Business costs. Analysis and evaluation of the results of commercial activities What is the result of the activities of a commercial organization

Nikolaeva T.I.

It is known that the resources of the enterprise and the requirements of cost-effective work to a certain extent limit the maneuvering, both in the range of goods and in their prices. But it is the focus on customer demand and its active formation that should determine the use of available resources. Hence the successful sale of goods, which ensures the efficiency of the enterprise.

Commercial work in trade is the activity of an enterprise aimed at solving a specific set of tasks. The study of the processes of their implementation is an important element of operational research at the level of a trade enterprise and a region.

We consider the consumer as an equal participant in commercial activities. The main participants in commercial activity, in accordance with our position, are not only entrepreneurial structures, but also consumers (whose participation in the limit-distributive economy was weak). This statement is based on the fact that for entrepreneurs, the most important factor in concluding transactions is income (economic benefit), and for consumers, the benefit is the product (service) he needs if it satisfies his needs (consumer interests) to a greater extent. The consumer is not a passive buyer, but a full participant in commercial activities, its regulator. Thus, the most important category of subjects of business relations between suppliers of goods and the retail link is the consumer.

Rice. 1. A set of tasks of commercial activity in the market of goods and services

Therefore, we consider the complex of tasks of commercial activity of subjects of the consumer market through meeting the needs of the population. The consumer, realizing his interests, has a decisive influence on the behavior of entrepreneurs in the market when concluding transactions, choosing a market segment, organizing sales and sales of goods, forming an assortment, pricing policy.

The democratization of trade and freedom of enterprise have revived enterprise, individual collective initiative, material and moral interest of trade workers, which has intensified their activity on consumer market. Now enterprises themselves solve economic issues, carry out more profitable transactions, which helps to increase their profitability. The nature of the economic relations of trade with other subjects of the market infrastructure has changed based on a combination of interests of the enterprise and territories.

For an in-depth study of the impact of commercial work on the performance of enterprises, we made an attempt to develop a system of the main components of its assessment, which could be used as a self-assessment of commercial work by each enterprise. Such a system, in our opinion, will help the territorial and economic bodies to determine the directions for improving the management of commercial activities.

The theoretical novelty of the assessment methods we propose was tested in practice in the Sverdlovsk region during the period of adaptation of trade to the market (since 1995). To do this, commercial work was represented by four blocks characterizing the type of commercial activity, and indicators evaluating its effectiveness (Table 1).

Table 1

The system of indicators for evaluating the commercial work of trade enterprises

Direction of commercial


Performance indicator

commercial work

The range of products and


Range breadth

Assortment depth

Assortment update rate

Assortment sustainability factor

Product offering planning and provision of goods

Trade turnover growth index

Growth (reduction) in the time of circulation of goods

The degree of compliance of commodity stocks with the standard

Procurement plan execution index

The degree of fulfillment of contractual obligations by suppliers

Rhythm of receipt of goods by assortment

Coefficient of acceptable quality level of goods

Gross income index

Formation and stimulation of demand

Correspondence of the volume and structure of the product offer with the volume and structure of consumer demand

The degree of assortment renewal

Purchase completion rate

Volume and structure of unsatisfied demand

Economic efficiency

commercial activities

Growth in gross income from commercial operations

Growth in profit from commercial activities

The ratio of income and expenses for the purchase and sale of goods

Among the tools of commercial activity of a trading enterprise, assortment policy occupies a special place.

The first block in the system for evaluating commercial activities - "Assortment of goods and its formation" - consists of four indicators, which we examined in detail when assessing the breadth and depth of the assortment in stores. The assortment renewal coefficient indicates the development and nature of economic relations of trade, both with domestic and foreign partners, as well as the work of enterprises to update the assortment. The stability coefficient of the assortment characterizes the species composition of the offered goods in the commodity group (subgroup). This block is especially important for evaluating the work of enterprises selling goods of the provided assortment list.

In the assortment policy, in our opinion, the following factors should be taken into account: the availability of a variety of goods in stores; stability and flexibility of the assortment, its compliance with changes in demand and seasonal fluctuations; rational placement of goods in stores. All this is fundamentally important.

In a market economy, the formation of the assortment is the prerogative of the trading enterprises themselves. The assortment lists existing in stores are based on the production and technical sign of the grouping of goods, which does not allow to take into account the complexity of demand, the mutual complementarity of goods, seasonal features of demand development and other conditions with sufficient completeness.

Of the totality of trade enterprises in the Sverdlovsk region, our attention as an object of analysis of the assortment policy was attracted by large stores in Yekaterinburg, which sell a universal range of goods mainly for food purposes. As mentioned earlier, they are promising, they are preferred by the population of the city. The active assortment policy pursued by these stores made it possible to create an individual and completely different assortment from competitors.

To characterize the assortment of individual trade enterprises and determine the effectiveness of the assortment policy, we analyzed the structure of the assortment, its breadth and, in part, its depth. It was found that it is possible to characterize only the actual structure of the assortment of goods in stores, since employees do not have information about the preferred assortment, and the study of demand is reduced mainly to elementary accounting of commodity sales, more often by group assortment. At the enterprises, the analysis of the range of goods is not carried out.

Studies have shown that almost all contracts and specifications for them do not contain information about the detailed range of goods. When concluding commercial transactions, supply contracts, contracts, there is practically no strict coordination of the intra-group assortment. The situation develops in favor of the manufacturer-supplier and more often the “dealer”. This adversely affects the correspondence between supply and demand, and leads to unreasonable price increases.

The actual completeness of the assortment and its dynamics can serve as evidence of a competent assortment policy. As we have established, the completeness of the assortment depends not only on the sales area of ​​the store, the volume of trade. Important factors that ensure the completeness of the range are financial stability, the authority of the enterprise in the market of goods and services. Stores that accept goods in large quantities, make payments on time, and have a high degree of reliability (high rates of turnover, high profitability, etc.) enjoy great confidence among suppliers of goods.

In order to improve the social level of trade services, store clerks should pay special attention to the sustainability of the assortment. On the one hand, this indicator significantly affects the level of service, and on the other hand, it indicates the rhythm of delivery. The stability of the assortment is a guideline for the buyer.

To characterize the effectiveness of commercial activities, both a separate trading enterprise and their aggregate across the territory, in our opinion, the most interesting indicator is the degree of renewal of the product range, that is, its replenishment with new products and products. This indicator can be determined by the refresh factor. It seems to be especially important for working with non-food products. By group non-food items it is defined as a period of obsolescence 1 .

In operational work (replenishment and regulation of the assortment of a trading enterprise), we recommend using such an indicator as the share of new goods (products or products) in the volume of new receipts, and when assessing long-term economic relations - the share of new products (products) in the total output of goods. Specialists should highlight products with improved consumer properties.

We propose to supplement this information block with calculations of the stability (stability) of the assortment, which will make it possible to judge the absence (presence) of interruptions in the sale of individual goods. For specialists involved in the analysis of the stability of the sale of goods with a fluctuating (uneven) number of purchases during the day, the introduction of such accounting will help not only evaluate the effectiveness of the organization of goods supply, but also determine the rationality of the assortment structure and the effectiveness of the assortment policy of a trading enterprise. An analysis of the breadth and stability (stability) of the assortment must be carried out on the basis of operational data on the state of current stocks, highlighting goods with a slow turnover.

The second block of indicators - “Product supply planning and supply of goods” - consists of eight indicators reflecting the planned growth in the turnover of enterprises, changes in its structure based on the product offer, the volume of planned gross income, commodity stocks, turnover, product quality. These indicators form the basis of plans for the purchase of goods, the selection of suppliers, the definition of delivery conditions, assortment, terms, delivery batches, prices and settlements with suppliers, etc. The higher the indices of these indicators, the more effective economic ties. Here, long-term, the degree of constancy of economic ties, and especially the fulfillment of contractual obligations, are important.

Since the same product appears in commercial transactions, there is no significant increase in the total turnover. At the same time, with the development of competition in the consumer market, a real opportunity has appeared for trade enterprises to choose profitable suppliers. At the same time, the role of local commodity producers in the production of food is increasing in the formation of the product offer.

Suppliers of imported goods are mainly resellers of goods, or intermediaries, and private firms. The services of such suppliers, as a rule, are used by non-food stores. This is due to the desire to save transport costs, financial resources, labor costs at trade enterprises when using the services of intermediaries. The participation of intermediaries often leads to an unreasonable increase in the number of links in the movement of goods, an increase in prices and their evasion from paying the necessary payments to the budget.

The effectiveness of economic relations as the most important area of ​​commercial activity largely determines the correct choice of supplier and forms of trade transactions. The number of suppliers, the frequency of importation of goods, according to our observations, depends on the type of store, the capacity of the store, the assortment profile, which are decisive in the formation of the assortment and turnover volumes. With an increase in the trading area, the frequency of importation of goods increases, and, consequently, the turnover. In general, the funds of the enterprise are spent more economically.

The greatest efficiency of commercial activity is observed at large enterprises of various forms of ownership and is explained by the presence of long-term economic ties with large suppliers. This ensures that the specialists of this group of enterprises are highly informed about the current market situation and its prospects. Small and medium-sized enterprises, deprived of such an opportunity, most often rely in their activities on irregular, random connections. The main suppliers of goods for them are various intermediaries, which not only complicates the actual accounting of trade, but also leads to a significant increase in consumer prices and the almost complete absence of quality control of goods.

table 2

Distribution of indicators according to the degree of significance (preferences) for a trade enterprise when choosing partners-suppliers of goods

The average monthly retail turnover of a store in 1996


up to 300 million

from 500 to 1000 million rubles

From 2000 and above million rubles.

Risk avoidance

The price of the product

Product quality

Product range

Supplier location

Delivery terms

Consideration of consumer interests

This conclusion is confirmed by the results of surveys of heads of trade enterprises with different volumes of trade. 200 stores in Yekaterinburg were surveyed. Regardless of the volume of trade, it is preferable for them to make a profit (Table 2). For small enterprises (with an average monthly turnover of up to 300 million rubles), the terms of delivery, as well as the price of the goods and the possibility of avoiding risk, are of great importance. For larger enterprises (with a turnover of more than 500 million rubles), the quality of goods and the avoidance of risk are important. Large enterprises, on the other hand, give preference to the quality of goods, assortment and consideration of the interests of the consumer. Therefore, such enterprises are more preferable when choosing a place of purchase for the buyer.

The privatization of trade and the increase in the share of the private sector have led to a spontaneity in the organization of the market as a whole, which has led to the reluctance of both suppliers and sellers to work with high-value essential goods. Miscalculations and mistakes in the activities of market entities are aggravated by the lack of a regional information bank of data on market conditions. The absence of a unified commodity policy reduces the effectiveness of the commercial activities of the enterprise's employees in its various areas.

The analysis of the information presented by the experts showed that the violation of specialization, both among producers and trading enterprises, reduces the efficiency of economic relations and, ultimately, increases consumption costs.

The third block is “Formation and stimulation of demand“. It is advisable to use this group of indicators when assessing the compliance of the volume and structure of demand with the product offer. The proposed indicators are calculated for the enterprise, based on the assortment, its breadth, data on the demand of the population and factors affecting the degree of completion of purchases.

This direction of commercial activity is inextricably linked with the blocks that characterize the planning of a product offer and the formation of an assortment of goods. It is as a result of the supply of goods to the consumer that the demand is formed, and as a result of the analysis of the demand of the population, the purchase of goods is carried out and the assortment and price policy. In this block, an important place is occupied by the advertising work of trade and manufacturing enterprises.

The characterization of advertising made by experts reflects the lack of attention paid to this area of ​​commercial activity. Advertising does not have a sufficient stimulating effect (for most stores) on the volume of sales of goods in order to recoup the costs of its organization.

The fourth block - "Economic efficiency of commercial activity" - characterizes the effectiveness of the management of commercial work, both for a particular enterprise and for a set of enterprises in a certain territory. These indicators complete and summarize the evaluation of business activities.

In a trading enterprise, commercial activity directly affects both its economic results and the social efficiency of trade in general. As we have already considered, the economic and social efficiency of trade are closely interconnected. The economic efficiency of commercial activities, in our opinion, should be assessed by economic results that characterize the work of the enterprise as a whole: general economic indicators (turnover, costs, profits, prices); indicators of resource use (production, turnover); the quality of trade services (breadth, stability and renewal of the assortment); the quality of goods.

The study of each direction of effectiveness constitutes a specific area. The effectiveness of trade management is assessed, first of all, from the standpoint of the quality of trade services and the profitability of enterprises. The components of management efficiency largely depend on the organization of commercial activity and its results, since in the course of commercial operations, trade turnover, enterprise income, a range of goods are formed, and their quality is checked.

Analyzing the impact of commercial activity on economic results, we concluded that the profitability is higher for those trading enterprises that have a wide range of goods, high turnover, clear business ties and increase the pace of retail turnover, improve work with customers.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the commercial activities of enterprises, according to the methodology proposed by us, can be carried out both on the basis of expert assessments and by the enterprises themselves. Such work is necessary when planning economic activity, identifying the reasons for non-fulfillment of planned targets, finding reserves to improve the efficiency of enterprises, and determining a strategy for its development. The assessment of commercial activity gives an idea of ​​the adaptation of the enterprise to market conditions, allows not only to develop a strategy and tactics for the behavior of commercial enterprises, but also to improve the efficiency of their management at the territory level. Its application will allow business entities to determine the strengths and weaknesses of trading activities and concentrate all conditions on the areas that are the most promising and profitable.

Evaluating the commercial activity of trade when it enters the market, we have established:

1. Enterprises are gradually adapting to the market situation, there have been positive changes in their work. The commercial activity of trade has significantly intensified, there has been an improvement in the structure of trade turnover due to an increase in the volume and a change in the composition of the product offer based on the expansion of the geography of interregional and international relations. The degree of satisfaction of consumer demand has increased, both in terms of volume and structure. This is due to the expansion, updating of the range and the promotion of goods and services that are fundamentally new for the population of the region.

2. In the course of the reform, due to the development and deepening of the sphere of activity of the subjects, the substantive aspect of the commercial activity of trade enterprises has fundamentally changed. Now a significant part retail businesses combine wholesale and retail sale and wholesale - retail. Expand retail and manufacturing businesses. Thus, they ensure the maneuverability of commodity resources, the rapid delivery of goods to the consumer and the return on investment.

3. Our studies did not reveal significant changes in the organization of commercial activities at enterprises, the work of the services involved in it, the content and rational distribution of responsibilities between employees in the approach to solving problems. As before, the main commercial functions are carried out by heads of enterprises, which is especially typical for municipal stores and limited liability companies. Due to the workload and lack of knowledge of market processes and little experience in new conditions, these specialists do not provide high efficiency of commercial activities in all areas.

The expansion of the trade network, the emergence of new types of trade enterprises ensured the influx of workers into trade who do not have special training and do not have the necessary set of knowledge, as evidenced by official statistics, sample surveys and expert surveys. At the same time, the professional level and the prevailing stereotypes of the activities of personnel workers of certain categories often conflict with the requirements of the changed external and internal environment of the enterprise.

4. The analysis of the effectiveness of the commercial activities of enterprises of various forms of ownership showed its greatest effectiveness in large enterprises. But the bulk of them are closest to the consumer - these are small shops. Their activities require all kinds of support from the state. In particular, it is necessary to establish information market centers in the field, which would provide various enterprises with the necessary information about market conditions, market processes, etc. This can play a positive role both in terms of increasing the efficiency of trading activities and in terms of creating a favorable market environment.

The lack of market information, operational analysis data and the inability to constantly link commercial decisions with market conditions reduce the efficiency of the work of trade specialists. This is especially evident in the weakened attention to the work of studying the demand for goods directly at the trading enterprise. Here, work on the formation of consumer demand with the help of the necessary information and advertising is weakened.

5. We came to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce a fundamentally new approach to managing commercial activities. This can be achieved by introducing marketing services(or at least their main elements) in each enterprise. Since marketing is a purely market concept for managing the commercial activities of an enterprise, it will allow the most harmonious combination of the market interests of the enterprise and the consumer. Practical marketing will bring real benefits to the enterprise only when its application is carried out by qualified specialists with knowledge in the field of market strategy and tactics.

A marketing service that adequately meets the requirements of the market is still in its infancy. Its development is constrained by the lack of funds from enterprises, specially trained personnel and methodological developments adapted to local conditions.

The above factors largely determine the approach to the assortment policy of enterprises, the planning of procurement activities, which determine the composition and structure of the product offer, the degree of satisfaction of consumer demand, and the organization of trade services.

6. Effective commercial activity at the regional level ensures market saturation, a high level of consumer satisfaction, development of competition in the sphere of circulation, and therefore should be the area of ​​constant attention of the authorities. Control in certain areas of commercial activity (prices, trade allowances, taxes), carried out today by the forces of disparate, narrow departmental structures, does not allow one to get a complete picture of the ongoing processes, and even more so to ensure their integrated management.

The refusal to centralize the management of commercial activities should not be manifested in the complete removal of self-government bodies from its regulation. Analysis of the nature, forms and methods of such regulation is an independent, extremely urgent problem that requires serious further research.

  1. The technique was developed by the author (see Nikolaeva T.I. Adaptation of trade to market conditions. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of USUE, 1995.).
  2. Despite the fact that the study of the range of goods is a very important problem (even intersectoral), there are still no standards regulating its performance. Specialists and scientists of trade have not yet come to a common view on the nomenclature and essence of the indicators of the assortment of goods.
  3. The measure of updating the range of goods should be considered the amount of deviation of the actual rates from their optimal values. Optimal time updates can be calculated by the ratio of 100% to the period of obsolescence. The result will show the proportion of items that are recommended to be replaced annually. It would be useful for employees of commercial or marketing services to take this indicator into account in their work.
  4. Note. The technique was developed by the author. Based on data from surveys of heads of trade enterprises in the cities of the Sverdlovsk region.

Financial results reflect the ratio between the income and expenses of the organization.

A positive financial result, which characterizes the excess of income over expenses, is called profit.

Lesion is a negative financial result, reflecting the excess of expenses over income.

- estimated(profit characterizes the economic result of the enterprise);

- stimulating(the status of the purpose of the functioning of commercial enterprises is assigned to profit, the amount of profit determines the economic behavior of economic entities).

Profit is the main internal source of expanded reproduction and important source of budget revenue generation various levels.




Accounting profit reflects the excess of income reflected in accounting over accounting expenses.

Accounting profit is calculated in accordance with accounting rules and provides information to external users about the financial results of the enterprise.

Profit for the purposes of taxation is the income received, reduced by the amount of expenses incurred, which are determined in accordance with the Tax Code.

Taxable income is calculated for the purpose of determining income tax. This indicator differs from accounting "profit before tax" and depends on the legislation governing the process of calculating corporate income tax.

The system of indicators of accounting profit at the enterprise:

- Profit from the resale of goods;

- Gross profit;

- Sales profit;

- Profit before tax;

- Net profit.

Profit from resale goods is determined by subtracting from the proceeds from the resale of goods the costs associated with the acquisition and sale of goods.

Currently, in the practice of financial and accounting work, the “gross profit” indicator is actively used, which is defined as the difference between the proceeds from ordinary activities and the truncated cost.

The truncated cost, taken into account when determining gross profit, includes expenses directly related to the release of sold products (works, services). Thus, the amount of the truncated cost price does not take into account selling expenses and administrative (general) expenses.

Sales profit- an indicator reflecting the financial result (profit or loss) from the sale of goods (products, works, services). It is defined as the difference between revenue and total costs associated with the production and sale of products (works, services, goods). Profit from sales characterizes the results of production and marketing activities, which is the main one for industrial enterprises.

Profit before tax shows the financial result obtained from all activities of the organization for the reporting period. This indicator is the sum of "sales profit" and income from operating and non-operating activities, reduced by the amount of expenses on these operations.

Of particular importance for the enterprise is the indicator of net profit, which is included in the balance sheet.

Net profit- this is the profit that is at the disposal of the enterprise after paying income tax. It is a source of formation of the organization's own capital and payment of founder's income.

The indicator "net profit" for the purposes of accounting and preparation of financial statements is defined as the result of subtracting from profit before tax the contingent income tax expense and permanent tax liabilities.

The formation of the financial results of the enterprise occurs as a result of receiving income from various activities and reimbursement of expenses. At the same time, in order to make a profit, the income of the reporting period must exceed the expenses.

Having formed profit before tax, the company pays income tax, which replenishes the revenues of the state and regional budgets.

The financial result of the enterprise, finally formed by the end of the year in the form of net profit, is subject to distribution.

In accordance with the principles of organizing financial activities, enterprises independently determine the directions for the distribution and use of net profit.

At the expense of net profit, the founders are primarily obliged to cover the expenses incurred during the reporting year in advance against this profit and reflected in the accounting records as having no sources of financing. Further, the use of retained earnings of the past year is carried out in accordance with the constituent documents on the basis of the decision of the meeting of founders (shareholders) in accordance with the established procedure for distributing profits.

First of all, reserve funds are formed at the expense of profit. In accordance with the law Russian Federation a reserve fund is created in a joint-stock company in the amount provided for by the charter of the company, but not less than 15% of its authorized capital.

The amount of annual deductions is provided for by the charter of the company, but cannot be less than 5% of net profit until the amount established by the charter of the company is reached. The reserve fund of the company is intended to cover its losses, as well as to redeem the company's bonds and buy back the company's shares in the absence of other funds. The reserve fund cannot be used for other purposes.

For other organizational and legal forms of enterprises, contributions to the reserve capital are voluntary and are made in accordance with the procedure established in the constituent documents of the enterprise.

Net profit can be distributed in the enterprise stock or unfunded method, which is necessarily reflected in the order on the accounting policy of the organization.

stock method involves the distribution of profits remaining at the disposal of the enterprise for special purpose funds. These funds include

- accumulation fund,

- consumption fund,

- fund of the social sphere,

- corporatization fund, etc.

The expenditure of these funds must be carried out strictly for the intended purpose in accordance with the estimates approved in the established manner.

accumulation fund is spent on financing the costs of measures related to the increase in the property status of the enterprise and not related to the cost of production. These are the costs of technical re-equipment, reconstruction and construction of new facilities, existing production, improvement of technology, modernization of equipment, acquisition of intangible assets, replenishment of working capital, etc.

consumption fund- these are funds reserved for the implementation of measures for social development and material incentives for personnel, as well as for other activities and work that do not lead to the formation of new property of the enterprise. The funds of the fund are intended for material incentives for employees (special bonuses and material assistance), ensuring social protection of personnel (subsidies for food, purchase of travel tickets, vouchers, children's institutions, improvement costs, etc.).

Social Sphere Fund- these are funds intended for the formation of objects of the social sphere (for example, residential buildings, houses of culture, etc.).

The funds of the corporatization fund are spent exclusively on the acquisition of shares of the company sold by the shareholders of this company, for their subsequent placement among employees. In the case of paid sale to the employees of the company of shares acquired at the expense of the fund for corporatization of employees of the company, the proceeds are directed to the formation of the said fund.

The net profit of the past year after the repayment of expenses incurred at its expense and reflected during the year in the accounting records as unsecured by the relevant sources of financing, as well as after deductions for replenishing the reserve fund and creating special purpose funds, may be directed to the payment of founding income. The condition for the payment of founding income for joint-stock and other companies is the full payment of the authorized capital by its participants, and the net assets must be higher than the size of the authorized and reserve capital, both before and after the accrual of founding income.

The profit remaining after the accrual of the founder's income is accumulated as undistributed and is an integral part of the company's own capital.

Fundless method does not involve the creation of special purpose funds. In this case, the enterprise has the right to spend funds for the needs of technical improvement and expansion of the material and production base, social development and material incentives for the team at the expense of the existing balance of retained earnings without prior formation of special funds.




The thesis on the topic "Analysis of the financial results of a commercial bank" consists of 74 pages of text, the thesis contains 11 tables, 11 figures, 4 graphics and 9 applications.

Graduate work consists of three chapters, while writing this work, 40 sources were used.

The first chapter presents the theoretical aspects of the analysis of the financial results of a commercial bank in modern conditions

The second chapter deals directly with the Analysis of the financial results of LLC CB "El-bank"

In the third chapter, the reserves for the growth of profitability and profitability in a commercial bank are considered, ways to increase the financial performance of a commercial bank are selected.

The purpose of the thesis research is to identify reserves for profit growth and increase the values ​​of the main financial indicators based on the analysis of the activities of a commercial bank


Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects analysis of the financial results of a commercial bank in modern conditions

1.2 Methodology for analyzing profits of a commercial bank

Chapter 2. Analysis of the financial results of LLC CB "El-bank"

2.1 Brief description of the bank LLC CB "El-bank"

2.2 Equity analysis

2.3 Analysis of compliance with economic standards of LLC CB "El Bank" for the first half of 2009

2.4 Liquidity analysis of LLC CB "El Bank" based on indicators of assets and liabilities by terms of demand and repayment for the first half of 2009.

2.5 Analysis of the state of liquidity in foreign currency

Chapter 3. Reserves for the growth of profitability and profitability in a commercial bank

3.1 Formation of a strategy focused on increasing the bank's profit of a commercial bank

3.2 Ways to improve the financial performance of a commercial bank



Annex A

Annex B

Annex B

Annex D

Annex D

Appendix E

Annex Yo

Annex G

The relevance of the problem under study lies in the fact that without a competent analysis of the results of financial banking activities and the identification of factors influencing this activity, it is impossible to increase the level of profit and profitability. Banking performance analysis begins with an analysis of income and expenses, and ends with a profit study. An analysis of the bank's income and expenses makes it possible to study the results of a commercial bank's activities, and therefore to evaluate its effectiveness as a commercial enterprise. The analysis of the financial activity of the bank is carried out simultaneously with the analysis of the liquidity of the bank's balance sheet, and based on the results obtained, conclusions are drawn regarding the reliability of the bank as a whole. The purpose of the analysis of banking activity in terms of its financial results is to identify reserves for the growth of the bank's profitability and, on this basis, to formulate recommendations for the bank's management on pursuing an appropriate policy in the field of passive and active operations.

The amount of financial results achieved by the bank is a reflection of the whole complex of external and internal factors affecting it, including: the geographical location of the bank, the presence of a sufficient customer base in its service area, the level of competition, the degree of development of financial markets, the socio-political situation in the region, the availability of state support and other factors that are usually outside spheres of influence of the bank on them. On the other hand, the amount of equity capital, the volume of attraction and placement of funds, assets that generate and do not generate income, the level of general banking costs, losses and losses, the extent of the use of modern technologies, the level of profitability of the branch network and subsidiaries, the organization of internal control and audit, etc. - factors that depend on the activities of the bank itself and the quality of its management. The sum of all positive and negative management actions l bank personnel in a generalized form is manifested in the final financial result of the bank's activities - profit.

The variety of factors influencing the performance of commercial banks determines the need to consider these results in the process of their study as a multifunctional and multipurpose economic system.

Foreign and Russian experts have developed various methods for analyzing the results of a commercial bank, which are based on the study of highly profitable banking activities.

Unlike countries with a developed market economy, where the public is widely informed not only about the size of banks' profits, but also about the sources of its formation, in Russia the results of banks' work, their income and expenditure components, and even sometimes methods for determining their ratings are not available. Up to now, either the banks themselves or special organizations without the participation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance, or the tax inspectorate have dealt with the issues of assessing the financial condition of commercial banks (including income and expenses). Ratings for assessing the income and expenses of commercial banks serving in international practice means of state supervision, they do not play such a role in Russia.

The work uses the works of Russian and foreign scientists - Lavrushin O.I., Korolev O.G., Zhukov E.F., Buevich S.Yu., Vakhrin P.I., Brayley R.L., Sharp U.F.

The purpose of the thesis research is to identify reserves for profit growth and increase the values ​​of the main financial indicators based on the analysis of the activities of a commercial bank.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved in the work:

· Study of the state of the Russian banking system, its significance and state at the present stage;

· Identification of factors influencing banking activities;

· Studying the methodology for analyzing the financial results of a commercial bank;

· Conducting an analytical study of the financial results of the banking activities of LLC CB "El-bank";

Identification of problems in the activity of the analyzed bank;

The object of the thesis research is the financial activity of the commercial bank LLC CB "El-Bank".

The subject of the study is the process of generating income, expenses and profits of the analyzed bank.

1.1 Place, importance and tasks of analyzing the financial results of a commercial bank

A system of indicators is understood as an interconnected and interdependent set of them. The main purpose of the system of indicators of financial results of commercial firms (including banks) is a comprehensive, comprehensive reflection of the results of their activities, adequately reflecting the economic processes taking place in them.

The algorithm for the formation of indicators of financial results of commercial banks is determined by the adopted accounting system and the forms of official financial statements used, established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In turn, both the accounting system as a whole and the reporting of banks are currently the objects of active reform in accordance with the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards. The forms of financial statements are changing, their content is being improved. This process is carried out in pursuance of the Accounting Reform Program in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 6, 1998 No. 283 “On Approval of the Accounting Reform Program in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards”, as well as in accordance with "The concept of the development of accounting and reporting in the Russian Federation for the medium term", approved by order of the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2004 No. 180.

Today, Russian commercial banks, as already noted in the first chapter, draw up several types of reports that differ both in content and purpose, and in the timing of their submission to the appropriate authorities.

One of the main types of financial statements that have existed since the inception of the Russian banking system (which, however, is not called financial) is traditional accounting, which includes a balance sheet and a profit and loss statement.

In accordance with Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 302, a separate section (No. 7) is allocated in the Chart of Accounts for accounting in credit institutions for accounting for financial results. It provides for five synthetic accounting accounts, on which the formation of the relevant indicators of the results of banks' activities is carried out: account No. 701 "Income", account No. 702 "Expenses", account No. 703 "Profit", account No. 704 "Losses", account No. 705 " Use of Profits.

The process of forming financial results begins with the fact that the credit of account No. 701 "Income" accumulates the amount of all income received by the bank in the reporting year, and the debit of account No. 702 "Expenses" accumulates expenses.

To determine the economic effect of a trading commercial enterprise, a system of economic indicators is used, which must be considered in more detail.

The main function of commercial activity is to make a profit from the purchase and sale of goods. The amount of profit mainly depends on the volume of their sales and gross income. They are the source items that provide real income to the trading enterprise.

An indicator that characterizes the volume and quality of retail trade is turnover . Retail turnover - the volume of sales of goods in monetary terms. It characterizes the final stage of the movement of products from the sphere of circulation to the sphere of consumption, states the public recognition of the value and consumer value of a part of the social product in the form of specific types of goods; reflects the proportions between production and consumption, supply and demand, sales and money circulation, the volume and structure of the trading network, material and labor resources.

Retail turnover structure:

1. The macrostructure provides for a general, large division of goods ( consumer goods and industrial and technical purposes, food and non-food).

2. Commodity-group structure reflects the division of products by purpose, industrial origin (bakery products, clothing, footwear, furniture, timber, rubber products, etc.).

3. Product assortment structure takes into account the ratio certain types products included in a certain group (clothes: men's, women's, children's; furniture: for housing, office space, offices, cottages, etc.)

4. The microstructure shows the share of specific products in the sales volume of this assortment (suits; coats; overalls; footwear: winter, summer, demi-season; TVs: color, black-and-white, portable, etc.).

The structure of retail trade turnover is influenced by socio-demographic, economic factors, climatic conditions, national characteristics of the region.

There is a direct relationship between the turnover and the volume of sales of goods. The more target turnover, the higher the likelihood of an increase in the volume of sales of goods. In this case, the promotion of each individual product to the consumer per unit of time has a certain value. The volume of sales of goods is a variable value, its size and stability are influenced by many factors: the range of goods offered, the competitiveness of products, the price, the solvency of buyers, etc.

Gross income - the basis of commercial activity and profit generation. Covering costs and making a profit provides the gross income of the enterprise. According to the definitions adopted in the theory of enterprise economics, gross income is the proceeds from the sale of products (works, services) minus the material costs of their production and includes wages and profits.

In practice, the concept and content of gross income depends on the accepted procedure for calculating profits and losses. Form No. 2 "About profit and loss account" there is no such concept at all. However, according to form No. 2, specialists give a scheme for calculating gross income as the difference between sales proceeds (excluding VAT, excises, etc.) and expenses for the sale of goods, products, works, services. 11 Sheremet A.D., Saifulin R.S., Negashev E.V. Methods of financial analysis. - M.: INFRA - M, 2010. - p. 41.

The main part of the gross income of a trade enterprise is income from the sale of goods (note income, not revenue) and paid trade services, i.e. gross income from trading activities.

The source of income from the sale of goods are trade markups (markups).

The company buys goods at one price and, adding a trade margin to it, sells them at a different price.

The size of the trade markup is set independently by the enterprise in accordance with the mechanism of market pricing to the wholesale (purchase) price of the goods as a percentage.

The following factors influence the trade markup: the nature of trade services (retail or wholesale); the name of the product and its use value; pricing policy of the enterprise; price and tax regulation by the state; degree of competition in the market. In the selling price of the goods, the share of the trade markup is approximately 30%, and with the development of the economy, it will grow.

Rice. 1.

The source of income from the sale of paid trade services is the price of the services provided (meaning those paid services that are provided to customers by the personnel of a trade enterprise and are included in statistics in the retail turnover).

Income from the sale of products of non-trading activities are formed through the sale of goods, works and services of auxiliary and service industries of trading enterprises, if these industries do not have a separate balance sheet (for example, the provision transport services to third-party enterprises by vehicles of a trade enterprise, auxiliary production and farms).

Income from the sale of other property are formed from the proceeds from the sale of certain types of fixed assets, intangible assets, securities, currency values ​​and other types of tangible and financial assets of a commercial enterprise. In addition to income from the sale of goods and services, non-operating income participates in the formation of the gross income of a trade enterprise.

non-operating income enterprises are income:

from equity participation in other organizations;

in the form of a positive (negative) exchange rate difference resulting from the deviation of the selling (purchasing) rate of foreign currency from the official rate established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of transfer of ownership of foreign currency;

in the form of fines, penalties and (or) other sanctions recognized by the debtor or payable by the debtor on the basis of a court decision that has entered into legal force for violation of contractual obligations, as well as amounts of compensation for losses or damage;

from the lease of property (sublease);

in the form of interest received under loan, credit, bank account, bank deposit agreements, as well as on securities and other debt obligations;

in the form of amounts by which in the reporting period there was a decrease in the authorized (share) capital (fund) of the organization, if such a decrease was carried out with a simultaneous refusal to return the value of the corresponding part of the contributions (contributions) to shareholders (participants) of the organization;

in the form of income received from operations with financial instruments of forward transactions;

in the form of the cost of surplus inventory and other property, which are identified as a result of the inventory;

in the form of the cost of mass media products and book products subject to replacement upon return or write-off of such products on the grounds provided for by law, etc.

The gross income of a commercial enterprise is characterized by an absolute amount and level. The amount of gross income, expressed as a percentage of turnover, is called the level of gross income and is determined by the formula:

where Oud-- the level of gross income, in %;

VD-- the total amount of gross income in a certain period;

T- the total volume of trade in the same period.

The concept and composition of distribution costs. commercial enterprise has different nature and method of reimbursement costs. The funds spent on the purchase of goods are fully reimbursed after their sale and are, in essence, advanced funds. That is why the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Article 268) provides for a reduction in the income of a trading enterprise by the cost of goods sold. An increase in distribution costs reduces profits and, accordingly, taxes deducted to the budget. Therefore, the state regulates the composition and procedure for attributing costs to distribution costs.

Enterprises engaged in wholesale, small wholesale and retail trade form distribution costs taking into account the following features.

During the current month, the amount of distribution costs includes the expenses of the enterprise - the buyer of goods for the delivery of these goods in the event that such delivery is not included in the purchase price of goods under the terms of the contract, storage costs and other expenses of the current month associated with the acquisition and sale of goods. Unlike the costs of a manufacturing enterprise, the distribution costs of a commercial enterprise do not include the cost of purchased goods, which is taken into account when they are sold.


Accounting for distribution costs is carried out according to 14 items, the nomenclature of which is proposed by methodological recommendations on accounting. Enterprises have the right to conduct analytical accounting for an arbitrary nomenclature of expenditure items, breaking down or detailing some of them.

Among the costs of distribution, a special place is occupied by normalized costs. For normalized expenses, limiting norms of expenses are established by law. Expenses in excess of these norms are not recognized as distribution costs and are not taken into account in taxation. They are covered by net income.

Normalized expenses are: hospitality expenses, contributions for voluntary insurance and non-state pension provision, payment of lifting allowances, losses on housing and communal and social facilities, interest on loans, notary services, some advertising expenses, payment of daily allowances and use of a personal car, etc. .

Depending on the impact of changes in the volume of trade on distribution costs, they are divided into conditionally variable and conditionally fixed costs. With the growth of sales, the costs of transportation, wages, storage and processing of goods, etc. grow. Such costs are conditionally variable. And the costs of rent and depreciation of fixed assets are not very changeable and they are called, and other similar costs, conditionally fixed.

The cost of purchased goods shipped but not sold at the end of the month is not included by the taxpayer in the cost of production and sale until the moment of their sale.

Distribution costs should be distinguished between goods sold and inventories. To do this, the costs of the current month are divided into direct and indirect. When calculating direct costs, delivery costs (transport costs) are taken into account, and other costs, due to their insignificance, are not allocated. The amount of direct costs related to the balance of goods in the warehouse is determined by the average percentage for the current month, taking into account the carry-over balance at the beginning of the month in the following order:

1. The amount of direct expenses attributable to the balance of goods in the warehouse at the beginning of the month and carried out in the current month is determined.

2. The cost of goods sold in the current month and the cost of the remaining goods in the warehouse at the end of the month are determined.

3. The average percentage is calculated as the ratio of the amount of direct costs (point 1) to the cost of goods (point 2).

4. The amount of direct costs related to the balance of goods in the warehouse is determined as the product of the average percentage by the value of the balance of goods at the end of the month.

Indicators of the ratio of the amount of distribution costs to the results of management reflect the share of distribution costs in these results. This is how the share of distribution costs in turnover or in gross income, i.e., in value added, is determined, and we will call them, respectively, the cost of circulation and the cost of gross income (value added).

The cost of turnover is usually called the level of distribution costs. The level of distribution costs is the percentage of the sum of distribution costs to the volume of turnover and reflects the share of current costs for the sale of goods in its sale price. Distribution cost level ( uIO) is defined as follows:

where, AND ABOUT- the amount of distribution costs;

T- turnover.

The level of distribution costs can also be determined in relation to gross income. In market conditions of management, the latter indicator takes precedence over the level of distribution costs in terms of turnover.

Profit is the net income of a trading enterprise.

There are many definitions of profit made by leading economists around the world.

For example, Seattle University professor Paul Hein (USA) put forward the following definition of profit: “Profit is a net income in excess of the usual rate of return due to available investment opportunities.” Abroad, the term “investment” is often used in determining profit. This is how the concept of future profit appeared, i.e. such profit that will be received in the future as a result of making timely investments related, for example, to the purchase of new equipment, machinery, vehicles, capital investments, etc., which allows increasing the amount of fixed capital (fixed assets). Sources of investment can serve as bank loans, private capital, and the funds of some enterprises invested in the development of others. Such funds can be presented both in the form of direct loans, and in the form of acquired shares, or in the form of investments for the purpose of making a profit, etc.

Another definition of profit was put forward by P.R. Rubinfeld: “Profit is understood as the end result of the economic activity of an enterprise (firm, company, corporation, etc.). Profit maximization is a prerequisite for all firms: profit is maximized when marginal revenue equals marginal cost.” Here the definition of profit is given in terms of marginal cost.

Firms, as a rule, solve the problem of profit maximization for the long run. Profit maximization implies the task of planning profits for some period in advance, which is a rather difficult task today.

The purpose of commercial activity is to obtain the maximum possible profit. When making trade transactions for the purchase and sale of goods, it is required to calculate the expected profit.

Profit is not only a goal, but also a necessary condition for self-finance financing the enterprise, replenishing the country's budget and developing consumption. Profit is the final financial result, defined as the difference between the gross income of the enterprise and distribution costs.

where Etc - gross profit,

VD- gross income of the enterprise,

AND ABOUT- distribution costs.

This profit is also called accounting profit. The difference between gross income and economic costs (accounting and implicit) circulation is called economic profit.

Profit is measured by amount and level. The level of profit or profitability (efficiency) is defined as the percentage of the amount of profit to another quantitative indicator, on which the amount of profit itself depends. And such indicators are trade turnover, the volume of capital, fixed assets, working capital, gross income, distribution costs, wage costs, enterprise capacity (sales space), capital investments, etc.

The overall profitability of a commercial enterprise is expressed as an indicator of the profitability of trade. In foreign practice, it is also called the commercial margin.

Under market conditions, gross income largely reflects the volume of work performed by a trade enterprise, while turnover is more dependent on the level of prices and the range of goods. Therefore, profitability in terms of gross income is of no small importance.

To analyze the profitability of economic activity and the efficiency of using a particular resource, profitability indicators are used in dynamics or in comparison with another similar enterprise.

Profit from the sale of goods and services is defined as the difference between the gross income from the sale of goods without VAT and distribution costs.

Profit from the sale of fixed assets and other property represents the excess of the selling price, excluding VAT, over the residual value of these funds plus the inflation index and minus the costs of distribution.

Rice. 3.

Profit from non-operating operations is the net result of income and expenses on these operations. They include: income received from equity participation in the activities of other enterprises, from the lease of property, dividends on shares and securities owned by the enterprise, sanctions for violation of business contracts, etc.

Balance sheet (gross) profit represents the amount of profit from the sale of goods, surplus fixed assets, other property and income from non-sales operations minus the costs of these operations.

Net profit- this part of the gross profit lagging behind at the disposal of the enterprise after paying income tax to the budget.

To calculate income tax, taxable income is determined. Taxable income is the gross profit reduced or increased in accordance with applicable law. So, when calculating income tax from gross profit, the following are excluded: income from equity participation in the activities of other enterprises; dividends on securities owned by the enterprise; income subject to taxation at special rates, etc.

If we talk about the main factors affecting profit, then we can say that in practice, gross (balance sheet) profit is mainly created at the expense of profit from the sale of goods, but it can be increased (decreased) by the amount of profit from non-trading activities of the enterprise, by the amount identified positive (negative) balance on non-operating transactions, by the amount of profit received from the sale of fixed assets (moreover, the profit (loss) from the sale of fixed assets is the difference between the selling (market) and their initial price or residual value, taking into account revaluations caused by inflation .

If the excess of the initial cost and the costs incurred associated with the disposal of fixed assets and other property over the amount of proceeds from the sale is revealed, then the gross profit of the enterprise is reduced by the amount of this excess. If, on the contrary, the amount of proceeds exceeds the initial cost and expenses for the disposal of fixed assets and other property, gross profit is increased by this difference).

Interdependent factors as well as the main ones strongly influence the amount of profit. These factors are not accidentally given this name. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that each of them to some extent influences or is influenced by other factors from this group. Therefore, by dividing the subsystem of interdependent factors into separate elements - indicators, it is possible to identify the degree of influence of each of them on profit based on the application of methods and techniques of economic and mathematical analysis. First, the impact of each of them on the amount of profit is evaluated, and then their combined impact.

Using a comprehensive method of analysis, it is possible to identify the following necessary conditions for the normal functioning and development of an enterprise:

Tp > Tm > Ti > Tf > Tch,

where T is the growth rate of profit, T is the growth rate of trade turnover, T is the growth rate of distribution costs, T is the growth rate of the capital-labor ratio of workers, T is the growth rate of the number of employees.

Growth factors of this or that indicator are calculated by their successive ratio. The intensive development of a trading enterprise can be characterized not only by an increase in turnover and profits, but also by an increase in the productivity of trade workers, an increase in capital, etc.

For example, distribution costs in retail trade strongly depend on the size of wages to employees, various deductions to off-budget funds. A decrease in distribution costs entails, respectively, a decrease in wages and various kinds of deductions. This, in its own way, can increase profit margins, but at the same time, it can undermine the incentive for workers to work and greatly reduce labor productivity, which can lead to very high costs for restoring staff to working capacity. In foreign practice, a system of employee incentives is used in this regard, where, along with salary increases, the so-called participation of employees in the economic activities of an enterprise is used, which implies that employees have the right to purchase shares of enterprises at preferential prices, and then can receive dividends on purchased shares. .

It is assumed that the return on the increase in labor costs should grow faster than the size of its payment. The enterprise distributes this or that part of the profit not in the form of cash payments, but in the form of shares or transfers it to the bank accounts of employees, forming a credit fund, which the enterprise puts into circulation, which to some extent reduces the need for borrowed funds, while reducing the cost of paying interest on bank loans.

The amount of profit in trade also depends on the volume of demand for goods and their supply. A decrease in demand for goods can lead to both a decrease in gross income from sales and a reduction in gross profit. The regulator of the ratio of supply and demand in the market are the retail prices of goods. At low prices for goods, the quantity demanded for them is greater, and at high prices, less, since there are cheaper substitutes for these goods. As sales increase, the rate of profit increases, then its growth slows down, and finally it stabilizes or decreases, depending on the properties of certain groups of goods.

Thus, profit is influenced by two interdependent factors: distribution costs and sales volumes of goods. Other factors also directly affect profit and each other.

Under the distribution of profit is understood the procedure for its direction, determined by law. In conditions market economy a significant part of the profit is withdrawn in the form of taxes (38-45% of gross profit), which the state uses to replenish budget revenues.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On the Profit Tax of Enterprises and Organizations” provides for the right of enterprises to direct part of their gross profit to finance capital investments for industrial and social purposes, as well as to repay bank loans received for these purposes. This allows you to reduce the actual amount of income tax calculated without taking into account this benefit, no more than 2 times. In addition, the law allows the gross profit to cover the costs associated with the repayment of loans from commercial banks received to finance capital investments. If the enterprise uses these credits not for their intended purpose, then the profit received from their use is subject to taxation in accordance with the established procedure.

The distribution of profits is based on the observance of three basic principles:

Ensuring the material interest of employees in achieving the highest results at the lowest cost;

Accumulation of own capital;

Fulfillment of obligations to the state budget;

One of the directions of profit distribution is the repayment of the state target loan received from the target off-budget fund to replenish working capital, within the limits of its age. The second direction of profit distribution is deductions to the reserve fund. In Russia, the reserve fund is created and replenished from profits only in joint-stock companies and limited liability companies. No more than 50% of the amount of profit subject to taxation can be directed to the reserve fund. The funds of this fund have a designated purpose - covering unforeseen losses, compensation for risk, and other expenses arising in the course of the enterprise's business activities. The existence of a reserve fund determines the possibility of paying dividends on shares in the event of a shortage of net profit.

Abroad, the method of participation of employees of a large enterprise in its profits is widely used. For these purposes, the company creates a so-called accumulation fund, into which a certain percentage of profit before taxes is transferred. This amount is distributed among employees in proportion to their salaries, and the money is not paid immediately, but is placed in various kinds of shares. An employee of a corporation can receive them only after leaving the enterprise.

If the amounts of the authorized capital and the accumulation fund exceed the amount of profit received, then we can talk about the stability of the financial orientation of funds for the development of the enterprise. The equalization of the ratio of these amounts indicates a pre-crisis state.

In general terms, the profit remaining at the disposal of the commercial enterprise is distributed among accumulation and consumption funds. These funds differ in ownership. At a joint-stock enterprise, consumption funds are owned by the enterprise's labor collective, and accumulation funds are owned by shareholders and founders. Therefore, consumption funds cannot be attributed to the capital of an enterprise, because the difference between capital and funds lies in the fact that capital is formed as a result of the accumulation of property, and accumulation funds - as a result of the distribution of net profit.

Russian legislation grants enterprises, regardless of the organizational and legal form of ownership, the right to quickly maneuver the profits that come to their disposal after paying tax payments to the budget. The difference between the total amount of profit for all types of activities of the enterprise and its used part for the reporting period is retained earnings.

Retained earnings is an indicator that characterizes the economic growth of an enterprise based on its own funds. As part of retained earnings, one part characterizes the amount of accumulated profit, the second part is free profit, i.e. profit that received no referral. It should be noted that the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise cannot be fully attributed to equity. In fact, all consumption funds, as well as such savings as investments in the social sphere, do not belong to equity. They do not represent the capital of the enterprise in its pure form, but in fact what the enterprise gave to the team to improve its social needs (construction of a holiday home, etc.).

In terms of economic content, funds are the net profit of the reporting year or previous years, distributed among funds for its intended use: for the purchase of new equipment (accumulation fund); for social activities (social sphere fund); for material incentives (consumption fund) and other needs.

The Board of Founders has the right to direct the funds of the funds to cover losses, redistribute the funds of the funds between them, direct part of the funds to increase the authorized capital and finance other activities.

It must be added that all of the above (regarding the creation of funds in an enterprise) is typical for more or less large enterprises, where the distribution of profits takes place in accordance with the constituent documents of the funds, which provide for the amount of deductions. The procedure for the formation and expenditure of funds is determined by the enterprise independently and is fixed in the charter and order on the accounting policy of the enterprise. This method of using profits is called the stock method. The fundless method is used in most cases by small businesses. At such enterprises, a reserve fund is usually formed, contributions to which may affect taxable profit due to possible tax benefits on these contributions. Ultimately, the goal of profit distribution analysis is to establish how rationally profit is distributed and used from the standpoint of self-growth (self-sufficiency) of capital and self-financing of a trading enterprise.

One of the main indicators of the effectiveness of the trading activity of the enterprise - profitability , which allows you to accurately assess the level of development of a commercial enterprise, both as a whole and from various angles.

Profitability is defined as the ratio of profit to one of the performance indicators of a trading enterprise. When calculating profitability, various profit indicators are used. Profitability indicators make it possible to identify not only the overall performance of a trading enterprise, but also to evaluate various aspects of its activities.

There are a great many indicators of profitability, the main of which is the indicator of the overall economic profitability of a trading enterprise. It is calculated by the formula:

R \u003d P / T * 100,

where P is the total economic profitability of the economic activity of a trading enterprise;

P - the amount of profit (gross or net); T - the volume of trade (excluding VAT). The next indicator is an indicator that characterizes the effectiveness of the use of equity capital. It is called the return on equity indicator, which is calculated by the formula:

R \u003d P / K * 100,

where P - the amount of profit of a trading enterprise,

K - the average value of equity capital.

This indicator is important for the shareholders of a commercial enterprise. It serves as a criterion for assessing the level of quotation of shares of a joint-stock trading enterprise on the stock exchange. This indicator allows investors to assess the potential income from investing in stocks and other securities. There is also an indicator of profitability of all capital, which is found by dividing the amount of profit by the amount of all capital. The indicator of profitability of fixed production assets (funds) of the enterprise is calculated by the following formula:

R \u003d P / OF * 100,

where P is the amount of profit;

OF - the average cost of fixed assets;

Similarly, the indicator of profitability of tangible working capital is calculated, only instead of the indicator of the average cost of fixed assets, the indicator of the average cost of tangible working capital is used. These two indicators are often combined and calculate one indicator of return on fixed assets:

R \u003d (P / (OF + MS) * 100),

where MC is the average cost of material working capital.

If a trading enterprise leases premises or leases premises, then it is advisable to calculate the average cost of fixed assets taking into account the leased and leased fixed assets. In this case, the average value of fixed assets is determined by subtracting from the total value of own and leased fixed assets the value of leased fixed assets.

Along with the main indicators of profitability, a large number of private indicators are used, such as: the profitability of the efficiency of current costs (the ratio of profit to distribution costs), the profitability of living labor costs (the ratio of profit to wages), profitability of working capital (the ratio of profit to the average value of working capital), profitability of the efficiency of the use of labor force (the ratio of profit to the number of workers employed at the enterprise), profitability of the efficiency of use retail space, profitability of the efficiency of the use of fixed capital, etc.

Private indicators of profitability characterize the effectiveness of the use of certain types of resources by trading enterprises. Profitability is one of the most important indicators of the economic activity of a trading enterprise, therefore, in the analysis, along with profitability indicators, their dynamics is used.