What is the responsibility of the seller cashier. Job description of the seller-cashier of food and non-food products. Requirements for a sales clerk


Working as a cashier involves not only rights, but also responsibilities. What duties does a cashier need to know, what should he observe in his work and what should he be guided by?

Today, “Cashier Wanted” ads can be seen not only on bulletin boards located near supermarkets, but also in various newspapers and on the Internet. The cashier profession is perhaps the most demanded and necessary in the trading sector, because huge supermarkets, trading enterprises require employees who can work not only at the checkout, but also with customers.

What are the responsibilities of a cashier?

Today, the cashier has many responsibilities that he performs. What rules must the cashier follow, what duties must the cashier follow?

The duties of the cashier are determined by job rules, which are drawn up in accordance with the laws of labor legislation.

  • The cashier is required to own all types of cash registers that are in this institution.
  • He must know the orders and resolutions, regulatory directives that directly relate to his work.
  • The cashier must know his rights and obligations, the rules of customer service.
  • The cashier knows the procedure for window dressing and laying out goods.
  • The specialist is familiar with the internal labor regulations of the institution.

This list of job responsibilities of the cashier does not end there.

  • The cashier knows how to draw up cash register documents.
  • He knows how to issue, store and account for cash.
  • The employee knows the rules for maintaining overheads and receipts.
  • The cashier must be able to keep a cash book.
  • Able to work at the checkout.

The uninterrupted work of the department and the influx of customers depend on the correct fulfillment of the duties of the cashier. After all, only the polite attitude of the seller towards customers and his interest in the needs of customers can attract buyers to the department.

What are the responsibilities of a cashier in a store?

The store cashier must represent his workplace and therefore, before starting work, he is obliged to check whether everything is in order, and in particular:

  • Check the operation of the blocking devices.
  • Check for the presence of a check tape in cash register.
  • Get a zero check.
  • Break test checks without specifying the amount to establish the order of numbering checks.
  • Attach zero checks to the daily countdown.
  • Get your calculator ready.

As a financially responsible person, the store cashier is obliged to:

  • Monitor the health of the cash register.
  • Withdraw revenue from the cash register if the amount for which the goods are sold has reached 15,000 rubles.
  • Put money in the safe in the presence of a security guard.
  • be able to knock out different types checks for different types of goods.
  • Be able to issue a refund, which includes the following items:
  1. Issue a return for the goods and indicate the full cost of the goods
  2. Break through the cashier the difference in checks
  3. Issue a new purchase receipt indicating the remaining items.

What are the responsibilities of a teller operator?

The cashier operator is bound by duties, which, in the opinion of the one who provides the work, are as follows:

  • Calculation of the purchase price for each client.
  • Checkout at the end of the shift to the senior cashier.
  • Ensuring the safety of funds.
  • Control over the health of the cash register.
  • Compliance with labor discipline.

It is especially necessary to note the duties of the cashier operator at the end of the work shift:

  • Prepare cash receipts for delivery to the collector according to the receipt order.
  • Prepare a cash register report for submission to the manager or to the accounting department.

What are the responsibilities of a cashier in a clothing store?

Job Responsibilities a cashier in a clothing store can be reduced to the following:

  • The cashier is obliged to comply with the internal rules of the store.
  • Carry out cash transactions for settlement with customers, based on the rules of trade.
  • Save money and prevent their damage.
  • Provide product information to the store manager.
  • Hang up new goods, draw up price tags for goods.
  • Conduct customer consultations.

What are the responsibilities of a cashier in a supermarket?

The duties of a cashier in supermarkets are not fundamentally different from those of a clothing store salesperson or a regular cashier. However, some distinguishing features can be found:

  • The cashier or the seller is liable for the safety of the goods.
  • The cashier monitors the timely display of goods and the presence of price tags on the goods and the presence of goods according to the terms of operation that comply with the standards.
  • The duty of a specialist is not only to keep receipts and expenditure documents, but to keep them transferred to the accounting department.

Cashier is a responsible profession. After all, in addition to the direct sale of goods, the cashier may be required to lay out and label goods, participate in the inventory. Each cashier should have endurance, courtesy, goodwill, because he works with people.

The seller, the cashier, not only accepts money for the purchased goods, although this is his direct responsibility according to the instructions, but also provides consulting and reference services. Often, the cashier seller replaces the sales assistant in his person. He must have the knowledge to be able to answer the questions of buyers in different areas. Therefore, it is so important to correctly and in detail draw up a job description for this category of employees.

Sample job description for a sales clerk

Working with people is always hard work, which is why the cashier salesperson must have special skills, knowledge and character traits that allow him not only to provide quality service to customers, but also to maintain a favorable atmosphere in the store. Job description the cashier of the seller of food or non-food products should contain clear requirements for his duties. The liability that is imposed on all employees of this profession obliges them to comply with special rules in the performance of their work. Any significant nuances must be reflected in the instructions.

The preparation of such a document is not regulated by law, but requires a professional approach. Therefore, it is better to use already developed sample templates, in which you can add additional items or remove unnecessary sentences.

General provisions

The job description of the seller-cashier of non-food products and the job description of the cashier of the seller of food products are generally identical, but differ only in the correct storage of goods and their characteristics. Educational requirements for a cashier salesperson vary by store, it can be elementary professional education, and higher. Experience is also not a basic requirement. For the cashier seller, it is important to have knowledge about standardization for goods of different groups, their storage conditions. He must be able to work with cash registers and be able to keep cash records. In addition, the cashier salesperson must be an energetic and positive person. All these requirements should be reflected in the general provisions of the job description. It is also necessary to indicate information about the possibilities of replacing and dismissing an employee.

Job Responsibilities

The cashier must always be neat and tidy in clothes and appearance, and behave kindly and politely. In addition, the seller-cashier has the following job responsibilities:

  1. To carry out its direct activities efficiently and uninterruptedly.
  2. Control the safety of inventory items, including products, technical means and banknotes.
  3. Perform operations for receiving money from customers and issuing cash receipts to them.
  4. Conduct a pre-sale inspection of products, and in case of non-conformity, change or withdraw goods.
  5. Maintain cash registers properly.
  6. To produce the display of goods in compliance with sanitary and sales standards.
  7. Know the rules of labor protection and fire safety.

In addition to everything, the duties of the cashier seller may include other duties, the list of which is included in the job description at the request of the head. The duties of cashier sellers can have different volumes, depending on the degree of subordination - a senior or an ordinary employee.

The rights

The seller-cashier has the right to know reliable information regarding his work. He can also request data and documents as part of his direct duties. The management must notify the employee about projects and innovations in his professional field and provide him with every assistance to complete the work. In addition, the store employee has the right not to sell alcohol and tobacco products to persons under 18 years of age and at a time not set for sale.


The seller-cashier is responsible for the safety of inventory and compliance with cash discipline. Working directly with money, a cash desk employee may be held administratively, civilly and criminally liable for offenses committed. An employee may be subject to disciplinary liability for dishonest performance of their labor duties.

Working conditions

Working conditions vary depending on the direction of the organization. It can be a shop, a cafe, a furniture store, and the time and schedule of work will depend on this. The presence of technical breaks is also determined by the product range. For example, selling furniture, as a rule, does not imply the uninterrupted work of a cashier salesman, but grocery stores do not allow you to leave your workplace for a second. The main documents for the formation of the job description are the rules of internal work schedule, Charter of the organization and the collective agreement.

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In connection with the intensive development of the trading area and the change in the structure of outlets, changes have been made to the job responsibilities of the cashier seller. The concept of various trading platforms implies the presence of a universal staff, performing their services not only as employees dispensing goods from the window, but also providing advice to customers.

In some stores, the seller, in aggregate, in a certain shift, performs the actions of laying out products on the product shelves and carries out the actions of the merchandiser in full. At the same time, the main part of his activity is an operator-cashier.

Important introductory points

Naturally, a full set of professional requirements requires knowledge on the part of the performer.

The basic skills and abilities include the following qualities of an employee:
  1. Knowledge and practical skills of a confident PC user.
  2. Professional level of proficiency in CCT.
  3. Fundamentals of commodity science.
  4. Basic knowledge of merchandising and marketing.
  5. Confident practical application of a payment terminal with magnetic and smart cards.
  6. Knowledge of pricing technologies.
  7. Warehouse accounting.
  8. Personal characteristics, such as the ability to quickly navigate large retail space with a varied range. This is important when working with household appliances and furniture.

The management, much more willingly, tries to recruit experienced employees, but often, the lack of some knowledge is not an obstacle to getting a job in a decent place.

Employers provide pre-training in standard subject matter free of charge. Or, you can learn the basics of marketing and pricing at functional budget trainings and get the rank of a specialist in this area.

The directions of each trade enterprise are different in nature, as well as the scale of trade turnover. Accordingly, in large supermarkets with partial self-service, where the staff is large, employees usually perform clearly defined tasks. And so that there is no misunderstanding in the process of work and suddenly it does not turn out that the role of the gas station technician is also included in the accountant’s functionality, you need to familiarize yourself with the memo, which will reflect all the tasks assigned to the job seeker.

The preparation of such a document is usually carried out by the legal department of the company or by the personnel manager in strict accordance with the requirements of Rostrud and the classifier of professions, which is an integral part of the ESKK. The developed templates of such instructions can be the basis for the formation of an internal document of the enterprise. The profession in the document is called strictly according to OKVED.

For example, “job description of a cashier seller” or with clarifications “job description of a senior cashier of a trading floor”.

It is important to identify the key points that will make this peculiar set of rules clear, precise and as detailed as possible.

The directive should be developed within the framework of mutual protection, both of the employer and the contractor. Finding a worthy job seeker is as difficult a task as not falling into labor "slavery" to the employer.

General provisions

In the development of the job description of the seller cashier general provisions should reflect the essence of the main features of a trading enterprise and explain in detail the individual requirements that apply to an employee of this profession.

The following points will be optimal when writing the introductory part of the training manual “Cashier job description”:

  • qualification status of personnel;
  • grounds for hiring and dismissal of an employee;
  • subordination structure in the team;
  • requirements for the applicant, in terms of education. So, an applicant with the experience of a bartender-cashier is not suitable for the medical equipment trade department. And the employee who sells auto parts, of course, has knowledge about cars;
  • Mandatory indication of the existing skills and abilities, as well as the availability of work experience;
  • the required amount of knowledge on maintaining CCP;
  • specific conditions for the replacement, if necessary, of employees. So, the administrator - cashier replaces the personnel at the CCP according to the official directive, and the accountant-cashier - in combination with all due payments in accordance with the Labor Code;
  • the level of knowledge of the 1C program, in the case of work in the direction of accounting;
  • the degree of training in matters of the regulatory framework;
  • if necessary - the presence of practical skills in foreign languages.

For each profession, the introductory part is different as well as the points of the work manual. But it is in this part of the document that you can specify all the desired requirements for the applicant.

Restrictions on bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol, their consequences and the algorithm of the employer's actions, as a rule, are included in the internal regulations. But it would be useful to prescribe this in the regulatory document.

Duties of an employee

“Seller cashier job responsibilities” - this section should look in such a way that the applicant for the vacant position understands that he is not only a cash register, but also a connecting element between the buyer and the commodity item.

And working time is not only commodity-money relations with the buyer and the issuance of a check, but also a lively cultural communication with elements of human psychology. Each leader makes his own points in this directive in compliance with the characteristics of the institution. That is, the job description developed for the seller of a grocery store cashier is different from the job description of the same cashier seller, but non-food products. And all this was done without going beyond the limits prescribed by law.

An indicative list of responsibilities is as follows:
  1. Description of the main assigned options, which are not only in the sale of goods. In fact, the actions to familiarize the client with the proposed range of goods and services are the duty of the staff. Also, direct actions can include settlements on cash registers and conducting an inventory in due time. Preparation for the collection service of seals and accompanying sheets. For example, the ticket inspector-cashier for the main service does not concern collection, but this is the main direction of the administrator-cashier.
  2. Detailed description of the seller's responsibilities. This is especially the case for reporting activities. The employee must clearly know his sector of calculations and data collection for reporting. This paragraph provides for the direct actions of the employee in specialized industries. For example, when selling shoes and clothes, it is supposed to pack the goods before handing it over to the client, which should be one of the points in this part of the instructions.
  3. Specific actions of the seller in the performance of direct duties. This sub-item is revealed depending on the sector of the economy, and predetermines the performance of actions characteristic only in this sector. In large wholesale and retail centers, this may be informing the buyer about the location of the goods or the availability of a similar one on the other. pricing policy or auction offers.

In a bookmaker's office, an employee needs to resolve conflict disputes using anti-stress techniques.

A specific description of the employee's purpose on the part of the employer, and a clear understanding of his role on the part of the applicant for the position will help to avoid disputes and conflicts in the future service.

Performer's rights

During the service, the specialist has a number of situations that require a decision to fix the problem. It is for this purpose that the personnel are endowed with certain rights within the framework of their authority.

The contractor has the right to do the following:

  • implementation of direct duties when working with clients;
  • customer service at the cash register;
  • preparation of reporting documentation for the assigned area;
  • analyze the workflow of the enterprise and make proposals to a higher manager on labor optimization;
  • demand from the manager the fulfillment of technical conditions, organizational aspects and working conditions at the enterprise in accordance with regulatory documents;
  • require compliance with sanitary standards and inspection every year in healthcare facilities of workers employed not only in catering and canteens, but also in other service areas, such as a hotel and a bookstore, according to the Labor Code;
  • request information necessary to improve the quality of services;
  • not to start performing duties if the employer violates the rules of health and safety, as well as fire or electrical safety.

The protection of the rights of the employee is supported by the Labor Code and other legislative acts. In case of violation of the rights of the employee, even if they are not spelled out in the instructions, they can be defended with reference to the standards.

Responsibility of Sales Personnel

Each employee, upon being hired with the assignment of duties, also accepts certain obligations for the fulfillment of the requirements prescribed in the directive.

The head stipulates the actions of the administration in relation to the staff and the consequences, in case of application material damage enterprise.

In this part of the document, in order to realize the importance of correctly and competently conducting labor activities, it is necessary to write down the points in the format of what violation entails the consequences:
  1. Improper performance of the assumed powers.
  2. Causing material damage to the enterprise, members of the team or consumers, while the fault of the performer is reliably justified.
  3. Providing false information about products and pricing to visitors.
  4. Disclosure of commercial information, confidential information and personal information of personnel.
  5. Failure to comply with fire and electrical safety rules.
  6. Failure to comply with internal regulations.
  7. Ignoring the orders and orders of the administration.

The formation of points should be short and at the same time unambiguously interpreted.

Currently, the responsibilities of the seller-cashier are very diverse.

Often, this employee works not only with customers and, but also performs other functions, for example, puts products on shelves and monitors their constant availability, takes part in the development of the store's assortment, etc.

It depends primarily on the size. outlet- the smaller it is, the more job responsibilities fall on the shoulders of the seller-cashier.

The relevance of the profession, career prospects and features of work

Sales assistant-cashier is one of the most common positions today. These employees are in high demand in the labor market, which is explained by the constantly growing number of outlets.

Main advantages This position is a simple employment and the opportunity to find a job very close to home, since there are at least a couple of shops in every district.

Like almost any employee, the seller-cashier is not deprived of the opportunity career development.

With good work, you can get the following positions:

  • senior sales clerk or consultant;
  • shift leader;
  • store manager.

Thus, starting from the position of a sales assistant-cashier, you can make an excellent career. the main thing is to present yourself well.

Also worth stopping at features of work seller-cashier. The advantages of this position include:

  • warm and dry place of work;
  • mastering a colossal baggage of knowledge from the sphere of trade;
  • excellent career prospects.

In turn, cons of work seller-cashier are:

  • all day in a sitting position or "on your feet";
  • the uniformity of the actions performed;
  • difficult retraining when changing the profile of the store;
  • the need to have a strong nervous system so as not to conflict with potential buyers.

Personal and professional requirements for a candidate for a position

The features of the position we are considering are due to the following personal requirements to the person who plans to occupy it:

Also in the advertisements for the search for a seller-cashier very often criteria are put forward like high concentration and good memory. Without this, the seller-cashier simply will not be able to keep track of everything that happens during the day. This is especially true when working with a cash register.

In addition, the vast majority of employers do not hire people with bad habits (addiction to cigarettes and alcoholic beverages). These factors directly affect the quality of the work performed.

In turn, professional requirements to the candidate for the position of the seller-cashier are:

  • ability to use a computer at least at an elementary level;
  • knowledge of the features of the cash register and accepting plastic cards and the ability to apply the available information in practice;
  • knowledge of the key properties of goods and the basics of their pricing.

It should be noted that the lack of the above theoretical knowledge and practical skills, as a rule, is not an obstacle to occupying the position of a sales assistant-cashier. The vast majority of employers are willing to provide appropriate training if necessary.

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Main responsibilities seller-cashier are:

The exact list of duties of the seller-cashier is determined by the characteristics of a particular outlet.

Rights and responsibilities

in number the rights of the seller-cashier includes:

  1. Reporting to direct management about the identified shortcomings in the system of organizing their work.
  2. Making suggestions to improve the system of organizing their work.
  3. Requirement from management to comply with working conditions.

Concerning responsibility, then the employee described by us is among the materially responsible, therefore, if any unpleasant moments arise with in cash compensation for all damages will fall on him.

For tips on how to competently perform the duties of a seller in a clothing store, see the following video:

Any profession involves the performance of certain duties by the employee. Some of them are imputed to him in words, while others are documented. The article considers what job responsibilities the seller of various types of goods has and where they should be fixed.

Job description as a local regulator of job responsibilities

The duties of the seller are quite diverse, since they depend on the specifics of the business entity in which he is employed.

Therefore, when registering a future employee, one should be familiarized with - a local regulatory document, which reflects its functionality, rights and limits of responsibility, and also indicates qualification requirements(education, skills, work experience, etc.). If necessary, the instruction may include additional sections (for example, employee evaluation criteria, certification procedure). According to it, the applicant must:

  • have a secondary vocational or higher education;
  • have more than 12 months of work experience in the specialty (although it is not required everywhere);
  • know CCP and be a confident PC user;
  • understand the nuances of filling out expenditure documentation;
  • have a medical record.

Based on the instructions, the employer can:

  • it is reasonable to refuse the job seeker if he does not meet the parameters;
  • to assess the quality of performance by subordinates of their labor functions;
  • justify the discrepancy of the subordinate to the position held during his certification;
  • apply a disciplinary sanction for poor-quality performance of the functional.

Job Responsibilities of a Sales Consultant

In his work, the sales consultant is guided by the legislative norms, the Charter of the economic entity, the developed rules of the existing order of the organization and the existing job description. He can independently make decisions, but within the limits of his competence.

According to the latter, the sales assistant must know:

AT functional responsibilities employee includes:

  • friendly, polite, attentive attitude towards both colleagues and customers;
  • creation of optimal conditions for familiarizing the buyer with the products and finding the right product;
  • customer service according to the sales technology (including consulting on all emerging issues, instruction on the rules for the operation of the purchase, its packaging);
  • the ability to select goods based on the needs of each client;
  • overcoming objections, negotiating at any level;
  • performance of product exchange;
  • solution of problem situations and conflicts on the spot;
  • informing the management about force majeure that arose during work, taking measures to eliminate them in a timely manner;
  • checking the quality of incoming goods, the presence of markings, as well as price tags on all goods;
  • prevention of damage or theft of goods.

Also, each sales consultant must promptly draw up orders for the products that the buyer plans to order (if it is provided for by the policy of the business entity) and know when the next batch of goods will arrive in order to be ready for a new arrival.

If necessary, the sales consultant has the full right to:

  • to convey to the head of the idea to improve their work;
  • require management to ensure appropriate organizational and technical working conditions and execution of all documents that are required for the performance of their duties.

The duties and rights of a sales consultant may differ from each other depending on the direction of the company and its internal rules.

Job Responsibilities of a Cashier

The specifics of this position is also reflected in the instructions. According to it, the seller-cashier is a specialist, is subordinate to the head or manager of an economic entity, is employed and dismissed according to the order of the latter.

The duties of a cashier include:

In addition to duties, the seller-cashier has rights identical to those of the sales assistant.

The sales clerk is responsible for:

  • safety of property for sale and available material assets;
  • failure to fulfill their official duties, which are prescribed in the instructions;
  • non-compliance with orders, instructions;
  • violations of the rules of VTR and safety precautions.

Responsibilities of the seller of food and non-food products

The Food Seller is responsible for:

The seller of food products has the right:

  • make proposals regarding the development of an economic entity;
  • receive information from management on issues that are within its competence.
  • require assistance in the performance of their duties.

He is responsible for:

  • disregard for job instructions;
  • violations identified as a result of its work;
  • causing damage.

Job responsibilities of the seller of non-food products are in many ways similar to those listed above. It:

  • preparation of premises for work: checking the reliability of equipment, devices, sorting goods;
  • preparation of goods for sale;
  • product range control;
  • demonstration of the product selected by the buyer in action;
  • receipt and preparation for use of packaging material;
  • cleaning products that were not sold;
  • participation in the receipt of ordered products;
  • drawing up, execution of commodity reports, acts of shortage or marriage;

The rights and responsibilities of a seller of non-food products are the same as those of a seller of food products. They may require information necessary for their work and make proposals for the development of an economic entity.