Presentation is the profession of a teacher. Presentation "My profession is a teacher!!!" Presentation on the topic of the teacher's work

The teaching profession is one of the most ancient professions on Earth. For each person, at any stage of his existence, a person is needed who could explain this or that problem, situation or just an event.

The main tasks that the teacher solves are the following:
- familiarizing students with state laws and the need to comply with them; - the formation of moral principles among students, as well as such qualities as respect, tolerance, kindness; -development of self-esteem and self-respect; - education in students of diligence, responsibility and patriotism; -development of the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

An important task facing the teacher is to be a friend, an example and a mentor for his students, since the school also forms the future personality of a person, moral principles, views on life, which in adulthood will affect their lives. The primary duty of every teacher is the ability to choose a personal approach to any student.

But there are other equally important responsibilities. The teacher must:
*plan educational material in your subject, *ensure the implementation of curricula, *participate in methodological work, *use the most effective means, forms and methods of teaching, *analyze the progress of your students, *ensure compliance with discipline, *form the skills and abilities of independent work in students, * to stimulate learning motivation and cognitive activity, * to achieve a deep and lasting assimilation of knowledge, as well as the ability to apply them in practice.

In order to become a qualified specialist, you must have certain qualities:
- developed intellectual abilities, - high concentration, - good diction, - the ability to switch and distribute attention, - endurance, - sensitivity, - self-control, - goodwill,
- tact - empathy, - energy, - efficiency, - the ability to interest one's subject

Pros and cons of being a teacher
The profession of a teacher has pros and cons. The advantages include: communication with children, mental work, stability in work, long vacations, recognition from the public. And the disadvantages are: great responsibility, low wages, psychological pressure and stressful situations.

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What is a teacher?

A teacher is a person who is engaged in the upbringing and education of children and adolescents on the basis of methods created for teaching, who has a special pedagogical education.

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History of the profession

In the origin of the profession of a teacher, there is no fixed or even agreed date. It is as old as the world itself, but it has become relevant relatively recently.

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The importance of the profession

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the profession of a teacher - this is one of the most honorable and necessary professions on Earth. However, teachers also have a great responsibility - after all, it is these people who are responsible for the improvement of the younger generation, on which our future depends!

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Job Requirements

The main requirements that society imposes on a teacher are, first of all, civic responsibility, socio-political and social maturity, professional and pedagogical competence, the availability of professional knowledge and skills, as well as a broad outlook and high culture. Allocate requirements for the personality of the teacher-master.

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Great people about the teacher

Who comprehends the new, cherishing the old, he can be a teacher. (Confucius)

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It is important to know not what is, but what is useful. J.J. Rousseau

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Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has inner confidence that he exists, should be and cannot be otherwise. This certainty is rare and can only be proven by the sacrifices a person makes to his vocation. - L. Tolstoy

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Outstanding Teachers

Janusz Korczak (1878-1942). "There are no children - there are people. But with a different scale of concepts, a different store of experience, different attractions, a different play of feelings."

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Presentation by 9th grade student Nikolai Khlopotin GBOU secondary school No. 318 of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg My future profession

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The attractiveness of the profession In the future, I would like to become a teacher. Probably biology or chemistry. The profession attracts me, firstly, I like these subjects themselves, and I also want to teach them to someone, the way they taught me.

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Brief history of the profession The emergence of the school as a social institution and teaching is associated with the further development of culture, with the advent of writing and the birth of science. The first mention of the school is found in Egyptian sources dated earlier than 2500 BC. e. It was a palace school for the children of royal dignitaries. A little later, even a special educational and scientific institution "Ramesseum" arose, where not only priests, but also warriors, architects, and doctors received training. In ancient Greece, grammar schools and cytharist schools originally appeared, in which boys from about 7 to 14 years old studied. The girls received exclusively family education.

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The content of the profession The teacher is now one of the most common social professions, which arose as a result of both the need to educate and train the next generations for their more successful and faster entry into public life, and the growth of social opportunities to support individuals who perform these tasks. Thus, teaching is one of the most important professions.

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Famous Teachers There are many teachers in the world. Each of them is known to some extent. We will not talk now about the teachers of the old time, but we will give a far from complete list of well-known teachers close to us in time: Amonashvili Shalva Aleksandrovich Lysenkova Sofya Nikolaevna Makarenko Anton Semyonovich Sukhomlinsky Vasily Alexandrovich Khutorskoy Andrey Viktorovich Shatalov Viktor Fedorovich Yanush Korchak

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Qualities of a teacher: 1. Pronounced stable pedagogical orientation of interests and needs. 2. Harmonious mental, moral and aesthetic development. 3. Pedagogical skill. 4. Setting for continuous self-improvement. 5. Culture of behavior and communication, pedagogical tact. 6. Personal independence of the teacher. 7. General pedagogical erudition and competence. 8. Goodwill, sociability and dedication to work

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Criteria of teacher's success Attitude towards people Friendly. Helps others. Able to listen and hear others and other opinions. Not envious. Feel free to ask and learn from others. Tries to explain everything. Attitude towards oneself Feels quite strong and confident. He tries to solve problems that arise, rather than avoid them. Takes responsibility and responsibility. Self-critical. Attitude towards work Hard-working and organized. There is enough time for everyone. Looking for solutions and opportunities for their implementation. Feels responsible for all work in general, and not just for his site. Creativity, flexibility Knows where and when to fight and when to retreat. He sets the pace for himself. Uses time rationally. Not afraid to make mistakes in search of the best. Engaged in self-education.

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Among the higher educational institutions of St. Petersburg involved in teacher training, one of the most famous is the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen. The reverse is also true: not all teachers come from this particular university. I'll do it right here.

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Places of work First of all, teachers work in the school. Although, of course, in a broader sense of the meaning of the word teacher, this can be called anyone who devotes himself to teaching, who teaches someone else something, betrays his knowledge to him. Thus, the teacher can work anywhere, but must teach the students. However, in a legal sense, the teacher works in the school. Teachers work, along with schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, in institutions of primary and secondary vocational education (vocational schools, schools, colleges, technical schools). They are also in demand in institutions of additional education: various circles, sections, etc.

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Career prospects The phrase "teacher's career" is not very common in Russian. Career prospects for these specialists are associated, first of all, with raising the level of their pedagogical skills, winning professional achievement competitions, preparing successful students (for example, it is considered very honorable to prepare winners of subject Olympiads). Opportunities for administrative and material growth are not very great. So, sometimes teachers become head teachers or directors of schools, move to managerial work in educational authorities or become owners of their own business aimed at providing educational services.

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Professional competition "Teacher of the Year-2014" MKDOU "Novokhopyorsky kindergarten of a general developing type" Spring "Spasskikh Lilia Vasilievna to the teacher of MKDOU" Novokhopyorsky kindergarten of a general developing type "Spring"

Professional competition "Educator of the Year-2014" MKDOU "Novokhopyorsky kindergarten of a general developing type" Spring "Basic information * Born in Novokhopyorsky on September 2, 1975. * In 1994, she graduated from the Buturlinov Pedagogical College with a degree in teaching in the primary grades of a general education school, with a qualification of a primary school teacher, an educator of the GPA. *In 2011, she graduated from the Borisoglebsk State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, with a qualification of a primary school teacher. *Work experience -16 years. Pedagogical experience - 16 years. 3 years of experience in this institution.

Professional competition "Educator of the Year-2014" MKDOU "Novokhopyorsky kindergarten of a general developmental type" Spring "Professional development: * In 2013, in the FSBEI HPE "Borisoglebsk State Pedagogical Institute" under the program "Integration and implementation of educational areas in the work of modern innovative preschool education" in volume of 72 hours. * In 2013, in the Private educational institution of St. Petersburg "Institute for the Development of Education" under the program "Theory, Methods and Educational Technologies of Preschool, Primary General, Basic General and Secondary General Education" in the amount of 72 hours. * In 2014, at the ANO "St. Petersburg Center for Additional Professional Education" under the program "Theory, Methods and Educational Technologies of Preschool Education" in the amount of 72 hours.

Professional competition "Educator of the Year-2014" MKDOU "Novokhopyorsky kindergarten of a general developmental type" Spring "

Professional competition "Educator of the Year-2014" MKDOU "Novokhopyorsky kindergarten of a general developmental type" Spring "My publications

Professional competition "Educator of the Year-2014" MKDOU "Novokhopyorsky kindergarten of a general developmental type" Spring " My awards and achievements

Professional competition "Teacher of the Year-2014" MKDOU "Novokhopyorsky kindergarten of a general developing type" Spring "Participation in district events District methodological association "Interaction of preschool educational institutions with families of pupils"

Professional competition "Educator of the Year-2014" MKDOU "Novokhopyorsky kindergarten of a general developmental type" Fontanelle ""Psychological readiness of preschoolers as a factor in their adaptation to school." Presentation topic:

Professional competition "Educator of the Year-2014" MKDOU "Novokhopyorsky kindergarten of a general developmental type" Spring "The relevance of this problem lies in the fact that the kindergarten, being the first stage in the education system, performs an important function of preparing children for school. The success of his further education largely depends on how well and timely the child is prepared for school. Readiness for school is a set of certain properties and behaviors (competences) of the child, necessary for him to perceive, process and assimilate educational stimuli at the beginning and during the further continuation of schooling. Relevance of the topic

Professional competition "Teacher of the Year-2014" MKDOU "Novokhopyorsky kindergarten of a general developing type" Fontanelle "Implementation of the presented presentation topic: - the topic of self-education: "Psychological readiness of children of the preparatory group for schooling"; - circle "Learning should be fun" (social and communicative direction of development).

Professional competition "Educator of the Year-2014" MKDOU "Novokhopyorsky kindergarten of a general developmental type" Spring "Purpose: the formation and development of components of psychological readiness for school. Tasks: 1. Formation of cognitive activity and educational motivation of children of senior preschool age. 2. The development of attention, visual-figurative, elements of logical thinking, speech, memory, visual and auditory perception, the development of fine hand movements and hand-eye integration. 3. The development of inventive ingenuity, creative imagination, fantasy, dialectical thinking, search activity, the desire for novelty, a sense of color. 4. Formation of skills of cooperation with peers and adults. 5. Prevention of visual impairment, posture and physical well-being of children. Circle "Learning should be fun" (social and communicative direction of development)

Professional competition "Teacher of the Year-2014" MKDOU "Novokhopyorsky kindergarten of a general developing type" Fontanelle "The work of the circle is carried out according to the developed work program based on the author's program" Professor Mind's Laboratory "by M. R. Grigorieva. Methods of work: - exercises of a different nature (graphic dictations, symmetrical drawings, labyrinths, etc.); - games (plot-role-playing, verbal, mobile, musical, dramatization games, didactic and educational games); - the story of an adult and children; - free and thematic drawing; - auto-training (using poetry, relaxation music and recording sounds of nature); - sketches; - solution of problem-practical situations; - conversations. Circle "Learning should be fun" (social and communicative direction of development)

Professional competition "Teacher of the Year-2014" MKDOU "Novokhopyorsky kindergarten of a general developmental type" Spring "Work methods

Use of modern technologies: - elements of TRIZ; - ICT; - "Logic blocks of Gyenes"; - gaming technologies; - health-saving technologies (psycho-gymnastics, relaxation); - elements of art technology.

Use of modern technologies

The results of the circle “Learning should be fun” The system of game interactions allows: to form school-significant functions (attention, perception, speech, motor skills, organization of activities); to master the necessary elements of cognitive activity; to form the foundations of educational activities; - contribute to the effective socialization of the child; - allow minimizing the risks of school maladjustment.

Comparative diagnostics of school readiness for two years

Conducting psychological diagnostics of school readiness: - "Indicative test of school maturity of Kern-Jirasek" (study of the level of development of verbal thinking); - Methodology N.I. Gutkina "House" (the study of the ability to act according to the model); - Test "Cheerful-sad" (study of emotional attitude to school); - test L. Bender (study of visual-motor coordination).

Thus, the developing effect of this course of game interactions is manifested primarily in children's interest in different types of exercises, which eventually develops into a cognitive motive for children's activities. Children become more active and confident in their abilities and abilities. By the end of the school year, graphic skills and visual-motor coordination of children improve, arbitrariness is formed, memory and attention processes improve. There is a steady positive trend in the parameters of children's psychological readiness for school.

“What kind of children are born, it does not depend on anyone, but that they become good and smart through proper upbringing is in our power ...” Plutarch Thank you for your attention!

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Project on the topic “History of the profession of a teacher. The image of a modern teacher through the eyes of children"

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The purpose of our study was to create a "model" (image) of a modern teacher. The tasks that were set during the study: 1) to study the history of the profession of a teacher 2) To study the literature on this issue. 3) Develop a research methodology. 4) Conduct a survey of middle and senior students. Find out students' ideas about the modern teacher. 5) Analyze the received data. 6) Draw a conclusion about what a modern teacher should be like.

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Facts from history ... It is hardly possible to name and list all the professions on earth. We encounter representatives of some of them from time to time, we know about others only by hearsay. And there is only one profession on earth, without which society could not and cannot do. This is a teacher. The history of education, the history of teaching began with the history of mankind. In all the peoples of the world, a teacher, a teacher, is called not only the person who teaches literacy, but also the one who passes on life experience, culture, national and universal traditions to younger generations. Teachers, like parents, connect generations of people.

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The teaching profession is one of the oldest in the world. The word "teacher" is known to us from Ancient Greece. That was the name of a person who looked after a child in a Greek family, took him to school and taught him at home. Most often it was a slave who could not perform other household duties.

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In ancient times, when there was no division of labor, all members of a community or tribe - adults and children - participated on an equal footing in obtaining food, which was the main reason for existence in those distant times. The transfer of the experience accumulated by previous generations to children in the prenatal community was "woven" into labor activity.

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Children, being involved in it from an early age, acquired knowledge about the methods of activity (hunting, gathering, etc.) and mastered various skills and abilities. And only as the tools of labor improved, which made it possible to obtain more food, it became possible not to involve the sick and old members of the community in this. They were charged with the duty to be keepers of the fire and to look after the children. Later, as the processes of conscious manufacture of tools of labor became more complex, which entailed the need for a special transfer of labor skills and abilities, the elders of the clan - the most respected and wise by experience, formed in the modern sense the first social group of people - educators, whose direct and only duty was the transfer of experience, concern for the spiritual growth of the younger generation, its morality, preparation for life. Thus, education became the sphere of human activity and consciousness. Gradually, people began to stand out, distinguished by special success in communicating and teaching children. Quite a long time passed before this occupation began to stand out as a special kind of activity.

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The emergence of the teaching profession therefore has objective grounds. Society could not exist and develop if the younger generation, replacing the older one, had to start all over again, without creative assimilation and use of the experience that it inherited.

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The first "Lyceum" (or Lyceum) was created in Athens more than two millennia ago. Perhaps then the teaching profession appeared. Along with the Lyceum, the famous Gymnasia, a school of physical perfection, appeared a little earlier. Likey became a school of thought and spirit.

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In ancient Greek there is a word "schole" (leisure, rest), from which the word "school" comes. The Greeks believed that a person rests when he is busy with something. It should be noted that the Athenians loved to talk, and most importantly, they knew how to do it: education in Athenian schools was mostly oral.

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In the Middle Ages, teachers were literate monks who taught a small number of children to write and count. The disciples later became monk-scribes at the monasteries. Also, literate monks were invited to rich private homes to teach children. In medieval Europe, those who could pay money for education were taken to monasteries. Often, children from impoverished noble families were expelled from schools, and literacy became more and more accessible to wealthy peasants.

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In Russia, schools were also opened at monasteries, although at first only for boys. A little later, the girls also had the opportunity to study. They were educated in convents. In the 17th century, an institute for noble maidens was opened in Russia. Here, a cool lady looked after the girls. She kept discipline. A girl could be considered immodest if, when meeting with her brother, in a fit of joy, she threw herself on his neck. A strict but fair class lady enlightened these and other rules of behavior for young girls. Later, wealthy families began to hire governesses. Germans and French women were especially popular.

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