Opening of Diana Vishneva's Context Pro Studio in New Holland. Opening of Diana Vishneva's Context Pro Studio in New Holland Diana Vishneva's Context Pro Ballet Studio


On September 20, Diana Vishneva’s Studio will open in the Bottle building on New Holland Island Context Pro. Ballet. Modern dance. Yoga". The studio will be the first dance space in St. Petersburg, uniting professional ballet dancers and a wide audience who want to get closer to the art of dance.

In honor of the opening, September 20 at 20:00, Context Pro will present a large concert program in the courtyard of the Bottle building, which will include both a performance by Diana Vishneva herself and other invited artists: Alexander Sergeev, Kristina Shapran (Mariinsky Theater), Denis Savin, Anastasia Stashkevich, Vyacheslav Lopatin (Bolshoi Theater of Russia), Ksenia Barbasheva and Alexander Taranov (Perm Theater). Young choreographers, winners of the competition at the International Festival of Contemporary Choreography CONTEXT.Diana Vishneva: Vladimir Varnava, Olga Vasilyeva, Konstantin Keikhel and Liliya Burdinskaya will present their new works. The event starts at 20:00. The concert will take place in the courtyard of the Bottle building. Free admission.

At its core, the Studio used and transformed the experience of the Western teaching system, when a classical lesson is held simultaneously for professionals and amateurs. The program includes: ballet classes of various levels; modern dance classes; master classes from leading Russian and foreign teachers and choreographers; yoga and other practices: Hatha yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Kundalini yoga, Taijiquan; a program for children from 7 years old, including the development of general physical skills and the child’s first acquaintance with dance; unique therapeutic gymnastics Aikune (Diana Vishneva herself has been practicing it for several years); an educational block consisting of film screenings, lectures and creative meetings with the largest Russian and foreign choreographers and artists.

Leonid Sarafanov, premier of the Mikhailovsky Theater, has been appointed curator of the Studio's ballet program. Yulia Chai, the creator of the project, will be responsible for the direction of yoga Generation Yoga- the largest community of yoga lovers in St. Petersburg. The teacher of modern dance was the talented choreographer Vladimir Varnava. The Aikune gymnastics course will be led by its author and founder Abai Baimagambetov (Emshi). In addition, lessons are planned from leading Russian teachers: Lyudmila Kovaleva, teacher at the Mariinsky Theater, professor at the Academy of Russian Ballet. A.Ya. Vaganova, Honored Artist, Elvira Tarasova, teacher-tutor of the Mariinsky Theater, Honored Artist of Russia, Andrei Batalov, teacher and guest soloist of the Mariinsky Theater, Honored Artist of Russia, Daria Pavlenko, ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater, Honored Artist of Russia and others.

Separate and larger direction Context Pro will be working with young Russian choreographers. The Studio's halls will be open to every aspiring director and will become for them a place of rehearsals, tests and experiments, an open workshop, a stage between the creation of a production and its presentation on the big stage. Choreographers will be able to present the intermediate results of their work to the audience also in the Studio premises.

Project Context Pro was designed by New York architect Rem Hass in collaboration with the Borsch architectural bureau (St. Petersburg). The room measures 190 sq. m., designed in snow-white tones, contains two spacious halls that can be transformed into a single, large space. The studio is provided with high-quality technical professional equipment: a Harlequin ballet floor, mirrors and ballet bars, and the necessary supplies for yoga classes. Next to the studio there are locker rooms, showers and a reception for meeting visitors. Context Pro located on the third floor of the renovated Bottle building.

In which he will personally practice fouettés, batmans and asanas. Today, on the day the sale of subscriptions to it starts, we have collected everything that is known about Context Pro and we were so impressed that we can’t wait to start classes.

What is Context Pro?

Snow-white, like Odette’s plumage, the spacious dance studio of New Holland does not coincidentally duplicate the naming of Diana Vishneva’s annual ballet festival. It is its logical sequel and permanent headquarters - in close proximity to the beloved Mariinsky Theater.

The studio, designed by New York architect Rem Hass and the Borsch design bureau, has two rooms with large mirrors, a special Harlequin floor and machines. If desired, they can be transformed into a single space of 190 square meters. The reception, changing rooms and showers are located nearby.

The site will open on September 20. On this day, Diana herself, as well as soloists of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky, will show on the Bottle stage numbers choreographed by Context festival winner Vladimir Varnava, chief choreographer of the Perm Theater Alexei Miroshnichenko and others.

Who is Context Pro classes suitable for?

In her embassy, ​​where the only ideology and goal is the beauty of the movement, Vishneva promises to personally share invaluable experience: how to perform the choreography of not only Petipa and Balanchine, but also Bejart, Ratmansky and Locke, get rid of clamps and recover. The studio is designed for both professionals and amateurs. The program will include classes for dancers who want to improve their skills, beginners in ballet and yoga, and lessons for children from seven years old.

Who teaches what in the studio?

Mikhailovsky's premier Leonid Sarafanov is responsible for the ballet part in the studio. The curator of the yoga direction was Yulia Chai, the creator of the Generation Yoga project. , who recently staged “Yaroslavna” at the Mariinsky Theater. One of the teachers will also be Abai Baimagabetov (Emshi), the founder of the Aikune gymnastics course, which is taught by Diana Vishneva. Lessons will also be given periodically by teachers and dancers of the Mariinsky Theater. The studio will also engage in ballet education - they will give lectures and hold film screenings.

What are the studio's opening hours?

The morning at the studio will begin at 8:00 with yoga, from 10:30 there will be ballet classes for professionals, from 16:00 for children, and from 18:30 for those who are still at a basic level. From 20:00 there will be classes in Hatha or Ashtanga yoga - depending on the day of the week. Full schedule.

How much do subscriptions cost?

The first trial group lesson will cost 300 rubles, and a trial subscription for four (2 yoga + 2 ballet) - 1,500. The standard price of one lesson (after 16:00) is 700 rubles, four within a month - 2600, eight - 4400, and 12 – 5400. An unlimited monthly subscription costs 5000 if you purchase it before September 20 (a bonus will be a place in the podium of the opening gala concert).

From September 21, the price will be 7,000. An unlimited subscription for three months costs 18,000 rubles, for six months - 30,000. At the same time, freezing is possible for 15 and 30 days, respectively.

Morning passes (from 8 to 16:00) are slightly cheaper. You can find out more about prices

Diana Vishneva is without a doubt the most famous Russian ballerina. Even those who are not into ballet know her name. A fantastic body, a unique manner of performing both classical and modern productions do not leave audiences around the world indifferent. After graduating from the ARB named after. Vaganova and having come to the Mariinsky Theater in 1995, she still remains its prima. Having conquered Europe, Vishneva in 2003 became a guest prima of the American Ballet Theater, to which she said goodbye only a few months ago. Winner of many awards and prizes, Diana never stops on her laurels. In 2010, 15 years after starting her career at the Mariinsky Theater, she founded the Diana Vishneva Foundation for Promoting the Development of Ballet Art, which united the efforts and capabilities of organizations and people to solve cultural, charitable and creative problems. The Foundation's activities are aimed at increasing the accessibility of ballet art for various segments of society, including children involved in choreography and dancing, stage veterans and simply true ballet lovers. Targeted assistance is also provided to ballet dancers and stage veterans. Organizing and staging new ballet projects are the main directions of his work.

I would like to note the last point separately. In 2013, Vishneva came up with CONTEXT.Diana Vishneva as a laboratory where foreign and Russian choreographers can show their creative style and working methods to the audience and each other. This is a unique creative platform, which hosts master classes from the world's leading teachers, lectures with dance theorists, screening of rare documentaries, workshops for ballet photographers (you may have already seen photographs of Mark Olic, one of the leading photographers, on our website in the story about ), dance critics and make-up artists.

Over the five years of its existence, the festival has transformed from a three-day to a week, taking place at such venues as the Mariinsky Theater and the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theater, the Gogol Center, the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre, the Mossovet Theater and the Documentary Film Center. And young talented choreographers received a fantastic opportunity to show their productions. So, for example, the young and talented Vladimir Varnava, winner of the 2013 festival, this year staged the ballet “Yaroslavna” at the Mariinsky Theater, which premiered with triumph on June 30.

But that's not all. On September 20, on New Holland in St. Petersburg, in the newly renovated Bottle building, ContextPro Studio opens - a studio that will teach ballet, modern dance and yoga. On the opening evening there will be a gala concert, at which both Diana herself and invited stars of world ballet will perform, and choreographers will present their new works.

If you are not in St. Petersburg, I think it’s worth coming for this. And if you are there, be sure to go and sign up for classes. You definitely won’t find a better place both in terms of content and location.

P.S. But that's not all! On September 22 in London, the National Geographic Society will host a public talk with the participation of Diana Vishneva, Alena Doletskaya and Tatyana Parfenova, whose fashion house Diana is a longtime friend. Theme: Ballet, Fashion and Art.