Writing sales scripts over the phone. Ready-made sales scripts: templates for cold calling. Algorithm for creating a sales script

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Many small businesses, when selling their goods or services, use scripts - variant scenarios of a conversation with a client, which prescribe what the seller should say depending on the answers or objections of the interlocutor. In some companies, scripts are created on their own, in others they are ordered to professionals. Alexander Shikinov, sales director of Mango Telecom, spoke about how to successfully work with scripts in his column.

39 years old, company sales director "Mango Telecom"- leader Russian market virtual PBX. Graduated from Vladimir State University. In 2001-2010, he worked at Runa (one of the largest players in the field of legal consulting), where he worked his way up from line manager to head of sales. In 2011, he began working at Mango Telecom as the head of the sales department. In his current position since 2013.

Rule one:
the script should be written by a professional

Small companies often face a situation where scripts for sales managers are written not by the person who communicates more with customers, but by the one who knows the product or service better. The result is a not very viable design. Because it is not based on the practice of real negotiations.

It is more expedient to entrust the creation of the script to someone who works directly with customers and knows what these people say when they are approached with a specific proposal, what and how they object, which explanations they will understand and which ones they will not, and so on.

Rule two: the script should help
at all stages of the sale

Whether it is just preparation for the sale (greeting or "diagnostics") or directly offering a product or service. Even at the "low start" - at the very beginning of the conversation - the seller must clearly understand where to start the conversation and what may arouse interest in a particular client.

When working with a script, creating a kind of “client card” containing the most complete information about the client will help. Naturally, the seller must be immediately ready for a quick rejection. And a good script will help answer almost any customer objection that this product or service does not suit him.

Rule three:
the most important thing in a script is how they work with it

If the script was simply handed out to sellers and not explained how to use it, this is the wrong approach. The manager should have a clear understanding that his task is not to learn the lines by heart and give them to the client “on the machine”. The script is a structure, not literature. The script is like a map of the area you need to go through. When the seller simply reads the script to the client, the client feels it.

The script will work effectively only if the manager says himself, "without a piece of paper." That is, at any particular moment, he clearly understands at what stage of the negotiations he is, sees what separates him from the goal, and chooses the words that fit best. Naturally, within the framework of the script's intent.

If the script says “What does not suit you in the current solution?”, And the seller changes the words in this question and asks it a little differently, based on the general style of conversation with a particular client (for example, “What do you not like now?” ) is just good and right.

Rule four:
script execution must be controlled

Unfortunately, over time, sellers begin to move away from the script. The scenario is well known to them, repeated hundreds of times and flies off the teeth. Therefore, it gets a little boring and the illusion appears that the manager already knows the sales technology better than some distant and unknown compiler of the script. And this is where things can go wrong.

Therefore, you must constantly monitor the execution of the script. If you're working with a script builder, it's best to choose one that allows you to match a given conversation script with a recording. So you will immediately understand which fragment of the conversation recording you need to play, and control will take much less time than normal selective listening.

Rule five: a script is a "living organism",
which can and should be corrected

In any script - even purchased from professionals - sooner or later it will be necessary to make changes. If at some point in one of its “branches” the client began to “leave” in 80% of cases, then the script needs to be urgently corrected.

It is desirable to involve ordinary sellers in this work. Those who are "in the field" will help you not to miss important details. In addition, in this way, “salespeople” will also begin to feel their involvement in the process, and then they will not perceive the scripts as something lowered by them from above.

One of the main ingredients good sales this is a good script. Despite the fact that most companies work with different target audiences and sell completely different products and services, the communication rules are the same for everyone. Most companies undertake to make scripts themselves and after the managers do not make the result, they come to the conclusion that the managers or the product are bad, but, often, the point is in the script. Today we will give an example of a universal script template that fits most projects. When used correctly, the conversion can increase significantly.

1) Secretary bypass block

We have a rule in the company, according to which you can instantly determine the quality of the script. If the secretary bypass block is specified in the script, the script is bad. It's simple - to get around the secretary, you can not be a "salesman". If you start explaining to the secretary all the benefits of your product, you have lost. The secretary, who receives 137 calls every day, has his own laconic script: “Thank you. All offers to the mail indicated on the site. If the management needs to buy something, the secretary looks for it himself. He absolutely does not care what benefits you bring and what benefits you promise. So just look for a way not to lie, but also not to show your intentions to sell. Break the pattern in any way, until you are sure that you are communicating with the decision maker * (decision maker).

Example: Selling our sales outsourcing services

Manager: - Hello, hello. Secretary: - Hello, Prostonyashino, how can I help you? Manager: - You have a vacancy at HeadHuntere. Position Sales Manager. With whom can I clarify the terms of employment? Secretary: - One second, I'm connecting.

Bypassed the system, cracked the password, ours are in the enemy's camp.

2) Greeting

Manager: - Good afternoon, *COMPANY NAME*, *MANAGER NAME*. How can I contact you? Possible decision maker: - Valery. Manager: - Tell me, are you responsible in the company for *insert what you need* Confirmed decision maker: - Yes, what did you want?

It is very important in the first seconds to confirm that the decision maker is the decision maker and to find out his name. Otherwise, at the end, when contact has been established and he agrees to cooperate, it will be embarrassing to ask.

3) We confirm the demand and establish the existence of a problem

It is necessary to confirm the demand, and not to convey the offer. Even before you start offering something, you need to close the person's access to the opportunity to refuse and establish primary contact with him. All this must be done exclusively by ASKING QUESTIONS. Questions should be simple, to which you know that it is possible to answer only yes. You need to confirm with the person that he needs your product that solves his problem. 2-3 questions are enough, the first of which is from Captain Obvious.

Example when selling a pen:

Manager: - Tell me, do you write with a pen? LPR: - Yes. Manager: - Do you write with a pen quite often or occasionally? LPR: - Often, what do you want to offer? Manager: - If you write with a pen, then you have it periodically ends, and you need to go and buy a new one? DMP: - Right, what did you want?

I think everything is clear here, but for those who don’t, call and we will explain)

4) Suggest a solution to the problem

Based on the questions, you smoothly move to the point of a proposal that helps solve a problem that the person has already confirmed the existence of. No one will ever admit that he lied, so your interlocutor can no longer deny the need for a solution to the problem. This means that the proposal will not face the objection "we do not need anything" and you will be listened to. The main thing to remember here is that brevity is the sister of talent. So your sentence should be as short as possible and explain exactly how it solves the problem. You can read more about how to properly prepare an offer in ours.

5) Promotion/special offer

To make an offer workable here and now, use leverage. Classical examples are well suited here: the opportunity to try the product before paying, a 50% discount that is valid for only a couple of days, etc. By creating urgency and time limits, we speed up the decision-making, otherwise it can drag on for a long time, and we really don’t want this.

A similar technique was actively used on landing pages, setting counters for the stock countdown (and someone is setting them up now), but recently this almost does not work on landing pages.

6) Reconfirmation of demand

It is necessary to remind the DM of his own words. The fact that at the beginning of the conversation he himself confirmed the existence of a problem now gives us a serious trump card. You ask the same questions over and over and get the same answers over and over again. In fact, you are forcing him to admit that he needs what you have offered him.

If in paragraph 3 we asked questions on the topic of interest in buying at a better price and we were confirmed. Then after voicing the action, we ask something like this:

"You said you were interested in better terms of purchase, right?"

Think at your leisure how you would "dodge" such a phrase and offer something of your own.

7) Dealing with objections

The last window through which the client can get out is the work with objections. Simulate all the nuances and prescribe answers to the client’s possible questions to the manager in advance. This part depends solely on the knowledge of the materiel and on whether the manager has the right arguments.

8) Manager

Even the best offer aimed at a specific target audience may not bring any results if the manager does not know how to present it correctly. If you want to kill the beast, you need a hunter, not a shepherd. One competent salesperson will bring you more profit than 10 female students working for results. You can grow a professional, but it takes effort, money and time. Or you can hire someone who is ready for outsourcing. Here you choose between what you really want - save more or earn more;)

And finally, an example of a complete script for cold calling and offering the services of our company (forgive me, those who do not like text formatting, the functionality here is far from Word):

Secretary bypass

Good afternoon! I found an ad on the Internet about the vacancy of a sales manager. With whom you can communicate about the vacancy and clarify the conditions of employment.

Switches to LPR

Good afternoon, my name is Konstantin, Seurus company. How can I contact you?*

Customer response

(It is necessary to confirm that his managers are not perfect. What could be better. At the same time, one cannot say that they are bad) Do you have sales managers? Do you think your sales managers are working to the maximum or can they be even better?

Customer response

Would you like your sales managers to work for results? OUR COMPANY is engaged in hiring remote sales managers who are already trained and experienced in various products and services. Are you satisfied with the quality of your sales managers? Do your managers work for salary or results?

Customer response

We work on a balance payment system. 35,000 rubles balance, which is spent on three areas:
FIRST: Creating a database: that is, searching for companies from the target audience on the Internet 10-20 rubles. for contact. SECOND: Creation of the project 15,000 rubles. Writing a selling script, training a manager, determining an effective target audience. THIRD: The result is a customer interested in buying. I mean, we will find out from you who the hot client is and assign a reward for him. In the future, the work goes solely for the result. No wages and living pants. Only sales. Only hardcore. If the payment is made this month, we are ready to launch your project in 2 days.

Customer response

You said yourself that you can sell better. We are ready to demonstrate it to you. Our managers are the best in their field and have vast experience in this area. Let me send you a contract and you take a closer look at the conditions. Will I call you tomorrow and answer all your questions?

Client Consent

Work with objections

We have our own managers, everything suits!

Everything is relative. Do you think that it is impossible to sell better than your managers and your company gets the maximum profit?

My managers sell perfectly and the profit is at the maximum!

Well, let your managers handle the interested clients we bring in! After all, they know your product in detail, and we will bring hot customers - ready to buy.

We have a specific product!

We sell everything from website development to diesel generators! If we have sold equipment for water utilities, then we will be able to sell your product. The main thing for you is to confirm the interest in your product. You can tell about your product without us. Our job is to get you interested!

How many calls can be made per day?

It all depends on the project! An average of 100 calls, you yourself understand that the sale of honey is different from the sale of real estate.

*If interest is confirmed, transfer the contact to the supervisor for further processing.*

In general, that's all! On the one hand - everything is simple, but on the other - not quite) Do not listen to the "couch experts", and if you are not sure whether you are doing everything right - better call Seurus! - seurus.com

May the profit be with you!

Good sales scriptsby 80% increase the probability of a successful closing of the transaction, and the consequence. We talk about the algorithm for their construction, give examples of effective scripts and show what IT solution will simplify the process of using them, testing, changing and training managers.

Any sale is a communication with a client. And this process must be regulated, tested and preferably automated. For great sales, you need a conversation pattern - a sequence of questions / suggestions from the manager and possible responses from customers.

Why sales scripts are needed:

  1. To achieve the goal - to sell a product or service.
  2. To increase the conversation into a deal
  3. To gain experience in communicating with clients from your field
  4. To be ready to answer any customer questions
  5. So that sales do not depend on the mood, skills of a particular manager
  6. To speed up the training process for new managers
  7. To control the work of managers

Algorithm for creating a sales script

Step 1. Preparation

Purpose of the call . Depending on what you are selling, decide what action or reaction the manager should get from the client. Not all goods and services are sold immediately and over the phone. As a goal, you can get a visit to your office to further explain the benefits or introduce the team. You can invite to a tour of the facilities if you sell real estate. You can invite a client to your webinar or conference. Or for starters, it will be enough for you that he left you an email and a mobile phone number.

Client portrait. Determine who your target audience is: men / women, age, income, field of activity, involvement in social networks, etc. Next, evaluate whether this is a decision maker in the company or not, whether it is possible to reach the client directly or only through the secretary.

Study the competitors. Analyze how your competitors talk on the phone or in the store. Use the mystery shopper method to understand how they present the product, what benefits they emphasize, how they respond to objections, how they react to different words or actions. Pay attention to what tricks, chips, methods of persuasion they use.

Product Knowledge . It is very important to clearly understand what product you are selling, what problems it solves, what advantages it has, how it differs from competitors, why your offer is unique, what types of product there are, how much you can adapt it to each client.

For example, you are selling several properties at once or apartments/houses with different layouts. Your managers should clearly understand which of the objects may be better suited for a particular buyer. Having found out the composition of his family, the age of the children, the desire for infrastructure, proximity to the city center, he must know what is the best option to offer. And organize a viewing of the object that best meets the requirements of the client.

The freedom of action. Determine how flexible your sales script can be. There are businesses with strong performance standards (banks, insurance companies, telecommunications companies). Their managers, as a rule, offer a specific service. The script of their conversation does not allow you to take a step to the right or left.

But there is another approach. When you need to adapt to the answers of the interlocutor. They need a “fish” of the sales script so that the manager does not deviate from the goal and does not forget to ask the most important questions. But at the same time, he has freedom in words and product offering.

Step 2: Scripting

Approach to writing a sales script.

Who and how can create a script:

Sales scripts: brief instructions

Let's briefly talk about the algorithm for creating a sales script. At the preparatory stage, you should:

  • determine the purpose of the script - what result the employee should achieve with its help
  • clarify the portrait of the target audience, taking into account demographic, geographical and social factors
  • analyze competitors' scripts using the "mystery shopper" technique
  • clearly know the product - characteristics, what problems it solves, what are the advantages and benefits for the client
  • agree on the flexibility of the script - how much the manager can deviate from the speech template and apply a creative approach.

A script can be written by a trainer or a specialized third-party company / freelancer. Use your current experience - listen to calls, highlight selling phrases and stop words.

The classic sales scheme should also be included in the script, that is, its structure should include:

  • Representation
  • Finding out the need
  • Presentation
  • Work with objections
  • Completion of the deal.

Be sure to include emotions in the script, do not drag out the conversation, be sure to test the template, make adjustments to improve it.

How script automation affects business

Ekaterina Evdokimova
Director of the network of professional contact centers "7Time", Yekaterinburg

The HyperScript service made the work of one of our divisions more efficient and effective. Due to the fact that everyone works according to a single and always up-to-date sales scripts, we managed to almost double the speed and efficiency of processing customer databases. If earlier, for example, it took 14 days to make 50,000 effective calls, now the same work takes 7-10 days. In this regard, the number of orders that we can fulfill per month has increased.
In addition, if earlier we spent an average of two days training a new employee in the nuances of the project, now one is enough to bring him up to date.
With HyperScript, we've started hiring remote operators for some of our projects. They do not have to come to the office, they also see all the changes online and can perform their tasks with high quality.
We also increased customer loyalty to our company due to such a wow effect. Often they ask how quickly we can make changes to sales scripts: they have changed the product, prices, conditions, etc. We say we'll do it in 5 minutes! Of course, this causes only positive emotions. the growth of their income.
Managers are no longer afraid to close deals at first. If during the conversation they feel that the client is ready, they make the first attempt to complete the transaction. And often it succeeds.
Among the advantages of Hyper Script, I would also call integration with amoСRM. The script of a specific conversation automatically gets into the client card, which simplifies further work with it. Also, the manager during the conversation can immediately fill in the client's data in the body of the sales script, which will then automatically appear in CRM.

Sales Script: Include SPIN Questions

You need to include speech patterns in the script to identify or form a need. You can create them using the SPIN technique, which involves 4 types of questions that must be asked in a clear sequence.

  • Situational questions clarify the details. Try not to bore the person with them.
  • Problematic questions - remind the client of his problem, focus attention.
  • Extracting questions - they reinforce the problem, the “pain” of the buyer, remind that if you don’t solve it, don’t get rid of it, it will only get worse.
  • Guiding questions - allow a potential client to independently come to the conclusion that a purchase can solve his problem.

Similar to guiding and extracting questions is the "request to sell" technique. It can also be used when writing a script. Another technique that helps close a trade is the "conditional close". In this case, the scripts include questions, as if the issue of payment has already been resolved: “how will you pay?”, “Shall we arrange delivery?” etc.

Why ready-made scripts, if there is a team of experienced managers?

What are sales scripts?

Because sooner or later, newcomers may appear without experience and skill in dealing with objections. And the script can help out the manager if he is confused, lost his mind and the client is about to break loose, but there is no time for reflection and improvisation.

Script it finished script on which you can build a dialogue with the client and get the expected result. Needed if there are regular telephone sales and a desire to increase the effectiveness of calls.

What are the cons

The script can limit the manager and be the reason why sales fail when it is written incorrectly or there is a rigid set to follow only the written algorithm. Step left or right - execution. The script is an average universal solution, following which the probability of a positive outcome of the conversation is greater. But this is not a 100% guarantee. Having a script does not mean turning off the imagination and following only the learned algorithm.

Managers often make mistakes when calling customers

  • Poor presentation and lack of a clearly articulated proposal.
  • Transition to the price without voicing the benefits of the product for the needs of the client.
  • Weak arguments in favor.
  • The purpose of the conversation has not been reached. The manager answered the questions, and did not attempt to hook the client (offer to send a quotation, make an appointment).

If there is a ready-made template for calls, the probability of making a mistake is less.

Universal script for sales

The basic steps of any script are:

1. Establishing contact. Greeting + introduction

"Hello mMy name is Natalia, I am the manager of the company "N", we are engaged in the repair of industrial equipment. How can I contact you "(Semyon Semenovich)."Semyon Semyonovich, it's convenient for you to talk to me for 3 minutes."

2. Identification of needs or problems. "Tell me, what equipment do you use in your work? How often do breakdowns happen? How long does it take to fix them?

3. Product presentation with a focus on how he can help. " We offer... We give a guarantee... We fix it free of charge in case of a repeated breakdown... Our specialists will come and do it at a time convenient for you...".

4. Answers to questions. Work with objections

" With us you will get an additional advantage in the form of ... ".

5. Target action. Sending a quotation, making an appointment, arranging the next call.

6. End the conversation."Thank you. Have a nice day".

If everything is done correctly at the stage of identifying the problem, then the presentation of the product will not raise objections.

For b2b, the script will be about the same, but a preparatory step will be added

  • Collection of preliminary information. Search for an official responsible for purchasing or making a decision + his email. If you can’t find it via the Internet, you can, for example, find out by calling the secretary: “Tell me how to spell the name of the manager correctly ...”, “We want to send a personalized invitation to the industry exhibition for the name, tell me which address is better.”
  • Sending a commercial offer.
  • Call + bypass secretary.

An example of an incoming call to a real estate agency (sales scripts for realtors)

If a customer calls, it is the job of the manager to demonstrate excellent knowledge of the product and its application. Questions can be very diverse and you need to be ready for them. If there is a script, it is easier to navigate. Scripts for real estate:

AND: AN "May", good afternoon. My name is Svetlana. How can I help?

TO: Hello. I am interested in buying apartments on Lenina, I found your ad on Avito. Is it still relevant?

AND: How can you be contacted?

TO: Leonid

AND: Nice to meet you. Leonid, can you clarify the number of the ad?

TO: 2#189324#67

AND: Thank you. Apartments on Lenina, 14, 70 sq.m. On the 9th floor. It's like that?

TO: Yes.

AND: The ad is current. Do you have questions or want to take a look right away?

TO: Yes, tell me, are meters installed there? Is there a telephone and internet? Is it possible to install an electric stove?

AND: Yes, it's all there. There is already a gas stove, but you can install an electric one.

TO: I would like to see.

AND: Excellent. When will it be convenient for you to drive up today within two hours or tomorrow afternoon?

TO: Better today?

AND: Call me when you are there and I will meet you.

TO: Good.

AND: Thanks, see you.

Example of a cold calling template

What is the difference between these calls? The client knows nothing about the company or the product. The task of the manager is to briefly form an idea about the company, identify the pain of a potential buyer, tell how to solve it with the help of the product.

1. Greeting."Good afternoon".

2. Acquaintance. The name of the employee + the name of the company with a brief explanation of what he does. For example, "Our company is engaged in the supply of furniture fittings. We have a large assortment for any requests and reasonable prices." And find out the name of the client.

3. Establishing contact. Make sure that this is the person who will make the decision on cooperation. And to clarify whether he now has a few minutes to talk or is it better to call back at another time (what?). For example, "You use this product" and further "Then, probably, you often have difficulties with ...". Questions to help uncover the client's pain.

5. Answers to questions. Arguments and more arguments. " Why does the customer need your product?

6. End the conversation."Thank you bye". According to the results of the call, the transition of the contact to the next stage.

Learn more about handling objections

Most often, these are such statements: “We don’t need it”, “Expensive / No money”, “We have been working with one supplier for a long time”, “We will call you back”, “Send a quotation”.

In the response template, you can pre-write several convincing options for arguments "for", which will facilitate the work of managers. For example:

- "I understand that now you are not up to me and you want to hang up the phone as soon as possible. Let's meet and in a relaxed atmosphere I will talk about our product, you can ask questions and decide if you need us or not."

- "I do not suggest you refuse your suppliers, I offer you a choice, the opportunity to compare whose conditions are better. You yourself will decide with whom it is more profitable to cooperate. Let's meet and perhaps our offer will interest you ...".

- "Yes, you are right, there is always not enough money, but let's calculate how much you will save / earn for the company if you accept our offer ...".

- "What needs to be done in order to cooperate with you."

Things to keep in mind when making a cold call

1. The initiative should always remain with the manager. Use counter-questioning tactics. The task of the client is to find out the necessary information and hang up. The task of the manager is to set up a meeting, agree on the next step, and finally, sell. Questions help break through the client's defense and avoid objections.

3. Remember the purpose of the call(make appointment). If you tell all the information over the phone, the client will no longer be interested, he found out what he wanted. The task of the manager is to intrigue and lead the client to a meeting.

IMPORTANT! If you work in , you can customize

  • And managers will be able to make and receive calls, having before their eyes a ready-made script with answer options and examples of working with objections.
  • During a conversation, you can simultaneously fill in the data received from the contact on the card.
  • If the client is already recorded in the CRM database, his data will be automatically inserted into the text of the script when calling.
  • During the conversation, the manager can quickly navigate through the script branches.

Even in the industry, you can set up step-by-step scenarios for different situations: cold calls, receiving incoming calls from new customers, etc. This way, your managers will always have ready-made recommendations, which will increase the success of negotiations.


A good script is a cheat sheet, not a rigid set of rules. It helps the manager:

  • Quickly navigate and choose the best answer to direct the conversation in the right direction.
  • Bypass acute moments, do not hang if the question is stumped.

One of the main ingredients of good sales is a quality script. Despite the fact that most companies work with different target audiences and sell completely different products and services, the communication rules are the same for everyone. Most companies undertake to make scripts themselves and after the managers do not make the result, they come to the conclusion that the managers or the product are bad, but, often, the point is in the script. Today we will give an example of a universal script template that fits most projects. When used correctly, the conversion can increase significantly.

1) Secretary bypass block

We have a rule in the company, according to which you can instantly determine the quality of the script. If the secretary bypass block is specified in the script, the script is bad. It's simple - to get around the secretary, you can not be a "salesman". If you start explaining to the secretary all the benefits of your product, you have lost. The secretary, who receives 137 calls every day, has his own laconic script: “Thank you. All offers to the mail indicated on the site. If the management needs to buy something, the secretary looks for it himself. He absolutely does not care what benefits you bring and what benefits you promise. So just look for a way not to lie, but also not to show your intentions to sell. Break the pattern in any way, until you are sure that you are communicating with the decision maker * (decision maker).

Example: Selling our sales outsourcing services

Manager: - Hello, hello. Secretary: - Hello, Prostonyashino, how can I help you? Manager: - You have a vacancy at HeadHuntere. Position Sales Manager. With whom can I clarify the terms of employment? Secretary: - One second, I'm connecting.

Bypassed the system, cracked the password, ours are in the enemy's camp.

2) Greeting

Manager: - Good afternoon, *COMPANY NAME*, *MANAGER NAME*. How can I contact you? Possible decision maker: - Valery. Manager: - Tell me, are you responsible in the company for *insert what you need* Confirmed decision maker: - Yes, what did you want?

It is very important in the first seconds to confirm that the decision maker is the decision maker and to find out his name. Otherwise, at the end, when contact has been established and he agrees to cooperate, it will be embarrassing to ask.

3) We confirm the demand and establish the existence of a problem

It is necessary to confirm the demand, and not to convey the offer. Even before you start offering something, you need to close the person's access to the opportunity to refuse and establish primary contact with him. All this must be done exclusively by ASKING QUESTIONS. Questions should be simple, to which you know that it is possible to answer only yes. You need to confirm with the person that he needs your product that solves his problem. 2-3 questions are enough, the first of which is from Captain Obvious.

Example when selling a pen:

Manager: - Tell me, do you write with a pen? LPR: - Yes. Manager: - Do you write with a pen quite often or occasionally? LPR: - Often, what do you want to offer? Manager: - If you write with a pen, then you have it periodically ends, and you need to go and buy a new one? DMP: - Right, what did you want?

I think everything is clear here, but for those who don’t, call and we will explain)

4) Suggest a solution to the problem

Based on the questions, you smoothly move to the point of a proposal that helps solve a problem that the person has already confirmed the existence of. No one will ever admit that he lied, so your interlocutor can no longer deny the need for a solution to the problem. This means that the proposal will not face the objection "we do not need anything" and you will be listened to. The main thing to remember here is that brevity is the sister of talent. So your sentence should be as short as possible and explain exactly how it solves the problem. You can read more about how to properly prepare an offer in ours.

5) Promotion/special offer

To make an offer workable here and now, use leverage. Classical examples are well suited here: the opportunity to try the product before paying, a 50% discount that is valid for only a couple of days, etc. By creating urgency and time limits, we speed up the decision-making, otherwise it can drag on for a long time, and we really don’t want this.

A similar technique was actively used on landing pages, setting counters for the stock countdown (and someone is setting them up now), but recently this almost does not work on landing pages.

6) Reconfirmation of demand

It is necessary to remind the DM of his own words. The fact that at the beginning of the conversation he himself confirmed the existence of a problem now gives us a serious trump card. You ask the same questions over and over and get the same answers over and over again. In fact, you are forcing him to admit that he needs what you have offered him.

If in paragraph 3 we asked questions on the topic of interest in buying at a better price and we were confirmed. Then after voicing the action, we ask something like this:

"You said you were interested in better terms of purchase, right?"

Think at your leisure how you would "dodge" such a phrase and offer something of your own.

7) Dealing with objections

The last window through which the client can get out is the work with objections. Simulate all the nuances and prescribe answers to the client’s possible questions to the manager in advance. This part depends solely on the knowledge of the materiel and on whether the manager has the right arguments.

8) Manager

Even the best offer aimed at a specific target audience may not bring any results if the manager does not know how to present it correctly. If you want to kill the beast, you need a hunter, not a shepherd. One competent salesperson will bring you more profit than 10 female students working for results. You can grow a professional, but it takes effort, money and time. Or you can hire someone who is ready for outsourcing. Here you choose between what you really want - save more or earn more;)

And finally, an example of a complete script for cold calling and offering the services of our company (forgive me, those who do not like text formatting, the functionality here is far from Word):

Secretary bypass

Good afternoon! I found an ad on the Internet about the vacancy of a sales manager. With whom you can communicate about the vacancy and clarify the conditions of employment.

Switches to LPR

Good afternoon, my name is Konstantin, Seurus company. How can I contact you?*

Customer response

(It is necessary to confirm that his managers are not perfect. What could be better. At the same time, one cannot say that they are bad) Do you have sales managers? Do you think your sales managers are working to the maximum or can they be even better?

Customer response

Would you like your sales managers to work for results? OUR COMPANY is engaged in hiring remote sales managers who are already trained and experienced in various products and services. Are you satisfied with the quality of your sales managers? Do your managers work for salary or results?

Customer response

We work on a balance payment system. 35,000 rubles balance, which is spent on three areas:
FIRST: Creating a database: that is, searching for companies from the target audience on the Internet 10-20 rubles. for contact. SECOND: Creation of the project 15,000 rubles. Writing a selling script, training a manager, determining an effective target audience. THIRD: The result is a customer interested in buying. I mean, we will find out from you who the hot client is and assign a reward for him. In the future, the work goes solely for the result. No wages and living pants. Only sales. Only hardcore. If the payment is made this month, we are ready to launch your project in 2 days.

Customer response

You said yourself that you can sell better. We are ready to demonstrate it to you. Our managers are the best in their field and have vast experience in this area. Let me send you a contract and you take a closer look at the conditions. Will I call you tomorrow and answer all your questions?

Client Consent

Work with objections

We have our own managers, everything suits!

Everything is relative. Do you think that it is impossible to sell better than your managers and your company gets the maximum profit?

My managers sell perfectly and the profit is at the maximum!

Well, let your managers handle the interested clients we bring in! After all, they know your product in detail, and we will bring hot customers - ready to buy.

We have a specific product!

We sell everything from website development to diesel generators! If we have sold equipment for water utilities, then we will be able to sell your product. The main thing for you is to confirm the interest in your product. You can tell about your product without us. Our job is to get you interested!

How many calls can be made per day?

It all depends on the project! An average of 100 calls, you yourself understand that the sale of honey is different from the sale of real estate.

*If interest is confirmed, transfer the contact to the supervisor for further processing.*

In general, that's all! On the one hand - everything is simple, but on the other - not quite) Do not listen to the "couch experts", and if you are not sure whether you are doing everything right - better call Seurus! - seurus.com

May the profit be with you!