How to send honey abroad. Exporting honey abroad. Sales to other countries

Professional beekeepers are constantly looking for new markets. Domestic demand, even if it covers supply, does not please beekeepers with prices. Therefore, we often have to look for markets outside of Russia. During the Soviet Union, domestic beekeepers and beekeepers did not face such a problem, since the state created all the conditions for the honey produced to be purchased at average prices in full. Now, the issue of selling honey to other countries has become of more interest to beekeepers than before.

Selling honey outside of Russia is a complicated matter

Selling domestic honey outside Russia is a more complex matter than selling it within the country. Difficulties arise due to the fact that in order to sell honey outside Russia, the beekeeper must undergo customs control and related checks, both within the country and abroad. For convenience, we have divided into stages the necessary formalities that must be completed to sell honey abroad:

  • registration as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur in Russia;
  • finding potential buyers, determining sales markets, defining rules; customs procedures.

Registration of a bee farm in Russia

Many beekeepers are engaged in the production of honey and other products, such as royal jelly, flower jelly, bee bread, bee venom and others, without forming a legal entity. Most often, beekeepers in one area unite into families and sell honey together. Most often, they find companies that purchase honey on an ongoing basis at wholesale prices and work for them. But it happens that such companies offer low prices, and when their favorite business does not bring any profit, people have to look for other companies and even countries for sale.

If you decide to start selling honey to other countries, then you need to do this through entity. If you do not want to create a legal entity, then you can register yourself as an individual entrepreneur. This will help you go through customs procedures, fill out tax returns, and avoid all kinds of tax risks.

To which countries should we sell honey?

Once you have decided on the legal fate of your beekeeping farm (and perhaps even before this point), the question arises of finding potential buyers abroad. The Internet will help you here, since it is there that you can find companies that transport beekeeping products on a permanent and professional basis, and contact them with offers of cooperation. Such companies selling beekeeping products to Europe, the USA and Australia exist on the domestic market.

Let's look at the dynamics of production and consumption of beekeeping products in different countries, so that you can get an idea of ​​the global picture in this area. China produces the most honey in the world (255 thousand tons per year), but China itself consumes relatively little honey per capita, from which we conclude that this country is also the largest exporter of honey. According to professionals, the quality of Chinese honey is low, so it is exported for confectionery purposes, to create cosmetology products, and is especially not valued among honey gourmets.

America ranks second in production - 84 thousand tons per year. Compared to China, domestic consumption is just as high, so the United States also has to import honey (66 thousand tons per year).

The top three countries in terms of consumption are Australia, Greece and Germany. Next come France and England. The largest importers of bee products are Japan and Germany, where beekeeping is poorly developed due to the strong industrialization of production and the lack of favorable climatic conditions.

Having seen approximate markets, you can target the markets of the listed countries directly. At the moment, the average price on the world market is 10–15 US dollars per kilogram at retail, and wholesale 4–5 US dollars.

If it seems difficult to find cooperation partners through domestic companies that transport beekeeping products, you can create your own website on the Internet to find buyers through it. Even if you find a permanent partner on the domestic market, we would advise you to create a website describing your apiary, bees, and the features of beekeeping products, so that buyers have an idea of ​​your business.

Since not everyone abroad can have specialists who speak Russian, you can find translators and translate the site into English language, because most people in the world currently understand English.

There are customs rules for sending beekeeping products abroad

Customs formalities

Once you have registered your business, found buyers, received your first order and are ready to ship, you should think about the customs rules for sending beekeeping products abroad (you can think about this earlier). To transport honey and other beekeeping products across the Russian border, you need to comply with and check the compliance of your business with the following rules:

  • check whether sanitary certificates are needed for your honey (check with the rules of the purchasing country);
  • is it possible to transport this amount of honey, are there any limits (check with Russian customs regulations);
  • check what customs rules apply to you, whether there are international agreements that apply between Russia and the country buying honey (as well as import restrictions, various embargoes and sanctions).

As you may have noticed yourself, it all depends on which country and in what quantities you want to export honey. At the moment, Russia has an embargo and sanctions on trade with the countries of the European Union and Turkey; this should be taken into account and checked whether it is possible to sell honey to these countries in this case (since the sanctions do not cover all types of products).

This is best done through special companies that deal with customs clearance and consulting in the field of international sales, but if you want to check for yourself, product lists and limits can be found in the public domain on the Internet. Both Russia and the European Union publish similar decisions on their official websites.

Once you have determined all the intricacies of passing honey across the Russian border, you need to decide on the transport by which you would like to deliver your products. You can send honey via Russian Post (if the batch is very small and delivery time is not important to you), use air transportation, rail transport, sea vessels or road transport.

Each type of transport has its own characteristics and the easiest way to get acquainted with them is to contact a specialized transportation company, at least in order to obtain up-to-date and reliable information. Using different types shipment/transportation, different customs control methods will be used - this is also worth taking into account. The most stringent control will be when using air transportation, and on sea vessels it is usually easier.

Beekeeping and the sale of its products is very risky, but with the right approach to it, it is quite a profitable activity. Many beekeepers who do this professionally note that they love their job very much and every winter they cannot wait for the season to go to the apiary. We wish you success in your business!

And other countries have now become a profitable type of business, since demand for it in the domestic Russian market is constantly falling. But a big barrier to export remains the variety of bureaucratic procedures. Depending on the country and region the package accompanying documents and export formalities may vary significantly.

Why export honey?

You should not think that there is no demand for Russian goods abroad. Natural honey is an order of magnitude higher than those surrogates that are often produced by local companies. In the face of a large influx of counterfeits, real honey is in increasing demand. The quality standards for honey are 38% fructose and 31% glucose. Adding chemical and synthetic components to the product significantly increases the glucose content, and the honey becomes of low quality.

Counterfeits often add a lot of yeast and water, which completely changes the composition of honey and greatly reduces the amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements. Manufacturers of medicines or cosmetics and confectioners are extremely reluctant to buy such honey. High-quality Russian honey will always find its buyer. Exporting honey to the USA and exporting honey to Europe is especially profitable, since the quality requirements there are very strict.

Honey is also bought by resellers, who then supply it to the country’s domestic market, passing it off as a locally produced product, or transport it abroad, passing it off as a national product. This is what they do, for example, in China.

In addition to the honey itself, by-products such as bee venom, royal jelly, beebread and pollen are also highly valued.

What needs to be done to sell honey abroad?

EU honey exports have the ultimate goal of selling the product to foreign buyers and importers. You need to look for buyers for honey abroad immediately after you decide to promote your product to the market.

Selling honey implies:

  • Study and development of the foreign honey market;
  • Studying the rules and principles by which prices for honey are set;
  • Search for regular buyers and importers;
  • Drawing up and signing a purchase and sale agreement;
  • Cargo insurance and transportation abroad to the buyer;
  • Clearance at customs in Russia;
  • Customs clearance at the border of a foreign state.

Documents for honey export

Preparation of documents for exporting honey abroad is the basis for successful customs clearance and delivery of cargo to the buyer. The main document for export is a correctly completed customs declaration; now it is issued in the XML electronic document format. But sometimes it can be replaced with a regular transportation document.

Honey for export to Saudi Arabia and other countries requires a quality document - a certificate of conformity. You can get it from your local Rospotrebnadzor office. Prices for transporting goods through customs – customs duties– enshrined in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2013.

Documents are not everything; setting up an export line requires solving a number of related issues:

  • How to successfully promote honey to the market (marketing research);
  • Careful study of the route of movement of honey from producer to supplier (transport logistics);
  • Studying the customs legislation of the relevant country.
Published: July 25, 2017. Views: 1,466.

European Union honey market

The Center for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (CBI), operating under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, provides the following data on the European Union honey market until the end of 2015.

The EU honey market is stable. The fall in world honey prices in 2015 did not affect the balance between supply and demand, the production base of beekeeping and the level of honey production also remained unchanged, and the number of bee colonies in the EU remained at the 2013 level. European importers continue to search for new foreign suppliers of honey.

Between 2010 and 2015, global honey prices rose steadily. During this period, the average price of honey imported from Argentina and Mexico in the EU was 3.5 -4.0 thousand dollars per ton FOB. By the end of 2015, this price dropped to 2.5 thousand dollars per ton. This occurred as a result of a high honey harvest in the main producing and exporting countries of this product and the presence of significant reserves of unsold honey in importing countries.

The EU is the second (after China) producer of honey in the world, but does not meet its needs for this product and is forced to import about 40% of honey. The volume of honey imports from non-EU countries and EU member countries increased to 339 thousand tons between 2011 and 2015. Germany, the UK and France together purchase 50% of the honey imported by the EU.

EU countries are the main importers of honey in 2015:

Between 2011 and 2015, a number of EU countries significantly increased their honey imports. Hungary increased the volume of these imports by 88%, Croatia by 66%, Bulgaria by 44% and Germany by 11%.

The EU accounts for 20% of global honey consumption. Its two other main global consumers are China and the USA.

Share of individual countries in honey consumption among EU countries:

In 2015, EU countries imported 199 thousand tons of honey from developing countries. Of this amount, 29% was purchased from China, 7% from Mexico and 3% from Argentina. According to experts, EU honey imports will continue to grow in the coming years.

Dynamics of EU honey imports from individual countries in 2011-2015 (thousand tons):

EU countries exported 166 thousand tons of honey in 2015. Of this amount, the lion's share was made up of mutual supplies of honey between EU countries.

Geography of honey exports outside the EU (to “third countries”)

Russia is poorly represented on the EU honey market. In 2016, only 72.3 tons of honey were supplied to 4 EU countries, including Poland - 65.7, Belgium - 3.4, Estonia - 2.6 and Germany - 0.6 tons. At the same time, about 130 tons of honey were imported from the EU, including 100 tons from Austria, 23 tons from France and 4 tons from Hungary.

14 Jul 2016

14 Jul 2016

As far as I know, there is a question of certification and analysis.

many of our farmers use all sorts of medicines - which do not reach Europe

This is precisely why many people give it to resellers. they do cleaning procedures. Maybe stir the honey

The second problem is customs - I have no idea here.

Post edited by seosasha: 14 July 2016 - 10:37

18 Jul 2016

Tell me, maybe someone knows or has been involved in selling honey abroad. I have my own honey, but I don’t know how to contact Polish or Romanian buyers, I don’t want to sell it to our Ukrainian resellers for next to nothing, maybe they buy it somewhere at the border? Thank you!

Their honey may be cheaper. A Polish friend of mine has an apiary, so her honey price is cheaper than ours in Ukraine.

02 Sep 2016

everything is stored in the bones, varieties, and wholesale and fragments.
When given to wholesalers/companies, the stench does not purify the honey, the stench homogenizes it (to mix everything in one big barrel), from one type. Perhaps there will be only a couple of liters of excess antibiotics in 20 tons of different apiaries, then it won’t be necessary.. but they can’t clean it up.. they can’t stop the stench.. stop the analysis - either antibiotics or not.. like conscientious beekeepers honey is exported to Europe, and where the antibiotic is - either to Mother Rus', or to Belarus, the Baltic States (more commonly) or China... or it is simply sold locally on the market..
Customs is not a big problem. Find out what the company and local beekeeper exports. It’s easier for companies - they can immediately stop all analyzes, and since the variety of analyzes (usually per batch, no matter which batch is 3 tons or 20) has become, then the beekeeper will be more expensive, lower firms.
A veterinary approval is required, and an EUR1 certificate is also required, as well as documents for the product, and, without registration, documents for the dog. Also, there may be a need for further research, perhaps, on antibiotics - from two laboratories in Ukraine - in Kiev and Lviv, it seems that Lvivskaya is better off working in the future, otherwise .. or there is an Intertek representative office in Odessa, where you can also contact specialists collect samples and send them to Nimechchina, then you will have an Intertek certificate, with which, if you think the results are consistent, do not slow down at the border, as much as possible for the EU.
That's it in a nutshell.. What is the nutrition - ask. I don’t know everything, but if I need some knowledge, I’ll share this.

05 Sep 2016

not at any time! In principle, honey can be “processed” into beer, whiskey, etc. or “reprocess” to export, and then again “reprocess” back and sell.. no.. perhaps you simply were not aware of the specifics of this product. And honey concentrate... I didn’t feel that way... even though I came up with something like that, it’s not honey anymore, but a chemical product.

How can you make it easier to export... you can document honey not as honey, but as syrup, or food for food... as a substance for decorative honey with a sweet smell, more pure... you can fantasize richly, but from chi This will pass on the border without “nitpicking”, which you can already try in your own practice.

28 Jan 2017

Natural honey - UKTZED code 0409000000.
-Veterinary control: veterinary certificate

(Veterinary Medicine Service, issued upon presentation of the apiary’s veterinary and sanitary passport issued by the district/city department of veterinary medicine to the apiary itself + a quality certificate issued by the manufacturer/apiary.). On the veterinary certificate mandatory the production facility that produced this honey is indicated, as well as the specific recipient of honey for this export operation.

The labeling of the cargo indicates the honey producer (and this information must naturally coincide with the veterinary certificate)

An analysis in a veterinary laboratory is required.

The manufacturing enterprise must be registered in the State PotrebSluzhbe register as an exporter to certain countries; if not, then it is necessary to obtain a one-time permit.

Radiological control (ecology service of internal customs or checkpoint, by affixing a stamp to shipping documents)

If export is carried out from an area of ​​radioactive contamination, a certificate for the content of radioactive substances is required (MoH, Ministry of Agropolitics, State Forestry Committee of Ukraine) based on PKMU No. 1610 dated 10/26/2000.

General customs requirements:

accreditation at the customs of foreign trade participants,

foreign economic contract,

invoice + permits listed above.

Customs control consists of checking a package of documents for compliance with customs clearance rules and legislation, customs clearance of a consignment of cargo and customs inspection to ensure that the actual condition of the cargo corresponds to that stated in the documents. A cargo customs declaration is prepared.

Beekeeping is not only profitable hobby, but also financially profitable business, which can bring in a lot of money. The sale of finished products (honey, honeycombs with honey) can be carried out in several ways, but the most profitable option is to sell honey abroad. How can a beekeeper export honey? What documents should be prepared?

It is much easier to sell finished products locally, wholesale or retail. But the beekeeper himself may find himself in an unattractive position: his favorite business requires material costs, which wholesale sales do not fully cover. And selling honey locally brings some inconvenience to the beekeeper:

  • it is necessary to look for a sales market;
  • there is a possibility that the price of the product will be unreasonably low;
  • to sell locally, you need to worry about documentation that confirms the quality of the product;
  • sales of products are most profitable in the first 2 months after honey collection, then some varieties of honey thicken, losing their attractive appearance for the consumer.

Exporting honey solves most of all these problems:

  • there is no need to look for a sales market. As a rule, honey from our areas is in high demand abroad, and the buyer himself finds a seller;
  • there is no need to look for a buyer in the first months after pumping out honey. Natural honey without additives or flavorings is valued abroad, and therefore the buyer understands the features of a natural product, which, when changing its appearance (crystallization), does not lose its main medicinal and taste properties;
  • and the most important advantage is the cost of products for export, which covers all the expenses of the beekeeper, and allows you to set aside a percentage of profitability for further development business (purchase of new colonies, hives).

Exporting honey is a profitable, but at the same time, in the first stages, a costly and labor-intensive business that requires the seller (beekeeper) of the product to have some knowledge in the sales and marketing industry.

The export market for honey is quite extensive. However, when choosing a country for selling products, you need to decide on the following points:

  • quantity and variety of honey planned for export. Of course, the larger the apiary, the more honey. But, in addition to the amount of honey, it is necessary to “take” the buyer and the diversity of the sweet delicacy. Thus, in some regions of the country, proposals for forbs are relevant, while in other regions buckwheat or acacia honey is highly valued. The more products a beekeeper has, the wider the market;
  • sales market and quantity of demand for products. If a beekeeper is interested in selling honey and its derivatives quickly, without losing money and time, it is necessary to decide on the country that consumes honey the most, or pay attention to the number of buyers in the country. For example, exporting honey to China and Japan is popular. In these countries, natural products are highly valued, which are used both in the cosmetology industry and for gastronomic purposes.
  • who will supply the export goods. If you have the opportunity to independently visit neighboring countries in order to sell honey (for example, Turkey, Poland, Germany), then you need to worry about replacing workers at the apiary itself. This question is especially relevant in the case when export is planned in the spring-summer period, when there is a huge amount of work in the apiary;
  • list of documents. The package of required documents differs in different countries. Therefore, before choosing a particular country, it is important to familiarize yourself with the list of required documents. It may be that some items cannot be completed. But, in most cases, countries that accept honey exports require the following documents:

- apiary veterinary passport. Not only the owner of the apiary is indicated here, but also important features of the location of the apiary, the presence of laboratory tests and their statute of limitations. Actually, every official beekeeper should have such a document, but there are some points that should be clarified with the exporting country: what epizootic points require confirmation, the statute of limitations for treatment, prophylactic and/or disinfection treatments.

- honey analysis. This document contains information on product quality and quantity. For each individual type of honey, it is necessary to make a document that will indicate the qualitative composition (humidity, acidity, honeydew, % inverted sugar, etc.).

- veterinary certificate. If the beekeeper is bringing honey for sale, then form No. 2 is required, for related products (wax, foundation) No. 3.

The main difficulties arise during the first export. All subsequent deliveries of honey will be more simplified, since the beekeeper himself can enter into an agreement between companies that are ready to accept products at a certain time, in a specified quantity. All that is required from the supplier is compliance with sanitary standards and provision of all necessary documents.

There are offers from intermediary companies that have already established supplies of honey to some countries and can provide their services. However, such services are paid, which of course increases the percentage markup on finished products. It is necessary to calculate the benefits and risks for the apiary.

It is important to note that all conclusions and documents provided by the beekeeper are necessary documents for transporting the goods. Each batch is re-tested on site, since the company or trademark may have its own requirements. Therefore, the main point in long-term cooperation is honesty and integrity.

Selling honey abroad: features and differences

Selling natural honey abroad differs in many ways from the trade we are used to. Thus, the amount of sweets consumed abroad is 40% more than in our localities, and this despite the fact that our country occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of productivity. Why is there such a difference?

In our countries, there are several ways to buy honey: at the market, from a beekeeper in bulk, from a reseller, in a supermarket. Abroad, such opportunities are limited, and honey itself is sold only in supermarkets. You can find natural honey without additives or flavorings only at annual beekeeper fairs. But there are a number of features here:

  • each seller must have all the necessary documents confirming the quality of the products;
  • there are certain requirements for containers of honey;
  • all existing flavorings must be listed.

In particular, it is precisely thanks to the last point that the demand for honey abroad is higher than here. Thus, many manufacturers have learned to produce honey with all kinds of flavoring ingredients (natural). For example, in Germany sweets made from honey and chocolate are popular, in Canada - honey puffed mousses and creams, in Italy honey with cinnamon or cashews, in Turkey a sweet product made from honey and peanuts.

But honey is not only purchased by food companies. The natural sweet product of bees from our apiaries is widely used for the production of face and body creams, masks based on clay and honey, and for soap making. Such a versatile product that packs a punch useful properties, is relevant in all countries of the world, and therefore export is a profitable investment not only in your own business, but also in the development of your apiary.

If the apiary has long grown from a hobby into profitable business, it is also important to act like an entrepreneur. Without material justification, the development of even the most beloved hobby will be impossible. If a beekeeper is interested in the material benefit of his own business, then export will help his business reach a new level.

Beekeeping products always bring profit in their native regions, but there are countries that are much more interested in our domestic products. Accordingly, the benefit in material terms is also obvious.

Exporting honey products from an apiary means selling your own products abroad. The benefit is that high-quality honey, which is valued in its native region but is cheap, is purchased in exporting countries more often and at an optimal, favorable price for the beekeeper himself.

Which countries are the most attractive for exporting bee products from Russia? According to the CBI Import Promotion Center, the most favorable market for honey exports is:

  • China;
  • Belgium;
  • France;
  • Japan;
  • Ukraine;
  • Germany;
  • Poland.

Depending on the region where the beekeeper’s apiary is located, it is advisable to consider individual countries for honey export. Thus, it is worth considering a number of features for the materially profitable sale of the product:

  • amount of honey;
  • availability of documents that meet the country's requirements for export;
  • markup percentage, whether it covers costs;
  • the cost of processing all documents for leaving the border.

Important. There are cases when it is more profitable for a beekeeper to sell the products from the apiary to wholesale buyers who already independently sell honey abroad.

Requirements for beekeeper-exporter

According to the current rules of the legal framework for import and export, the supplier of products is required to provide documents, the list of which is regulated by the receiving country. For example, since 2010, by decision of the Customs Union, the recipient of the cargo (importing country) has the right to demand documents confirming the quality of not only the products themselves, but also certificates that indicate compliance with standards at the apiary itself.

Documents for honey export

Prepared honey for shipment is packaged and labeled. Providing a quality certificate and a veterinary certificate (form 2) is required. It is noteworthy that form No. 2 at the veterinary control point becomes a “5g” certificate, which allows you to send honey for sale abroad.

Important. To export honey to Kazakhstan, Belarus and other countries of the Customs Union, you need to provide documents confirming the company’s compliance with veterinary standards. Also, the manufacturer or apiary company must be entered in the “Register of Enterprises of the Customs Union”. You can find out information about the status of the manufacturer on the Moscow website of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance.

Leading countries in honey production

Exporting honey is a responsible mission that allows you not only to enjoy the results of your work in the apiary, but also to receive financial rewards from your work. There is a large amount of honey in the world, which differs in taste, medicinal and color characteristics.

For example, honey from Russia in its different regions has a rich floral, but not cloying aroma with many beneficial properties. At the same time, honey from Ethiopia is white and thick dark honey, which is popular as a gastronomic delicacy.

According to the export and import results for 2017, based on research by customs services in the world, the TOP 10 popular honey producing countries are:

  1. Spain;
  2. Ethiopia;
  3. Russia;
  4. China;
  5. India;
  6. Ukraine;
  7. Mexico;
  8. Argentina;
  9. Türkiye;

Thus, honey production in China is 306,000 tons/year, in Turkey - 74,000 tons, in India - 10,000 tons, but some countries, despite the large amount of their own honey, need additional imports. For example, the countries of the European Union, in particular Germany, Spain, Greece and France, are large producers of sweets from bees, but imports into these regions are also quite large: approximately 40% of honey consumed in the European Union is imported.

Benefit for the beekeeper: export or sale in home country

Until 2015, world honey prices did not match the level and rise in prices at the international level. However, by the end of 2017, the situation had stabilized and beekeepers from all over the world can now cover all their expenses, providing the export market with high-quality honey products.

In particular, by the end of 2017, the cost of Russian honey within the country increased by 7%; for export, the percentage increased to 30%. Honey from Argentina added a record 50% increase in price, which can now be bought for 8-9 euros per kilogram.

Taking into account all the factors, a laconic question arises about the advisability of selling honey for export; isn’t it profitable to sell faster in bulk in your native regions, without wasting time on paperwork? To do this, you need to pay attention to the different prices of honey around the world. Average retail price for a consumer per kilogram in dollars:

  • Spain – 8-9;
  • Canada – 5-8;
  • Germany – 10-16;
  • Portugal – 10-12;
  • Czech Republic – 12-14;
  • Poland – 10-14;
  • Ukraine – 4-8;
  • Russia – 5-8.

The pricing policy allows us to sell honey abroad at more favorable prices, while there is an opportunity for development and growth in business projects.

The decline in demand for honey products from Canada in 2014 is due to the specifics of production. Bees produce honey from genetically modified rapeseed.

Competitiveness of honey on the world market

Despite the fact that in China they produce 450-480 tons of honey per year, our Russian beekeeping products are in high demand in all countries of the world. This demand is largely due to the fact that Russia has a wide selection of natural herbs and flowers. In different regions, medicinal plants help bees create not just a tasty product, but also an incredibly healthy one.

For example, honey from Bashkiria and the Altai region is a world-famous medicinal collection that helps with a variety of diseases. There cannot be any GMOs in products from Russia, since bees use exclusively field plants without chemicals and impurities. It is noteworthy that allergic reactions that can be provoked by some types of honey are not due to the low quality of the product, but to the characteristics of the pollen of the plant that is part of the honey product.

The country that is most profitable for honey export is China. Despite the fact that China produces 6 times more honey per year than Russia, our products are considered the most in demand in this country. However, the size of exports in our country does not allow us to realize a large scale in the world export market, and therefore today our honey is considered tasty and healthy, but often a delicacy in short supply.

Important. Competition among Russian exporters is quite low, and therefore there is every opportunity to independently regulate the price level for their products, including in the price not only production costs and documents, but also calculating the percentage for industrial development.

Profitable areas for developing a beekeeping business are the production of honey from wild plants, which are both medicinal and rare in other countries of the world. Such a direction today will allow not only to occupy an empty niche, but also to loudly declare its ambitions in the world market of beekeeping and export of apiary products.

Honey from Russia on the world market for consumers is rather a delicacy and a rare pleasure, but it is precisely this fact that allows the industry to develop based on its own needs. The benefits of exporting honey abroad are obvious. The only thing that needs to be done is to collect the necessary documents once and confirm the status of the best honey in the world with your example.