What do you need to become a supplier of goods? Personal experience of a buyer: tricks of selling your goods to retail chains. Own funds to receive an application

Procurement laws provide for several types of procedures. One of them is the opportunity to conclude a contract through procurement from. Such procurement procedures are called non-competitive.

Purchasing from a single supplier is perhaps the most popular among both customers and suppliers. In this case, the contract is concluded bypassing procurement stages such as consideration of applications, auction, summing up. Those. The contract is concluded directly between the seller and the buyer.

1. Advantages of purchasing from a single supplier

This procedure has undoubted advantages for both parties:

  • short procurement times
  • The customer turns to a supplier who can guarantee fulfillment of the contract
  • It is almost impossible to suspend the validity and signing of a contract
  • The procedure is simple and convenient
  • To conclude a contract with a single supplier, the latter does not need to use a large amount of human resources.

2. Cases of application of procurement from a single supplier under 44 Federal Laws

All cases are described in Part 1 of Article 93 . Actually, the law does not oblige the use of this method of procurement. It gives customers this right (with the exception of the case when the announced procurement procedure did not take place), and whether to use it or not is up to the customer to decide. Customers use this right with pleasure, but in this case a contract cannot be concluded for any amount by law. Basically, the purchase amount will be up to one hundred thousand rubles. In some cases, a large amount for purchase is allowed, for example, purchases from a single supplier to provide orphans with everything they need can be made for an amount of up to four hundred thousand rubles. Cases of procurement from a single supplier cover any force majeure situation that requires an urgent solution. The law describes fifty-two points when such a purchase can be carried out. It also indicates which purchases the customer makes a decision on himself, in which he is obliged to inform the controlled body, and in which it must be carried out only with the approval of the control body. At the same time, the one who makes the purchase is forced to purchase goods at the seller’s stated prices without a possible reduction and on his terms; this is a big disadvantage for the buyer, since he is forced to agree with the proposed price without the possibility of a reduction. At the same time, the entire amount of such purchases can reach a maximum of no more than two million rubles per year, or more than five percent of the customer’s total purchase volume, but not more than fifty million rubles.

3. Purchasing from a single supplier

Since we are considering this type of procurement from suppliers, we will not dwell on all the actions that the customer is required to do, but will focus on the general algorithm.

  • The customer selects the company with which he enters into a contract and agrees on the terms of purchase and the text of the agreement (contract).
  • The notice is placed by the buyer in the system (unified information system) and there are still five days left before the contract is signed.
  • To notify the control body of the purchase, the buyer has one working day left after signing the contract, and should not forget to provide a copy of it justifying the need for the purchase and the price.

All non-competitive procurement methods are under the close supervision of supervisory and regulatory authorities, and this must be taken into account when drawing up documents. There is no algorithm by which to assess the legality of concluding a contract with a single supplier. Here everything depends on the employees of the control body and on the argumentation of the need for procurement. Since there is increased attention to such procurement methods, correct justification of prices and the need to purchase from a single supplier will greatly simplify life not only for the customer, but also for the supplier.

4. Purchase from a single supplier under Federal Law 223

IN there is such a concept too. Sometimes it is also called direct procurement. The initiative can come from both the customer and the seller. The rules for such procurement under Federal Law 223 are prescribed in the customer’s procurement regulations. In certain cases (this is described in Part 15 of Article 4 of Federal Law 223) such purchases are not entered into the system. You can understand how such a purchase should take place from a specific customer by reading its Procurement Regulations (located on the public procurement website)

So how do you get to purchasing from a single supplier? Let's note the main thing: the customer turns to suppliers with whom he interacts. Or to a company that has no competitors due to the uniqueness of the product offered or service provided. Therefore, if you do not communicate with the customer, the contract with the only supplier will be given to your competitor. If the customer is not satisfied for some reason with the way you fulfill your obligations under other contracts, the purchase will be given to your competitor. Having a defective item in your warehouse greatly increases your chances, since this product can only be purchased from you.

To conclude a contract with a single supplier, the customer must justify the feasibility of this purchase, as well as provide the validity of the price and the method for calculating it. As a rule, the supplier you contacted helps with price justification. He submits a commercial proposal. It is possible that the customer will contact more than one supplier with a request and will choose an offer with a lower price.

6. Partnership Program of the Entrepreneur Support Center

If a supplier wants to enter into contracts through single source procurement, he first needs to earn a reputation as a conscientious and responsible contractor. Have the resources to quickly and efficiently complete work or quickly deliver goods. Be attentive to the formation of your price in the commercial offer for the customer. Read articles 44FZ and 223FZ regarding this type of procurement. When working with Federal Law 223, you must also study the customer’s Procurement Regulations.

Of course, you can do this yourself. But today more and more attention is paid to purchasing from small and medium-sized businesses, including purchasing from a single supplier. To facilitate this task, special partnership programs are created in which both customers and suppliers participate. Page of one of these programs is present on our resource. By participating in such programs, large customers acquire permanent, bona fide suppliers from among small entrepreneurs, and small businesses get the opportunity to become a supplier and full-fledged partner for large corporations. The Center for Support and Entrepreneurship helps with paperwork, and after joining the program, it will equip a multifunctional account on the website with complete information on planned (and announced) purchases and tenders specifically for your profile. Program participants are also provided with a personal manager who helps them understand the complex bidding system and search for your specialized auctions. As you know, it is very difficult for small businesses to maintain a tender department staffed by highly qualified specialists. The Partnership Program is designed to help solve this problem and provide small businesses with highly qualified support from specialists in the field of tenders.

For a guaranteed result in tender procurement, you can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization is a small business, you can get a number of advantages: advance payments for government contracts, short payment terms, conclusion of direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only under profitable contracts with minimal competition!

Government procurement- This is the main way to provide all possible needs of the country. It is with the help of government procurement that educational institutions and any other organizations are provided with food in a timely manner. Therefore, the legislative system provides for such a status as a government procurement supplier, who must produce or supply products to meet existing needs.

Legal requirements and norms

Government procurement is strictly regulated by certain regulatory documents, including special Federal law, they must be carried out in accordance with a number of requirements. The main and most important of the imposed conditions is the mandatory regulatory recording and argumentation of each purchase, regardless of the nature of use and purpose.

Which companies will become suppliers is determined by customers based on several criteria. First of all, a potential buyer collects and analyzes information about all candidates for the role of suppliers. After all possible proposals for government supplies have been recorded and approved on specialized resources, an agreement on future supplies is concluded or auctions are held, at which the most worthy candidates are determined in accordance with certain criteria.

Any company can become a government procurement supplier if a number of conditions are met. The most essential feature of an enterprise vying for this role will be visibility and transparency of information.

Before submitting your candidacy for the role of government procurement supplier, or organization, you should register with a specialized structure - the Unified Information System. Further, when a business entity becomes a full-fledged member of this system, it will receive notifications about opening online auctions. If you wish to participate in one of them, any company can submit an official application. But before this, you will have to obtain special accreditation by submitting a certain list of documents to the site specified by the customer.

How to become a government procurement supplier: stages and algorithm

To conclude a contract between the customer and the future supplier, a number of documents must be submitted. A company hoping to take on the role of a supplier must have the status of a physical or legal entity, in support of which provide documents according to a specific list:

  • constituent documents of an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • excerpt from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • personal data of an individual business entity;
  • personal documents of the head of the company, if the supplier is a legal entity.

In addition to this basic list, mandatory for everyone, some additional documents may be required for submission, which in some cases are required to be submitted by customer companies.

To be able to conclude contracts for supplies under government procurement, the customer, in turn, must provide confirmation of the availability of a sufficient quantity Money. Including 0.5-5% of the initial marginal cost of the contract must be provided by the customer company’s own funds.

Wholesale supplies, additional features

An enterprise specializing in wholesale supplies can apply for cooperation with large retail chains. To conclude an agreement on wholesale supplies, it is necessary to provide the potential customer with favorable terms of cooperation, guaranteeing lower prices in comparison with competitors and the widest possible range of goods.

Among other possibilities, the law allows an enterprise to become the sole supplier. But for this it is necessary that the procurement meets the requirements, for example:

  • if the buyer belongs to the category of cultural or entertainment institutions, he cannot purchase goods from one supplier for more than 50% of budget funds. In specific figures, this limit is 20 million rubles.

Correctional institutions can become the only supplier, in accordance with regulatory documents. Suppliers of medicines also fall into this category, but also within the limits established by law.

In cases established by law, belonging to emergency or force majeure situations, a faster procedure for concluding a public procurement contract is possible. Such emergency circumstances include measures to eliminate natural disasters, man-made disasters, the need to supply electricity or other resources or purchase software with the aim of introducing scientific and technical innovations.

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​​​​​​​For new suppliers

X5 Retail Group is interested in maximizing cooperation and is always ready to consider new proposals for interaction with suppliers and manufacturers. Taking care of its customers, X5 strives to introduce new products of the best quality into its range, as well as guarantee its customers prices at market levels.

X5 Retail Group pays special attention to local suppliers in each region and strives to guarantee the maximum presence of their products in its own stores. Such close interaction allows us to support Russian retail trade in the regions where the company operates and provides local manufacturers with opportunities to sell goods.

To become suppliers of X5 Retail Group, partners must be registered as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, have permission to carry out activities.

More detailed information, including conditions for selecting suppliers, as well as contact details of X5 Retail Group specialists responsible for interaction with suppliers, are presented in the ​Policy for working with suppliers of goods intended for sale in X5 Retail Group retail chains​ and sections “Send commercial offer" and "Contact a procurement specialist"​​. The current terms and conditions of the supply agreement, annexes and additional agreements to it are available on the “Terms of the supply agreement” page.

All requests for information and commercial proposals from suppliers are carried out by representatives of X5 Retail Group (including retail chains“Pyaterochka”, “Perekrestok”, “Carousel”, “Perekrestok-Express”) exclusively from the official email addresses of the company in the domain zone of the site and have the form username@site. If the letter from an X5 representative came from an email address with a different domain, be sure to contact

The state, as an economic entity, is constantly in need of large and varied supplies, ranging from replenishing supplies in kindergartens and ending with the life support of guards infantry regiments. Therefore, since 2014, a contract structure has existed in our country, thanks to which various products are purchased to meet the needs of authorities at different levels.

Framework of public procurement requirements

Public procurement is strictly formalized by various legal documents, primarily the Federal Law of 04/05/13, and requires the fulfillment of several requirements:

  • every purchase to satisfy government structures from the lowest to the highest must be recorded and justified in advance;
  • products of various types, intended to supply state structures, are required to support their activities, but not provide unnecessary amenities and not be luxury products.

The Entrepreneur's Path to Supply

How to become an Internet provider, for example? Government deliveries are carried out on the basis of a number of mandatory rules. The most important of them will be the thesis of fame and transparency of information, because of this in mandatory any data on deliveries of an individual customer is published on the official government procurement website on the Internet.

Procurement algorithm for government orders

How to become a supplier of government supply chains? The main task of the customer working under contracts is to buy the necessary products (work, service) to supply state or municipal needs. In solving this problem, the customer is guided by the following:

  • the acquisition of goods begins with the collection of data about them, creating the initial possible cost of the upcoming contract;
  • government supplies are recorded and justified in advance, all necessary documentation is prepared;
  • procurement is carried out by tendering or purchasing products from only one supplier.

Own funds to receive an application

First, the necessary agreement for the purchase of products is fixed. But for this, the customer must demonstrate the availability of the necessary funds. The following conditions for receiving an application are mandatory for all customers:

  • the volume of securing the application with own funds ranges from 0.5 to 5% of the initial maximum value of the contract;
  • the winning bidder must provide an even larger amount - from 5 to 30% of the initial marginal value of the contract, if its total value is equal to or less than 50 million, or from 10 to 30%, if the value of the contract is more than 50 million rubles.

Documents required to conclude a contract

How to become a supplier, what documents are required for this? First of all, you need to confirm the commit. state registration customer in the rank of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. To do this you need to provide:

  • excerpt from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, show TIN;
  • constituent materials of a legal entity;
  • IP passport details;
  • documents indicating the status of the head of the organization;
  • documents indicating the status of a person to represent the interests of the participant;
  • other materials and data shown in the listing for this purchase.

Unified information system and electronic auction

How to become a supplier? In order to obtain the necessary knowledge about all stages of bidding, the customer is required to register with the Unified information system. With the completion of this process, access to the necessary material will become absolute and free.

In the message about the opening of an electronic auction, which businessmen participating in government procurement will certainly place in the Unified Information System, there will be confirmation of the specific site where the designated auction is taking place.

To register an application for an electronic auction, customers are required to acquire accreditation, register on the site marked by the entrepreneur, and upload everything to it Required documents electronic.

Wholesale supply

How to become a wholesale supplier? If you manage to get first place in the competition, then most likely the businessman is a wholesale supplier - thanks to this, his prices are lower and his products are more varied. In this case, he will begin to supply the ordered products, sign an agreement, on the basis of which he is obliged to provide all types of goods in the required order. Only with the completion of the designated actions and execution of signed legal agreements can a merchant claim to receive the designated amount of funds.

It’s best if you can pose the question: “How to become a supplier to Pyaterochka, for example, or another large chain, in other words, a wholesale customer?” In this regard, the products will be even lower in cost and wider in range due to the characteristics of the customer’s business.

Sole supplier

The legislative framework allows you to create the conditions to become one. How to become the only supplier?

  1. Provided that the cost of one purchase does not exceed 100 thousand rubles, it seems possible to purchase products from one businessman. The amount of funds per year for such supplies does not exceed 5% of the businessman’s total annual supply budget and 50 million rubles. Institutions with a budget below 40 million rubles. can purchase goods worth up to two million from a single supplier.
  2. Entertainment and cultural organizations, according to existing laws, cannot spend more than 400 thousand rubles on one purchase. The total amount of supplies from a single supplier cannot reach 50% of the budget and twenty million rubles in absolute figures.

Extraordinary circumstances

There are several options for purchasing orders for government supplies. In this case, you need to consider how to become a supplier within the framework of quick and force majeure purchases:

  • to eliminate the consequences of disasters and natural disasters,
  • for supplying continuous industrial production;
  • for receiving heads of foreign countries and delegations,
  • contract for the supply of electricity or water supply;
  • acquisition of software for the introduction of scientific and technical innovations.

Other options

There are other options to become an exceptional supplier:

  1. Government procurement from enterprises of the criminal correctional structure. Such purchases can be made without competition within the range of products permitted by the state.
  2. State supplies of medicines or payment for treatment.
  3. It is possible to purchase medicines costing no more than 200 thousand rubles from only one available supplier.
  4. Fixation of the supplier's customer by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Government procurement is a fairly profitable commercial activity, but, on the other hand, it is constantly in the attention of law enforcement agencies, so private market players need to conduct procurement honestly, clearly in accordance with the legislative framework. In this case, government supplies will be beneficial to all parties to the market - entrepreneurs, society and the state.

Entrepreneurs often complain that it is extremely difficult to get their products onto the shelves of large retail chains. In fact, it’s easy to get into the network, it’s much more difficult to get into the buyer’s cart

What is needed is not bribes, but product

During all negotiations, I immediately say that my company is transparent and operates only in accordance with Russian laws. I studied in the USA and am a citizen of this country, so I do not accept any bribes. If during negotiations the topic of “entrance ticket” comes up, then I switch to English language and I pretend that I don’t understand what we’re talking about. This is my principled position, from which I do not intend to deviate. Having paid once, I will not be able to refuse such payments to other networks in the future: rumors spread quickly throughout the market. In addition, it is possible that unscrupulous managers of the retail chain, to which I pay for entry, will blackmail me in the future with the threat of removing our goods from the shelves.

I took a different path - I created an interesting and attractive product. At my first meeting with managers at the Tsvetnoy shopping center, I just brought cookies in a bag and explained what was special about them. Having become interested, they invited me to a second meeting, to which I had already brought cookies and a packaging prototype. Interest was confirmed. For the third meeting there was a full commercial proposal with a presentation and a 3D model of the packaging. As a result, we signed a supply contract.

Get personal meetings

To get on the shelves of ABC of Taste, I wrote a letter to the relevant category manager. On the ABC of Taste website, in the “For Suppliers” section, there are contacts for the entire commercial management of the company. I sent a simple, clear, three-page presentation with more pictures than words. But it conveyed the emotion of my product. The cookie caught the interest of the pastry department and tasting committee, and the chain gave it the green light for the chain's first 50 stores. Only after that I began to purchase raw materials, rented a room and started baking “Marc 100% natural” in my own workshop.

Unfortunately, most retail chains have a high turnover of category managers, so an email may not be enough. My experience suggests that a few calls to friends and you will find a way to the person you need. Seek personal meetings if you are a good communicator. If not, find someone to hold a meeting who can bribe you with charm and the ability to listen/hear/sell.

Have you been refused? My principle: if you believe in the product, use the approach “if the door is not opened, climb through the window.” Find email/phone numbers/names of people at a higher level. I usually go straight to the CEO or shareholder. However, before that, you always need to have proof that you sought, but were ignored or rejected. Therefore, save correspondence and chats in in social networks etc.

If you managed to get through the window or a friend opened it for you, decisions will be made much faster. For example, with Andrey Gusev [ CEO pharmacy chain A5] they introduced me completely by accident. It turned out that we had a mutual friend who helped me. I sent Andrey a presentation. Within a few days, we met in their office and found points of synergy, although previously pharmacy chains were not part of our plans at all. A week later there was a cooperation agreement.

Use a distribution company

But personal acquaintances and an interesting product do not always attract category managers and management of retail chains. I tried several times to get on the shelves of Dixie stores, the product was tested, but so far without success. But since I don’t take “no” for an answer, our products will be represented by distribution companies in Dixie and other retail chains that I was not able to enter directly (Lenta, O’Key). This is not as profitable as selling directly, since I will have to share my margin with distributors, giving them up to 40%, but for now I have no other way to get on the shelves of these stores. We will wait, collect sales statistics in other stores and through the distributor, and return with our product again.

Finally, there is another way to get on the shelf - go online for a short period using the in-out system. They can hire you for a three-month period and see how sales go. I’m not sure that it’s possible to reach a high level of sales in three months, so I don’t use this method. In addition, retail chains themselves are not very keen on agreeing to this format, realizing that at the end of the period suffering will begin: the manufacturer will begin to persuade them to extend the experiment, sales will most likely be low at first, and the internal administrative efforts for the chain will be equal to the introduction of a new supplier.

Alexandra Shaforost Owner of the company “Society with Natural Taste No. 1” (brands “Marc100% natural” and “Marc & Fisa”)