What are the military professions for girls. Military institutes for girls in Russia: a list. What is taught in military schools

Contrary to popular belief that the defense of the Motherland is an occupation only for men, more and more representatives of the fair sex are joining the ranks of the Russian army. Many female servicemen are hardy, hardworking, and not afraid to take up arms. Often they take the tasks of the commander much more responsibly than their male counterparts.

Why do young girls agree and even aspire to become military personnel? What schools do they go to? Are there military specialties suitable for women? We will try to answer these questions in detail.

The state is interested in female military personnel

Currently, there are approximately 100,000 women in the army and navy of the Russian Federation. Half of them are in military positions, half in civilian positions. Girls in peacetime are not subject to mandatory conscription into the army. They serve only at their own request, on a contract basis.

One of the strategic goals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation after 2010 is to arouse in the fair sex representatives an interest in military service. Due to the fact that many men do not want to join the army and try in various ways to avoid fulfilling their civic duty, many vacancies are formed in the Russian armed forces. Women who are ready to serve help solve the problem of staffing the army. Thanks to the growing number of ladies in the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland, the armed forces of the Russian Federation are becoming more progressive and diversified.

The State Duma is preparing a bill, according to which girls who have reached the age of 18 will be sent summons from military registration and enlistment offices. However, it is up to the women to decide whether to serve or not.

Why do girls want to join the army

It turns out that there are quite a few young women who are ready to become defenders of the Fatherland. In military educational institutions, there is often a big competition for "ladies'" specialties: up to 10 applicants for a place. What motives most often encourage women to become military personnel?

1. Many girls want to join the army because they are true patriots of Russia. They want to defend their homeland and consider military affairs to be their vocation.

2. Some women see military service as a way to move up the social ladder. This motive is especially common among women planning to build a political career.

3. Spouses of the defenders of the Motherland, living in units and closed towns, often master military professions. For them, as a rule, there is no other opportunity to go to work.

4. Some young girls enter military universities at the insistence of parents who want to instill high moral character in their daughters. Mothers and fathers rightly believe that by studying the art of the army, their daughters will acquire such valuable qualities as purposefulness, willpower, and strictness towards themselves. As a rule, in this case, parents do not insist that the girls remain in military service after graduation. However, many young women are "drawn in" and continue to work in their profession on a voluntary basis.

5. For some girls, mastering military affairs becomes the only way to get a higher education if there are no universities of a different profile in the locality.

6. Many young women entering the service seek to improve their chances of marriage in this way. In they work together with young men and are often surrounded by the attention of fans.

Some of the fair sex on the forums note that women, along with men, should be subject to mandatory conscription into the army. Ladies believe that this will help them acquire the necessary self-defense skills, learn how to handle weapons and provide first aid. In addition, many young girls are ready to serve because, if necessary, the fair sex will also have to defend their homeland.

What jobs can women be hired for?

There is a list of military specialties for women, approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The text of the document is classified. It is known, however, that representatives of the weaker sex should not be involved in combat operations on the front line. Female soldiers participate in battles only when absolutely necessary. In the army, they perform the role of rear workers.

What military specialties are provided for the fairer sex?

  1. Medical: military doctor, paramedic, nurse, pharmacist, pharmacist.
  2. Technical: foreman, mechanic, machine operator.
  3. In the field of communications: telephone operator, telegraph operator, radio operator, radio mechanic, military signalman.
  4. In the field of observation of the terrain: cartographer, meteorologist, meteorological observer or hydrometeorological observer, topographic surveyor, theodolite.
  5. In the field of photogrammetry: photogrammetrist, photo laboratory assistant.
  6. In the field of printing: an engraver, a master adjuster of printing machines, a zincograph.

A promising specialty for a girl is a military signalman. Many women become indispensable in the military due to the ability to use various hardware to provide communications. They transmit signals, most often encrypted, using telegraph, television, telephone, telecode and signal communications. It is thanks to the high-quality work of these specialists that military personnel receive orders from command centers and operational information in a timely manner.

Popular among women are military specialties, which can be conditionally considered safe: translator, psychologist, teacher, lawyer, economist, researcher.

Women's military ranks

It is no secret that the ranks of the Russian army are assigned in accordance with the level of qualifications and positions held. After graduating from a military university, the graduate becomes an officer. Theoretically, a woman can receive any rank, depending on the length of service and personal achievements.

But in practice, ladies working in units rarely receive high ranks in the Russian army. 25% of female military personnel are ensigns and midshipmen. A higher status (up to the rank of general) is achieved by ladies in the police, the prosecutor's office, the tax service, and the FSB.

Military educational institutions

At present, only women with a military registration specialty, that is, those who have graduated from special educational institutions, are put on military registration. The Ministry of Defense, depending on the needs of the armed forces in personnel, annually regulates the number of places in universities and colleges for girls. Therefore, it is difficult for a representative of the weaker sex to plan a military career, because in the year of graduation from school, admission to the desired specialty may be closed.

Which educational institutions are ready to consider female applicants? The most famous are the following:

1. S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg (there is a branch in Moscow). This university provides professional training for military paramedics and doctors. The academy has two areas of work:

  • training of medical specialists from scratch,
  • advanced training of civil doctors.

A girl can get an education in the specialties "General Medicine", "Pharmacy", "Medical and Preventive Care", "Dentistry".

The Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov offers full-time training programs for paramedics (3 years) and doctors (6 years). The university has scientific departments.

2. Military Academy of Communications named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budyonny, St. Petersburg. The university provides (military technician) and higher (military engineer) education. Specialists in the field of communication systems, switching, software of the armed forces come out of its walls.

The term of full-fledged training at the academy is 5 years. Upon graduation, the girl receives the rank of lieutenant. The secondary education program is designed for a period of 2 years 10 months. The graduate is awarded the rank of ensign.

3. Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Moscow - excellent The fair sex can study here in the specialties of a military psychologist, translator, lawyer, teacher, economist, personnel officer. There are full-time and part-time forms of education.

4. The Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow) trains specialists to work in "hot spots". After graduating from high school, you can get the specialty of a criminologist, military journalist, translator, orchestra musician. According to the documentation, the university accepts girls. However, in practice, according to the management, the recruitment of females has not been carried out for a long time, since the 90s.

5. The Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Moscow) trains specialists for service in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The university is also engaged in improving the skills of existing staff.

6. The Air Force Academy named after Professors N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin (Voronezh) trains meteorologists, radio technicians, specialists in the security of automated and information systems, air traffic controllers, logistics workers in the provision of weapons. Upon graduation, the qualification "engineer" is awarded.

7. Volsky Military Institute of Material Support (Volsk, Saratov Region). The university trains logistics specialists to provide troops. There are quite a few female students here.

In general, there are about 20 military universities in Russia that are ready to accept girls for training. There are specialized educational institutions in Rostov, Penza, Stavropol. Cadets studying at higher education institutions accountable to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation receive a monthly allowance in the amount of 10,000 to 25,000 rubles.

Military institutes do not accept women for training:

  • previously convicted;
  • who are not entitled to perform military service under the law before the expiration of any period;
  • registered in psycho-neurological dispensaries;
  • having medical contraindications for military service.

Legal rights of women in the military

Military women are endowed with basically the same rights as men. However, their legal status has its own peculiarities. In particular, women in military units should be provided with rooms separate from men for sleeping, resting, changing clothes. Such a form of punishment as a disciplinary arrest is not applied to the ladies in the service: they do not sit in the guardhouse.

The main document that fully spells out the rights and obligations of the military, including women, is the 1998 Federal Law on the status of military personnel. In it, the fair sex is not distinguished into a separate category. All provisions relating to men are equally valid for women.

According to this document, the fair sex receives the benefits due to military personnel, including:

  • treatment, receiving medicines free of charge or at a reduced cost;
  • extended holidays (up to a maximum of 45 days per year);
  • housing subsidies;
  • educational benefits for children, priority admission to educational institutions;
  • military pension.

The rights of a military woman related to pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnant military women are completely exempted from physical activity. They are also entitled to free medical care in specialized institutions. With a gestational age of up to 20 weeks, if there are no complications, a female soldier visits a gynecologist once a month at the place of registration. With a period of 20 to 30 weeks, the frequency of visits to the antenatal clinic is at least 1 time in 2 weeks. With a period of more than 30 weeks, the frequency of visits to the gynecologist is at least 1 time per week. A Russian servicewoman receives a birth certificate and a child care allowance. For two months before and after childbirth, they are also given additional allowance. Pregnant female military personnel are entitled to leave to care for a child up to 3 years.

At what age can a woman serve

Representatives of the weaker sex "work" in the ranks of the armed forces on the basis of fixed-term contracts. The first "agreement" a woman can conclude with a military unit at the age of at least 20 and no more than 40 years. The term of service under the contract is 3.5 or 10 years, depending on the position and rank. Further, if the lady duly fulfills the terms of the contract and wishes to continue the service, the "agreement" is extended. The age limit for women in the military until which they can continue to serve the fatherland is 50 years.

Physical training

The FIZO of female military personnel is supported by the command of the units at a high level. Ladies serving in the army train daily. Female contract soldiers must match their "job" in terms of health and fitness levels. Ladies pass the standards for PHYSICAL:

  • upon admission to universities of a special profile;
  • in the learning process, quarterly;
  • when concluding a fixed-term contract;
  • in the course of service - quarterly.

Mandatory standards for female military personnel are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Defense. Ladies, in order to confirm their compliance with the requirements of the army, perform 3 blocks of exercises.

One of two options is performed:

  • for women under the age of 25, at least 12 times,
  • for women over the age of 25, at least 10 times.

2. Torso forward:

  • for women under the age of 25, at least 25 times,
  • for women over the age of 25, at least 20 times.

For speed.

One of three options is performed:

1. 60m run:

  • for women under the age of 25, the standard time to overcome the distance is 12.9 s;
  • for women over the age of 25, the standard time to overcome the distance is 13.9.

2. 100m run:

  • for women under the age of 25, the standard time to overcome the distance is 19.5 s;
  • for women over the age of 25, the standard time to overcome the distance is 20.5 s.

3. Shuttle run 10 * 10 m:

  • for women under the age of 25, the minimum standard is to run the distance in 38 s;
  • for women over the age of 25, the minimum standard is to run the distance in 39 s.

For endurance.

Exercise - running for 1 km:

  • for women under the age of 25, the standard time to overcome the distance is 5 minutes. 20 sec
  • for women over the age of 25, the standard time to overcome the distance is 5 minutes. 46 sec.

Women over 40 years of age are not involved in the delivery of physical standards.


For women in the service, as well as for men, it is mandatory to wear a uniform. You can wear other types of clothing only during rest, on weekends, during vacations and outside the military unit, if the exit is not related to the performance of an official assignment.

The uniform of female military personnel is approved by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and is sewn by authorized factories. It can be issued to a lady free of charge by a military unit or purchased by her independently in a specialized store.

Cannot be worn by an unqualified civilian. It is also forbidden to wear a uniform and insignia that do not correspond to the rank and position.

The style of women's overalls was developed by Russian fashion designer V. Yudashkin.

Field types of uniforms are sewn from membrane fabrics using nanotechnology. Military uniform sits neatly on the female figure and does not restrict movement.

Successful careers of women in the military

The most grandiose career of a military woman, which the whole world remembers, is the professional path of Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova, who alone made a three-day space flight on the Vostok-5 spacecraft. Tereshkova reached the highest rank of Major General, starting her seniority as a "bracelet" at the Yaroslavl Tire Plant.

Currently, many successful female military personnel work in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Among them: Deputy Defense Minister Tatyana Shevtsova (dealing with the economic bloc), Head of the Defense Minister's Office Elena Kalnaya, Press Secretary of the Minister of Defense - Lieutenant Colonel Irina Kovalchuk, Head of the military education system - Ekaterina Priezzheva.


Now you know how military women build their careers. Currently, the work of most of them is considered not very prestigious. All privileges, such as high ranks, interesting assignments, status positions, in the armed forces are predominantly given to men. However, now the number of women in the Russian army is increasing, and gradually their legal status is changing for the better.

What are the advantages of military professions?

The profession "military" is considered prestigious, because. the state needs to have an organized, trained army to protect itself from external threats. State and social security is provided by people with technical education, etc.

There are various military professions, with which people work in different fields and carry out public service. The main advantages of such professions are:

  • high salary;
  • career;
  • opportunities for self-development;
  • state and social guarantees to the military, including members of his family (getting free housing, etc.).

Military service instills discipline. A person strives to develop physically and mentally, becomes collected, purposeful, responsible.

Advantages and disadvantages of military service for women

Entering the civil service, women have the same rights and social privileges as men. An additional advantage is the Law on the Protection of the Family, Motherhood, and Childhood, which provides for social compensation and guarantees for women.

Benefits that women see in military service:

  • stability;
  • social security;
  • opportunities for professional growth.

Despite the privileges that a military career gives to women in the public service, this profession has its drawbacks:

  • difficult working conditions (moral pressure, physical activity on a par with men, night duty, field exercises, etc.);
  • increased attention from the male.

Thus, when choosing a specialty in this area, women should pay attention to the professions of mental labor, which involve minimal physical exertion and good conditions for activity.

What are the military professions?

There are various professions that involve employment in many areas of activity in the army. The choice of specialty depends on personal preferences and compliance with professional requirements. The civil service has the following types of military activities:

  • special-purpose professions;
  • military-technical professions;
  • driving military professions;
  • research specialties focused on military affairs.

Special-purpose professions require excellent physical fitness. These include airborne troops, aviation army, special forces, ground forces, navy, FSB, commander of a military unit, etc.

The duties of the technician are to ensure the proper operation of combat vehicles and other equipment, weapons. They are required in aviation, communications, etc.

A military driver, pilot or other controls military equipment (car, aircraft, submarine, etc.).

Civilian professions for people wishing to enter the civil service: translator, teacher, doctor, driver, etc. Military formations require attendants: barmaids, hairdressers, cooks, janitors, etc.

Technical professions for girls: web programmer, engineer, operator, power engineer, etc.

Regardless of the type of activity, military service contributes to the development of professional habits. Former or current conscripts have the following military habits: bearing, a special manner of communication (orderly tone), the ability to control their thoughts and emotions in critical situations, keep everything around them clean, etc.

Driving specialties of the military

The presence of a driver's specialty implies the ability to manage one of the types of military equipment. These professions include:

  • combat vehicle driver;
  • tank driver;
  • pilot, etc.

To get this specialty, you need to graduate from a military educational institution.

Specialty specialties

To obtain a specialty specialty, you need to have excellent health, developed physical skills, and be able to act in stressful and extreme situations. People of these professions are responsible, resolute, courageous, ready for physical and psychological overload. Specialized specialties include:

  • Special Forces;
  • scout;
  • sapper;
  • naval infantry
  • aviation school, etc.

Without proper physical training, a soldier will not be able to build an excellent career.

Technological specialties

Technological specialties are in demand in the public service. People employed in this area maintain military equipment and weapons in full readiness, carry out repairs, etc.

Operator specialties

The operator is one of the most popular specialties. Only a well-trained specialist will be able to skillfully handle modern technology, receive and process data, assess the situation and make the right decisions. The main qualities of the operator: accuracy, good hearing and vision, memory, the ability to quickly respond to various situations.

Where can you get a military education?

The choice of an educational institution depends on the aspirations and desires of the applicant: what type of activity the graduate wants to do after receiving education.

If an applicant wants to serve in the army, it is worth deciding on the type of troops, because. for each of them there are schools and academies:

  • missile troops are trained at the Academy of Strategic Forces;
  • the navy - the universities of the Navy;
  • Air Force - Air Force Academy;
  • border troops - departmental universities, etc.

The term of study in a higher educational institution will take 5 years, it is possible to get a secondary vocational education in 3 years.

Institutes of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

It is possible to get a specialty and work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations after graduating from a higher educational institution. These include:

  1. St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (SPb UGPS of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia).
  2. Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (AGPS of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation).
  3. Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the State Fire Service of Russia (VI EMERCOM of the State Fire Service of Russia).
  4. Ural Institute of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (URGPS).
  5. Ivanovo Institute of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (IPSA GPS EMERCOM of Russia).

In the process of learning, regardless of the choice of specialty and department, the student acquires the following skills:

  • various ways to save a person;
  • quick assessment of a dangerous situation and methods for its elimination;
  • knowledge of technological processes and work of production, ensuring fire safety in these places;
  • knowledge of natural phenomena and methods of saving people in case of emergency, etc.

Education at the Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations requires physical strength, balance, determination and the desire to save people.

Institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia

Higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

  1. Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. V.Ya. Kikotya.
  2. St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  3. Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  4. Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  5. Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  6. Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  7. Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  8. Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Students studying at these universities can receive the following specialties: investigator, police officer, commander of a special-purpose platoon (intelligence), cynologist, engineer, etc.

Military academies

Before choosing a university outside the city, you should pay attention to higher education institutions located nearby. The list of academies is quite extensive, so you should immediately decide on your future profession and preferences.

The main list of Russian academies:

  1. Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy (MVAA).
  2. Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky (VKA).
  3. Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great (VARVSN).
  4. Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsova (VUNC of the Navy "Naval Academy").

The academies of Russia, which are engaged in the training of fighters, are distinguished by a high quality of education. Preference is given to technical, tactical, fire, etc. preparations.

military psychologist

Psychology is a sought after profession. To get a position, you must have a higher professional education and meet the requirements. The military university for girls is the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow).

Girls who have graduated from a civilian college or university with a degree in psychology, psychology of service activity, or psychology of social work can work as a psychologist in the army.

It is possible to get the profession of a psychologist at the Lomonosov Moscow State University at the Faculty of Psychology.

Military translator

To get a job as an interpreter in the army, you need to be trained in the specialties "linguistics and intercultural communication", "obtaining and processing foreign military information", "analysis of foreign military information", etc. One of the best universities that trains specialists in this field is the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in Moscow.

Institutes of the FSB of the Russian Federation

In Russia, there are many higher educational institutions where you can train to become an FSB officer. List of such universities:

  1. Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (AFSB, Academy of the FSB).
  2. Border Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (PA FSB RF).
  3. Moscow Institute of Advanced Information Technologies of the FSB of Russia (MINIT).
  4. Golitsyn Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (GPI FSB RF), etc.

The institutes of the FSB train specialists to conduct counterintelligence activities and fight crime.

Military medical schools

You can get a doctor's degree and enter the civil service at the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy - this is a good military school for girls. Another option is to choose a civilian medical university that has a military department. These include:

  1. Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A. I. Evdokimov.
  2. I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.
  3. Pacific State Medical University, etc.

Military doctors are an honorable, prestigious profession that requires special skills and abilities, patience, self-control, the ability to respond quickly, etc.

What exams do you need to take?

Enrollment in a higher educational institution is based on the results of unified state examinations. Depending on the specialty, the results of exams in various subjects may be required:

  • for military-humanitarian faculties, it is required to pass exams in history, social science and the Russian language;
  • to the medical faculty - biology and chemistry, etc.

In addition to the results of the exams, applicants undergo a medical examination, on the basis of which their suitability for military service is determined.

When enrolling in a university, the commission pays attention to the physical skills of future students (some educational institutions require passing standards).

Requirements for girls at the military department

Requirements for admission to different universities may vary. The military institute may present the following selection criteria to students:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • age - not older than 30 years;
  • no criminal record;
  • health condition suitable for military service;
  • delivery of standards for physical training.

Girls in a military school pass the standards on a par with males. Not all universities accept female representatives, so this information should be clarified when enrolling.

Correspondence military education

In Russia, there is a minimum number of universities that offer military education in absentia. It is possible to enter the Military Academy of Logistics named after General of the Army A.V. after grades 9 and 11. Khruleva, where this form of education exists (respectively, secondary or higher vocational education). If you want to get a medical or engineering education, you can unlearn at a civilian university that has a military department - this will allow you to look for work in the army.

As a child, to the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” we knew the answer for sure, but when you start to grow up, an even greater choice of paths and roads opens before you than at a more tender age. Often a person is lost and begins to think about what to devote his life to. There are a lot of options: someone still strives to become an actress, and someone wants to do more responsible work, for example, the military. Some believe that this is beyond the reach of a woman, but practice suggests otherwise: girls are not only beautiful, but also a truly strong sex. So, military professions for girls: what can you become after the 11th grade.

About the military

What to do after 11th grade? Girls are often advised to immediately get married and have children, but this advice has long been left in past centuries, when people's life expectancy was much shorter than in our time, and the matter of "renewal" of the population, as they say, "burned". Now such an urgent need has disappeared, women have become more active, they strive for equality and want to first realize their potential, and then think about having children. A modern girl can and should develop further, receive a secondary specialized or higher education, build a career and improve herself as a person! It is only your personal choice - which way to go. If you really feel the strength in yourself to make a serious contribution to the development of our Fatherland and benefit people, then think about a specialty related to military affairs. Why now more and more girls choose this particular area and go to study military science after the 11th grade? Who are those brave and extraordinary heroines, and what are the advantages in the military profession?

  1. They are patriots. They really love their people, their country and want to become a useful member of society.
  2. If necessary, the girls will be able to defend their homeland, because they have received the appropriate education.
  3. They will be able to receive social guarantees and compensation for themselves and their families.
  4. Girls are given the opportunity to build a brilliant career and realize themselves in full force.
  5. There is a large list of professions related to military affairs, and in it you can definitely choose those specialties in which the girl will feel herself "in her place."
  6. A good salary also motivates.

Who can you work

The list of military professions that are available to women has more than 40 positions. If you think that these are only those specialties in which you need to give all your best and give yourself without a trace, then you are a little mistaken. Along with truly “active” professions, there are also quieter ones, but no less important and interesting! So after the 11th grade, young ladies with different characters, with different temperaments and desires will be able to find specialties to their liking.

If you like everything technical and you are well versed in this, then you can go to study after the 11th grade in military-technical specialties. With a technical education, you will be able to work as an optician-mechanic, a communications assembler, a military engineer, a telegraph operator - and this is not a complete list of military technical professions.

Are you indifferent to the sight of blood and feel compassion for the sick? You will be able to choose specialties related to medicine. For example, a military doctor and a nurse are respected and very important professions. Thanks to these brave people, many lives can be saved and saved!

If you feel a craving for geography, love nature, then the path to the profession of a weather forecaster, a meteorologist is open before you. Do you love to draw and are you great at it? - You can become a cartographer, which is also very necessary in the military sphere. Different maps are required: military, climatic, geographical, historical, and many others. When drawing up a map, you can be guided by images from aircraft or satellites, or you can even go to the very area that you want to depict on the map. If you are interested, feel free to "storm" this specialty and go get an education in the appropriate universities after the 11th grade.

A pilot is a wonderful profession for a smart and brave girl! Pilot - sounds proud, besides, if you are "in love with the sky", then this is a great option for combining a brilliant career and your dream of flying. If you really feel like flying an airplane, then you should not listen to those who doubt the abilities of a female pilot. During the Great Patriotic War, the legendary aviation regiment, consisting exclusively of women, was nicknamed by the Germans "night witches" for the exceptional skill and heroism of our Soviet pilots. Interestingly, there was not a single man in the regiment of "night witches". Absolutely all functions were performed exclusively by women: from mechanics to navigators and pilots. Combat sorties they made only at night. Each of the pilots caused noticeable damage to the enemy, despite severe frosts, inconvenience, or even damage to the aircraft. And the “night witches” did this often better than their male colleagues from other regiments.

There is a place in the ranks for a cook, and for a talented translator, and for a girl engaged in scientific research, because she can study any area within the military sphere. Specialties such as telephonist and radio operator are also popular among girls. After the 11th grade, you have great opportunities to achieve your dreams. The choice is great - and it is only yours!

About service and education

If you want to develop in the military sphere after the 11th grade, then you need to have such qualities as self-organization, endurance, diligence and, of course, love for your work. The ability to quickly assess the situation, analyze information, make important decisions and restrain strong emotions are also important skills for a military girl.

As mentioned earlier, in the military sphere there is an opportunity to receive social guarantees and compensation. What is it expressed in? For example, in the first five years of service, you can live in a service apartment, and after that you have the right to receive real estate on a general basis. Retirement in military professions is earlier, and wages and late retirement are higher than the national average. There are also many other beneficial and pleasant benefits.

There are many universities across the country where girls can get a military education after the 11th grade, depending on which military area you have chosen to serve: in the signal troops, in medicine, military headquarters, etc. In addition, you can get an education in naval universities and serve after studying in the navy, but this is basically only the position of a signalman.

The military sphere has ceased to be purely male for a long time, and girls are increasingly thinking about education associated with this field. And no wonder, because it has many different benefits. A lot of interesting military professions of varying degrees of workload and responsibility are open for women, so any girl can find something to her liking and with wonderful prospects. Dare, get an education, build a career in the field that you like and enjoy what you love!

In the Russian army, the fair sex has been serving along with male military personnel for quite a long time. For girls, a different contract service is available. They can sign it with a civilian specialty, or without it at all, like guys, upon reaching 18 years of age. Or they can enter a military university and get a military specialty. In general, the contract service for girls provides for the performance by them on general terms of their professional duties in the positions of privates, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers and officers. To have a more detailed idea of ​​the girl's service, let's turn to the requirements, documents and other standards that determine the role of girls in the ranks of the Russian armed forces.

Where to start for a girl who decided to serve under a contract?

If a girl is determined to become a military woman, then she has two ways. The first of them is to submit documents to a military university for the chosen military specialty after graduation. The second way is to come to the selection point for military service under a contract. And if everything is more or less clear with the first way, then what happens in the second case, it is necessary to tell in more detail.

The very first step on the way to military service will be a conversation with an instructor at the selection point. This inspector will not only talk about all the benefits of military service, but also about the difficulties that a girl will have to overcome in the service under a contract. At the same time, the instructor will find out the motives for entering the military service and will be able to immediately offer options for military specialties, in accordance with the level of education, inclinations, and most importantly, the girl's civilian professional skills. However, for the final choice of a profession, it will still be necessary to pass a professional psychological selection.

At the same time, for the most part, the conditions for the selection and admission of girls for military service under the contract are practically no different from similar conditions for men. After a conversation with the instructor, the girl will receive a sample application, a questionnaire form and a referral to the medical commission.

If the girl has not lost her decision to enter the contract service, she must independently undergo a medical examination at the place of residence and obtain a certificate of no criminal record. After that, she must apply to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence, and go through the military medical commission already there. The next step is to return to the selection point with all the documents. It is from this moment that the formation of the personal file of a military girl begins.

Military professions for girls

Traditionally, it is believed that the most popular in the army are such purely female specialties as an accountant, economist and medical worker. It really is. But there are many more specialties that a girl in the army can count on. So, the fair sex will be delighted in the air defense troops, communications, sapper troops and others. Girls can serve in headquarters, military medicine, in the kitchen, at communication centers and simply in the barracks. Translators, telephone operators, cooks, cartographers, computer typists, economists and accountants. Here is a far from complete list of specialties that are in demand in the army.

In addition, the list of military specialties for girls includes many extraordinary specialties, such as: communications, optical and sound measuring instruments and meteorology, printing, computer technology, cartography, photogrammetry, topogeodesy and aerial photography. Girls are often able to solve many tasks that are beyond the power of male soldiers.

Military specialties for girls are not a way to assert themselves and show their strength, rather, it is a way for self-realization in military service. Now there are approximately 40 thousand women in the RF Armed Forces, 15% of whom have already successfully reached the rank of "colonel". Moreover, not only the medical service or the financial part.

Standards for women military personnel

To enter the military service under a contract, any girl must meet the requirements that apply to absolutely all candidates for the ranks of contract soldiers of the Armed Forces - age in the range from 18 to 40 years, good health, a high level of physical fitness and a specialty that is in demand in the army. If we have already talked about professional selection above, then after submitting an application and collecting all the necessary documents, the girl becomes a candidate for entering the service under the contract. To move from candidates to contract soldiers, she needs to pass the standards for physical fitness.

All military candidates are invited to pass three physical standards: endurance, strength and speed. The strength of the girls is checked by the standards for the press, unlike men, who have the right to choose between pull-ups and push-ups from the floor. In one minute, a candidate for military service must perform a press exercise at least 22 times. Girls are tested for speed by shuttle run. Candidates must run 10 meters ten times. The minimum allowed value is 38 seconds. To test endurance, you need to run 1 kilometer. It is this standard that becomes the most difficult for many girls. The minimum time for which it is necessary to overcome this distance in order to pass the standard is 5 minutes 30 seconds.

These standards apply to girls aged 25 to 30 years. For girls under 25, the requirements are more stringent. So, the press exercise must be done 26 times, the shuttle run must be completed in 36 seconds, and in the kilometer run it will take 4 minutes 35 seconds.

Those of the candidates who cannot meet at least one standard are deprived of the opportunity to join the Russian Armed Forces for at least 1 month. It is this period that is determined for the interval for retaking the standards. At the same time, all three tests will have to be retaken, and not just the one that the candidate could not cope with the first time. If the standards are successfully passed, you can go to the selection point for the final signing of documents.

The military commission at the commissariat puts an end to the girl's admission to military service. There they finally study personal files and get acquainted with candidates and decide on admission to military service by voting. It is noteworthy that there are still far fewer women who want to serve on a contract basis in the RF Armed Forces than those willing men. For every 500 men who want to join the army, there are only 10 women.

Everything connected with the military forces has always been considered prestigious. Good salaries, allowances and benefits are available to people in uniform. Previously, only the male sex was trained in military affairs. Military universities for girls became available only in 2013, but this amendment was made only by a part of the institutions.

Advantages of a military school

The current system of education makes it possible to obtain secondary specialized and higher education, including the military field. Graduates of the cadet corps and the Suvorov Military School receive secondary specialized education. Higher military education can be obtained in military command schools, academies and institutes. Education in these institutions can be chosen in the following areas: pilots, engineering troops, naval troops and command staff. Before choosing a school, you should decide on the desired specialty.

List of military establishments for girls

After 11 classes, girls can receive higher military education in several institutions:

  • Military Academy of Communications. CM. Budyonny
  • Military Space Academy. A.F. Mozhaisky
  • Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirov
  • Airborne Command School. V.F. Margelov
  • Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great
  • Volsky Military Institute of Material Support
  • Naval Academy in St. Petersburg

The first place in the ranking of such educational institutions is occupied by the Military Academy of Communications. CM. Budyonny, which is located in St. Petersburg. There is a branch of this academy in Krasnodar. Training is carried out in person. The term of study is 5 years. Upon completion, a state diploma of higher education is issued and the classification of "engineer" and the rank of lieutenant are assigned.

No less popular among girls is the Military Space Academy. A.F. Mozhaisky, which teaches more than 40 military specialties. This institution is one of the best in our country. Upon completion, graduates are awarded the title of "officer".

In St. Petersburg is also located the Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirov, where girls can get the specialty "military doctor". Recruitment of girls is also carried out in the Airborne Command School. V.F. Margelov, which is located in Ryazan.

Since 2015, the enrollment of women in the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after V.I. Peter the Great

Military specialties for girls

Despite the fact that the recruitment of girls is not carried out in all military institutions, the choice of specialties available to them is quite large. The most popular are the following areas:

  • military cartography
  • medical and preventive work
  • medical business
  • dentistry
  • pharmacy

The Institute of Communications offers to study all kinds of radio engineering, communication technologies and ways of protecting information, and the Military Space Academy - the collection and processing of information, the design of aircraft, radio-electronic systems, cartography, etc.

Admission and professional selection

Admission to a higher military educational institution is carried out according to the results of the Unified State Examination. For each specialty, it is required to pass the Unified State Exam for certain school programs. For example, for admission to an engineering specialty, the results of the Unified State Examination in physics, Russian language and mathematics are required, and for medical science - the Russian language, biology and chemistry.

Applications for admission are submitted July 1-30. During this period, professional selection will be carried out and a list of incoming applicants will be compiled. When entering any military school, special attention is paid to physical training. Girls will have to pass the established standards.

Another important point upon admission is the passage of a medical examination, during which suitability for training will be established. Then the psycho-emotional state of applicants is tested.

Summing up

The admission of girls to military educational institutions was started only a few years ago, but has already managed to gain great popularity. The number of applicants is increasing year by year. In order to enter such a university, girls should try to get the best possible result in the USE and pass all the standards for professional selection.