that most sellers on AliExpress are foreign manufacturers, they offer their products at quite competitive prices.

Although AliExpress positions itself as a platform for retail online, most sellers on AliExpress understand that most of their buyers are resellers, so they are interested in dropshipping.

Plus, dropshipping with AliExpress is very easy.

You don't have to purchase products in advance, so you can test different products on your site without incurring any financial costs. You can start dropshipping with AliExpress today without investing a penny.

Most sellers on AliExpress upload great product photos that you can use on your site, and also provide detailed descriptions so you can describe the product in your store.

And finally, the dropshipping scheme is very simple - having received an order on your website, you place an order on AliExpress and indicate the client’s address for delivery.

Below we will describe this process in more detail, and also tell you what to look for when choosing a product and seller, as well as how to set yourself up for success. In general, everything is not so difficult.

Why would someone buy a product from your store if they can buy it themselves on AliExpress?

When doing dropshipping with AliExpress, your competitive advantage will not be the price or uniqueness of the products offered. After all, this is arbitrage trading.

Your competitive advantage can be good marketing and proactive customer search. Branding, creating content, and providing excellent support can also help you increase the value of your business in the eyes of your customers.

Creating a store

Now that you understand how dropshipping with AliExpress works and what you should focus on on your site, you need to launch the site. For this you can use the platform Shopify , this is one of the simplest and most popular platforms for creating online stores. Or you can look for alternative and less expensive options that offer a free plan, such as Tilda, Shop-Script etc. But don’t rush, first think about what exactly you are going to sell. Then you can choose a design that matches your chosen niche.

Choosing a niche and products

The first and most important step in creating your store is to decide on a niche. If you don't know where to start, look at what product categories AliExpress has and decide what you're most interested in and what you'd be most interested in selling.

Once you've decided on a niche, it's time to start choosing the products you want to resell in your store. In our example, we chose sneakers as a niche.

AliExpress sells a lot of products, too many. To avoid headaches, choose quality products from a reliable supplier.

We have compiled a small list of criteria for choosing the right product. These criteria are not backed by research and are based only on our experience, but they may help you find reliable sellers. Here's what you need to pay attention to:

No brands, fakes or imitations. It is better to refuse branded items so as not to resell fakes and imitations. Choose unbranded products. If a product has a logo, then it is better to refuse it, even if this logo is real. There is no need to take any risks since you are not an official representative of the brand and you cannot be sure whether the product will be genuine. This can greatly reduce the selection of items for resale, so it's best to choose a niche where the brand doesn't matter - such as electronic accessories or clothing.

Free shipping with tracking capabilities. Whenever possible, choose products from sellers who provide free shipping with tracking of the package all the way. Read the product description - sometimes the delivery method varies depending on the order amount, and cheap parcels are tracked only in China. It is best when the seller provides delivery by ePacket - it is not only cheap, but also very fast.

More than 300 orders. If a product has a lot of orders, this indicates several things. Firstly, this product is in demand. Secondly, the supplier of this product is most likely reliable, since some of these orders may be repeat ones. When searching for new products, you can sometimes sort products by number of orders.

For the latter, you can use the Chrome extension - AliExpress Assistant . It is also available for Firefox, Opera and Yandex browser. This extension shows a more detailed seller rating.

Low price and the possibility of a potentially high markup. Depending on the goods that you plan to resell, choose goods worth 1-20 dollars (approximately 60-1200 rubles at today's exchange rate). Thanks to this, you risk less if the product turns out to be of poor quality and you lose money, and you can also make a large markup on such products and sell them for 20-50 dollars (1200-2800 rubles). For example, on AliExpress you can find sneakers for 20 dollars and sell them for 50. This way you will receive 60% of the net profit.

Lots of good photos of products without logo. Just in case, check that the photos are actually provided by the manufacturer and not stolen from another seller. You can do a Google image search to see if the photos were taken by the seller themselves or were taken from the manufacturer.

Sociable and helpful seller. Don't be afraid to ask the seller questions before placing an order. A good, reliable seller will quickly answer all your questions. Sometimes you can even get a discount. If the seller does not respond to messages, this is clearly an alarm bell.

Adding products to your store

Now you have decided on a niche and products, and launched a website. Now it's time to add products. Don't just copy images and product descriptions from AliExpress. If you want to succeed, take adding products more seriously.

Add your own product descriptions. Descriptions for most products on AliExpress are not written by copywriters, and the description usually does not fully reveal the benefits of the product. In addition, current descriptions are usually only available in English, and Russian machine translation in most cases is indigestible. Creating unique content will serve you well in the long run (Google ignores copied content) and will allow you to create product pages that sell.

Please indicate expected delivery time. It's a good idea to indicate on the product page (or somewhere else on your site) that the customer will have to wait at least 20 days to receive their order (depending on the supplier). Most suppliers are located in China and delivery times range from two weeks to several months, depending on the shipping method. Besides, we all know how Russian Post can work :)

Use an app or widget to track your order. Since the delivery speed with dropshipping is faster than in regular online stores, your customers will most likely often ask you where their order is. So that your customers can see the order status, you can use a special application for Shopify , or you can add a special postage tracking widget to your site, for example, Post-Tracker.ru or Post2Go.

Offer free shipping. This can become your competitive advantage. Most sellers on AliExpress ship for free or at low cost, so we recommend offering free shipping to your customers.

Please indicate appropriate prices. It is best to indicate a price approximately twice the original price. 50% of net profit will make your business viable and will also cover your marketing costs.

Add products to your store using apps. There are special applications that will greatly facilitate and speed up the process of adding products from AliExpress to your store. For example:

  • Oberlo - app for Shopify
  • Expressfy - extension for Chrome

How to Use AliExpress for Dropshipping

It's quite simple - when you receive your order, buy the desired product on AliExpress and enter your buyer's name and address. The AliExpress seller will take care of the rest.

It's a good idea to create a spreadsheet in Excel or Google Docs with a list of all the products in your store, your price, the seller's price, and a link to the product on AliExpress. This way, once you receive an order, it will be easier for you to find the right supplier on AliExpress, as well as monitor price changes.

Instead of a table, you can use special applications. For example, the Oberlo app for Shopify that we mentioned above will help you more easily place orders on AliExpress and monitor price changes. Price changes can also be tracked through the extension AliExpress Assistant.

When placing an order on AliExpress, it’s a good idea to let the seller know that you are doing dropshipping. Then the seller will not include any receipts or coupons in the package for your client.

On the checkout page, you can add a message to the seller. We recommend writing a message like: “We’re dropshipping. No promotions & invoices, please!” It is better to write the message in English, since most sellers do not speak Russian.

After placing your order, you will soon receive a message that your order has been shipped. The speed of preparing goods for shipment depends on the seller.

After this, you can change the order status on your website and allow the customer to track the package using the method you previously selected.

Ready! All you have to do is wait until your client receives the order. When the package is delivered, AliExpress will send you an email asking you to confirm receipt of your order. It’s worth taking a little time with this - make sure that the client has received the parcel and that everything is in order with the goods. If something is wrong, you can write to the seller or open a dispute on AliExpress to resolve the problem.

What about returning goods or funds?

Most sellers on AliExpress do not provide return options. Therefore, you will need to deal with the return of goods or funds in several ways. Problems when ordering through your store can most often arise due to the fact that the package did not reach the recipient or your customer was dissatisfied with the purchase.

If the package did not arrive on time, you need to deal with the seller on AliExpress. You can either contact the seller directly or open a dispute through the buyer protection system.

If your client is simply dissatisfied with the purchase, we offer to return his money. If the product is damaged, ask the customer to take photos and send them to the seller on AliExpress, and solve the problem with him.

Growing your business

Once you've completed a few orders, it's time to start looking for ways to grow your business and make more money.

Over time, you will learn to separate reliable sellers who supply quality products from unreliable ones. It is worth considering building business relationships with reliable sellers. This way you can get lower prices and priority when processing your order.

Most sellers on AliExpress use Skype. If you find yourself ordering from the same seller often, it's a good idea to ask for their Skype contact information and build a business relationship. Show the seller that you can bring him a large number of orders. Then some sellers may allow you to place your logo on the goods, and also include custom invoices/receipts or inserts with your logo in the package.

Start dropshipping

One of the benefits of dropshipping with AliExpress is the ability to quickly test and evaluate ideas and products. Not sure if a certain product will sell? Add it to the site and see if there are orders. No orders? Just remove the product from the catalog and try something else.

Because you don't have to pre-purchase items and regularly check stock availability, you take almost no risk. Create a website and start growing your business. And add it to the site to promptly respond to customer questions or complaints.

Don't miss the next post. We write rarely, but aptly, about online support and marketing

What is dropshipping in simple words? How to find a supplier for an online store? How does dropshipping cooperation work to sell products?

Hello, dear friends! Welcome to one of the founders of the HeaterBober.ru magazine, Alexander Berezhnov.

How to sell a product even without having it in stock? My answer is simple - using dropshipping!

In this article, I will tell you in simple words how to organize the sales process using the dropshipping scheme, where and how to find a reliable supplier, as well as what products are good to sell using this model.

So, let's go!

1. What is dropshipping – definition and scheme of work

English word " Dropshipping" means " direct delivery" The point of working under this system is precisely the direct supply of goods from the manufacturer to the consumer.

Dropshipping is a sales system for an online store in which goods are sent directly from the manufacturer to the buyer, that is, in essence, intermediation.

The business organizer acts as a transmission link: he looks for demand and implements supply. In other words, the intermediary finds the client, the product and ensures their meeting.

An example of dropshipping work in simple language

You create a website on the Internet, for example, in the format of an online store, and in essence you are just an electronic storefront. You DO NOT NEED to purchase the goods yourself!

The main advantage of this scheme is the absence of costs for the purchase of goods on the part of the entrepreneur. He does not need start-up capital to purchase the initial batch of products: he immediately pays for it with the client’s money, and puts the difference between the purchase price and the final price in his pocket.

In theory, everything sounds simple, but in practice, to make a profit, the scheme must be worked out to the smallest detail.

What is the main obstacle when opening your own online store using the standard approach? - lack of start-up capital and ignorance of the specifics of this business.

A dropshipping business allows you to do without initial investments and with almost zero initial capital.

Suppliers with this method of doing business, of course, do not work for nothing and do not engage in charity, but a well-functioning work scheme allows entrepreneurs to make direct deliveries of goods to customers, bypassing the procurement stage.

Dropshipping appeared relatively recently thanks to the development of Internet communications. Currently, there are hundreds of resources that supply goods from China (or other countries) to online stores around the world.

For customers, the difference in price is small, especially since not all customers have the opportunity and time to independently find Chinese sales sites and interact with them. This function is taken over by the intermediary’s online store, where you can make purchases comfortably, communicating with the seller in your native language.

The client makes a purchase as quickly as possible:

  • an order is placed on the online store website;
  • a courier service or post office delivers the goods.

It makes no difference to the buyer where the goods in the seller’s warehouse came from and how long they were there: the main thing is that the product is of high quality.

An entrepreneur (for example, you) places an order with a dropshipping supplier only if the customer places an order in his online store. This guarantees payment and eliminates risk when investing. The client does not even realize that he is purchasing the product from someone else: he does not need this information.

The goal of an online store owner is to attract customers by convincing them to purchase goods from him. The commission of intermediaries in this business scheme is from 20% to 100%. Quite a decent income with no start-up costs. At the same time, the entrepreneur does not worry that the goods he purchased will gather dust in the warehouse for months.

The main thing is to find a reliable and profitable supplier!

Dropshipping suppliers from China and Russia offer an almost unlimited range of products: clothing, shoes, accessories, household appliances, communication devices, exclusive products.

Large manufacturers who do not want to engage retail sales, sell their goods through online stores, which act as unique showcases.

Along the way, online stores deal with marketing, advertising, processing transactions, accepting payments: everything that regular stores do. outlets. Dispatch and delivery are carried out either by the manufacturer or by a partner company, if there is a prior agreement.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of dropshipping

Like any business, dropshipping has its pros and cons. Below in the table we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of dropshipping compared to offline business.

Comparison criteria Dropshipping Offline business
1 Start-up capitalNot needed (+) Need (-)
2 Availability of warehouseNot needed (+) Need (-)
3 Product quality assessmentDifficult (-) Just (+)
4 Office rentalNot needed (+) Need (-)
5 Profit percentageBig (+) Various (±)
6 CompetitionLarge (-) Large (-)

When starting your business, carefully analyze these criteria regarding your business.

Main features of dropshipping work

Now let’s take a closer look at the points about the 4 features when working with the dropshipping system.

Feature 1. No large initial investment required

You really don’t need large start-up capital, but you will still need funds to open an online store and promote it online.

In one of the previous articles we already talked in detail. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with it.

The main thing to focus on is the level of customer service. Dropshipping stores must provide the most complete information about the product in a favorable light. High-quality images and photos of products must be present. This is especially true for dropshipping clothing and accessories.

Feature 2. Transparent and reliable operating model

This business model is trusted by consumers. This is already a well-established sales scheme. A huge number of well-known chain stores in the world and in Russia operate using a dropshipping system - for example, a store like Ozon or Yulmart 24.

Dropshipping goods do not require warehousing or large purchases and allow you to offer customers a wider and more varied range.

The product does not deteriorate, does not stay stale, and does not go out of fashion, since it is constantly updated. There is no need to hire additional personnel to package products and check for defects.

All that is required from the owner is to monitor the attendance of his own trading platform and strive to increase the number of active clients. Essentially, he acts as an intermediary between the manufacturer and the buyer.

Feature 3. Difficulties with price and competition

However, dropshipping cannot be called an e-commerce paradise. As in other areas of business, there is competition and other pitfalls. Price reductions by large dropshipping companies, dumping, unscrupulous suppliers - all these factors reduce the financial profitability of your enterprise.

To succeed in dropshipping business, you need to learn how to work with proposals and convince customers. You cannot base your company's competitiveness solely on low prices.

Buyers are attracted not only by low prices, but also by promotions, bonuses, and special services that are not available in other stores.

You should work with several suppliers for your online store at once. This will allow you to avoid situations with the lack of specific goods in the manufacturer’s warehouse at the moment (one doesn’t have it, the other probably will).

Feature 4. Disruptions in delivery times

Another disadvantage of dropshipping (if you work with China) is delivery times. Sometimes goods from China take a very long time to arrive. You promise the client a delivery time of 2 weeks, but the parcel is delayed by 1.5-2 months.

As for trading products that you have not seen, this problem is completely solvable. Some manufacturers may send you a trial sample of the product or give you the most detailed description of its functional characteristics.

Dropshipping platforms deal with a lot of orders and often make mistakes in logistics, deliveries and other points. Reliable suppliers are usually always ready to compensate for damage at their own expense if their mistake is proven, but unscrupulous companies may ignore your claims.

In this case, it is better to pay the client money from your own pocket - reputation in business is more valuable than immediate profit. Always focus on the customer: Companies that succeed in online retailing are those that place the customer at the center of their business model.

The main driving forces of successful dropshipping in Russia are:

  • effective advertising;
  • customer focus;
  • selection of original marketing tools;
  • creative approach to implementing business ideas.

Yes, the competition is great, finding your own niche is difficult and troublesome, but this does not mean that you need to give up in advance. In business, it is not only the most talented who survive, but also the most patient and persistent. Continue to move in the given direction, and the result will definitely come.

3. Where to start cooperation - 7 steps to open a profitable online store using the dropshipping system

In this section of the article, I will tell you how to start making money using a dropshipping system and share some of my experience on this topic.

I'll start with a practical example:

Now one of the popular topics on making money on the Internet is “Business with China”. Its essence is that you buy cheap goods in bulk: health products, souvenirs, household appliances, and so on and sell them at a higher price. Typically, the markup on goods from China ranges from 100% to 1000%. Consider for yourself how much profit you can make here.

It is interesting that at the initial stage you can organize such trade without directly purchasing goods through the dropshipping system and, having acquired the necessary experience, you can already engage in wholesale purchases, earning more.

Business with China is a promising and profitable direction, but everywhere has its own nuances. And if you want to avoid common mistakes and earn your first money in the near future, you need a mentor.

Zhenya has already achieved great results in his business and at the same time trains others. Our website team knows Evgeniy personally and we can vouch for the quality of his teaching.

For clarity, watch the video in which Evgeniy’s students talk about their success after completing the training:

Step 1. Research the market and identify a niche

Perhaps your strategy would be not to direct energy into an area where maximum competition already exists. Then try to offer customers something truly new.

A preliminary and comprehensive analysis of the market is necessary in those areas where competition is not yet so great or there is an opportunity to improve the current schemes of interaction between the seller and the client.

In our opinion, the promising niche for dropshipping is not one that most thriving online stores are pursuing. At first it will seem that absolutely all the places are occupied, but in reality there is always room for maneuver, you just need to look hard.


More and more young, middle-aged and elderly people want to live a healthy life and quit smoking.

At the same time several large companies– manufacturers of electronic cigarettes and accessories offer cooperation through the dropshipping system to physical and legal partners. Why not try your hand at such a promising business?

You can make a list of your own interests and skills to narrow down the types of activities you want or can do. If you understand Chinese teas, modern gadgets for iPhones, supplements for sports nutrition– try to convert your knowledge into profits.

Step 2. Create an online store

Creating an online store is a fairly popular line of business nowadays.

4. How to find a supplier for an online store using a dropshipping system?

We described the search for suppliers in general above, but here we will point out that there are sites on the Internet with open and paid access to lists of suppliers.

For example, free lists can be found in communities on the social networks VKontakte and Facebook or simply in search engines. Do not rush to use addresses from the first positions of search results: wholesale suppliers are not always strong in SEO promotion.

You can also work with large Russian-language portals that work on dropshipping, for example, Yulmart 24 or textile company "Neotek" .

In Yulmart-24 you can find almost any consumer goods - from children's toys to computers and components for them. True, the store sells only wholesale quantities and works exclusively with legal entities. At Neotek you can purchase large quantities of any clothing for all ages.

Dropshipping options

There are 2 working schemes for selling goods through dropshipping:

  • In the first In this case, the dropshipper independently finds a client, concludes a deal with him, takes an advance payment and settles accounts with the supplier.
  • In the second – the dropshipper simply finds a buyer, and the supplier accepts the payment. After which the intermediary is paid a certain percentage of the profit.

The first option is less risky. In the second case, your profits will depend on the integrity of the supplier company. However, if you are working with a reliable and well-known company, it is unlikely that he will risk his reputation and profit from ordinary sellers.

There is another option for dropshipping - you independently find a large manufacturer of any goods in your region and offer them your services as an intermediary.

You can even conclude a full-fledged contract, which will spell out the key points of cooperation.

I'll tell you a secret

Manufacturers are often themselves interested in the services of distributors, so do not think that you will impose yourself on anyone.

There is another, not entirely correct way to find a supplier - find out who your competitors are working with and offer these companies your services at a lower price.

To successfully operate the dropshipping system, it is advisable to attract modern services to increase income and facilitate the process of selling goods.

I recommend this resource, which is useful in many ways. www.apishops.com, which has its own database of ready-made one-page websites, a wide range of products and powerful order processing functionality.

I myself worked with Apishops for some time, but now I’m doing a different business - creating and making money on information sites, I like it better.

5. Conclusion

So, let's summarize. I hope that after reading this article, dropshipping will no longer be an incomprehensible word for you, but will turn into a real opportunity to increase your own income.

As you can see, this way of making money, or even better, starting your own business, has many advantages, especially for novice entrepreneurs. The main one is the lack of large expenses for starting your own business.

This method is not without its drawbacks, for example, there is a risk of running into unscrupulous suppliers. In general, the dropshipping model is very relevant and will develop in the future.

Dear readers, if you have thoughts on this topic or experience in running a business according to the outlined scheme, do not hesitate to leave comments and feedback on the article.

For us it is very important. Thank you in advance!

What is vending - a complete overview of the concept and types of vending machines + instructions for starting a business with coffee machines

Quite recently appeared new way make money - dropshipping. Most people are convinced that decent income impossible without significant investment. Only with the advent of the Internet did the situation change greatly. Now, to organize your own business without investment, you only need desire and access to the Internet. Let's take a closer look, where and how to make money dropshipping.

What is dropshipping - scheme, structure

Let's say you decide to open an online store. Everything is already organized, all that remains is to purchase the goods. We remind you that before you conduct entrepreneurial activity it must be registered with government agencies. Therefore, we recommend that you read the article: “”

But where can we get the money for this? And this is where it will help dropshipping. Your task is to request a price list from a previously found supplier, open a store, and you order the goods after receiving payment from the client. Your supplier saves you the cost of shipping and packaging and ships the desired product directly to the customer. You do not need to maintain a warehouse, receive, pack and send goods to the client; the supplier will do all this for you. You only worry about that - .

Scheme of work of dropshipping suppliers

Let's look at the sales structure in detail using an example

Let's say you decide to sell shoes via the Internet. You need:

  1. Find the minimum price for a product from sites that cooperate with dropshippers. Or on foreign sites (China, America). Determine where you can earn more. (Taobao.com, etc.)
  2. Leave a request on the site that interests you. If you work with foreign sites, then you just need to find a good supplier. (Read reviews of suppliers to avoid scammers)
  3. You place the product on your Internet resource, not forgetting to add a markup, which will be your profit.
  4. You create a unique and detailed description of the products and post high-quality illustrations. (Unique content, description, detailed product photos, etc.)
  5. You bring good traffic to the site. (advertising, SEO promotion)

List of sites that operate the dropshipping system (Chinese goods)

  1. http://www.aliexpress.com/
  2. http://www.taobao.com
  3. http://www.alibaba.com/
  4. http://www.banggood.com/

This sales structure does not require special sales skills or experience in writing beautiful selling texts; you earn money through dropshipping without investment, having your own business.