Presentation on essential oils in chemistry. Presentation "Essential oils" in chemistry - project, report. The use of essential oils

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  • Consider and study methods for obtaining essential oils;
  • Consider their application and impact on the human body.
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    • The period of acute respiratory diseases is approaching, the number of sick children at school is growing.
    • Essential oils are a priceless gift of nature! They allow you to improve the condition of the body, create a completely unique mood.
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    The human genotype is programmed for at least 115 years.
    For a person on Earth there is everything you need!
    Nature is a wise mother, always using the best means to achieve her goals.
    Mark Handel

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    History reference

    six thousand years BC
    in Egypt knew how to get
    from plants turpentine
    and some essential oils.
    They were used mainly for oiling, for religious purposes, and for smell - in the very least. Oils were very expensive and were the privilege of the nobility.

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    In Japan, more than 2000 years ago, not only mint oil was obtained, but menthol was also isolated from it. Essential oils were used for fragrant incense, as cosmetics and medicines, for embalming.

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    The first aromatic water
    based on alcohol and essential oils
    became the "Water of the Queen of Hungary".
    It was created in 1380
    and presented to the seventy-year-old queen
    unknown monk.
    The fact is that the queen was very ill, but after tasting the water (they also drank aromatic waters at that time), she recovered from her illness, rejuvenated and was even betrothed by the king of Poland. Considering that life expectancy in the 17th century averaged fifty years, aromatic water performed a great miracle.

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    The effect of essential oils on the body

    Essential oils have a wide range of therapeutic and preventive effects on the human body. However, it is necessary to remember about possible negative effects, which can manifest themselves in the form of irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, lacrimation, sneezing, coughing, dizziness, odor intolerance.

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    Essential oils and mental health

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    Almost everyone knows
    feeling of fear. Fear of the dark in children
    uncertainty, poverty
    diseases in adults - all these are phobias.
    The state of anxiety is manifested in motor disorders - excessive gestures and facial expressions.
    Fill your bedroom with your choice of lavender, neroli, or sandalwood fragrance, depending on your individual perception, and you will forget about nightmares.
    If you are afraid of an exam, a conversation, a trip, or have suffered a nervous shock, apply two to three drops of basil, lavender, frankincense, juniper, peppermint oil to a handkerchief.

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    Anxiety about any
    events or severe stress
    may lead to a state
    irritability, when trifles are perceived as major incidents, and the ability to control irritation, anger and other negative emotions is lost. To relieve the state of increased irritability, you can use the following essential oils: anise, cypress, lavender, lemon balm, nutmeg, rose, chamomile, sandalwood.

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    Impact on the nervous system

    The effect of essential oils on the nervous system is beyond doubt, because. inhaling pleasant aromas causes a feeling of relaxation, pleasure, and sometimes even euphoria.
    Indications - neurosis, insomnia, fatigue
    Contraindications - exacerbation of chronic diseases of the respiratory system, kidneys, acute infectious diseases, individual intolerance.

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    Impact on the digestive system

    Ancient Egyptian papyri contain recipes that require the use of anise, mustard seed, coriander, thyme, cumin, saffron, and dill in cooking.
    Hippocrates, Theophrastus, Pliny in their writings brought to us the recipes for the use of aromatic plants in ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

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    Spices taken with food help to improve appetite and improve mood. In different regions of the planet, depending on the climate, there is a set of aromatic plants.
    Hippocrates said, "Our food is our medicine."

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    All spicy aromatic plants are sources of essential oils. Among the spices used in food, anise, basil, star anise, vanilla, cloves, ginger, coriander, cinnamon, juniper, nutmeg, clary sage, parsley, dill should be mentioned.

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    Methods for obtaining essential oils

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    Enfleurage when heated

    The technology is:
    the petals are immersed in a container with animal fats or vegetable oils, kept for a certain time in a water bath or in the sun, then filtered. The resulting thick lipstick is washed several times in alcohol until the fat is completely eliminated.

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    Enfleurage without heating

    The petals are laid out on the surface of the fat, distributed on a glass plate in a wooden frame, 40 - 60 cm high. The flowers, still alive, remain there for a certain time, and then change to a fresh batch until the fat is most saturated with aroma. After the fat is washed with alcohol, separated from the raw materials and evaporated to obtain the so-called "absolute" lipstick.

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    Cool spin

    It is used for raw materials that perfumers refer to as citrus fruits. Oils are obtained from the fruit peel by pressing.

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    The use of essential oils

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    Massage is relaxing
    and nutritional treatment
    because it is associated not only with contact,
    based on touch, but also
    with effective penetration of oils through the skin. It is also useful to massage those places that cause a feeling of discomfort. For example, peppermint (diluted) can be rubbed clockwise into the stomach area to aid digestion.

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    Skin oils and lotions

    Good for dry and mature skin
    rose and neroli oils are suitable;
    geranium, bergamot and lemon
    good for oily skin.
    A few drops of the oil can be mixed into a cream or lotion, or added to the base of a face mask, which may consist of oatmeal, honey, or clay mixed with a crushed mass of various fruits.

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    Cold and hot compresses

    Hot compresses
    especially useful when
    back pain, rheumatism and arthritis,
    abscesses, earaches and toothaches.
    Cold compresses are also prepared, only very cold water is used instead of hot water. This type of compress is useful for headaches, sprains and tendons and other local swelling caused by inflammation.

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    Thus, I conducted an extensive literature review on the topic “Essential oils. Aromatherapy.
    We got acquainted with different ways of obtaining essential oils, the effect on the nervous system, digestion.
    Learn how aromatherapy is used in medicine.

    View all slides

    The use of aromatherapy in pedagogical practice

    Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated April 4, 2003 No. 139 Appendix No. 2: “Recommended list of equipment and methods for introducing health technologies into the activities of educational institutions”: P.7.2.- Aromatherapy is used to increase the body's resistance, soothing or tonic effect - aromatization of rooms essential oils of plant origin.

    What is aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is the improvement of mental and physical health with essential oils derived from aromatic plants. Perfectly pure, all-natural method of soothing or eliminating many diseases.

    The practical value of aromatic substances: beneficial effect on the psyche; increase the body's defenses; normalize the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex; increase efficiency; normalize heart rhythm; improve metabolic processes;

    Modern aromatherapy is a preventive, health-improving way to maintain a good psycho-emotional and physical form, which allows you to relieve daily stress. Aromatherapy occupies a worthy place on a par with other methods of healing. Doctors and scientists unanimously agree that the aromas of plants have a huge positive effect on humans.

    What is aroma oils? Aromatic essential oils are natural natural extracts obtained from herbs, flowers, fruits or roots of plants. The essential extract of the plant contains a large amount of biologically active substances, its "life force".

    Nose olfactory fossa (S = 5 cm ²) brain

    Healing properties: Influence systems Integumentary tissues Respiratory system Digestive system Musculoskeletal system Blood circulation Urinogenital system

    Types of aroma oils: Citrus Floral Woody Chypres Amber (oriental or oriental) Leather

    Raw materials for obtaining aromatic oils: Trees Animal glands Fruits Grass

    Chemical composition of aromatic oils: - Alcohols Ethers Phenols Ketones Aldehydes Oxides Terpenes

    Aromatic substances Action Aroma oils terpenes antiviral agent antiseptic citrus pine, resin ethers antifungal and soothing effect bergamot, clary sage and lavender aldehydes sedative effect lemon balm, lemongrass, lemon verbena, lemon eucalyptus ketones relieve congestion, accelerate the circulation of mucus jasmine and fennel, sage, wormwood, tansy alcohols antiseptic and antiviral properties lavender, rosewood, lemon, eucalyptus, geranium phenols bactericidal and stimulating properties clove, laurel, thyme, oregano oxides expectorant properties eucalyptus, rosemary, tea tree

    The use of aromatherapy as a means of healing and recovery in children helps to maintain a good mood, helps to cure colds and sleep disorders, relieve fatigue. All essential oils have a positive effect on the nervous system and mental health. If your student is overly excitable, whiny, complains of insomnia, then for his calmness he needs the aromas of anise, rose, frankincense, sandalwood, ylang-ylang or orange. If a student is overcome by complexes like: “I won’t succeed” - the use of marjoram, basil, geranium, orange, cinnamon is effective. If a child does not adapt well to school, a lemon is useful. If aggressive - use lavender and incense. If the student is lazy, indifferent to learning, juniper will help.

    Aromarecepts Headaches of various origins: - lavender 3k. + geranium 2k. + peppermint 2k. + clove oil from buds 2k. + eucalyptus 2k. Insomnia: lavender 5k. + juniper 3k. + orange 1k. + thyme 1k. General stress caused by overwork: lavender 4k. + orange 3k. + geranium 2k. + rosemary 1k. Stress apathy: orange 4k. + rosemary 2k. + peppermint 2k. + pine 1k. + thyme 1k. Mental fatigue, distracted attention: rosemary 5k. + lavender 2k. + geranium 2k. + orange 1k. Nervous tension, excitement: geranium 4k. + lavender 3k. + juniper 2k. + thyme 1k.

    Aromatherapy Bronchitis: cedarwood, elecampane, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, myrtle, rosemary, tea tree tree, lime Respiratory tract: calamus, eucalyptus, dill, anise, lavender, mint, pine, fir, sage Cough: calamus, anise, rose, eucalyptus, fir, mint, rosemary, pine, fennel, thyme Chronic runny nose: coriander, fir , eucalyptus, lavender, pine, clove, geranium, laurel, mint, rosemary, sage Nervous system restorers: lavender, rose, cypress, rosemary, basil

    Irritability: rose, cypress, lavender, bergamot, bigardia Calming: lavender, cypress, sage, anise, basil, bergamot, tangerine, bigardia Mental and physical boost: geranium, grapefruit, lemon, lemongrass, patchouli, petitgrain, pine, eucalyptus

    The basic rules of aromatherapy: before starting the procedures, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test; you need to pay attention to the smell; start with small amounts; the aromatic mixture should consist of no more than five components; essential oils can increase the effect of antibiotics, or vice versa; it is worth changing essential oils, and taking a break between their use; - natural essential oils have a smooth, gradual smell that will remind you of the plant. - essential oils should be stored in a dark glass bottle, in a cool dark room; essential oils are flammable

    Essential oil of eucalyptus. Effective in the treatment of colds and coughs, other respiratory diseases. Repels insects and softens the effect of their bites. Antipyretic action. Expectorant and antiseptic action. Antibacterial action In cosmetics - cleanses the skin of acne, enhances the regeneration of skin tissues.

    Essential oil of tea tree. It has antiseptic and disinfectant properties; Has an analgesic and sedative effect; Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects; Heals various skin diseases; Relieves irritation, inflammation, allergic reactions; Promotes healing of burns, wounds, cuts, abrasions; Relieves joint and muscle pain; Prevents the development of cancer; Neutralizes the harmful effects of the environment (UV rays, etc.); Favorably affects the hair and scalp removes dandruff.

    Recommendations for use: At the first application, conduct a test: you may be allergic to one or another type of oil. Be careful: most aroma oils need to be diluted. - If you use aromas for cosmetic purposes, do not add aroma oil at once to the entire jar of cream or shampoo bottle. Consider the properties of aroma oils and the time of day.

    Recommendations for use: When taking aroma oils internally, drink plenty of water. Carefully study for what ailments this or that oil is used. Please note that the use of aroma oils is not combined with the use of homeopathic medicines, because. they overwhelm each other. Do not exceed dosage.

    Thank you for your attention!

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    SMOLENSK REGIONAL STATE BUDGET PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "Vyazemsky Medical College named after E.O. Mukhina" Developed by: teacher of pharmacognosy Sokolova O.P.g. Vyazma 2015 Topic: "Medicinal plant materials containing essential oils used in medical practice" Purpose: to study medicinal plant materials containing essential oils, as well as medicines and dietary supplements based on them, used in medical practice. Tasks: To study the literature on the relevant topic. To study the role of essential oils in the life of a plant and a person. Determine the chemical nature and classification of essential oils. Study plants containing essential oils. Study the use of essential oils in medical practice. ROLE OF ESSENTIAL OILS IN PLANT LIFE ROLE OF ESSENTIAL OILS IN HUMAN LIFE Plant essential oils are complex mixtures of compounds: hydrocarbons, alcohols, ketones, phenols, aldehydes, acids, etc. The amount of essential oils in plants ranges from traces to 20%. CHEMICAL NATURE OF ESSENTIAL OILS CLASSIFICATION OF ESSENTIAL OILS DEPENDING ON THE CHEMICAL STRUCTURE MONOTERPENOIDS SESQUITERPENOIDS AROMATIC COMPOUNDS ESSENTIAL OIL ROSES Essential oil in rose petals is in the form of glandular spots immediately under the cuticle of the epidermis. Fresh flowers contain - up to 0.04% of essential oil Pharmacological action: antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. NARROW-LEAVED LAVENDER Fresh inflorescences contain from 0.8 to 3.0% essential oil, while the oil leaves do not exceed 0.3%. The main component of the essential oil of lavender flowers is linalyl acetate (35–50%). The essential oil also contains free linalool (20-35%). Pharmacological action: antiseptic, antispasmodic, sedative. Preparations and dietary supplements with essential oil of peppermint Peppermint leaves contain about 3–5% essential oil. The inflorescences are the richest in essential oil (4-6%). A low content of essential oil (about 0.3%) was noted in the stems. The main components of mint oil is a monocyclic monoterpene - menthol (50–80). Pharmacological action: antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic agent, which also has sedative, expectorant, antiseptic, analgesic properties. -2.5% The fruits contain 19-25% fatty oil, represented mainly by linoleic acid glycerides. Pharmacological action: anti-inflammatory agent with bactericidal, astringent properties. Preparations and dietary supplements with essential oil of sage The fruits contain 3-7% of essential oil, 12-22% of fatty oils, etc. In addition, protein (10-23%) and tannins were found in them. Localization of essential oils - tubules. The main component essential oil is carvone - 50-60%. The main pharmacological properties of cumin fruit preparations are antispasmodic, choleretic, carminative, increases the secretion of gastric juice, expectorant, lactagon. FRUIT OF CUMIN The rhizome with roots contains up to 2% of essential oil, the main components of which are bornylizovalerianate, free borneol and isovaleric acid (causing a specific smell); in addition, it contains glycosides, alkaloids. They are used as sedatives for nervous excitement, insomnia, neurosis of the cardiovascular system, spasms of the gastrointestinal tract. VALERIAN MEDICINAL Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus) In the oil contained in the leaves, the main biologically active substance is eucalyptol. Eucalyptus leaves also contain tannins, healing bitterness, resins and phytoncides - substances that have a detrimental effect on a wide variety of pathogenic bacteria. According to the content of phytoncides, eucalyptus is ahead of all deciduous trees and herbaceous essential oil plants. The main properties of eucalyptus: antiseptic properties, increased immunity, food, building, obtaining moisture. Eucalyptus oil has analgesic, antihelminthic, antiseptic and expectorant effects. PREPARATIONS BASED ON EUCALYPTUS CONTAINING ESSENTIAL OILS CONCLUSION 1. Essential oils play an important role in plant life (giving vital energy to a living plant and protecting it). 2. Essential oils play an important role in human life (they have a very wide spectrum of pharmacological action). 3. Essential oils are a concentrated extract based on a medicinal plant, they contain vitamins, hormones, antibiotics, pheromones (invisible but tangible aromatic signals). Before using them, it is necessary to check individual sensitivity. THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION! LIST OF REFERENCES USED 1. Grinkevich N.I., SAFRONICH L.N. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF MEDICINAL PLANTS. M.: HIGH SCHOOL, 19842. GURINOVICH, L.K. ESSENTIAL OILS: CHEMISTRY, TECHNOLOGY, ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION / L.K. GURINOVICH, T.V. PUCHKOVA. M.: SCHOOL OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS, 2005. 3. KARPUK, V. V.K26 PHARMACOGNOSIA: TEACHING. MANUAL / V.V. KARPUK.-MINSK: BGU, 20114. KURKIN V.A. PHARMACOGNOSY. SAMARA: OOO "OFORT", GOUVPO "SAMGMU", 2004.5. Muravieva D.A., Samylina I.A., Yakovlev G.P. PHARMACOGNOSY. M.: MEDICINE, 20026. HTTP://BIO.WELLNET.ME/PAGE10.PHP

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    The presentation on the topic "Essential oils" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Chemistry. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 23 slide(s).

    Presentation slides

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    History reference

    In the IV millennium BC, a person gets acquainted with essential oil plants: sandalwood, myrrh, frankincense. The most versed in the doctrine of herbs were the Egyptians. Incense was used in religious ceremonies, for embalming the dead, for painting tombs, and making ointments. The Egyptians own the tradition of using anise, thuja, onion, garlic, cumin, coriander, grapes. In the pyramids, jars with cosmetics were found, with oil retaining the smell of incense and benzoy. The ancient Greeks borrowed the knowledge of the healing power of plants from the Egyptians. They learned how to obtain plant essences and use them for medical and cosmetic purposes. Greek warriors treated wounds with ointments made from myrrh.

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    What is aromatherapy?

    Aromas of natural essential oils can have a powerful emotional and mental impact on a person and influence the course of physiological processes in organism. Aromatherapy is the study of such effects - the science of treating and preventing diseases with natural aromatic substances.

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    Component composition of essential oils

    Essential oils are composed of chemical groups and individual chemical elements. The primary elements responsible for the function of an essential oil are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Oxygen is the main element of essential oil. The components of essential oils are represented by various compounds that can be arranged in the following order according to their bactericidal activity:

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    They have bactericidal and stimulating properties, but at the same time they can irritate the skin. The most common essential oil phenols include: eugenol (in clove and laurel), thymol (in thyme), carvacrol (in oregano and savory).

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    The main aldehydes that are present in lemon scented oils are: citral (melissa, lemongrass), neral (lemon verbena, lemon eucalyptus), citronellal (citronella, lemon). Aldehydes have a sedative effect, and citral is also characterized by antiseptic properties.

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    Crystalline substance with a mint smell and a pleasant cooling taste. It is an important component of peppermint oil.

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    Esters are the most representative group of substances found in essential oils. These include: linaline acetate (present in bergamot, clary sage and lavender) geranyl acetate (present in marjoram). Esters are antifungal and soothing, and often have a fruity aroma.

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    Terpenes are volatile, pleasantly smelling liquids. These include: limonene pinene (an antiseptic, found in large quantities in pine oil and resin) As well as camphene, cadinine, caryophyllin, cedrin, dipentine, phellandrine, terpenine, sabinene and myrcine. Some substances related to terpenes have strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties.

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    An antiviral substance found in 90% citrus oils

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    Antiseptic, found in large quantities in pine oil and resin

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    Essential oil ketones include: thujone (in wormwood, tansy and Chernobyl) pulgon (in marsh mint and buchu) Ketones are usually toxic components of essential oils. But not all of them are dangerous Non-toxic ketones are found in jasmine and fennel oil. Ketones relieve congestion, accelerate the circulation of mucus.

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    The most important oxide is cineole (or eucalyptol), which is present in eucalyptus oil. Has expectorant properties. It was also found in rosemary, tea tree and cajeput oils.

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    Physical Properties

    In most cases, these are colorless or yellowish transparent liquids, but there are also colored ones (chamomile oil is blue) t kip \u003d 160-240C, t crystallization - from +17 to -30 C. Significant volatility is characteristic of essential oils. They are practically insoluble in water, but highly soluble in fats, vegetable oils, ether, high concentration alcohol, and are miscible in all proportions with fats and fatty oils. Due to their properties and chemical nature, essential oils volatilize at normal temperatures and do not leave stains on fabrics, paper, but slight staining is possible if the essential oil has a color.

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    cooking gives dough products a better smell ennobles not very good wine enhances taste cosmetology enhances the effect of cream gives shampoo specific properties relieves stress takes care of the skin medicine: used in dentistry has an analgesic effect increases the body's resistance dissolves gallbladder and kidney stones eliminates brittle nails eliminates nervous overexcitation relieves heartburn attacks whitens and smoothes the skin

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    Orange ("golden apple") The largest amount of essential oil is found in the peel of the fruit. Aroma - light, warm-sweet Application: Improves mood, eliminates depression, fears, relieves nervous tension. Increases the body's resistance to infections, exhibits a bactericidal and antiseptic effect. Improves blood circulation Helps to remove age spots Helps to rejuvenate the skin of the hands Increases skin elasticity, means for a quick and bright tan. !!!Contraindications: Individual intolerance to citrus fruits. Orange oil should not be applied before sun exposure.

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    Lemons were understood to be aromatic, but low-juicy citrons, which were considered biblical apples or. Today, the citron has some cult significance in the Jewish religion. The aroma is cold, fresh, bitter. Application: - tones the autonomic nervous system, an effective remedy against vegetovascular dystonia - whitens and smoothes the skin, eliminates brittle nails. - normalizes metabolism - gives a feeling of freshness to the skin!!! Contraindications: The use of lemon essential oil externally is not compatible with sunbathing, as it can cause skin irritation; individual intolerance to citrus fruits. Do not use in case of hypotension. oils

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    The healing properties of mint were used 3000 years ago in ancient Egypt. Later, this plant began to be cultivated in Japan and China. In Rome, it was believed that the minty smell uplifts the mood and contributes to a lively table conversation. Peppermint essential oil is the beauty oil. Application: -increases the amount of short-term memory -relieves fatigue and headache. - smoothes the skin of the hands - whitens the skin of the hands - normalizes the fat metabolism of the skin. !!!Contraindications Do not use during the course of homeopathic treatment. Be careful during pregnancy.

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    A very valuable essential oil. In ancient Egypt, the inhabitants used it as an antibacterial agent. Aroma: pungent, fresh Application: -rejuvenates the skin -promotes the disappearance of age spots -normalizes metabolism -regulates blood circulation!!!Contraindications: individual intolerance, not recommended for children under three years old, do not use during pregnancy .

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    Spin. This method produces only oils from citrus fruits - grapefruit, lemon, orange, lime and bergamot. In the "sponge" process, the skin of the fruit is immersed in water and squeezed by hand through a sponge, which absorbs the oil and releases it when squeezed again. Distillation. The main method of extracting essential oils is steam distillation: a jet of steam is passed through the raw material heated in the distillation cube. Solvent extraction. There are two main variants of the extraction method. First: oils are extracted with low-boiling solvents (alcohol, chloroform, ether or petroleum ether). Second: heated oil or fat (odorless vegetable oil, lard or a mixture of lard and beef tallow) is used. Enfleurage This is a contact fat extraction process. Essential oils evaporating from the flowers are absorbed by beef or pork fat, followed by solvent extraction. In this way, jasmine, mignonette, rose and tuberose oils are obtained, which are used in perfumery. Countercurrent extraction is used to extract terpene-free oils, using two immiscible solvents - non-polar (mineral oil or liquid aliphatic hydrocarbons) and polar (ethyl or methyl alcohol).

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    Grandma's recipes

    Dental care Add 3 drops of tea tree oil to a glass of water and rinse your mouth with this composition every evening. It also cleanses the oral mucosa well - removes plaque, gives freshness to breath. Plantar fungus To reduce itching and fight infection, the following composition is used: Rubbing: To 50 ml of pure ethyl alcohol, add: 10 drops of tea tree, 5 drops of lavender. Stress Bath: Add 3 drops of lavender to a full bath. Massage oil: Mix the following essential oils with 100 ml of vegetable oil: 15 drops of lavender, 10 drops of bergamot, 5 drops of rosemary.

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    Fatigue Tonic bath: Since essential oils are insoluble in water, it is recommended to first dilute them with alcohol, honey or milk. In a full bath, add the following essential oils: 3 drops of geranium, 3 drops of rosemary. Cough With dry cough: Inhalation - Japanese mint 1 drop + eucalyptus 1 drop per 1 liter of hot, but not boiling water. Inhalations for 10 minutes, with closed eyes, once a day. Breathe through your mouth. Chest and neck massage at night - tea tree 1 drop + eucalyptus 2 drops + lavender 2 drops per 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. With a wet cough with sputum: Inhalation - tea tree 1 drop + eucalyptus 1 drop per 1 liter of hot, but not boiling water. Inhalations for 10 minutes, with closed eyes, once a day. Breathe through your mouth. Chest and neck massage at night - tea tree 1 drop + eucalyptus 2 drops + lavender 2 drops per 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.

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