Rent in the Dixie checkout area. Dixie rental business. Dixie store rental offers

Shop, PSN Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 0 minutes walk Layout: Free...

Shop, PSN Location: 1st line of houses Distance from the metro: 0 minutes on foot Layout: Free Free area (sq.m.): 15 Description of the object: Premises at the exit from the Begovaya metro station. A huge flow of people. Nearby there is a grocery store, chickens...

Pharmacy Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 1 minute walk Layout: Free...

Pharmacy Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 1 minute walk Layout: Free Free area (sq.m.): 65 sq.m. Description of object: B mall"Kashirsky", a retail space on the 1st floor with an area of ​​65 sq...

Shop Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 1 minute walk Layout: Free Free area (sq.m.): 17.5 sq.m. Description of the object: A shopping pavilion at the metro exit is offered for rent. For trade of any kind...

Shop, PSN Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 2 minutes on foot Layout: Free...

Shop, PSN Location: 1st line of houses Distance from the metro: 2 minutes on foot Layout: Free Free area (sq.m.): Two-level: 1st floor (shopping area) -52 sq.m., basement (bathroom, kitchen , locker room, server room, pantry) – 22...

"Meat" store, Pharmacy. Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 10 minutes walk Plan...

"Meat" store, Pharmacy. Location: 1st line of houses Distance from the metro: 10 minutes on foot Layout: Free Free area (sq.m.): 39 sq.m. Description of the object: Renting a pavilion in the Pyaterochka store. 1st floor, checkout area. Bo...

Shop Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 10 minutes on foot Layout: Free...

Shop Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 10 minutes on foot Layout: Free Free area (sq.m.): 33 sq.m. Description of the object: Pavilion inside Pyaterochka itself, possibly for Meat, Fish Technical parameters: Class: A...

Shop Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 15 minutes on foot Layout: Free...

Shop Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 15 minutes on foot Layout: Free Free area (sq.m.): 19 sq.m. Description of the object: Rent a pavilion in the checkout area of ​​Pyaterochka. Technical parameters: Class: A Overall...

Beauty salon Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 5 minutes walk Layout: Adjacent...

Beauty salon Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 5 minutes walk Layout: Adjacent Free area (sq.m.): 260 sq.m. Description of the object: Assignment of lease rights from the owner or rent of a ready-made beauty salon with full...

Shop Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 1 minute walk Layout: Free...

Shop Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 1 minute walk Layout: Free Free area (sq.m.): 10, 16, 36 sq.m. Description of the object: The new grocery store near the metro offers departments for rent for Meat, Fish, Vegetables, ...

Pavilion, Shop Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 5 minutes walk Layout: S...

Pavilion, Shop Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 5 minutes on foot Layout: Free Free area (sq.m.): 24 sq.m. Description of the object: Pavilion for rent in the checkout area of ​​the Pyaterochka supermarket. Possibly under Meat...

Shop Meat, Fish, Vegetables, Beer, Sausages Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 5 min...

Shop Meat, Fish, Vegetables, Beer, Sausages Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 5 minutes walk Layout: Free Free area (sq.m.): 29 sq.m. Description of the property: Retail space for long-term rent...

Destination: Pavilion, Shop Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 15 minutes walk S...

Purpose: Pavilion, Shop Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 15 minutes on foot Layout: Free Free area (sq.m.): 33 sq.m. Description of the object: Pavilion in the checkout area of ​​the Pyaterochka supermarket. Large residential area. Under ME...

Purpose: Shop Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 10 minutes on foot Layout:...

Purpose: Shop Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 10 minutes on foot Layout: Free Free area (sq.m.): 20 sq.m. Description of the object: Pyaterochka checkout area. Considered for Meat, Fish Technical parameters: Class...

Purpose: Shop Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 15 minutes on foot Layout: Free Free area (sq.m.): 61 sq.m. Description of the object: Rent of a pavilion in the checkout area of ​​Pyaterochka on the 1st floor for Meat, Fish Technical...

Purpose: Store Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 1 minute walk Layout: ...

Purpose: Store Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 1 minute walk Layout: Free Free area (sq.m.): 10 sq.m. Description of the object: Rent of a shopping pavilion directly at the exit from the Kantimirovskaya metro station. Huge...

Purpose: Shop Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 15 minutes on foot Layout:...

Purpose: Shop Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 15 minutes on foot Layout: Free Free area (sq.m.): 19 sq.m. and 21 sq.m. Description of the object: Pavilions in the checkout area of ​​Pyaterochka on the 1st floor. Possibly for Meat, Fish,...

Purpose: Meat store Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 15 minutes on foot Plan...

Purpose: Meat Store Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 15 minutes on foot Layout: Free Free area (sq.m.): 30 sq.m. Description of the object: Checkout area of ​​the large Pyaterochka with high traffic. Under the meat department. Water...

Purpose: Meat, Fish, Baking Location: 1st line of houses Distance from the metro: 15 minutes on foot...

Purpose: Meat, Fish, Baking Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 15 minutes on foot Layout: Free Free area (sq.m.): 19 sq.m. Description of the object: A pavilion is offered for rent in the checkout area of ​​Pyaterochka near the Meat Department...

Purpose: Shop Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 5 minutes on foot Layout: ...

Purpose: Shop Location: 1st line of houses Distance from metro: 5 minutes walk Layout: Free Free area (sq.m.): 12 sq.m. Description of the object: Pavilion in the checkout area of ​​Pyaterochka. Possibly for Meat, Fish, Salads Technical parameters...

Buying a store for rent: main stages and main benefits

What are the real advantages of the rental business with Dixie and similar large chain stores?

    Minimal risk of failure

    The experience of large chain brands in the rental business allowed them to establish comfortable partnership conditions. Every businessman can contact the owners of Dixie stores, buy a rental business in Moscow and quickly pay for it.

  • High payback rates for chain stores

    In order not to repeat general phrases about the payback of the Dixy rental business in Moscow, we suggest looking at a couple of practical examples.

    • The store is on the first line, in a walk-through location and 50 m from the metro station:

      With a sales price of just under 60 million rubles, it provides a 12% return per year and, taking into account the indicators, is guaranteed to pay for itself in less than 10 years.

    • Selling a Dixie rental business in a shopping center with a good location, more than 2 thousand square meters is a really interesting option:

      At a price of 540 million rubles, it guarantees 12.8% profitability and payback in less than 8 years.

  • Steady growth in demand for chain stores

Despite the difficult financial situation in the country, large chain stores are showing enviable growth and are constantly expanding with new outlets. This is an indicator of positive prospects for partnership.

Leave a request for selection of rental business

How to negotiate the sale of Dixie rental business?

Find options for objects yourself. Then it is important to analyze each of them for profitability and payback. And, finally, choose the optimal solution and work on a partnership agreement.

If you do not have the time and energy to solve such a difficult problem on your own, contact real estate specialists. Having experience working with large chains, they will guide you through the entire stage of concluding a deal and you will be able to buy a rental business in Moscow Dixie quite quickly and without additional delays.

Dixy Group of Companies is interested in rent and purchase premises and retail real estate as part of the network development plans.

We are ready to consider proposals from property owners, development and management companies, specialized agencies and individuals operating in the commercial real estate market.

When concluding a long-term rental contract for premises with our company, you will receive a responsible tenant and a reliable partner who will fulfill all obligations in a timely manner, providing an integrated approach to the operation of the leased facility, maintaining the surrounding area in proper condition.


A populated area with a population of more than 4,000 people;
First line of houses, with adjacent parking for buyers;
Possibility of organizing a landing stage for unloading a truck with a length of at least 12 meters.

The total area of ​​the premises is from 350 sq.m. up to 2,500 sq.m.;
The sales area should be located on the ground floor and have a separate central entrance and exit;
Utility rooms should be on the same level as the sales area;
Ceiling height not lower than 3 meters;
All necessary communications must be connected to the facility: water supply, heat supply, electricity supply (minimum 40 kW), sewerage, communication channels;

We are interested in existing premises, new construction projects and land plots. Applications with contact information should be sent by email to: [email protected]

Dixie store rental offers:

Hello. We offer to build a retail space or building to suit your needs with subsequent rent in the city of Sukhoi Log, Sverdlovsk region. A plot of land of 45 acres, on the first line of a busy road, convenient parking, access roads with high traffic capacity. All communications.
The accessibility of this area is ensured by minibuses and buses. The population of the area is about 55,000 people. If you are interested, please call: 89028752269.

offers and requests for renting premises:

from 900 to 2500 m2

Natalia Balovneva ,
director of property management
DIXY Group of Companies

RWAY: Natalya, you announced an updated program for the sublease of retail and commercial real estate with new conditions - please explain what you are talking about (what conditions were there before and what are they now, what are the changes associated with?)

Natalya Balovneva: The sublease program for commercial and retail real estate was launched by DIXY Group not long ago, and therefore we can offer potential tenants almost 2 times more commercially interesting space compared to similar offers on the market. We practice balanced pricing policy in a long-term joint development program and when leasing high-traffic areas, priority is given not just to those tenants who are willing to pay more, but to those whose services and business are most in demand among buyers. This will attract additional traffic to our stores. We also offer special (flexible) conditions for concluding contracts for non-core assets - empty premises and those requiring investment. The total area of ​​such premises is 15,500 sq.m.

In addition, we have created an assortment list of partner activities, ranking them by priority. For example, the sale of dried fruits is more in demand among buyers than the services of a pawnshop. Therefore, conditional potential sellers of dried fruits are a priority for us. Secondly, we are actively developing network partnerships, in which priority partners will have a preferential right to lease and select new and vacated space.

When signing an agreement providing for the payment of an option by a partner, the area rented by him can be fixed for him for 2-3 years, and for objects owned by DIXY for a longer period.

To date, 100,000 sq.m of area are under sublease management.

RWAY: What areas does DIXY sublease?

Natalya Balovneva: DIXY subleases checkout areas, areas with a separate entrance, second floors and basements

premises. The areas of subleased objects vary from 1 sq.m. to several thousand sq.m.

DIXY Group of Companies can offer for rent both small spaces to small businesses and spaces for restaurants, cafes, outlet stores, and medical centers. There are office and warehouse premises under sublease management.

RWAY: On what conditions can I rent space in the checkout/other area?

Natalya Balovneva: Rental rates are calculated individually for each premises and, as a rule, are subject to revision once a year. In addition to the area, when renting out a particular premises, the average traffic/receipt of the store, the floor, the location of the rented area on the floor, the location of the store, and the period of idle time of the premises are taken into account.

RWAY: What types of activities are your proposals mainly directed at to companies/individual entrepreneurs and from whose side do you see the greatest interest?

Natalya Balovneva: First of all, we are aimed at attracting tenants who expand the value proposition for customers, that is, their coming to us allows us to expand the range of goods or services offered. This is a kind of mini-shopping center concept located in a residential area. The buyer in one place (at the expense of our own stores and subtenant partners) can satisfy most of his needs: for example, buy milk, repair shoes, buy medicines and make duplicate keys, and so on..

Recently, there has been active growth in the opening retail outlets show pharmacies, bottled drink stores, dried fruits, domestic services to the population.

The greatest demand among tenants is for checkout areas and premises with a separate entrance from the façade of buildings. The points located here make the most of the customer traffic of DIXY stores and, with well-chosen product proximity, provide additional traffic for the DIXY Group stores themselves.

Our main pharmacy tenants: “Gorzdrav”, “Aloe”, “Rigla”, “Be Healthy”, “Classics”; mobile operators: Beeline, MTS, Tele2; ATMs: Sberbank, VTB 24, Alfa-Bank; children's products: “Votonya”, “”, post machines.

More than 2,000 partners work in the regions where DIXY Group operates, of which 38% are in Moscow and the Moscow region. More than 90% of tenants are small businesses.

RWAY: What are the requirements for the tenant?

Natalya Balovneva: We are ready to cooperate with potential tenants who are engaged in legal activities and do not have problems at the legislative level. We are interested in partnerships with farm stores, outlets offering nuts, dried fruits, compote mixtures, spices and oriental sweets, culinary shops, outlets offering tea/coffee in bulk, draft drinks and tobacco products. The next category is jewelry stores, pawn shops, bookmakers, mobile operators, fitness clubs, children's centers, dentists, etc.