Job description for laboratory assistant of chemical and bacteriological analysis. What kind of profession is a chemical and bacteriological analysis laboratory assistant? Salary level of the profession laboratory assistant of chemical and bacteriological analysis

Job Description. Preparation of samples for testing and analysis. Laboratory tests of samples of raw materials, cotton wool for moisture content, determination of absorption capacity, capillarity. Carrying out various chemical and bacteriological analyzes of water, food products, raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products under the guidance of a highly qualified laboratory assistant. Identification by color of cane maturity. Carrying out analyzes of moisture content and infestation of reeds.

Must know: the procedure for taking and processing samples; basic properties of the analyzed materials, raw materials and semi-finished products; purpose of laboratory equipment and rules for handling it.

§ 154. Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis (3rd category)

Job Description. Carrying out various chemical and bacteriological analyzes of water, food products, raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products according to approved methods. Determination of acidity, density of the content of fatty carbonaceous substances, salts, etc., capillarity, the presence of chloride, sulfate and calcium salts, the content of fatty waxy substances, etc. Maintaining control records.

Must know: fundamentals of chemistry and elementary fundamentals of bacteriology within the limits of the work performed; the requirements of state standards for the production of chemical and bacteriological analyzes; the procedure for selecting samples and preparing them for testing; the required scope of tests; methods of preparation of working and titrated solutions, sterilization of bacteriological media; a system for recording test results and methods for their statistical processing.

Comments on the profession

The given tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession " Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis» serve for billing of works and assignment of tariff categories in accordance with article 143 Labor Code Russian Federation. Based on the above job characteristics and the requirements for professional knowledge and skills, a job description for a chemical and bacteriological analysis laboratory assistant is drawn up, as well as documents required for interviewing and testing when applying for a job. When compiling work (job) instructions, pay attention to general provisions and recommendations for this issue of ETKS (see the Introduction section).

We draw your attention to the fact that the same and similar names of working professions can be found in different issues of ETKS. You can find similar names through the directory of working professions (in alphabetical order).

Programvocational training by profession 13319"Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis"— 360 academic hours.

Upon graduation:

- a "Certificate of the profession of a worker, the position of an employee" is issued

- 2 or 3 qualification category is assigned in the profession "Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis"


Training is conducted online, the production practice takes place in real production conditions.

Form of study– part-time with the use of distance learning technologies. Classes are held through the study of lecture materials and presentations, listening to thematic lectures. The practical part of the classes includes questions for self-testing of knowledge and the implementation of practical tasks. After mastering each discipline of the course, intermediate testing is provided. Internship takes place in real production conditions, on the basis of concluded contracts. At the end of the practical training, students perform a practical qualifying work. After the completion of theoretical and practical training, a qualification exam is held, based on the results of which a certificate of the profession of a worker, the position of an employee of the established sample is issued in accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" FZ-273.


After mastering the program of vocational training in the profession, you will be able to put into practice the professional knowledge and skills provided for qualification characteristic profession "Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis" of the 2nd or 3rd category:

After training, laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 2nd category according to the requirements for the profession

will know:

- the procedure for sampling and processing samples;

- the main properties of the analyzed materials, raw materials and semi-finished products;

- the purpose of laboratory equipment and the rules for handling it.

will be able to:

— prepare samples for testing and analysis;

– conduct laboratory tests of raw material samples for moisture content, determination of absorptive capacity, capillarity;

– to conduct various chemical and bacteriological analyzes of water, food products, raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products under the guidance of a laboratory assistant of higher qualification.

Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category

will know:

— fundamentals of chemistry and elementary fundamentals of bacteriology within the limits of the work performed;

– requirements of state standards for the production of chemical and bacteriological analyzes;

— the procedure for sampling and preparing them for testing;

— required scope of tests; methods of preparation of working and titrated solutions, sterilization of bacteriological media;

— a system for recording test results and methods for their statistical processing.

will be able to:

– conduct various chemical and bacteriological analyzes of water, food products, raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products according to approved methods;

- to determine the acidity, the density of the content of fatty carbonaceous substances, salts, etc., capillarity, the presence of chloride, sulfate and calcium salts, the content of fatty and waxy substances;

- maintain control records.

The vocational training program is designed for people who have an education of at least a basic general level and who wish to acquire a working profession in demand on the labor market "Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis." Distance learning course is designed for 360 hours.

No. p / p Name of the discipline Total labor intensity (h) Curriculum (h) SRS (h) The form
Lectures Practical lessons
1. General professional disciplines
1. Technique and technology of laboratory work. 26 10 10 6 offset
2. Occupational Safety and Health. 28 14 8 6 offset
3. Laboratory equipment. Sterilization methods. 20 10 4 6 offset
4. nutrient media. Preparation of nutrient media. requirements for them. 20 10 4 6 offset
2. Special disciplines
5. Technique of inoculation of microorganisms on dense liquid and semi-liquid nutrient media. Methods for obtaining a pure culture of microorganisms. 22 12 2 8 offset
6. Microscopic methods for the study of microorganisms. 22 10 2 10 offset
7. Antibiotics, methods for determining the antibiotic resistance of microorganisms. Accelerated methods for determining the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics. Determination of the concentration of antibiotics in body fluids and tissues. 22 12 2 8 offset
8. Determination of active chlorine in chlorine preparations. Preparation of disinfectant solutions from chlorine preparations. 22 10 4 8 offset
9. Quality control of disinfection. 20 10 2 8 offset
10. Determination of microorganisms in indoor air. 20 10 4 6 offset
11. Determination of microbiological safety of drinking water and soil. 38 22 8 8 offset
12. Determination of microorganisms on household items and equipment. 20 10 2 8 offset
Internship 72 72 diff.
Consultations 2
qualifying exam 6
TOTAL 360 140 124 88

If you wish, you can personally come to our office. Or the original diploma is sent by registered mail with a notification to the address indicated by you in the application - consent to send a document on education by mail. Beforehand, a specialist from the training department will call you to verify it. If on the date of graduation (under the Agreement) you have successfully passed the final certification, and the fact of payment in full is confirmed (the funds have been credited to the account of our educational organization for the student specified in the Agreement), an order to complete the training and certification sheets are generated. The issuance of a document on education is carried out by the CONTRACTOR after the end of the training process and the signing of the relevant order, but no later than 10 working days after the end of the training period in accordance with the Agreement.

After a successful final certification, depending on the direction, we issue a diploma of retraining for a new profession or a certificate of advanced training. From the moment you receive it, you will be able to carry out the selected type of activity, which is approved in the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ, Art. 60 (part 3, 11), art. 76 (ch. 15).

All educational material on the learning portal is divided into blocks. Testing, as a rule, is supposed at the end of each such block (from 3 to 10 questions). Upon completion of the training, the student is invited to take an extended test (final certification). If the listener answers incorrectly, the system recommends him to re-learn certain material and an additional attempt to pass the test is given.

Distance learning is not particularly difficult. The program interface is intuitive, your actions are already planned in advance: press the buttons prompted by the system, open files, follow links. Employees of the technical support department will definitely help you with setting up the necessary programs, and you can easily solve any difficulties with our specialists. Already during the first lessons of the distance learning program, you will understand the logic of the process and will feel confident at the monitor. The interface of the educational portal is quite simple and focused on the widest range of users.

No, a permanent Internet connection is not required. Training materials can be downloaded and saved on your computer device, and, if necessary, printed. A stable Internet connection is required only when participating in webinars and when passing tests.

For e-learning, you only need a computer or tablet device, Internet access. It may be necessary to install a number of standard programs necessary for training (eg MS Office package, etc. as recommended).

The implementation of practical classes is provided, for the most part, in professional retraining programs. While doing practical work it is possible to use any available sources of information, but direct copying of texts (except for quoting) and plagiarism are not allowed. If such are detected by the educational portal verification systems, the written exam will not be considered passed.

A webinar is a live video conference, a presentation by one or more speakers. The webinar is accompanied by a chat, questions are asked to the speaker, discussions are underway. Webinars are prepared in advance, the organizers notify students of the time of the webinar and issue an access code to it by e-mail.

Classes can be in individual and joint form. In the first case, this is your independent work, the fulfillment of tasks for the study of materials. Classes are held on the basis of the educational portal, where you are assigned a personal password and you find everything you need. Just open Required documents, study, save to your computer or print as needed. Video lectures, depending on the type of download, can also be downloaded to your PC or viewed on the educational portal in your personal account or YouTube.

The second type of classes are online events (webinars, conferences) according to pre-formed lists of participants, when students and teachers gather at the same time in one virtual place and consider certain issues together. Such classes are very close to real classrooms: you can see and hear the teacher, communicate with colleagues, only all actions take place on your computer monitor in real time.

It is based on the standard of education of the Russian Federation. After enrollment, you are assigned to a group according to the chosen program. Training takes place online from the personal computer device of each student on our training resource. You will receive an individual key to enter, and with it - maximum access to all learning resources. At your disposal will be theoretical materials, webinars, tests and assignments, as well as chats with a teacher and curator, conferences with other students.

Oh sure. On the basis of international treaties on mutual recognition of educational documents. If the Russian Federation does not have such an agreement/agreement with the country of which you are a citizen, then nostrification of your main diploma (confirmation of education, the procedure established by law) may be required for enrollment.

You do not need to come for admission, this is the main advantage of distance learning. It is also not required to come to the sessions and for the final exams. The educational process is completely conducted online on the educational portal. All organizational issues can be resolved through telephone conversations, through correspondence by e-mail, in instant messengers (WhatsApp, Viber) or by postal service.

1. You send scanned copies by e-mail:

— copies of the passport (main page and registration / registration data),

- the main document of education (diploma with applications),

- marriage certificates (or a certificate of data change, if the full name was changed).

We will also need scanned copies (their templates will be sent to you upon request by a specialist of an educational organization):

- applications for admission

- the contract you signed for the provision educational services,

- consent to processing personal data,

- statements,

- consent to send a document on education by mail. Or, if you wish, you can personally come to our office.

2. After registering the contract, the specialist will send you a receipt with its assigned number and indicating your data (full name)

3. The specialist sends the completed package of your documents to the training department, and an order for admission to training is formed. Based on the order, your login and password are generated to access the educational portal to the training program you have chosen, about which we send you an email to the e-mail you specified in the application.

4. If you need the original of the agreement, then its completed and signed by you form in an envelope must be sent by mail (the address is indicated in the agreement). We will also send you the original of the contract signed by us, as well as the original certificate of enrollment (available upon request) by mail.

The training time depends on the course you choose. In our institute, the duration varies from 24 hours. (1 week) for advanced training courses and from 260 hours. (2 months) under retraining programs. In accordance with Part 6 of Art. 76 No. 273-FZ, the content of the additional professional program is determined by the educational program developed and approved by the organization engaged in educational activities, unless otherwise established by the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" and other federal laws, taking into account the needs of the person, organization, on the initiative of which additional vocational education. In accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Order No. 499 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2013 approved the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional professional programs. In accordance with paragraph 12 of this Procedure, the forms of education and the terms for mastering an additional professional program are determined by the educational program and (or) the education agreement. Nevertheless, the minimum allowable terms for mastering the programs are determined: advanced training - at least 16 hours, professional retraining - at least 250 hours.

The form of education at the Krasnodar multidisciplinary institute of additional education for distance programs of additional vocational education part-time with the use of distance learning technologies in full.

In accordance with part 15 of article 60 federal law 273-FZ, organizations engaged in educational activities have the right to issue to persons who have mastered educational programs for which final certification is not provided, training documents according to the model and in the manner that are established by these organizations independently.

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of its approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. Document approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category" belongs to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualifications- complete general secondary education and vocational education without work experience requirements or complete general secondary education and professional training in production. Advanced training and work experience by profession as a laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 2nd category - at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies:
- fundamentals of chemistry and elementary fundamentals of bacteriology within the framework of the work performed;
- requirements of state standards for chemical and bacteriological analyzes;
- procedure for sampling and testing;
- required scope of tests;
- methods of preparation of working and titer solutions, sterilization of bacteriological media;
- a system for recording test results and methods for their statistical processing.

1.4. The laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise / institution).

1.5. Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. The laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category during the absence is replaced by a person appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Description of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Conducts various chemical and bacteriological analyzes of water, food products, raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products according to approved methods.

2.2. Determines acidity, density of fatty carbonaceous substances, salts, etc., capillarity, the presence of chloride, sulfate and calcium salts, the content of fatty and wax-like substances, etc.

2.3. Maintains control records.

2.4. Knows, understands and applies the current regulatory documents relating to its activities.

2.5. Knows and fulfills the requirements of regulatory acts on labor and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category has the right to take actions to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his official duties and exercise of rights.

3.4. The laboratory assistant of chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category has the right to get acquainted with the draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary for the performance of their duties and orders of the management.

3.7. The laboratory assistant of chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The laboratory assistant of chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category has the right to get acquainted with the documents defining the rights and obligations of the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category is responsible for failure to fulfill or untimely fulfillment of the requirements of this job description obligations and (or) non-use of the granted rights.

4.2. Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of internal work schedule, labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category is responsible for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise / institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. The laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of the internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise / institution) and the legal orders of the management.

4.5. The laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category is responsible for causing material damage organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The laboratory assistant of chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category is responsible for the misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

A technician from the Joint Attack Fighter Squad sprays an F-16 aircraft before the final decontamination quality test. The purpose of the test is to quickly process the entire aircraft and return it to service.

Decontamination is the process of removing, reducing or neutralizing hazardous levels of contamination. The challenge inherent in decontamination is to find solutions that will neither harm the personnel using the decontaminant nor degrade the properties of the material on which it is applied. Chemical warfare was not widely used until World War I, but since then, battlefield decontamination has become a high priority for all military branches around the world. The ability to quickly recover from a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) attack has always been seen as an important deterrent for those who would attempt to use CBRN. Whether performing a routine combat mission or mitigating the effects of a terrorist attack, chemical decontamination needs to be able to deal with a wide range of threats. The two articles "Chemical Bacteriological Decontamination Present and Future" and "Next Generation Chemical Biology Decontamination" cover various aspects of future oriented decontamination trends.

Chemical problems of chemical and bacteriological disinfection based on solutions
Initial decontamination solutions included methods that used physical removal along with neutralization. Today, removal and neutralization are still seen as acceptable solutions; however, both of these methods present some problem.

Removal and/or neutralization

One of effective methods removal during the disinfection of personnel, vehicles and equipment is hot soapy water. It is a simple, low-tech method that is economical and requires little training. The properties of hot soapy water are based on the ability of soap (surfactant) to increase the solubility of the pollutant, after which it can be easily removed. Soap does not chemically react with the pollutant; it simply helps to make the contaminant more soluble in water.

Although the hot soapy solution has shown a good ability to remove most of the chemical-biological poison, it is known that a residual amount of this substance still remains on the decontaminated object. Even a small amount of pollutant reduces the safety of a fighter and his ability to perform a combat mission. Therefore, hot soapy water does not neutralize the poisonous substance, nor is it able to completely remove the pollutant in order to completely eliminate the threat of infection.

Aqueous (water-based) decontaminants can be developed that contain active chemicals that chemically react with contaminants, thus neutralizing and rendering them harmless. The DF200 military decontaminant, for example, contains the reactive chemical compound hydrogen peroxide, an active oxidizing agent that neutralizes contaminants. Aqueous solutions have the disadvantage that they are generally not compatible with sensitive equipment such as computers, night vision goggles, aircraft interiors, etc., which often makes them useless.

Another solution in the field of disinfecting solutions is the use of organic solvents. Organic solvents, generally referred to simply as "solvents", are anhydrous, carbon-containing liquids. There are many different organic solvents, such as gasoline, carbon tetrachloride (dry cleaning fluid), acetone (nail polish thinner), turpentine, and hexane. Solvents tend not to actively react with harmful substances and, like hot soapy water, are used rather because of their ability to dissolve and physically remove organic pollutants, rather than neutralize them. Solvents are generally much less harmful to sensitive equipment; however, solvents can cause serious damage to some plastics, rubbers, and other new materials.

When strong chemicals such as sodium hydroxide are added, some solvents can become reactive in neutralizing hazardous substances. This approach is used to obtain military decontaminating solution DS2 (Decontaminating Solution 2). Unlike aqueous solutions, solvents are a set of various harmful substances. Solvents are hazardous to the user (carcinogenic, mutagenic properties), incompatible with materials (corrosive properties) and not environmentally friendly (in addition to their inherent flammability).

In order to take advantage of active neutralization (through oxidation and/or hydrolysis) and increased solvent power, some complex chemo-bacteriological disinfection formulations will have an organic "co-solvent" in the aqueous disinfectant formulation. The advantages and disadvantages of various disinfectant formulations are discussed below; however, it is worth noting that all disinfecting solutions have the same basic requirements. They include:

- Effectiveness- The mode of action that makes the cleaning agent effective, how quickly the disinfectant becomes effective, in addition, any conditions that are ineffective from the point of view of the cleaning agent should be understood;

- Storage requirements– Either ready-to-use or requiring mixing before use, military decontaminants must have acceptable shelf life so as not to burden the logistics system;

- Durability— When ready for use, disinfectants must remain active for a sufficiently long time to allow personnel to complete the disinfection process. The influence of chemical stability, reactivity, temperature, pH and altitude must be considered in relation to how all these factors influence the effectiveness of finished disinfectants remain over time;

- Material compatibility/corrosivity– It is necessary to understand what effect the disinfectant will have on the surface, work and appearance of the treated object;

- Security- (Includes safety for the user and the environment). Personnel will likely wear protective equipment to protect themselves from the contaminant, but if the contaminant requires special equipment, materials and/or handling procedures, then this represents an additional burden.

Korean Chemical Battalion soldiers demonstrate how to decontaminate their weapons during a joint exercise with the US Chemical Service Corps at Camp Casey.

During a Marine Corps chemical decontamination exercise

Formulation development

In general, solution-based cleanser formulations are a difficult task. Solutions must provide a wide range of performance as well as be reactive under a wide range of operating and environmental conditions. Solutions must support the concept of a family of systems for decontamination (DFoS) [see. article "Chemical-biological disinfection of a new generation"] and meet the combined program requirements. The formulations may contain powerful oxidizing agents which are primarily useful in either acidic or alkaline applications. The use of organic "co-solvents" can lead to compatibility issues with metal surfaces, plastics, rubber and other new modern materials.

The general approach to formulation selection was to use so-called "Green Chemistry" as part of the formulation process; this avoids the toxicity introduced by organic solvents. The main categories of components of the compositions are:

Surfactants - to help dissolve contaminants and other formulation ingredients;

Oxidizers - to react with chemical and biological agents;

Buffer solutions - to maintain optimal pH for the best chemical activity;

Catalysts - to promote activity in relation to chemical-biological agents;

Stabilizers – to prevent the active ingredients from breaking down (decomposing) too quickly (leading to short shelf life and expiration dates).

Altering any component often affects the effectiveness of the agents and does not create an blistering effect (positive characterization), however, highly active compounds often have short shelf lives and may require a stabilizer, which in turn can potentially result in less oxidant activity. In addition, it is reasonable to note that although organic solvents can be eliminated, maintaining the effectiveness of the solubility enhancer either in solution or on materials still needs to be achieved.

Marine chemical unit personnel spray each other's protective suits with a chlorine-water mixture to get rid of any toxic substances that may have remained on equipment during the decontamination process.

The Israeli army command demonstrates a special area decontamination vehicle during a national exercise on civil defense"Turning Point 2"


Oxidizers have been used in general disinfectants since the sixth century AD. One of the first combat oxidizers was lime (calcium oxide), which was used in the Middle Ages to decontaminate decaying corpses. Today, oxidizing agents are still used in solution cleaners to combat chemical/biological chemicals. While the complexity of oxidant formulations has increased, they have the advantages and disadvantages of solution-based decontamination.

Superchlorinated bleaches such as High-Test Hypochlorite (HTH) and Super Tropical Bleach (STB) have been used since World War II as general purpose disinfectants. The disadvantages of using bleach as a cleaning agent have been described by Young et al.: (a) the available chlorine content decreases continuously with time during storage (i.e., short storage time), (b) a large amount of bleach is needed to oxidize chemicals, and (c) bleach is incompatible with most military materials.

Peroxides (hydrogen peroxide) are desirable disinfectants because they are non-toxic, non-corrosive to materials, and environmentally friendly. Peroxides are usually liquids and therefore have transport and handling issues and are best stored at temperatures below 0°C; however, storage for a limited period of time over a wide range of temperatures in ventilated containers is possible. Transport regulations limit peroxide concentrations to less than 8%. Unfortunately, at 8% peroxide is a blister with unacceptably low oxidizing power. Another disadvantage is that peroxides and peroxide-based disinfectants have shown poor efficacy against biological agents.

Peracids are a viable option when they can be mixed into solution formulations either directly as a free peracid (immediately reactive) or can be generated "in situ" via perhydrolysis (see below). Free peracids are suitable cleaning agents due to the fact that they are non-toxic, non-corrosive, environmentally friendly and relatively fast acting.

Peracid disinfectants have also been shown to be highly effective against biological chemicals. Liquid peracids have limited shelf life, transport and handling issues, and are best stored below 0°C.

One major advantage over peroxides is that peracids can be stored and used in solid form under a wide range of environmental conditions. Peracids in the solid state have been observed to have long shelf lives with limited loss of oxygen at elevated temperatures. There are also transport regulations for organic peroxides.

Peroxide activators and catalysts

Simple solutions of hydrogen peroxide, peroxide activators and organic "co-solvents" can provide rapid decontamination of a wide range of chemical-biological agents. Studies have shown that these chemicals work even at low temperatures (-30°C).

An additional method for the production of peracids is "in situ" production by perhydrolysis using commercially available activators. With the use of activators, issues of their solubility in water, activity depending on temperature, conversion rate, biodegradability, stability and cost may arise.

Emulsions and microemulsions

There are two main ways of formulating aqueous or so-called chemical-biological disinfectants. The first is emulsions, which are a mixture of two liquids that do not dissolve in each other (that is, they are not miscible). The second are microemulsions, which are colorless, stable, liquid mixtures of oil, water and a surfactant, often in combination with a "co-solvent". The aqueous phase may contain salt(s) and/or other ingredients and the "oil" may in fact be a complex mixture of various hydrocarbons and olefins (ethylene hydrocarbons). Unlike conventional emulsions, microemulsions are easy to mix and do not require the high pressure required to form conventional emulsions. There are two main types of microemulsions: direct (oil dissolved in water, w/w) and reverse (water dissolved in oil, w/w).

Solid formulations

Another avenue currently being explored is the concept of producing a solid oxidant or hydrolysis source in combination with additional solid ingredients for biochemical disinfectants. The goal is to achieve a dry concentrated substance, which is obtained by dissolving in any source of water. The challenge is to create a perfect disinfectant with high potency, long shelf life, shelf life, material compatibility, good transportability and low cost.


Solution-based decontamination faces major challenges and continues to be worked on. New concepts and approaches of solution disinfectants are constantly being tested in order to obtain the best balance between efficiency and stability in a specific combat mission (for example, Environment, poisonous substance, base material, available time). Solution disinfectants will continue to follow the DFoS concept in order to allow the fighter to better focus on the combat mission and reduce the time, labor and logistics of the decontamination process.

Materials used:

Today, there are many different laboratories in medical, educational and other private or public organizations. And the main labor force there are laboratory assistants. These specialists conduct research and experiments in various directions. For example, a laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis works in the healthcare sector.

Description of the profession

The laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis prepares the selected samples for subsequent studies of their properties and reactions. Independently, he can engage in laboratory testing of samples of raw materials and finished products.

To successfully fulfill his duties, a laboratory assistant must have knowledge in the field of natural sciences, GOSTs, the principle of sampling, methods for conducting various types of research. The specialist can carry out analyzes on water, food products, raw materials or semi-finished products.

Since during work it is necessary to interact with substances of various categories, as well as complex equipment, minors cannot be allowed to work. Moreover, in order to be admitted to a laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis, it is necessary to undergo appropriate instructions and a medical commission. Upon successful completion, he will expect an internship under the guidance of a laboratory assistant with a higher level of training. Depending on the organization and the upcoming work, the internship can last from 2 to 14 days.

It is worth noting that the laboratories have very strict internal regulations. They concern not only the appearance (overalls and its condition), but also behavior (it is forbidden to eat and drink at the workplace, leave the equipment running for a long time).

The protective equipment of the laboratory assistant includes: a dressing gown, an apron, leather shoes, glasses.

Before starting to fulfill his labor obligations, the laboratory assistant needs to change into overalls, check them for holes or breakages, check the workspace (whether the ventilation system, locks, dishes are intact), evaluate the performance of the devices in use. If problems are found, they should be reported to the manager immediately. It is strictly forbidden to conduct any research and experiments in the presence of non-working equipment or poor-quality protective equipment.

Also, a specialist needs to check the markings on the containers of aggressive substances, their tightness. And used laboratory glassware can only be cleaned in a special room with its own ventilation system.

At the end of the working day, the laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis must bring his workplace to its original state, remove all jars with reagents and other substances, close cabinets, turn off devices.

Since accidents are not ruled out when working with aggressive substances, it is necessary to observe safety precautions and be able to medical care. For example, after working with substances in without fail wash your hands and dry them with a towel in a specially designated place for this.

Where to learn the profession of laboratory assistant of chemical and bacteriological analysis?

To work as a laboratory assistant, you must have a specialized education, and whether it is received at a college or university is of no fundamental importance. In addition, higher educational institutions that have laboratories in their composition quite often hire laboratory assistants from among students.

Laboratory assistants need to know the basics of such disciplines as: chemistry, bacteriology. It is also necessary to have practical skills in conducting basic types of research, be able to maintain documentation and reporting.

Among other things, there are also advanced training courses, thanks to which laboratory assistants have the opportunity to get a higher level.

Ranks of the profession laboratory assistant of chemical and bacteriological analysis

In total, the specialty has two levels of qualification - the second and third categories.

Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 2nd category

Primarily busy with preparatory work for research and experimentation. Independently, this specialist can take water, food, raw materials, semi-finished products for analysis. To perform the assigned tasks, he must know the functional purpose of all instruments and instruments of the laboratory.

Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis of the 3rd category

Knows how to prepare various blockages, determine the acidity and other indicators of samples. He also keeps records on the work done, the results obtained, the materials used.

Personal qualities of the profession laboratory assistant of chemical and bacteriological analysis

To perform the tasks assigned to him, the laboratory assistant must have the following character traits and personality traits: attentiveness, responsibility, perseverance, readiness for monotonous work, resourcefulness, erudition and curiosity.

Laboratory assistants are usually referred to as representatives of intellectual labor. Therefore, in employees, first of all, a sharp mind, creativity, and developed spatial thinking are valued.

If a non-standard situation arises during work, the laboratory assistant of chemical and bacteriological analysis should be able to get together and calmly assess the situation when making a decision.

Salary level of the profession laboratory assistant of chemical and bacteriological analysis

Middle level wages for a laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis is 25,000 rubles.

Pros and cons of the profession of laboratory assistant of chemical and bacteriological analysis

To positive traits specialties include:

    demand in the domestic labor market;

    career growth prospects.

Among cons professions should be noted:

    low monthly income

    work with hazardous substances.