Delivery to car dealers. Business on new cars, or how to open a car dealership. Location of the car center

The automotive market has stabilized in recent years, and car sales are constantly growing. The number of motorists who choose brand new cars from the salon is also growing, preferring them to used cars. This means that today the situation for the opening of a car dealership is quite suitable. So the questions - how to open a car dealership and how profitable such a business is - are quite relevant.

More about car sales

Surprisingly, the main income of the car dealership is brought not so much by the sale of cars as by their after-sales service (statistics call an impressive figure - up to 70%). For a businessman, this means that the business must be comprehensive: in addition to the car dealership itself, you need a car repair shop (service center), a car wash, a spare parts store (preferably with a warehouse) and a car park. Accordingly, when choosing a place and premises for a car dealership, you need to take into account the specifics of the business and look for a spacious enough room so that you can place everything you need.

As for the profitability of such a business, it is, unfortunately, quite low and, according to experts, is about 10%. What does it mean? The fact that the initial costs of opening a car dealership (which, by the way, are quite serious) will return no sooner than in four to five years. At the same time, the cost of the most modest car dealership will be about 15 million rubles, and if you are planning a large-scale business and the sale of expensive cars, then even more.

Therefore, before starting a business, you need to think several times, carefully calculate everything and draw up a detailed business plan (better - together with a specialist).

Registration of a car dealership

If you still decide to open such an expensive business, you will have to start it the same way as any other - from finding a suitable place and state registration. The procedure will be approximately as follows:

  1. You need to find a place and a room for a car dealership and conclude a lease agreement with the owner.
  2. Pass state registration with the tax authority, after selecting the legal form of your business. The best option in this case is an LLC with the UTII tax system (since all auto suppliers work with VAT).
  3. Select OKVED codes: 50.10 Trade in motor vehicles; 50.20 Tech. maintenance and repair of motor vehicles; 50.3 Trade in automotive parts, assemblies and accessories and 65.23.2 Dealer activities.
  4. Open a bank account, purchase cash machine and register it with the tax authority.
  5. Register with the Pension Fund.
  6. Obtain approval from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor.
  7. Obtain a certificate that you are entered as a dealer in the trade register of the local Consumer Market Authority.
  8. Get Rostest certificates for certain types services (they will be required for those who open a service center and a repair shop at the salon).

Place for a car dealership

You need to choose a place for a car dealership with all the care that you are only capable of: after all, it is a good (or not so) location that will play a huge role in the success (or failure) of this grandiose enterprise. And since failure will be costly, you should pay close attention to the territory where you plan to settle.

  • the car dealership should be located close to the highway and have a convenient access;
  • a plot of at least 0.5 ha is required;
  • the showcase of the showroom (exhibition hall) should demonstrate the assortment of the salon in all its glory to everyone passing by and passing by.

Of course, you can build a new car dealership (and if you can afford it, this will be the best solution), but for a start, it is worth considering, for example, the premises of old car parks, which can be reconstructed (there will be cheaper rent).

As for the corporate identity of a car dealership, when registering a dealership, you will have to use the corporate identity of the manufacturer (as a rule, this is closely monitored by the relevant departments of auto concerns).

The showroom should have:

  • the exhibition hall itself;
  • zone for clients;
  • product warehouse;
  • spare parts warehouse;
  • service center (workshops);
  • staff offices.

How to become a dealer?

It's clear: in order to sell cars, receiving them directly from the manufacturer and bypassing dealers (this is the only way to talk about real profit), you will have to become a manufacturer's dealer. How to do it? So, step by step instructions for potential dealers:

  • First you need to submit a request to the manufacturer's official representative office (this can be done through the automaker's website, where you can always contact potential partners), informing the manufacturer of your intention to become his dealer.
  • In response to such a request, as a rule, the manufacturer sends special questionnaires that must be filled out and sent to the manufacturer. They indicate information about your company, its activities, investments in the market, the plan and location of your future salon (preferably with photos and a business plan for a car dealership).
  • If the manufacturer is impressed by your documents, there will be a preliminary conversation with the company manager by phone. Here your task is to convince him of the expediency of cooperation.
  • If the telephone conversations are successful, the manager will come to the place and inspect the premises and territory of the future car dealership, and then he will make a decision: whether or not you should be a dealer of the company.
  • If the issue is resolved positively, you will be asked to sign a protocol of intent, which will set out a plan for further activities for the year ahead: from the construction of a salon, the purchase of equipment for it, the supply of cars to a sales plan and an advertising company.
  • After that, the dealer contract itself is concluded, which is the basis for work and cooperation. This legal document, along with the manufacturer's certificate, you will provide to buyers upon request.

Of course, there are car dealerships that sell cars of only one brand and also specialize in servicing cars of only one manufacturer.

But for successful activity and expansion of the range, it is better to be a dealer of several automakers. Then you will be able to offer potential customers a much larger selection of products from different concerns and in different price categories.

And expanding the range is always good for business. In addition, the conclusion of each subsequent dealer agreement will be much easier than the first one, since having an already operating car dealership, you will be attractive as an official representative for most manufacturers.

Car supply

So, the salon is almost ready, it remains only to place the product itself there - cars. This can be done in two ways:

  • buy a car in the manufacturer's country (then all the hassle of delivering the goods falls on the shoulders of the dealer himself, who must purchase the car at the factory, insure it, deliver it to the salon, take all the necessary measures for customs clearance of the car and organize pre-sale preparation);
  • purchase a car through a domestic representative of the manufacturer (in this case, the representative of the manufacturer is responsible for delivery, and this is the most preferable option for young car dealerships without work experience).

In the first case, you will have to organize your own delivery service or conclude an agreement with a suitable transport company, which has an international license for the carriage of goods and a license of an all-Russian customs carrier. Well, if we talk about the cost of different delivery options, then it is about the same. And for the shipped cars, for the most part, you will have to pay the full cost immediately.

When will the initial investment return?

Everyone understands that opening a car dealership from scratch is a rather expensive undertaking that will not bring momentary profit. A return on investment should be expected after about four years of successful operation. And this means that by investing in your own car dealership, you are making a long-term investment and you need to prepare for the fact that you will have to constantly monitor the situation on the market, enter into contracts with manufacturers and fight increasing competition. This is the only way you can count on making a profit and profitability of such a business.

Lack of knowledge, experience - these are the first difficulties that a beginner overcomes by deciding to open a car dealership. This article will reveal the main tasks and answers to the question "How to open a car dealership."

Looking ahead, we immediately note that the possibility of increasing sales will provide you with parallel trade in car accessories, additional equipment and high quality customer service. And remember that the fast pursuit of high profits is a way to get profit today, but tomorrow or six months from now, your clientele circle will disappear like a soap bubble.

How to open a car dealership from scratch

So, consider the information on how to open a car dealership, what you need to open from scratch.

When opening a car dealership, you need to decide which model or models of car you will trade in, determine which dealer network your “brainchild” will represent. You will definitely need to draw up a business plan for opening a car dealership and gradually implement it into the foundation of your business. At this stage, you should negotiate with the manufacturers of your future auto product, outline the circle of supplier partners, make them believe in the viability of your future car dealership, in order to supply a car under a commodity loan. The terms of such a delivery and contact information about car manufacturers can be collected on the Internet.

How to become a car dealer

If there is no dealer of a certain brand of car in your city yet, good luck has kissed you!

The manufacturer will agree to represent his model range in your car dealership, but still, he will ask if you have experience in the auto trade. As a result of such negotiations, you can be told exactly where it is better to organize a car dealership territorially, which is already a productive step towards the development of a car business.

Now we need to correct the previously drawn up plan for opening a car dealership, take into account the conditions for the participation of partners in it and provide it in finished form to the manufacturer. It is important to use figures to justify to the manufacturer the achievability of the desired result of the dealership's activities.


Geographically, it is more expedient to organize a car dealership near the highway, with display windows opening onto the roadway. This is an advertising moment that promotes the auto business, given its specifics. It is necessary to rent a building with such accommodation parameters, if it is not possible, it is better to start building a new building for a car dealership.

To attract buyers and encourage them to buy will help the arrangement of a car dealership in a modern style. Inside, the premises must be divided into special zones, equipping a showroom, an office, a service center, a spare parts warehouse and leaving a prominent place to accommodate a representative of one of the banks. An additional service of your car dealership is the convenience of obtaining an instant loan for the purchase of a car.

Arrangement of the showroom provides for taking into account the requirements of a particular manufacturer, using its symbols trademark, corporate color design and placement of advertising products.

Costs and profits

According to estimates by experts from Svoy Business magazine (SB #11 (40)), the initial investment for opening a car dealership from scratch, according to preliminary calculations, is about $2.65 million.

The figure consists of the cost of building a car dealership, launching it and working capital invested in inventory biweekly turnover. It should be noted that the share of working capital in this figure is only $150-750 thousand.

The percentage of net profit in the ratio of gross revenue and expenses of a typical car center is about 2%. An analysis of the components of the financial activity of a car dealership is given in the magazine "Own Business".

  • Let's take as a base the annual gross income - 100.00%;
  • Expenses for the year also amount to 98.00%.

Including car dealership expenses by cost items:

1) The cost of purchasing cars from an official distributor - 92.00%;

2) The cost of purchasing accessories and spare parts - 2.00%;

3) Salary of working personnel - 0.60%;

4) Costs for technical support of activities - 1.00%;

6) Payment of taxes (VAT, income tax, social tax) to the budget - 2.00%.

And 2.00% of net profit remains.

The calculation of the deferred payment provided by the manufacturer should be secured by the presence of own working capital in the amount of at least $200,000.


The professionalism of the staff working in the car dealership will play a fundamental role in promoting the auto business. Politeness in communicating with customers, the ability to listen to the wishes and requirements, and then not intrusively offer the goods of a car dealership and convince the client that this is exactly what he is looking for, not every manager or administrator of the hall can. Recruitment is difficult and time consuming.

We recommend introducing the position of Director of Human Resources. He will professionally solve the issue of recruiting staff to work in your car dealership, set certain standards for communicating with customers in the car dealership. In the working mode, it will strictly monitor the implementation of the adopted rules.

The success of auto sales will ensure the holding marketing research or ordering such. Studying the aspect of the business environment, the presence of competitors in the auto sales market, will help you in finding potential investors, competent orientation in the economy dictated by the auto sales market. Knowledge of economic and technical trends, as well as financial analysis, presented in the face of your business, industry, will give a positive result to the sales process of an organized car dealership.

From the first steps taken, one should take care of establishing the company's image, lay the basic principles of the enterprise, train the staff, orient it to the ability to find an adequate way out of the current non-standard situation. The prompt response of technical staff to minor repairs that take place in the pre-sale preparation of the car also affects the decision of the client to come to your car dealership.

The quality of service guarantees the attraction of customers to your showroom.

car dealership advertisement

The effectiveness of a wide advertising campaign of your enterprise is undeniable.

One of the common options for advertising a car dealership is a note in a free city regional or district newspaper. Publicly available information about the coordinates of the location, an indication of a flexible system of discounts, democratic prices, will attract the attention of a wide audience of potential buyers.

The effectiveness of holding periodic car sales promotions in a car dealership is noted, it is advisable to inform about them by organizing the mailing of booklets, leaflets, offering a free additional service to the purchaser. For example, a free first refueling of a purchased car or an oil change.

The cost of these activities will pay off and bring profit to your business.


Drawing a conclusion from the above, we will give you an analogy to the advice of the president of the Inkom-Lada network of car dealerships and technical centers, which was published in the Business Journal. The essence of the advice is as follows: only by adhering to the basic principles of having long-term goals and persevering in achieving them, you can achieve an increase in profitability in the automotive business and open a successful car dealership from scratch.

Prepared on the basis of the material , author Tatyana Nikitina.

Store openings and closings

How to become a car dealer


Selection process

Required Resources

Despite the general decline in new car sales, the opportunity to become a car dealer is still not without prospects. In the current conditions, interesting and potentially popular brands are appearing on the market, which are still poorly represented in the region. With at least $5 million of free financial resources, the company has the opportunity to become a car dealer on favorable terms.


The process of expanding dealer networks in Siberia is still ongoing and has objective grounds. To date, most automotive manufacturers are widely represented only to the west of the Urals. However, during the crisis, car sales continue to fall, while the European part of Russia is practically saturated with cars. In Siberia, saturation is much less, and when the crisis is over, this region will largely form effective demand for cars, analysts say. Since the foundation for future success must be laid now, automakers, despite the crisis, continue to develop the Siberian region. “Even in times of crisis, Siberia is a promising region, so Volvo plans to develop here in the future. Fortunately, we have not only existing dealers with great potential, but also excellent candidates,” says Svetlana Sokolova, Volvo PR manager in Russia.

It should be noted that over the past two years, Siberian cities with a population of one million (Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk) have been densely covered by almost all players in the automotive market, so in these three cities of Siberia, starting from last year, we were talking about the second, third and fourth dealers in analogies with other large cities of Russia. However, now the situation has changed. So, in Novosibirsk, only TagAZ, Chevrolet, Hyundai have more than one dealer besides domestic brands, although Renault, Ford, Mitsubishi, Land Rover were or planned to be on this list earlier. Moreover, Citroen and Skoda, which were not represented by dealers, turned out to be in Novosibirsk at all. Finding worthy and financially prosperous partners in the current environment is becoming a very difficult task for distributors.

At the same time, in Tomsk, Barnaul, Irkutsk and Kemerovo, which are smaller in terms of population, the process of the emergence of single dealers for certain brands that are not yet represented in these cities continues. We are not talking about the appearance of second dealers in these cities, since the distributors' plans provide for this only for large cities.

Selection process

1. If a car manufacturer plans to expand its dealer network in a particular region, it announces a competition among market participants for the right to be official dealer for this brand in this region and begins to collect applications from applicants. In this case, the participating dealer must first of all fill out an electronic form on the manufacturer's website, in which it is required to reflect the points that are of most interest to a particular distributor. As a rule, this is general information about the company, its business profile and financial position, as well as the characteristics of the dealer center project, which can be used for the temporary sale of cars of this brand. If the questionnaire suits the manufacturer, then the company is admitted to the competition.

2. At the next stage of the competition, the manufacturer presents his list of requirements to the applicants, including requirements for the dealer center project. The assessment consists of a detailed scoring of more than 30 criteria, which can be divided into four groups: material, legal, human and financial resources.

3. With the most likely candidates, the manufacturer will begin negotiations, based on the results of which the winner will be selected. However, it also happens that the manufacturer is dissatisfied with the contestants who have reached the final, and after a while launches a new contest, again collecting proposals from all interested participants. So, for example, it was with the appointment of an official Skoda dealer in Omsk.

4. The winning company will receive the official status of a dealer only after it fulfills all the conditions of the contract signed with it. Moreover, some manufacturers, such as Volvo, introduce an additional “trial period”, appointing the applicant not as an “official dealer”, but as an “official sub-dealer”. In this case, the deliveries of cars are carried out not by the distributor itself, but by another large federal or regional dealer. After the end of the "trial period", the duration of which is specified in the contract, if all the requirements of the manufacturer are met, the sub-dealer receives the coveted status of a dealer.

Required Resources

How to become a car dealerdealer, car dealer, auto retail, car dealership, car trade How to become a car dealer 2020-03-16 2020-03-16

Store openings and closings

How to become a car dealer


Selection process

Required Resources

Despite the general decline in new car sales, the opportunity to become a car dealer is still not without prospects. In the current conditions, interesting and potentially popular brands are appearing on the market, which are still poorly represented in the region. With at least $5 million of free financial resources, the company has the opportunity to become a car dealer on favorable terms.


The process of expanding dealer networks in Siberia is still ongoing and has objective grounds. To date, most automotive manufacturers are widely represented only to the west of the Urals. However, during the crisis, car sales continue to fall, while the European part of Russia is practically saturated with cars. In Siberia, saturation is much less, and when the crisis is over, this region will largely form effective demand for cars, analysts say. Since the foundation for future success must be laid now, automakers, despite the crisis, continue to develop the Siberian region. “Even in times of crisis, Siberia is a promising region, so Volvo plans to develop here in the future. Fortunately, we have not only existing dealers with great potential, but also excellent candidates,” says Svetlana Sokolova, Volvo PR manager in Russia.

It should be noted that over the past two years, Siberian cities with a population of one million (Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk) have been densely covered by almost all players in the automotive market, so in these three cities of Siberia, starting from last year, we were talking about the second, third and fourth dealers in analogies with other large cities of Russia. However, now the situation has changed. So, in Novosibirsk, only TagAZ, Chevrolet, Hyundai have more than one dealer besides domestic brands, although Renault, Ford, Mitsubishi, Land Rover were or planned to be on this list earlier. Moreover, Citroen and Skoda, which were not represented by dealers, turned out to be in Novosibirsk at all. Finding worthy and financially prosperous partners in the current environment is becoming a very difficult task for distributors.

At the same time, in Tomsk, Barnaul, Irkutsk and Kemerovo, which are smaller in terms of population, the process of the emergence of single dealers for certain brands that are not yet represented in these cities continues. We are not talking about the appearance of second dealers in these cities, since the distributors' plans provide for this only for large cities.

Selection process

1. If a car manufacturer plans to expand its dealer network in a particular region, it announces a competition among market participants for the right to be an official dealer for this brand in this region and begins collecting applications from applicants. In this case, the participating dealer must first of all fill out an electronic form on the manufacturer's website, in which it is required to reflect the points that are of most interest to a particular distributor. As a rule, this is general information about the company, its business profile and financial position, as well as the characteristics of the dealer center project, which can be used for the temporary sale of cars of this brand. If the questionnaire suits the manufacturer, then the company is admitted to the competition.

2. At the next stage of the competition, the manufacturer presents his list of requirements to the applicants, including requirements for the dealer center project. The assessment consists of a detailed scoring of more than 30 criteria, which can be divided into four groups: material, legal, human and financial resources.

3. With the most likely candidates, the manufacturer will begin negotiations, based on the results of which the winner will be selected. However, it also happens that the manufacturer is dissatisfied with the contestants who have reached the final, and after a while launches a new contest, again collecting proposals from all interested participants. So, for example, it was with the appointment of an official Skoda dealer in Omsk.

4. The winning company will receive the official status of a dealer only after it fulfills all the conditions of the contract signed with it. Moreover, some manufacturers, such as Volvo, introduce an additional “trial period”, appointing the applicant not as an “official dealer”, but as an “official sub-dealer”. In this case, the deliveries of cars are carried out not by the distributor itself, but by another large federal or regional dealer. After the end of the "trial period", the duration of which is specified in the contract, if all the requirements of the manufacturer are met, the sub-dealer receives the coveted status of a dealer.

Required Resources

How to become a car dealerdealer, car dealer, auto retail, car dealership, car trade How to become a car dealer 2020-03-16 2020-03-16

Many businessmen are concerned about the question of how to become a distributor and bring their company to a high level of profitability in today's Russian market. To answer it, it will be necessary to analyze a number of important aspects of working in this industry.

The market demands innovation

The growth rate of car sales has been declining in recent years, due to the gradual saturation of this market. At the same time, models of new or little-known brands sell well in Russia. Therefore, it makes sense for entrepreneurs planning to open dealerships to arrange supplies of cars that are rare or have no sales history in our country. The lowest frequency of the presence of machines of this type is in the regions east of the Urals.

There are not many dealers as such: in Novosibirsk, for example, only a few brands have more than one dealer. In neighboring Siberian cities - Tomsk, Irkutsk, as well as in Barnaul and Kemerovo - many well-known car brands are not sold at all. Distributors tend to focus on locations with higher populations.

Competition first, business later

Choosing a promising market geography is only the first step for an entrepreneur on the way to opening a dealership. How to become a distributor? It is necessary to pass the selection according to the criteria of the car manufacturer. The latter, as a rule, is interested in such information as the authorized capital of the dealer, the characteristics of the sales center, information about the profile of the enterprise, and the business plan of the distributor.

In general, there are about 30 provisions. They are divided into four main groups: legal, financial, material and human resources. But this is only the first round of selection: then a complex negotiation process will follow, following which the automaker will choose a specific dealer.

It happens that none of the proposals of the contestants suits the factory, therefore, the procedure starts again. Often, entrepreneurs themselves do not understand how to become a car dealer in accordance with all the intricacies of the process.

This is exactly what happened in Omsk, when the competition for the opening of an official representative office was organized by Skoda. Some manufacturers set up a kind of trial period (like Volvo does), negotiated in the contract with the winning dealer. It should be noted that the highest chance of winning is with the distributor who will show that his image is fully consistent with the brand code of the machine supplier factory.

Entry threshold is high

Since selling cars is a serious business, the criteria for allowing entrepreneurs to enter the market are much higher than in most other industries. You can't just fall into this segment. A businessman with high financial capabilities can become a distributor: the amount of initial investment in a dealer center can be millions of dollars, or even tens of millions (as was the case with Novosibirsk showrooms selling Nissan and Toyota brands). Apart from "seed" investments, in order to be competitive, a business will have to invest in advertising, which, according to experts, is about another 200 thousand euros every year.

The payback period for the dealer center is also long - 5 years or more. This indicator tends to increase over the years: the rate of profit, as the market is saturated, falls all the time. In Europe, for example, dealers earn about 2% from sales of finished cars. The indicator for auto parts can be much higher - about 30%, and entrepreneurs should pay special attention to this fact. At the same time, there are not so many businessmen who are ready to work on all these conditions, especially in provincial cities.

The subtleties of arrangement

If the competition is passed and the money is found, then the next step for the entrepreneur is to organize the infrastructure. An efficient dealership includes a number of components. Firstly, it should be a parking lot equipped with all the necessary accessories. This object is the face of the dealer company and an important factor in successful sales.

Secondly, all cars exhibited in the showroom must be brought to a shine: you will need a high-quality car wash. Thirdly, cars need constant care in terms of technical control: the dealer will need his own car service.

Fourthly, since we have determined that the sale of spare parts gives the greatest profitability in this business, a separate store of this profile will have to be included in the infrastructure of the company. Qualified personnel will have to be hired for each of the marked divisions of the dealership.

We are located optimally

The geography of the location of the car dealership should be clearly thought out. How to open a distribution company with this factor in mind? The most important condition is the location of the company near an actively used highway. This is a general law for any market: the higher the customer traffic, the better the sales.

Potential customers need to create conditions for a convenient visit to the salon: that is, if there is no equipped exit from the highway, then the entrepreneur will have to build it on his own.

The showcase of a car dealership must be directed towards the road where future buyers come from. That same busy highway may not be in the city center: it is necessary to study the transport infrastructure of the streets and find a place where the traffic intensity and the costs of building (renting) a car dealership and adjacent facilities will be optimally combined.

As mentioned above, the most important component of the profitability of the car sales business is after-sales service. It is fundamentally important to create conditions for comfortable access to the center for two groups of customers at once - those who go to buy a car and those who visit the salon to buy spare parts.


How to become a distributor and work legally? The entrepreneur will need to register as entity. The best option is a limited liability company. The specifics of work in this status, however, is such that it will be necessary to deal with VAT, as well as with imputed income tax - this must be taken into account.

When applying for state registration, it is best to use the following OKVED codes: 50.10, 50.20, and 50.3. These values ​​allow the company to trade in motor vehicles, carry out maintenance of machines, repair them, and also sell spare parts, assemblies and parts.

Be sure to note the most important code in OKVED - 65.23.2. It means that the firm will operate as a dealer. It is important for an entrepreneur not to forget to register a company in a pension fund, as well as in extra-budgetary Russian funds.

The practice of the dealer business is such that paperwork will be required at the State Fire Supervision and Rospotrebnadzor. The next steps are opening a cash account in a bank, purchasing cash registers and other equipment of this profile.

And, finally, you will need to go to the Consumer Market Department to enter information about the company in the commercial register, and then get a certificate there. You may need certificates for work in the car service mode - they are issued by Rostest. How to become a car dealer and successfully go through all these complex procedures are issues that are very relevant for entrepreneurs.

Choosing suppliers

The business plan of the distribution company should, first of all, include provisions regarding the price segment in which sales will be conducted. Actually, the more expensive the brand is, the higher the degree of its promotion, the more significant will be the amounts that the entrepreneur will have to invest in the business. From time to time, the dealership will have to bear the costs associated with certain requirements of the brand regarding the business strategy.

It is perfectly acceptable to start selling cars with low-budget brands, then, as demand is identified, move on to more expensive ones. The option of combining several brands in one salon is not ruled out. It must be borne in mind that some manufacturers are very picky about the marketing policy of dealers, they like to advise what and how to do.

Methods of foreign brands may differ from those that are typical for Russian firms, but our entrepreneurs are thinking more and more often about how to become a dealer of a foreign company. The demand for cars from abroad among the citizens of the Russian Federation is growing at an impressive pace.

Why Honda?

Cars of this Japanese brand fit perfectly into Russian market. Firstly, Honda cars have an increased wear resistance of parts - much higher than, say, most Chinese foreign cars that are gradually flooding car dealerships in our country. The quality of the metal from the "Japanese" is consistently high. Honda is one of the world's largest car engine manufacturers. This brand is a leader in technology and the level of development of various mechanical components.

Many Honda cars have reduced consumption of gasoline and engine oil. The engines of this manufacturer are very easy to start, meet the latest environmental requirements. Honda's extensive network of branded services is one of the largest in the world, and the car dealer will have no problem supplying its showrooms with original spare parts. But before deciding how to become a Honda dealer and adapt the business to selling cars of this brand, the entrepreneur needs to find out if the Japanese are suitable for the market in a particular region.

Where to buy cars?

The easiest option is to find suppliers in the country where the cars are made. However, within the framework of this scenario, the dealer will have to work on logistics himself, exercise control over the transport delivery channels from the factory to the showroom.

Among the mandatory procedures that an entrepreneur must go through are the purchase of insurance policies for cars, the registration of cars at customs, and the payment of all necessary fees. To optimize work in this direction, the dealer can create a special structure within the company that delivers the vehicles being sold from the factory.

For many businessmen, it is not entirely clear how to become a distributor under this scheme, and they prefer another option - outsourcing, that is, they find a company that is ready to do the same with payment for specific types of services. When choosing such a company, you need to make sure that it has a license to carry out transportation, has certificates of compliance with Euro-2 and, as a rule, Euro-3. You will also need a document confirming the status of the company as a licensed customs carrier. Another procurement format is from an official importer. This greatly simplifies the work of the dealer. The only question is to find a competent company of this profile.