The script of the solemn line of the last call is a stellar issue. Scenario prom "Star Olympus". Scenario of the solemn line "Last school bell"

Last Call Scenario 2 - Star Trek
LAST CALL - 2009

(The hall is festively decorated. Newspapers with children's photographs of graduates are hung on the walls. Stars and fives are on the floor in the hall.)

Presenter 1: Dear parents and teachers! Dear guests!

Presenter 2: Today in our school is the first graduation of schoolchildren of the new century. Another one of our pets - eleventh graders are preparing to leave our school.

Host 1: Let's ask them to come into this room. And let's give them a round of applause.

(The graduates enter the hall to the music of E. Doga from the film “My sweet and gentle beast.”)

Presenter 2: Meet on our star track - 11 "A" class with your class teacher (full name).

Presenter 2: And now we are glad to see class 11 “B” on this star path with our class teacher (full name).

Presenter 1: So it's come for you - our glorious graduates - your finest hour!

Presenter 2: You yourself have become, albeit not the biggest, but already stars in our school sky.

Presenter 1: Each of you, over the course of 11 school years, turned from a tiny spark into a bright star.

Host 2: And there is not a single star among you that looks alike, because you are very individual and unique.

Presenter 1: Our today's holiday, albeit not fully, but still will show your skill and talent.

Presenter 2: Today you will illuminate the hall even brighter with your feelings for all those present here.

Host 1: So let's get started!

Presenter 2: The last bell holiday at ... school number ...!

Presenter 1: Here the graduates of May 2009 gathered without 5 minutes, a wave of memories of their school life washed over them.

(2 graduates and 2 graduates sit on the steps and start a conversation.)

Graduate: Exams Coming Soon

Graduate: Last, school, graduation.

Graduate: And we probably won't remember each other.

Graduate: Yes, come on, you! How not to remember, so many years together!

Graduate: And let's remember the school, our own locker room.

Graduate: And the schedule.

Graduate: And the dining room.

Graduate: And the lessons? Don't we remember the lessons?

Graduate: And the carpet...

Graduate: In the principal's office!

Graduate: How else? Theater begins with a hanger, and school begins with a dressing room.

Graduate: Ah, hey, attendant, hang up quickly! We're late!

(Everyone rushes to a makeshift hanger, shouts are heard: “Don’t trample on my jacket!”, “Where is my shift?”, “Yes, hang up, you quickly! There has already been a call!” The guys descend from the stage.)

Presenter 2: And the graduates decided to take the matter seriously without 5 minutes. Distinguished guests were invited.

(Presenter 1 lists, introduces guests.)

Presenter 2: They called their parents.

Host 1: And, of course, teachers and administration.

Presenter 2: Your shift, that is, first graders and tenth graders.

Host 1: And all the staff working at the school. And they began to remember that long journey,

Presenter 2: What is called "school life".

Host 2: And it was the first day. And there was the first class, in a word, everything was for the first time.

(The song “They teach at school” sounds. A first-grader and a graduate enter the stage.)

Graduate: What, girl, got lost?

Girl: I'm looking for 1 "A"!

Graduate: And, the first time in the first class? Let's go together! (The melody sounds: “Dialogue of the Christmas tree.”)

Girl: What's going on in the world?

Graduate: And just September.

Girl: Just September? Are you sure?

Graduate: Yes, I'm sure.

I already heard

How the school doors creaked

And your first will sound soon school bell!

Girl: What's behind all this?

Graduate: And there will be a lesson.

Girl: Will there be a lesson? What's the only one?

Graduate: No, a lot.

School is waiting for you

Very long road

But don't worry

She will finish on time.

Girl: How will this end?

Graduate: There will be a call.

Girl: Call again?

Graduate: Well, of course.

But only farewell.

The years will fly by

And the ringing will spread crystal,

And you will have the last call in your life.

Presenter 1: On this day, it is impossible not to remember those with whom you started. Your first teachers remember you when you were very young. (First graders leave.)

1st first grader:

Takes often school

Kids in first grade

But today is a special day

We have come to congratulate you.

2nd first grader:

You, no longer first-graders,

And big graduates.

You say, that's at least, Fedor!

Are you ready for the big life?

Fedor: Ready!

3rd first grader:

Dear friends!

At the solemn hour

We are honoring you at our home school!

We are special boys

Your little brothers!

4th first grader:

We are special girls

Your little sisters!

5th first grader:

We have only recently come to this school,

Where did you study for 11 years?

Accept from us, dear guys,

From the youngest of us, hello!

6th first grader:

Today is your holiday "Last call",

Last call for the last lesson!

How quickly the hour of parting came,

Now you will be gone from us forever.

7th first grader:

How much did you learn in school

Many books have been read!

We are on your way

Whoa still go!

8th first grader:

For your last lesson

The bell will ring soon.

You want first class

All (together): B good luck! And good time!

9th first grader:

And accept our gift -

Dance of little friends

He is handsome and very bright

You will have more fun with it!

(First graders perform a dance.)

Presenter 1: Surely our graduates remember how always on September 1 they were admonished for good studies by our honored guests:

Presenter 2: Today they are already advising you to great success in a new independent life.

(Guest speech.)

(Noise, din, crackling on the stage.)

Host 1: Don't worry. This is probably just another minor technical glitch.

Host 2: I'll try to find out now.

(He leaves, the melody from the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune" sounds.)

Iago (parrot): Oh! We got stuck again! Where did it take us this time?

Jafar: Don't be afraid, my pretty, evil friend, don't be afraid of anything! I can handle any problem. I am great and powerful! I drive flocks of clouds!

Iago: You are not going there, my respected lord.

Genie: Hey guys! I haven't seen you for 2,000 years. Huge greetings from the genie from the lamp!

Host 3 (runs out): Wait! What's going on here, how did you get here?

Host 1: Who are you exactly? You're disrupting our official event.

Presenter 2: I will ask the uninvited uninvited guests to leave.

Genie: Know, most blessed Peter, son of John and Lyudmila, daughter of Vitaly, that I am none other than Genie, son of Khattab!

Jafar: And I am the all-powerful and illustrious black magician and wizard, known in all four countries of the world - Jafar Abdurakhman ibn Talib - Chief Vizier of the Sultan. And this is my parrot Iago.

Iago: Karrr. Oh sorry.

Host1: I'm sorry, dear Jafar, Jin and parrot Iago, do you know where you got to? All: No.

Presenter 2: This is a school, dear guests.

Genie: School? Never even heard anything like it. What country is this?

Host 1: Guys! Let's show our unexpected guests what a school is.

Presenter 2: And what holiday they are attending today.

(The scene plays out.)

Clear day. September. Daisies.

Bow. Pigtails. First graders.

Two by two. Primer. Five.

The first cleaning in the classroom.

Pharaohs. Globe. Map.

Alkali. Pythagoras. Acids.

Lev Tolstoy. Straits. Notes.

Friend, preparation for the test.

And in the gym - training.

Dancing. Festival. Guitar.

Kiss. For a quarter of a pair.

State exam. Farewell ball.

Joy mixed with sadness.

Certificate. Flowers in the window.

Why am I so sad.

Iago: Oh-oh-oh! My lord, how interesting it is in this school country.

Jafar: Shut up! I understood everything and I want to be the main sultan in this country.

Genie: Hey! Oh, great and almighty, I cannot carry out your order. This country has its own sultan and ruler.

Iago: It's better to say sultana and mistress.

Jafar: How is it? Who dared? Show it to me immediately!

Host1: Dear guests, let's ask our 11th grade graduate students to introduce us to your lady.

(Students give flowers, address and sing a song to the director.)

There are people we love for a long time,

Who are happy to meet.

Zoya Andreevna and I are all at the same time,

You can't help but admire her.

Oh, Zoya Andreevna! (2 times.)

We will never forget our school threshold,

Where we first met

You became our support in the world of worries,

We love your lessons.

Oh, Zoya Andreevna! (2 times.)

And life is always beautiful

After all, there are so many ideas and plans!

Our dear director, you are young again,

Like white candle chestnuts!

Oh, Zoya Andreevna! (2 times.)

Genie: Oh, Zoya, Andrey's daughter! There are no limits to my boundless admiration for you! May the foundation and roof of this state be blessed.

Iago: Well, what are we going to do now?

Jafar: I am ready to change my sultan and become the vizier of your sovereign.

Presenter 2: Sorry, our sun-faced guests, but we already have our own viziers, who are called head teachers, and everyone treats them with respect.

(Addresses, flowers are given, a song dedicated to the head teachers sounds.)

Host 1: Dear guests! Our country is amazing and fabulous, because there are many talented children in it, and wonderful teachers-wizards who sow reasonable, kind, eternal and work miracles in their lessons.

Presenter 2: It is impossible to imagine a school without our teachers.

;Jafar: Oh-oh-oh! Highly respected and faithful teachers, let us also bow our heads before your wisdom and talent.

Presenter 1: Closest to the children at school, of course, are their class teachers.

Presenter 2: Therefore, one of the first words of gratitude will be addressed to respected cool mothers.

(Congratulations to class teachers. Speech by class teachers.)

In our class - a cool star,
With a beautiful name - Hope.
In ... class, as always,
Teaches math well.
And fathers work quietly,
Don't worry about grandma and mom
We all learn math
With Nadia's stern eyes.

Hope is our earthly compass,

A five is a reward for courage,

Stay always young

To study better.

Presenter 1: Graduates greet our esteemed head teachers with a song.

(A song sounds to the melody "Lonely Accordion".)

Our head teachers know everything at school

How through a magnifying glass they see us

They force us all to gnaw at science

And that's why we love you.

You will find a path to the heart of everyone

And you are ready to go

You will immediately understand all our sins,

You won't be fairer.

Presenter 2: A potpourri of graduates is dedicated to the teaching staff of our school.

Biology teachers:

I know I'm made of bones

As well as meat, blood, lymph, skin.

But I don't understand, for the life of me

How will this help me pass biology.

If you got up early in the morning,

I remembered that today is Thursday,

Do not try to teach biology early in the morning.

After all, genetics and Darwin, the biosphere and mitoses

Nothing but flour will be brought for you.

Literature teachers:

Same radium mining

Per gram production, per year labors

You make a single assessment for the sake of

Thousands of tons of word ore.

(A song sounds, presenting flowers to teachers of the Russian language and literature.)

We have been so long, we have not rested for so long,
We were just not up to rest with you,
After all, we have not read so many books,
That a swarm of bees is now buzzing in my head.

Literature - what a misfortune?

Medicine won't help here either.

On the presentation will not let the abyss

Literature, literature.

History teachers:

We see the depth of history

An irresolvable detail

But only a historian can know

history fundamentally.

How wonderful to study with you,

Though Zastava all try, go around,

But nowhere are such wonderful, charming,

We won't find anyone as amazing as you.

Even though you are pulling three skins from us,

It is difficult for us to demolish 6 lessons,

And you mercilessly load tasks,

But we just can't find people like you.

You understand the pain of Russia with your heart,

There are no indifferent in your lessons,

You immerse us in the world of events and passions,

And we value every wise your advice.

Physics teachers:

In physics, I often peck with my nose,

The movement of bodies was calculated by Newton,

Yes, the head leans askew to the desk,

But he's the only one to blame.

We are called, we do not go out,

It all happens in physics.

Forgot to do tasks at home

Here is the failure, here is the failure.

Got two, but we'll fix it

We will not substitute Tatyana Gennadievna.

We will still study physics with her,

And on the control "two" we will not get.

Host1: To give the already congratulated teachers the opportunity to recover.

Presenter 2: And give congratulations to the teachers who have not yet been marked with dignity.

Presenter 1: And to congratulate the very heroes of our celebration - our eleventh graders, those who take over the baton of the new century from them came.

1st tenth grader (in a comedy mask):

In a world where passions rage

There are many great powers

But among those in school power,

Can't find it stronger.

Down the school corridors

He rushes invincibly.

Happy, with a childish smile,

Believes in the future boldly;

Knowledge, even small

He takes it for wisdom

And today this holiday

He notes with delight;

Certificate will be received soon

Becoming a free man.

2nd tenth grader (in the mask of tragedy):

There are many sad days in life
But sadder than today
There is no day for a person;
Sweet childhood is leaving.
Leaving school today
Two eleventh grade.
A graduate is proud of knowledge,
But can he sometimes
Distinguish good from evil?
Who will tell him the truth?
If there is no next
The teacher is with him every day ...

Together: Graduate, we praise you,

To make parents proud

Daughters, sons,

To make teachers cry

Knowing who is being lost

Who are they breaking up with today?

You no longer sit at a narrow desk,

Therefore, you are a little sad,

The last call will sound like music,

Like all last words, farewell.

And in the class the lines of the classics are cherished,

Now tell the other students.

You must the theorem of life eternal

Prove your own destiny.

Presenter 1: We thank the 10th grade team for their congratulations and parting words.

Presenter 2: And we pass the helm of the holiday again to the eleventh graders.

Presenter 1: Greetings to geography teachers sound.

Maps, globes, routes

From Moscow to Calcutta

How to get through and where is the ford,

Geography gives us the answer.

(A song sounds to the motive “Scoots full of mullets ...”.)

We remember how you taught us

Know all the cities on the map

But, unfortunately in Peru, in Chile

We will never get.

We know for sure without hiking

Al. Alexandrovna to be like that

It doesn't matter if the weather is clear

She wants to walk or swim.

We won't tell you for the whole planet

The whole planet is very big

The edge ... in winter and summer,

She'll get by for sure.

Presenter 2: The following greeting is dedicated to the magical science of chemistry and our teachers of chemistry.

Oh yes oh yes! Diligent student,

And all science will instantly become clear,

He who has comprehended chemistry is great!

(A song sounds, flowers are presented.)

Chemistry is a beautiful word

Even magical

Chemistry - I even want to sing something spiritual.

Chemistry - hypochlorites, water and oxides -

Chemistry, chemistry.

Chemistry - there is no more beautiful science in the world,

Chemistry - I'm ready to endure even torment with it,

Chemistry can destroy

Oh, you can build.
Chemistry! Chemistry!

I will learn these rules

And maybe I'll be smart!

Maybe even discover some law!

With her forever I will connect my life,

Because there is no cuter!

Let these words be like a sacred vow!

Presenter 1: Teachers of the world artistic culture the following words are dedicated.

In artistic world culture

We found a lot for ourselves

And with understanding to Rodin's figure,

They came together to the opening day.

(Presenting a gift and flowers to the teachers of the MHC.)

Presenter 2: Greetings to foreign language teachers sound.

1st graduate:

On the streets ... (city name)

Fewer Russian words.

"OK!" almost from the cradle

Anyone is ready to say.

Foreign language ignorance

Now nowhere.

Our dear...

2nd graduate:

I'll order a ticket abroad!

I speak languages ​​from now on!

I’ll say “ah love yu” to everyone in London.

“They are dead,” I will tell everyone in Germany.

3rd graduate:

Thank you for your creative work,

When tasks do not give sleep.

And even if we do not have time for everything,

But we firmly believe and know everything firmly.

4th graduate:

That we can understand all transcriptions

And we want to give the floor today.

that you will be proud of us

Today's graduates!

(A dedication song to foreign language teachers sounds, flowers are presented.)

yesterday, yesterday.

You appeared in our class,

Like a dream come true

Like a breath of spring.

And you captivated everyone with English,
Eyes always full of joy
And speeches are sonorous streams.

Chorus: Our teachers - you are beautiful, no doubt!

And such people have not seen the world for a long time!

yesterday, yesterday.


We've only gone halfway with you.

English is waiting for us ahead,

And we can safely go with him.

Let adversity be forgotten

And your hopes will come true

We wish you happiness and joy.

(Giving flowers to teachers of a foreign language.)

Host 2:

Words of gratitude are expressed to teachers of economics.

A time of turbulent change

What without economic knowledge,

Everyone today, well, just trouble.

Trouble without the economy

And neither here nor there,

No money, no finance

We will sing romances.

(A song is performed to the tune “We are not stokers, not carpenters.”)

We are excellent economists

Someday we'll get

These lessons are not in vain

Never forget my friend!

You can't get anywhere without us

And here and there we all need

We do not need a Ford and tailcoat,

For us, only knowledge is important.

(Giving flowers to teachers of economics.)

Presenter 1:

The following presentation is dedicated to computer science teachers.

How many times have we heard

"Well, blame yourself!"

And sighing, we are again looking for sites,

But it's already spring outside

(The song is being played.)

To get away from all sorts of problems,

We look at computer screens,

And bad weather is not terrible,

We study computer science for 2 years (2 times.)

The 21st century is about to begin

We solve everything with the help of machines

And we try to learn better,

Informatics is our master! (2 times.)

(Congratulations and presenting flowers to computer science teachers).

Host 2:

The graduates dedicated this greeting to the teachers of physical culture.

Everyone should be friends with sports,

Everyone needs to heat up

If you want to be healthy

Know how to always wring out.

(A song sounds to the motive of "The Carrier".)

Only the bell rings for our favorite lesson

And the gym teacher is on the way,

We quickly run out of school with all our might,

And try you just catch up with us!

How easy it is for us to:

Relay, running, goat jumping,

And the teacher only admires us,

After all, physical education gave everyone health.

Well, faithful girlfriend, ancient physical education,

Help me get slimmer

Make legs strong, and movements - well-aimed,

Help us teacher!


After such a physical education session, it’s time for us to go back to the school floors and look into the fine arts and drawing room.

Here we took the paint in hand

And there was no boredom,

To make it more fun

Don't skimp on bright colors!

It's true, well, what's there to hide,

We love drawing in class!

But what a pain

From science, from drawing.

I draw and I want to sleep

But I run to the lesson, I fly.

(A song sounds to the tune of “What they teach at school.”)

We all love to draw

And create pictures

In the lessons, your creative wonderful.

Enter the world of art

And express yourself in it

We were all very, very interested.

But we started to grow up

And draw more seriously.

You made the tasks more and more difficult for us,

Instead of butterflies, bugs,

Parrots and flowers

Compositions, sketches performed.

It has become very difficult to live

When they started to draw

But we have overcome this peak.

Let's decorate the school

Good word to remember

Thank you for being able to teach us all.

Host 2:

It's time to visit our choreography class.

We were nothing: neither sing nor dance,

Neither handle nor legs move,

But time passed and thanks for that,

That we, as artists, are ready to act in films.

(Giving flowers to teachers of choreography and music.)

In music lessons

We were taught to sing together

Draw keys, rulers,

Don't stare at your neighbor.

Composers of various

You have revealed a secret to us

And without great music

We have no joy in life.

Many players and centers

No electric beast.

And in companies with friends

We won't be discouraged

We invite you to join us

Humming your songs.

We can sew and cook cool,

You taught us that easily.

And if there is no mathematics,

We will be hostesses. Thank you... for your hard work!


Dear OBZH teachers the following greeting.

Someone came down to us from above -

(I.O.) ours is coming,

He drives us and drills us,

He makes patriots out of us.

(A song dedicated to the life safety teacher sounds, flowers are presented.)

Our heart beats again with joy already.
Together as a class, we are going back to the OBZH.
The bravest of men is glad to us as always.
He gives us lessons, well, just beauty,
Well, just beauty.

Viktor Mikhailovich walks with his gallant gait,

And all the guys with envy look after him.

We will not forget the dear and glorious teacher,

What to collect taught us all a backpack and a machine gun.

Host 2:

Thank you to the technical staff of our school.

This service is so dangerous and difficult in its own way,

Ahch, she calls in the common people,

Without it, unwashed windows, ugly floors,

And all breakfasts, lunches, like transcendental dreams.

And today, as a prayer, we tell you not melting,

All great health and wonderful life!

(Giving flowers to chefs, technical staff.) (Diastries are performed.)

Daily and in the morning

Waiting for feeding children

Because without food

Neither here nor there.

Confuses our school shket

Head teacher, where is the office,

But by the smell of borscht

Will always find a canteen.

Every stress will affect

For the educational process,

And healthy food.

Facilitates understanding.

To be all nishtyak

Don't study fast

Let two pies lie

within any student.

But not every sandwich.

It goes into your mouth by itself

Just tasty and big

Cooked with soul.

In a long, boring lesson

We keep our eyes on the board

From the dining room they pour

Delicious scents.

Chefs to our relatives

We are very grateful

After all, no one in our school

Won't last without food.


Warm words of gratitude to our counselors, librarians, health workers, social workers and school psychologist from our graduates.

Without a counselor, without (I.O.),

It would be boring, we know

Troubles, all our joys

We trust her.

And not for nothing won

In the competition of counselors,

She was ahead of everyone.

There are no (I.O.) equals!

I don't know how to live without books

I read and read everything

Be smart so that a person

We go to the library.

(I.O.) did not offend us.

While telling everyone about everything -

We were late for class.

She is a bit of a mathematician and a bit of a philologist,

Everyone knows the student is our psychologist.

How to submit surveys

How can we not make enemies?

Stay conflict-free

To (I.O.) you need to contact.

Discipline breakers -

Frequent guests at medical workers,

Who has a bump, who has a bruise,

And I just visited them

I'll go to find out about the flu or a cold,

And I'll stay there for two lessons,

But now I know for sure

There is no trifle in our health.

(Giving flowers.)

Presenter 1:

In the family circle, we are growing.

In the family circle, all your roots,

And you come into life from the family.

In the family circle we create life,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home,

Presenter 2: The floor is given to the parents of graduates.


Moms and dads, you understand us,

We're finishing 11th grade

We are no longer little girls and boys,

We're almost grown girls, boys.

But as we do not want to grow up quickly,

To know and be able to do everything ourselves,

We can't always admit

How you want, if it's hard, to cuddle up to your mother,

Presenter1: For the solemn announcement of the order for admission to exams ...

Presenter 2: The floor is given to the director of the school (full name).


It became sad at the merry hour,

Because you are saying goodbye to school.

Host 2:

You also have serious exams ahead of you.

And it is worth dreaming about what will come true.

Presenter 1:

Only childhood we can not return again,

Like a school waltz, it will not be forgotten.

(The melody of the school waltz sounds.)

Host1: Here come the last minutes of your last school day at school.

Presenter 2: It is sad to always part with what has become dear and close to you.

Host1: And the last call, which will now sound with its unforgettable trill, will separate you from childhood.

Host2: But he will announce you about your growing up, about the beginning of your already almost adult path.

Host 1: Be worthy of your teachers and parents.

Presenter 2: Be worthy people in life.

(The last call sounds.)

You were very strict

when you taught us.

And a lot in these years

You did for us!

You taught us to think

The world of creativity opened

How great that with joy

We learned from you.

We crammed the formulas

And the drawings were drawn

And they came from the Olympics with a victory more than once.

And with pride to each other

The guys said:

It's great that we are at school

Everyone learned from you.

And gifted children

They have always been humane.

And they gave me a chance to get fives more than once.

You have created special tasks for us,

It's great that creativity

We learned from you.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, graduates of the new millennium!

Host 2: Good luck! Together: Our dear graduates!

Host1: Thank you all and good luck to our graduates in the upcoming exams.

Presenter 2: And we do not say goodbye to you, we say

Together: Bye!

Scenario line "Last call 2015"

The author of the script is the class teacher of the MBOU "Ushakovskaya secondary school"
Art teacher Spitsina Lyudmila Ivanovna

The last call is always a touching, exciting event, not only for school graduates, but also for parents and teachers. For graduates, these are hopes, anxieties, plans for the future. For parents - the realization that their children have matured and that the usual rhythm of life is about to change, for teachers - farewell to dear people in whom they have invested as much mental strength as they have invested in their own children.
The script has an average level of complexity of preparation and staging.
This material will help to make the school holiday bright, emotional, memorable. It is intended for class teachers of 11 classes, head teachers for educational work, everyone who creates such holidays for schoolchildren.
Goals and objectives of extracurricular activities:
- to develop the horizons and creative abilities of students;
- to rally a cool team, to instill faith in each graduate in their future;
- to cultivate respect for the traditions of the school, teachers, parents.
Conduct form: musical and literary composition.
Music about the school sounds, construction is underway. Fanfare.
Reader 1: Today is a holiday - joyful, cheerful:
A difficult, long school year is over.
The guys did not come to the lesson at school -
Hear the call for the holidays.
Reader 2.Day today is unusual
The sun rose, washed with dew,
To the lesson for the last, farewell,
Graduation class is off!
Reader 1.May day plays on the line,
The breeze gently whispers in the foliage,
Seeing off their pets on the way,
The school will give them the last call!
Reader 2.There will be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bguests to worry,
There will be many poems and flowers -
Oceans of stormy applause
We welcome...
Together. GRADUATES!!!
Reader 1: And this holiday, as always, is the last
For those who are the oldest among us.
Reader 2: Applause! Marching victorious
Graduates of the 11th grade.
(music sounds graduates come out)

Presenter1: Meet on our star track - grade 11 with your class teacher Spitsina L.I. The most important are talented, creative and hardworking graduates!
Host 2: So it has come for you - our glorious graduates - your finest hour!

You yourself have become, albeit not the biggest, but already stars in our school sky.
Presenter 1: Each of you, over the course of 11 school years, turned from a tiny spark into a bright star.
Lead 2: And among you there is not a single star similar to each other, because you are very individual and unique.
Presenter 1: Our today's holiday, albeit not fully, but still will show your skill and talent.
Presenter2: School! Attention! The solemn line "Last call 2015" is declared open.
Presenter1: The word about the reading of the order for the school on the admission of 11th graders to state exams is given to the director of the school Matshin V.N.
Reads the order.
Presenter2: At our celebration today there are guests of honor:
Presenter 1: Dear graduates!
How cute are you today
With a smile, great mood!
And on this day, important and solemn,
Let words of welcome sound in your honor!
The floor is given by ROO________________
Presenter2: Graduates!
Understand all your emotions, worries,
You have become adults, congratulations!
Let life, consisting of impressions,
Will give you the future and the present!
The floor for congratulations is given by the director of the Central Chemistry Institute Zherdev M.N.
Congratulation of honored guests _______________________________________________
Presenter1: I remember when you first
Here in these walls the school entered,
Your first teachers
You were escorted to first class with a smile
Presenter2: They were like second mothers to you.
They carried good, protected from evil.
Today they will accompany
Those who once met here
Leading: The word for congratulations is provided by the first teachers of our 11th grade Ledovskaya I.I.
Performance of the first teachers.

Issue 1. And if you remember that farewell day,
In the fifth grade, moving on,
We promised everyone something
And what, we don’t remember, we, friends!
Issue 2: And with such naughty
We used to be with you
And sometimes there were grievances
But insults are forgotten
- They told us then
(The class teacher comes out, says the words)
Nothing - everything is nonsense, your whole life is ahead of you, the main thing is you, hope and wait!
Dear graduate, you will always remember the years spent in it,
All those who have invested in you their knowledge, skills, a piece of their soul.
I want to say one more thing, thanks to the heart that it is given to never know peace.
And remember, in your heart, your students, all so different forever!
Issue 1: What are the birds singing about today?
What did the breeze whisper in the morning?
Issue 2: What event will happen at school?
What is our holiday?
Together: Last call!
Issue 1: What happens in the spring at school?
Something changes suddenly.
Issue 2: It's just that this childhood is leaving us forever.
And it doesn't come back.
Issue 3: And now, let's indulge in sweet, intoxicating, fabulous memories.
Where did it all begin?
Composition "Childhood"

Graduates (play hopscotch, skipping rope, ball, dolls, bicycle) fit first graders and read in pairs with first graders:
Graduate: Now it's time to say goodbye to school, but I still remember my first steps in it.
Graduate: The first call, our first class, the first school friends and the first teacher.
Graduate: We tried very hard then: we wrote beautifully in copybooks, put numbers in notebooks in a box, expressively recited poems and sang songs loudly at music lessons.
Graduate: Then everything began to spin, flew, and now 11 years have passed faster than one lesson. We are already graduates.
Graduate: We were so eager to become adults that we didn’t even notice how we became adults, and now we don’t want to say goodbye to the school desk, blackboard, textbooks and our class at all.
Graduate: So I want to shout: stop a moment! But time is relentless. We rushed him
urged, rather, rather, making a huge mistake, because childhood cannot be returned.
Graduate: Until you become adults, you need to enjoy every minute that the Magic Land gives us - the country of our Childhood. On the doorstep adult life let's try to look back at our childhood country, while it is visible in the smallest details.
we give you, first graders, our toys, our childhood toys

Cl. hand: Attention! Attention! Attention! The solemn ceremony of initiation into the graduate of 2015 begins. You, dear graduates, need to go through "fire", "water" and "copper pipes". Pass through the fire - pass through the trials given to us by God. The Lord tests our deeds with fire; if the basis of deeds is straw, then the deed will burn. You must always make the right foundations and take care of yourself so that you can be gold, and so that the fire does not burn you.
Water is also a type of difficulty when tears flow. Everyone goes through fire, but few go through water. But often we have to endure some kind of hardship in order to achieve more. You can also compare water with such situations when you are "overwhelmed" and you are forced to stay afloat.
Copper pipes, air initiation, you acquire magical properties - this is a test of glory. The hardest. Humility test. The one who passed will be given even more, and the one who failed the test will slide down to the beginning. Go ahead, dear graduates, overcome all trials and difficulties, be persistent and courageous! (being tested)

"Elements" unfold in a line behind the graduates, read poetry)
1. The last call is a farewell to childhood.
The last call only rings once.
You will leave school with a huge inheritance,
That shines with knowledge from intelligent eyes.
2. Last call, how sad it is.
The last call is the crown of happiness.
You didn't come to school by chance.
And know that life is not over yet.
3. The last call is just the beginning,
For those who are sure that they know their way.
And let your childhood already resound,
You can look into your future.
Leading: The right to tie a graduate's ribbon is granted to the teaching staff of the class.

Teachers read poetry to graduates.
1. There are many roads in life
And falls in it and rewards.
But who could finish school,
He is no longer afraid of obstacles!
2. You go bolder forward,
Fearing neither winds nor bad weather,
Success in life is definitely waiting for you all,
There will be time for tears and for happiness!
3. Say goodbye to the school tomorrow
A fighter will rush you through life,
But don't forget one thing:
School is your first teacher in life!
Leading: When there are many children in the family, the mother is called a heroine. In our school family with Lyudmila Ivanovna, this is the 3rd graduation. "Medal of graduation 2015" is presented by the director of the school Matshin V.N.

Salute sounds in your honor (From both sides, parents release firecrackers)

Cl. hand: My dears! Here comes the last call! Eleven times you stood on this line, seeing off graduates from school, and today, looking at the stairs of classes, you remember what you were like on each of the steps!
Presenter: The word is given to the class teacher of 11 classes, performance of the song
(to the tune of "Snow")

Like a flock of white doves
Upward childhood will be carried away
But let it be in the stream of days
Will return to you in my thoughts
And let all troubles take away
Your dove is white-winged
You continue your flight
May he be happy!
Reciprocal musical congratulations to the class teacher.

Issue 1: Dear, our beloved mothers and fathers! So we finished school. Everyone says they have matured a lot. But for you, we are still small, helpless, and you worry, worry about how we will behave in a new life. Be calm, folks! We won't hurt you. Neither you nor our teachers will have to blush for us!
Issue 2: Eleven years at school we studied -
Learned and seen a lot here
But it is unlikely that we would have achieved such victories,
Whenever our parents help us.
Issue 3: They may not have solved the problems
Perhaps in algebra and chemistry are weak,
But with all our hearts we were protected
From failure, from laziness, from the blues.
Issue 4: And now they look excitedly
On matured, grown up guys
And we have our parental word
At a solemn moment, they want to say.
Vedas: On behalf of all parents of the 11th grade, the floor is given by Chaplygina I.V. and Denisova N.V.

Rod.1: Dear our children! We, your parents, are probably more worried than you today, because today you are saying goodbye not only to school, but also flying out of the warm parental nest. What lies ahead for you? What dangers lie in wait for you, what obstacles will you meet on your way? Or will it be a dizzying success?
We want you to overcome all obstacles with honor, while remaining decent and generous people.
Rod.2: Dear teachers! You are always in your work,
In the chores you are children's and dreams.
All your efforts and cares
Our children will embody in their affairs. Thank you very much!
Moderator: Dear graduates!
Everyone is in a lot of excitement today.
Today everyone wants to congratulate you!
And really asks to come here on stage
Our youngest is first class!!!
I invite to us here the smallest residents of our school - first-graders.

Sounds music "Bells"
Once we were given a microphone -
Let him not shut up.
We will miss you.
But our hour will come.
3. We, friends, give the word
That we won't let you down.
What good kids!
Well, where else can you find them?
5. Everyone loves to study and listen to mom,
And they eat porridge without leaving a single gram.
And there are among them who, imagine, do not smoke,
Who cleans the class and is often on duty.
You didn't forget about the form:
Rivets shine on jeans
Lipstick, rings have become the norm -
All suitors are looking at you.
I don't resent you
Even though I'm not big now
I will grow up and I will
Called "Alumnus"
2. You were an example for us,
Maybe even a lighthouse.
Personally, I will be proud
The one who knew you.
4. We envy you sometimes,
that you finished studying
But we feel a little sorry for you -
That sort of thing won't happen again.
More often you come to us
We will always be glad to see you.
And your last call at school
Never forget.
But cry in this bright hour
No, we won't let you
For you, for you and only for you
Now we will arrange something.
(First graders sing a song to the tune of “WWW”.)
1. Well, you finished school, which institute should you go to?
Patience, good luck, luck on your way!
Chorus: Pass the exam well! Get the highest score! (2 times)
2. And we envy you very much! We have come to accompany you
There is no urine to study, we have another 10 years to plow!
Chorus: To take the exam, get the highest score!
(Give bells to graduates.)
Today's line will also be the last for many ninth graders.
We invite 9th grade graduates to present the Ribbon. The right to tie ribbons is granted to the teaching staff of the classes.

1. The day has come to say goodbye to school
And the ninth year ended.
And from here the fun path
Our childhood will be gone forever.
2. Leaving, take with you on the road
The most cherished dream
About relatives mental anxiety,
Warmth, care, kindness.
3. We want to make a promise to you
Do not forget this moment, this hour.
Our school at the time of parting
Everyone will say: "Thank you!" - now.
4. For meetings, for friendship, for knowledge -
We couldn't live without it.
Our school: goodbye to you
Today we say "Thank you!"
Words of parting words and congratulations are given to the director of the Children's School of Art U-Yun-Fu I.V.
Leading: Dear graduates, now you have the opportunity to congratulate your teachers!
Giving flowers to teachers
Dear eleventh graders, accept the congratulations of those who brought you to the first line, 2005 graduates.

Leading: And now, by tradition, the floor is given to graduates of the school.
Alumni speech
Graduate: Today we say goodbye to school. And from now on, we ask you to consider the 10th grade as the head of the children's life in our school! Please take a seat in class 11.
Graduate 1: 10th grade, to hand over the school space to your hands, are you ready?
10th grade (in chorus). READY!
It's not worse to be small!
Should be better!
And you will always be faithful to the school!
2. Swear to protect her, praise her everywhere!
In the region, in the region and throughout the country!
3. And so that you become full-fledged owners of the school, we solemnly hand over to you this school treasury, which stores our memories and wishes for our entire school.

4. A sheet of light and dark paper (so as not to forget that learning is light, and ignorance is darkness).
5. Balloons (to remember that there is always a place in life ... for a holiday).
1. A set of colors (to remember: the brightness of life is in your hands; what you color is what you get).
2. Diary (as a reminder that no matter how much the rope twists, there will still be an end, well, in terms of regular interaction between the family and the school)
3. Spare box of chalk (to keep in mind that the teacher may also need
your help and support)
4. Boot covers (to keep our school house clean) and a Pemolux bank (for violators)
5. This postcard (but simply because it is beautiful).
1. And, finally, the calendar, where February 6 is marked - the day of the Evening of the meeting with the graduates (so as not to forget that we will be back)
Good luck! We'll meet in six months to see if we made a mistake in entrusting the school to you.
(Graduates read out and hand over to the representative of the 10th grade.)

Presenter 1: The response word is given to the 10th grade.
(Response word of the 10th grade.)
1. We understand you, we will do everything ironically!
Listened to you, everything is reasonable, useful!
- On the way - we collected the road, we knitted knots for you.
- We give you memorable knots,
Yes, not simple, but with a hint and a sentence.
- We put the chalk so that they don’t forget the school, but remember it kindly.
- Rusk, since bread is the head of everything,
Strengthen Silushka, and satisfy your hunger on the road.
- We give a medal - a chocolate bar so that the road is not bitter,
So that things argue on the exam.
- And so that the teeth do not become dull on the stone of knowledge, so that they become white and healthy -
The orbit lies in a bundle, your breath will freshen.
- You accept our bundle, and keep it as a keepsake.
The reminder will be what it was, your school house.
- May this wonderful day be remembered forever.
We say goodbye to you. Good luck, success, friends!
Cake - will sweeten the bitterness of parting!

Class hands Dear graduates, there were different moments in your school life: difficulties, failures, that from the relatives of the black cloud (heavy music sounds, raven dance)

- And ahead - dark, dark, and ahead - an ambush.
- And ahead ... But anyway - you need to continue to study!
Were you taught to be birds? Birds soaring over the sea
Birds with magical faces - pure, tall and proud.
- A flying carpet across the blue sky: fluffy wings, a beautiful pattern.
- If you want higher, if you want faster - command, do not be afraid,
Fly and look!
- And how many of you are still ahead! What are you afraid of on the free path?
Think rain, think snow!
- Thunderstorm for a minute, and the sun for a century!
- Let it be a warm ray and a clear spark in silence
- Let the graduates be remembered for a long time! (Dance group chases away the "crow")

Sounds like fabulous music
In every house, there is a guardian angel, meet your School Guardian Angels, they protected you, followed your successes and failures, successes, your victories.
On the tunes they go along the line with balls.

They take graduates by the hands, graduates stand on their "stars", take balloons with ribbons of wishes from them.

Angels: The ball is a symbol of childhood, with which you are parting today ...
The ball is your deepest dream...
Make a wish and may it come true...
So release your dreams, so release your hopes...
And may they come true!

MKOU Bolshekhabykskaya secondary school

Scenario of the last call "People are like stars" 2018

Leading 1. Good afternoon everyone!
Leading 2. I am glad to welcome all of you gathered today in our beautiful hall. According to the good old tradition, for many years the sounds of the “School Waltz” have been heard at holidays like ours, in all schools of our large country, exciting the souls and hearts of teachers, parents and friends of those who are going to leave the walls of their native school. This is both sadness and joy, regret and hope...

Presenter 1: Every year on a bright May day, we gather in our school yard for the Last Bell holiday.

Presenter 2: We ask the 2018 graduates to take pride of place!


Presenter1: The line dedicated to the Last Bell is declared open!

Russian anthem

Presenter 2: Not in reality and not in a dream
Without fear and without timidity
We roam the country together
Which is not on the globe,
Not marked on the map
But you and I know
What is she, what is she
Big school country.

Presenter 1: Today in our large school country for graduates the moment of parting with childhood has come, so I invite everyone to look into the wonderful world of childhood - a fairy tale!Theatrical performance of the fairy tale "The Birth of a New Star"

Theater group performance

In a mountainous country, on the slope of a large and old mountain, a small Gorka sheltered. She really wanted to grow up and become a big mountain. After all, then she could see a lot of interesting things around her.

And while Gorka remained small, she had to be content with the stories of the Old Mountain. The old mountain knew a lot, but, unfortunately, she had long since forgotten how to dream. And the little mountain so dreamed of fairy tales, of magical distant lands and wonders that she could never see herself.

Little Mountain: Grandma, tell me, what do you see around?

Old mountain: The same mountains, nothing special.

Little Mountain: Do they look like you?

Old mountain: Why similar, no. On one forest, on the other waterfall.

Little Mountain: What else is there? What are clouds, please tell us about the sun, the moon ...

Old mountain: Calm down, don't make noise, I'm tired of your questions.

Little Mountain: What a mysterious and mysterious starry sky. When I look at the sky, I want to dream and come up with beautiful desires for myself ...

One day the sky took pity on Gorka and sent her a small magical Star. The baby felt truly happy for the first time. She carefully sheltered the Star from the wind and rain, and began to admire it. The star was indeed beautiful. It turned out that the little sparkling guest could speak. At night, the star told a lot of myths, legends and space stories to the small hill. She talked about life on other planets, about the travels of comets, about outer space, about the birth of stars.

One morning, when Old Mountain woke up, little Mountain decided to tell her about the beautiful star.

Little Mountain: Grandma, I want to show you an asterisk. She accidentally fell from the sky. She is magical. She is real. She is extraordinarily beautiful.

And then the little Gorka showed the Star, but in the rays of the morning sun the Star completely ceased to glow and became like the most ordinary pebble. Little Gorka had no choice but to shut up and hide the Star again.

Old mountain: And why are you always looking at the sky? The asterisk has fallen. Well, you just made me laugh.

Star: Don't be upset. It doesn't matter that others don't like stories about the sky. The main thing is that you can believe and dream about the stars, which means that someday your dreams will certainly come true, and you will definitely learn to fly.

Since that morning, the little Mountain had a little secret: she decided to become a star. Many years later. The old mountain, crumbling, turned into sand. And two bright new stars appeared in the sky. They always flew together. And the one who knows how to listen to the quiet whisper of the stars will be able to hear: “Friend, keep up, we must fly further!”

stars dance

(For dancing, you can use the music of Mikael Tariverdiev "The Little Prince")

Leading : The most solemn moment of congratulations and wishes is coming. By tradition, we give the first word to the director of the school Bezyazykova G.V.

Leading 1. Dear colleagues, senior students, school staff, distinguished guests, parents and everyone gathered today in our beautiful hall! Today, May 25, 2018, the school is glad to welcome all of you to the celebration of the last school bell. Today, our students say goodbye to the most carefree and joyful time of their lives - the school years.

Leading 2. And today, for the first time, each of them will be called a beautiful proud word - a graduate of our school. (presentation of ribbons of graduates - 10th grade).

Storyteller. There lived a grandfather and a grandmother. And then one day my grandfather says...

Grandfather. Bake me, grandma, pancakes.

Grandmother. What can I bake them for you? There is no pain in the house...

Grandfather. And you scrape the bottom of the barrel, mark the barns, and suddenly something happens ...

Storyteller. And from all the houses in the village of Bolshoy Khabyk they collected the documents of small children, and put them in the first classes. They kneaded the dough on the yeast of knowledge, the flour of wisdom, the seeds of goodness. And it began to fit. All teachers and parents were careful to ensure that it did not escape.

Grandmother. Here are my pancakes and ready.

Grandfather. Good first ones. And not lumpy at all!

Leading looking backFollowing the path we have traveled, looking for support and support, we turn to the very first teachers:

Graduates of 9.11 classes

First teacher! What a wonderful, good name!

First teacher! Come with him the first knowledge!

Our first successes and first failures!

Our first tasks and first formulas!

It's hard to believe that we were recently crumbs!

All the teachers seemed big and strict!

We grew up, matured and keep in our hearts

All thanks to whoever

All: He opened the doors to science for us!

Presenter 2. We give the word for congratulations to the first teachers ......


Dear graduates, today first graders came to see you off to the big world of adult life! Meet!

First-graders take the stage. (Performance by first-graders)

Alumni Mandate:-

- Dear first graders!

We are a little older than you.

And burning with desire

Give you orders

And our wishes."Gnawing" science for later

You don't leave

Then there will be soup!

Read the classic!

- So that conversations on the "carpet"

Were very rare

Don't fight in the yard

Don't bother your neighbor!

:- Be polite to everyone

Don't be rude to elders!

All quickly for a change

Don't rush!

Love physical education

Useful in life.

- And you all need to remember:

The strength of the mind is more important.

Faith, friendship - that's what is sacred!

With them you are stronger!

- Well, bolder on a long journey,

School, interesting.

Don't forget on the road

Home, friends and a song.

It's our time to test you. Are you ready to take the exam?

thick notebook with an inscription. Under it, you can find out that the owner works as a boss for teachers, plumbers, but also a businessman. (book of orders)

Here is a thing that no day at school can do without. It takes a lot of effort to put together. It contains all the lessons and room numbers. (Schedule)

The object is round, but not used in the gym. Motley, spinning. With this item, you can travel without having dollars. (globe)

An object made of thin glass, a bizarre shape. It often contains liquids that are not ingested. (flask)

An object one and a half meters long, giving 100 points ahead to Mr. Cardin and Mr. Yudashkin. (centimeter)

An object for beating with hands, feet, head. Especially often attacked by a person in a sports uniform. (ball)

Photograph of a small man with blue eyes and blond curly hair, dressed in the fashion of the last century, with experience in composing poetry. S. Yesenin)

Elena Sergeevna . A thick book containing words written clearly not in Russian. (vocabulary)

A thing that is inserted into an electronic machine with a screen and information is received. (flash drive)

Holidays, events are held on it, nothing will work without it. (scenario)

A sheet of paper where questions are written and answers are given, from which you must choose the correct one. (test)

Presenter 1 . Thanks, exam passed.Leading: Dear graduates! They say there are people like the sun, like the stars. They illuminate others with their light, next to them it is always warm and light. And these people are teachers.Shubina S: I propose to start the festive ceremony of awarding the "Teacher of the 21st Century" award Melnikova A: During the last clean-up day on the "green Wednesday" a notebook was found. According to its content, it can be assumed that its owner works as a plumber, manager, professor of physics or mathematics, businessman or assistant to the president for elections to the Duma. Guess who it is? Of course, our directorIn the nomination "The best director of the XXI century" is awarded ... (A gift or bouquet is given)Koleganov V: In the nomination "School is my second home" the winners were the head teachers of the school(flowers are givenIn the nomination "Letters are different to write ..." the winners were the GKP educator andelementary school teacher...

(flowers are given)

In the nomination "Not a day without a line ..." the main prize is awarded to teachers of the Russian language and literature ...

(flowers are given)

In the nomination “Accuracy is the courtesy of kings…”

math teachers became the winners ... (flowers are awarded)

In the "Computer Genius" nomination, the main prize goes to a computer science teacher ...

(flowers are given)

In the nomination "Beauty will save the world"» The prize is awarded to a teacher of biology and chemistry ...

(give flowers)

In the nomination "German is not a luxury, but a necessity" won the championship...


In the nomination "In step with the times" History teachers won...

(flowers are given)

: In the nomination "Whatever the child amuses, if only she does not cry" school counselor wins. for the ability to organize students' leisure with algebraic accuracy (flowers are awarded)

In the nomination "Movement - life" the PE teacher deserved the audience award ... (flowers are awarded)

In the nomination "One word, two words - there will be a song" the music teacher is the winner. (flowers are given)

In the nomination "Without psychology, as without water, neither here nor there" we express our gratitude to the school psychologist (flowers are awarded). Video for teachers All: (We see teachers in our own way)

: Thanks to everyone who fed us

Repaired school furniture

And washed the floors behind us.

: In the nomination "Hands - work, soul holiday" won the entire department of the administrative and economic part ... (Pie is handed)

: Statistics show that over 11 years of academic life, a student attended an average of 8,600 lessons and listened to a symphony of 19,200 calls, wrote 900 control works, filled out 12 kilograms of paper. And all these material and moral difficulties were shared with you by people of a courageous and risky profession - our class teachers! Today they have a holiday too!

Oh. We also had teachers

All class affairs leaders.

We were inspired to study

In a word, they didn’t let us get bored!

For your friendship, for your care,

For your devotion to friends,

For eternal soul work -

Thank you for everything, for everything

: In the nomination "The coolest classy ..." as a result of long disputes, the winner was not revealed. Therefore, the victory goes to four. Let's give them a big round of applause...

All: Thanks to our cool guys! The best, the most wonderful! (flowers are given)

The response word is given to the class teachers

Leading : And so the award ceremony came to an end."Teacher of the 21st century".

Leading : But our holiday is not over.

Shubina S : Declarations of love must be heard by those who have studied and suffered with us all these years.

Melnikova A: Who raised us to school in the morning and handed us a notebook with problems that were solved for us at night.

Koleganov V: It was they who tinted the walls covered with negligent children, and cleaned the linoleum from chewing gum,

Rustamova L: It was they who blushed for us in front of the teachers when we ran away from lessons or got deuces.

Doroshevich A: It is they who proudly look at us today and rejoice that we were able to withstand all the trials of school life.


Thank you, our moms and dads, for your love, help and support. (Giving flowers to parents)

Reply (speech by parents).

Today is a holiday of a large and friendly family, because school is the initial and bright stage in the life of our children.

We are parents, we are grateful to the teachers for the fact that they have become the same parents to our children, their friends and mentors.

Let the final bell ring! For some, this is a joy, because there is a hot summer ahead. For many, this is sadness and farewell to school.

We are grateful to the teachers! After all, their smile met and saw off our kids, for many years their hand led our children to new knowledge and heights. Thank you for that. Happy last call!

Dear children!

So your school years are behind you,
And the last call is like a song.
There are many good roads ahead of you,
May your life be interesting.
May everyone have a smooth fate,
Feel free to pass all obstacles.
We, parents, only wish you well,
May you successfully plunge into life!

I want you to be happy
To bring happiness to others
And how bright and sweet today
After decades and winters!

Leading: The floor is given to the director of the school Our dear students, our beloved children! The last school bell is about to ring for you. Soon all exams will be passed, and you will leave the walls of the school. For nine and eleven years, you have become wiser, mastered a lot and learned a lot, began to understand social life, found friends, girlfriends, and maybe even knew love.

There are those among you who regularly or periodically defended the honor of the school at sporting events(the names of outstanding athletes are called) , and those who won the Olympiads in various sciences(the winners of the Olympiads are called) , and those who participated in amateur art competitions (the names of creative guys are called). Please accept a huge thank you from us for your hard work. I wish you all to successfully pass your final exams, decide on your future life guide and remember your school. Also, on behalf of the entire school administration, we express our gratitude to the parents who have always supported school events and were an active participant in school life.
After that, the director reads out the decision of the pedagogical council on the admission of all children to the final exams.


The line is close to completion.
The last call ... A moment of excitement!
I wished that on this holiday
All your stars are not extinguished!
In memory of the kids about you
The stars will light up now!
And on the pavement - your name!
Traditional star finish!

Leading: It is unlikely that the life of a person who does not know how to dream and does not believe in miracles will be interesting. We know that our graduates have dreams, so they strive for everything new and unknown. Tatyana Fedorovna! And what can we do to make the dreams of graduates come true?

Presenter: Don't know!

Leading: I know! Let's go! I will stand on one side, and you on the other. (The hosts stretched the starry sky, each graduate chose and took a star for himself) And now, graduates, make a wish! It will definitely come true!

IN 1. School attention! A solemn moment is coming - we are opening the alley of stars of the Bolshekhabyk school! (students stand with stars, multi-colored ribbons are tied to each star. They take turns approaching the headmaster, pronounce the words and give the stars to the headmaster).

    : I give this star to my childhood, which will never return. Goodbye childhood!

    I give this star to my carefree school days. Was great!

    I give this star to the first teachers. My gratitude to you is immeasurable!

    : I give this star to my parents. They have been and will be with us all these years. I love you very much!

    : I give this star to my future. Great things await us!

    : I give this star to my friends. The best, the most faithful, the most reliable!

    : I give this star to all those who taught me how to conquer and conquer this world. We did it!

    : I give this star to my class teachers. We will always remember you!

    : I give this star to all the staff of the school. We are grateful to you for your work!

    : I give this star to my home school. Farewell school!

All: Galina Viktorovna, So let us go! (ribbons are cut off)

Final song "Unnoticed years flew by..."

Leading: The graduates fell silent solemnly

Wiped away a tear quietly mom

There are different calls in the world

Now the most important thing will sound for you!

The right to make the last call is granted

11th grade graduate Shubina Snezhana and 1st grade student Pankova Oksana

The bell is ringing

Host: The Solemn Line dedicated to the Last Bell Holiday is declared closed. The line ends, and the holiday continues. Farewell photography, friendly handshakes and the last cool hours - all this awaits you today and now!

Scenario of the last call "Starfall-2009"

The stage is decorated with stars (balloons), some with photos of alumni, some with alumni names. On the back there is an inscription "Starfall-2009".

Presenter 2. Spring has come again.

The days are longer and warmer

And the grass near the school

Greener every day.

Host 1. And on short nights

Take a glance at random

And you will see in the sky

Like us ... starfall. (Hand pointing at the stars on the stage)

Presenter 1. Every person at least once in his life admired the starry sky. Billions of visible and invisible stars frightened and attracted at the same time. The birth of a star is an extraordinary phenomenon that has interested mankind for many centuries.

Presenter 2. The birth of a person was invariably associated with the birth of a star.

Man, like a star, is born

Amid the obscure hazy milkiness,

In infinity begins

And ends in infinity.

Generations are being created

Age after age, the earth is imperishable

A man, like a star, is born,

To make the universe brighter.

Presenter1. Each of our graduates is a small star that we light up over the years of study. Today is the last call and we decided to call our holiday "Starfall of Graduates".

Meet the 11th grade graduates of the "Commonwealth" school, our "stars".

(Alumni are invited by last name) (Graduates enter the hall one by one, stop in a semicircle). At this time, slides about each graduate are on the screen - from childhood to graduation, and a verse from a song with his name sounds.

Presenter 1. The silent hall smiles embarrassedly

And I can't hide my admiration

Waiting for the solemn moment

Let us open the starfall.

(Anthem plays.)

Presenter 1. So, let's introduce our school "stars".

sports star-

disco star-

Asterisk wit-

star dancer-

The fastest star

wit star-

star of humor

star of revelation

Star of poetry

music star-

Asterisk radiant -

theater star-

podium star-

Presenter 2. When a star breaks suddenly from the sky

People have this sign:

Hurry up to make a wish,

Today we do not count these stars.

(To the song "star" graduates go into the hall to their seats, sit down)

Two remain on the stage. (3 and 4)

3.- Just think! Last call! How much we dreamed about it, to finish school as soon as possible, to break out as soon as possible ...

4- Stop, don't talk about it.

3- What will we talk about then?

4- About what we will show at the holiday.

3- Well, let's sing songs.

4- Good!

3- Let's read poems about school, about teachers.

4- Well done, great idea.

3- And let's make a movie about our lessons.

4- Whoa! Wonderful, brilliant!

What will we show in this film?

3- Let's show in our film what was and what was not, what could be and what could not be.

4- So, we are making a movie.

Double 1 . Series 1 Who is absent?

The teacher enters with a magazine.

Teacher. Hello guys. Thank you for coming. why are there so few of you today? Let's start with the roll call. Anfinogenov SHURIK (Pause) Is he here?

He doesn't exist today. He came yesterday.

Teacher. Besulin Dima!

What are you, Tamara Evgenievna, it's only the second lesson, and he usually comes to the third.

Teacher. Zorina Oksana! Are you here?

Here. But after this lesson I will leave. We're leaving for dance camps.

Teacher. Matveeva Natasha.

And why should she go to school, she freed herself from exams long ago.

Teacher. Zaytseva Tanya!

Her leg hurt. And Sasha and Yulia decided to take Tanya to the hospital, they won't come today. And tomorrow too.

Teacher. Think about it. It turns out they all have good reasons. Well, let's write the topic of the lesson. (The bell rings.) I didn’t have much time today. Yes, but where is Gonyaykina Dasha?

She is already taking her exams.

Double 2. Series 2 “Mathematics Lesson”.

Teacher(enters quickly, decisively, speaks loudly and quickly). Hello, I start the lesson with brainstorming. Voronov, solve the problem. There are 40 rubles in one trouser pocket and 30 rubles in the other. What does it mean?

Voronov (depicts the process of fright, rummages through the pockets of his trousers, first takes out money from one pocket, then from the other, looks around in amazement.)

There will be a lot of money. Much money.

Teacher. Don't suggest. In exams, you should crack similar problems like nuts. Well, I decided, Voronov, what does this mean?

Voronov. Ah, that means I'm wearing my dad's trousers. Here!

Teacher. Sit down, Sasha, think.

Voronov. Do you think, Tamara Evgenievna, if I sit down, then I can decide something? Oh (singing)

I sit in algebra and move my brains, I sit and sit, but I won’t solve the problem.

(The bell rings.)

Take 3. Series 3 “History Lesson”

Teacher. Hello. Will go to the board ... (leads the magazine with his hand)

Excellent student (pulls his hand high).

(sings) Well! Ask, ask me teacher
How I want to answer at the blackboard!
So that no one would think
What can I not know about something.

Teacher. To the board will go ...

Two students (hides behind a friend).

(sings) Oh! Don't ask me teacher!
I don’t want to be silent at the blackboard there!
So that no one would guess
What can I not know!

(Knock on the door. The teacher turns around. A student enters the classroom with a notebook.)

Teacher. (sing), madam, tell me, why are you late for the lesson today?

Pupil. I'll tell you, my sir, I ran home because I forgot my notes.

Teacher. Ah, madam, do you know what I will make you answer at the blackboard?

Pupil. Oh. I ask you not to rush, so as not to destroy me, you are so good, kind, the best.

Teacher. How pleasant and amusing that you like me very much! Well, and you to me even more so!

Everybody. Well, fine! Tram-pam-pam.

Double 4 . Series "A Million Years to the Last Call"

3 participants in costumes resembling animal skins enter the stages. In the hands of two - stone axes, the third - a tambourine (shaman). 2nd begin to walk in a circle, depicting ritual dances (10 seconds). Then they sit down on the floor.

1.Listen, shaman, you promised us the sunrise anytime we want.

2. (Looks at wristwatch) We've been dancing your stupid dances for 6 months in a row. It's 2 am, where is it?

1. You took an advance payment - half the carcass of a mammoth killed by us. If there is no sun, you yourself will drag it back to our cave.

Shaman. It's not my fault that the losers hollowed out the calendar with errors. The polar night should have ended long ago. Let's try one last time. If it doesn't work out, take your mammoth back.

The two dance again. After a few seconds, the stage becomes brighter. 2 participants enter the stage, carry out the sun drawn on a sheet of drawing paper, in the center of which a photograph of the school director is pasted. From the big sun below, rays leave, on which photographs of the head teachers are pasted. The shaman and actors fall to their knees and begin to pray to the sun.

Shaman. Oh, Most Serene, how can we address you so as not to offend you with our rudeness.

The Sun (behind the scenes) Call me simply and modestly - the star of the Sun.

1.Give us something, and lots and lots.

2. Where mammoths graze, tell me.

1. Help me find my way home.

2Where the buffalo go, indicate.

Sun. What can I, a humble luminary? Only to brighten the way, to give the light of knowledge, to warm the soul with the heart, to take a liking, to regret.

Shaman. Oh, 737 times bright, warming us with its rays. Do not be angry with us fools. Listen favorably and accept as a gift our song of thanksgiving.

(To the motive O, sole mio) The first verse is referring to the poster, the second is to the director.

1. Hearts are warmed by souls with warmth and light,

And in your honor we sing this song.

The spring wind brought it to everyone in the world,

That there is no more wonderful holiday today.

Chorus: Not enough words to tell you

How you are needed, how you are appreciated.

But still, the most expensive

And your advice, and your order.

2. Oh, our sun is like a light in a window.

We are with you in heart and soul.

The director is wise, even if it is very difficult with us,

Hearing from you - what could be more wonderful.

Chorus: We expect words of praise from you,

And now they went down to the hall.

And we ask you to the stage

Oh, our sun, your hour has struck.

(Director's speech - reads out the order for admission to exams)

Presenter 1. But there were once small stars

In the constellation-class their first gathered.

Their first friend is a teacher, their mentor,

He taught them how to fly them high.

(They give flowers to the first teacher - after her performance)

(Sing to the motive of the song "A long time ago" - a group of graduates)

1. In primary school, I was lazy,

And in the lessons I liked to look out the window,

But only with laziness I said goodbye

2. Study seemed easy.

Everything is on my shoulder, everything in my studies is given to me.

But knowledge is lost

Long time ago, long time ago, long time ago...

3. I am grateful to my fate

For the fact that it was destined to study here,

Our teachers have no equal

Long time ago, long time ago, long time ago...

4.Hours in the worldwide network

I hung out with the whole planet at the same time.

Everyone knows me on the Internet

Long time ago, long time ago, long time ago...

5. All our golden childhood

And school years, like frames from a movie

Imprinted in my heart

Long time ago, long time ago, long time ago...

Presenter 1. A long time ago you were as small as our today's first graders. They have a word.

(An astrologer and first-graders enter the stage - congratulations in verse + a song about graduates) Graduates give memorable gifts to first-graders).

Presenter 2. This is how the stellar path of the current graduates began. And not a spark of fidelity, friendship, mutual assistance would light up in their little hearts without the bright love of their teachers, real mega-stars. To you, teachers-mentors, all words of gratitude.

(Sing to the tune of the song “Oh, what a woman)

Dedicated to the teacher of the Russian language and literature:

In the noisy classroom of our school

In the midst of a cheerful noisy pack

You are a radiance of golden light!

Taking my notebook with a smile,

Fixing mistakes

Looking for answers to questions.

She will not put a deuce,

And in ignorance will not leave

Poor crowd deaf!

What a woman,

What woman...

How to dictate!

What a woman,

What woman...

How to dictate!

Dedicated to the star teachers of a foreign language:

(To the motive of the song "London-Paris")

England cities, lands and islands

You revealed all this to us in the classroom

Hello and goodbye, sorry, my love, goodbye

How to say all this, you explained to all of us.

Chorus: You can't fly to London, Paris on your vacation

After all, vacation will only last until the weekend

But so you could give us your subject,

Each lesson was like flying to London.

Dedicated to carriers of biology genes at school:

(To the motive “I won’t brag, dear ...)

I won't brag to you

I know everything I say

I'll get a mammoth

And I'll give you a skeleton.

I can tell you close

And at a distance:

Confuse turnip and radish

I'm not able.

The following song of the star group is dedicated to the chemistry teacher:

(To the tune of “One Hundred Steps Back”) (During the performance of the song, two graduates on a separate table do chemical experiments that end with a mini-explosion - a loud bang)

Let's show some examples...

Insert a test tube into a tripod and twist it,

We will light the alcohol lamp now.

Let's start moving first

The whole class will take off now, probably

There is absolutely no logic in your movements,

Why did you touch the test tube with the reagent?

Chorus: 5 minutes and you

Quiet on your fingers

Run out of class, don't stay.

5 minutes and that

The reactant will explode now.

And this song is dedicated to the lessons of physics:

(to the motive "Everything that concerns you")

What is the strength of the electric current

And how to know the attraction of the earth,

What thoughts, what tasks!

And there is a place for light, echo and sounds.

Movement, impulses a strange mixture -

We understand that the world is interesting.

Chorus: Everything that concerns you,

Everything that concerns me

It's called physics.

Dedicated to the selfless and sometimes unsuccessful work of mathematics teachers:

You see, I got sine-cosine,

You see, the integral is not taken,

Guess I didn't know I was sleeping

I took it in my pocket, you know ...

You see, school is not a buffet,

You see, the integral is not a handful of sweets,

If you want, I could help you

But now they will give a call, you know ...

Together: And with a call .. life begins with a call,

Math needs a lesson

You know, I've said so many times

You see, I chose foreign language,

Imagine, well, why do I need a logarithm

Often dreaming until dawn, you know ..

See, it was just a dream

You know, it's not that scary.

Imagine paying bills

After all, with a call ... life begins with a call,

And we will understand that the school was like a home for us.

And so that everyone could be smart in it,

Math needs a lesson

And the teacher just seems strict, you know ...

Presenter 1. Our starfall continues. The next waltz is dedicated to the teachers.

Quiet in the village

Just does not sleep T.E. (On the screen is a photo of Tamara Evgenievna - she sits at the table, writes)

She twists the lessons in her head,

So T.E. is not sleeping.

Quiet in the village

Just don't sleep G.M. (Galina Mukhtarovna - holding the USE form on the slide)

After all, she has the Unified State Examination, there are a lot of problems with him,

So G.M. is not sleeping.

Quiet in the village, only G.S. does not sleep (Gayane Samvelovna in nature, among the trees)

It seems to her that strawberries, then the forest,

So G.S. is not sleeping.

Quiet in the village, only S.O. does not sleep (Svetlana Olegovna near the pool of water)

She considers everything her H2O

So S.O. is not sleeping.

Quiet in the village, only N.A. is not sleeping. (Nina Alexandrovna - around physical formulas)

Thinks the topic of the lesson is difficult,

So N.A. is not sleeping.

Quiet in the village .... (all in a whisper)

Presenter 1. Our school sky has already lit up with many stars and stars.

Now the word to the stars of the past, they are visiting us today.

It sounds revolutionary. On the stage, sitting astride poles with the heads of horses, three people in suits close to military uniforms enter. Two young men (Petka, Chapaev) and a girl (Anka). Jumping in a circle line up in a row.

Petka. Tell me, Vasily Ivanovich! the war will end soon, the whites will all be transferred, there will be no one to fight with, what will we do?

Chapaev: I don't know about you, Petka, but I'll go to school.

Anka: Did you plan to study, Vasil Ivanovich?

Chapaev: Take it higher, Anka.

Petka: Are you really going to work as a supply manager?

Chapaev: Eh, Petka, you are an uneducated neodertaloid. The caretaker is not for me. I'm going to teach. I missed mental work very much.

Anka: what can you teach? Waving a saber, and shooting from a revolver?

Chapaev: Chubriki you are slow-witted. Why immediately with a saber, and even wave it? No, I can teach history, for example, what have I seen little in the world?

Petka: And I heard that the bourgeoisie came up with such an ingenious science, called social science.

Chapaev: What the bourgeois have come up with, the red commander will always master. And I can teach social studies.

Anka: But for example, Vasil Ivanovich, can you cope with the crisis in the country?

Chapaev: Eh, Anka, you are a dark person. I memorized “Capital” by the father of our comrade Marx, so even such a tricky thing as economics is like a mother to me. Write, I can also do the economy.

Petka: What an almighty you are, oh God!

Chapaev: Oh, Petka, Petka. Chubrik you are neanderthal. Not "Oh God", but OBJ.

Petka: You are a grandiose personality, Vasil Ivanovich! Just like my teacher Stanislav Palych.

Chapaev: Stanislav, you say ... A good name ..

To the revolutionary music they leave on "horses"

Presenter 2. Stars of the past, stars of the present, stars of the future ... Stars are born, go out, fall and even ride in a taxi. Our guests are the stars of the screen - "Taxi Unified State Examination"

Presenter 1. Wait, take your time. “Taxi” we all know, but what else is “Taxi USE”?

Presenter 2. Unified State Examination is another Lord's execution.

4 chairs are brought onto the stage, placed in pairs one after the other. 2 girls (drivers) get out, holding the steering wheel in their hands, sit down on the front seats.

1. Well, let's go?

2.Gazu to failure, the brakes were invented by a coward!

Screams - Stop!

2 young men, taxi passengers, run out onto the stage.

3.Taxi? Shall we go?

4. Anywhere, just forward and non-stop

2. Sit down.

The call signs of the programs are sounding.

3.What is it?

1. You are in the USE taxi program.

2.Taxi, in which you do not need to pay money for travel, but you only need to correctly answer our questions.

1. Recall that you have 3 lives and 2 clues - call someone and ask passers-by.

2. Our names are ____ and _____. And we will take you to a brighter future.

4. Why do you have 2 rudders?

2. Don't worry about it. The main thing in our work is that we both steer in the same direction. Well, are you ready? Go!

1Question 1. Literature. Who was mute in Gogol's Mumu?

The boys start arguing among themselves.

3. We want to call our friends.

He takes out his phone and dials a number.

4. Hello! Hey! So cool, we're in the Taxi program. Tell me quickly who was dumb in Gogol's Mumu. Exactly, are you sure? Our answer is a boat.

1. We congratulate you, your first life and the first hint have burned down.

2. Simple questions are over, complex ones are starting. Question two: conjugate the expression "I'm walking on a carpet"

The boys start arguing.

3. It's easy. I go while I lie. He goes while lying. We go while time. They go while lying.

2. Alas and ah, young people. Your second life is on fire. There are easy and difficult questions. Remained supercomplex. Music question.

Understand what the song is about.

(To the tune of "Uno Momento")

Cool OMONato

Doors guarded

And not allowed to secret.



Almost called names ... Lord, I'm sorry!


Umo-umo for a child prodigy

Oh, incomparably, horrific and terrifying!

Who has the talent

Might be fun

Boldly, not fearfully comes.

If little is known

bent knee,

Even a philanthropist will not save the exam!

Chorus: Uno-uno-uno-un-momento,


Umo-umo-mind for a child prodigy

But we gave up! And where are we going?

3. No, we do not understand such complex things very well. Yes, we are here, thank you.

Passengers and drivers leave.

Lead 1.

As in every state there is a ruler,

So each class has its own leader.

You were all of us - a cool mom,

The most beloved, the kindest.

Leader 2 .

And this funny song

Tell everyone my secrets.

(To the motive "5 reasons")

How did it all happen

I didn't go to class.

I didn't hurt anyone

I was in the medical office.

Chorus: 1 reason - I overslept

Second, I'm just tired.

I couldn't learn my homework.

Reason 4 is a lie

You won't go to class now.

Reason 5 is laziness

Be at school all day.

And today I saw in a dream

How you smiled but not to me

And calls to my parents

And you have 5 reasons for this.

Chorus: 1 reason is me,

And the second is all my friends.

The third is my passes

It's all clear, I'm sorry.

Reason 4 is a lie

Who is right and who is wrong, you will not understand.

Reason 5 is that

That no one knows about it.

How did it all happen

I didn't go to class.

I didn't hurt anyone

I was in the medical office.

Chorus: 1 reason - I overslept

Second, I'm just tired.

Third - you need a certificate for the lesson,

I couldn't learn my homework.

Reason 4 is a lie

You won't go to class now.

Reason 5 is laziness

Be at school all day.

(Give flowers to the class teacher)

Presenter 1. Spring in the world triumphs,

And the school, like a mother, of their children

Presenter 2. Lilacs are boiling, Winds are beating in the windows,

The whole world is always open before you,

But the school remains the eternal home

And it is impossible to forget the native class.

Lead 1. Carefully, immensely, patiently,

Stars grew from a spark here.

So let now native teachers

They will go to the stage for a welcome.

(Performance by teachers + song "School years")

Presenter 2. Our dear parents!

We want to thank you

For caring, for being with us

Everyone is ready to take their exams.

Presenter 1. Here they are your sons, your daughters,

Your sleepless long nights

Your efforts and your patience

Your indisputable achievement is that.

Presenter 2. Mothers steal tears away.

And check if everything is in order?

The stars have long been ready to fly,

They expect a kind word from their parents.

(Parents speak, say kind words to teachers, parting words to their children and sing the song "Parents' House")

Presenter 1. Cute grown-up children are standing,

The best kids in the world.

There will be no more girls in bows,

In school clothes, with flowers in their hands.

Presenter 2. Here they are - the stars on our earth,

Took start on the school bench.

Here they warmed you with their love,

Everything they had, they gave away on a long journey.

Have you achieved much? What did you take along?

Let your awards tell everything!

(Awarding + stars around the neck on a ribbon, made of foil on cardboard with a photo of a graduate)

Lead 1. Raise your stars higher,

Let everything burn brighter and more beautiful.

Above our school rose

constellation bright

Model 2012..

(Light stars - candles, or turn off the lights in the hall and turn on the mirror ball)

(To the motive "Wind of Change")

The earth is spinning like a carousel in childhood,

And ten years have passed like 10 days.

And the gentle sound of the last call

We are echoed by all "it's time", "it's time".

It's time for smiles and flowers

It's time for confessions and beautiful words.

The time has come for us to say, friends,

Thank you teachers!

Chorus: Hundreds of years and day and night revolves

Carousel - Earth,

I want to say thank you hundreds of times

You teachers!

We will cherish in our hearts

Your smile, look and your speech.

God bless you and light up the school

The warmth of love, the warmth of love!

Chorus: Let the years of happy youth run

And the earth spins.

We will keep in the hearts of children

Kind words.

The wind will change again

New stars will give us.

Happiness, peace, smile, laughter and joy

And good luck to you!

Presenter 1. Dear graduates! We have one more little star left, but today and now it is the most important, because it is on it that your common desire is located, the one for which we are here today. And now it will run out.

(A star with a school bell attached falls from the ceiling. The ball turns on)

But everything in the world has its own time.

Everyone goes to school with empty bags.

Graduates for the last lesson.

Leader 2 . Bold smells rush in through the windows,

Summer is already at the door

On the day when childhood says goodbye to you,

On the day when dreams come true

Here it is, the bell, your last one rings!

Host 1. Let this start be the start of hope

And after a few years

All of you, like stars, will return to orbit

With a report of new victories.

Presenter 2. There will be no more funny tips.

Life is like an exam ahead of us.

Only always, in the midst of any trials

Save honor and dignity.

Presenter 1. Shine brightly and confidently

Striving persistently forward.

It's not easy to be the star of the time

So let you be lucky in this.

(Confetti, the song "When we leave the schoolyard" sounds

Graduates, their parents and teachers go out into the school yard, where graduates release white doves and balloons to the sounds of the song “Fly Doves, Fly”.

And the graduates of June 22, 2017 gathered without five minutes. And a wave of memories flooded over them. And they sailed on this wave, hurrying and interrupting each other, for to each his own it seemed dearer and dearer.

Clear day. September. Daisies.

Bow. Pigtails. First graders.

Two by two. Primer. Five.

And workout in the gym.

Pharaohs. Globe. Map.

A painted party.

Alkali. Pythagoras. Acids.

Lev Tolstoy. Straits. Notes.

Friend. For control preparation.


Dancing. Camping. Guitar.

Kiss. For a quarter of a pair.

State. exams. Farewell ball.

Joy mixed with sadness.

Certificate. Flowers in the window.

Why am I so sad?

Presenter 1. Well, that seems to be it. School is over. Lessons will never be again, strange, after all, the word "never". Everything will be: institute, family, children, work, but there will be no school and there will be no childhood. Childhood is gone. It left drop by drop, quietly and imperceptibly, with the first letters: even-even on the blackboard by the first teacher, with short dresses, with shrill calls, which are dearer than all the theorems in the world, with a sign, the familiar voice of literature teachers, demanding to prove that Pechorin - Hero of our time. And after all, they proved it, and with Pechorin everything became clear, and over time, too.

Lead 2. And it was raining outside. Lights were turned on in the classroom, and under Tatyana's confessions of love, they wrote off mathematics, proving unprovable theorems, attributed extra laws to Newton, and everything was fine. And childhood was leaving ... Let's today, on the last evening of our childhood, let's try to look back - into the bright past, which is called school life.

Graduates enter the hall (Melody)

Maxim: Well, where are you?

Igor: Yes, Olga disappeared somewhere.

M+I: Olya! Olya!

Olga: I'm coming! I'm coming!

Igor: You are always late! All of us have already arrived.

Maxim: As if you know her the first day, she is late all 11 years.

Olga: Do you guys remember how we first came to school: so smart, new backpacks ...

Maxim: You're late as always.

Igor: And my knees are shaking.

Maksim: They took us to the school porch to solemnly read poems.

Olga: Yes, guys, they didn’t take us out, they took others out, we then had, like him, a speech impediment ...

Igor: And all because of this enchanted letter.

Maxim: Do you remember, Olya, we went to the winter park for an excursion. You saw a tree. She took hold of her branch and said: “Look, detectives are hanging on the Christmas tree!”

Igor: And Max and I just rolled with laughter. I especially tried, as if I had fainted and groaned: “Ah, I feel bad! Investigations! And the girl is 7 years old, she will soon marry, and she is a detective.

Olga: It was my tooth that fell out and whistled.

Igor: And I yelled at you that 3 fell out and 2 are staggering, but I still say it right: not detectives, but giggles!

Maxim: Then I grabbed a handful of snow and began to apply it to my forehead, as if I already had inflammation of the brain or I had gone crazy, and I tell you: why are you arguing, because this is not a very simple word: no detectives, no snickers , and short and clear - fifki.

Lead 2. They say that our life will bend anyone. But it was not there! All the detectives were collected, all the bunnies were counted, all the prescriptions were written with hooks. And now high school loomed ahead.

Presenter 1. And for all 5 years we tried to excel, we were in constant search: we broke our teeth, biting, oh, and hard, nuts of knowledge, day and night we were looking for talents, discovering new gentlemen and misses.

Lead 2. I wonder how teachers will remember us!

Presenter 1. I think they will tell jokes about us, for example

Senya, I hope this time I won't see you copying Yana's test.

I hope so too, Lyubov Lavrentyevna.

2. - Guys, when the teacher calls me in the lesson, I trudge

What are you running from?

From the desk to the board I trudge, trudge, trudge ... And then back - from the board to the desk I trudge ...

3. - Exam.

Student (with a sigh of relief): Finally passed!

Teacher: “I passed everything!”

Lead 1. All this, as you understand, was good school humor.

And without it, it is simply impossible to imagine our life today.

Lead 2. We flipped through only a few pages from school life. But the first discoveries in this life we ​​made with a man who has the most beautiful title on earth - the first teacher. He opened the world to you, gave his love, warmth. People love their first teacher all their lives, they remember him with gratitude.

(word provided by ___________)

(number "School waltz")

My highest command is announced. I am reading.

“I, __________, am the same-born of school No. ____ and, figuratively speaking, the main one of our alma - obscene holiday. Today I congratulate you on the great day - the end of school.

(Director's speech)

Great and powerful, generous and sensitive, noble and magnificent I.

The seventeenth year, the month of June, the 22nd number "

(goes to the leader)

Presenter 1: Yes, happy holiday. These days, our school people are divided into 2 halves, you noticed: those who are capable of everything and those who can do everything else. Well, now - Fanfares sound, in honor of the director, in honor of the alma mater, in honor of all the teachers of the school and in honor of the graduates.

(fanfare sounds)

Host 2: In April, our school conducts a survey in which almost all eleventh-graders took part. It turned out that mothers-relatives, fathers-relatives, charming, intellectuals work in our school. We really have the happiest people working and learning too.

So, nominations.

(fanfare sounds)

Presenter 1: __________ are invited to conduct the competition of nominations.

teacher 1. So, there were 2 categories and they considered different sets of merit submitted for nomination.

The first, I think, will be the teachers who tormented you for a long time within the walls of the school for 11 years and therefore deservedly received a reward for their work.

The first nomination is interesting because it combines several nominations in just one, which was completely unexpected for the organizing committee.

Awarded by (full name)_______________________________________________

Next nomination - "Miss or Mrs. Optimal". There were many different versions on your part, but there has been an undisputed leader.

He becomes (full name) _______________________________________________

For the tireless search for ways to improve the educational process. Appropriate set (baby scale) included for informed decision making

Nominated "Charming". We know who it will be - a man or a woman?

(opens envelope)

So, the Diploma is awarded

(FULL NAME)_________________________________________

For charm and remarkable abilities in communicating with students and the ability to present oneself (a crown is presented in the form of a large hairpin).

Next nomination "I am the". 9 votes were given to this person.

But nevertheless, the leader was (full name) ______________________________________________

Awarded for indefatigable simplicity, love for oneself and others (Russian folk music). As a gift - a mirror

The next nomination is "Independence". Again - Mr. or Mrs. Independence - we don't know. Everyone understands that it is very difficult for household members to keep this person near them. Those. we will now determine who is the most independent teacher in our school.

Awarded by (full name)_______________________________________________

For being the most independent teacher in the school (leash awarded)

It's no secret that most of the teachers are passionately and for various reasons loved by students, but there is 1 person whom everyone loves. Those. the following nomination is called: "The Man Everyone Loves". And so, 17 students voted, i.е. the most numerous category chose it, the winner was

Awarded for good health and resourcefulness in love. Another gift of the organizing committee - a newspaper (to folk music)

The very name of the next nomination is somewhat ambiguous, i.e. for the organizing committee until now, it remains a mystery. But as I understand it, this is a person who, with his zeal and desire, is able to provide students with high, high-quality knowledge, but at the same time bring him to tears.

So, a diploma in the nomination "Squeeze out a tear" award (full name) _____________________________________________

For the ability to touch the tender strings of the human soul.

(a handkerchief is presented to the music of "The Real Colonel")

In the next nomination, the majority of teachers received an approximately equal number of votes. However, the undisputed leader in the intellectual group was (full name) ________________________________________

For the ability to connect the unconnected, to say the inexpressible and to describe the indescribable.

Next nomination - "Sympathy". You know which of the teachers can be touched by a sad story about their hard, difficult student life. So, I received a diploma for sympathy (full name) __________________________________

For the fact that shedding a tear herself, makes others sob.

(A heart is handed to the song of A. Pugacheva “Without me, you, my beloved ...”)

Your activity gave rise to several nominations that were not previously envisaged. But the organizing committee could not pass by one nomination, because having created this nomination, you yourself cast 48 votes for this person.

So, the diploma is awarded to (full name) ______________________________________________

As an example of youth, soul and beautiful appearance (baby doll is given)

teacher 1. Wait a second, who are these people?

(includes the Pope with an interpreter)

Yes, today's event is so significant that even the Pope, despite his honorable age, decided to personally come to our city and congratulate you.

Speech by the Pope (text attached)

Lead 1. And now the most interesting. It's called giggling. Let's move on to awarding diplomas and medals to students.

1st nomination "Smoke". A diploma in this nomination is awarded to (full name) ___________________________________ for the ability to hide in cigarette smoke, undermining the foundations of enemy structures.

(prize - pack of cigarettes)

Now we will find out who is loved in our school from the students. Which of them can count on concessions and various privileges. In the nomination "Charming" chosen by (full name) ___________ for the ability to win over everyone and everything.

In the next nomination, the undisputed leader was determined. 47 people voted for him. So, a diploma in the nomination "Pet" awarded (full name) _____________, who has achieved recognition, universal love not only among school students, but technical staff and canteen workers.

This is the name of the one who can achieve everything without any effort, knows how to neutralize the attention of others to his own person. Of course, this "Sachok". A diploma in this nomination is awarded to (full name) _________________ for high achievements in running from lessons, jumping over fences in school areas.

What will be discussed now is familiar to every graduate. There is no person who would not use it once. But among them there are ASY who are able to extract knowledge from even the most inaccessible places. And briefly these students are called "Cheater". So, a diploma is awarded to (full name) _____________ for the ability to describe a thought that is absent at a critical moment in life (hand over a notebook)

It turns out that in our student environment there are such representatives, the existence of which students and teachers can only guess. So the next nomination "Invisible". The diploma of this nomination is awarded to (full name) __________________________ for the ability to remind yourself without appearing in space (prize - rattle)

The school cannot be represented without contests, concerts, reviews. And not all of the participants were born artists. What they have achieved has come to them through hard work. But the most persistent in mastering was…… Interesting? Diploma in the nomination "Valsun" awarded by (full name)________________ for the application of superhuman efforts in mastering dance skills.

Everyone dreams of getting into the Guinness Book of Records. There are people who want to do it in our school. There was even the first school nominee for the Guinness Book of Records. So, a diploma is awarded to (full name) _______________ for stubborn and stable silence in the classroom for two years.

To paraphrase the famous words of Vasily Terkin, we can say "Why do we need a diploma, we agree to a medal." We have such contenders.

So, the medal "The Best Soldier" is awarded to (full name) ________________________________

The medal "To the best private" is awarded to (full name) ________________________________

The Coolest Hacker medal is awarded to

FULL NAME__________________________________

Lead 1. Dear parents! Today's celebration is a huge event in your life: it is the result of 11 long and difficult school years that you passed together, hand in hand, with your child. The joy of discoveries and the bitterness of mistakes, the happiness of friendship and the anxieties of first love - everything is experienced by your parental hearts, sensitive and responsive to everything that concerns their own child.

Lead 2. What! Your efforts and cares have brought worthy results. And no matter how their fate develops, wherever they end up, let your parental home remain for them the “beginning of beginnings”. Thank you for raising your children! Health to you and family well-being.

(reply by ______________ parent) (fanfare)

Lead 1. The most solemn moment is coming.

Lead 2. The word for the announcement of the order is given to the Deputy Director for Educational Work ___________ (remarks by the head teacher)

Lead 1. Dear 11th graders, now from the hands of the headmaster you will receive a document that took 11 years to complete. You have overcome a lot of obstacles, and today you can already say: “Goodbye school!”

Music is the director's exit. Alumni awards.

After the award of medals and certificates, girls perform

For graduates and for all guests

(3 numbers of artistic amateur performances after each class 1 number)

What's going on today?

Graduation ball!

Do you think our first ball?

Yes, I guess!

After all, we have been striding towards this cherished goal for a long time.

And let's say goodbye today

With school dear!

What will be behind all this?


Adulthood, are you sure?

Yes, I am sure!

Oxford and Cambridge are ready to open their doors!

We just have to get there!

What follows from this?

Should live!

finish school,

Strive for new heights!

Do you think knowledge will be valued?

I think you should go to college!