How to apply event marketing. What is Event Marketing? (purely event prototyping) Use of event marketing in the activities of the enterprise

Event or event marketing is a set of marketing activities aimed at promoting a product or company in connection with a specific event. Most often, these are world-famous events or events created specifically for the company: for example, themed flash mobs.

The main idea of ​​event marketing was voiced thousands of years ago: the Roman rulers said that the people needed “bread and circuses”. It turned into an independent industry about 30 years ago, and the very first modern event marketing event is considered to be a competition from Procter & Gamble, a soap manufacturer.

Event marketing is used when the target audience an upcoming well-known event and the target audience of the product intersect. It makes no sense to advertise agricultural equipment in the framework of the Olympic campaign, but you can perfectly sell sports uniforms.

Types of event marketing

corporate events.This is corporate event marketing. Its main task is to increase labor efficiency and improve the image in the labor market. Such events include corporate anniversaries, including company anniversaries, games, picnics, various festive parties. It is appropriate to invite both partners and regular customers to such events. The theme of corporate events can be different, but most often they are timed to coincide with some kind of anniversary, holiday or other significant date.

trade events. These are events and activities for dealers, partners and customers. These include various summits, conferences, rallies, seminars, presentations, various receptions and other thematic events. Usually they are related to the company's product or line of business - for example, a pharmaceutical company holds a seminar for medical workers, and the car factory - a conference on the automotive industry. Such events significantly enhance the company's image in the eyes of the end consumer, because they show expertise.

special events. This type of event marketing includes all third-party events - promotional tours, festivals, concerts and other entertainment events. And not necessarily organized by the company itself. This type of event marketing increases the reach of the target audience, has a positive effect on consumer loyalty and allows you to increase the number of sales in combination. Particular attention can be paid to sponsorship - the company sponsors a well-known event and advertises with a mention of it. Or simply sponsors a world-famous event, such as the World Cup or the Olympic Games.

Features of event marketing

Event marketing has several specific features that should be given special attention. The main feature is that the audience of the company and the event must match. It will not be possible to sell a refrigerator at an event related to household appliances, and professional dog handlers are unlikely to be interested in neural networks. More precisely, some of them may be interested in the product, but as a result, the conversion will be low - lower than if the company held an event among webmasters, editors, marketers.

The second feature of event marketing is that the event itself must promote the product. Sometimes one mention as a sponsorship is not enough. Events that are associated with the company itself or its product work much better. Therefore, it is better to use the brand name in the title of the event, and also provide visitors with the opportunity to test the product. For example, at the festival “Klinskoe. Promotion” visitors could not only test themselves on the Sky dive attraction, but also taste the beer. And the name indicates the brand, which also had a good effect on the reputation and loyalty of consumers to the company.

Event marketing has other features, and most importantly, advantages:

  • At an event, you can organize direct sales of a product, thereby obtaining a quick result in the form of sales growth;
  • Event marketing can be used in industries where advertising is not possible or has a large number of restrictions;
  • One event lasts a long time, because the company's mentions appear in announcements before the event and in the media after;
  • One line of a company's product can be associated with a specific event and thereby gain a competitive advantage;
  • Event marketing greatly increases the receptivity of the audience, because it is usually closely associated with emotions and provides an element of entertainment.

Event Marketing Tools

The main tools of event marketing are thematic events that allow you to promote a company or its product, or their PR methods. For example, these include:

  • shock promotion. These are original and unusual ways of PR that attract attention and create intrigue around a product or an upcoming event. For example, posters with text turned upside down are the most harmless embodiment of shock promotion.
  • Competitions. They can be held for the target audience, regular customers and partners, or for employees, but in this case, the goals and objectives of marketing will be aimed at improving the company's image in the labor market.
  • Conferences. They are usually created for competing companies or companies with a similar type of activity in order to increase the level of expertise in the eyes of consumers.
  • Lotteries. This event has a game element, so it can be used for a wide target audience. For example, you can create your own lottery and advertise it to all customers and customers in order to attract participants.
  • Festivals. They are arranged for the target audience - for example, a music festival for those who sing and like to listen to music, or a beer festival for those who drink a foamy drink.

Often, event marketing tools are limited only by the imagination of the marketer. But at the same time, it does not use standard indicators to evaluate performance, because conversion from holding a thematic event is very difficult to calculate, and sometimes impossible.

Event Marketing Examples

One of the brightest recent examples of event marketing is the raffle for a ticket to the 2018 FIFA World Cup and the opportunity to accompany the referee on the playing field. A well-known brand is not only a sponsor of the championship, but also holds an interesting lottery tied to the upcoming event. To get a chance to win the main prize, it is enough to buy a can of Coca-Cola with a special design, take a creative photo with it and post it on Vkontakte. The conditions for participation in the ticket draw are similar.

Another good example of event marketing is competitions from the Nokia brand. In September 2001, a snowboarding competition was held on Vorobyovy Gory, organized by the BrandNew-Momentum agency commissioned by Nokia. The event brought together over 30,000 people in one place. A special "Nokia zone" was created, in which one could vote for the participants in the competition, get acquainted with the company's model range or get advice on mobile phones. By the way, the event was repeated several times later, because it had a good effect.

And here is a foreign good example from the Nesquik brand. AT different countries around the world, Nestle has organized several mobile attractions. They come to different cities to please the children. Each child can interact with the brand's symbol - Roger Rabbit - and drink a cup of drink. This perfectly increases the reach of the target audience and improves consumer loyalty, including the smallest buyers.

By the way, in the field of event marketing, joint cooperation of several brands is common. Good example- a large music festival Atlas Weekend, held in Kyiv in 2016. It brought together 157 participants - collectives and solo artists - and more than 10 brands. For example, Pepsi opened their Pepsi Stage with electronic music, and also held a graffiti battle among the participants. And the ticket agency Karabas organized its own autograph zone, where anyone could get an autograph of the festival participants. Johnnie Walker opened a bar near the Central Stage, Dirol created its own lounge area, and other brands also actively interacted with visitors.

Books about the event industry

Despite the fact that event marketing is a relatively young field of marketing, many books have already been written about it. To increase the skill, you can read the following works:


Author and co-author - Natalia Frankel - the creators of the largest blog in social networks about event marketing. In the book, they talked about the intricacies of holding and organizing events, about how to make everyone happy, about attracting people to events in a highly competitive environment.

Alexander Shumovich. "Great events: Technologies and practice of event-management"

This is one of the first books written by a practitioner. It tells the process of organizing an event, thought out to the smallest detail. There are even examples of documents, invoices and other important papers.

To reach a potential consumer and attract his attention, marketers are forced to develop new advertising strategies. One of them is event marketing.

The essence of this direction is to conduct events for the target audience in order to form a positive attitude towards the brand or product. Event is always aimed at improving the company's recognition or increasing consumer loyalty.

Events, as an advertising campaign tool, help create the effect of the involvement of each of those present, make the buyer associate his product with positive emotions.
Thanks to the personal experience of participating in a particular event associated with the brand, a person quickly remembers the brand and experiences a certain feeling of gratitude, friendliness towards the manufacturers who gave him emotions. In addition, advertising within a well-planned event does not look intrusive, therefore it does not cause hostility among the target audience.

This method of promotion appeared in our country recently: for the first time they started talking about it at the beginning of the 21st century. But in the US and Europe, such advertising is one of the most common. Giant companies devote more than 50% of their annual advertising budget to event marketing.

Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Redbull are famous for the largest events. According to marketers, it is event-advertising that can multiply brand loyalty.

The meaning of event marketing can be expressed by the slogan: “Feel it!”. It is for maximum involvement that all promotional events are designed.

Examples of Successful Event Marketing Campaigns

Almost all major brands can boast of successful examples of event marketing.

So, the Coca-Cola company in the nineties launched an advertisement with New Year's trucks delivering the drink around the cities. The slogan of the video is "The holiday is coming to us!" has become an integral part of the New Year for residents of many countries. And in 2016, for the first time, caravans of branded trucks decorated with bright lights actually drove through the cities of Russia.

Thousands of people came to see the symbol of the holiday. This event introduced potential buyers to the fabulous atmosphere of the commercial and made them associate even more New Year with the company's products.

Red Bull Flugtag is considered one of the most massive event marketing events held annually in Russia. Red Bull is a manufacturer of a non-alcoholic energy drink, so its target audience is young people seeking freedom, new experiences and emotions. This is exactly what the participants and spectators of the championship get.

The essence of the event is in the competition of homemade aircraft. The spectacle of the show is ensured by the fact that each team of participants tries to create the most unusual, funny and grotesque apparatus. In 2016, such a festival in Krylatskoye brought together 39 participants and several thousand spectators who received positive emotions and experiences. Thus, the brand increases customer loyalty, makes you associate your product with laughter, lightness and energy of freedom.

A striking example of the successful use of event marketing can be considered an incredibly beautiful action from Sony as part of an advertisement for a new camera that conveys all the nuances of color.

Sony, together with the residents of a small town in Costa Rica, collected more than 3.5 tons of flower petals of various shades and poured them over the city. The spectacle was announced and attracted tourists, and photographs of the event, taken with the advertised camera, spread around the world.

So, Sony introduced a new product in its line and made consumers associate their camera with a real explosion of color. After this advertising campaign, the demand for Sony cameras among travelers has increased markedly.

How events are carried out as part of event marketing

The effectiveness of event marketing as a way to promote a product or service depends on how accurately the purpose of the event is defined and how carefully it is prepared.

In addition, the selected event should correspond to the characteristics of the company, emphasize its strengths and uniqueness. Events to promote expensive cars, watches or luxury goods are usually designed to draw attention to the elitism, exclusivity, status of the target audience.

On the other hand, brands that position themselves as democratic try to hold events as open and accessible as possible.

For example, the women's magazine Cosmopolitan holds an annual heel race for everyone. The competitions are designed to give positive emotions and emphasize that the publication is issued for feminine, but strong and successful girls. Buying a magazine in the future, spectators or participants in the race feel like that.

After the company determines the target audience, the format of the event and its features, they start writing the script and choosing the venue for the action.

At this stage, it is important to remember two important nuances:

  • The richer the program of the event, the more involved a potential buyer is, the more likely it is to increase his brand loyalty
  • The name of the product, the company logo, samples, testers - all this should be present in abundance at the event. Don't limit yourself to visual ads. A participant can feel real attention to his person, if during the event there will be specialists who are ready to advise, tell, give a try.
    Personal attention greatly enhances the impression of the event. A few years ago, MTS placed on the streets of large cities digital libraries. They were tubes distributing wi-fi, made in the form of bookshelves. Anyone could download the selected book for free using the QR code placed on it. For convenience and efficiency, promoters in MTS uniform worked next to the tubes, helping to understand the use of the library.

When Should You Use Event Marketing?

Activities carried out as part of an advertising campaign, experts recommend including in any marketing plan. They will help maintain, increase or create consumer loyalty to the brand. Only event marketing tools will differ, depending on what effect should be achieved with the help of this or that event.

1. For those who want to introduce customers to their company or a new product, an event in the format opening or presentation. Such promotions are held quite often and do not differ much from each other.

Most often, the opening includes a small concert, a drawing of gifts and prizes among the first customers, and a story about a new store or brand.

Presentations are also held according to a fixed scenario. Usually, most of the time, a company specialist talks about the benefits of a new product, trying to interest and amaze the audience. Most famous presentations today holds the Apple brand in connection with the release of new devices.

Presentation formats include Exhibitions.Usually they are held for representatives of companies in order to get acquainted with new products and attract new customers. At such an event, products of several brands can be collected at once.

2.Holidays are considered the largest event in the event-campaigns. Usually they are carried out for a wide target audience. Mass holidays with the involvement of media people, entertainment for the public can create an emotional connection between the consumer and the company.

Such events create an effect of ownership, which increases brand loyalty many times over. Among the large-scale holidays in Russia, one can single out the Vkontakte festival, picnics of the Afisha publication.

A separate type of holiday sports events. They are chosen by companies whose target audience is active young people seeking new experiences. At such events, the public is invited to take part in competitions or cheer for their favorite athletes.

Such an event marketing tool was successfully used by Mars, which held special competitions in street sports in Russia for several years in a row - Snickers Urbania.


Event marketing in Russia is just beginning to gain popularity; such events do not yet seem like intrusive advertising to consumers. Event marketing, judging by the trends of the last decade, promises to become one of the main ways to promote companies and products on the market. In addition, it is the emotional component of such advertising that can increase customer loyalty for many years to come.

Advertising is all around us. There are many of them and they don't like her. The average consumer constantly has to defend themselves against it in various ways. Advertising on television and radio is immediately switched, in magazines it is scrolled through, on billboards it is ignored. Traditional advertising tools are losing their effectiveness. Manufacturers and other participants in the advertising market have to develop new marketing concepts in order to reach the consumer and win his heart and wallet. One such way is event marketing.

Benefits of Event Marketing

Event marketing is a specially designed set of activities to promote the interests of the company with the help of some memorable event known to the general public or created for a specific company.

As the name implies, at the forefront this method promotion is worth the event. Among professionals, you can also hear the term "Event" (from the English event - event, event).

Such events can be:

  • exhibitions, presentations, conferences
  • corporate celebration, presentation of a new product
  • city ​​holidays, sports competitions, festivals, concerts

Event marketing associates socially significant events with the name of a company or product, establishing a subtle psychological connection between the brand and the consumer. The above events (events) have a strong impact on the target group. First of all, because they allow you to “live” to communicate with the brand. People remember much better what they experienced and felt themselves.

The famous ancient Chinese thinker Confucius said: “I hear and I forget. I see and remember. I experience and understand." This quote is the best way to describe the effect of various types of promotion.

The target audience is much better at assimilating what the manufacturer advertises unobtrusively. A person comes to an event and receives information about a company or product of his own free will, and not under duress, as is the case with television advertising. He has a sense of his own choice.

In order for Event marketing to bring dividends, it is necessary to correctly build the whole process. It is important to set clear goals and objectives, choose the type of event that will interest the target audience, and the format of its holding.

Goals and objectives

When hosting a special event, it is necessary to think in advance of the questions we want answers to. What do we want to convey to the target audience? What effect do we want to get? What information should be conveyed to a potential client?

Regardless of which event you decide to host, there are two important things to keep in mind. First, the event must be really interesting to the target audience. It would be a gross mistake to choose the wrong event format. For example, a company producing equipment for skiers decides to hold a concert of Russian folk songs.

Secondly, you should not spend too much time and attention talking about yourself or the product. People came to get some emotions and you should not overload them with advertising information. If this message is too small, then people will miss it. It is important to find a middle ground.


Sponsorship of existing events can be used as event marketing. This type of promotion has its own specifics.

By sponsoring various status events, you get the opportunity to make your brand more known. The entire audience of the event will be yours. People tend to associate the cultural and lifestyle values ​​of the event with your brand. For example, if you sponsor sports, people will begin to believe that your brand value is a healthy lifestyle. Another advantage of sponsorship is the lower level of costs than hosting such an event at your own expense.

There is a danger of associating your brand with an event that promotes values ​​that conflict with your company. This must be taken into account when choosing a sponsored event.


Event marketing is a rather young direction, especially for Russia. Properly organized, being part of a well thought out

All well-known brands use marketing to attract customers and increase awareness. One of the most effective types of marketing is event marketing. Its definition and tools will be discussed below.

Event marketing is a procedure aimed at increasing customer (visitor) loyalty and brand promotion through events.

History of occurrence

Holding events as a direction appeared in the West in the 1970s, but as the concept of "event-marketing" with the advent of the idea of ​​integrated branding. In our country, it became known in the 2000s, and today there are many event marketing agencies in Russia.

McDonald's was one of the first companies to use events to promote the brand, we all remember the clown that became the "image" of the company. This approach helped McDonald's create a memorable image and attract children with their parents to their chain of restaurants.

Today, one of the most striking examples of the use of event marketing is Apple company. Presentations of their new products are a real show that is broadcast all over the world and causes a storm of emotions in people watching the presentation, lighting fire in their eyes, encouraging them to purchase a new Iphone, ipod, etc.

Trading Events

Trade events (Trade events) - holding events aimed at dealers, distributors, wholesale buyers and those who are partners of the company. As an event, a presentation, conference, summit, forum, seminar and exhibition can be held.

With their help, the company presents its product and demonstrates its developments, gives a detailed description, thus obtaining the interest of investors, customers (partners) and the opportunity to create business relationships and a distribution system. You can also hold pr-actions and shows to create the image of the company in the eyes of visitors.

Corporate events

Corporate events (Corporate events or HR events) - events that are held by the company for its team. It can be: various holidays, company birthday, joint vacation. This approach allows you to get a more cohesive team with a high corporate spirit, in addition, employees feel that the company cares about them and appreciates them.

There are two more subcategories of corporate events: family day and teambuilding. The first includes the organization of family holidays, and the second organization of trainings, in which, under the guidance of a personal growth coach or a psychologist, various business situations are presented and employees solve them.

Special Events

Special events - holding mass events aimed at attracting potential customers and everything that will positively affect the company's image. These include: concerts, shows, city holidays, various festivals, etc. All this can cause positive emotions among the masses of people, and in the case of a properly selected event, the appropriate target audience (TA) will be attracted.

Game promotion - as the name implies, it means lotteries and competitions, including creative ones, with prizes and gifts from the organizing company.

When to Use Event Marketing

Professional marketers advise using event marketing and incorporating it into everything. marketing plans. It is only necessary to decide what kind of events is needed, depending on what goals you are pursuing and what effect should be provided due to the event.

If you want to introduce the company to consumers, then it makes sense to hold an "opening ceremony" or a presentation.

As a rule, this is a small concert, various kinds of drawings of gifts and a speech in which you talk about your company, company and store.

The presentation is also carried out according to the algorithm. The main part of the presentation, the expert gives information about the product (service) itself and its advantages, impressing potential buyers and arousing their interest.

Holidays are the most grandiose event from the category of event marketing. Holidays are organized for a large target audience. By inviting famous personalities and entertaining people, the company makes an excellent impression on the target audience, thereby endearing them to itself.

The organization of sports competitions is considered an original approach. It was it that was applied by the Mars company, which organized the sports festival SNIKERS URBANiYA in different cities of Russia for ten years in a row (2001-2010). The festival was designed for a young target audience and therefore competitions were held in street sports: breakdance, freestyle, graffiti, etc.

Advertising event development methodology

Types of event campaigns

  • Events for the exchange of experience (congresses, exhibitions and conferences).
  • Informational event-marketing (presentations, opening). Attracts the attention of potential customers without much obtrusiveness. For example, a demonstration show of a new collection of clothes.
  • Entertainment event marketing (concerts, competitions and festivals).

Event Marketing Tools

  • Corporate event. A tool that allows you to manipulate the team at the level of emotions and form a team.
  • B2B. A tool that includes the organization of trainings, seminars and conferences. Conducted to expand and develop the network.
  • Special event. This event is held to promote the product in order to reveal the value and essence of the brand to the participants.
  • Shock promotion. Uses people's curiosity and reaction to a scandalous event to direct interest in their product or service.
  • Game promotion. Lures people into the game to gain interest in their product.

The given tools differ in the method of carrying out. The tool required for use must be determined based on the type of product being promoted and its target audience. The tools are designed to create a public opinion about the product and the company offered by it.

Main types of events

In addition, tools allow you to guide public opinion. "Event-marketing" makes it possible to form and maintain relationships with customers, as it affects human emotions and creates a connection between the company and consumers, which allows you to convince and demonstrate the product, as well as receive feedback and conduct research.

Feature of event marketing

The peculiarity lies in the fact that it is effective, exceptional and unobtrusive. People perceive aggressive and annoying ads worse. And events give positive emotions and create a sense of belonging among consumers. And as a result, positive emotions caused by people give the company their loyalty.

Goals and objectives of event marketing

The organization of events has the following goals:

  • increasing brand awareness;
  • increase in sales;
  • demonstration (display) of a new product;
  • formation of a corporate image;
  • media involvement.

You can set multiple tasks. For example, conducting a presentation of a new product, draw attention to the company, increase the image and recognition, in addition, the event will attract the attention of the media.

What tasks does event marketing solve?

8 Rules for Successful Event Marketing

  • Whatever the event, it should be limited to the place and time of the event.
  • Brand symbols (logos) should be present everywhere.
  • Be generous with gifts, prizes, and souvenirs.
  • A brand is not what the founders created, but what the public thinks about it. Therefore, it is necessary to please the consumer.
  • It is necessary to organize the event in such a way as to receive feedback from the audience (to interact with it).
  • There should be people who, during the event, will let the audience “try out” the product or check it in operation.
  • When conducting an event, it is important to take into account the interests of the target audience.
  • Support from the media will be a big plus during the event.

Event marketing in themed holidays

In a situation with increasing competition, it is advisable for food companies to hold themed holidays. An example is the ice cream day or the bread and milk festival, which is held in St. Petersburg every year.

Such events are organized with the consent of the local administration. Such holidays are beneficial for the authorities, as the events arouse the interest of tourists, as well as beneficial for companies, because they get the opportunity to express themselves and present their products or show their advantage to consumers. And the local administration receives taxes in its treasury.

Event Marketing Examples

  • In the field of culture. Various organizations associated with leisure activities are seriously competing with organizations in the field of culture, which forces the latter to change their approach to their own business and resort to the use of marketing. Holding events helps to remind the mass of people about cultural organizations, increases the reputation and contributes to the creation of a better image. In addition, specially held events serve as the very product of cultural institutions.
  • In tourism. Event marketing in tourism refers to the use of an ongoing event to attract people to a certain territory. As an example, we can mention the city of Budapest, which is famous for holding festivals.
  • In the museum. Museums need a different way to attract visitors. For modern society, and in particular the younger generation, museums are perceived as a "repository" of historical objects. With the help of event marketing, museum-type institutions can focus on the provision of cultural, educational and entertainment services.

Event Marketing Agency

Event marketing agencies develop plans for organizing events that should bring desired result. The program of the event may include: a script, a description of seminars, presentations and entertainment events.
Agencies make forecasts of the effectiveness of events and provide a financial justification.

The work of event marketing in Russia

In Russia, event marketing, in comparison with Western countries, began to appear in the early 2000s, but even then, the first to use event marketing in Russia were international companies, the scale of which also affected our country. Since 2003, it began to gain momentum and by 2013 the market share of event marketing was 13.6 billion rubles. Currently, the field of event marketing in Russia continues to develop and hundreds of agencies already work in it.

Books about event marketing

  • Nazimko A.E. "Event Marketing: A Guide for Customers and Performers". 2007
  • Romantsov A.N. Event-marketing: Essence and features of the organization. 2009
  • Alexander Shumovich, Alexey Berlov. Mix but don't shake: Recipes for organizing events. 2011
  • Ulrich Halzbaur, Edwin Jettinger, Bernhard Knause, Ralf Moser, Markus Zeller. Event management. 2006
  • Mark Sonder: Event management. Organization of entertainment events. Techniques, Ideas, Strategies, Methods 2006
  • Bernd Schmitt, David Rogers, Karen Vrotsos: Show business. Marketing in the culture of experiences. 2005
  • Irina Shubina: Organization of leisure and show programs. Screenwriter's creative laboratory. 2004

The effectiveness of marketing depends on intrusiveness. Event marketing in our country is only gaining popularity and has not yet become boring to consumers, which means that its result, if applied correctly, will only benefit the company.

Why is experiential marketing and creative communications good? Because with their help you can most effectively convey your idea to the target audience. Their potential is further enhanced when they are simultaneously connected to digital and social media.

Experiential marketing campaigns are, first of all, events, but there are no hard and fast rules. Their beauty is that, with proper preparation, such a campaign can become either a separate event, or part of some action or promotion, as a marketing campaign on the street, as well as an advertising campaign on the Internet or social networks involving a large number of people. To understand what we mean, check out these six cool experiential campaigns.

IMG Worlds of Adventure Dubai: Dinosaur Surprise

One of the largest indoor theme parks in the world, IMG Worlds of Adventure Dubai opened in September 2016. To open the Jurassic-style Lost Valley zone, Global Event Management Group staged an interactive show with dinosaurs, which immediately attracted the attention of viewers and became popular on social networks. A few days after the opening, more than 5,000 selfies with dinosaurs appeared on various social media platforms, which helped the newly launched park to make itself known.

Happy campaign from Coca Cola: India and Pakistan

India and Pakistan are two countries whose relationship is like an ebb and flow. Coca Cola decided to unite their peoples through their "Happy Campaign". Using ordinary vending machines, the Internet, webcams and touchscreens, Coca Cola created an interface through which people from these countries could see each other and convey their messages of peace and love without borders. This touching campaign has made millions of people smile and associate Coca Cola with a brand that brings together, brings happiness and peaceful times. Filmed videos managed to earn several million views and great popularity in social networks.

Guinness first class

This campaign is a perfect example of how a brand with 257 years of history was able to apply a fresh marketing move without changing their product. In this experiential campaign, the alcohol manufacturer was supposed to be associated in people with something luxurious. Guinness representatives disguised themselves as pilots would visit pubs and restaurants in the UK, where unsuspecting patrons would receive a raft of surprises from the brand, including the grand prize of flying in a luxurious private jet with four other friends. The action immediately gained popularity in social networks.