Last call school ship. The script for the last call is an extraordinary journey. N. Koroleva - "Little Country"

(The assembly hall is decorated in a nautical style, on the back of the stage walls there is a model of a sailboat, the inscription “In good luck! Along the edge of the stage is an image of blue waves, on which wishes are written to graduates: “Congratulations on the successful graduation from school!”, “You have a wide road, so that there is less bad weather, so that everyone has real happiness!”, “Do not forget your native school, your native teachers ! The guys publish a wall newspaper "Goodbye, dear school!".
Leading students of the eleventh grade in full dress naval uniforms enter the stage.)

Leading. Dear graduates!
The holiday begins for you!
You are at the beginning of a long journey.
And invite everyone now
Go to the Celebration Hall.
(The song “Ship of Childhood” sounds, graduates enter the hall.)

Leading. We know: at this moment, at this hour
Our school childhood is leaving us.
Leaves us with this school bell
Carefree, sweet childhood.

Leading. The final exams have already been passed...
What we dreamed about, let it come true!
Only childhood we can not return again,
Like the first waltz, it will not be forgotten!
(The waltz "School Years" sounds, several couples dance.)

Leading. Time... It moves inexorably forward, tapping out seconds, minutes, hours, weeks. Here comes our graduation party.

Leading. Now you are still full-fledged residents of a wonderful town called Childhood.

Leading. But only a few moments will pass, and you will go to distant lands along the road of a completely non-toy life - in adulthood full of worries and discoveries.

Leading. Ladies and gentlemen, today in the life of each of you, in the life of our school, there is a significant event - a ship with the unpretentious name "Childhood" sets off on its first voyage.

Leading. A wonderful way of learning and knowledge.
From a school desk to great heights,
From the primer to the mystery of the universe,
With one fiery motto: "Forward!"
So - full speed ahead, dear graduates!

Leading. They could cheat on exams, but what can they say to their school here and now?

Leading. School is your first exam
The first waltz that froze in the heart,
And teachers' eyes are dear
The school smiled at you for the first time.

Leading. Fairy fairy land
Childhood is left behind -
Childhood, like a feather of a firebird,
Even in the distance it always sparkles.

Leading. It seems that it was a very long time ago when you timidly and uncertainly entered the 1st grade. Then everything was for the first time - the first teacher, the first call, the first word read, the first joys and sorrows.
(Several graduates take the stage to the song “Teach at School”.)

Graduate 1.
Do not repeat, do not peep furtively,
How I was (a) once about seven years old
And, having collected thin notebooks in a knapsack,
He stood, frozen, in front of the school doors.

Graduate 2.
School! The best friend,
Our second home,
Where comprehended the course of science
We are a friendly family.

Graduate 3.
Teacher! What a good word!
It is close to us because
What a lot of spiritual and expensive
We have invested in it since childhood.

Graduate 4.
How difficult it was with us
We understand now
And we are grateful to you
For your hard work.

Graduate 1.
Taught us subjects
We were taught to think.
For this we confess
And we respect you.

Graduate 2.
Our best friend is our teacher,
We know this for sure.
And now the teachers
We wish well.

Graduate 3.
To those who teach us now
Grateful children.
For those who teach first grade
Both the second and the third.

Graduate 4.
Those who work with us
Please accept our bow.
All who are proud
Title - teacher.
(To the song “My First Teacher”, graduates present flowers and gifts to their teachers, class teachers and first teachers.)

Leading. Well, the team is ready to sail, but how do the teachers of our school and the principal assess its readiness for new achievements?
(Teachers enter the stage.)

Teacher 1. Behind the year of your studies ...
And the first rise, and the first fall ...
And tonight we wanted to
Do you remember every moment...
While you are together, in class, still nearby ...
And ahead is a long, difficult path.
But there is an opportunity with a kind gentle look
Ask for forgiveness - for something!

Teacher 2. May this evening be with you again
The first meeting flies by.
And the first friend, and the first love -
Everything will be remembered on this farewell evening.
We wish you strength, inspiration,
Fewer failures and tears.
And in our difficult age - more patience!
And the fulfillment of everyone's dreams and dreams!
So that you find a job to your liking!
To meet true love!
Forward, graduates, step boldly,
We wish you happiness and success again!

Teacher 3. Our heart will never forget you,
Your heart will now yearn for you.
There will be no more such students here,
And tears flow, there are not enough words.
We will be waiting for a new meeting with you,
And worry about you, and worry.
(The director enters the stage, presents certificates, says kind words to graduates, students give him a souvenir compass as a keepsake so that the school and its leader keep the right course, and not go with the flow.)

Leading. The ship sails on the waves of knowledge,
And you are at the helm.
Lead clearly and skillfully
You are the entire crew of the ship.
Of course, sometimes it stormed,
But you could convince everyone
That the storm is just a breeze
It's only two miles to the ground.
(Graduates give a memorable gift to the director of the school.)

Leading. Here you go! This means that as soon as all the teams, graduates leave, and we send our childhood boat to sail, will there be no shift left for them at school?

Leading. Why won't it stay? Here, a worthy replacement for our graduates is coming onto the stage.
(To the song “Where are you running, boat?” - words and music by Ustinov - first-graders enter the stage.)

First grader 1.
Poplar fluff is spinning,
The school waltz will not be repeated.
Like spring drops
School years flew by...

First grader 1.
Ten years... From such first-graders
You grew and gained strength
And ten years older today
Became those who taught you good.

First grader 2.
How much did you learn in school!
How many books have you read!
Many more years to go
We are on your way!

First grader 2.
Let about school every year
Glory is growing!
Your lesson is over
The bell rang for you
You want first class -

Good luck and good luck!
(To the song "Childhood's last call" - music by A. Babajanyan, words by M. Plyatskovsky - first graders give balloons to all graduates.)

Leading. Today are your first teachers, and you yourself have prepared messages from the past for yourself.
(An envelope is opened with a letter from the past; this letter was written by the first teachers with the children at the graduation ball from elementary school.)

Leading. I invite you, dear graduates, to write a new letter, which we will open and read at the reunion of graduates in five years.
(Graduates are given pens and sheets, they write letters to the future, put them in a large envelope, seal the envelope and hand it over to the school principal for safekeeping.)

Leading. Let's return to the main topic of tonight - the departure of the ship of childhood on a long voyage.

Leading. So it was our last school evening. Let it be an evening of gratitude and bright sadness, a fan of the desired, long-awaited, unconditional unity of students, teachers and parents. How long have we been walking towards today, and all these years we have been united by the school.

Leading. Dear our parents,
We want to thank you:
For caring, for being with us
Everyone is ready to take their exams.
With us you moved from class to class,
Gain knowledge and grow.
Everything we were taught in school
You helped us to master everything.
We are grateful to you for your support,
Adult life comprehending the essence,
We will justify your hopes,
We will find our way among hundreds!
(To the song of Yu. Shatunov “Childhood, childhood, where are you running?” Representatives from the parent committee come on stage to give parting words to graduates.)

Leading. Like chicks we fell out of the nest
Don't be afraid of the evening coming
Under such big lindens,
You and I have nothing to fear.
Under such thick stars -
Weren't they scattered for us? -
We are not against nesting, we are just
They accidentally fell out of it.

Leading. It only seems at the beginning
That you can't live without a home
What is more important than sustenance gruel,
Than huge stars in the sky.
Don't be afraid of darkness or cold
There will be a day and there will be food for us,
We'll fly over the city
On the wings to the heavens exalted.

Leading. Here you are, our dear graduates, and have become quite adults, ready to leave their native land and say goodbye to childhood forever. But to be honest, I'm starting to doubt that our boat will leave these shores today.

Leading. After such parting words, downright magical, nothing should happen to us, and we will begin our journey.

Leading. The ship of childhood sails into childhood,
White large pipes are beveled back.
Let me take a look, look at goodbye,
Let me hear how they hum.

Leading. The breeze on the deck touched someone's hair,
And someone's gentle look is carried away into the fog,
Childhood floats away, what is the wrong time,
And even all the guys talk about it.
(The presenters call graduates to the stage to read poems dedicated to teachers.)

For a math teacher

Not from the textbook task,
And the cipher was more difficult to open.
Guys understand what it means
Simple-looking ten digits.
Without them, above the clarity of the river
Bridges would not rise
Looking up at the night sky,
And the distance to the star
You wouldn't have calculated.

For the history teacher

That princes in an internecine dispute,
Then again the nomads raids.
Woman teaching a history lesson
Walks along the paths in a distant century.
I hear a question I don't know
And again my eyes are riveted to the book,
I go to the board alone
And I ask my friends: help me ...

For a chemistry teacher

We merged mentally with you, -
And these sincere words -
Like ammonium nitrate
Like sodium hydroxide with CO2.
(To the lyrical melody, graduates present their graduation albums to teachers.)

Leading. And you all look with blurred eyes
In anticipation of new ways and roads.
But then he resounded through all the corridors -
Sad, farewell last call.

We can't get away from these moments.
And each of us is familiar with this feeling.
And that means not only school childhood
Leaving us with that school bell.

Like a Christmas tree holiday, fairy tales end.
Like a movie tape, the thread breaks.

Leading. Yes, the story of childhood is coming to a close,
Chapters have been written, dreams have been examined,
No longer relying on someone's clues,
You yourself must solve all the problems.

Leading. Not every trail will be smooth.
Not all trials will be easy.
And life lies in front of you like a notebook,
In which there is not a single line yet.

Leaders (together). Happy sailing, dear graduates!

Leading. And the school waltz leads its whirling.
Spin, earth! Universe, spin!
We came to the ball from the ship "Teaching",
And after the ball - on the ship with the name "Life"!
(Graduates go out and go to the banquet tables to the song "Where does childhood go.")

Good luck and good luck

last call script

The stage is equipped as a sea "ship", flowers, balls. Callsigns are sounding.) A phonogram is turned on with the noises of the sea, the cries of seagulls. Leaders take the stage

Presenter 1.Hello!
Lead 2.Hello!
Presenter 1.Glad to see all of you at the holiday!
Lead 2. What kind of holiday is this - they will find out after
All members and guests.
Lead 1. The bell will ring for you today!
Lead 2.Last call!
Together. For the last lesson!
Presenter 1. The wind filled the sails
Along the way blowing in the back.
And distant places await
In the endless blue of the ocean.

Lead 2. The ocean of life is raging
But there are piers and moorings,
To stick to the mainland.
To see off and meet.
Lead 1.

Today our pier sends,
Cruise ship to distant lands.
On it we will send on a journey,
The already grown-up crew of the ship.

Lead 2.
Let neither formidable storms nor calm
Do not scare you guys, not at all -
We, like a song, composed a ship,
And on it you will hit the road!

Lead 1.

Dear graduates!

The holiday begins for you.

You are at the beginning of a long journey.

You - brave, inquisitive and vigilant

We invite you on board now
The song "Ship of Childhood" sounds, graduates enter to the music.

(The sound of bottles and the sounds of the sea are heard from the ship.)
Lead 2. Attention! All hands on deck!

The holiday of the last call is considered open!

The national anthem sounds

Lead 1. The last call is the most touching, the most unforgettable of all school holidays. The word "last" in everyone, without exception, causes certain associations. This parting, sadness, good parting words.

Lead 2. The last bell is a symbol of the end of a wonderful school time. And this holiday should remain in the memory of graduates forever.

Lead 1. Honored guests arrived for the departure of our ship "Graduate 2012". ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Lead 2.
And you are at the helm.
Lead clearly and skillfully
You are the entire crew of the ship.
Of course, sometimes it stormed,
But you could convince everyone
It's only two miles to the ground.
Presenter 1.There is a person on our ship who is feared and respected at the same time. The call to his office drove the soul into the heels, although there was no absolute silence and discipline in his lessons. And at the same time, despite his youth, this man taught you the most important thing in life - humanity! Of course, you guessed who we are talking about.

We ask the director of the school A.V. Pukalov to rise to the captain's bridge. (Speech by the director of the school.)
guest performance

Presenter 1.The ship of Childhood is ready for the journey!

Lead 2. Ready!

Presenter 1.Give away mooring lines!

Lead 2. Yes, give mooring lines!

Presenter 1.Raise the sails!

Lead 2.Eat, raise the sails!

Lead 1. Full speed ahead!

Lead 2.Yes, full speed ahead!

(The sound of bottles and the sounds of the sea are heard from the ship.)

Presenter 1.Departs childhood to distant countries,

Forever leaving your pier.

Lead 2.And at this hour the last parting

Suddenly both joy and sadness mingled.

You do not say to childhood: "Goodbye"

And you whisper after a short: "Farewell."
Lead 1. I heard that there is an island in the sea, guys
Let's go swimming, and hurry!
All of you will have to take exams there,
After all, a certificate is not just given!

Lead 2. Where is our island?
Where are we sailing?
Perhaps his
Will we ever find?

Lead 1. I see him, look, he is far away.
Ships are sailing towards it from different directions.

Our ship hurries to the cherished island

"Are there certificates there?" - everyone says.
Lead 2.

But you need to earn the document,

Knowledge, apply your strength.

Who will go to the island with us,
More precisely, who else will swim?
The ship takes the worthy to the team.
Lead 1.
Worthy today more than enough!
Choose anyone for your team!

Terrible our boatswain, read the order!

Listen to him meekly accepted with us!
Lead 2. Today on our ship it is very pleasant to see the guardian of discipline, the legislator of the timetable, and simply a charming person - our head teacher.
The head teacher reads out the order on the rules for conducting exams, the number of students admitted to the final certification. Says parting words.

Lead 1. Do you understand the order?
Graduates Yes!

Lead 2. Here you go! Does this mean that as soon as the entire team of graduates leaves, and we send our sailboat to sail, will there be no shift left for them at school?

Leading 1 . Why won't it stay? Attention! Seven feet under the keel our first graders came to wish you.
(Speech by first graders.)

First grader 1.
We came to you on the line,
To cheer you up.

First grader 2.
high school students darlings
To lead the way.

First grader 3.
Everyone compliments you today
Today everyone gives you applause.

First grader 4.
Everyone congratulates you on the last call.
All first graders.
It's good to be a graduate!

First grader 1.
You can forget your shift
And smoke at breaks.

First grader 2.
And for the broken frame
They won't send home for mom.

First grader 3.
At home you are now for deuces,
No headache.

First grader 4.
And you won't be sad
You now trudge to the board.

First grader 1.
By school hours, you are already old people -
Last graduated class.

First grader 2.
And we are still newbies in school life,
But we'll catch up with you soon.

First grader 3.
We will also study all all subjects,
We will find out the answers to all the puzzles.

First grader 4.
We will also receive awards soon.
At all subject Olympiads.

First grader 1.
In studies, work, physical education and sports
We will beat all your records soon.

First grader 2.
In all matters and on holidays at school
We will play only the main roles!
First grader 3.

We will also do our best
And we can promise you.
Like Masha Gribova
strive for knowledge
How Varankina Vika attends school.

First grader 4.

Continuing your glorious work,
We will prove with our work
Like Lesha Gareyshin, that school is the main thing,
And then all the love!
First Grader 1

Become Pushkins and Descartes
We are all ready as one
Like Mila Mandrikova at the desks
We will not spare our strength!
First grader 2.

It won't be easy, we know
Complete your study.
and Vika Gromova at the final exam
We will advise you from the bottom of our hearts!
First grader 3.

In these walls you had time

A lot to know.

We wish Dasha and Nastya

Write the exam for "five".
First grader 4.

At school, knowledge was given to you,
With them to sail to any distance,
We wish not to yawn

Apply this knowledge.
Here's for them... hand luggage.
(First graders give graduates a huge dummy "Graduate Portfolio".)

First Grader 1

To make you feel less sad
Did not part with those with whom they were,
We offer you again
Come to us in the first class

First grader 2.

There is nothing to add to what has been said -
We only wish you seriously:
Everything that was dreamed of, that is planned,

To be sure to come true!

First grader 3.

The school will be in good hands,
You can safely go through life.
First graders together.

We wish you a fair wind
Health, success, good luck on the road.
Music sounds
(First graders give souvenirs to graduates.)

(The sound of bottles and the sounds of the sea are heard from the ship.)

Presenter 1. Team, attention, right on the course so familiar and already unattainable ... the island of childhood.
Leading. 2 It was... It was... (graduates say in chorus): September 1, 2001.

Sunny morning, little children with large briefcases and knapsacks over their shoulders, excited and joyful, still not understanding anything, crossed the school threshold. You were met by the first teacher Raetskaya Irina Alekseevna. (melody sounds)

Leading. 2. Hey guys look
The first one is your teacher.
Let her guide you

Say important words.
(The word is given to the first teacher.)

Lead 2. I see something noisy and restless on the horizon. There is probably something to worry about.

This is your shift - tenth graders
(Wishes from tenth graders.)
Tenth grader.

Leading 1 . Our ship is moving at a speed of 38 knots, the keel cuts the wave tirelessly. We are heading to the island called "Home". The word to those who will always be waiting for you on the shore in any storm, in any bad weather - to your parents.
(Speech by parents.)


1. Good afternoon, relatives, good time!
May fate protect you.
Let this day be a milestone in life
Happy start to your success!
2. It was a very long time ago, but it seems like yesterday.
Fearfully and timidly, the children entered here for the first time.
And we saw off our daughters and sons with excitement.
And now, we look with tenderness at grown-up children.
3. The most important work in the world is entrusted to teachers.
Thanks for the work and care Elena Anatolyevna, to you.
Thank you for your patience, for affection, warmth, kindness.
May you be inspired in the new school year.
4. Let there be excellent health,
Let problems be easy
May you be remembered with love
All former students!

Musical background "we are a bandito" - the cries of seagulls, the sound of the waves. Bandits run across the hall towards the stage.

Aboard! Aboard!
We'll take your ship!
Grimacing, they sing "Gangster's Song" to the melody of G. Gladkov for the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians",

They say we are byaki-buki,
How they stand us!
Give us a steering wheel in our hands,
We'll fix it now.

Oh, la-la! Oh, la-la!

Don't swim there!
Oh, la-l me! Oh, la-l me! Eh ma!

Tomorrow is a long road
We go up.
Test schedule
The head teacher posted it for everyone.

Oh, la-la! Oh, la-la!
You can't change it!
He la la! Oh, la-la! Hey ha!

1st Pirate. Give the helm to us quickly!

2nd Pirate. We are changing the direction of the ships!

1st Pirate. Do not waste time in vain, here is a magazine - you need it, friends!

Lead 2. What are you asking for this gentlemen.

Lead 1. Oh, I don't like this dude.
Tell me, do we have excellent students?
We will save them for pirates for a sweet honor.

Pirates they begin to confer, while gesticulating.

Lead 2.(referring to the bandits).
Instead of a magazine, we are ready to give you
A couple of prisoners. They can be sold.
Everyone has solid knowledge.
(addressing the audience) ... And he will be able to stand up for himself!

Lead 1.

You can easily sell them
Dear bandits, that is, gentlemen.
Knowledge is highly valued these days.
Excellent students will be bought in any country.

Piratesagree after some discussion.

Pirates(thoughtfully leading).

How would we not frighten the excellent students?

Lead 2(to one of the students)

Do you love history or not?

Yes, this is my favorite subject.

Lead 2
Do you want to know the ancient custom?
You can even take part in it.

Of course I want! What is the custom?

Presenter 1
The practice is called "brain drain".
We will sell excellent students now.

Lead 2
And you will help us with this.

Student.(arguing). Leak… Sale… Looks like a theft…

Presenter 1
Do not be afraid! The excellent students themselves dreamed
To sell them all as soon as possible.

I like the custom very much.
And I'm ready to help you now.
What should I personally do?
What is my role in this?

Lead 2
Approach the excellent students to tie their hands and pass ...

Foreign embassy?

Presenter 1
No. Embassy of Kunaks. (points to Pirates).

And who are they, these kunaks?

Lead 2
K-o-o-a-k are the Canadian Commissioners of the National Counter-Twist Association.

Presenter 1
They don't speak Russian at all
But everyone understands perfectly!

Barbarbia! Kargudu! Genocvale!

I don't understand what they said?

Lead 2
If you refuse to help them -
They send you to take exams.

Agree! Agree! Agree!
The exam is just dangerous for me!

The student walks up to the excellent students and ties their hands. The excellent students begin to speak quickly.

1st excellent student.
The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs.

2nd excellent.
The Onegin stanza consists of 14 verses in iambic tetrameter.

1st excellent student.
Ontogeny is the individual development of an individual, the totality of its transformations from birth to the end of life.

2nd excellent.
Accelerated depreciation is the right to write off the cost of capital assets faster than the normal depreciation rate.

Pirates.(unable to bear this stormy speech, they shout).
Shut up! Stop talking nonsense! We can't listen to it! Get out of here! Away!
No, this exchange does not suit us.
We'll only hand over the magazine if we dock at School Treasure Island. Finding these treasures is not easy.

These are favorite items or indispensable supplies of teachers and staff of our school. These things are still invisible and here is your task: you must quickly guess these things and their owners who are present in the hall.

Treasure No. 1 (principal's order book, keys) Listen, everyone! On the island, an object was found ... colors. According to its content, it can be assumed that the owner works as a plumber, accountant, professor of mathematics, businessman. The names of some students of the 11th grade are also recorded here. Another item was found, more precisely, several on the same bundle. The owner has an amazing ability to lose these items anywhere and everywhere. Name the items and the owner (Pukalov A.V ..).

Treasure #2 (ammeter, timetable) A device that measures not only the strength of the current, but the games of desires and the amount of energy spent on the study of one of the sciences of the purity of nature. This device is used by a strict and demanding person. And this same person is the owner of another thing, without which not a single day is complete at school. He is also the author of this piece. It takes a lot of effort to put it together. In this thing, all the lessons and room numbers. What are these things? What is the teacher's name? (Korobova T.V.)

Treasure #3 (Map) A sheet that is hung on a board. Drawn with red and black arrows, reflecting the glorious military path of armies and states, but most importantly - our mother Russia. This is a necessary thing for the teacher we are talking about. What is the sheet and what is the teacher who owns it? (Mandrikova E.A.)

Treasure No. 4 (gas mask) One of the varieties of masquerade masks, which makes it easier to breathe in a heavily polluted environment. The owner and owner of this mask teaches to survive in unbearable conditions. (Gribova T.K.)

Treasure No. 5 (a volume of poems by A. Akhmatova) A book with poems by a Russian poetess. When you find out who this poetess is, then you will guess whose favorite she is. The external data of the poetess are very expressive: she has a Roman profile, a purposeful look, "feminine" poetry of the twentieth century is called by her name. So whose is this book of poems, and who is the teacher who is shy in front of the talent of this poetess? (Sudenkova O.A)

Treasure No. 6 (compass) The exhibit is two-legged, but each leg has its own purpose. When one foot is planted on the surface, the other dances around it in a circle. The owner of this exhibit has a number of necessary items for working on the board. But he can do without them, depicting all sorts of figures on the board with a sweeping movement of his hand. (Gromova G.A. Gribova T.K.)

Treasure #7 (Globe) A round object, but not used in the gym. Motley, spinning ... With the help of this item, you can travel without dollars, camels and jeeps. So does its former owner. (Sergeeva E.V.)

Treasure No. 8 (ball) An object for beating with hands, feet, head and all parts of the body. Especially often attacked by a man of great stature, the owner of a musical instrument around his neck .. Who is this? And what is the object suffering from it? (Korobov S.V.)

Treasure No. 9 (dictionary) A rather plump volume in a small format with very strange content: all the words in it are written in two columns, one of which is more or less understandable, and only one teacher of our school truly understands in the second column. What is the subject and who is it about? (Petukhova N.P.)

Treasure #10 (test tube) An object made of thin glass, shaped like a sausage. It often contains liquids that are not consumed internally. The owner of the item often trembles over it and is ready to give her life for it. (Zakharchenko O.I)

Treasure No. 11 (mouse and needle) In addition to this tailed exhibit, its owner has a craving for another thin object with a long tail. He can often be seen in the hands of this teacher, a leading specialist in weaving, handicrafts, etc. So who is he? What subjects were discussed? (Rusina L.S.)

Treasure No. 12 (class magazine) The subject that I will talk about is very important, it contains all the information about the students: where they live, who the parents are, and most importantly, the assessment of your knowledge in each subject. And all this is strictly monitored by a person who gave you seven years of his life, his soul, who shared joy and sorrow with you, who followed your every grade, every pass and absenteeism. Tell me who and what are you talking about? (Mandrikova E.A.)

Pirates. (thoughtfully leading). Yes, it didn't burn out...
How can we check this now?
Together with everyone to go on a journey?

But I don't agree! I don't agree at all!
The exam, oh horror, is simply dangerous for me!

Take your magazine. We didn't really need him.

They run away to the melody of G. Gladkov to the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians",

Lead 1. We are not afraid of storms, reefs, shallows or pirates. Attention! Command! Alignment to the left! Let us greet the pilot corps of teachers who carried out your navigation in subjects. A pilot is invited to the fairway, who has not lost his charm and self-control for many years and who, at different times of the day and night, provides excellent, I would say, cool leadership of his crew. The floor is given to the class teacher of the 11th grade.

Word to the class teacher.

For seven years I looked after the children,
I endured their pranks for seven years,
Raised day by day -
She handled it the best she could.
But year after year flew by
My kids have turned
From gray ducks to white swans
And they decided to fly away from under the wing.
Although ducklings count in autumn
But the school releases them in the summer.
I will list them from "A" to "I" -
Such is my profession.

Lead 2. How many years...

From nimble first-graders
You grew and gained strength
And eleven older today
Became those who taught you good.
Word to the teachers

More recently, hiding behind bouquets,

You entered the first class with excitement.

And now parting advice

The native school accompanies you.
Left childhood in the school corridors

The bells stopped, the noise and din subsided,

And only memories in conversations

They sound quiet everywhere, here and there.
And there is something to remember: ups and downs,

And, laughter and tears, friendship and love;

How the head "cracked" from learning,

And the enamel of the teeth was "erased on the granite".
You grew up, got stronger, matured,

Ready to move mountains on the way!

Your day has come! You've all been waiting for it.

Doubt away! Cheer up, good luck!
May good luck accompany you in everything,

And the cherished dream will come true

And even to an unsolvable task

There is always a solution!
Like, tired of you a little

Life from bell to bell?!

Your positive response

For us, of course, it's not a secret!
Well, ahead of you guys,

Life from paycheck to paycheck.
Remember then more than once

You are this school, bright class,

Where so carefree and easy

Life from call to call.

Leading1 . I'm handing over the helm to the 2012 issue. The word is given to graduates.
(Speech by graduates.)

Lead 2.
Our ship is coming to your island.
Are there certificates there, who knows about it?

Lead 1.
Students leave every year
Only in the annals of school remain.
And in memory the source of a large river -
They swim and come back to us.

Lead 2.
Here is your dock and wharf and shelter.
There are common grievances and victories here.
And, like relatives, they are always waiting for you
The teachers are big couch potatoes.

Lead 1.
And the world stands while our house stands,
We call him simply the school class.
And we learn, and we teach in it,
Dividing into options - not into races.

Lead 2.
A hundred years will pass.
Perhaps there will be no schools.
Yesterday, universal education, tomorrow - the Internet ...
And yet swear, parting,
Carry in your soul our farewell covenant.

Lead 1. Cheerful copper bell

Will be filled with trills now.

Ring, ring, last call

For the last time, for the last time!
Host 2: The bell rings for the last time

And his sounds are a little sad;

He won't call me to class anymore

He tells us about separation.
Lead 1. All hopes and expectations

Look, don't cheat!

And at this hour in a quiet building,

Ring, ring, ring, ring!!
Lead 2. Let him ring louder, farewell,
So that everyone can feel
This gentle, but a little sad
Accompanying you to the world call!

Lead 1. Attention! Now the last school bell will sound for the graduates of the school.
Lead 2 The right to give the last call is granted to a graduate of grade 11 ............... and a student of grade 1 ..............

We leave the threshold of the school,

Watching your childhood dreams.

It hurts, God, it hurts.

That's all. We must part.
We hasten to meet adult life -

Stop, wait a moment.

Ahead is our graduation party.

Our childhood, alas, is over.
Dancing the last waltz

Will ring the last call.

And, saying goodbye to our class,

All of a sudden, our school house is quiet.
In September, I'm with an unbending hand

I will open the doors to a bright classroom,

Only in this crowd of laughing

There is no place for any of us.
How we waited for you

This day of parting with school,

How many difficult roads

Unsolved mysteries ahead.

Trill native call

Spills with a joyful song.

Childhood, my childhood

Wait, don't run from me
Lovely, cordial, good,
My good teachers!
I say goodbye to childhood and school,
I just don't say goodbye to you.

Thank you for loving us
Although they were sometimes strict with us,
Because you taught us how to think,
For everything, for everything they did for us.

Sincere filial "thank you"
We say to all teachers
Be young and happy
Peace, many years, health to you!
(Graduates give flowers to teachers.)


The ship sails on the waves of knowledge,

And you are at the helm.

Lead clearly and skillfully

You are the entire crew of the ship.

Of course, sometimes it stormed,

But you could convince everyone

That the storm is just a breeze

That it's only two miles to the ground

(give a memorable gift to the school, a postcard to the director)
Like a Christmas tree holiday, fairy tales end
Like a movie tape, dreams end.
No longer relying on someone's clues,
We must solve all problems ourselves.

But only you always shine
Our school lighthouse, we are on the way,
And let your peaceful warm light
Do not go out for many, many years.


Thank you dear parents

Forgive us if you have been offended by something,

For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,

For youthful pride and impatience,

For the gray hair at the temples of the father

And for the wrinkles of his own face.

In the belt we will bow to you to the ground,

Thank you family for being with us.

You through storms, storms and bad weather,

To this day, and sadness, and happiness!

Presenter 1. Teacher, the first teacher!

As our path is not far,

You will have threads in your hands

Our first roads!

Looking into the spacious blue

Through the years

You are like a mother, by name,

You will always call

Dear ... (name, patronymic of the class teacher)!
With you every morning we met the dawn,
It seems like we've known each other for a hundred years.
And we would not be able to meet the sun without you:

We shared joy and sorrow with you, as friends,
And in any of our disputes, you are our chief judge.
We are used to being with you, it is difficult for us without you:
We are the most beloved, the best of your class.
We will become adults, but, as in our childhood,
We will mentally talk with you about everything,
So that you help us again at a decisive hour:

Together. We are the most beloved, the best of your class!

Thank you teachers

Because the earth is round

For Troy and for Carthage,

For benzochloropropylene,

For ZhI and SHI, for twice two,

For your kind words

The ones we keep inside.

We THANK YOU for everything!

Tenth graders.

You have a wide road
To less bad weather,
So that everyone has
Real happiness!

All paths are open to you:

East and west, north, south, capital...

But if you want to go far

Then stop in time.
We would like to give you some advice:

  1. Brevity is the soul of wit! A cheat sheet is a brilliant invention! Don't show them to teachers! By the time the teachers have deciphered the genius of the 11-year short course presentation, autumn will come!

  1. Write cheat sheets. In an emergency, they can be swallowed as a sedative.

  1. Do not hold a stone in your bosom: it may fall on your leg.

  1. If you feel that you have been carried by the current, beware of pitfalls. When you swim - do not relax, otherwise you will drown.

  1. When you drown, row to the shore, then your cry for help will be heard for sure. But remember, the best life-saving remedy is a circle of friends!

  1. We give you magical talismans. No fluff! Not a pen! We wish you happy swimming in the exams!

Treasure #1 (ammeter, timetable) A device that measures not only the strength of the current, but the games of desires and the amount of energy spent on the study of one of the sciences of the purity of nature. This device is used by a strict and demanding person. And this same person is the owner of another thing, without which not a single day is complete at school. He is also the author of this piece. It takes a lot of effort to put it together. In this thing, all the lessons and room numbers. What are these things? What is the teacher's name? (Korobova T.V.)

Treasure #2 (map) A sheet that is hung on a board. Drawn with red and black arrows, reflecting the glorious military path of armies and states, but most importantly - our mother Russia. This is a necessary thing for the teacher we are talking about. What is the sheet and what is the teacher who owns it? (Mandrikova E.A.)

Treasure No. 3 (gas mask) One of the varieties of masquerade masks, which makes it easier to breathe in a heavily polluted environment. The owner and owner of this mask teaches to survive in unbearable conditions. (Gribova T.K.)

Treasure No. 4 (compass) The exhibit is two-legged, but each leg has its own purpose. When one foot is planted on the surface, the other dances around it in a circle. The owner of this exhibit has a number of necessary items for working on the board. But he can do without them, depicting all sorts of figures on the board with a sweeping movement of his hand. (Gromova G.A. Gribova T.K.)

Treasure #5 (Globe) A round object, but not used in the gym. Motley, spinning ... With the help of this item, you can travel without dollars, camels and jeeps. So does its former owner. (Sergeeva E.V.)

Treasure No. 6 (ball) An object for beating with hands, feet, head and all parts of the body. Especially often attacked by a man of great stature, the owner of a musical instrument around his neck .. Who is this? And what is the object suffering from it? (Korobov S.V.)

Treasure No. 7 (dictionary) A rather plump volume in a small format with very strange content: all the words in it are written in two columns, one of which is more or less understandable, and only one teacher of our school really understands in the second column. What is the subject and who is it about? (Petukhova N.P.)

Treasure #8 (test tube) A piece of thin glass shaped like a sausage. It often contains liquids that are not consumed internally. The owner of the item often trembles over it and is ready to give her life for it. (Zakharchenko O.I)

Treasure No. 9 (mouse and needle) In addition to this tailed exhibit, its owner has a craving for another thin object with a long tail. He can often be seen in the hands of this teacher, a leading specialist in weaving, handicrafts, etc. So who is he? What subjects were discussed? (Rusina L.S.)

Treasure No. 10 (class magazine) The subject that I will talk about is very important, it contains all the information about the students: where they live, who the parents are, and most importantly, the assessment of your knowledge in each subject. And all this is strictly monitored by a person who gave you seven years of his life, his soul, who shared joy and sorrow with you, who followed your every grade, every pass and absenteeism. Tell me who and what are you talking about? (Mandrikova E.A.)

1 block

Music "Where does childhood go"

Golovko O.G. – introduction, presentation of grades 11a and 11l

To the music of E. Doga "My gentle and gentle beast" graduates enter the assembly hall.

Golovko O.G. The solemn line dedicated to the holiday of the Last Bell is considered open ...

Sounds like "The Anthem of Russia"

The hosts come on stage - a girl and a boy.

Girl: - Good afternoon!

Young man: Hello!

Girl: - Glad to see you all at the party.

Young man: - A bell will ring for us today!

Girl: - Last call!

Together: To the last lesson!

Girl: - How quickly the farewell date came,

How quickly the hour of parting came ...

Young man: - for 11 years we were in a hurry to school, guys,

But the time has come, we are leaving you.

Girl: - But we need to pass the exams from the beginning.

Young man: - No, first, we must read the order!

Give instructions on admission.

Girl: - And who will read this order to us?

Young man: - I know that the school has a big island,

Orders are written there, you do not argue with them.

Girl: Orders are written there,

Young man: - How to get there?

Who will help, friends?

Captain (approaching).

The captain of the ship will help you get there!

My ship is proudly called "Victory"!

Who else will go to the island with us?

More precisely, who else will swim

Get ready to meet the locals of Hope Island! We are greeted by the leader of the local tribe of administrators Director _____________________________

Help fix problems.

A word from the school principal

My ship is proudly called - "Victory"!

Who else will go to the island with us,

More precisely, who else will swim?

"Victory" takes the worthy to the team.

Attention! Prepare to meet the locals of the island

Young man: - Worthy today more than enough!

Choose anyone for your team!

Captain: - Anyone wishing to go on a voyage?

Captain: - I quickly ask everyone to get on deck.

We need to go swimming.

Participants of the performance - passengers-graduates rise to the stage-deck from the hall

Girl: - It all starts with a school bell:

Desks set off on a long journey,

Young man: - There, in front, there will be more abrupt starts

And more seriously, they will, but for now ...

Captain: - Dictations, tasks,

Boatswain: - Good luck, failure,

Kok: - Paragraphs, verbs

Jung: - And ancient times,

1st passenger: - That word is not inclined,

2nd passenger: - Then the Volga will be lost ...

Together: - It all starts with a school bell...

Girl: - It all starts with a school bell -

The road to the stars, the secrets of the ocean, -

Young man: - All this will be sooner or later,

All this will be ahead, guys, but for now ...

Captain: - Anodes, cathodes,

3rd passenger: - Suvorov campaigns,

4th passenger: - Battles, conjugations,

5th passenger: - The movement of sand ...

6th passenger: - I don’t remember the example,

7th passenger: - The answer is not obtained, -

Together: - It all begins

From the school bell!

(phonogram "School years")

Captain: Attention! Raise the anchor! Give Mooring! We're going in search

Islands of Hope, where we will be read an order for admission to exams! Full

forward! Time does not wait! (Ringing sound)

To the motive “How great that we are all gathered here today!”

The bell rings confidently

Persistently, measuredly,

The hour of parting draws near

Eyes already in tears.

Well, what about us, dear,

native teachers,

There is no joy in life without you

Where are we without you?

Here we grew up as uncles,

Our girls are girls.

At least get married.

And it's so nice to feel

What is in the world

The people who love us

And we will not be forgotten!

And the joys and troubles we

Lived like a moment

Although there were problems

But this is nonsense.

Oh, school, you, my love,

Although sometimes grumbling,

But we know what you will set up

Your shoulder always!

Thanks everyone for the knowledge

Patience, attention.

But the main thing is science

You gave your passport to life.

So stay healthy forever

May God give you strength and courage,

So that in a year we are with you

Gathered here too!

Captain: Attention! Seven feet under the keel! We are met by local residents of the bay "First class". Drop anchor! Lower the boat!

Girl: Everyone has only one time in their life.

There is your first, your memorable class,

Young man: - And new books, and the first lesson,

And the first boisterous school bell,

Girl: - And the first mentor is the first teacher,

Who opened the door to the road of discovery.

1st first grader: - Well, when will I be like that,

How long can you wait!

Ten years will pass by

I can become a student!

2nd first grader: - I want with such a hairstyle ...

With these heels...

Be beautiful, smart, catchy,

For everyone to say: "Ah"!

3rd first grader: - Dreaming! I would like to

Be a graduate soon

To make the younger ones proud

Everyone who knew me.

4th first grader: - Here are the shoes, so the shoes

45th - don't joke!

How soon, at least in half,

Grow up guys!

5th first grader: - Congratulations on graduation

We have come to you today

support and praise you

We found time in the morning!

6th first grader: - We wish you good luck -

It's good to pass the exam!

No offense, no trouble, no crying

On "4" and on "5".

7th first grader: - Not in vain do you learn everything!

This, brother, is not the whole load ...

Just get a certificate

Already enrolled in college!

8th first grader: - And now there are a lot of professions,

There is for every business

We wish you that the road

It was interesting!

9th first grader: - To make you big,

Interesting people!

Let them go to school!

Life - take it into your ranks!

Song to the melody of L. Vaikule "Vernissage"

When we came to the first class,

You met us at the door

And we gave you flowers.

We timidly followed you into the classroom,

But you encouraged us

They gave us courage with a smile.

As we went to you for salvation,

And we were looking for you

But the years flew by quickly.

We haven't forgotten first class.

You are still in our hearts.

We would like to start from the beginning.

Chorus: Ah, first class, ah first class!

It was so difficult for us.

And also glue, cut.

Thank you, thank you

For being our mother.

We want to wish you

What would you teach everyone to five.

Girl: - Dear our first teachers, accept these flowers from us as a sign of our love and gratitude.

Pozdnyakova Galina Petrovna

Ivanova Nadezhda Mikhailovna

Kuznetsova Elena Olegovna

Berlanyuk Irina Vladimirovna

Shcherbakova Irina Yurievna

Captain: - Very hospitable people, but it's time for us to move on! Raise the sails! Full speed ahead! (Ringing sound)

Young man: - Yes, everything happens once for the first time. And first class...

Girl: - And the first love ...

Boatswain: - Attention! Attention! Prepare to disembark. Directly on the course of the Bay of Lovers. Be careful, you can fall in love here!.

Passenger: - She was twelve, thirteen - to him.

They should always be friends.

But people couldn't understand why

Is this their enmity?

He called her "bomb" and in the spring

Shot with melted snow.

She answered him - "Satan",

"Skeleton" and "teeth".

So a new Romeo was born again

Juliet suffered furtively.

He gave her a five

She wrote in a notebook:

Olya plus Roma. We will always

Together until the last moment."

He gave her gum then,

She gave him paint and a book.

A passenger runs onto the stage with a large spoon in his hands.

Passenger: (shouting) - I'm dying! Help! I am hungry! Feed quickly!

Cook: - Everything that they managed to take with them,

We have already eaten with you.

Boatswain: - The sea is open before us. (Cheerfully)

Let's get our own food!

Jung: - If you taught geography well,

That with the trouble to cope with enough strength!

(song to the melody from the movie "Diamond Hand"

We do not need knowledge of geography.

We can give anyone a head start at the institute.

We know where the desert, waterfalls, forest are.

So geography is a miracle of miracles!

We know about the climate, soils and relief.

We know what an African lion looks like.

We know Morocco, Congo and Sudan.

We had to eat an unripe banana!

If a foreigner knew Russia like that,

He would not have attacked Russia Vek.

The German would not have died, the Frenchman would not have died

From Russian cold, from Russian puddles.

A Russian Pole would not wander through the forest.

I'd rather learn geography, you fool.

If he knew about Russian roads,

He would not visit us under execution.

Glory to geography - the mother of sciences.

You have delivered us all from great torment.

Tropics with the equator, please excuse -

We are accustomed to living in our native spaces!

Young man: - We express our gratitude to the teachers of geography:

Parilova Maria Mikhailovna and Bukovsky Maxim Vladimirovich

Cook: - Remembered geography? Act boldly! Catch some good fish for lunch soon!

Jung: _ Okay! I will fish

Help me get a fishing rod.

(Walks around the stage in search of what to make a fishing rod from)

Passenger girl: Maybe you need help?

Yunga: - Make me a fishing rod, be kind.

Passenger girl: - I never did them.

Junga: - You attended labor lessons.

Girl - passenger: - There we were taught to cook porridge,

salad to prepare

How to sew, how to cut!

(song to the melody from the film "neither stokers nor carpenters ..."

Girls: We are not carpenters and we are not carpenters, yes,

But with pots on "you"

We can cook easily, yes

Though porridge, soup from an ax!

Boys: - We are not joiners and carpenters, yes,

But with instruments on "you",

And we are excellent workers, yes,

We will tighten all the bolts for you!

Our curls fluttered over the machine,

And the shavings covered the floor, slightly,

For our exercises with a hammer

You put "two" in the magazine for everyone.

Girl: - For teaching us how to cook, sew, patch.

Young man: - And we are to destroy, break and build.

Girl: - We say "thank you" to our technology teachers:

Anyukhina Svetlana Vladimirovna

Ustyugova Elena Anatolievna

Ostapenko Maria Mikhailovna

Young man: Gurov Sergey Semenovich

(they give flowers) Meanwhile, the cabin boy and the captain are making a fishing rod. The cabin boy then casts the line near the edge of the stage.

Junga: - Look, look - the fish is big!

Now I will definitely catch it.

Cook: - This is a large predator - a tiger shark!

We should not catch her, so that it would not be bad for us.

Junga: - Look, there is a fish flying somewhere.

Let's catch her guys!

Cook: - And this flying fish is called,

She just doesn't get her hands on it.

Junga: - Yes, you won’t catch anything here.

From hunger you will play in the box!

(breaks the rod and leaves)

Cook: (after him) - It seems that you taught biology poorly.

Catch fish in the ear

You don't have the strength.

Passengers come out and sing.

(song to the tune of "Kurochkin's Couplets" - "Wedding with a Dowry")

We won't brag to you.

We know everything we say.

We will get the mammoth

And we'll give you a skeleton.

(One of the passengers)

I can tell close

And in the distance

Confuse turnip and radish

I'm not able.

(together again)

Man studied

We are from the feet to the hands.

We would tell Lamarck

About the structure of bones.

Us proteins and carbohydrates

They don't let you sleep at night.

I know, "by the esophagus

I'll only get a "five".

We sang this song for you

About sweet science

And let everything in this place

We are jealous of each other.

We were lucky with the teacher,

And we want to tell you:

We know biology

Who is on "six", and who is on "five".

Girl: - Our dear biology teachers!

Everything was learned from you, that's the point.

May your life path be filled

Young man: - Good luck, love, joy again!

We are grateful to you for your love.

Ivacheva Natalya Borisovna

Sedykh Svetlana Ivanovna

(delivery of flowers)

Captain: - I urgently ask the excellent students in physics to get together.

I need your help, dear brothers.

Passenger: - (from behind the scenes) We don’t have such in sight.

Captain: - It is strange for me to hear such an answer. Where is your knowledge, friends?

1st passenger: - I have long known the Law of Archimedes!

2nd passenger: - I can make a successor!

3rd passenger: - (runs in) And I can fix the TV!

4th passenger: - Read Newton's laws in verse!

5th passenger: - Dedicated to our patient Lyudmila Vasilievna Ivanova!

Song to the melody "Smuglyanka"

Once in physics for some reason

Damn me in the morning brought.

Here Lyudmila, light Vasilievna

Starts your poll.

I blush, I turn pale

And I have nothing to say

Oh put a three

After all, I can't become a scientist.

Chorus: I would say yes, how to know for sure

I don't dare, I lost my tongue...

Dear physicist, yes good physicist,

Don't give me a two yet. (2 times)

But for some reason she looks

Now to the magazine, then to me.

And from the look I want

Run away like fire.

I blush, I turn pale

But for some reason she looks

Now to the magazine, then to me.

And from the look I want

Run away like fire.

I blush, I turn pale

And longing takes me

And in front of me is an evil school board.

Delivery of flowers.

Two passengers enter the stage, in front of them they roll a serving table, on which there are two cans of water. The 1st passenger pours something into one jar, then into another, mixes it with a shelf, then tries it. The 2nd passenger also tries, then sprinkles some more powder, interferes, tries.

2nd passenger (shouts) - It worked! Happened!

No wonder we studied chemistry!

1st passenger: To our wonderful chemists

Let's say "thank you" from the bottom of our hearts!

Moderator: Bakshaeva Oksana Viktorovna

Rakitina Natalya Nikolaevna

Zaguzina Maria Favstovna

Song to the melody "Feli - Chita"

Chemistry is a beautiful word

Maybe. Magic: chemistry,

I even want

Something spiritual, chemistry.

Chemistry - no in the world

More beautiful than science is chemistry.

I'm ready with her

To endure even flour is chemistry.

Can destroy

And can build - chemistry, chemistry, chemistry.

I will learn these rules

And maybe I'll be smart!

Maybe even discover some law!

I will connect my life with her forever,

Because there is no cuter!

Let these words be

What a sacred vow! Chemistry.

Give flowers

3 block

Passenger: - Look! Look! There's an island ahead!

Captain: - Oh, this is the famous island of Accuracy and Consistency.

The inhabitants of this island are famous for their phenomenal mathematical skills.


Song to the melody "Shalandy"

Let someone like English.

Some people care about chemistry.

Without mathematics, all of us

And neither here nor there.

We are so bad without mathematics

Without her, we are nowhere in life.

With her we can perform a miracle

And get rich like never before!

We have equations like poems,

And the integral will support the spirit.

We logarithms, like songs,

And the formulas are pleasing to the ear.

And we will calculate all the volumes,

When we pass the exams.

All theorems, axioms

Let's sing to our tune.

Young man: - Luzgina Natalya Konstantinovna

Zabolotskaya Concordia Iosifovna

Moroz Irina Vladimirovna

Girl: We thank you for the fact that, despite all our resistance, you were able to put into our heads everything that we need to pass the math exam.

Handing flowers

Captain: - And a tribe of computer scientists has recently settled on this island.

They say they have a very powerful weapon called a computer.

With it, they can be in any place in a matter of minutes.

point of the world.

Song teacher of computer science

N. Koroleva - "Little Country"

There is in our good school with you

Little country

There, among overseas technology

The princess lives alone

And if something sparkles

or the lights go out

Our princess will fix everything

There is no better hacker

Small country full of computers

Who will tell me, who will tell me

Where is she, where is she.

Small country, viruses do not need

The princess does not give them life

This is how she is.

Girl: - Konstantinova Natalia Alexandrovna

Moroz Irina Vladimirovna

Captain: - The tide is low, we must go!

And I ask you friends to dive into the boat. (Ringing sound)

We are not afraid of storms, reefs, or shallows. Attention! Command! Alignment to the left! Let us greet the pilot corps of teachers who carried out your navigation in subjects. Midshipmen are invited to the fairway, who have not lost their charm and self-control for many years and who, at different times of the day and night, carry out excellent, I would say, classy leadership of their crews.

Girl: Look, our cool mom is standing

With a smile, with a kind heart,

Protected us, stubborn, from many adversities,

She taught me to be honest, open, not mean.

Passengers-boys: Greetings from class teachers

To the tune of the operetta "Silva"

There are many women in the world

We all breathe with one breath.

We are forever bound by fate, oh, oh, fate.

In them the sun is light and life is a mess.

They all notice

They all understand

We pledge allegiance forever.

Girl: - Our cool mothers are invited to the stage: Bakshaeva Oksana Viktorovna

Young man: - and Savenko Natalya Gennadievna


The response of class teachers

4 block

Captain: - Whistle everyone upstairs! To the right of the side is the Caring Bay.

Here, a tired student will always find care, attention and love. Here

live those who will always wait for us on the shore in any storm, in any weather - our parents.

Girl: - Good dads,

Boys: Dear mothers,

Girl - We completed the program at school,

We will argue and worry

It is a pity that our desires do not converge.

Young man: - Parents know, children know:

Happiness is only good in the world,

Everyone chooses happiness in their own way,

Together: - If parents understand us ...

Song "Parental House"

Wherever we are, but in our own way

Always sure that

That we will receive with love and tenderness

Our marina is the parental home.

Parental home - the beginning of the beginning

And in my life a reliable berth.

Parental home - even for many years

Good light burns in your windows.

Bow to the ground to your mother's pile

And bow to the ground to the father.

You are indebted to them unpaid:

Holy remember this all your life.

Parents' response

Jung: -Let me turn, comrade captain.

Captain: - Listen to you, kid.

Junga: - Here we have been swimming for a long time and I decided to write a letter to my parents. Could you please check it. I did not attend Russian language and literature classes very well.

Captain: - Yes, apparently it is necessary to bring you to the island "Write - read."

Team, listen to my command. Rudder right, direction 27 degrees of school latitude and 27 degrees of office longitude. We are heading to the island "Write - read."

Song to the melody "The song remains with the person"

On a dark night, you suddenly remember the task,

With a thick book you fight against sleep.

You don't understand anything in "Dead Souls"

Where perishing, since its barely alive.

We know we have upset you.

And hoped for kindness more than once.

But you always forgive insults,

A big "thank you" from us.

The teacher explains to us about Tatyana,

Only thoughts are somewhere far away.

What is pride, if the heart stops,

Even sitting here is not easy.

Minute years. We'll probably regret

That read only the beginning and ends.

Maybe we'll never know for sure

Who was right: children or fathers?

We present flowers

Young man: Thanks to Davydova Nadezhda Mikhailovna

Girl: - Kravchuk Alexander Yaroslavovich

Young man: - We can write a message in "Contact" almost without errors

Girl: - Or SMS to a young man.

Boatswain: - (runs out with a map in his hands) Captain! Captain! Looks like we've gone off course! If you look at the map in this place, there should not be any island.

Captain: - (looks through a telescope) What year is your card?

Bosun: - 2000. And what?

Captain: - This island was discovered quite recently, so it is not on this map. And it's called EGE Island!

Boatswain: - And what is the exam?

Captain: - I have never been there myself. We'll have to land and find out everything. Boats on the water. Prepare to land on an unknown island.

Host:- Good afternoon, Today on the air is our special report on the immediately impending event - the Unified State Examination. The theme of our today's issue is "The Unified State Examination is walking around the country." In some remote corners of our Motherland, this innovation has already come into full force. Right now, the inclusion of the Yakutsk Autonomous Okrug. From the scene, our special correspondent ...

(On the yaranga stage, 4 Chukchi are sitting, next to the correspondent)

Leading: Michael, can you hear me? Tell me how things are in the north.


Correspondent: Hello Vitaly. Are there parents next to me whose children have already passed the exam?

Chukcha 1: The seventh day went ... The son left ... The daughter left ... On deer ... to take the exam.

Correspondent: And you?

Chukcha 2: And we are waiting...

(A dance is performed to the melody of the peoples of the North)

Correspondent:(host name), the situation is still unclear, but we will inform you about all the events taking place.

Leading: Thank you. It was news from the most distant regions. Now we will return to Irkutsk and see what is happening there. We present to your attention the documentary film "Unified State Examination in Bogatyr".

(A pointer stone is on the stage, followed by an examination committee, 3 heroes appear on mops)

Bogatyr 1: O. stone ...

Bogatyr 2: And what ..., yes, right now I have it with one left. (Tries to move.)

Bogatyr 3: Stop, you fool... Something is written right there.

Bogatyr 1: And what?

Bogatyr 3: Read!

Bogatyr 1: Read for yourself...

Bogatyr 2: Let's go brotherly.

(Throw off)

Bogatyr 3(is reading): N-n-on "A" p-p-you will go ...

Bogatyr 2: Let me...

If you go to "A" - you will end up in the army ...

If you go to "B" - you won't get to the institute ...

If you go to "C" - you will leave with a sore head ...

If you go straight - you will find the whole exam ...

Bogatyr 1: And who is this, USE?

Bogatyr 3: And why who?

Bogatyr 1: Well, it's written in capital letters...

Bogatyr 2: Maybe it's a terrible snake, a friend of Baba Yaga?

Bogatyr 3: Could this be some kind of treasure?

Bogatyr 1: What are we guessing, let's go straight!

(They take down the stone, music sounds, the examination committee meets them behind the stone)

Bogatyr 2: Oh USE!

Bogatyr 3: And not one...

Bogatyr 1: And three whole...

Bogatyr 1: Do you give the exam here?

Commission: This is not with us, but with you ... And they don’t give it, I hand it over! And today is your turn.

Commission: Part "A"! You must choose only one correct answer:

With a tail, but not a bird.

With a bell, but not a cow.

With spurs, but not hussars.

With a medal, but not an athlete.

Answer options:

A) a parent

B) a first grader;

B) a graduate

D) teacher;

Bogatyr 1: Can you help the hall?

Commission: Dear audience, try to answer the question?

(Scream, noise)

Commission: So, I repeat the question?

Bogatyr 2: And I take a hint 50X50.

Bogatyr 3: No, it's better to call a friend right away.

Commission: Who will we call?

Bogatyr 3: We will call the wisest of the wisest!

Bogatyr 1: The most responsive of the responsive!

Bogatyr 2: Our beloved ()

Commission: ________________, you will have 30 seconds to help your heroes answer the question.

(_________________ suggests: B is a graduate)

Bogatyrs (in chorus): Graduate!

Commission: That's right...Part "A" completed. Go to part "B".

Commission: You must accurately answer the question: “Who or what is it about?”

(Further development events, see separate printout)

Captain: - Yes, a dangerous island. In order to get out of it, how much mind and knowledge must be left here. Is the team ready to sail?

Team: Ready!

Captain: Raise the sails! Full speed ahead! (Ringing sound)

5 block

Cook: - Captain, let me report. Our cabin boy has a stomachache. He ate all the fish left over from dinner. I gave him the most popular drug in our school, the charcoal pill. Does not help. Maybe there is a specialist among the passengers.

Captain: - We are just sailing up to the "Safe" bay. Judging by the name, there should be people who will not only teach him how to eat right, but also teach discipline and make a real person out of him.

(come up with a motive for the words)

1st passenger: -If suddenly there is a tsunami,

2nd passenger: - Or the thunder will wake you up,

3 - passenger: - Or you will fall under the train,

4th passenger: - Or a hedgehog will prick you,
5th passenger: - You run quickly to the glass,

Pour yourself 100 grams

tasty, healthy,

6th passenger: - To grow without stopping,

Juice from a simple carrot!

1st passenger: - If you catch a cold,

2nd passenger: - Or suddenly you will sneeze,

3 - passenger: - Or you fall from the balcony,

4th passenger: - Or marry unbearably,

5th passenger: -You do not hesitate even an hour -

6th passenger: - Drink pineapple juice!

1st passenger: - If something suddenly happens,

2nd passenger: - Remember what you studied:

3 - passenger: -Take the automatic machine in your hand

4th passenger: - And take it apart twenty times!

5th passenger: - The result will surpass everything -

6th passenger: - And the infection will disappear!

Song to the melody "Belle" from "Notre Dame de Paris"

We ... We are again standing in gas masks,

All because the Gaza team is back!

The world is completely different through the misted glass,

The valves are closed, and we are not well.

And on the edge of consciousness one thought beats:

"I want to go home!

And I don't need an A!

No, you can’t give free rein to your cowardice,

After all, if you believe the strict logic of things:

Alexander Ivanovich in military affairs God.

We will give a hell of a soul for your lesson ...

Captain (to Koku): - Report on the state of Yoongi's health.

Cook: - Everything is fine, only weakness in the muscles is observed.

Captain: - So, I order him to assign physical activity to strengthen the muscles.

Song to the motive "Disco Crash" "Malinka"

And we've been here a hundred times in the gym, all day long

And even the whole evening

And when the guys invited me here today

Would stay forever!

Dumbbells, mufflers,

Rackets and ropes

Take your feet in your hands

And jump, jump, jump, jump, jump..

Quit smoking

Don't eat jam

Healthy lifestyle

It won't hurt you!

Girl: For the safety of our health!

Young man: - For maintaining a healthy body!

Girl: - For military and political training!

Young man: _We say "Thank you very much" to the OBZh teachers: Alexander Ivanovich Lazarev and

Batraks Evgenia Valerievna

Girl: - And also to Valery Stanislavovich Oreshko - physical education teacher.


Passenger: - Captain, captain! Look, something is peeking through the fog. Maybe this is our island, where orders are read out?

Captain: - No. These are two islands where very literate people live, who honor and preserve their history and traditions. Respect the laws of other countries. We would do well to pay them tribute.

Song to the melody "This is how the world works" Dima Bilan

Pro famous people

Of course, you may not know

But their roots

We shouldn't forget

We will know well

About someone else's and one's own

We will live history

How is it

All memorize

Answer! Tell!

How to remember it all

Stalin, Lenin and Khrushchev

The truth will always be needed

Just believe, you need a hostel

We are in a hurry to politics

We will complete the tests

No choice

And we will find the answer.

Song to the melody "Call me with you"

Girl: All notes were written and listened to you -

Boy: I didn't listen!

Girls: How much important legally read for us -

Young man: And I listened!

All: So why are we standing in front of you now

With your head down?

Apparently, we are bound by fate!

Chorus: You called us behind you

In historical distance.

Finally we are with you

Democracy is known.

You called to where we are

Know your right

Where are the laws and dreams

Regain the power of height!

Young man: - You taught us the laws

Girl: - Now we know them and honor them.

Young man: - Thank you for this!

Girl: - And we give Bouquets! Golovko Olga Germanovna,

Young man: - Abatulina Irina Vyacheslavovna and Troshenkova Lidia Nikolaevna


Captain: - Attention crew and passengers. We are entering a zone of poor understanding and pronunciation.

The inhabitants of these lands speak a little-known language. Please manifest

vigilance and care.

Boatswain: - Don't worry, captain. We have a passenger who knows the dialect of these people.

Song to the motive of Verka Serduchka

I will go abroad to swim, sunbathe,

Remember foreign lessons with love.

I will speak English fluently

Avas that taught

Thank you always.

We love you very much my dear teacher

Thank you much and goodbye my dear teacher

Young man: - Exactly, I remembered. Thank you is thanks.

Girl: So we say Thank you very much: Vera Alexandrovna Kankova and Natalya Gennadievna Savenko


Passenger: - Look, look. Something is floating overboard.

Passenger: - How is it something. These are powder packs, brooms and mops.

Boatswain: - Not in order. It is urgent to call for help from the chief specialist in order and

This service is so dangerous and difficult in its own way,

ACHCH in the common people is called it.

Without it, unwashed windows, ugly floors,

And all breakfasts, lunches are like transcendental dreams.

And today, as a prayer, we tell you, without melting,

All great health and wonderful life!

6 block

Cook: - Interestingly, breakfast has passed, lunch has not yet arrived, but it smells like something delicious.

Boatswain: - Nothing surprising. We sail through Cape Joy of the Belly. It always smells delicious here.

Song to the motive "Good girls"

We love cutlets, pasta,

We also love pizza, cucumbers and pie.

You will always meet friendly faces in the dining room,

And happy, happy you go to the lesson.

Thank you so much we will tell you today

For delicious dumplings, vinaigrettes and borscht.

You helped a lot in our educational life

The road to graduation is not easy.

Young man: - And you know, captain, in your difficult voyage, all the employees of our school helped you tirelessly, sometimes imperceptibly, and sometimes tangibly.

Girl: - And for that we are immensely grateful. And we say "thank you so much"

Song to the motive of Y. Antonov "I'll walk along the Abrikosovaya"

There are different professions, very important for the school,

And they all left an indelible mark.

Thank you reliable, thank you brave AVM,

Without you, we would not have been able to survive for so many years.

When your tummy hurts, run immediately to the doctor,

And if you burr, a speech therapist will help.

The soul hurts - to the psychologist, and the teeth - to the dentist,

The social pedagogue will give sensible advice to parents.

The caretaker repairs everything, everything functions with her,

The maintenance staff tirelessly cleans up.

And laboratory assistants experiments, they will prepare experiments for us,

The librarian will give the book, and I will read it.

Girl: - There are just not enough words to express my gratitude to everyone

Who helped us all these years to study successfully and prepare for exams.

Young man: - Forgive us if we did not return the books on time or lost them: Goreva Lidia Afanasievna and Gavrilenko Galina Mikhailovna

Girl: Forgive us if we went without a shift and threw garbage past the trash can, our dear technical staff.

Young man: - Thank you to our understanding and patient psychologists and speech therapists:

Girl: - To doctors, dentists, we express our gratitude and appreciation for the fact that they tirelessly dragged us into their offices and fought to preserve our


Passenger: - You hear, music is playing somewhere.

Passenger: - It seems to be a waltz.

Captain: - Right. This is a good old waltz, and this is a sure landmark that we are approaching the Farewell Waltz Bay

Song to the tune "Sevastopol Waltz"

Our last call

Alumni will remember Children dancing the waltz

Can we forget you

School days lights.

Let's go to school again

Oh how the years fly by

Our sweet home does not age

From the love of all children!

Dear school waltz

Our childhood is gone

We found in this life, friends,

The Golden Fleece!

Knowledge is an eternal country,

You are always precious!

We live in a complex world.

And there are losses

But we will always find in our school

The word "conscience" and "honor".

Here we will be understood and forgiven,

Dear children!

Passenger: - Where is our island?

Where are we sailing?

Perhaps his

Will we ever find?

Passenger: - (looks through binoculars) - I see him, look, he is in the distance.

Ships are sailing towards it from different directions.

The captain appears.

Captain: Get on the line!

Team, take it easy! Pull up!

At the words of the command, all the passengers of the ship run out.

Captain: Attention! All hands on deck! Alignment to the left! Get ready to meet the locals of Hope Island! We are greeted by the leader of the local tribe of administrators Director _____________________________

Young man: - Like the captain of a big ship,

On the captain's bridge you stand permanently,

Girl: - And to the pier named Earth

You will surely lead us through the storms.

Young man: - Behind you, like behind a stone wall:

Help fix problems.

For the leadership of the school country

Girl: - At this holiday, we will all say thank you.

A word from the school principal

Girl: - The director, like the captain, has assistants. With them he is not afraid

no checks, no parents, no children.

Young man: - You watched, you supervised us

All the years spent here at school.

We felt your master's eye,

That I saw disorder and adversity.

Girl: - How does the remote control set the rocket,

So in your strict office

Science is looking for a way to learn

And the schedule - to the deadline.

Young man: - And so that the process is full,

And so that there is no excess,

Lessons so that without interruption,

And many, many more.

Song to the melody "How many good girls"

There are three good teachers.

Help - just call.

It's good that they are worried

My school problems, as well as my own ...

They know all the answers

Do not hide sin from them.

And forgive our foolishness.

How can we live without their care,

Don't forget them.

Head teacher, but you do not want peace,

Even when life is so hard sometimes.

Head teacher, you are near, what happiness!

Thank you, head teacher. We wish you to be happy.

Girl: - We thank you - Natalya Valentinovna, Tatyana Anatolyevna and Olga Germanovna, for your attention, understanding and support.


Girl: This is how it is with us,

What will the order be read now:

Who is admitted to the exams for the 11th grade.

Young man: - The Deputy Director for Academic and Educational Work __________________________ is invited to the stage to read the order for admission to the final exams!

Final song "Closing the Circle"

Here is one of those stories.

about which people argue

And not a day, not two, but many years.

It started out so simple:

We all reached for the stars

And we were able to find the answer to everything.

Why was our world created?

And why do the stars shine

Sending light from afar.

How do we come into this world?

Why are we leaving now?

We wanted to know for sure.

Closing the circle, you will suddenly look at the school,

There you will see in the windows the light shining after us.

Let it rain, do not expect past troubles from them.

The stones of the passed roads managed to break through the sprout.

We grew up year after year

So arranged by nature,

And although we were sometimes naughty,

You forgave us a lot

And they called for them on the road.

The ball is over, the candles went out -

This is our graduation party.

We will find our own way in life.

Now we're parting

We'll be back in ten years

And we will bring our children to you.

Girl: - Well, that's all, the lesson is over

Never repeat it to us!

Open your ears and listen

The sound of the last call.

Girl: - The most sad, disturbing and cheerful.

Our last call will sound now.

Let's not leave school yet.

But one foot stepped over the threshold.

Shh - the graduates solemnly fell silent,

Wiped away the tears quietly mom ...

There are different calls in life,

Now the most important will sound,

The very last call in your life.

Young man: - The most solemn minute of our holiday is coming.

The right to give the "Last Call" is granted to the student (ce) 11 ___ class

And a student of 1______ class

(bell rings)

Girl: The ball is a symbol of childhood, with which you part today ...

The ball is your innermost dream... Make a wish and may it come true... Dear graduates, parents and teachers. We ask you to go to the porch of the school in order to launch balloons.


Last call

"Flying ship"

Safronova Elena Gennadievna

Place of work, position MOU "School No. 156", Kazan, teacher of Russian language and literature and teacher of physics.

Musical arrangement:

The song "My school bell", music. V. Rutashevsky

Words by E. Gorbanskaya

Song "City of childhood" Music. Gilkuson. T

Words by R. Rozhdestvensky

Song "On the French side" music. D. Tukhmanova

Words by L. Ginzburg

The song “How unhappy we are princesses” and “I am a water one”

Words by Y. Entin, music by M. Dunaevsky

The script uses music from the film "The Flying Ship" by M. Dunayevsky and music by Igor Kornelyuk "The City That Doesn't Exist"

Poems from the collections are used:

Kumitskaya "Scenarios of the last calls"

V. A. Lobacheva "Classic and non-traditional graduation parties"

"The World of Last Calls and Proms"

The event is dedicated to alumni of the school.

Venue: school auditorium

Decoration: The stage is decorated with balloons, posters, a flying ship and the inscription "Last call" on the back stage curtain.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, screen.

Event progress

Target: show the creative abilities of students, leave a pleasant impression of the school.

1 slide

2 slide

1 leader. Again spring in the world 3 slide

On the school joyful planet.

2 leader. Nature comes alive again

Ringing, blooming, fragrant.

1 leader. And this is a miracle in our hall:

What kind of people we have gathered here!

2 leader. Here is a sea of ​​​​smart, clean eyes,

1 leader. Here youth enchants us.

2 leader. Here the souls are full of expectation,

1 leader. Love by an unexpected confession.

2 leader. Soars solemnly with excitement,

1 leader. And finally, the intro sounds

2 leader. They have been waiting for this motive for a long time

1 leader. These are graduates! They are…

Together. Before you!!! 4 slide

Music sounds. Graduates enter

2 leader. 5 slide

Hello dear boys and girls! Yes Yes! This is how our teachers have addressed us every morning, in spring, winter and autumn, in recent years. Every day six times we got up from our desks, greeting them… We asked a thousand questions and received a thousand answers. We solved problems and wrote cheat sheets...

1 leader. And now this is all coming to an end. You can breathe a sigh of relief - now no one will call you to the blackboard at the most inopportune moment, no one will make a remark for the lack of changeable shoes ... In a few minutes, the last bell in our school life will ring for us. The floor is given to the director of the school ...

2 leader. 6 slideTime goes on inexorably... It seems that it was a very long time ago, when we timidly and uncertainly entered the first class.

1 leader. Years passed, we grew up, and now - the end of school ...

2 leader. 7 slide

How many winters, how many years have passed since then,

But we are back in the familiar school yard,

A poplar leaf falls to the ground timidly,

And I feel like I'm walking into a fairy tale.

1 leader. Here one parent is eager to speak, let's give him the floor.

The king enters. 8 slide

Tsar. I am the king of the Far Far Away kingdom, the Far Far Away state. 11 years ago, I sent my daughter Zabava here to study, and today I want to congratulate her on her successful completion of her studies. Fun!

Fun runs.

Fun. Here I am, you are my father!

Tsar. 9 slide Enough, daughter, to be weird,

It's time to get married.

Groom in store for you -

Top class and top class!

Hey, Polkash, come out

Look at the princess.

Polkan comes out.

He is both famous and rich.

Not a groom, but just a treasure!

He faithfully serves me, the king,

And his salary is great.

Fun. 10 slide I don't want to get married, dad

And not the main thing is the salary.

All my friends are here

They enter the institute.

I've been dreaming since childhood

The local university!

Tsar. Yes, you are obviously joking, daughter!

You will marry, period!

I'm old, the hour is uneven,

I will leave you with God.

And your husband will be king,

Autocrat, sovereign!

Fun. I won't marry him!

Tsar. Then you won't get out of here!

Staged the song “How unfortunate princesses we are” 11 slide

During the chorus, he throws things around.

Tsar. I took out all the dowry.

The princess sings the song "Ticket to Childhood" 12 slide

Fun. I remember my school years.

I want to stay there forever

To run to the lesson, having heard the ringing of the bell.

And chat with your girlfriends, of course,

I want to return to the light class,

Sit down at a desk and have a little chat.

And remember how the very first time

The school road opened in front of me.

Camping, parties and pranks -

All this school, fun time.

And for the last time we realized right away,

We are leaving school forever.

Ivan appears.

Staged the song "On the French side" in the form of a dance.(He sits at the table, bored. The girls take turns bringing him books, forcing him to read. He pushes the books aside and is bored further. At the end, he throws the books off the table) 13 slide

Vania. 14 slide I'll get you out of here, and we'll go to university together.

Fun. How will you get me out, Vanya?

Vania. 15 slide Let me build a flying ship.

Fun (shouting). I will only marry someone who builds a flying ship!

Tsar (Polkan). Will you build?

Polkan. I will buy!

Song "Dream"

I wish for blue skies 16 slide

Bright sun, warm bread.

So that everyone enters any university,

And the way to our school, so you don't forget.


Ah, if my dream came true

What life would then be!

Ah, if the dream came true

What life would then begin!

And here I wish, standing here with you,

So that people in the world live a dream.

And people believed in a good deed,

And the heart so that everyone sings with joy.


We wish everyone good luck, luck,

And all the teachers have a lot of patience. 17 slide

Rather, on the road - the whole world is in front of us, 18 slide

And we ourselves will catch the blue bird.


Vania. Well, I'll go find out how I can build a flying ship.

Idea, sees a group of guys.

And I'll ask them now. 19 slide

2 leader. These are ordinary students

But fabulous school.

similar to you

But not like that.

Similar in age

But others.

They didn't like to study very much.

But they wanted to achieve a lot in life.

1 leader. The children did not yet know

What brings joy only in the world,

What is hard-earned

And it's headed for good.

And our fairy tale begins with

How children dream in the spring at school.

1st Why are you so gloomy?

What lesson do you have?

2nd I was at the disco yesterday

And now I'm nothing.

3rd And now we have a window

I don't care at all...

If there were no protection,

I would have gone to the movies!

4th Here's something to dream about!

You have to think about who to become.

5th What is there to think - a deputy!

Anyone can be this...

Just go to the podium

And it's hard for people to lie.

1st So what?

2nd Well, what about power?

And you can eat well.

3rd And I will become a firm.

I don't care about MP.

I will drive in a Mercedes

And don't think about anything.

I'll take care of myself,

Girls - a whole round dance,

I will go to the Canaries

Vacation there all year long!

4th Beauty is power

She will understand everyone.

I organize a salon

Cosmetic services.

1st Money, power and beauty -

And almost effortlessly...

Well, while I'm in flight,

I'm thinking while...

5th You don't have to suffer, do you?

You can become an artist.

You don't leave the stage

That's why you shouldn't get down.

3rd Become a pop star

Maybe even mute.

Open your mouth wide

The phonogram will sing everything.

2nd Ah, selfish people you are!

You would have money and honor,

Therefore, in our Russia

Grooms ahead.

Here to find a spouse

I don't get a damn thing.

foreign man

A girl's soul yearns.

They leave.

Vania. Yes...these are unlikely to help. Nothing to do but move on.

He walks and stumbles. 20 slide

Ah ah ah!

Water. What are you making noise?

Vania. Who are you?

Water. I am water.

Dramatization of the song "I am a water" 21 slide

Vania. And how I want to fly! Merman, don't you know how to build a flying ship?

Water. Okay, I'll help you, Vanya. You need to contact your teachers, they will help.

Graduates. 22 slide

If there were no teacher

That would not have been, probably

Neither a poet nor a thinker,

Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.

And we would not be Icarus,

We would never soar into the sky,

If in us his efforts

Wings were not grown.

Without him, a good heart

The world was not so amazing.

That's why we're so precious

The name of our teacher.

We are in the classroom, maybe not often

You were greeted with a show of hands,

But on this day there are many beautiful words

The students want to tell you.

Let the years pass by

With teachers, life is always new,

And serve as a guiding star

We have wise words in our life.

Your experience, knowledge, generosity and participation

Leave a generous trace in our souls.

Teacher's happiness builds up

From our student victories.

The song "School time" sounds 23 slide

Here comes this morning

The last bell is ringing for us.

Tears will be hard to hold back

But life is arranged wisely

The last lesson of life does not end.


School time

And in all weather

A cheerful bell greeted us at the door.

We will never forget about school

Let's not forget classes and teachers.

Our notebooks and books 24 slide

We don't have long to read.

Let the boy wait for us

We're too busy

He didn't have long to wait.


School time

And in all weather

We have to take exams in the morning.

And suddenly it hurt so much

Leave the alleys of the native yard.

Vania. Why am I so worried, because I was taught a lot at school. So I will build a flying ship myself. 25 slide

Fragment from m / f "Flying Ship". Ship building. 26 slide

Vania. 27 slide I built a flying ship. Now we need to learn the cherished words so that the ship will fly. Maybe these funny girls know.

Chastushki Babok-hedgehogs. 28 slide

Let's sing ditties now

Ah, about the school years.

10 years is not a toy for you

Childhood you are free.

So we came to the 1st grade,

The teacher met us here.

They ran, they ran,

All on "5" studied.

Three years have passed

Here comes the 5th grade, hooray!

We are still cute

Tumbler dolls.

Suddenly the millennium has arrived

He called us to the new age.

We still dreamed

What awaits us, we do not know.

10th grade has arrived.

Here love twisted us.

Should be learning

But we want to get married.

We slept all year together.

Eh, you are school childhood.

We don't want to study.

Here we stand happy.

They run away.

Vania. Wow, I listened, and did not have time to ask! What are the babies? And they're probably first graders. They are so smart now, they know everything. 29 slide

First graders.

In life 11th grade

We are escorting now

And we give you goodbye

Our first order.

May you be good fellows from the picture,

Let the hairstyles be too fashionable

And the forty-fifth is on your shoes,

But you still have to listen to us!

You worked with a computer

I solved the equations

But once "two plus eight"

You counted on your fingers!

Remember how you wrote hooks,

He drew a large oval,

Tongue movement of the pen

Slowly repeated.

You and I have completed our studies.

We go for a walk, and it's time for you to take exams ...

Wish us good fun.

We wish you:

Together. Break a leg!

We want you not to forget

Our school and your last lesson,

On which in this school hall

Your last call will ring.

We wish you to walk through life boldly,

We wish everyone to find happiness.

Let it come true. What everyone wanted

Together. On the road, friend! Bon Voyage!

Graduate. Dear our 1st class,

We thank you for everything.

We give goodbye books

And we give this order:

To get up on time

Ran to school on time

So that you don't go astray

And they didn't get lost anywhere.

And one more tip:

Take care of our school

And love your teachers!

Vania. And what about sacred words? Maybe our parents can help me? 30 slide


1. We still have to say at this hour

About those who gave us life,

2. About the closest people in the world,

About those who helped grow

And it will help a lot.

3. Parents follow us invisibly

And in joy, and at the hour when trouble came,

4. They seek to protect us from sorrows,

But, alas, we do not always understand them.

5. Forgive us, dear relatives,

After all, there are no people more valuable than you.

6. As they say, children are the joy in life,

And you for us...

Everybody. Support in it!

2 leader. The floor is given to the parents.

The song "Oh, mother, mother"

First class with flowers

Mom and I went to school

We were so worried, everything was new to us:

First grades, copybook and meetings

So they recruited

Little by little knowledge

So they recruited

Little by little knowledge


Oh, mother, mother, I am already seven years old. (I am many years old)

Years have passed, youth has come.

Here he graduated from school, life scored with a key.

The days will fly, the wedding and diapers,

Nowhere without mom, dear girls.


And mother, mother, will give me advice,

"Where are you, little one? The world is full of troubles.

“Ah, mother, mother, I am no longer small

Oh, mother, mother, I am many years old.

Vania. Well, as always, you have to go to the class teachers. 31 slide


Our school teachers!

We treat you like parents!

But especially dear to us

Our awesome leaders!

You have always been with us.

We brought you sorrows and joys.

And sometimes we upset you

And did not see your fatigue.

We grew up before your eyes

Grow up and get a little wiser!

But over the years you have become for us

Only closer, clearer, dearer.

Today we say goodbye to you

Whether our path is near or far,

We want you to remember

This is the last call!

Vania. 32 slide Natalya Anatolyevna, Elena Gennadievna, tell me the cherished words!

Class leaders.

Vania. Thank you for your help!

Tsar. Polkan, you see, Ivan got ahead of you, he built a flying ship. And your money didn't help you either. Don't be king!

Polkan. What am I, what am I...

Tsar That's what I thought, maybe Zabava is right. Maybe she really should achieve everything herself, not relying on her father. Let him go to study.


Have you been taught to be birds?

Birds soaring over the sea

Birds with magical faces

Pure, tall and proud.

Vanya and Fun: School, goodbye! Good luck!

Class leaders. 34 slide

A flying ship flies across the blue sky:

If you want - higher, if you want - faster -

Command, don't be afraid

Fly and look!

And how many more are ahead of you!

What are you afraid of on the free path?

35 slide Think it's rain

36 slide - Think snow!

37 slide - Thunderstorm for a minute,

38 slide - And the sun forever!

39 slide - Let it be a warm ray

And a clear spark in silence

May you remember for a long time

These school days.

1 leader. 40 slide Today is a fine and gentle day,

Today is not an easy day.

Summer smells of flowers and fairy tales.

The sun is in the sky like a golden ball.

2 leader. This day is full of mysteries for us,

And looking forward to it

To those who hear stealthily

Childhood farewell call. 41 slide

2 leader. Today the guys will make their own

From childhood to youth step.

For you, our graduates

The last call sounds.

The bell rings. 42 slide


43 slide - We say, a little worried:

“Childhood has flown by, hello Life!”

44 slide - Now we will remember more than once that kind planet,

Where sunrises meet with rays of eyes.

45 slide - Where are the sunny dreams;

46 slide - Where are the star paths;

Where chuckles and sadness are heard in the songs;

47 slide - Where they believe in magic and are friends with miracles;

Where fairy tales in reality come to visit themselves.

48 slide - Where the clouds are not visible;

Where from smiles closely.

49 slide - Sailing dreams

Everybody. Our childhood is over!

Final song to the melody of I. Kornelyuk "The city that does not exist" 50 slide

Ten years ago we came here

Mom and dad took us to school.

And there were a lot of problems around us.

Here, in one moment, childhood flashed by,

We didn't succeed all at once.

Day after day, step by step,

And not knowing what future life is waiting for us.


Here the bell rang for us.

He helped us to know the truth.

We now have many roads

And all this is the school of life.

We have all been waiting for this day and hour,

And now we sing only for you.

We want to tell you today about

That for us was always our second school house.