Sample business plan for an insurance company. Car insurance. How to start an insurance business

The insurance business can confidently be classified as complex. It requires serious financial investments and good knowledge in the insurance industry, and the ever-growing competition does not allow you to relax. But, taking into account the fact that the demand for insurance services is only increasing, engaging in the insurance business is promising and profitable.

Today we’ll talk about what insurance services exist, how to open your own insurance company and in what form this can be done.

Insurance company business plan

When opening an insurance company or insurance agency, it is important to have a quality business plan.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a sample business plan for an insurance company, taken from your thesis.

How to open an insurance company

Company registration

There is also such an organizational and legal form as a mutual insurance company. Mutual insurance organizations registered in this form are non-profit, so the role of profit in them is a rather controversial and ambiguous issue.

There are plenty of types of insurance services, and when filling out an application regarding OKVED codes, just in case, it is better to indicate all items containing the word “insurance”. In addition to insuring something, you can also conduct various examinations and assessments. Such activities, naturally, should also be related to insurance.

Information for Russian entrepreneurs. At the initial stage, you can even indicate those types of activities that you do not intend to engage in immediately when opening a company. So to speak, for the future. However, the exception is life insurance - this type of activity should be decided upon immediately. If you plan to insure life, then the authorized capital of the company when opening it must be at least 20 million rubles (~305 thousand dollars).

Obtaining a license

The process of obtaining a license for insurance activities is quite long - it can last from six months to a year, or even more. To apply for a license, you must have the following documents: a complete package of constituent documents; business plan of the organization; the insurance principles you have developed that will guide you in your work; tariffs for the provision of insurance services and their calculations.

Not only the documents provided, but also the qualifications will be subject to careful verification general director organizations. If all documents are approved, you will be granted a license, and the created organization will be entered into the unified register of insurance companies.

Types of insurance services

All types of insurance are established by law in each country. In fact, you can insure anything if it falls under one of the existing types of insurance. The business relationship between the client and the insurance organization will also be determined by the type of insurance (conditions, rates, risks, etc.). The most common types of insurance services:

1. Personal insurance:

  • health insurance;
  • insurance against illnesses and accidents;
  • life insurance;
  • children's insurance;
  • disability insurance;
  • insurance for those traveling abroad;
  • pension insurance.

2. Property insurance:

  • business insurance;
  • business interruption insurance;
  • home insurance;
  • cargo insurance;
  • insurance of vehicles (air, land, water);
  • property insurance against fire, storm, flood and other disasters;
  • insurance of other types of property.

3. Liability insurance:

  • professional liability insurance;
  • cargo carrier liability insurance;
  • corporate liability insurance;
  • employer's liability insurance;
  • liability insurance of vehicle owners;
  • insurance of other types of liability.

4. Economic risk insurance:

  • commercial risk insurance;
  • legal risk insurance;
  • political risk insurance;
  • technical risk insurance;
  • insurance of financial and credit risks.

Office premises

In the insurance business, you are unlikely to get by with just one premises. Successful insurance companies have one head office - it is located in the city center or close to it and is the largest in area. Count on approximately 500 square meters. Other offices may be much smaller. They are intended only to receive clients and negotiate with them.

If you are going to work in a big city, then ideally you should open at least one office in each district. When choosing premises, pay attention not only to their technical condition, but also to their location - the offices of the insurance company should not be somewhere in dark alleys. If the company plans to engage in examinations and conduct expert assessments, then a separate office should also be allocated for this activity.

To create the image and recognition of the company, it is better to adhere to the developed corporate style in interior design and employee uniforms in all offices.


Experienced and professional management is, of course, very important for the company. But the main driving force in this business is insurance agents. They are the ones who bring clients to your company, and therefore bring profit. You can also hire novice agents (if they have the necessary skills and show promise of becoming professionals), but at the very beginning of your activity it is very important to get at least a few experienced agents. This is not so easy to do, because good insurance agents have always been and will be worth their weight in gold. You can only lure them away from other companies by offering more favorable working conditions.

Unlike office employees, insurance agents must be able to work on the street, in “field conditions.” For example, agents working with auto insurance should always be in places related to cars - car markets, car dealerships, etc. Your insurance agents should have clear instructions on what, to whom and how they should offer. And the goal of their work should be not only to offer services, but to turn potential insurance clients into real ones.

In order for insurance agents to have an incentive to work and develop their skills, you must provide them with a decent wages. Usually this is a certain minimum that the agent will receive for any number of transactions concluded + a considerable percentage of sales.

Opening a branch of an insurance company

Along with opening your own insurance company from scratch, it is quite common and profitable to open a branch of an existing insurance company. Both foreign and domestic insurance organizations can act as such companies.

If you want to open a branch of an insurance company, then your cooperation with it will resemble the relationship between the franchisor and the franchisee. You begin negotiations with the foreign or domestic insurance company you are interested in, and if all the conditions for future cooperation are satisfactory to both parties, then the insurance company provides you with everything you need to conduct business as a branch. In addition, the insurance company provides a lot of assistance both in the preparation of registration documents and in the process of direct insurance activities. If you are more attracted to being under the auspices of an existing experienced insurance organization and are afraid of risks, then this option of starting a business is just for you.

It is also worth noting that not just any insurance company can become a branch. Quite strict conditions and restrictions are put forward, first of all, for foreign organizations. Some of them:

  1. a branch of a foreign company in Russia must comply with the rules of current Russian legislation in its activities, even if they differ from the rules of the legislation of the “home” country of the foreign company;
  2. in the event of disputes or claims between clients and the Russian branch of a foreign insurance company, the case will be considered by the court Russian Federation, and not the court of the country in which the parent company is located;
  3. It is possible to open a branch of a foreign insurance company in Russia only if the company has worked in the insurance market different types at least five years, in the life insurance market - at least eight years.

The domestic insurance market is quite well developed. Therefore, when drawing up, a novice entrepreneur must take into account that he will have to compete with venerable companies that have been working in this field for a long time and have created a positive reputation.

The insurance business is a labor-intensive process that has a lot of both legal and economic details, and in addition, risks. Therefore, in order to take its place in the insurance market, a young company must analyze in detail its capabilities and prospects at the stage of planning its business.

Key features of an insurance company’s business plan for providing insurance agent services

Insurance business planning

When unstable market economy, as well as rapidly changing living conditions in general, more and more people and organizations are resorting to the services of insurance agents. Therefore, the insurance business can be confidently called a profitable business.

However, it is important to understand that this type of activity will require special education and experience in the insurance industry from you or your partner, large investments and time costs (it may take a year to obtain a license alone). There are many complexities and nuances in the insurance business, but this is not a reason to abandon this business idea. Most of the problems of organizing such a business can be solved with proper preparation insurance company business plan.



Main types of work of an insurance agent

The insurance business, as we have already noted, is not an easy business. When drawing up, it is extremely important to understand this activity as a whole and understand its specifics.

So, an insurance company is an organization engaged in concluding insurance contracts and their further servicing. Types of insurance: personal, property, liability and financial risks insurance.

When forming your business project, it is important to determine what specific insurance services are in demand in a particular region, to develop your own individual marketing tactics to firmly occupy a place in the market, focused on a specific segment.

With a wide range of services provided, but without a correct analysis of the target audience, its needs, in other words, without a well-developed business plan yours Insurance Company may not justify a large investment at all.

1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. Amount of investment to launch an insurance company providing insurance agent services

1.3. Results of work

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Sales plan for the development of an insurance company for the provision of insurance agent services

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of an insurance company in providing insurance agent services

7 – Conclusions

The business plan of an insurance company for the provision of insurance agent services is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - the parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

For example: if you need to increase your sales plan, then just change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and immediately all the tables and diagrams will be ready: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.


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An extremely correct business plan. He helped our printing house obtain a loan from Sberbank necessary to expand production (21 million rubles) for a period of 4 years.

Sergey V.V., Nizhny Novgorod region

Feedback on an insurance company's business plan for providing insurance agent services

After working as an insurance agent for several years, I finally decided to create my own company. Despite the fact that I know the entire structure of the business from the inside, I encountered a number of problems when drawing up my own financial model. One of them is carrying out competent calculations to attract third-party investments. Ready from Plan Pro allowed me to solve this problem in a short time. A clear, transparent budget structure, analysis of the payback period presented in the business plan helped me find external investors (5 million rubles), organize my business and receive a net monthly income of 420,000 rubles.

Tsvetaeva V.A. General Director of Insurance Company "Garantia", Oryol region.

Development of a business plan for an insurance organization

Features of building a business plan for selling insurance services

The market for insurance services in Russia is not so large, but this is its danger: it is extremely difficult to compete with companies that have proven themselves for a long time. And if you also take into account that the range of services offered will be approximately the same, then the main task insurance company business plan consists of developing a unique selling proposition and ways to build a positive reputation.

A special feature of this business is the large initial capital. The main initial costs will be the costs of legal registration of the project, obtaining licenses, etc.

The payback of a given enterprise depends on many factors, for example, a well-developed target audience and the selected range of services, the region where the company is located, etc. Therefore, in order to avoid becoming a victim of investment traps, it is better to calculate your budget and predict income at the development stage insurance agent business plan. This will help you avoid risks and earn a decent income in the future.

Basic questions of an insurance company business plan

Any endeavor needs planning, and the insurance business is no exception. In order to formulate an effective economic model for an enterprise, it is necessary to consider in detail a number of key issues. In we will analyze:

— market conditions and corresponding marketing

— legal registration of business

— capital investments

— selection of employees

- budget and payback

Market analysis and marketing

Features of a business plan for selling insurance services there will be a fact of a detailed analysis of the relevant market in a particular region. That is, it is important to track which services are most in demand, but are not widespread on the market. Experts note that today the insurance services that are in greatest demand include:

  • Property loss insurance
  • Life insurance, health insurance, etc.

Since the level of competition will be quite high in any case, the main task insurance company business plan there will be development marketing strategy. First you need to clearly define your market advantages, for example, the best prices, unique offers and bonuses, individual approach to clients, highly qualified employees, etc.

However, all these components cannot guarantee you a flow of customers and, accordingly, income. In this case, it is extremely necessary to use a whole set of business promotion methods:

  • Advertising in the media, social networks
  • Website promotion
  • Distributing leaflets
  • The practice of concluding contracts with organizations that receive a certain percentage if they offer compulsory insurance along with their services (banks, car dealerships, large trading companies)
  • Practice of interaction with government and commercial enterprises who encourage their employees to sign an insurance contract, not for free, of course.

Another direction is a computer club. If you want to start in this project, then you will need. What will it contain? An option for calculating the payback of a project for given parameters of income, expenses, investments, etc.

Legal registration of business

When compiling insurance company business plan you must immediately decide on the choice of legal form for your entrepreneurial activity. Suitable forms of ownership in this case would be LLC, CJSC, OJSC.

The company's charter documents will need to indicate all types of services provided.

The position of general director in this type of business can only be held by a person with vocational education. To confirm this fact you will need: copies of your passport, TIN, diploma, work book.

The existence of the authorized capital will also have to be documented.

In addition, it is important to take into account that the activities of insurance services are subject to mandatory licensing. And here you will also need a package of documents:

  • Insurance company business plan
  • Constituent documents
  • Insurance documents

All of the above legal nuances will require considerable costs, so taking them into account insurance agent business plan required.

Investment Analysis

When forming the expenditure portion of your initial budget in insurance company business plan The following components should be taken into account:

  • costs of legal registration of business, licenses and related taxes
  • cost of renting or purchasing office space
  • costs of office furniture, office equipment, stationery
  • staff salaries
  • advertising budget
  • other expenses, including airbag

The total investment amount will be approximately 5 - 50 million rubles. It is important to understand that this figure is approximate and depends on many factors, for example, the range of services provided and the scale of the agency as a whole. The most accurate indicators can only be provided to you by an individual business plan yours insurance company.

Thus, all calculations are directly related to the individual financial program of a single company, so it is difficult to accurately predict specific investment figures. However, our company can assist you in forming your business project. To do this, you can download a ready-made business plan of an insurance company for the provision of insurance agent services with settlements. The economic model of the project will allow you to most accurately determine the size of the investment and correctly calculate the expected profit.

Calculation of the budget of an insurance organization

IN business plan activities insurance agent an analysis of the firm's financial movements should be included.

At the initial stage, the main expense items will be: legal costs, rent or purchase of premises with appropriate maintenance, employee wages, advertising costs.

Predict the amount of income in the example insurance company business plan difficult, since it is necessary to take into account many specific factors (demand for insurance in a particular region, scale of the organization, etc.).


The company's staff can be divided into two groups: office managers and insurance agents themselves.

When compiling insurance company business plan It is important to accurately formulate the requirements for insurance agents. These must be people with higher professional education and preferably with work experience. However, the option of hiring newcomers with the prospect of training is not excluded.

Wages can be either fixed or piecework. Experts advise combining these options, which will become an additional incentive for employees.

The number of employees will vary depending on the size of the planned company.

Business ROI calculations

Organizing the provision of insurance agent services is a matter that requires large investments, therefore insurance company business plan must have a payback period calculation.

Forecasting revenue from insurance activities, which for the xxx period will amount to xxx thousand rubles. carried out taking into account all the individual characteristics of the company (scale, services provided, marketing, etc.). However, an approximate figure can be calculated based on the average prices for insurance services in Russia, which for the period xxx amounted to xxx rubles.

The financial model is a separate file in MS Excel format - essentially it is
a separate product designed for business planning and calculation of all its
indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.
There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

In the process of working on a business plan, we review dozens of different sources
information. This includes data from equipment suppliers, industry portals, interviews with market experts, and official statistics - such systematic data analysis provides a complete picture of all project parameters: prices, equipment costs, premises costs, costs, etc. .

Download a ready-made business plan for an insurance company with financial calculations and an Excel financial model

Thus, working in the insurance industry is associated with certain investment risks, which are important to avoid at the planning stage. Competent development of a business plan will allow you to consider in detail economic features, correctly prepare calculations, decide on legal issues.

To save your energy and time, you can download a ready-made sample insurance company business plan with calculations. The financial model presented in the sample will help you better navigate your project and build your own financial model. In addition, we offer to develop for you an individual turnkey business plan, taking into account the characteristics of your company.

The insurance business is a complex, but very promising and profitable business. Competent development insurance company business plan– a guarantee of the safety and success of your activities.

Even taking into account the fact that the insurance market today is occupied by many entrepreneurs, it still remains a promising area for new companies due to the constant emergence of new insurance products.

Specific examples include insurance services for jewelry or the manufacturers of such expensive products themselves. If we are talking about a big city, then insurance for the joint construction of a property, for example, is popular. In any case, if you wish, you can find your own small niche in this business without any problems. To do this, you will have to analyze the local market for services and write down all the necessary information in the business plan of the insurance agency.

Registering your own business

Let us immediately note that it is best to consider the option of registering an LLC; a closed joint-stock company or an open joint-stock company are also suitable. It is best to find out the details of this or that option from government officials.

When it comes to choosing the right one OKVED registration, then it is best to choose all the options that contain the word “insurance”, unless you have already decided specifically what you will do. Otherwise, in the future you will be able to expand your services to insure something else. In addition, insurance companies often conduct assessments and examinations, which will also need to be selected at the registry.

We note that if you plan to engage in life insurance, then pay attention to the authorized capital of the company, which should be at least 20,000,000 rubles. This issue must be approached responsibly.

Obtaining permits

Be prepared for the fact that the process of obtaining a license for this type of activity is very long. Its duration can be from six months to one and a half months. In order for your application to be accepted and the process of creating a license to begin, you will need to have the following documents with you:

  • company business plan;
  • a complete list of all agency founders;
  • the insurance principle by which the company will operate;
  • cost of services.

Let us also draw your attention to the fact that not only all the documents that you provide to the authorities will be checked, but also your competence in insurance matters as a project manager. After a positive result of all checks, you will receive the necessary permits, and information about you will be added to the general register of insurance companies in the country.

Selecting a room

Most likely, in such a business it will be very difficult to manage with only one room. If we consider large insurance agencies, then they have a central office, which is located in the city center. As a rule, such a room will have an area of ​​at least 400 square meters. Small branches will also be opened in various remote parts of the city, where clients are received and negotiations are conducted with them.

If we consider the opening of such a business from an ideal point of view, then in a big city you will need to open your own branch in each district. Moreover, your offices should always be placed in visible places. If you want to also provide expert assessment services for such matters, you will also need to rent a separate room.

It wouldn’t hurt to come up with some kind of unique uniform for all your employees, as well as make the interior of the offices the same so that the company’s brand is recognizable by customers.


First of all, the company must have professional and experienced management. But without insurance agents, there is no way to raise your own business to a high level. Thanks to the actions of such people, your company will receive new customers, and, therefore, money. Of course, you will also need to hire inexperienced employees who are just taking their first steps in the insurance business, but want to learn how to do everything right and make good money. But at the initial stage, you will need to try to find professionals in their field. As you already understand, this is not very easy to do, because experienced and professional insurance agents earn a lot from their competitors and no one wants to let them go. The only option to lure them away is to provide more favorable working conditions, which will cost you a lot.

To achieve these goals, so that employees do their jobs with great desire and full dedication, you will have to provide them with excellent wages. If we consider practice, companies give their subordinates a fixed salary for any number of transactions, plus a large percentage for the sale.


On average, to organize such a business you will need at least 20,000,000 rubles. The initial capital must be at least $500,000.

During the opening process, you will need to spend money on items such as:

  • rental of premises;
  • equipment;
  • advertising campaign;
  • employee salaries;
  • advertising your services.

A business plan for opening an insurance company that you decide to open should begin with identifying a special segment, type of activity in the already existing market for the relevant services. It is most profitable to identify an unoccupied niche in the market or a segment in which there is an increased and unsatisfied demand... for alcohol.

The Russian insurance market is characterized by a high level of employment, which complicates the search for new free niches for the activities of young companies. And yet, focusing on innovative insurance products, it is still possible to find effective business solutions.

Business plan

We present to you for free ready-made example an insurance company business plan that will help you start your own business providing insurance services.

This example contains all the calculations and tables for a specific city, so in your case all the numbers will, of course, be different.

How to open an insurance company

So, how to open an insurance company? Let's consider information that will help you in starting this business.


The insurance business is carried out by legal entities (LLC, CJSC, etc.), whose charter clearly defines the types of insurance services that they will engage in. In addition, the minimum authorized capital of the company is 20 million rubles, which varies upward depending on the services provided (especially increases when planning life insurance).

Company license and certification

In order for an insurance company to be included in the Unified State Register of Insurance Organizations, that is, licensed, it is necessary to undergo a certification procedure, which can last from six months to a year. An important point here is confirmation of the qualifications of the management of the insurance company: education and work experience of the general director, his business reputation. You will also need well-written constituent documentation and clearly formulated insurance rules for each type of planned insurance activity.

Investments and opening costs

The primary costs of opening an insurance company, which will be spent on purchasing or renting, as well as equipment for the company’s office, salaries and advertising, depending on regional characteristics, will range from half a million to a million dollars.


The requirements for an insurance company office are quite standard: convenient location, parking for employees and clients, sufficient space (depending on the specifics of the work), its design and dress code for employees. The design of the office determines the client’s first impression of the insurance company, so it should be in a business style and emphasize the solidity and reliability of the company.

Working staff

The composition of an insurance company's employees is usually divided into two groups: office workers - management, legal services, accounting, and insurance agents - the “gold reserve” of each insurance company. Forming a staff of insurance agents, on whom the flow of clients of an insurance company depends, is a key personnel task. This can be solved either by attracting experienced employees, who will need to be provided with preferential conditions, or by training newcomers. Typically, insurance companies seek to combine these two paths by building a talent pool of experienced and entry-level employees.

Basic strategies for attracting clients

In the insurance business, it is important to develop targeted advertising strategies, that is, for each type of insurance, find the most effective types of advertising, placement locations, etc. For example, for home insurance, it is profitable to look for clients in areas of new buildings, cottage communities, and on real estate websites.

Low prices for services at the beginning of work is an effective advertising move.

Prospects for this business

The efficiency of the insurance business depends on the gradual expansion of the list of services provided, which occurs due to the development of the insurance company. Normal payback period: 3-5 years. If the profit corresponds to 10% of the total amount of insurance premiums, such a business can be considered successful.

Opening your own insurance company is one of the most labor-intensive and expensive types of business. To open a full-fledged company, you need at least 20 million rubles, a general director with a higher specialized education and experience in the insurance industry. In addition, obtaining a license takes about a year. Opening an insurance company is associated with great risks, since the level of competition in the insurance market is very high.

Insurance Business Basics

An insurance company is one of the subjects of the insurance market that provides services for concluding insurance contracts and organizing the process of insurance payments.

The main types of services that such companies can provide:

  1. Personal – life and health insurance, tourism, accidents.
  2. Property insurance – cars, housing, jewelry.
  3. Liability Insurance – compensation for discrepancies between promises and results in the production of goods.
  4. Insurance of specific and financial risks – political risks, failure to fulfill financial obligations.

The more services a company provides, the higher its income.

What types of insurance are most profitable?

When compiling a list of basic services, it is necessary to focus on the demand for certain services. The most popular:

  • OSAGO services.
  • CASCO services.
  • Health insurance.
  • Life insurance.
  • Real estate insurance.

To provide OSAGO and CASCO services, you must obtain a license from the Federal Service for Financial Markets. The license cost is about 120,000 rubles.

Enterprise registration

Suppose you already have authorized capital and you are going to open your own insurance company. In this case, you will need a number of documents:

  1. You must register as entity. In this case, you can choose the following forms of ownership: OJSC, LLC.
  2. Draw up and approve the organization’s charter, which specifies all types of services provided: types of insurance, assessment and examination in the field of insurance.
  3. Documentary confirmation of the authorized capital.
  4. License issued by the Ministry of Finance. To obtain a license, you must provide the following package of documents: ; insurance documents (rules developed by you, estimated tariffs, actuarial calculations); business plan ().
  5. Documents of the General Director: copy of passport; copy of TIN(); a copy of a diploma of higher specialized education; a copy of the work book to confirm his qualifications.

5 years of general director experience. In addition, the manager’s background is checked - whether there are any criminal records, reports to the police, etc.

  1. Receipt for payment of state duty.

Within 6-12 months, the process of verifying the submitted documents and obtaining a license takes place. Then the company is entered into the Unified State Register of Insurance Organizations. Only after this you can start providing insurance services.

Selection of premises

An important factor is the choice of premises. At the initial stage, you can get by with one small room with an area of ​​about 50 square meters. It can be located either in the center or not far from it, but not on the periphery. It is important that potential clients can reach you quickly.

Once your business begins to generate income, you can think about expanding your office network. In this case, you will need one large office with an area of ​​about 600 sq. m. downtown. Several more small offices in different areas of the city.

Each department should be decorated in a business style. Clients must understand that they have come to a truly serious company.

If you want to save on premises, at first you can provide insurance services by visiting the client’s home or his workplace. But at the same time, you should still have a room equipped in which you will store contracts, documents and simply carry out various telephone conversations.