Sales promotion is a special type of activity that includes. Sales - what is it? Who is a sales manager? Features of sales promotion and sales promotion activities

Sales promotion is structurally included in the so-called advertising "below the line" (BTL), which consists of trade marketing, public relations, special promotions. trade marketing, in turn, is divided into merchandising (see "Practical Marketing" No. 53) and sales promotion - support or sales promotion.

Betsy-Anne Toffler in her dictionary of marketing terms gives the following definition of this concept.

Sales promotion: sales promotion. (1) Actions, materials, techniques and methods used in addition to marketing efforts to coordinate advertising and sales activities. (2) Incidental additional work aimed at the sale of goods and services.

Sales promotion objects are:
a) the end user;
b) retailer and distributor;
c) the manufacturer's personnel.

Depending on this, various types of sales promotion activities can be applied. Further, they are classified according to the objects of influence and, accordingly, the methods of promotion (Fig. 1).

For the end user

Tastings: are held in order to attract new customers, bring a new product to the market; consist in testing products by the end user.

Samplings: organized to attract the attention of buyers and bring new product groups to the market; is to distribute samples.

Purchase promotion: carried out to encourage the buyer to purchase a particular brand; is to encourage gifts for a certain amount of purchase.

Discounts: provided in order to increase the number of purchases, as well as attract new consumers; consist in a fixed discount for a certain volume.

Lotteries: held to attract additional attention to the product; are to encourage a purchase, such as a lottery ticket or a coupon.

Distribution of leaflets: carried out to create a positive image that corresponds to the specifics of consumption of this brand; is to inform the consumer about the useful or unique properties of the product.

Figure 1 Types of promotional events and incentive methods

For retailer and distributor

The events are held with the aim of liberalizing relations between market participants, stimulating the desire to promote certain brands.

Contests: consist in holding a competition between stores for the optimal location of certain products on the trading floor, for the best layout and design of points of sale. Winners are rewarded with gifts of value or otherwise during special events for retailers such as training, presentations or conferences.

Training: consists in training the ability of retailers to competently place and sell a certain product using the manufacturer's brand standards. Such training may take place as part of a corporate conference or presentation.

Gifts: are one of the informal means of quickly building relationships between a manufacturer and a retailer. The personal arrangement of the companies to each other allows to strengthen the mutual interest in the promotion of our products. Basically, gifts are made during acquaintance or on the occasion of holidays. Gifts can vary in degree of importance.

Bonuses: consist in bonuses to the counterparty for fulfilled obligations. They may be provided in the form of preferential terms under contracts of sale or in the form of additional deliveries at reduced prices, or in another way.

For manufacturer personnel

Training: is a mutually beneficial process focused on results for both the company and the staff; consists in intensive training of newly arrived and already working employees; the frequency of such events depends on the goals and objectives of the company; they are usually held at least once every three months. The topics of trainings can be very diverse: from information and discussion of questions on the product to specialized discussions. For example, "sales technique", "art of communication", "rules of working with a client". The main thing is that all employees and management should be interested in these events and understand the need and timeliness of specific thematic trainings.

Motivation by promotion: is the encouragement of staff. The possibility of career growth is one of the most effective components of successful work; is a direct promotion or a transition to more responsible areas within a department or company. Each employee must see their perspectives.

Provision of uniforms and materials for work: the presence of such allows the normal and successful performance of their duties. Uniforms are a desirable element for sales personnel. It allows you to distinguish our employees from other representatives (companies) or ordinary visitors. The corporate form disciplines and adjusts to a business mood.

Bonuses: are material rewards for certain achievements.

Participation in festivals, exhibitions, presentations, conferences: this is another kind of encouragement, since these events are especially significant for the company, and, therefore, the best employees should take part in them. An indispensable attribute of such events are additional privileges for participants.

Contests: various forms of competition between company employees; they consist in the desire of people to become (or be) the best of the best. During such competitions, a team spirit is developed and a sense of responsibility for the work of the entire team is formed.

Special events "team spirit" (team spirit): spending time together, during which employees can informally get to know each other, get to know each other's character traits better, find common ground. This type of activities is characterized by the strengthening of the human factor in the work at the enterprise.

Materials for sales promotion

The material and technical part of the sales promotion consists in special equipment. Typically for events retail develop 1-3 types of sets of structures. This is due to different types of stores (self-service or "through the counter"), the availability of sufficient space for such promotions and the "representativeness" of retail outlets.

There are also general design requirements. They should be compact (collapsible) for ease of transportation; light in weight and simple for ease of installation; be designed in a corporate style, have 100% recognition and association with the company's products; be bright, visible to customers and comply with sanitary and hygienic standards; be convenient to use.

The second type of sales promotion equipment is a corporate uniform. It should be combined with the design of structures, be clean and ironed. The professionalism and neatness of the promoters make it possible to create a relaxed atmosphere of the holiday, corresponding to the goals and objectives of a particular action.

Sales promotion materials include corporate gifts. They can be presented both by the manufacturer's products, and in the form of souvenirs. The latter include pens, stickers, T-shirts, baseball caps, etc.

Particular attention during such events should be paid to the so-called auxiliary materials. For example, during the tasting, you should take care of cups, napkins, waste baskets and other important additional equipment.

An obligatory and indispensable condition for conducting sales promotion is the presence of an additional stock of the company's products on the trading floor and in the warehouse of the store. Imagine if the promoted product is not on the shelves. Such an event will lose its effectiveness, and the money spent will be thrown away.

Sales promotion organization

The success of sales promotion events, as in any business, is inextricably linked with the people who develop and implement ideas. In this case, the work of promoters, focused on a direct impact on the end consumer, is especially important. There are several requirements for promotion staff. Here are the four main ones.

  1. The quantitative composition should correspond to the goals of the action, its scale, as well as the degree of workload of the participants, depending on the "passability" of the store and the time of the event. The decision on the composition is made during planning and depends on each specific case and its characteristics.
  2. The appearance and behavior of personnel must comply with accepted standards for these activities. They consist in the appropriate use of the corporate form and unquestioning adherence to instructions.
  3. The quality of work is determined by the result of the action in quantitative terms and directly depends on the implementation of the plan. It lies in the knowledge of trademark, its advantages: strengths, benefits for the consumer, difference from competitors, consumption patterns, etc. The ability to attract a buyer, present products favorably and encourage them to make a purchase are indispensable fundamental skills for successful sales promotion events.
  4. Reporting is carried out both during the event and after it. The recorded data is transferred to the manager for processing and serves as the basis for encouraging staff and adjusting the company's further actions.

One of the main elements of organizing sales promotion is event planning, the meaning of which is the distribution of time and sequence of actions on a territorial basis, as well as depending on the degree of attractiveness and significance of certain types of retail chains.

Sales promotion tactics include the following actions.

  1. Choice of stores:
    1.1 selection of stores suitable for promotional activities,
    1.2 store evaluation,
    1.3 agreement with the administration,
    1.4 coordinating the date and time,
    1.5 Coordination of the venue for the promotion, based on the capabilities of the store.
  2. Working with promotion staff:
    2.1 selection and reservation of event participants,
    2.2 training,
    2.3 instructions in accordance with the action scenario,
    2.4 payment for work at the end of the event.
  3. Preparation for the event:
    3.1 creating an additional stock of products,
    3.2 merchandising at the point of sale,
    3.3 delivery of equipment (structures), their assembly; delivery of additional materials,
    3.4 preparation of the workplace.
  4. Holding an event.
  5. Actions after the action:
    5.1 thanks to the store,
    5.2 removal of equipment and materials,
    5.3 report and summing up.

The development of event scenario options is carried out before or during planning.

Depending on the goals and objectives, the availability of a certain amount of the manufacturer's budget and the degree of importance, retail outlets classified by their attractiveness for sales promotion events. First of all, these are strategic chains, they include united supermarkets and hypermarkets. In the second - important supermarkets, grocery stores and department stores, with a high turnover intensity. Third place is occupied by important medium-sized stores with higher than usual turnover rates. On the fourth - small stores, with medium intensity. All are characterized by a favorable location.

Further, in the planning of activities, the tasks for the development of regions are ranked. Obviously, megacities (Moscow and St. Petersburg) should be covered first. Then the most economically developed cities with a population of over one million and those where the manufacturer has its own distribution centers(branches). After that - all the rest, with a population of over 1 million people, etc. Particular attention should be paid to cities with the highest solvent demand. In a word, everything depends on the market capacity of a particular region (city).

When the procedure for carrying out activities on a territorial basis is determined, we proceed to tactical planning of the timing of implementation in specific sectors of the district (city). This is very important, because the number and profile of end customers at points of sale will vary by day of the week and time of their visit. It also depends on the seasonality of the consumption of this product. The main thing is to know when your target audience visits these stores.

The main and final moment in sales promotion planning is budgeting. It can be based on goals and objectives, a percentage of sales, maintaining competitive parity, or simply allocated funds that the company can afford.

The budget is determined for each year and signed for individual events, depending on the scope and timing.

The main items of expenditure in sales promotion are: the manufacture of structures, uniforms, souvenirs and payment for the work of staff or agency.

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1. Definitions of sales promotion and main types of SP.

(As an independent part of the marketing technology system, it began to develop in the USA in the 50s of the XX century. It gradually acquired an independent status, regulated not only marketing strategies, but also legal acts.)

u - Short-term incentive measures to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service.

u - Short-term progressive discount system offered by trading network or directly to the consumer to encourage him to buy the product;

u - Selling by the seller through persuasion, assistance, education, dissemination of information and arousal of enthusiasm both among their own sales apparatus and among distributors / dealers;

u - Sales promotion, product promotion. All types of activities directly related to the provision of information, including commercial advertising about a product or service, their characteristics, the degree of their compliance with the conscious needs of the consumer, as well as all types of marketing communications;

u - All marketing activities other than personal selling, commercial advertising and publicity that encourage the consumer to purchase goods and enhance the activity of intermediaries. .

→A). Sales promotion and increase in sales by activating the work of the commodity distribution network: commercial agencies, wholesale buyers, retailers, etc. (organization of fairs, exhibitions, trainings);

→b). Work with consumers:

system of rewards for regular and prospective consumers

(for example - every 100th buyer is awarded a prize for the purchase,

exceeding a certain amount; a prize enclosed in one of the product packages; a prize for the fastest purchase, for the largest number of purchases, for the best knowledge of the company's product; etc.)

● Distribution of discount coupons, age request cards: seasonal, Christmas sales; gifts from firms for holidays and anniversaries; etc.

To date, there are several main areas of SP activity:

Ø holding consultations;

Ø tastings;

Ø leafleting (distribution of leaflets);

Ø sampling (distribution of probes);

Ø sweet-sampling (exchange of your pack of cigarettes or disc for a product similarly offered to you);

Ø work at exhibitions*;

Ø as well as the activities of the distributor, as separate view promotion.

2. Character traits and features of Sales Promotion.

1). One of the most difficult types of SP activities is consulting, since work in all of the above areas of promotion, except for consulting, has such specifics and features as confirmation. In other words, informing the buyer that “Orbit Chewing Gum is healthy and tasty”, the buyer can either personally verify its taste, or the distributors themselves can simply and easily, and most importantly, convincingly convince the client of the correctness of these words. he has to wield only words, he cannot use any evidence-based methods, and the success of this campaign will directly depend on how well he will be able to convince the client and force him to purchase this product.

2). To work successfully in the field of Sales Promotion, you need to know and follow certain rules of conduct, as well as use some psychological methods of influencing people, which will be discussed below.

AND). Rules of conduct for people working in SP:

ü neat appearance (presence of obligatory, but not bright make-up; tidy hair, neat clothes, etc.); the impression of a person is formed in the first 20 seconds of meeting, even if the person has not yet had time to say anything, since 80% of the information falls on the appearance of a person, and only 20% - on how a person communicates with a client.

ü correct, calm behavior (not cheeky, but not constrained);

ü a sincere smile and attitude to work as to creativity, the result of which depends solely on the personal work of the promoter;

ü at least 2 times per minute to pronounce the text of the customer;

ü speak with correct diction, clearly pronouncing all the words;

M!NB! When hiring, it should be remembered that there are some features of the selection of personnel for this field of activity. First of all, only girls and boys are selected from the existing database, whose external data suits them according to certain parameters. (In order for employers to be interested in your candidacy, you must send them your full-length photographs, as well as pass an interview.). After that, the applicants are reviewed by the “buyer”, who decides whether this girl is suitable for this job or not. In addition to all of the above, before each new promotion, a person is required to undergo special trainings, where they explain in detail the specifics of this campaign and teach them how to communicate with a client. M

B). Techniques of influencing people used in promotion.

All psychological techniques used by SP workers are not something top-secret, on the contrary, they are widely known techniques and ways of communicating properly with other people, influencing others. That is why it is often said that PR is very close to journalism, since the techniques used there are also used in promotion. Here are at least the most famous, "classic" ways to influence the client:

Ü look into the eyes of the interlocutor;

Ü do not interrupt;

Ü speak in a soft, penetrating voice and remember that each client should be treated differently. (When offering products to teenagers passing by, you need to say, “Invigorating Coca-Cola! Unusually tasty and healthy!”; to older people, “Great milk chocolate from the Rossiya factory!”, etc.)

M!NB! Even if you are already tired of standing on the “point” and selling Coca-Cola, you want to go home, smoke, etc., then you should always remember that sales promotion is a game for the public, so everything you do , should look like you enjoy this job, even despite poor sales. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to show the client and the buyer your indifference, disregard for work, since after such an appeal the client will immediately go to competitors, and it can be very, very difficult to restore a lost reputation. M

3). The characteristic features of sales promotion are also the system of fines and the system of remuneration. First of all, we should talk about making a profit in SP. Unlike distributors, who receive revenue in the amount of 20% of the cost of the goods sold, promotional workers' income consists of the number of hours worked + % for the number of goods sold (handed out leaflets, chewing gum, etc.). In other words, the distributor's income directly depends on the number of products sold (if he did not sell the goods for the required amount, he did not earn anything), and for the promoter, regardless of the number of products sold or distributed, he receives money for hours worked. In addition, after a certain hour of work, the promoter begins to receive a certain remuneration for each unit of products sold. Let's say, for each additional bottle of Coca-Cola sold, he receives + 3 rubles, for each chocolate bar "Shock" + 1.5 rubles. etc.

III. Conclusion.

Concluding the conversation about one of the most interesting and promising areas of human activity today - Public Relation (PR), I would like to summarize everything written above, once again list all the main features

&IV. Bibliography.&

1). D. Newsom, D. Van Slake Turk, D. Krukeberg. – “All about PR. Theory and practice of public relations. Seventh edition. Moscow. Publishing House "Infra-M". 2001

2). V. Korolko. - Fundamentals of Public Relations. Reflbook. "Wakler". 2001

3). I. Aleshina. – “Public relations for managers. Lecture course.". Moscow. "IKF" EKMOS ". 2002

Information about the work “Public Relations (pr) as one of the realities of today. History, psychology and forms of activity of a pr employee"

The life cycle of a product is a marketing concept that reflects the main stages in the development of a product (product class) from the moment it is developed to leaving the market. Each product lives on the market for a certain time. Sooner or later it is superseded by another, more perfect one. In this regard, the concept of the product life cycle is introduced. Appendix B

The life cycle is described by the change in sales and profit indicators over time and consists of the following stages: the beginning of sales (introduction to the market), growth, maturity (saturation) and decline. The stage of introduction to the market is characterized by a slight increase in sales and is unprofitable due to high initial marketing costs, small volumes of product release and the lack of development of its production.

The sales growth stage is characterized by a rapid increase in sales volume driven by consumer acceptance of the product, profitability rises, the relative share of marketing spend tends to fall, and prices remain constant or fall slightly.

At the maturity stage, sales growth slows down and even starts to fall because the product has already been purchased by the majority of potential customers, competition intensifies, marketing costs usually increase, prices may decrease, profits stabilize or decline. When upgrading a product or market segments, this stage can be extended.

The recession is manifested in a sharp decline in sales and profits. Product upgrades, price cuts, and increased marketing costs can only prolong this stage. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the maximum profit, as a rule, in comparison with the maximum sales volume, shifts towards the initial stages of the life cycle. This is due to the increased cost of maintaining sales in the later stages of the product life cycle.

The concept of the life cycle is applicable to the product class (telephone), product type (radio telephone), to a specific brand of product (radio telephone of a specific company). The greatest practical interest is the study of the life cycle of a particular brand of product. This concept is also applicable to such phenomena as style (clothing, furniture, art, etc.) and fashion. Different marketing strategies are used at different stages of the life cycle.

The shape of the life cycle curve remains more or less the same for most products. This means that when a product appears on the market, if it appeals to consumers, then its sales volume rises and then falls. The length and intensity of the transition from one stage to another vary greatly depending on the specifics of the product and the market. The transition from stage to stage is quite smooth, so the marketing function must closely monitor changes in sales and profits in order to capture the boundaries of the stages and adjust the marketing program accordingly.

It is especially necessary to catch the stage of saturation, and even more so - the decline, since keeping a product that has exhausted itself on the market is unprofitable, and in terms of prestige it is simply harmful. You also need to choose the right moment to enter the market with some new product.

If the demand for a similar product is already falling, you should not start commercial activity on the market. Obviously, when it is determined that a product is at the stage of maturity or saturation, then efforts must be made to develop a new product to replace the product that has exhausted itself.

Other options for life cycle curves are also possible. Appendix B

Despite product life cycle theory, there is no supporting evidence that most products go through a typical 4-phase cycle and have standard life cycle curves. But it also cannot be said that the turning points of the various phases of the life cycle are more or less predictable.

In addition, depending on the level of aggregation at which the product is considered, different types of life cycle curves can be considered.

Remember, market research does not start with the product, but with the needs of the consumer. For example, consumers feel the need for transportation. Appendix D

Such needs may remain constant, grow from century to century, and may never reach a declining phase.

The need for transport is specified in the demand for certain technological ways to meet it (from primitive vehicles, from a carriage with horses to a car and other modern vehicles).

The life cycle of technological methods is shorter than needs, but can be extremely long.

Technological methods are implemented using various specific technical and technological solutions. For example, cars can use steam, piston, turbine, electric engines, which also have their own life cycle. Radio transmitting devices successively used vacuum tubes, semiconductors, integrated circuits. Hidden under each curve is a series of life cycle curves for individual technical and technological innovations. Such life cycle curves can be very short, and they certainly tend to be shorter.

The nature of the life cycle curve is the result of management actions and is not due to external causes. Executives believe that every product inevitably follows its own life cycle curve. When sales volume stabilizes, instead of updating technology, looking for new market opportunities, executives categorize the product as a "cash cow" and start looking for another business.

The main concept of marketing is to focus on consumer needs, rather than focusing on product sales. The concept of the life cycle has a product rather than a marketing orientation.

The product of a particular organization will “die” when needs change, if a competitor makes a better offer, if new technologies allow you to offer something new to consumers. Therefore, it is better to focus your efforts on identifying the causes of change, rather than studying their consequences using a life cycle curve.

Identification of the causes of changes will allow foreseeing changes and developing a product policy that is maximally adapted to them.

When developing and implementing a product policy, it must be taken into account that the same products in different markets may be at different stages of the life cycle.

In practice, most companies trade several products in different markets. In this case, the concept of "product portfolio" is used, which refers to the totality of products manufactured by the company. It must be balanced and include products at different stages of the cycle, which ensures the continuity of the organization's production and marketing activities, constant profit, reduces the risk of not receiving the expected profit from the sale of products at the initial stages of the life cycle.

Sales promotion - the activity of implementing commercial and creative ideas that stimulate the sale of the advertiser's products or services, often in a short time. In particular, it is implemented through the packaging of goods, on which various sales promotion tools are located (for example, portraits famous people, cartoon characters, expensive car brands), as well as through specialized events at the point of sale. The long-term goal is to create in the perception of the consumer a greater value of branded goods marked with a certain trademark; short-term - the creation of additional value of the product for the consumer. Activities in the field of sales promotion are paid based on the time spent by experts, fees for creative work and rates for technical work.

Sales promotion is carried out using packaged goods, when sales promotion elements are placed on or inside the packaging, as well as through special events at the point of sale.

The use of sales promotion activities is especially justified at the stage of introducing the product to the market, as well as at the turn of the stages of maturity and exit from the market.

The goals achieved by sales promotion techniques are determined marketing tasks company and characteristics of the target audience to which they are directed.

There are two goals of sales promotion:

  • - short-term goal - creating additional attractiveness or value of the product for the consumer, for example, a discount on the price, durable, beautiful and functional packaging, the possibility of winning a prize;
  • - long-term goal - to create in the minds of consumers a sense of greater value of certain branded goods.

There are usually three types of sales promotion recipients:

  • - consumers;
  • - trade intermediaries;
  • - own sales staff.

The main tasks and techniques of sales promotion, depending on the type of target audience.

Sales promotion activities aimed at consumption. Their main goal is to introduce the consumer to the new product; "push" him to buy; increase the number of items purchased by one customer; reward adherents of a particular brand and regular customers; reduce temporary sales fluctuations (seasonal, by day of the week, during the day), etc. For this, various discounts, distribution of coupons, bonuses, free samples of goods, lotteries and contests, credit, stimulating packaging are used.

Sales promotion activities aimed at intermediaries. When exposed to sales promotion techniques on resellers, the following main tasks are solved: to encourage an increase in sales; to stimulate orders for the maximum volume of consignments of goods for sale; to encourage the exchange of best practices in the implementation of a particular product; reduce temporary fluctuations in the receipt of orders from intermediaries, etc.

Among the most common methods of stimulating intermediaries are the following:

  • - discounts from the price for the agreed volume of the consignment;
  • - providing a specified number of units of goods to an intermediary free of charge, subject to the purchase of a certain quantity;
  • - bonuses - "pushers" paid to dealers when selling goods in excess of their agreed quantity for a certain period of time;
  • - participation of the seller in a joint advertising campaign with the intermediary with the corresponding compensation of the intermediary's costs for advertising (ie "advertising offset"). Providing retailers with free branded advertising media (posters, pennants, stickers, etc.);
  • - organization of competitions and congresses of dealers with rewarding of winners;
  • - the manufacturer can provide a "sales offset", in which the intermediary receives a certain discount for the inclusion of the company's products in its nomenclature, which compensates for part of its additional marketing costs;
  • - the manufacturer of goods (especially for complex technical products) can provide free advanced training for intermediary personnel.

Sales promotion relative to own sales staff aims to increase sales in the divisions of the company itself; to encourage the most effective workers; additionally motivate their work; promote the exchange of experience between sellers, etc.

The main means of this direction of sales promotion are:

  • - awards to the best trade workers;
  • - providing the best sellers with additional vacation days;
  • - organization of recreational trips for leaders at the expense of the company;
  • - competitions of sellers with rewarding of winners;
  • - expanding the participation of leading workers in the company's profits;
  • - holding conferences of sellers;
  • - all sorts of moral encouragement.

Thus, the possibilities and forms of sales promotion events are diverse. When implemented thoughtfully, consumers, intermediaries and employees receive additional free benefits, which is always perceived positively. This increases the attractiveness of the product and achieves faster sales or increased sales volumes.

The use of sales promotion techniques often involves their support by other types of marketing communications such as advertising and direct marketing. For example, holding a lottery and various competitions requires mandatory information to a large target audience. Most often this problem is solved by means of advertising.

Sales promotion - sales promotion.

Sales promotion as a form of marketing communications is a system of short-term incentive measures and techniques aimed at encouraging the purchase or sale of a product and taking the form of additional benefits, conveniences, savings, etc. In other words, buyers or other target audiences targeted by sales promotions receive something for free, or at a lower price, or with greater convenience. Moreover, all this is obtained by the addressee additionally, in addition to what is stipulated by the main, standard agreement with the seller.

The subjects (communicators) of sales promotion activities can be manufacturers of goods and resellers. The goals achieved by sales promotion techniques are determined by the company's marketing objectives and the characteristics of the target audience to which they are directed.

There are usually three types of sales promotion recipients:


2. Trading intermediaries.

3.Own sales staff.

Sales promotion activities aimed at the consumer most often pursue the following marketing goals:

Introduce the consumer to the novelty;

- "push" him to buy;

Increase the number of items purchased by one customer;

Reduce temporary fluctuations in sales (seasonal, by day of the week, during the day);

Encourage adherents and regular customers of a particular brand, promote brand loyalty.

When using sales promotion techniques on resellers, the following main tasks are solved:

Encourage an increase in sales;

Stimulate orders of maximum batches of goods;

Encourage the exchange of best practices in the implementation of a particular product;

Reduce temporary fluctuations in the receipt of orders and payments from intermediaries, etc.

Sales promotion in relation to its own sales staff pursues the following goals:

Increase sales volume in the divisions of the company itself;

Encourage the most active workers;

In addition to motivate their work;

Facilitate the exchange of experience between sellers, etc.

Consider the most common classification of techniques and means of sales promotion.

1. Numerous sales promotion techniques aimed at end consumers can be combined into several groups.

1.1. Price discounts are one of the most numerous and frequently used methods.

1.2. The use of discount payment cards by communicators can be considered as a development of discount tools in modern conditions.

1.3. In combination with the provision of discounts, it is necessary to consider such a method of sales promotion as the distribution of coupons.

A coupon is a kind of certificate issued by the company to the buyer and giving him the right to certain savings (discount) when buying a particular product.

1.4. In sales practice, all kinds of bonuses are widely used, more often in material form.

1.5. In order to introduce new products to the market, the company may transfer free samples of these products to potential buyers. This technique is sometimes called "sampling".

1.6. If the product, the sale of which is being stimulated, is a food product, then tasting can become one of the promotion tools.

1.7.Sometimes the promoted product is not given as a gift, but exchanged for competitors' products. In this case, the acquisition of a new client is combined with the “selection” of a consumer from a competitor.

1.8. Some novelty goods, which, due to the significant cost of a commodity unit, cannot be distributed, are transferred free of charge to potential buyers for temporary use, “for testing”.

1.9.Sometimes sales promotion techniques take the form of a game: a firm may announce a competition, lottery or quiz.

1.10. As sales promotion techniques aimed at consumers, it is necessary to consider some types of “reinforcement” of the product: the provision of consumer credit, free related services, various guarantees.

1.11. Some types of packaging used by the buyer after the consumption of their contents are also a means of sales promotion.

1.12. In relation to high-ranking clients, communicators can provide services free of charge, the nature of which emphasizes the high social status of the consumer.

2. Among the most common methods of stimulating intermediaries, the following are distinguished:

2.1. Discounts from the price for the agreed volume of the consignment.

2.2. Providing a specified number of units of goods to an intermediary free of charge, subject to the purchase of a certain quantity.

2.3. Premiums - "pushers" paid by dealers when selling goods in excess of their agreed quantity for a certain period of time.

2.4.Organization of competitions-dealers.

2.5. The participation of the seller company in a joint advertising campaign with the intermediary with the corresponding compensation of the intermediary's costs for advertising.

2.6.Organization of congress-dealers and organization of entertainment trips for them.

2.7. The manufacturer may provide a "sales credit".

2.8. The manufacturer of the goods may provide free advanced training for the personnel of intermediaries.

2.9. As a means of stimulating sales, the provision by the supplier to the intermediary of the trade inventory and equipment necessary for the sale of the supplied goods may also be considered.

3. Sales promotion in relation to its own sales staff involves the following fixed assets:

3.1. Prizes for the best trade employees.

3.2. Providing the best sellers with additional vacation days.

3.3.Organization of recreational trips for leaders at the expense of the company.

3.4. Competitions of sellers with rewarding of winners.

3.5. Expansion of the participation of leaders in the profits of the company.

3.6. Holding conferences of sellers.

3.7. All kinds of moral encouragement.

The main features of the sales promotion system as a whole as a form of marketing communications should be called:



Many sales promotions take the form of an invitation to buy;

Variety of means and methods of sales promotion;

The short-term nature of the effect in sales growth.

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