Presentation on Astrid Lindgren. Presentation for elementary grades "A. Lindgren "Baby and Carlson"". The full name of this writer was:

Lesson topic:

Astrid Lindgren. About the writer.

Fundamental question:

Who is Astrid Lindgren?

Questions of the educational topic:

How did Astrid Lindgren become a writer? What books did she write? What contribution did you make to the development of raising children?

Astrid Lindgren

1907 - 2002

The full name of this writer was:

Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren.

She wrote many wonderful stories.

In total, Astrid Lindgren wrote about eighty works, including for adults. But you and I know her mostly as a children's writer, don't we?

  • Astrid was born on November 14, 1907 in the Swedish town
  • Astrid was born on November 14, 1907 in the Swedish town
  • Astrid was born on November 14, 1907 in the Swedish town


  • Vimmerby.
  • Vimmerby.
  • Vimmerby.
  • Vimmerby.
  • After school, Astrid moved to Stockholm and began working in a book publishing house. And after a while she married the editor of this publishing house, Sture Lingdgren. They had children: a daughter and a son, and Astrid became a housewife - that is, she stopped working and took care of the children.
  • After school, Astrid moved to Stockholm and began working in a book publishing house. And after a while she married the editor of this publishing house, Sture Lingdgren. They had children: a daughter and a son, and Astrid became a housewife - that is, she stopped working and took care of the children.
  • After school, Astrid moved to Stockholm and began working in a book publishing house. And after a while she married the editor of this publishing house, Sture Lingdgren. They had children: a daughter and a son, and Astrid became a housewife - that is, she stopped working and took care of the children.
  • After school, Astrid moved to Stockholm and began working in a book publishing house. And after a while she married the editor of this publishing house, Sture Lingdgren. They had children: a daughter and a son, and Astrid became a housewife - that is, she stopped working and took care of the children.

In March 1944, when Astrid Lindgren dislocated her leg. Doctors forbade her to get out of bed for three weeks. Just lying in bed was terribly boring, and then Astrid came up with something to do. She began to write down the story she was telling her daughter Karin. So the first heroine Astrid Lindgren was born - a red-haired cheerful

a girl named Pippi.

Peppilotta - Victualina - Rolgardina,

or simply

Pippi - Longstocking

lives in her own villa "Chicken", does only what she herself wants and can easily raise.

After that, Astrid Lindgren came up with many more new characters. But the most popular in Russia, and throughout the world, are the Kid - the most ordinary boy and handsome, smart, moderately well-fed, the best friend in the world - Carlson !!!

Emil from Lenneberg "- Emil became famous throughout the district for his pranks. He raised his little sister Ida to the flagpole, dyed her in morse to make her look like an Indian, and so on.

But even the most playful

boys, if they are smart,

kind and honest, can

time to grow up great


"Roni is the daughter of a robber » -

a book about a girl roni and

Birke boy who

live in a robber

castle. Children belong

to two warring

between themselves

robber clans.

  • - Busse - the hero of this book did not live sweetly: his adoptive parents did not like him. But one day he ends up in the Alien Land and here his name is Mio. And the king of this country is his father.

Writer Astrid Lindgren lived for nearly a century. In Sweden, she became a living legend and received many awards. In 1997, the year of her ninetieth birthday, Sweden named the writer "Person of the Year"

“…I don't want to write for adults. I want to write for readers who can work miracles. And children create miracles when they read books.

Carlson, don't fly away!

A quiz game based on the book by A. Lindgren "The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof"

Compiled and prepared by:

Librarian of the State Educational Institution "Lyudinovskaya Special

boarding school for orphans of the VIII type.

Frolova I.F.

I Who is this?

A little plump self-confident little man, and besides, he can fly.

« I am not at all the most ordinary, ”says (he). But this is of course not true. After all, there are so many boys in the world who are seven years old, who have blue eyes, unwashed ears and pants torn at the knees, that there is nothing to doubt: (he) is the most ordinary boy.

  • "(He's) fifteen years old, and he's more willing to stand in the football goal than at the school blackboard.."
  • Kid's Brother - Bosse

  • "(She) is fourteen years old, and her braids are exactly the same as those of the most ordinary girls"
  • Baby's sister - Bethan

  • A stern old lady of high stature, with several chins and angry eyes.
  • Freken Bock

  • It fluttered out of the closet, dressed in white clothes that the Kid made with his own hands. With a muffled and mysterious sigh, it soared to the ceiling and swirled around the chandelier.
  • Bringing Carlson

  • Who sang this song and when:

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Great game!

I'm beautiful and smart

And smart and strong!

I love to play, I love to chew.

  • Carlson, when he built a tower of cubes

The best in the world…

  • fictitious
  • Flyer
  • Casting
  • steam engine specialist
  • Builder

  • The composition of the family of the Kid.

  • What method did Carlson invent to get rid of a bad mood?
  • (Get a gift)

  • What needs to be checked on a steam engine to find out if it is working?
  • (safety valve, according to Carlson)

  • What is the name of the capital of Sweden, the hometown of Malysh and Carlson?
  • (Stockholm)

  • What is harmful to children, according to Freken Bock?
  • (buns)

  • How old is Baby?
  • (Seven)

  • How old is Carlson?
  • (A man in the prime of his life)

  • Remember Carlson's favorite expressions.
  • (“Calm, only calm!”)
  • ("Trifles, the business of life!")

  • Where did Carlson hide when the Kid went for meatballs?
  • (On the bed under the covers)

  • What did Carlson build from cubes?

(long tower)

  • What served as the dome of the tower?

(Mom's meatball)

  • What a gift did the Kid give Carlson to cheer him up.
  • (Torch)

  • What served as a tent for the Kid and Carlson when they spied on the Kid's sister.?
  • (A blanket)

  • How did Carlson pay for the buns?
  • (Coin)

III. Who said that?

  • - It seems that you will live your whole life without a dog ...
  • (Baby)

III. Who said that?

  • -Hey! Can I land here for a minute?
  • (Carlson)

III. Who said that?

  • - If you knew how you scared us! Real explosion. It could have killed you! Do not you understand?
  • (Baby Mom)

III. Who said that?

  • - We must be responsible for our actions, and not shift the blame on some Carlson from the roof, which does not exist at all.
  • (Dad Baby)

III. Who said that?

  • - I wouldn't mind a little frolic...
  • (Carlson)

III. Who said that?

  • -Strange... House?.. It can't be! There is a small house on the roof? .. How could he be here?
  • (chimney sweep)

IV. Warehouse of forgotten things. Who owns these things?

  • (to Carlson)


IV. Warehouse of forgotten things. Who owns these things?

  • (Baby)

Steam machine

IV. Warehouse of forgotten things. Who owns these things?

  • (to Carlson)

Several thousand steam engines

IV. Warehouse of forgotten things. Who owns these things?

  • (Baby)


sea ​​pebbles

IV. Warehouse of forgotten things. Who owns these things?

  • (Baby)

IV. Warehouse of forgotten things Who owns these things?

  • (to Carlson)

Ghost suit

IV. Warehouse of forgotten things Who owns these things?

  • (Baby)

Tin soldiers

IV. Warehouse of forgotten things. Who owns these things?

  • (Baby)

electric flashlight


  • Every child on earth dreams of a fairy-tale hero named Carlson flying to him. This little prankster with a motor on his back always invents something, creates a good mood and pleases with his funny stories. And I even want all childhood diseases to be treated with cherry jam, and not with pills.

And if you are lonely, or you are in trouble and your mood has deteriorated, close your eyes for a minute and imagine what is now in your window

knock on the door little funny

Man Carlson...

Kid and Carlson


Resources used:

  • http://

Lindgren, A All stories about the Kid and Carlson, about Emil from Lenneberg / Astrid Lindgren; per. from Swedish. M.Ya. Boroditskaya, L.Z. Lungina; skinny B. Berg, I. Vikland.-M.: AST: Astrel, 2010-671s.

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“I don't want to write for adults. I want to write for readers who can work miracles. And children create miracles when they read books. Astrid Lindgren "When you hear that 300 million Russians are reading you, you understand that life was not in vain." Astrid Lindgren

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“If you look at the map of the world, then in the northwest, almost at the very North Pole, you will see a big furry dog ​​... This is the Scandinavian peninsula. Sweden occupies the "belly" of the dog-like peninsula and its huge green "front paw". It is on this “paw” that the capital of Sweden, the city of Stockholm, is located. In the "old town" ... the streets are so narrow that even a car cannot pass through them. Roofs, roofs, roofs - red tiled, echoing iron ... And on one of the roofs, behind a chimney, lurked a small house with green shutters, with a porch and a sign above the door: “Carlson, who lives on the roof. The best Carlson in the world. Isaeva A.

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“We played from morning to evening…” “I was born in an old red house surrounded by an apple orchard. I was the second child in the family ... The estate in which we lived was called - and is still called - Nes, and it is located very close to the small town of Vimmerby, in Småland ... ”Astrid Lindgren

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“When I write, I am little Astrid again, this girl still lives in me ... It seems to me that I have a certain ability to write in such a way that children understand me.” Astrid Lindgren

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“That amazing Pippi” “I am sending you the manuscript of a children's book, fully confident that I will get it back soon. For many years, Pippi Longstocking has been wildly popular with my children and their peers." Astrid Lindgren

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“The best Carlson in the world” “What a blessing that there is such a beautiful, smart, moderately well-fed and brave little man in the world like you, the best Carlson in the world!”

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Andersen of our days, -

That is what they call her in her native country and abroad. Like the Danish writer, Lindgren's fairy tales are close to folk art, they have a tangible connection between fantasy and the truth of life. And the fabulous, magical is born in Lindgren's books from the game, from the invention of the child himself.

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The beginning of the labor path

At the age of 17, Astrid took up journalism, worked in a local newspaper. She then moved to Stockholm, trained as a stenographer and worked as a secretary in various capital firms. In 1931, Astrid Ericsson married and became Astrid Lindgren.

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Pippi's birth

Astrid Lindgren jokingly recalled that one of the reasons that prompted her to write was the cold Stockholm winters, the illness of her daughter Karin, who kept asking her mother to tell her something. It was then that mother and daughter came up with a mischievous girl with red pigtails.

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The incredible success of "Pippi"

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Then there were stories about Malysh and Carlson (1955-1968), Rasmus the Tramp (1956), a trilogy about Emil from Lenneberg (1963-1970), the books "Brothers Lionheart" (1979), "Ronya, the Robber's Daughter" (1981) etc. Her books were loved not only by children, but also by adults all over the world.

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Russia and Astrid Lindgren

Soviet readers discovered Astrid Lindgren back in the 1950s, and her first book translated into Russian was the story "The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof."

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Visiting Carlson

Do you know where the only monument in the world to this fat man with a propeller on his back is located? Not Stockholm and not Malmö, but in Odessa. It is installed in the yard of the Dominion firm, well-known in Odessa. The owner of the company, German Naumovich Kogan, fell in love with a good friend of children from childhood and erected a monument to him.

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Prizes and awards

Among the most important are the G.H. Andersen Prize, the Lewis Carroll Prize, UNESCO awards, various government awards, the Silver Bear. Lindgren not only wrote books, but also actively fought for the rights of children. She believed that they should be brought up without corporal punishment and violence.

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Astrid's name...

* One of the minor planets has been named. * In Stockholm there will be Astrid Lindgren street. * International traveling book exhibition. * In 2000, the Swedes named their compatriot "Woman of the Century".

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Astrid Lindgren Museum

Books by Astrid Lindgren in her museum.

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Astrid Lindgren's books are translated in all corners of the globe, and the heroes of the works speak almost forty-five languages, including Russian. She is the recipient of many Swedish national and international awards.

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1944 - Britt-Marie pours out her soul 1945 - Cherstin and I 1945 - Pippi settles in the Villa "Chicken" 1946 - Pippi is going to go 1946 - Kalle Blomkvist plays 1947 - We are all from Bullerby 1948 - Pippi in the land of Weselia 1949 - Again about children from Bullerby 1949 - Tiny Nils Carlson 1950 - Lively Kaisa (or: Kaisa Zadorochka) 1950 - Katy in America 1951 - Kalle Blomkvist takes risks 1952 - Having fun in Bullerby 1952 - Katy in Italy 1953 - Kalle Blomkvist and Rasmus 1954 - Mio, my Mio! 1954 - Katya in Paris 1955 - Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof 1956 - Rasmus the Tramp 1957 - Rasmus, Pontus and Foolish 1958 - Children from Buzoterov Street 1959 - Sunny meadow (or: Southern meadow) 1960 - Madiken 1961 - Lotta with Buzoterov streets 1962 - Carlson, who lives on the roof, flew in again 1963 - Emil from Lönneberga 1964 - We are on Salkrok Island 1966 - New tricks of Emil from Lönneberga 1968 - Carlson, who lives on the roof, plays pranks again 1970 - Emil from Lönneberga is still alive ! 1971 - My inventions * 1973 - Samuel August from Sevedstorp and Hanna from Hult 1976 - Madiken and Pims from Junibacken 1979 - Pippi Longstocking arranges a Christmas tree * 1981 - Ronja, the robber's daughter 1984 - How little Ida decided to play pranks * 1985 - Emil's leprosy No. 325 * 1986 - “Let's not waste time on trifles,” said Emil from Lönneberg * 1987 - Assar Bubble * 1991 - How Lisabeth stuffed a pea into her nose * Books marked * were not published in Russian.

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Novels and stories

1950 Good night, Mr Tramp! 1950 My gold (Golden girl - another translation) 1950 Who is higher! 1950 Kaisa Zadorochka (Courageous Kaisa - another translation) 1950 Merit 1950 Some living creatures for Kalya Paralitik (Something alive for Kalya-knuckles - another translation) 1950 Pelle moves to the toilet 1950 Smålandsky bullfighter 1950 Older sister and younger brother 1950 Under cherry 1950 A few words about Sammelagusta 1954 Mio, my Mio! (+ Ukrainian version of the translation) 1956 Rasmus the tramp (+ Ukrainian version of the translation) 1957 Rasmus, Pontus and Foolish 1973 Brothers Lionheart (+ another translation, + Ukrainian version of the translation) 1981 Roni, the daughter of a robber (Ronya, the daughter of a robber - another translation, + Ukrainian version of the translation) Samuel August from Sevedstorp and Hanna from Hult (A. Lindgren's story about parents)

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1949 Beloved sister 1949 In the country between Light and Darkness (In the twilight country - another translation) 1949 No robbers in the forest! (There are no robbers in the forest - another translation) 1949 Mirabelle (Mirabel - another translation) 1949 Little Nils Carlson (+ another translation) 1949 Peter and Petra (+ another translation) 1949 Merry Cuckoo (Cuckoo-friend - another translation) 1949 One night in May, an elf and a handkerchief) 1949 The princess who did not want to play with dolls (The princess who did not want to play with dolls - another translation) 1959 Junker Niels from Eka 1959 Does my linden ring, does my nightingale sing ... (Does it sound my linden, does the nightingale sing - another translation) 1959 Sunny meadow (Southern Meadow - another translation) 1959 Knock-knock (Knock-knock-knock - another translation)

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Screen adaptations

1968 - Kid and Carlson (dir. Boris Stepantsov) 1970 - Carlson returned (dir. Boris Stepantsev) 1971 - Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof (dir. Valentin Pluchek, Margarita Mikaelyan), film-play 1974 - Emil from Lenneberg ( dir. Olle Hellbom) 1976 - The Adventures of Kalle the Detective (dir. Arunas Zhebryunas) 1977 - The Lionheart Brothers (dir. Olle Hellbom) 1978 - Rasmus the Tramp (film) (dir. Maria Muat) 1984 - Pippi Longstocking (dir. Margarita) Mikaelyan) 1985 - Tricks of a tomboy (dir. Varis Brasla) 1987 - Mio, my Mio (dir., Vladimir Grammatikov)