What is marketing communications for? Marketing communications. Modern trends in the development of marketing communications The main types of communications in marketing

The main types of marketing communications are:

  • Public relations and branding
  • · Advertising
  • Other types of marketing communications

The main differences between the listed forms of marketing communications are shown in Table. 1.

One of the types of marketing communications is PR. The term "public relation" is of American origin. It was first used in 1807 by Thomas Jefferson in his Seventh Address to Congress. This term is translated as "public relations". Since its inception, the content and concept of public relations have undergone some changes. The modern definition is: PR- this is a special function of marketing communications, which helps to establish and build manageable relationships with various contact audiences (consumers, investors, employees, environment etc.). Unlike advertising, PR builds communication between the company and society, while advertising builds all communications around the product. First of all, PR builds trust in the source of information, i.e. to the company, which significantly increases the effectiveness of communication tools such as advertising, sales promotions, direct marketing, etc.

The well-known French PR practitioner Philippe A. Bouari in his work "Public Relations, or the Strategy of Trust" says: "The discipline of PR that appeared in France after the Second World War was never fully understood and - most importantly - never applied properly. Serious and a persistent misunderstanding of its essence has often turned the discipline of public relations into a kind of adjunct to promotions, and it is enough to familiarize yourself with the place of public relations in the structure of some companies to immediately understand the fallacy of understanding the role of this phenomenon.The truth is that PR is a function management, management of the company exactly to the same extent as such traditional main areas of management as technical, financial or commercial management"

Currently, the goal of public relations is to establish two-way communication to identify common ideas or interests and achieve mutual understanding based on truth, knowledge of full awareness. Based on the goals of public relations, it is possible to determine the functions performed by the public relations service in the enterprise or in the market. These include:

  • Establishing mutual understanding and trust between the organization and the public;
  • Creation of a "positive image" of the organization;
  • maintaining the reputation of the organization;
  • formation of a sense of responsibility among employees of the organization of interest in the affairs of the enterprise;
  • Expansion of the sphere of influence of the organization by means of appropriate propaganda and advertising.

The set of PR tools and forms includes:

  • organization of relations with the media (press releases, press conferences, receptions, excursions, press, radio and TV appearances);
  • · publication of printed materials (books, bulletins, catalogues, booklets, leaflets, other objects of direct distribution);
  • Participation in exhibitions and fairs (development of an exposition, poster work, experiments, organization of feedback, conclusion of contracts), etc.

According to experts' forecasts, the most promising areas for applying the efforts of agencies and public relations specialists in Russia may be, first of all, politics, finance and government activities; they are closely followed by services, trade, manufacturing and communications.

Recently, among manufacturers and marketers, the English term "brand" is increasingly used. The modern complex of marketing communications also includes brands and branding. At its core brand- this is the image that pops up in the mind as a reaction to the trademark. This is the promise of the manufacturer through the product to constantly provide the consumer with a specific set of qualities, values ​​and services. Brands are in fashion, they are important for the company itself as evidence that the company keeps up with the times.

A brand is an expression of a set of image, operational, technical and other characteristics of a product that allows the right holder of this brand not only to play one of the leading roles in the market for certain goods or services, but also to use the brand as an intangible asset of the company.

The ambiguity of the concepts of "trademark", " trademark"," brand ", which are often used to refer to the same phenomenon, introduces some confusion both in business practice and in methodological materials and emerging areas of research.

Naturally, not all brands become idols or icons. Many remain just packs of cigarettes or bottles of perfume, known only in one city, and even then among a small circle of consumers. It is important to note that this is not always bad. It is necessary to clearly separate the scale of the business and the tasks that the brand faces. Local or niche players do not always have sufficient resources to compete with world leaders. Consumers of certain products also often differ. It makes no sense to advertise sports to everyone bmw. The circle of their customers is narrow and radically different from the consumers of the drink. Coca Cola. It is also important to take into account the functional qualities of the products. Thus, many drugs are targeted at a narrow circle of consumers. But if a person once chose a brand and it completely satisfied his needs, the likelihood that he will become committed to this brand is very high.

Thus, the importance of a successful brand to a company's bottom line cannot be underestimated. Branding is an important tool in the formation of a successful marketing policy of an enterprise, and nowadays a successful brand can be very expensive.

The leading link in marketing communication activities has always been and continues to be advertising. Advertising- this is a targeted impact on the mind of the buyer, implemented by means of public presentation of goods, services (their properties, characteristics, images, emotions caused by their use, etc.) through various means of disseminating information.

Advertising does not just inform potential consumers about the properties and qualities of the goods and services offered, and even more so, in its function, it cannot be reduced to a monologue praising the company and its products. Advertising should evoke customer responses to the messages they receive, influence purchase decisions, and stimulate consumer demand.

As defined by the American Marketing Association, advertising is any form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services paid for by an identified customer. Paid separates advertising from popularization - free favorable mentions of goods or services. The clarity of the identification of the sponsor of advertising separates it from propaganda, the source of which is often quite difficult to determine. The non-personal nature of the presentation of a product or service separates the advertising method of their promotion from personal sale: advertising uses mass communication channels, is separated from the fact and subjects of the sale. The objects of advertising are not only goods as material values, but also ideas, services - banks, insurance companies, railways, laundries, etc. The author considers advertising activities in more detail in the second section of his work.

Since the 1950s, marketers have been talking about the need to integrate efforts in the field of marketing communications, about the so-called total communications. By the beginning of the 21st century, many market leaders in various industries, in an effort to coordinate the disparate efforts of individual departments and increase work efficiency, created unified services, communication departments, including departments responsible for advertising, public relations (PR), direct sales, promotion and stimulation. sales, packaging, etc., by combining and optimizing their budgets.

In theory, the new organizational solution was called integrated marketing communications. In the early 1990s the founders of this direction were D. Schultz and S. Tonnenbaum, who in 1992 laid the conceptual foundation for further developments in this area. The new direction of marketing activity has made its basis the assumption that the consumer still integrates the efforts of communicators in his mind. If information from different sources is contradictory, this causes distrust of the company. It is optimal not to wait to see if the consumer will be able to form a holistic, consistent idea of company and its products, embodied in brands, but to offer him such a clear and convincing presentation by implementing a unified communication strategy.

Direct sale in Russia. Last time on Russian market asserts its position direct sale, or direct marketing, as one of the ways of product distribution. Already in 1996, the share of direct marketing costs in Russia amounted to 7% in the advertising budgets of advertisers, and, according to experts, if these rates continue, then the share of direct marketing costs in advertising budgets will exceed 50%. There is a specialization of Russian firms engaged in direct sales.

Despite the high cost of direct selling services (the price range for sending one message ranges from 0.5--20 dollars), Russian consumers of direct marketing have managed to appreciate its advantages: selectivity, confidentiality and variety of forms of address, the ability to control the feedback .

Today, in addition to the usual one-time mailing of promotional materials, agencies professionally working in direct marketing carry out a set of measures for direct communication with a potential client. This includes sending a small flyer with a coupon-order to a wide range of potential consumers, or placing an advertisement with a coupon in the press, whose subscribers are in the target group.

Exhibitions and fairs. About 4,000 major international specialized exhibitions are held annually in the world. Exhibitions and fairs serve as a powerful means of popularizing new products and enhancing the prestige of firms. A whole range of marketing functions is implemented at exhibitions.

The main tasks of marketing at the preliminary stage of exhibition and fair activities are:

  • * analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of previous exhibitions (fairs), their advantages and weaknesses, prospects and threatening factors;
  • * determination of the needs and requests of various structural groups of exhibitors and visitors;
  • * drawing up sections of the exhibition in accordance with the needs of exhibitors and visitors;
  • * definition of a program of necessary accompanying measures that take into account the specifics of modern market development and indirectly influence the formation of markets by determining the bonds of the dynamics of growth and decline in demand;
  • * definition of the target audience of visitors;
  • * evaluation of the effectiveness of information sources of their rating;
  • * analysis competitive environment, identifying new ways to promote the exhibition and fair project.

Based on the results of preliminary studies, the goal and objectives of the new exhibition and fair project are formed and the development of its business plan begins.

When holding exhibitions and fairs, you need to understand that their functions are not only in communications and sales. First of all, their function is market research. Here, manufacturers communicate with potential customers, problems that are relevant to them are discovered, requests and opportunities are concretized.

The indisputable advantage of an exhibition (fair) over all other types of marketing communications is the possibility of direct observation of competitors. . The condition for the effectiveness of such an observation is its preparedness.

Under sales promotion or product marketing, it is accepted to understand everything marketing events made directly at the points of sale. The main tools of product marketing are merchandising, publicity and advertising communication. End-consumer sales promotion is typically a system of strictly defined and time-limited promotions based on the offer of certain benefits to consumers, resellers or sellers.

The main forms of sales promotion are:

  • · Price promotion . This type of incentive, as a rule, is in the nature of a temporary reduction in the prices of goods and services. The size of the price reduction, on the one hand, must be such that it is possible to build on them. effective advertising, it is enough to stimulate demand and, on the other hand, such as to compensate for the reduction in profits associated with discounts. Price promotion can be carried out in the form of direct price reductions, the distribution of coupons that give the right to purchase at a discount (coupon), and price reductions with a delay in obtaining a discount.
  • · In-kind incentive (gift incentive) can be defined as the offer to the consumer of an additional quantity of goods without a direct link to its price. The main forms of in-kind incentives include premiums (direct, carried out at the time of purchase, and deferred premiums, i.e. after providing proof of purchase) and samples (the buyer is given the opportunity to try out the goods). The objectives of in-kind incentives are to give the consumer a certain amount of goods (which is fundamentally different from the task of saving money) and to make contacts with consumers more substantive and diversified.
  • · Under active offer refers to all types of sales promotion that require the active and selective participation of consumers. Active offer techniques include contests, as well as lotteries and games.

Today, the promotion of goods and services is turning into continuous communication with the consumer. In order to win the war with competitors, all companies, without exception, need marketing communications, which are the main means of attracting customers. The named concept is becoming broader and more comprehensive, as the market requires a comprehensive promotion.

Initial concepts of marketing

The field of marketing is traditionally described as a field of activity for covering the sales market. At the present stage of economic development, it is marketing that becomes the key factor in the success of the company. Since only with its help the product "settles" in the minds of buyers, and only this can lead to a purchase.

Marketing is designed to meet the needs of customers. At the same time, the concept of "need" is basic and subject to constant study, because to know what a potential buyer wants means to be able to make him the right offer.

A need is an awareness of the need for something, a feeling of a deficit that can be filled in various ways. In marketing, a product, in the broadest sense of the word, is recognized as a means of satisfying it. The service is also a kind of product, although it has pronounced differences in consumption.

Another basic concept of marketing is the market, which refers to the community of consumers of a particular product. And marketing is, by and large, a means of communication between consumers and goods, it is with its help that goods are promoted to the market and reach the buyer.

The essence of the marketing mix

For the first time, the existence of a marketing mix (marketing mix) was substantiated by Philip Kotler, who wrote that there is a stable set of variables that are used by any company promoting a product to the market. The purpose of its application is to meet the needs of the consumer and increase the efficiency of the seller.

The traditional marketing mix model is described as 4P: product (product), price (price), place of sale (place), promotion (promotion). This simple model represents the elements and sequence of exposure to the market in order to sell the product. Today, the marketing communications complex is subjected to constant attempts at reform. So, 7 and even 11P appear, and for Internet marketing they offer the 7S model.

Despite numerous discussions about the relevance of the model, the essence and significance of the marketing mix does not decrease. Today, no one doubts that it can be effective only with proper communication, which becomes an important, and perhaps the most important element of the marketing mix.

The concept of marketing communications

Since the promotion of goods on the market is impossible without establishing a connection between the manufacturer and the buyer, marketing communications arise to ensure the effective satisfaction of the needs of the consumer with the help of the goods. They mean informing the potential audience about the benefits and features of the product.

This concept includes the entire process from product development to the design of points of sale and the formulation of an advertising offer, including the study of the market and the target audience, their needs and needs. Traditional marketing communications tools:

  • advertising;
  • sales promotion;
  • direct sales;
  • public relations.

Marketers carefully plan the use of these tools, based not only on the needs of the organization, but also on market opportunities and consumer needs. Today, the importance of marketing communications is only increasing, since any markets are oversaturated with goods, and purchasing power is growing weakly. And it is the establishment of relationships with the consumer that becomes the key to the success of the company.

Goals of Marketing Communications

The concept of promotion can be interpreted very broadly. Wherein different types marketing communications help to achieve the following global goals:

  • bringing information about the product, its features, benefits and innovations to a potential buyer;
  • formation and maintenance of a positive image of the product among consumers;
  • creating a loyal attitude of customers to the product, maintaining confidence in the product;
  • formation of sustainable demand for goods;
  • detuning from competitors in the perception of the consumer;
  • creation of strong associations of the name and logo with the properties of the product.

These goals, in turn, can be subdivided into many particular tasks, which become the object of communication.

QMS elements: old and new

Various means can solve the numerous problems facing marketing. Traditionally, researchers, listing the elements of marketing communications, name four familiar tools:

  • advertising,
  • personal selling,
  • sales promotion.

But today, the main marketing communications are supplemented with new types, and the realization comes that the roles are changing dramatically. Advertising and PR come out on top, and often they perform the same tasks and cannot exist without each other. The unification of communications is expanding, it now includes:

  • branding,
  • identity,
  • sponsorship,
  • souvenir advertisement,
  • exhibition activities, etc.

Marketing communications are increasingly responsible for the commercial success of companies, and their toolkit is only expanding and becoming more complex.

Direct Selling Tools

The means of marketing communications in direct sales are:

  • presentations;
  • Exhibitions;
  • telemarketing;
  • direct mail;
  • skype consultations;
  • personal selling.

They are designed for personal contact between the seller and his client, during which the first can adapt to the characteristics of the buyer and answer his questions and objections. There are two options for building a contact.

  1. Delivering a personalized message through various communication channels: by mail, in the form of electronic distribution, distribution of booklets, leaflets, newspapers, magazines.
  2. Personal contact between the buyer and the seller, for which there are many opportunities today: from telephone and video communications to meetings at presentations and various events.

Opinion leaders play a special role in direct sales - they can be experts in various fields, stars or bloggers who will directly talk about the merits of a particular product.

Basic concepts

Brand. Intracompany advertising. Exhibition marketing. Direct marketing. Image. Image advertising. Integrated marketing communications. Informational advertising. Communication process. Communication strategy. Personal sale. Marketing communications. Reminder advertising. Public relations. Publicity. Personal sales. preventive advertising. Promotion. Propaganda. Explanatory advertisement. Advertising. Advertising slogan. Sales promotion. Incentive advertising. Trademark. Persuasive advertising. Package. Marketing communications management. Form style.


Marketing has been developing quite rapidly over the past time, which has increased its role as one of the integral, and in some cases, the main components of any enterprise, in almost any field of activity. Along with this, the role of marketing communications, which are experiencing a revolution, has also increased.

By F. Kotler's definition, Marketing communications are the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade and remind consumers, directly or indirectly, of their products and brands.

Marketing Communications Management – purposeful activities of the company to regulate market stability through information technology.

Marketing communications perform a number of functions that allow consumers to be informed about goods and services, and producers about the needs of consumers. Today, the activity of individuals, groups and organizations directly depends on their awareness and ability to effectively use the available information. In the information society, not only production will change, but the whole way of life, the system of values. The main difference of the modern market is that information and knowledge move in both directions: from the seller to the consumer and from the consumer to the seller. The development and spread of new technologies, the trends of globalization and informatization, the increase in the number of market alternatives have led to the transition of society from the industrial type of development to the information one. In the life of modern society, the modern economy, information, systems and technologies for its collection, analysis and impact on the audience are becoming increasingly important.

Thus, at the present stage of development of marketing, communications are one of the main mechanisms for overcoming problems and accelerating the promotion of goods or services from the manufacturer to the end consumer. The timely use of elements of marketing communications directly affects the results of commercial activities and the effectiveness of marketing as an integrated system for organizing the production and marketing of products, built on the basis of preliminary market research on customer needs.

Communication theories

Disclosure of the main content of communication in marketing requires the use of an appropriate conceptual apparatus. Marketing communications are easier to understand if we consider the nature of their two constituent elements - communications and marketing in historical development.

An analysis of the definitions of marketing, as well as the main marketing concepts (Table 6.1), allows us to conclude that for a long time marketing was associated primarily with a market form of exchange, where the market often considered

Table 6.1

The role of communications in marketing concepts

Marketing concept

Basic principles

The role of communication

Production improvement

This concept states that consumers prefer accessible and cheap products.

Limited to informing about the price and the place where the goods can be purchased

Product improvement

Based on the fact that consumers prefer products that offer the highest quality, performance and characteristics

Limited to proving that the item is of superior performance

Increasing commercial efforts

It comes from the fact that consumers are characterized by a certain purchasing inertia and even resistance - the organization must introduce an aggressive sales policy and intensively promote its products to the market

Focused on getting the effect in the form of a sale


The key to achieving the goals of the organization is to determine the needs and requirements of target markets and satisfy customers in more effective ways than competitors

Communication is focused on the consumer and is aimed at convincing the consumer that this product will best meet his needs.


The underlying idea is the need to meet the needs and requirements of the consumer in more efficient ways than competitors while maintaining and strengthening the well-being of the consumer and society as a whole

Communication is focused on the need to explain to the consumer the benefits that he derives from the product, as well as the disclosure of the social role in the activities of the organization

Xia from the neoclassical point of view - as a large number of exchanging parties, for which the subjects have all the necessary information, and prices encourage action.

An analysis of the definitions of data marketing in various sources also showed that communications were given a secondary role, and more attention was paid to the consumer and the organization of marketing management.

According to the definitions committee of the American Marketing Association (AMA) marketing- this is one of the types of creative management activities that contribute to the expansion of production and trade and increase employment by identifying consumer needs, organizing research and development to meet these needs; marketing links the possibilities of production with the possibilities of selling goods and services, justifies the nature, directing the scope of all the work necessary to make a profit as a result of selling the maximum amount of products to the final consumer.

AT this definition all actions in marketing are aimed at achieving the maximum benefit of the manufacturer through the comprehensive satisfaction of the needs of end consumers.

The focus on the consumer is also reflected in a later definition given by the AMA, which interprets marketing as a process of planning and managing the development of products and services, pricing policy, promotion of goods to buyers and sales, so that the variety of goods thus achieved leads to the satisfaction of the needs of both individuals, organizations, and society as a whole.

Such a comprehensive view of marketing, fixing attention on certain types its activities, is accepted by marketers in many countries, and not only by American specialists.

As defined by the UK Marketing Institute marketing is the main function of the administrative staff, which consists in organizing and managing the entire range of business activities related to the assessment of consumer demand, turning it into a real demand for a product or service, as well as promoting a product or service to a consumer or client in order to achieve the intended profits or other purposes.

Only over time, as marketing developed, a number of researchers (supporters of the social process) began to pay attention to the role of communications in marketing. According to F. Kotler, marketing - it is a social process aimed at meeting the needs and requirements of individuals and groups by creating and offering goods and services of value and exchanging them with other people.

The initial assumptions of the supporters of this approach are that not only the seller and the buyer, but also large and small social groups enter into interactions. therefore marketing is a system that allows you to build communications with the environment. Supporters of this approach see marketing as a social process, noting that its functions are to ensure high living standards.

It is interesting to develop an understanding of the term "communication", its essence and content.

The term "communication" has several meanings.

  • 1. Communication path, communication line ( Dictionary Russian language S. Yu. Ozhegov).
  • 2. The process of exchanging information using verbal and non-verbal means in order to convey and understand the subject and personal meaning of messages by the communicating people (Psychological Dictionary).
  • 3. The mechanism by which the existence and development of human relations becomes possible (Charles Cooley, the founder of American sociology).
  • 4. The process, as a result of which an unambiguous perception of the communication message by the subjects, sending and receiving it, should be achieved.
  • 5. The transfer of information from one person to another, one of the ways an individual brings ideas, facts, thoughts, feelings and values ​​to other people.

Compared to the above definitions Marketing communications is a broader term. In relation to the market, to the methods of managing the market behavior of organizations, the concept of "communication" goes beyond the simple speech communication of people and the transfer of information from person to person. And the goals of marketing communications will be different, as they contain the idea of ​​communication with potential consumers. J. Rosiger and L. Percy identify four possible goals of communication:

  • 1) the need for a product category;
  • 2) brand awareness;
  • 3) attitude to the brand;
  • 4) intention to make a purchase.

Communication process is the method by which a sender's message reaches the recipient. This process, regardless of whether the interlocutors are talking, exchanging gestures or communicating by e-mail, always includes seven steps. An effective communication process has eight steps (Figure 6.1) because it is two-way. Two-way communications provide a high degree of satisfaction for the sender and recipient, minimize distortion, and significantly increase the reliability of messages.

Step 1.The birth of an idea. At this stage, an idea is born that the sender would like to convey to the recipient, without it there can be no message itself, which means that the rest of the steps do not make sense.

Step 2Coding. Here the idea is encrypted (transformed into a form convenient for transmission) with the help of suitable words, diagrams, and other symbols used to convey information. At this stage, the sender determines the method of transmission, the most appropriate order of words and characters.

Step 3Broadcast. After the form of the message is determined, it is transmitted. The sender selects a communication channel. The sender also seeks to "clear" the communication channel from barriers or

Rice. 6.1. The structure of the communication process

interference so that the message is sure to reach the recipient and attract his attention.

Step 4Receipt. At this stage, the initiative passes to the recipient, who must tune in to the perception of the message and accept it. In cases where the addressee is not ready to receive the message, its content is largely lost.

Step 5 Decoding. This process is known as "bringing" the message to the recipient. The sender strives to ensure that the recipient adequately perceives the message, exactly as it was sent. For example, if the sender "transmits" a square, and after decoding it turns out to be a circle, then the message was received, but understanding could not be achieved.

Understanding can only be realized in the mind of the recipient. The communicator can get the other party to listen to his message, but has no ability to make him understand it. Understanding the received message is the exclusive prerogative of the recipient. Communication cannot be considered successfully completed until understanding arises.

Step 6 Adoption. Once the recipient has received and decrypted the message, they can accept or reject it. Acceptance is a matter of choice and inclination; so it is the recipient who decides whether to accept the message in whole or in part. The factors influencing the decision depend on the recipient's perception of the message's credibility, the authority of the communicator, and the intended use of the message.

Step 7 Usage. Here the information is used by the recipient, who may not respond to the message in any way; complete the task as directed; save the information for the future or do something else. This step is decisive and depends primarily on the addressee.

Step 8 Providing feedback. In the event that the recipient understands the message and responds to the sender, a feedback occurs between them, closing the communication loop, since the parties exchange information.

Bilateral communications, formed in the presence of feedback, involve a dialogue between the recipient and the sender. The result is an evolving game situation in which the sender can (and must) adjust his next message in accordance with the response received. The sender always needs feedback (because it is she who allows you to know whether the message is received, whether it is correctly decoded) and must make every effort to establish it.

Thus, the structure of the communication process must meet certain requirements to improve the effectiveness of marketing communications.

The following conditions for the effectiveness of marketing communications are distinguished:

  • goals of communication. The transmitter of the message must clearly know what audiences he wants to reach and what type of response he wants to receive;
  • message preparation. It is necessary to take into account the previous experience of users of the product and the peculiarities of the perception of messages by the target audience;
  • channel planning. The transmitter must convey its message through channels that effectively communicate its messages to the target audience;
  • message effectiveness. The transmitter should use feedback signals to evaluate the response of the target audience to the transmitted messages.

Communications can be classified according to the following criteria.

By goals allocate communications aimed at achieving quality and quantitative indicators, such as market share, sales volume, brand awareness, loyalty of old customers, etc. When setting goals, specificity requirements must be observed ( S), measurability ( M), consistency ( AND), relevance ( R) indicating the deadlines ( T) model SMART. The goals set for communication determine the evaluation of its effectiveness.

By way of communication they are divided into personal (direct) communications and mass (non-personal, impersonal).

Personal (straight) communications are set and sent to a specific representative of the target audience. The criterion for classifying communication as personal is the possibility of direct communication and feedback. Such communications can be:

  • personal face-to-face– carried out in the personal presence of the sender and recipient of the message;
  • personal correspondence- media, channels for communication are used (telephone, Internet connection, etc.).

Mass (impersonal, impersonal) communications directed at all consumers or their individual groups.

However, some types of communications can be classified as personal and non-personal at the same time, depending on individual characteristics their applications. For example, the Internet provides both the possibility of advertising (a non-personal form of communication) and the possibility of personal communication through communication by e-mail, on forums, questioning visitors, etc.

By direction communications are divided into two types:

  • 1) internal - in general terms, there are the following typical elements of internal audiences: founders, shareholders, top managers, managers, employees, the company as a whole;
  • 2) external- communication with the external environment, which includes the following elements of the marketing system: partners, intermediaries, suppliers, investors, government agencies, financial sector, sponsors, community (local, regional, national), media, competitors, customers, consultants (those who can recommend a product, a company to a buyer, refer a client to a company), purchase decision makers, etc.

By degree of awareness allocate communications:

  • planned by the sender (conscious);
  • unplanned by the sender (unconscious).

All employees of the firm, and first of all those who directly deal with customers, are sources of transmission of unscheduled information. Although marketing communications professionals should not always be responsible for these unplanned messages, they should still anticipate and eliminate messages that are inconsistent with the overall communication strategy of the company, and also stimulate the dissemination of information that fits into this strategy.

By means of influence(communication tools) marketing communications are divided into the following types: advertising, public relations (public relations - PR), sales promotion, personal selling. Some modern sources add direct marketing to this ( direct marketing) and methods btl.

Public relations- this is a systematic ongoing activity to ensure equal information interaction and through this mutual understanding between the organization and its public.

Sales promotion includes all types of marketing activities aimed at stimulating the actions of the buyer, in other words, capable of stimulating the immediate sale of the product.

Play a significant role in the promotion of goods personal (personal) sales, which have recently found increasing use as an effective means of promotion and sale. Personal selling is personal (face-to-face) communication in which a salesperson attempts to persuade potential buyers to purchase a company's products or services.

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Marketing: Lecture Notes Loginova Elena Yurievna

1. Marketing communications

1. Marketing communications

In today's business environment, it is not enough for companies producing high-quality and relatively inexpensive products to simply monitor the quality characteristics of their product and maintain an acceptable price. To more successfully promote their product, organizations should attract as many buyers as possible to their product through original appeals, posting information about the product that would convince consumers that they need this particular product. Even the largest companies in the world cannot be 100% sure of the firmness of their positions in the market. It is not enough to attract customers to your product, you must constantly maintain their interest in your activities. That is why communication is the key to marketing.

Marketing communications is the process of transferring data about your products to the target audience.

The target audience- this is a group of current or potential consumers who can receive this information and are able to respond appropriately to it.

Many companies use the marketing mix tool to increase interest in their products. Marketing mix is a system for providing information, which consists of such elements as a product, the method of its distribution, the price of a product. These three components, together with marketing communications, make up the marketing mix.

It must be remembered that in order for information about the product to reach consumers and be absorbed in their memory, marketing communications should be built on an all-encompassing, carefully thought-out marketing plan. Only in this case the company can achieve excellent results.

The purpose of marketing communications is to provide various target audiences with information about the company's marketing strategies by sending specific messages about their product, its cost, methods of sale, thereby causing consumers to become interested in this product.

There are 5 main elements of marketing communications:

1. Persuading and informing consumers. Any company is interested in bringing the maximum amount of information to the largest number of consumers as quickly as possible and convincing them that this product is exactly what they need. To achieve this goal, a variety of methods are used, for example, indicating on the package the telephone number of a single information service and the postal address so that consumers can express their opinion about the product; holding presentations or tastings (if we are talking about a food product), etc.

2. Goals. As a rule, the goals of marketing communications are to create a positive opinion about the organization and the product it produces, bring information to consumers, improve the market culture, etc. And naturally, the ultimate goal of any marketing strategy are the most effective sale goods and maximize profit.

3. Places of contacts. For successful functioning in the market, the firm must send its information to places where contact between the manufactured product and consumers is most likely. Such places can be very diverse: these are shops that directly sell this product, stalls in pavilions, and even rooms in houses where the consumer, sitting in front of the TV screen, can call the “hot line” and thus receive information that interests him. In any case, it is necessary that the appeal in any contact point works in such a way that the buyer decides to purchase this particular product.

4. Participants in the marketing process. Absolutely any people who contribute to the promotion of the product in any way can be participants in the marketing process. In a word, it can be sellers, promoters, employees of the organization, dealers, suppliers, and even an ordinary buyer who bought a product and shared his joy with a neighbor.

5. Communication appeals. Communication calls can be planned and unplanned. Planned messages include advertising, service, franchising, personal selling, souvenirs, sales promotion, public relations. Unplanned appeals include all the rest, not provided for by the marketing plan.

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