Market structure b2b b2c b2g in spain. Choice of sales model. What are B2B, B2C, B2G combinations. The dark side of business

B2G is the sphere of activity of large players. But even novice entrepreneurs will not hurt to know what its features are.

Abbreviation decoding

Under B2G (business to government) or B2G marketing understand the system of relationships between commercial organizations and the state.

These relationships include: the provision of services and the supply of goods, as well as the development and provision of business solutions for the needs of government agencies.

Characteristic features of the B2G segment

I would like to highlight the following features of the B2G segment:

  • Complex and multi-stage decision-making mechanism.
  • Tender system of purchases.
  • The specificity and complexity of financial conditions, as well as procurement mechanisms.
  • Consistency in the relationship between government agencies and companies providing services to them.
  • Impressive scale.
  • Involvement of the administrative resource in all interaction processes.

How does the B2G market function?

The B2G market functions thanks to the following forms of relations between the state and business:

  • Supply of goods and provision of services to the state.
  • Rent (business = tenant, government = landlord).
  • Equipment leasing.
  • Concessions.
  • Public-private partnerships.

Most often, the state interacts with business owners through procurement. Purchases are made in the interests of various authorities, departments and their divisions, as well as to meet the needs of municipalities and customers. The process of making such purchases is accompanied by bureaucratic difficulties. All government-initiated procurement must comply with numerous laws, both local and federal.

Another way of interaction between commercial organizations and government agencies is called public-private partnership. Such partnerships are created in order to jointly solve complex socially significant tasks. In this situation, the merchant invests in a certain state project, which contributes to meeting the needs of the state and society.

How B2G sales are carried out

B2G sales are carried out by professionals who provide:

  • monitoring the needs of clients (departments, institutions);
  • search for government customers;
  • transaction support;
  • control over payments of state customers.

In general, this area of ​​business is characterized by the complexity and specificity of the relationship between the parties. Working in it requires exceptional knowledge in matters of legislation.

It should be said in advance that the B2G system is not suitable for beginners and small entrepreneurs. But all managers should familiarize themselves with this direction, because the organization can develop by leaps and bounds. In our article, we will deal with the questions of what B2G sales are, what are their features and applications.


In market relations, the state itself acts as a special player. In order for the state apparatus to function normally, it has a need to purchase certain goods. The B2G market is a collection of services and goods that government agencies buy. Such demand is satisfied through participation in public procurement and state projects.

The abbreviation B2G stands for business to government and translates as "business for the state." This is a market relationship between commercial organizations and the government of the country.


The B2G segment has characteristic features:

  • Decisions are made on a complex multi-level system.
  • Purchases are made.
  • Complex financial arrangements for procurement.
  • Long-term relationship between government and private companies.
  • Large volumes.
  • The administrative resource is involved in cooperation with private firms.

This segment is wide, it captures services and goods - such as stationery, cars, construction work, computer equipment and much more.

Government orders are received mainly by large companies and concerns, which are time-tested and have powerful production resources. Small companies can too. It is more promising for small organizations to pay attention to the needs of municipal authorities, where there are more chances to conclude a profitable contract.

It is more promising for small organizations to pay attention to the needs of municipal authorities, where there are more chances to conclude a profitable contract.

The country's government, in turn, is the most reliable buyer, which pays for everything from the state budget. So, delays in money or other difficulties should not be expected. But the implementation of the plan is also mandatory for those who cooperate with the state in order to avoid penalties.

Relationship forms

There can be the following forms of relationship between business and the state: leasing of equipment, supply of goods, provision of services, partnership and lease. The most popular and widespread of this list is purchases. But there are also bureaucratic obstacles in the way of entrepreneurs in the form of many federal and local laws.

Sales Process

This sector is occupied only by professionals who can:

  • Conduct accurate monitoring aimed at identifying the needs of government agencies.
  • Look for government customers and contact them directly.
  • Participate in transaction support.
  • Control payment for services or goods.

it key indicators, and if you can do all this well, then you can interact with the government.


In the state economy of any country in the world, the B2G sales sector occupies a key place. Since the state is the largest player, it gives businesses large and permanent orders. And this, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the economic situation in the country.

The disadvantages for commerce will be the difficulty of entering this market and adapting to specific relationships with the state. If you know the current legislation well and understand the mechanisms of the state apparatus, things will line up.

I told you where you can find the manufacturer. It is time to look at the situation from the other side and find out where the manufacturer can find customers. Let me tell you, it's easier to do. At first glance, even the eyes run up from the abundance of opportunities. And in order to somehow systematize these immense prospects, sales can be divided into areas depending on who the offer is addressed to: individuals, the state or business. In this article, I will talk a little about all the directions in order to continue a more specific conversation on each of them in the following materials.

Sometimes even from experienced entrepreneurs I hear such an opinion: they say, the division into areas is a convention. There would be a good product and persistent managers, but you can sell to anyone.

Well, if you do not have to study your target audience, then you are either an incredibly lucky person, or Russian Railways (which is almost the same thing). Let's keep talking to others :)

Business-to-customer, or sales to individuals. Naturally, in this case we are talking about trade in finished goods. At first glance, selling ready-made goods is quite simple (unless, of course, you sell nanoblasters or anti-aircraft guns). Sales channels are also obvious:

  • Own online store;
  • Various aggregators (Yandex.Market, Avito, Wikimart, and so on);
  • Social network.

But behind the apparent simplicity there are two problems. Serious problems:

  1. It is expensive. To acquaint the end consumer with their goods, you need a lot of money. Simply because there are many consumers, and advertising platforms (aggregators, social networks) are not prone to altruism. For example: the cost of one transition from Yandex.Market to the store website starts from 3 rubles. In reality, for highly competitive requests, the price is much higher. The purchase is, of course, not guaranteed. Competitors use this: I know situations when competitors “clicked” each other’s ads, spending budgets. A senseless arms race in its purest form.

    Promotion of your own online store is even more expensive. In order for buyers to visit your site, it must be on the first page of a search engine or must participate in search advertising (Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct). And the monthly budget for Yandex.Direct for the highly competitive query "children's toys" is more than 700 thousand rubles. I won’t talk about the cost of “natural” promotion - many articles have already been written on this topic. But the average salary of a full-time SEO specialist of the same average level is worth voicing - 90 thousand rubles.

  2. It's complicated. Manufacturers, as a rule, lose to intermediaries. Alas, serious entrepreneurs involved in production often simply do not have time and energy for marketing. It is much easier nowadays to be an intermediary and do dropshipping, not having your own products and concentrating only on promotion.

Dropshipping- view entrepreneurial activity(most often on the Internet), which consists in the sale of the manufacturer's goods by an intermediary. At the same time, the intermediary buys goods from the manufacturer only after he himself has received payment for this goods from the client. The profit of the intermediary is formed due to the difference between the wholesale price that he pays to the manufacturer and the retail price at which he sells the goods to the client. The key difference of this type of activity is that the purchased goods are sent to the buyer directly from the manufacturer.

And yet in life there is always a place for a feat! And in online B2C sales, there is a place for the manufacturer. As an example: my friends from the Niti-Niti company are engaged in the production of clothes and sell them themselves. The guys started with sales through VK. When they increased serious momentum, they opened an offline store, then a second, a third, and only then (!) did they finally make a website. Their success can be attributed to the good quality of the goods, luck and crazy passion for their work.

Business-to-government, or sales to the state. In addition to finished products, contract manufacturing services can also be offered in this segment.

If it seems to you that only tanks, planes and secrets of another state can be sold to the state, then I hasten to please you. All budgetary organizations participate in the public procurement system: schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and so on. So, you can sell them something good - you just need to adapt to the specifics of the work. This specificity is regulated by the Federal Law (223-FZ, 44-FZ). In accordance with the law, the customer (state or municipal) may declare:

  • contest;
  • auction in electronic form;
  • request for quotations;
  • request for proposals;
  • two stage competition.

The supplier, as you understand, can only respond to a request by offering its goods or services. Active promotion of their products is not expected.

The main problem in working with public procurement is the need securing a contract. For example, in order to fulfill a state contract for ten million rubles, it is necessary to deposit and freeze funds in the amount of about a million rubles until the contract is executed. Unfortunately, not all small, and even medium-sized enterprises can afford this in the current conditions. Therefore, despite the quotas that the state has introduced specifically for small businesses, it is still not easy to participate in public procurement. The quotas themselves are the result of the activities of the "road map" to simplify the access of small and medium-sized companies to the procurement of companies with state participation that fall under the federal law 223. The roadmap aims to bring the share of small businesses in public procurement to 25% - against the current 10%. But let me tell you a little secret: many large suppliers specifically create subsidiaries of "small enterprises" and thus bypass quotas. Alas, public procurement is a good breeding ground for all sorts of gray schemes. But we're on the bright side, right? And we are talking only about legal mechanisms.

Well, well, if you are really interested in finding out what kind of fish swim in troubled waters, put a "like". If this article gains 100 thousand likes, then I will devote our next conversation to gray schemes for working with public procurement.

If I could not scare you with the previous paragraph and you firmly decided to become a supplier of the conditional Rosatom, there is good news for you. If earlier suppliers had to monitor more than a dozen sites in search of government contracts, then since 2016 everything has become easier. Now there is a Unified information system in the field of procurement. You just have to get an electronic digital signature (EDS; this is a prerequisite for working with the site) and find a suitable tender!

Business-to-business, or selling to a business. In this segment, you can offer finished products, contract manufacturing services, raw materials, and components for further production.

Selling to a business is perhaps the most convenient type of sales for a manufacturing company. Judge for yourself:

  • It is not necessary to build your own logistics of the "last mile" (delivery to the end consumer). There is no need for single-piece packaging of goods.
  • Marketing expenses are much less. You don't have to think about attractive packaging, expensive TV advertising, and a host of other things. You can finally focus on production and only occasionally do creative work for the soul.

  • Turnover is usually higher.
  • You don't even have to make final product. You can make components, spare parts, radio components - everything that companies buy for further production cycle.
  • Moreover, being in the B2B segment, you can sell not goods, but your services for the production of goods, that is, engage in contract manufacturing.

Where to look for customers? Lots of options:

  • B2B Center
  • … and so on.

Some of these sites (such as the B2B Center, for example) are similar in format to a public procurement site: the customer announces a tender, and suppliers only send their proposals. And if in the case of public procurement such a format is justified by compliance with the law, then on commercial platforms it creates inconvenience for suppliers - there is no way to actively promote their goods and services.

Other B2B sites (for example,, - in fact, are message boards from suppliers or product catalogs with search by parameters. To work on tender sites, you need to have an EDS. To work on directory sites, you don’t need ... anything. In the literal sense of the word. You can register any company (even Gazprom) and place an ad for the sale of anything (even the Motherland). So I registered the fake company "Insects" and started trading with the Motherland. No, don't think bad. I'm a patriot. I was just testing (for your sake) the possibilities of various B2B sites. So, even if you are seriously interested in "retail, wholesale and huge discounts", I'd better not call with this :)

You can also register your company under ten different names, but with the same product catalog, and "score" the entire search with yourself. And if the customer starts looking, for example, for galvanized nails 4x120 mm, then he will definitely come to your page - he simply will not have a choice! It is clear that the level of customer confidence in such sites is low.

In general, a manufacturer, entering the B2B e-commerce market, is forced to choose between the active promotion of its products and the status of the site. It turns out that in search of the optimal solution for B2B trading, electronic platforms did not take into account the most important thing - the interests of the manufacturer, who actually needs not so much:

  1. Tell about yourself, your goods and services of contract manufacturing;
  2. Be able to confirm your status as a manufacturer;
  3. Compete on the site with the same manufacturers, not intermediaries;
  4. Communicate directly with customers;
  5. Order government and commercial services through a single window.

Fortunately, technology does not stand still. Now an electronic trading platform is being created in Russia, aimed specifically at manufacturers. But I will talk about this later. Let's keep the intrigue!

Hello! In this article, we will talk about B2G sales.

Today you will learn:

  • What is B2G sales;
  • How do B2G sales happen?
  • What products can be sold in the B2G sector.

What is B2G

B2B and B2C are familiar abbreviations. and implies the sale of large consignments of goods () by some enterprises to other enterprises for the purpose of their use in production or resale.

In the wholesale market, consumers are and this is the main parameter in which they differ from. In the B2C market (retail market), goods are purchased by consumers for personal use. The clients here are individuals who purchase products in small volumes to meet their own needs.

But there is another abbreviation and another type of client - B2G and the state. In all respects, the B2G market is an integral part of the B2B market. However, the specifics of sales of goods to such a client as the state does not give a chance not to single out this market for independent study.

B2G stands for business to government, which means “business for the state”. As already mentioned in the B2G market, the client is the state.

But what exactly is meant by the state?

  1. The state should be understood as a variety of state structures. These include: the army, the police, the courts, the Federal Assembly and others.
  2. The public sector includes educational institutions of various levels: schools, kindergartens, universities.
  3. State healthcare enterprises. These include hospitals, clinics, emergency rooms.
  4. Cultural and scientific institutions. For example, academies of sciences, libraries, museums and theaters.

So, B2G sales is the process of selling goods and services by enterprises whose clients are government agencies.

Features of sales in the B2G market

The state is considered the most reliable partner, but having received a long-awaited order from it, you will encounter a number of difficulties and obstacles.

All of them will be related to the features of B2G sales, which include:

  • An order can only be obtained through a tender, which, as a rule, takes place in several stages;
  • The state makes large one-time purchases;
  • The complexity of the system of financial settlements, payment systems;
  • Relations will be built on the basis of long-term cooperation. It is very likely that next time you will again become a supplier for a government client;
  • The application of severe sanctions in case of non-fulfillment of the terms of the contract, for example, in the event of a delay in the order;
  • Most often, state entities cooperate with large companies or companies that produce a unique product. But this does not mean that small and medium-sized businesses do not have a chance to receive government orders. Just small-scale enterprises should pay attention to cities and municipalities;
  • Price often plays a decisive role in choosing a supplier.

Now let's look at what ways of interaction between the state and organizations exist.

So, the main forms of interaction in the public sector include:

  • State orders for the supply of products;
  • Rental of premises;
  • – the state often rents equipment and machinery;
  • Public-private partnership is a form of interaction between the state and business for mutual assistance in solving socially significant problems.
  • Concession agreements are a form of interaction between the state and business, in which business is involved in the process of public administration.

B2G sales process

In fact, 90% of public sector sales come from . Therefore, if you decide to enter the B2G market, you just need to know how this event works.

At the moment, the most widespread type of tenders is electronic auction.

Online tenders have the following distinctive features:

  • More participants;
  • Increased availability;
  • Anonymity of participants;
  • Transparency.

Almost any company can take part in the state online tender.

To do this, you must go through the following steps in sequence:

  • Register on the website of the official platform for the placement of government orders. Track news on the site. As a rule, information about the auction is posted two to three weeks before the deadline for accepting applications for participation. Therefore, visit the portal at least once every 5 days. At the moment there are 5 electronic resources for holding auctions;
  • Buying an electronic signature. Without it, you will not be able to participate in the tender. They sell it on the same portal where the competition is held. Please note that the process of receiving it will take you about two days.
  • We receive accreditation from the procurement portal. To do this, you need to fill out a special form and open an account. To obtain accreditation, you need such documents as: (in the event that you participate in the tender on behalf of, then you need an extract from the USRIP), your company, a power of attorney to participate in the competition, a protocol on the appointment of a person in charge, confirmed by the seal of the organization.
  • Consideration of submitted documents. This stage takes about five days. As a result, you will receive either an invitation to participate and your “ Personal Area” on the portal, or a refusal and its justification. In case of refusal, you can reapply, but again you will have to wait five days until it is considered.
  • Replenishment of the account on the portal. This is a guarantee that you will participate in the tender. Each service requires the same amount: for small businesses 2% of the initial order value, for medium and large businesses - 5%. After the end of the auction, the money will be returned to you.
  • Compiling an application for participation in the auction. The first part of the document contains information about the participant's consent to complete the order and a description of the product. The second part contains information about the participating company. In addition, you must provide cost estimates for the product being sold (costs, taxes, etc.).

Keep in mind that the submitted application is your formal agreement to comply with all customer requirements. If you cannot meet any of the requirements, the application must be withdrawn. Participants are also given a limited period of time to withdraw applications, after which this will not be possible.

  • Trading results. Obtaining a government contract in case of victory.


  • The auction increment is always 0.5% of the original order value. The participant can reduce the price even more only after moving to the next step. One step lasts 10 minutes;
  • The price can only be reduced;
  • It is possible to reduce the price by less than 0.5%, but then another participant can reduce the price in the same step and win the tender.
  • You cannot reduce the price by more than 0.5% in one step

In addition, you should only try to participate in the tender if you have the following skills and qualities:

  • You see the unmet needs of the public sector, you know how to identify them;
  • Do not be lazy to independently search for government customers;
  • Ready to take part in support of transactions;
  • Ready to control payment for products;
  • We are ready to fulfill the order on time.

Goods for B2G sales

At the moment, repair and construction services, as well as real estate, can be distinguished as the most popular goods on the B2G market.

But you should not refuse to participate in the tender if your company is not engaged in the production or sale of the above products.

At the moment, a proposal for the supply of eggs in the amount of 18 thousand rubles, an order for holding cultural events and for the supply of hand cream is posted on the website of the state order.

Thus, no matter what area of ​​business you are in, you can find your government customer, and this is a good stable income.

Business for the state (B2G, business to government, b2g marketing) - in a broad sense of the relationship between business and the state, this concept includes services rendered and (or) goods supplied, business solutions offered by a particular company to the state.

Business for the state involves (b2g), on the one hand, a complex multi-stage decision-making system, a tender structure of purchases, complex financial conditions and material support schemes for purchases, on the other hand, a huge participation and influence of the administrative resource, the scale and regularity of relations between business and the state.

To B2G forms (interaction between government and business) include:

  • government contracts for the supply and provision of services;
  • lease relations, in which the business acts as a tenant;
  • financial lease - equipment leasing;
  • public-private partnerships;
  • concession agreements.

The main instrument of B2G (the market segment of interaction between the state and business) can be considered purchases for the needs of the state, municipal needs, for the needs of other government agencies and institutions and departments. Public procurement is distinguished by the extreme complexity of regulatory laws. All purchases of state institutions are based on separate federal and local laws, rules and recommendations of individual ministries and departments. Each public procurement must comply with all laws and guidelines mentioned above.

Another B2G tool is public-private partnership- a form of interaction between the state and business to solve socially significant problems on mutually beneficial terms. While business is interested in new objects for investment, the state receives financing and assistance from business in solving socially significant problems.

The functionality of a specialist in the B2G segment is: monitoring the needs of government customers, attracting and supporting key customers - government customers, supporting contracts, monitoring government customers' payments.

B2G marketing- marketing of goods and services, maintenance of communication between players in the B2G segment, involving:

  • decision making preparation;
  • development of personal offers, "portfolio", service and cross-solutions for the needs of the state;
  • preparation of materials and documents for participation in tenders and auctions;