Diagnostic work "checking the skills of semantic reading". Check spelling and punctuation online, check spelling in the text Actual recommendations for the formation of semantic reading skills at school

Grade 2 Test"Working with text" V. 1

Tiny hummingbirds are one of the most amazing creatures among birds. They have properties that are completely not inherent in other birds. Hummingbirds are capable of making up to eighty-one flaps of their wings per second, it is equally easy to fly forward, backward, up and down, and also to hang motionless, like a helicopter, in the air. Developed pectoral muscles, a large volume of lungs, a strong heart make it extremely easy for hummingbirds to fly at high speed.

Different types of hummingbirds differ from each other in size. The giant ones found in South America reach a length of twenty-three centimeters. The size of ordinary hummingbirds does not exceed 114 millimeters. The appearance of the birds is varied, but the plumage of all is unusually bright. Hummingbirds, fragile in appearance, are distinguished by an extremely warlike character. They tell of cases when a flock of hummingbirds panicked an eagle and put it to flight.


    Where in the world can you find hummingbirds? ________________________________________________________________________

    How big are giant hummingbirds?



    What does the number 81 mean in the text?


giant hummingbirds

Beautiful bird

Performed the work of ___________________________________________


The baobab plant has one amazing feature - it is a thick trunk, reaching ten meters. In it, the baobab stores water. Baobab fruits are very juicy and appear on the tree in summer. In order to water the fruits with moisture and not die from drought, the tree accumulates a lot of liquid. It is necessary to protect the water from the scorching sun, so the baobab has a very thick, soft, steel-colored bark. The entire inner part of the baobab bark consists of strong fibers that are as strong as metal strings. Over time, the baobab either becomes larger in thickness, or, on the contrary, decreases. This is due to the fact that in dry years the tree spends its moisture supply and “loses weight”. And in rainy years, the trunk increases its thickness.

The baobab has very rare leaves. The fact is that baobab leaves are eaten by fruit bats - relatives of bats. And the locals prepare a condiment called couscous.




    Why does the baobab have a thick bark? ________________________________________________________

    Why does the baobab have sparse leaves?______________________________


    Who are the fruit bats? _________________________________________________

    What does the number 10 mean in the text _________________________________

    Which heading best fits the whole text. Emphasize.

Baobab saves animals.

Baobab is losing weight.


3rd grade

Test "Working with text" B. 1

Performed the work of ___________________________________________


Tiny hummingbirds are one of the most amazing creatures among birds. They have properties that are completely not inherent in other birds. Hummingbirds are capable of making up to eighty-one flaps of their wings per second, it is equally easy to fly forward, backward, up and down, and also to hang motionless, like a helicopter, in the air. Developed pectoral muscles, a large volume of lungs, a strong heart make it extremely easy for hummingbirds to fly at speeds sometimes reaching eighty kilometers per hour.

Currently, three hundred and nineteen species of hummingbirds are known. Different types of hummingbirds differ from each other in size. The giant ones found in South America, in the Andean mountains, reach a length of twenty-three centimeters. The size of ordinary hummingbirds does not exceed 114 millimeters. The appearance of the birds is varied, but the plumage of all is unusually bright. Hummingbirds, fragile in appearance, are distinguished by an extremely warlike character. They tell of cases when a flock of hummingbirds panicked an eagle and put it to flight.

The smallest hummingbird, the fly hummingbird, is found in Cuba. Its length, from the tip of the thin beak to the end of the tail, is only fifty-seven millimeters. The female is slightly larger than the male, which has a sparkling red head and neck. It is bluish below and grayish white above. The female has a greenish back and a light belly.

    Why is a hummingbird considered an amazing bird among birds?


    In which direction can hummingbirds fly?



    How fast can a hummingbird fly?


    What body structure allows a bird to fly at high speed?


    How many species of hummingbirds are known to scientists?


    Where in the world can you find hummingbirds?

    What is the size of common hummingbirds?____________________________

    Where do giant hummingbirds live in South America? ____________________________________________________________

    What size do they reach?_________________________________

    What is the peculiarity of the plumage of all hummingbirds? ____________________________________________________

    What are the characteristics of hummingbirds? Give an example.


    How do different types of hummingbirds differ from each other?


    What is the name of the smallest hummingbird?


    What is her body size?


    Enter in the table "Appearance of a hummingbird - a fly" "known data from the text:







    1 2 3

    Give a name to each part:

    1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Which heading best fits the whole text. Emphasize.


giant hummingbirds

Amazing creatures among birds

Hummingbird - fly

Beautiful bird

Test "Working with text" B. 2

Performed the work of ___________________________________________


A huge thick baobab is an inhabitant of the warm regions of the globe. There are two types of this plant. The birthplace of one of them is Australia, and the other species grows in Africa.

The baobab has one amazing feature - it is a thick trunk, reaching ten meters. In it, the baobab stores water. Baobab fruits are very juicy and large, appear on the tree in the driest time - summer. In order to water the fruits with moisture and not die from drought, the tree accumulates a huge amount of liquid.
Up to one hundred and twenty thousand liters of liquid can accumulate in the trunk of a baobab. It is necessary to protect the water from the scorching sun, so the baobab has a very thick, soft, steel-colored bark. The entire inner part of the baobab bark consists of strong fibers that are as strong as metal strings. Over time, the baobab either becomes larger in volume, or, on the contrary, decreases. This is due to the fact that in dry years the tree spends its moisture supply and “loses weight”. And in rainy years, the trunk increases its thickness. But, despite such uneven growth, the baobab, on average, still becomes wider - by about 3 centimeters per year.

With such an impressive trunk size, the baobab has a very rare crown. The fact is that baobab leaves are eaten by fruit bats - relatives of bats. And the locals cook original soups from the leaves, prepare a seasoning called couscous. Watery baobab wood is often used by thirsty animals.

    How many types of baobabs exist on Earth? ________________

    Where does each type of baobab grow?


    What is the main feature of the baobab plant?


    Why does the baobab have to accumulate moisture?


    At what time of the year does the baobab fruit appear?


    Describe what they are?____________________________________________

    How much water can accumulate in baobab trunks?


    Why does the baobab have a thick bark?

    What color is the bark of a baobab tree?

    Why does the trunk of the baobab change in size, then “lose weight, then get better?” _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Why does the baobab have a rare crown?______________________________


    How do the locals use the baobab?


    What is the name of the seasoning that the locals make from the crown of a tree?

    How do animals use the baobab?

    Enter in the table "What does a baobab look like" known data from the text:




Inner part

    What do the numbers in this text mean?


    120 thousand

    How many parts are in this text. Emphasize.1 2 3

    Give a name to each part:


    Which heading best fits the whole text. Emphasize.

Baobab saves animals.

Baobab is losing weight.


Amazing plant - baobab.

Two types of baobab.

Then the frosts began.

V. Bianchi

Task number 1. Read the text.

Task number 2.

Task number 3.

Why did Peak return to the mink?

Task number 4.

Task number 5.

Task number 6.

Monitoring the formation of students in grade 2

the skill of semantic reading of the text


The birds no longer came to peck at the grain. The grass lay firmly on the ground, and a cold wind roamed freely around the island.

By that time Peak had grown terribly fat. A sort of lethargy came over him. He was too lazy to move much. He got out of the mink less and less.

One morning he saw that the entrance to his dwelling was blocked. He dug up the cold loose snow and went out into the meadow. The whole earth was white. The snow sparkled unbearably in the sun. The little mouse's bare paws burned with cold. Peak quickly returned to the mink.

Then the frosts began.

The mouse would have had a bad time if he had not stocked up food for himself. How to dig up grains from deep frozen snow?

Sleepy lethargy increasingly seized Peak. Now he did not leave the bedroom for two, three days and slept all the time. Waking up, he went to the cellar, ate there and again fell asleep for several days.

Outside, he stopped walking at all.

He was fine underground. He lay on the soft bed, curled up in a warm, fluffy ball. His heart beat slower and slower. Breath became weak-weak. A sweet long sleep completely overcame him.

Baby mice do not sleep all winter, like marmots or hamsters. From a long sleep they lose weight, they become cold. Then they wake up and take on their supplies.

Peak slept peacefully: after all, he had two full cellars of grain.

V. Bianchi

Task number 1. Read the text.

Task number 2. Title the text and write the title


Task number 3. Read the text. Mark × for which question is not answered in the text.

Why did Peak return to the mink?

Why did he feel good underground?

Why did the mouse sleep peacefully?

How much grain does a mouse eat during the winter?

Task number 4. Write a summary word for each group.

1.__________________: berry, toy, dress.

2. _________________: seaside, stone, sad.

3. _________________: go out, build, come.


Task number 5. Explain the meaning of the word "stock"


Task number 6.


the skill of semantic reading of the text




Task number 1. Read the text.

Task number 2. Title the text and write the title


Task number 3. Mark the answer with an icon





Task number 4.

Task number 5. Explain the meaning of the word:

Monitoring the formation of students in grade 1

the skill of semantic reading of the text


Autumn has come, bringing cold and rain. Beetles - spiders were hiding, and the seeds and berries of that and look, the snow will fall asleep. It's time for the inhabitants of the forest to stock up for the winter, take care of themselves.

The water rat dragged potatoes from the garden, hid them in his mink. Chipmunk peeled sunflower seeds and put them in the underground pantry. Squirrel hung the mushrooms in knots, dried them for the winter ...

One titmouse - corydalis not for itself alone, but for everyone for the winter stockpiled! Beetles - spiders, seeds - grains stuck in all the cracks - hid. Whoever finds it in winter, let him eat it.

Task number 1. Read the text.

Task number 2. Title the text and write the title


Task number 3. Mark the answer with an icon, which of the named objects has the titmouse stocked up for the winter?





Task number 4.

Read the story about the titmouse. How do you think the titmouse will hide its supplies? Write your answer.


Task number 5. Read the story about the titmouse. Underline the words you don't know.Explain the meaning of the word:

"Hull out" - ______________________________________________________________


the skill of semantic reading of the text


Monitoring the formation of students in grade 3

the skill of semantic reading of the text



The results of monitoring the formation of UUD semantic reading of the text

3rd grade students

3 quarter 2016-2017 academic year

No. p / p

F.I. student

Technical side

semantic side

Exercise 1.

text reading (number of words)

Task 2.

ability to extract essential information from the text (+,-)

Task 3.

the ability to establish causal relationships (+, -)

Task 4.

Ability to carry out the analysis and synthesis of objects with the allocation of essential features (+,-)

Task 5.

the ability to build a reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments about an object (+, -)

Task 6.

ability to prove, put forward hypotheses and substantiate them (+,-)

Total (% of total):

Right answers:

1. 7 0-80 wpm

2. Knights, Life of Knights, etc.

3. a+, b-, c+, g-, e+

4. dark, damp and gloomy inside, you can warm up only by the fireplace

5 . military contest of knights

6. features of the life of knights in the Middle Ages

Monitoring the quality of reading and understanding of the text according to N.N. Smetannikova

Monitoring (tracking) of the quality of reading is increasingly being used as an assessment activity in the process and based on the results of learning.

Monitoring is carried out by the teacher (teacher), self-monitoring is carried out by the student himself. In other words, monitoring is the function of a teacher-methodologist or a reading facilitator.

Reading monitoring begins with the creation of descriptors, where the starting point is the list of skills contained in the Education Standards, in particular the sections “Planned results of the development of interdisciplinary programs” and “Reading: working with information”. They indicate the universal learning activities that should be formed in elementary school graduates (personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative), as well as the primary skills of working with information as a result of studying all subjects without exception.

The goal and objectives are impressive.

In the meantime, here is a more practice-oriented set of descriptors compiled for a teacher-methodologist of reading working in elementary and high schools (Table 1). It can also be used for reading in a foreign language in high school.

The monitoring work should be carried out on two types of texts: fiction and non-fiction. Quantityassignments should vary depending on the age of the reader and the difficulty of the text. The tasks themselves are grouped according to their purpose.

First groupis focused on checking the general understanding of the content of the text, which includes the ability to find information that is given explicitly, but located in one or more sentences in different places in the text, as well as the ability to distinguish between facts and fiction, facts and opinions.

Second grouptasks checks the ability to extract information given implicitly, i.e. subtext information; name the time or place of action, the characters of the text; determine the occupation, the main qualities of the hero; give examples confirming the manifestation of character; draw conclusions.

Third group- conceptual questions - tests skilldetermine the topic, the main idea of ​​the text, the idea and the problem, as well as the sequence of thoughts and details; formulate your impressions and explain them; support judgments with examples from the text and personal experience. This also includes the ability to restore information gaps in the text.

Fourth group is aimed at testing the ability to name the type of book, where the text is taken from, its type, type, genre; name the subject area and text-related topics to discuss the text in a broader context. This also includes tasks related to the language characteristics of the text.

Table 1

Descriptors for self-assessment of reading competence and integrative skills


1st stage

- I understand the topic, general content, problem and idea of ​​texts, as well as simple short descriptions, especially if they contain illustrations-explanations.

- I understand short simple informational texts by isolating familiar names, words, terms, simple basic sentences, sometimes individual fragments of the text.

- Can understand short written instructions, especially if they include illustrations.

- I recognize familiar words, names and simple sentences in ads.

- I understand short, simple messages, for example, in a letter (including digital media).

- I can find information in materials such as city maps, timetables, descriptions of goods and services (including on digital media).

2nd stage

- I can understand simple informational texts of medium length containing the most commonly used international vocabulary.

- I can understand the topic, general content, problem and idea of ​​simple narrative texts.

- I can understand short descriptions.

- I can find information in materials such as a city map, advertisements, booklets, brochures, menus, schedules, weather forecasts (including digital media).

- I can find the necessary information in such types of written materials as letters, postcards, brochures describing objects, places, events, people (including digital media).

- I understand short letters of a personal nature (including digital ones).

- I can understand standard business letters, telefax and electronic messages on familiar topics (including digital media).

- I understand instructions, signs and announcements posted in public places - on the streets, railway stations, as well as in the workplace.

3rd stage

- I can read educational texts freely at different speeds and in different ways in accordance with the learning task. I understand descriptive educational texts.

- I can find and understand the general information I need in materials such as letters, brochures and short white papers (including digital media).

- I can look through one text of medium length or several short texts to find a specific answer to the question I need to complete a specific learning task (exploratory reading).

4th stage

- I understand informative and descriptive and narrative texts, as well as simple texts containing a point of view and a system of arguments on educational topics.

- I can isolate the main and details of the text.

- I can quite easily read the main types of educational texts at different speeds and in different ways in accordance with the learning task.

- I understand clearly written instructions.

- I have a basic lexicon for reading.

- I understand personal and business correspondence written in plain language (including on digital media).

5th stage

- I can quite easily and in different ways read the main types of educational texts at different speeds in accordance with the need and needs.

- I have an adequate vocabulary for reading simple fiction and non-fiction; when difficulties arise, I can use a dictionary (including on a digital medium).

- I can isolate the main and details of the text in simple popular science articles on familiar problems.

- I determine the importance of articles on a range of topics and can decide whether it makes sense to read them in more detail (including on digital media).

- I can understand articles on contemporary topics in which the author takes a certain position or expresses a specific point of view.

- I understand the instructions for using technical equipment.

6th stage

- I can read all types of educational texts fairly quickly and easily and understand the main content without difficulty.

- I understand the main conclusions in a well-organized text that defends a point of view.

- I understand the basic logic of the proof within the text, but not all the details.

- I understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in texts and in personal correspondence in a volume sufficient to correspond with a friend or acquaintance.

- I have an adequate vocabulary to understand the content of classical and modern literary texts, books and newspaper articles, but when difficulties arise, I can use a dictionary.

- I read and understand fiction.

- I read correspondence related to my area of ​​interest and without difficulty understand its main content (including on digital media).

- I can understand articles in my professional area and can use a dictionary if necessary.

7th stage

- I understand any correspondence, sometimes resorting to a dictionary (including digital media).

- Completely, accurately and distinctly understand all the details of a long and complex text of any kind, type, genre, provided that I can re-read those sections that caused difficulties.

8th stage

- I understand and can interpret written language in almost all its forms, including abstract, structurally complex literary or non-fiction texts written in bookish or colloquial language.

"Monitoring reading"

The purpose of this strategy is to determine the quality of reading.


Step 1. Select the text and determine its type, type and frame.

Step 2. Prepare tasks and distribute them into groups.

Step 3: Set time for work, reading, and assignments.

Step 4. Prepare an assessment scale for completing the task, including: assessment and classification of correctly completed tasks, the total number of points, as well as their distribution by reading levels:

98-100 points - high level.

91-97 points - high average.

75-90 points - average level.

61-74 points - low average level.

51-60 points - low level.

Tasks by difficulty can be basic and advanced levels. The first have a coefficient of 1-2, the second - 3.

Step 5. Introduce students to the purpose of the work, requirements and assessment criteria.

Pretext information:

The work consists of an informational text and 16 tasks for it, which are divided into 4 groups depending on the purpose ( Table 2) .

table 2

Definition of tasks in accordance with selected groups


Job #

Total number of jobs


2,3,4,6, 12


9, 11,13

Total: 16 tasks.

Of them:

VO (answer choice): 9 tasks.

KO (short, concise answer): 3 tasks.

RO (long answer): 4 tasks.

Table 3

Orientation of tasks

Tasks with VO

Questions with an open answer



Extracting factual information, explicit information, facts and opinions.

8, 10, 16

subtext information.


Concept information.

2,11, 12


Language, text structure.

9, 13

Work time:

Reading (at a speed of more than 120 words per minute) - 2 minutes.

Completing tasks - 40 min.

Execution check - Serpents.

Job evaluation:

Correctly completed tasks:

№1,2,5,6,7,9,11,12,13 - 1 point Total: 9 points.

№ 3, 4,8,10,14,15,16 - 2 points. Total: 14 points.

Total: 23 points.

Less than 14 points - low level.

14 - 16 points - low average level.

17-19 points - middle level.

20 - 21 points - high average level.

22 - 23 points - high level.

Difficulty of work: above average.

Number of basic level tasks: 10,

Number of advanced level tasks: 6.


Where did the expression "cross the Rubicon" come from?

By the middle of the 1st century BC, the Roman Republic was exhausted by the uprisings of the conquered provinces and the fierce struggle in Rome itself between various groups of slave owners, which turned into bloody civil wars.

Gaius Julius Caesar - an outstanding politician of the Roman Empire - created in Rome the "union of three" - a triumvirate consisting of Caesar, Pompey and Crassus. The rule of the Roman dominions was divided among the triumvirators. Caesar ruled Gaul, Pompey ruled Rome and Spain, Crassus ruled Syria.

Gaul occupied the space from the Alps and the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean. All these regions, as well as Northern Italy, were inhabited by the Celts, whom the Romans called Gauls.

While Caesar was in Gaul, Crassus died. With his death, the triumvirate fell apart. Pompey, who remained in Rome, saw in Caesar a dangerous rival in the struggle for power and became close to his enemies. Spurred on by Pompey, the Senate demanded that Caesar disband the army and come to Rome to report. Caesar refused to comply with this demand and in 49 BC moved his troops to Rome.

At the boundary river Rubicon, he stopped, considering the situation. To cross the frontier with troops was to declare war on the Republic. He ordered the soldiers to go forward. With the words: "Forward ... The die is cast, the Rubicon is crossed!" Caesar started a civil war. It culminated in the establishment of his dictatorship in the Roman Empire.

Questions and assignments to the text “Where did the expression “cross the Rubicon” come from?”

1. Find a statement that matches the content of the read text:

Gaius Julius Caesar -

a) an outstanding financier;

b) the ruler of Rome and Spain;

c) an outstanding political figure;

d) the leader of the slave uprising.

2. When was the dictatorship established in the Roman Empire?

a) in the middle of the 1st century BC;

b) in 49 AD;

c) in 49 BC;

d) in the 1st century AD

3. Where did Gaius Julius Caesar decide to declare war on the Roman Empire? What state was he in at that moment? Give a detailed answer.

4. "Pompey, who remained in Rome, saw Caesar as a dangerous rival..." Why? What in the text helps in your reasoning?

5. What is the main focus of the text?

a) on the creation of a triumvirate;

b) about the customs of the Roman Empire;

c) the beginning of an internecine war;

d) about how Caesar came to power.

6. Caesar said: "... the die is cast" because:

a) he dropped it

b) made a decision;

c) there was nowhere to retreat;

d) it was impossible to delay.

7. What is the main idea of ​​the text?

a) explain the origin of the expression "cross the Rubicon";

b) show what mistrust can lead to;

c) reveal the meaning of the word "dictatorship";

d) show the role of Caesar in history.

8. Write what phrase from the text the author characterizes Caesar.

9. In which collection should this text be placed?

a) a collection of historical stories for children;

b) legends and myths of Ancient Greece;

c) collection of scientific articles;

d) stories from the ZhZL series (“Life of Remarkable People”).

10. Which word is explained in the text?

a) triumvirate;

b) the senate;

c) dictatorship.

Justify your point of view.

11. Restore the sequence in which the following sentences occur:

AND)... the Roman Republic was weakened ...

B)it culminated in the establishment ... of a dictatorship ...

AT)Caesar ... moved his troops to Rome.

G)the rule of the Roman dominions was divided...

D)Caesar disbanded the army and came to Rome for a report.

a) A, B, D, C, D.

b) A, D, D, C, B.

c) C, D, A, B, D.

d) D, A, D, B, C.

12. What What does the phrase "cross the Rubicon" mean?

a) cross the river

b) declare war

c) move forward

d) make a decision.

13. "Cross the Rubicon" is:

a) tongue twister;

b) proverb;

c) catch phrase;

d) personification.

14. Have you ever crossed the Rubicon? Write about it in 4-5 sentences.

15. Do you know other popular expressions? Give 1-2 examples, explain their meaning.

16. Gaius Julius Caesar wished to rule alone and ruined the Roman Republic. Is this opinion correct? Give a short answer and explain it.

Table 4

Principles for evaluating the quality of assignments to the text

"Where did the expression 'cross the Rubicon' come from?"



Assessment principles

The correct answer is "in".

The correct answer is 1 point.

The correct answer is "in".

No answer, wrong answer - 0 points.

The correct answer is 1 point.

Caesar decided to declare war on the banks of the border river Rubicon.

At the moment of making a decision, he hesitated, carefully considering it. “At the border river Rubicon, he stopped, considering the situation ...”

Lack of answer, wrong place - 0 points.

Only one of the points of the question was answered (only the place of the decision was indicated or the state of Caesar was described); only one of the questions was answered correctly - 1 point. The correct answer to both points of the question is given - 2 points.

With the death of Crassus, the question of the redistribution of territories inevitably arose. Caesar, as an outstanding politician and commander, was a danger to Pompey. This is confirmed by the following expressions: Gaius Julius Caesar is an outstanding politician; created a triumvirate in Rome.

Lack of response, the reasons for Pompey's fears are incorrectly indicated - 0 points. The correct explanation is not supported by examples from the text, the explanation is incomplete, or not all examples from the text are given - 1 point.

Correct answers were given to both questions -

2 points.

The correct answer is "g".

No answer, wrong answer ~ 0 points.

The correct answer is 1 point.

The correct answer is "b".

No answer, wrong answer - 0 points.

Correct answer ~ 1 point.

The correct answer is "a".

No answer, wrong answer - 0 points.

The correct answer is 1 point.

Outstanding politician of the Roman Empire.

No answer, wrong answer - 0 points.

The correct answer is 1 point.

The correct answer is "a".

No answer, wrong answer - 0 points.

The correct answer is 1 point.

The correct answer is "a". Triumvirate - "Union of three", consisting of Caesar, Pompey and Crassus.

No answer, wrong answer - 0 points.

Correct answer with no justification - 1 point.

Correct answer and correct justification - 2 points.

The correct answer is "b".

No answer, wrong answer - 0 points.

The correct answer is 1 point.

The correct answer is "g".

No answer, wrong answer - 0 points.

The correct answer is 1 point.

The correct answer is "in".

No answer, wrong answer - 0 points.

The correct answer is 1 point.

This question requires an answer in several extended sentences describing personal experience child in a difficult decision-making situation.

No answer, wrong answer - 0 points.

Non-extended answer - 1 point. Extended answer - 2 points.

This question requires an answer in several sentences.

No answer, wrong answer, wrong explanation of catchphrases - 0 points.

1-2 popular expressions are given without explaining their meaning - 1 point. 1-2 catch phrases are given with a correct explanation of their meaning -

2 points.

The correct answer is "No". This opinion is unfair, since Caesar's decision to go to Rome was forced.

No answer, wrong answer -

0 points.

Correct answer without explanation - 1 point. Correct answer with explanation - 2 points.

Portfolio of a teacher-reader according to N.N. Smetannikova

Technology Portfolio ” (“Portfolio”), as mentioned above, belongs to the group of authentic valuation activities. In accordance with the goal of collecting and presenting information, the “Portfolio” can be predominantly working, reporting and reflective. In our case, teacher-readers collect a Portfolio Report. The purpose of the document is to confirm the assimilation and appropriation of strategies for working with text.

The plan for collecting the "Portfolio" is as follows:

1. Portrait of a teacher-reader

1) Information about yourself in free form and format (text, photos). In Section I of this manual, you identified your teaching and learning style. Did it help you in the work of the group?

2) The need to choose a seminar, its awareness.

3) My expectations and planned result (What do I expect from the seminar? What do I plan to learn?). The portrait is assembled during the first lessons of the seminar. Then the information is added.

2. Collector

Material received from outside is collected here. Artifacts can be texts and work plans, bibliography and excerpts from the studied literature.

3. Working materials

This section collects materials tested in teaching practice.

4. Progress

This section includes one lesson using strategies that the teacher considers successful. This includes text, questions and assignments, work progress, student work.

5. Reflection

To assess their work, the teacher is asked to answer three questions:

1) What am I I know what you didn't know before?

2) What am I I know how to do what did you not know before?

3) What am I now doing that you haven't done before?

To assess the quality of the work done, the teacher is invited to answer three questions and write a syncwine.

1) Did the lessons meet your expectations?

2) What is your assessment of the lessons: 5, 4, 3, 2.

3) What are your wishes?


1) Seminar "Strategies of Reading"

(two adjectives)

3) _____________________________

(three verbs)

4) ____________________________

(4 word sentence)

5) _________________________

(relation to the seminar)

Reading Competence Diagnosis

What kind of reader am I?

The ability to evaluate yourself as a reader is the first step to reading growth. Today, there are many methods and methods of assessment, and questioning is one of them. Let's look at three documents below. Here is the first one.

Reader Questionnaire

My name is (full name) _____________________________________________________________

As a child, I was (a) ____________________________________________________ reader


I loved) __________________________________________________________________

(what to do with the book?)

Now I would call myself a _____________________________________________ reader

(3 adjectives)

I have 3 books dear to me. It:

2 . ___________________________________________________________________________


Today I am reading

In the near future I plan to read __________________________________________

Filling out this questionnaire, readers compare themselves today and yesterday, remember their favorite books of childhood, youth, and mature life. The last two lines are very important here. They contain the expectation that the respondent is a reader, has a strong need for reading, associates his leisure time with reading, and he (she) has a planned list of books to read.

Among the most expensive and read books, teachers most often name books by A. Gaidar (“Timur and his team”, “The Blue Cup”), “The Blue Bird” by M. Maeterlinck, “Two Captains” by V. Kaverin, stories and plays by A. Chekhov, stories by M. Zoshchenko, poems by K. Chukovsky, works by V. Bykov, V. Aksenov, K. Bulychev, A. Dumas, D. Orwell, S. Maugham. Among modern writers, the following are considered popular: B. Akunin, D. Rubina, P. Sanaev, P. Coelho, X. Murakami, D. Pennak, E. Vilmont, T. Ustinova, P. Dashkova, E. Grishkovets.

Teachers also note works related to upbringing and life at school (E. Yamburg "Pedagogical Decameron", P. Sanaev "Bury me behind the plinth", A. Ivanov "The geographer drank away the globe", etc.). In the planned reading, as a rule, novelties of the book market are mentioned. Discussing the books you read helps build a new list of books to read.

The second document is a reader preferences questionnaire.

Reader preference questionnaire

1. Reader Category:

- I read books all the time (01).

- I read two or more books a month (02).

- I read 1-2 books every six months (03).

- Unable to read (04).

2. Social status:

- Floor.

- Age.

- Education.

- Occupation.

- Place of residence.

- The number of books in the home library.

3. Which of the books you read this year did you like the most?

- Detectives.

- Fantasy, adventure.

- Foreign classic.

- Modern domestic fiction.

- Modern foreign fiction.

- Historical novels.

- Russian classics.

- Books of the Russian Diaspora.

- Poetry.

- Philosophy.

- Professional Literature.

- Gardening, cooking.

- Reference books, dictionaries.

- Memoirs.

- Popular science literature.

- Women's novel.

4. Name 4-5 authors of your favorite books.





Fluent and flexible silent reading of texts from various sources with full understanding.

Sufficiently fluent and flexible reading of texts of his level from different sources with good understanding.

Independent fluent and flexible reading of texts of one's level from different sources with a good understanding is difficult.

Guessing the meanings of words, misunderstanding of the text with difficulties in reading technique in the case of independent reading of texts of their level.


An accurate, complete and competent retelling of the text, including its main idea and main provisions, important details presented in the text and subtext, putting forward reasonable hypotheses about the content of the text.

Sufficiently accurate, complete and competent retelling of the text, including the main idea, almost all the main provisions and details set out in the text, some details of the subtext; contextual guess is possible.

A retelling that includes some of the provisions of the text and the details set out in the text, but there is no logical presentation from the general, important, to the particular, a fragmentary understanding of the subtext is possible; contextual guessing, guessing and fantasizing.

Reproduction of individual provisions of the text without their organization, without division into primary and secondary, without understanding the subtext; contextual guessing is replaced by guessing and fantasizing.


Clear and confident separation facts and opinions, reality and fantasy.

Separation of facts and opinions, reality and fantasies.

Difficulties in separating facts and opinions.

There is no separation between facts and opinions.


Fluent expressive, clear, phonetically and communicative-literate reading aloud.

Fluent, phonetically and communicatively close to literate, reading aloud.

Slow reading, with communication errors that sometimes correct themselves after a few tries.

Slow reading aloud with a lot of errors that do not correct themselves.


Independent search for information in various sources exploratory reading to extract information.

In most cases, the search information through reading.

Assisted searches may be carried out, and it is required to be reminded that the speed and types of reading vary depending on its purpose.

Does not know how to work with various sources of information, does not know what information and how to extract, does not know how to read differently depending on different reading purposes.


An enthusiastic reader who prefers to spend his free time reading.

Reads when necessary, sometimes for himself in his spare time.

He reads when "necessary", he does not read for himself in his free time.

Poorly reads to himself, avoids reading.

Teachers analyze their reading quality in terms of the following parameters: silent reading (A), retelling and interpretation (B), separation of facts and opinions (C), reading aloud (D), retrieval reading and information literacy (E), reader qualities (F). ).

Having mapped the quality of his reading (for example, A1, B2, B3, G1, D2, E1), the reader gets acquainted with the various levels of reading and understands that he is a good reader if he has reached the upper and intermediate levels.





Highest level

Middle level

Low level

Teachers can then use this chart to monitor the reading quality of their students. Materials are subsequently included in the first section "Portrait" of the Work Portfolio (Portfolio).

We share John Dewey's view that the reflective recording of important propositions is the "heart" of the intellectual organization and discipline of the mind. Therefore, in the "School of Pedagogical Excellence" teachers collect their "Portfolio Report", which includes five sections: "Portrait", "Collector", "Working Materials", "My Achievements", "Reflection and Plans".

The "Portrait" section is a kind of visiting card of the author, who appears before us both as a reader and as a teacher. The "Collector" section collects materials received from outside. Work on a particular task is placed in the "Working materials" section. The best works will be included in the "My Achievements" section. This will also include student work.

"Portfolio", according to P.Ya. Galperin, becomes for the teacher "a materialized form of the assimilation process", a protocol, an annals, a learning diary, his assessment of his own activities and vocational training, approbation of the extracted material in the real educational process or other social practice.

From removing unnecessary words to analyzing the author's mood.

Here is a small selection of useful services that will be useful to anyone who writes coherent texts in Russian from time to time. They will help speed up the editing process and improve its final result.

1. Typographer Lebedeva

This service processes text so that it looks good inside HTML code or layout. Namely:

  • Changes English quotes to Russian;
  • Replaces a hyphen with a dash if necessary;
  • Connects words with prepositions and conjunctions with an inseparable space so that there are no ugly hyphenations.

You can read more about typography in paragraph 62. guides. If your activity is somehow connected with content filling / website design, then I strongly recommend that you take a closer look at this book.

2. Glavred

The well-known copywriter Maxim Ilyakhov created his own school a few years ago, where he teaches people to write in the so-called "info style" - as intelligibly as possible and without unnecessary water. In order for a person to find out exactly which words in his text do not carry a semantic load, this online service was developed. He finds newspaper clichés, ballast adjectives, possessive pronouns, modal verbs, and other elements whose excess tires the reader.

Maxim Ilyakhov demands to bring his work to a score of at least 7 on the Glavred scale. If it is greater than 9, then the text may turn out dry and hard. Sometimes I check my texts, and, as a rule, 6.5 - 7 points are scored even before editing. But the main problems shown in the screenshot wander from article to article and spoil the impression of the text. Hope to get rid of them soon.

3. Selection of synonyms

If you are a responsible and hardworking person, then you probably try to avoid tautologies. This service will help you find words that are similar in meaning and give the text a little more artistic expression.

4. Character counter

5. Selection of rhymes

I don’t know how many readers of the site are poets, but without this site the selection would be incomplete. If you have small children, then you can use it to play the game "Compose a rhyme" with them to develop their language skills.

6. Gramota.ru

Here are collected all the current rules of the Russian language, study guides, online exercises to improve your literacy level, and on the forum there are experts who can be consulted in a difficult situation. You can also check how a particular word is spelled here.

7. Checking the readability of the text

This service evaluates the readability of the text on several scales (approximate explanations are given in brackets, you can easily find the exact formulas for calculating the indices yourself if you are interested):

  • Flesh readability index (calculated by the ratio of the number of words to the number of sentences and the number of syllables to the number of words);
  • Colman-Liau index (calculated by the ratio of the number of words to the number of sentences and the number of letters to the number of words);
  • Dale-Chall index (takes into account the complexity of words);
  • Automatic readability index (takes into account the ratio of the number of letters in the text to the number of words);
  • SMOG index (takes into account the number of words longer than three syllables)

As a result, a verdict is issued for which age group the text being checked will be understood. The opuses of IT journalists are usually defined as intended for people 15-16 years old. This is not very good, since the site recognizes the magnificent texts of the Russian classics that I have verified as suitable for children 9-11 years old.

8. Search for repetitions of words

Here you can check whether Zipf's law is observed in the text. Very roughly and approximately explain what it means.
For each word in the language, its frequency of use is calculated. Conditionally: for the preposition "in" it is equal to 3, for the word "once" 1000, and for "cornflower blue" 10000. If the word in the text occurs much more often than it should by the popularity rank, then there is a violation of the law, which reduces the quality of perception of the text .
After checking the text, a list of the 20 most popular words will be displayed and recommendations for the optimal number of repetitions for each word, which would correspond to Zipf's law.

9. Analysis of the mood of the author of the text

This is a fun service with a design that keeps the bright memory of the early 2000s, which finds words in the text that correspond to certain emotions and makes assumptions about the state of mind of the person who wrote it .. If someone gets a positive result, please unsubscribe about it.

10. Comparison of two texts

And finally, a site where you can find the differences between the two texts. Yes, this feature is available in most text editors, but sometimes it is convenient to do it online.

Online spelling and punctuation service is a unique free service for finding errors and typos.

An effective site algorithm finds many errors, including:

  • unpaired brackets and apostrophes;
  • two commas or dots in a row;
  • comma selection of introductory words;
  • mismatches;
  • grammatical and logical errors;
  • misprints;
  • extra spaces;
  • repetition of words;
  • lowercase letter at the beginning of a sentence;
  • spelling through a hyphen;
  • and much more.

On our service you can not only find out the uniqueness of the text, but also check its spelling and punctuation. When checking the text, you can just as easily get rid of typos that are not always noticeable with speed typing. When using this service, you will be sure of the quality of the text.

Checking the text for errors online, correcting errors in the text from the site

Correcting errors in the text online, checking spelling and punctuation will allow you to check the literacy of the text.

Online error checking helps to find errors and typos in the text. Checking text for errors is useful when analyzing any text if you want to check its quality and find existing errors. If you're having trouble primarily with punctuation and not spelling, consider checking for commas. The service will point to problem areas where extra or missing punctuation marks were found, for example, several commas in a row or unpaired brackets.

One of the key features of a free website error checker is the ability to correct them right in the text. The verification algorithm is simple.

  • Paste the desired text into the spelling and punctuation box.
  • Click on the "Check for Errors" button.
  • Pay attention to the places highlighted in a contrasting color and the number of errors found under the verification field.
  • Click on the highlighted word and select the correct spelling from the list that opens.