A profitable idea for making money: organizing an enterprise to provide services to the population “Husband for an hour. How to open a personal service center Transport and related services

Each person can face the solution of domestic issues at any time. The list of these problems is extremely long. Someone needs to make new keys, someone needs to repair the clock, paint the walls, sharpen knives, make cosmetic repairs in the apartment and much more. Not everyone is able to cope with domestic issues on their own. Household appliances after many years of work, furniture is damaged in an accident, and it is not possible to transport heavy loads on your own. And there are always a lot of reasons that do not allow to finish what has been started: there is no time, experience in the necessary area, or simply there is no desire. That is why it is best to entrust the solution of such problems to the organization household services. These and other tasks are performed by the PANDY HOUSE company, which specializes in the provision of personal services to the population.

Previously, it took a long time to look for highly qualified craftsmen who would help quickly and efficiently solve the problem. Now it will take a minimum of time, because the house of personal services "HOUSE OF PANDY" works in a variety of directions.

On the official website of the company you can view the full list of services, as well as ask questions to our consultants. The company provides its customers in Moscow and the Moscow region with high-quality household services.

We will find a solution to any problem

The provision of personal services is an extremely responsible process. It requires a high professional level from each employee. That is why you should contact us.

The network of household services "HOUSE OF PANDY" offers its customers:

  • High quality;
  • Warranty;
  • Individual approach to each client;
  • Wide range of services;
  • Affordable prices;


We perform a variety of tasks, striving to make a person's life more pleasant and comfortable. The provision of personal services to the population requires serious responsibility and attention to detail, we carry out all the work as quickly and efficiently as possible. Well-equipped workshops are located in our centers, and in certain cases, a home master goes to the client himself.

We provide the following types of public services:

  • Repair and finishing. Our designers can develop a unique project for you and help you choose an interesting, effective and spectacular solution. Work is carried out quickly and with a guarantee of quality;
  • Painting of leather goods. We will restore the appearance of clothing and accessories made of leather;
  • Padding of upholstered furniture. If for some reason the chair, chair or bed has been damaged, we will fix this problem;
  • Repair household appliances. Since most household electrical appliances are too bulky to be easily transported, our technician can repair them at home;
  • Transportation. We will transport various cargoes on gazelles within the Moscow region.

The company values ​​its reputation, so our employees perform all household services with high quality. We are responsible for the work done. Our company will help you quickly and efficiently solve all the accumulated issues of a domestic nature.

Household services and services "Panda's House"

We created our company in order to make life easier for ordinary people. The masters working for us will help to restore the original appearance of any product. They do their job well and accurately. Every day our company receives positive feedback from satisfied customers. You can take a look at them if you wish. The service of personal services will help you in solving problems of any complexity. Here you can fix an umbrella, bag or briefcase, repair a laptop, phone and much more.

We also offer our clients the service "Home Master". Our experienced workers will help you make repairs of any complexity, repair household appliances, as well as reupholster furniture. And all this at the most affordable prices. We try to make your life as convenient and comfortable as possible.

The specialists of the enterprise will help to cope with any domestic problem that threatens a calm and measured life.

Many of our compatriots, especially in a crisis, sharply value their time - after all, this is also money. Therefore, for busy people, the issue of a comfortable and high-quality solution to everyday problems is very relevant - especially when it comes to dry cleaning clothes, repairing shoes, painting leather jackets, etc. Accordingly, in order not to run around the area in search of a good specialist to solve a specific issue, it is more convenient for the client to solve all problems in one place - the so-called point of reception and provision of personal services (household services center).

Previously, these tasks were solved at home, because the same building housed shops for repairing shoes and small household appliances, dry cleaning and dyeing clothes, etc. Now, these services, as a rule, can be obtained at different points, and often a narrow problem, for example, replacing buttons on a winter jacket, it takes a long time to decide, because it is difficult to find a master. In such a situation, the center of personal services may be in great demand among residents of large cities, because the demand for these services among the population is very high.

Project description

We are opening a consumer services center in the capital. We offer our clients shoe and clothing repair, leather accessories painting, key making, small household appliances repair, etc. This means that in our point the client will be able to leave clothes, shoes or equipment. And our representatives, in turn, will indicate the damage, the list of works and the terms for returning the goods on a special order form.

After that, things are delivered to partners who will directly repair shoes or wash clothes, etc. And within the agreed timeframe, the client will receive back the finished order. The benefit of the client is high-quality services in one place, the benefit of the contractor is the influx of new orders, our benefit is the receipt of income as a percentage of the cost of the service. According to calculations, if we earn $ 90-100 daily from the provision of personal services, and the investment will pay off in 4-8 months.

Start-up capital


First, we need to purchase furniture. In particular, you will need a couple of tables and chairs, a safe for documents and money, cabinets or racks for storing clothes and household appliances of customers, etc. We will put $ 750 on all this.


Of the equipment, we will need two laptops, an MFP, a wi-fi modem, a burglar alarm, two mobile phones, etc. We will also need an electric kettle and a microwave oven. Let's try to keep within 1 500 $.


We will purchase equipment for making keys, since this service is urgently needed by customers. For the purchase of a machine tool, blanks for ordinary and intercom keys, other professional equipment and simple tools (screwdrivers, hammers, pliers, etc.), we will take into account $ 1,100.

TOTAL 3 350 $

Current expenses


Renting 30 m 2 of renovated premises in a residential area will cost at least $ 200. Internet, mobile phone, utilities, the monthly fee for the signaling will be $100. We will spend another $50 on tea, coffee, repair of equipment, stationery, detergents, etc. We will allocate $200 for the purchase of blanks and other necessary trifles. Total: $550.


We need 2 receivers who will work every other day. You will also need a cleaning lady and an accountant part-time. Let's take a key maker (rate + % of orders). We also need a remote master who will work on calls, eliminating minor problems - electrics, plumbing (rate +%). The owner will be the administrator. Total: at least $ 1,500-2,000.

TOTAL: ~ $2,050

Marketing and Advertising

The home service center should without fail have a representation on the Internet. We will create an online version of the reception, where we indicate the list of services, their cost, travel contacts. We will put $450 on a business card site, a domain. We will create pages in “Facebook”, “Instagram” - we will come up with promotions, bonuses, we will develop a loyalty program. We will publish service announcements in online newspapers and discount exchanges. In addition to online promotion, we will get to know our neighbors: we will print business cards, flyers, ads, go around neighboring housing estates and talk about our start. Let's talk with the owners of mini-hotels and: this will help increase orders.

By the way, it would be a very good idea to develop free fridge magnets, where in addition to the telephone numbers of the police, ambulance and fire department, our contacts will also be indicated in the column for the center of personal services. Such a thing will be very useful, and the client will definitely hang it in the most prominent place. And if the need arises for the implementation of a particular service, he will not get into the Internet, but will immediately call us.

Only $400 to start and $200 monthly.

Project payback

The center of personal services earns at the expense of % of the order, which partners (workshops, dry cleaners) pay as a reward for each client. It can be from 5% to 30%. Direct income comes from the production of duplicate keys and the call of clients to the master's house. Let's say that every day 8 people will leave jobs with us, for which the average reward will be $10.

In addition, we will make 4 duplicate keys, $2 each. And finally, $ 12 per day will come from one call of the master to the house (we expect 3 of those per day). Total: we will earn $3,720. Subtract $2,050 for current expenses and $200 for marketing expenses and get $1,470.

Partnerships and logistics

In this business, it is important to correctly build the entire logistics of the processes: the points of reception and provision of household services are the link between customers and the direct performers of the work. Therefore, it is important to study the location where the new point will be launched even before the start.

It is advisable to open in new micro-districts, where social infrastructure is just being created, and, accordingly, there are no markets and other islands with the presence of various services.

This makes it possible, as they say, to "fill in a place" in the created niche of consumer services and immediately find the target audience, thus getting ahead of competitors. At the same time, at a business start, it is important to form a list of services based on the needs of the local population. To do this, you need to walk around the area, communicate with the local population, ask what they lack in Everyday life- repair of shoes, painting of leather goods, dry cleaning of things, etc.

Such a survey will make it possible to form a base of needs for the residents of the microdistrict, as well as to study the situation on the ground - are there any competitors, what types of services they provide, whether they are of high quality, what kind of price policy. All this is important for the formation of the subsequent business strategy of the point of personal services. And already based on the set of services provided, it will be possible to look for partners for a new project who will repair things and appliances of customers.

It is desirable that the service center and these workshops are not very far from each other, as this will affect the time and cost of transporting orders back and forth. You can talk with large networks, or you can look for small, but high-quality production bases. The result of this search and the formation of a list of business partners will already determine how to organize logistics. Since network performers can also pick up orders, because they must have their own transport. And if we are talking about small performers, then transportation costs may have to be divided in half.

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We are looking for regular customers

Market participants recommend not focusing solely on private customers, because they may not become the backbone of a constant flow of customers. In order for orders for the repair of equipment, washing of bed linen, and dry cleaning of things to become highly demanded, you can pay attention to the corporate sector.

The fact is that in large cities there are many small businesses that can run mini-hotels, hostels, co-working spaces, cafes and other facilities that require constant cleaning, laundry, repairs, etc.

For such purposes, these entrepreneurs can hire a special person to solve minor everyday problems, or puzzle over where to find this or that master.

And if these representatives of the corporate sector are offered a solution to everyday problems at reasonable prices, they will clearly like this option, because a very large block of economic issues will be resolved. In the course of such negotiations with microbusiness owners, one should not be afraid of competition from large network companies, because their services, as a rule, are much more expensive. In addition, large businesses are mainly interested in a large customer in the form of well-known restaurants or hotels, so networkers are unlikely to “chase small things”.

Household Services Center: agreement

The center of personal services is still a client-oriented business, so it is important to be able to establish contacts with people. Therefore, taking orders from customers should be organized correctly, so a special order form will not hurt here. The form should contain the necessary information: customer data, order completion dates, what gets into work, what processes will be carried out, are there any flaws in the subject, etc.

All this information will simplify the work of the contractor, and get the expected result for the customer. Also, the notes in the order form will help to save later from problems if something does not suit the customers, because all the initial data has already been indicated in the form. It is also important to train the staff in the basics of competent order taking, because people can come to the center of personal services with completely different tasks. One needs to replace the arch supports on shoes, and the other needs to remove specific stains from a woolen blanket. In all cases, the specialist must properly advise the client and give practical advice - they say that shoes can be repaired, but it will not work to restore a woolen blanket due to the age of the stain.

We bet on rare services

In order for a new business project to become successful, you need to stand out from the crowd of similar at least a list of household services. This means that, in addition to dry cleaning, shoe repair or leather accessories painting, you need to offer people related services - less popular, but which can be in demand at any time.

This can be, for example, replacing buttons on clothes, repairing suitcases or umbrellas, repainting leather products, etc. In addition, it is useful to provide services for the repair or prevention of breakdowns of household appliances. Moreover, if customers can bring a kettle or microwave to a repair point, then for large-sized goods in the form of a refrigerator or a washing machine, the master will need to visit the address - and it is desirable that this service be in the service list of the household point. This is important, since the problem of a washing machine breaking down can be simple: a conditionally children's sock clogged the drain in the unit. Then you need to disassemble the washer, pull the sock out of the drain, and assemble the unit again. The issue can take a total of an hour and a half to resolve. In this case, the service can cost $ 15-20. So why give this order to one of the competitors, if it can be done by a master from your personal service point?

* Calculations use average data for Russia

The business in the field of communal household services, for all its, at first glance, attractiveness and simplicity, has many pitfalls, which it is simply necessary for a beginner who wants to enter this area to know about. Yaroslav Butenko, the director of Domovoy company, shared his own experience of creating a successful business in the field of personal services.

- Yaroslav, tell us what your company does?

The Domovoy customer service has been working in the field of personal services since 2007. We provide services of masters, sometimes called "husband for an hour" :

  • plumbing work;
  • electrical services;
  • services of a carpenter, bear cub;
  • welding work;
  • cleaning services (cleaning of apartments, houses, offices and territory cleaning);
  • services of loaders and handymen;
  • cargo transportation, moving an apartment or office;
  • renovations from room or bathroom renovations to turnkey renovations;
  • repair and installation of household appliances;
  • computer setup and repair;
  • installation of alarms and intercoms.

Specialization of the service "Domovoy" - small orders. We help clients free up their precious time and energy. We arrive at a convenient time for the client. We work on an open price list and guarantee the quality of our work in writing.

Many are thinking about opening own business, but not everyone eventually opens it: it stops the fear of uncertainty, instability, high risks, etc. Was it easy for you to decide to become an entrepreneur? How did you come up with the idea to start this particular business?

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Since childhood, I have not understood why in order to drive a car, it is necessary to be able to repair it. Then every man could repair almost everything. However, the quality of work has always been mediocre. Those days are long gone, and now few people will dare to repair an artificial intelligence washing machine or install a complex hydromassage system on their own.

In 1996, a computer appeared at our house, which we still did not know how to use. He often stopped working. For hours we unsuccessfully tried to solve the problem on our own. Then the masters were called and our insoluble problem was eliminated within minutes, and sometimes even seconds. Then I realized that every case should be handled by professionals.

The soul lies in the service sector. Public utilities have been especially neglected since Soviet times. The need for the services of craftsmen for small household repairs was high and completely unsatisfied. I started from the city of Cherkasy in Ukraine. In September 2007, when I worked as a manager, I took a month's vacation, rented an office and started recruiting foremen and training dispatchers. We launched advertising, and in November we were already fulfilling the first orders.

We are constantly working to improve the quality of services, reduce the arrival time of the master and, most importantly, we have made an open price list for all services. Even now, many organizations will not name their prices, because they want to evaluate the client and take more from him. Also, our rule was the signing of an act of work performed and the provision of a written guarantee. We are confident in the quality of our work, therefore we do not take prepayment. The client pays money only when he is satisfied with the completed work.

How long did it take to implement the idea from the initial idea to the actual organization of the service department?

I spent a whole year contemplating the first step. Recruited staff within 2 months. From the beginning of recruitment to the break-even point, we came in 6 months. And he fully returned his investment within 9 months. A lot of time and effort was spent on the selection of conscientious masters, the formation of the official price list, the training of dispatchers and the determination by trial and error of which advertising works and which does not.

- How much did it cost you to sell your business?

Ready-made ideas for your business

A significant part of the work was carried out on their own, which significantly reduced the initial investment. I will give the approximate amount of investments for a city with a population of about 300,000 people.

Initial investment

    Office rent for 2 months and 50% of the monthly cost for real estate agency services. We independently found a small office (13 sqm) on the outskirts of the city ($100 per month in 2007). We moved a year and a half later.

    two computers- took home. The simplest computers with good monitors are enough. $1600

    Laser printer. 120$

    Telephone numbers and devices(city, mobile major operators). Ease of remembering the number is very important. Ease of reading the number and its perception by ear are important. I chose mobile numbers for almost a month, reviewing the available options in stores. City numbers could be selected by paying the operator. Six handsets with phone numbers cost about $400. Today, this option is outdated for us, because you are working on creating a contact center.

    Software for taking orders and computer network organized on their own. Here the price can range from $500 to $20,000.

    overalls can be made when you start making a profit.

    Website we also created by ourselves. When ordering, a normal website with information filling costs from $1000. The top bar is practically non-existent.

Permanent investments

    Office rent

    Dispatchers salary. Based on the average salary in your city. The number of dispatchers depends on the number of orders. In our case, there were 2 people.

    Accountant salary should be one and a half - two times higher than the average in the city.

    Telephone communications.$50 since most calls are incoming.

    Masters- work with their tool and get a percentage of the cost of the work performed, this reduces your initial investment and removes a lot of useless questions.

Ideally, you should be prepared to cover all operating expenses from your own funds for the first 6 months to guarantee yourself a nail in the future.

- According to your estimates, what is the minimum amount with which you can start this business today?

Ready-made ideas for your business

The cost of entering a business depends on the starting position of the entrepreneur, competition and the population of the city in which the organization opens. In a city with a population of 300 thousand people without strong competitors, you can start with 10 thousand dollars. The lion's share of the costs falls on the advertising budget, as it determines how soon potential customers will find out about you.

- How can you accelerate the start of the business to get the maximum return on investment?

There are always several options: start from scratch and step on the standard rake yourself or buy a franchise. When you purchase a franchise, you:

  • avoid investing money and time in creating a contact center, training dispatchers, developing software, developing a website, filling it with information;
  • do not pay salaries to dispatchers, accountants, advertising designers, system administrators;
  • save on office rent;
  • speed up the recruitment process;
  • avoid a lot of conflicts in cases of poor-quality work of masters;
  • optimize your investment in advertising, as you don’t have to test what works and what doesn’t;
  • get a proven business system;
  • receive the necessary commercial documentation (contracts, prices, powers of attorney, reports, technologies, commercial offers, etc.);
  • simplify the process of signing contracts for servicing corporate clients (banks, restaurants, shops).

- What difficulties did you encounter at the initial stages of doing business?

A lot of masters like to drink. At the stage of the initial recruitment of masters, the problem of alcoholism was very acute. Thanks to simple know-how and a tough contract, we avoid this problem in 99% of cases. For masters it is very important not only to perform the work qualitatively, but to correctly explain to the client the essence of the problem, and what exactly he pays money for. Most masters are used to stealing. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that this is impossible. We solved this problem with software and a principal accountant.

Cleanliness, courtesy, punctuality and the quality of the work of the craftsmen are evaluated when all clients are called after the master has completed the work. The best craftsmen get the job first and earn the most. The rest are simply weeded out. Several times there were emergencies such as flooding with water. Now we are very quick to stop emergencies. We also created a special insurance fund. A well-established mechanism for the implementation of warranty work.

- How and where did you look for employees? Do you have special requirements for employees?

Ready-made ideas for your business

Initially, they recruited masters from those who came to interviews for advertising in the press. Work with recruitment agencies turned out to be absolutely ineffective. Special requirements for masters: honesty, decency, professionalism, work experience and the desire to make good money. Now new masters come to us on the recommendations of our employees. We have enough people willing to work to be able to choose.

- How long did it take you to pay back the initial investment? What can you say about the profitability of this business?

The return on investment is 8-12 months. The profitability of the business is high 100-150% per year.

- What is the competition in your business?

When we started, our competitors were ZhEKs, emergency service, repair companies and coven workers. Later, there were many companies that tried to copy us. They never understood our philosophy, so they disappeared as quickly as they appeared. Now the dispatcher of ZhEKs and the emergency service most often redirect clients to us, since the masters of these organizations are interested in working as little as possible.

- Is there seasonality in your business?

Seasonality in our business is not very pronounced. It lies in the fact that in the summer people massively prefer to make repairs. Therefore, in the summer we do a lot of repairs of apartments and houses. During this period, some of the craftsmen have to transfer from small orders to repairs, but this does not fundamentally affect the work of the service department.

The bulk of orders focused on customer service (services of plumbing, electrician, carpenter, welder, movers, transportation, repair and installation of household appliances, cleaning, etc.) are received relatively evenly. Orders often peak around the days before the holidays, when people are getting ready to welcome guests, and on the days after the holidays, when it's time to fix the results of the wild fun. At such moments, some queues may appear, sometimes the working day of the masters is extended. There is some seasonality in certain types works. For example, people prefer to actively wash windows in the spring, and general cleaning of apartments is especially popular before the New Year.

How has the economic crisis affected your business?

The period from October 2008 to May 2009 was quite difficult. But we did not reduce the volume of advertising and did not lay off employees. I had to compensate for the expenses from personal savings. Then banks and many organizations began to switch to savings mode. This opened up an amazing resource for us to develop. We have signed many contracts for Maintenance organizations, cleaning of premises and territories. Therefore, for the Domovoy service department, there were many positive moments in the crisis. A crisis can create difficulties, or it can present huge opportunities. Everything depends on the point of view.

- What other "pitfalls does this business have"?

You can not focus on the mediocre quality of order fulfillment. Only the strongest survive, so either you will be the best or you will have to leave the market.

- How do you promote your services? Name the main promotion channels.

At the moment, we receive a third of our orders from those clients for whom we have already performed certain work, and they were satisfied, we receive another third through their recommendations to our friends. The rest of the orders come from advertising in the press and periodic distribution of print advertising. The site was created at the end of 2009. At the moment, it performs an informational role and saves us significant amounts that we spent on printing and distributing advertising booklets. However, the number of orders thanks to the site is still small, about 2% of the total.

- How do you see your prospects further development your business?

We are currently working on creating a contact center capable of handling a huge number of calls. We are working on opening a branch in Kyiv. The set of masters has begun. In the process of opening a branch, we will complete the description of all business processes. The franchise package is almost ready. The plans for the next 2 years are to open subdivisions in all major cities of Ukraine, partly on our own, partly at the expense of the franchise network. Then we will go outside the country.

- What advice would you give to entrepreneurs who are just thinking about starting a business?

A journey of 1000 miles starts with the first step. It is worth starting to move forward, and only then adjust the route. It is pointless to delay and tune in for years if you never take the first step!

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The Domashniy Master company is engaged in providing repair services for residents of Moscow. We are constantly expanding our experience and improving the quality of service. We value our reputation and value our clients very highly, and we also believe that only an individual approach and quality of service bring mutually fruitful results.

Our company employs qualified specialists - electricians, plumbers, carpenters, universal craftsmen. All employees are carefully selected. To work in our company, the master must not only have professional skills, but also be respectable and responsible, be polite and good-natured in any situation. Our specialists use high-quality parts and materials in their work.

You can contact us for advice on any issues. Our experts will help you choose any consumables or equipment, if there is a need to purchase them, this will help save your time and resources.

We have accumulated vast experience, and we know our business! We discuss all the nuances of the upcoming work with the client in advance in order to correctly assess the entire cost of the upcoming work. It will not come as a surprise to you, the news of additional work or costs in the course of our work.

We love what we do and work for you!