“History presentation on the topic “Religious extremism is an evil against humanity. Presentation "Religious extremism. Protection and prevention" Extremist youth subcultures

"Political power and political regimes" - p. 54. W. Churchill: "Democracy is the worst of all forms of government, except for the rest." Signs of democracy: Main features: Totalitarianism. Democracy. 3.Political regime. Supporters: Leaders Weak and weak-willed people. Medieval Novgorod freemen "borderless" democracy of 1917 Modern period.

"Sphere of politics" - Subject and object of policy. Ideology. Economic; social; national; scientific and technical; ecological; cultural; military, etc. Levels of comprehension of politics. 14. Emergence. Macro level. Class. Socialization of the individual, the formation of a person as an independent, socially active individual.

"Political culture of Russia" - Political culture of modern Russia. political culture. . Political culture includes the following components:

"Political extremism" - Interethnic religious economic spiritual ecological relations. economic extremism. International extremism state extremism internal extremism. External orientation of political extremism. Associated with the activities of political entities that use violence in the struggle for power.

"Political consciousness" - Ordinary and theoretical consciousness. Lesson plan: Modern political ideologies. Complete task number 1 p. 172. Political consciousness. Features of political consciousness. There are material, socio-political and spiritual values; positive and negative values. The role of ideology in political life.

"Political activity" - Politics as an activity. Political activity. Personality. political action. Purpose and means. Forms of relations between participants in political activity. Funds. Subjects and objects of policy. How? Objects.

There are 13 presentations in total in the topic

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Extreme zm (from French extremisme, from Latin extremus - extreme) - adherence to extreme views and, in particular, measures (usually in politics). Among such measures are the provocation of unrest, terrorist acts, methods of guerrilla warfare.

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The most radical extremists often deny in principle any compromises, negotiations or agreements. The growth of extremism is usually facilitated by: socio-economic crises, a sharp drop in the living standards of the bulk of the population, a totalitarian political regime with the suppression of the opposition by the authorities, the persecution of dissent

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AT different countries and at different times many different legal and scientific definitions of the concept of "extremism" have been given. There is no single definition today.

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Extremism is indeed a complex phenomenon, even though its complexity is often difficult to see and understand. It is easiest to define it as an activity (as well as beliefs, attitude towards something or someone, feelings, actions, strategies) of a person, far from the usual generally accepted ones.

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In a situation of conflict - a demonstration of a rigid form of conflict resolution. However, labeling activities, people and groups as "extremist" and defining what should be considered "usual" or "common" is always a subjective and political matter. Thus, we assume that any discussion of extremism touches on the following: Generally, some extremist acts are seen as just and virtuous by some people (e.g., the pro-social “fight for freedom”), while other extremist acts are seen as unjust and immoral (anti-social "terrorism").

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It depends on the values, political beliefs, moral constraints of the evaluator, as well as on his relationship with the actor. In addition, one and the same person's moral assessment of the same extremist action may vary depending on the conditions - leadership, the opinion of the world community, crises, "settlement of historical accounts" and so on.

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Differences in power also matter in defining extremism. During conflict, the actions of members of a weaker group often appear more extreme than those of members of a stronger group defending their status quo. In addition, extreme measures are more likely to be taken by marginalized individuals and groups who view more normative forms of conflict resolution as unavailable to them or view them with prejudice.

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Extremist activities are often associated with violence, although extremist groups may differ in their preference for violent or non-violent tactics, the level of violence they tolerate, and their preferred targets for their violent activities.

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Round table "Extremism" Shalya, 2011 Municipal educational institution of additional education for children House of children's creativity

“If I don’t look like you in some way, I don’t insult you at all, but, on the contrary, I bestow.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

Extremism (from fr. extremisme, from lat. extremus - extreme) - adherence to extreme views and, in particular, measures (usually in politics).

Spheres of manifestation of extremism: political economic social religious

Causes of youth extremism: propaganda of xenophobia in the media; lack of awareness of other cultures; lack of a clear state policy; cultural differences; family problems and poverty; loss of a system of values ​​and ideals.

Xenophobia (from the Greek ξένος, "alien" and φόβος, "fear") - intolerance towards someone or something alien, unfamiliar, unusual. The perception of someone else as incomprehensible, incomprehensible, and therefore dangerous and hostile.

Xenophobia, elevated to the rank of worldview, can cause enmity based on the principle of national, religious or social division.

Kyriophobia - (from the Greek κύριος, "lord", "master" and φόβος, "fear") - a type of xenophobia, consisting in the hostile attitude of guests towards their hosts.

According to the sociologist Lev Gudkov, in Russia the probability of crossing different xenophobic attitudes is 75-80%.

Criminal liability for the commission of extremist crimes: Crimes of an extremist orientation are crimes committed on the grounds of political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity or on the grounds of hatred or enmity against any social group, provided for by the relevant articles of the Special Part of the Criminal Code and paragraph "e" of the first part of Article 63 of the Criminal Code.

Article 280 Article 282 Article 282.1. Organization of an extremist community. Article 282.2. Organization of activities of an extremist organization.

Administrative responsibility for offenses: Article 20.3. Propaganda and public display of Nazi paraphernalia or symbols. Article 20.28. Organization of the activities of a public or religious association in respect of which a decision has been made to suspend its activities. Article 20.29. Production and distribution of extremist materials.


Tolerance is a value and a social norm of civil society, manifested in the right of all citizens to be different; - is to ensure stable harmony between different confessions, political, ethnic and other social groups;

Tolerance is respect for the diversity of different world cultures, civilizations and peoples; - this is a willingness to understand and cooperate with people who differ in appearance, language, beliefs, customs and beliefs.

Spheres of manifestation of tolerance: political scientific pedagogical administrative cultural

Fundamental principles of tolerance: the diversity of people beautifies and enriches life; conflict is a normal process that must be resolved constructively; For democracy, social responsibility and the ability of each person to meaningfully apply moral norms in making personal and public decisions are very important.

Features of a tolerant personality: disposition towards others; condescension; patience; sense of humor; sensitivity; the trust; altruism; tolerance for differences; self-control; goodwill; the ability not to judge others; humanism; the ability to listen; curiosity; the ability to empathize.

Rules of tolerant behavior: Treat others with respect. Never think that your opinion is more important than the opinion of another person. Don't judge the values ​​of others based on your own. 4. Don't impose your opinion on others. 5. Never think that your religion is somehow superior to another. 6. Remember that everyone is free to choose their image and style, their habits and preferences. 7. Be able to see the value and originality of the culture of each nation.