Time tracking programs, including free ones. Time tracking programs, including free Xlsx e-time sheet

The time sheet is the main document containing information on the number of attendances and absences for work of each employee of the company. It is transferred to the accounting department. And based on the data, wages are calculated and accrued.

The law provides for 2 unified timesheet forms: T-12 - to be filled in manually; T-13 - for automatic control of the actual hours worked (through the turnstile).

Data is entered every business day. At the end of the month, the total of attendances and absences of each employee is calculated. Report generation can be simplified by automating the filling of some cells using Excel. Let's see how.

Filling in input data with Excel functions

Forms T-12 and T-13 have almost the same set of details.

Download time sheet:

In the header of page 2 of the form (for example, T-13), fill in the name of the organization and structural unit. Just like in the founding documents.

We prescribe the document number manually. In the column "Date of compilation" set the function TODAY. To do this, select a cell. In the list of functions, find the desired one and press OK 2 times.

In the column "Reporting period" indicate the first and last day of the reporting month.

We allocate a field outside the time sheet. This is where we will work. This is the OPERATOR field. First, let's make our own calendar for the reporting month.

The red field is the dates. Puts down ones on the green field if the day is a day off. In cell T2, we put one if the time sheet is compiled for a full month.

Now let's determine how many working days are in a month. We do it on the operational field. In the desired cell, insert the formula =COUNTIF(D3:R4,""). The COUNTIF function counts the number of non-empty cells in the range given in brackets.

We manually enter the serial number, full name and specialty of the employees of the organization. Plus a payroll number. Information is taken from the personal cards of employees.

Automating a timesheet with formulas

The first sheet of the form contains symbols for recording working hours, digital and alphabetic. The point of automation using Excel is to display the number of hours when entering the designation.

For example, let's take the following options:

  • On a weekend;
  • I am a turnout (working day);
  • OT - vacation;
  • K - business trip;
  • B - sick leave.

First, let's use the "Select" function. It will allow you to set the desired value in the cell. At this stage, we need the calendar that we made in the Operator's Field. If there is a day off on some date, “B” appears in the report card. Worker - "I". Example: =CHOICE(D$3+1,"I","B"). It is enough to enter the formula in one cell. Then “hook” it by the lower right corner and draw it across the entire line. It turns out like this:

Now let's make it so that on safe days people have "eights". Let's use the "If" function. Select the first cell in the row under the legend. "Insert function" - "If". Function arguments: logical expression - address of the cell to be converted (cell above) = "B". "If true" - "" or "0". If this day is really a day off - 0 working hours. "If false" - 8 (without quotes). Example: =IF(AW24="B";"";8). We “hook” the lower right corner of the cell with the formula and multiply it throughout the row. It turns out like this:

You need to do the same work for the second half of the month. It is enough to copy the formulas and change the cells they refer to. Result of work:

Now let's summarize: we calculate the number of attendances of each employee. The COUNTIF formula will help. The range for analysis is the entire series for which we want to get a result. The criterion is the presence in the cells of the letter "I" (appearance) or "K" (business trip). Example: . As a result, we get the number of working days for a particular employee.

Let's count the number of working hours. There are two ways. Using the "Sum" function - simple, but not effective enough. More complicated, but more reliable - by using the COUNTIF function. Formula example: . Where AW25:DA25 is the range, the first and last cells of the series with the number of hours. The criterion for the working day (“I”) is “=8”. For a business trip - “=K” (in our example, 10 hours are paid). The result after entering the formula.

Program Salary Time sheet Personnel- simple, intuitive timesheet software in an enterprise with all the necessary capabilities. Report Card Program- an integral part of the complex program "Salary, Time Sheet, Personnel", but can be purchased separately from other functions. In this program, the output to print the timesheet form for all employees or for employees of the selected department is FREE OF CHARGE. timesheet in the program is carried out on the basis production calendar working hours according to the five-day and six-day schedule or according to the schedule configured by the user.

Screenshot from the timesheet program


As the practice of communicating with users of the 1C series programs shows, there is a fairly large circle of small and medium-sized organizations that do not keep records of the hours worked at the enterprise by their employees. The main reason is not only the lack of desire to do extra work (and, as you know, in small organizations, this responsibility is usually assigned to an accountant), but also the confidence that there is no need to keep a time sheet.
Many accountants believe that the time sheet is more related to documents reflecting labor discipline in the organization. The policy of small enterprises is typical: a low official salary, which is paid in full even if the employee has absences of working days, and other issues are resolved by “bonuses”.
However, it should be borne in mind that time sheet It also has tax implications. The point is that it is report card is the basis for calculating the wages of employees of the organization. At its core report card similar to an act on the work done, which is necessarily drawn up with employees under civil law contracts. Absence time sheets entails unreasonable payroll, and, consequently, labor costs cannot reduce taxable profit. Thus, this document should not be neglected.

Timesheet form approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 N 1 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment"

Timesheet Form

In the programs of the 1C series, the time sheet can be filled in automatically for all employees in accordance with the working time calendar.

Production calendar for a five-day work week

Production calendar for a six-day work week

Production calendar according to the sliding schedule of the working week

Article 112 Labor Code Russian Federation(in ed. federal law dated December 29, 2004 N 201-FZ) non-working holidays in the Russian Federation are:

January 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 - New Year holidays;
January 7 - Christmas;
February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day;
March 8 - International Women's Day;
May 1 - Spring and Labor Day;
May 9 - Victory Day;
June 12 - Day of Russia;
November 4 - National Unity Day.

Production calendars on a five-day and six-day working week are delivered in the programs of the 1C series in a customized form, taking into account the indicated holidays. Thus, if the user is interested in a formal keeping a time sheet, then within a few seconds the program will generate timesheets for all employees according to the principle “everyone worked all the working days”. If the user leads timesheet taking into account gaps, the program provides the ability to select the following types of periods:

Opening hours (day, evening)
Night opening hours
Opening hours on weekends, holidays
Overtime work
Business trip
Annual basic paid leave
Maternity leave
Partially paid parental leave
Unpaid disability
Downtime through no fault of the employee
And other periods provided by law.

feature Program Report Card from 1C is that on one date it is possible to make several entries about different types of periods of hours worked or not worked. For each period, the user can assign his own type of accrual. When calculating wages, the program will automatically take into account the types of hours worked and calculate the accruals established according to the time sheet.
Report Card Program allows you to lead timesheet both across the enterprise and across divisions. All totals are calculated automatically.

We wish you pleasant work!

A time sheet is a document used to enter information regarding the time spent at the workplace by an employee of the company. Based on the specified information, the accountant calculates salaries and payments. Such a document should be in any organization, regardless of the form of ownership. In its absence, administrative liability is provided in accordance with the current legislation.

Filling out a document

Form T-12‒T-14 can be filled out personally by an employee, an employee who is part of the personnel department, the head of the structural unit, or a hired timekeeper. It is considered the main accounting document and, depending on the characteristics of personnel records, it can be started for the organization's persons or kept individually for each department.

The organization's data is entered into the document, containing: the full name, OKPO code, type of activity, legal status and structural department to which the timesheet applies. Then, the serial number corresponding to the workflow is entered into the provided field, and the reporting period is fixed. Form T-13 is used when recording the presence and absence of an employee at the workplace is performed automatically.

A clean time sheet is considered a regular document, so every month it is compiled in a new way. All instances have a specific serial number, which is equal to the month of their creation. This type of documentation is allowed to be completed in written and electronic form. After entering the necessary data, it is signed by the responsible persons.

Why do you need to keep a time sheet?

Thanks to the time sheet, personnel officers and accountants can do:

  • Employee time calculation;
  • Monitoring compliance with the schedule during the working period;
  • Calculation of wages based on the specified information.

This document is issued to each employee along with work book upon dismissal.

Form T-12

The labor legislation of the Russian Federation does not regulate the use of the current form of the time sheet, but downloading a ready-made form in Excel will be much easier and faster than compiling it yourself. Form T-12 is carried out manually and consists of 2 sections:

  • Calculation of time spent at work;
  • Calculation associated with the payment of salary.

Worked and unworked time is entered into the document, which is displayed in hours and minutes. It is drawn up in a month and must contain statements of the staff. The finished form is signed by the main person and a specialist in the personnel department, after which it is sent to the accountant.

Notes in the spreadsheet

According to the rules for entering data into the time sheet, form 0504421 for the period of 2017, information regarding the presence and absence of an employee is displayed in the form of codes. Designations using letters and numbers are provided:

  • "I", "01" - work in the day shift;
  • "P", "14" - leave in connection with pregnancy, childbirth and adoption of a recently born child;
  • "OJ", "15" - leave to care for a newborn baby until he turns 3 years old;
  • "OT", "09" - the main vacation, which is paid;
  • "OD", "10" - additional vacation, which is paid.

On our website you can download for free a blank form of the time sheet and other documents that are in demand in various fields of activity. If necessary, it is possible to see an example of the correct filling of the documentation, taking into account all the requirements. Use the search to find the file you need.

Download documents

If you did not find the answer to your question or there are misunderstandings, please contact a lawyer for a free consultation in the chat on our website

T-12 time sheet
Universal time sheet Ukraine

Time tracking systems are a way to monitor employees and find out who really works in the team and who rests to a greater extent. With the help of such a program, you can improve the efficiency of the team. The scheme of its work is approximately the same: software is installed on the PC, which collects data about the user's actions on the computer.

Time tracking programs differ in the principle of work, schedule, the ability to mark vacation or time off, reports, and mode. We have collected the best offers according to our readers. Such a selection will help you quickly decide on the choice of the right solution for your business.

Time Doctor

It can be used both to control employees and to analyze their performance. To get started, you need to install the software on your computer, versions for iPhone and Android are also available. The program allows you to determine how much time is spent on work and rest. The administration offers to personalize the tools specifically for the needs of the user - for this you need to contact technical support. A trial period of 2 weeks is available.

For those who work with projects and by the hour for them, there is a function to track the time spent on a specific job. It takes into account how many minutes the specialist spent on social networks or, for example, watching a video on YouTube. The report will show how many hours were spent on things that are not related to the main activity. There is a system of alerts that appear when the user lingers on third-party resources. Implemented the ability to create screenshots: the frequency is adjusted in the settings. If several employees work on the same PC, you can create accounts for each of them.

  • Integration with other services
  • Customer support and VA
  • Taking screenshots
  • Uploading reports
  • Payroll
  • Payment only through a bank card subscription, which is then difficult to unsubscribe from


  • 10$ for 1 user per month


A time attendance program that can observe the behavior of employees on a PC and record the results in a suitable form for the user. Provides analysis, blocking and notification of unproductive activities. A demo version of the software is available for 15 days with all functions for 5 agents.

The system allows you to improve information security, because it analyzes user behavior and notifies you of any threats. In addition to time control, a remote desktop, startup and installation blocking is also implemented. With the help of the presented tools, the authorities can prohibit / allow employees to download or copy certain files to external storage media. The service allows you to take screenshots, including correspondence, and it also notifies you of violations of the established regime, for example, if the user left workplace ahead of schedule.

  • Confidential Information Leakage Warning
  • Blocking the connection of USB devices
  • Monitoring employee communication in social networks and mail
  • Remote administration


  • No version for MacOS and Linux


  • 990 rubles/month - perpetual license for 1 PC with parental control
  • 29,300 thousand rubles / month - perpetual license for 10 thousand PCs


This is a time tracker that will help track the performance of employees. There is a trial period for 7 days to evaluate all the features of the system, as well as a free version. The software is available for download on Windows, MacOS, Linux.

Online monitoring allows you to see which windows are open on the desktop right now. Based on the information received, the system creates the dynamics of the employee's work. It helps to determine at what intervals it shows the best performance. The software also provides a time sheet that provides data on how much time was spent on solving important issues, and how much time was spent on rest. In addition, information is entered about the beginning and end of work, absenteeism, lunches. The video recording is ongoing and cannot be deleted, due to which in the future you can see the user's actions in case of disputes. Remote management allows you to remotely configure programs or OS. The keylogger takes into account all keystrokes and provides information about what the employee has typed on the PC.

  • Presence of a keylogger
  • Monitor Video Recording
  • Remote work from PC
  • Time sheet
  • Missing data backup


  • 500 rubles/month for 1 employee
  • 10 thousand rubles - perpetual license


This is a time tracking program that operates due to cloud technologies. Using the presented tools, you can significantly simplify and speed up the process of paying salaries to employees, and determine the exact amount of working time. Versions for the browser, iOS and Android have been implemented.

AT Personal account you can create a hierarchy of all employees, where an additional salary increase is set if certain conditions are met. For example, a user needs to sell goods for a specific amount - all this will also be taken into account in the system. The calendar contains information about the presence / absence of a person at work, including the reason for possible absenteeism. The reports also show if the specialist works overtime.

  • Creating a Hierarchy of Employees
  • Payroll
  • Time tracking
  • Infographic reports
  • There is no possibility of remote access to the PC


  • The price is set for the user individually


Time tracker for recording working time at the computer. Every day, 1800 specialists are under the control of the system. The presented tools allow you to increase productivity and reduce the number of delays. You can choose from a cloud or local version. The program is installed separately for the director and the employee.

The software allows you to control compliance with the established schedule: violators are fixed, the frequency of delays. You can find out what programs and websites employees use. The reports show how much time was spent on third-party resources. The chronology of the day for each of the users is also available. All data is stored on a cloud server and is protected by individual encryption, due to which it cannot be deleted, hacked or intercepted. The function of blocking sites and applications in remote mode has been implemented.

  • Desktop and webcam snapshots
  • Website and App Blocking
  • Data protection
  • Search History
  • Missing notifications


  • 350 rub. for 1 employee when paying for 3 months
  • 210 rub. for 1 employee when paid for 1 year

Dental Tap

Special solution for the automation of dental clinics. The service guarantees the protection of personal data, as well as the quick import of information from any program. With the help of the proposed tools, you can maintain an employment schedule, create and supplement a customer database, and analyze income. The system is available in web version.

The platform allows for working time, recording patients, their visits and medical history. A client card is entered into the calendar or a new one is created if it is missing. You can also maintain a price list and calculate the cost of the services provided. The analytics section automatically records the number of visits, new clients, hours worked.

  • Software designed specifically for dentists
  • Time tracking
  • Payment control
  • Analytics section
  • Time tracking is shown in general, there is no division, for example, for rest and work


  • Free: 1 account, 100 patients and 10 MB storage
  • 1489 RUB/month: 1 account, unlimited number of patients and 1 GB storage


Time tracker for recording working hours, meetings and calls. To get started, you need to install the software on your PC. All data is sent to a remote server, which is then formed into a single report. A free version of the program and a trial period are available.

The system will allow you to determine the uneven workload of staff, as well as control the work of employees remotely. Based on synchronization with IP-telephony, calendar and even turnstiles, it will show a real picture of the user's working day. Any violations are recorded in the service and sent to the director, for example, early departure or lateness.

  • Free Trial
  • Possibility of integration
  • Fixing violations
  • Statistics of the company's work by departments and employees
  • Sophisticated interface for platform operation settings


  • 250 rubles/month - cloud version for 1 employee
  • A local version is available for individual pricing.

We have considered only a part of the services, you can find the entire list in ours. Don't forget to leave comments about your experience with similar platforms.

The time sheet is designed to enter information about the time actually worked by employees of organizations. I must say that the time sheet form is not strictly mandatory - in principle, it can be arbitrary, that is, each enterprise is free to use its own time sheet if such a need arises. However, the form was developed and recommended for use by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation and is preferred.


Who completes the timesheet

The form is filled out either by an employee of the personnel department, or by the head of a structural unit, or by a timekeeper specially hired for this function. Based on the information entered into it, the specialists of the accounting department accrue to the employees of the organization wages and other payments. In fact, the time sheet is one of the most important accounting documents. And if small companies can do without it, then large enterprises in without fail maintain such records.

Depending on the personnel accounting system adopted at the enterprise, the time sheet can be formed either one for all employees of the organization, or kept separately in each unit.

The time sheet is a regular document, that is, a new copy must be compiled every month, so the serial number of the time sheet will be equivalent to the serial number of the month in which it was created. The timesheet period covers all days of the month.

You can fill out the time sheet both electronically and in writing. However, after entering all the necessary information, it will still have to be printed out for the signatures of the responsible persons.

Form T-13. Form Features

Let's start with the T-13 form, which is now used much more often to keep a time sheet.

The unified form T-13 or the electronic time sheet is well known to employees of the personnel department. This is not the only way, but definitely the most standard way to account for hours worked. If you are keeping records manually, Form T-12 should be used.

The time sheet is a familiar tool for tracking employee attendance. Form T-13 allows you to record in detail the reasons for absenteeism, including student leave for the duration of the session, advanced training and several types of disability leave. The period for which the document is filled out may be less than 31 days.

The completed T-13 is the basis for payroll.

The format for filling out the time sheet in T-13

Unlike arbitrary tables of similar content, T-13 contains data about the enterprise, including the form of ownership and OKPO. The document number is affixed in accordance with the internal requirements for maintaining time sheets.

The name of the department is also indicated at the top. It must be remembered that the head of this department (even if filling out the time sheet is not part of his or her duties) should sign the completed form.

The order of employees is determined by the decision of the responsible person. The most common sorting is alphabetical, as in our example, but a variant of arrangement by personnel number is possible (column 3).

In column 4 we put marks by day:

I AM- (appearance) working day,
AT- day off,
FROM- vacation,
RP- turnout on a day off (working off),
To- business trip,
PC- training,
At- study leave with a call from an educational institution,
B- sick leave with sick leave,
T- unpaid sick leave without a sick leave.

Under the mark I put the number of hours worked that day. In column 5, we summarize the number of I in the line and the number of hours. We get 4 values ​​for 2 halves of the month. In column 6, we summarize the values ​​\u200b\u200band get the final figure for the work for the month.

The number of hours for V, OT, K, B and other cases is not indicated in the fourth column. To do this, there are columns 10-13.

Accounting for sick leave, vacations or absences for other reasons

Designation codes may be different (for example, numeric). Legislatively, a specific filling format is not prescribed.

The notation X shows that we do not take into account this day: for convenience, the month is divided into two lines with unequal values. For months that have 30 days (for example, November, the column will look like this (for convenience, the “non-existent” 31st number is highlighted in red):

T-13 for November

By analogy, T-13 is filled out for visits in February.

Columns 7-9 indicate the payment code, the number of days and the type of charges. In our example, the codes are:

  • 2000 - Common workday,
  • 2300 - sick leave (disability allowance),
  • 2012 - vacation.

Alternative Solution

Some enterprises approve a slightly simplified version of the time sheet without detailing the reason for the omissions. In column 4, only 2 codes are indicated:

  • I AM- working day,
  • H- unworked day.

This method may be inconvenient in that it does not record sick leave.

Special cases

  1. How to fill out T-13 for employees participating in conferences and other training events?
  2. Depends on the position of the enterprise. These days can be counted as working days (I), or they can be counted as advanced training (PC). The pay rate may also vary.

  3. Can the code I have a value of more than 8 hours?
  4. Yes. Maybe, if there is a special order for extended working hours. Overtime hours can be marked with the designation C.

  5. What is the difference between T-12 and T-13 timesheets?

The first is a manual attendance form. The second is electronically. Many accounting departments today have switched to T-13, since it can be automatically collected using a special program.

Form T-12

First of all, as in any other personnel records document, you first need to enter the details of the organization in the time sheet: its full name with the OKPO code (must be taken from the registration documents), organizational and legal status (IP, LLC, CJSC, OJSC), as well as the structural unit (department) for which this time sheet is maintained (if necessary).

Then you need to enter in the appropriate column the document number for the internal workflow, as well as indicate the reporting period that takes into account this time sheet.

Numeric and alphabetic codes in the time sheet

This part of the timesheet includes the alphabetic and numeric ciphers used to fill in the necessary information on employees, as well as their decoding. They must be entered in the main part of the time sheet in order to briefly and clearly reflect the amount of time actually spent by one or another employee at the workplace, as well as the reasons for his absence from work. If the specialists of the personnel department have a need to enter some additional codes in this form of the time sheet, they can be developed independently and entered in this table.

Accounting for working time in T-12

This section in the report card is the main one - it is in it that records of working hours are kept. First you need to enter the employee’s serial number in the first column of this section, then, in the second column, his full name (preferably the full name and patronymic, so that there is no confusion and errors). In the third column, you need to insert the personnel number of the employee assigned to him during employment (it is individual and never repeats).

For each employee in the report card, two lines are allocated - they contain encrypted information about the presence or absence at the workplace on each calendar day of the month. In addition, it is immediately necessary to indicate the reason for non-attendance at the workplace, if one has been established.

In the top line opposite the name of the employee, the reason is indicated, and in the bottom line - the number of hours actually worked, and if the employee did not appear at the workplace, the bottom cell can be left empty.

The next step is to calculate the total number of hours and days actually worked for two-week periods, and at the end of the table - the result of the calculations for the month.

At the same time, you should carefully monitor that the total number of calendar days in a month coincides with the amount of working, weekends and holidays indicated for each employee.

It should be said that sometimes the persons responsible for filling out the time sheet enter into it only those information that relate to the days when the employee was absent from the workplace. However, this option can lead to personnel and accounting errors, so it is not advisable to use it.

Date and signatures of responsible persons

After the time sheet is filled out, the employee responsible for it must indicate his position, as well as put down a signature in the appropriate cells with a mandatory transcript. The head of the structural unit or the director of the enterprise must also approve the time sheet - also indicating the position and signature with a transcript. The last thing you need to put is the date the timesheet was filled out.