What is a plagiarism program. How to redo the coursework so that it passes anti-plagiarism. Save the finished version

The Anti-Plagiarism system (or “The System for Analyzing Texts for Borrowings”) has existed for quite a long time - since 2006, and many teachers actively use it when checking academic papers for quality. For schoolchildren and students, Anti-plagiarism is a worldwide evil, and all forces must be directed to combat it. This article is an overview of all known methods cheat Anti-plagiarism. Perhaps it will be useful to you.

If your teacher has set a certain level of originality of academic papers, below which papers will not be accepted, then it's time to study the most popular anti-plagiarism cheating methods.
This is an article about how to cheat anti-plagiarism how to increase the originality of the text or how to remove plagiarism from your work altogether. The article presents both the old anti-plagiarism cheating methods and the methods of 2015. But first things first.

The concept of plagiarism

First, let's figure out what is considered plagiarism? Why does the teacher accept some papers without problems, while others immediately send for correction?

So, plagiarism is the deliberate issuance of someone else's work of science, literature, art for one's own or the illegal publication of someone else's literary, musical work on one's own behalf.
For students, plagiarism is the use of excerpts from other people's scientific works, textbooks, essays in their educational work.

How to pass an anti-plagiarism check for free and quickly

To check for plagiarism in educational institutions, several different systems and programs are used:

Services online:

  • Anti-plagiarism (antiplagiat.ru)
  • Content-Watch (content-watch.ru)
  • Text (text.ru)

Computer programs:

  • Etxt (etxt.ru/antiplagiat)
  • Advego (advego.ru/plagiatus/top/)

Let's dwell on the first of them (Antiplagiat.ru) because this service is the most popular among teachers.

As the developers assure, the main goal of anti-plagiarism is to determine the degree of independence when writing a text. When checking, a full report is issued on the detected sources of borrowing (sources of plagiarism).

At the same time, Antiplagiarism searches not only among collections of ready-made essays, term papers and diplomas, but also among indexed Internet pages, collections of articles from the Elibrary library, databases of regulatory documents, and so on. In short, Antiplagiarism collects information from hundreds of thousands of sources, both open and closed, and therefore it is very arrogant to hope that you have downloaded the abstract and it is not in the Antiplagiarism database.

It is worth noting that the developers of the service hide the algorithm of its work, but what is 100% known is that this algorithm is constantly being improved and what worked for a couple of years ago deception Anti-plagiarism, is no longer effective. And therefore, more and more acutely for students and students of all ages, the question arises - how free bypass anti-plagiarism?

The principle of operation of Anti-plagiarism

In order to deceive Antiplagiarism, you need to understand the principle of its work.

For the Antiplagiarism system, the analyzed text is presented as a set of sentences. And each sentence, in turn, is a set of words.

During the verification process, the sentences of the analyzed text are compared with all the sentences from the Anti-plagiarism database. If the words and their order in the text match those found in the database, then this is considered plagiarism.

Accordingly, in order to cheat Anti-plagiarism, we have to change the words in the sentences and their order.
Below we will consider how to do this quickly and as efficiently as possible. And also what methods of Anti-plagiarism deception are no longer relevant, and which ones still work.

No longer working ways to cheat anti-plagiarism:

  • replacement of Russian letters of the same spelling with Latin ones (a - a, o - o, e - e, etc.),
  • rearranging paragraphs,
  • rearranging sentences in places within a paragraph,
  • simple permutation of words within a sentence,
  • combining two sentences into one or splitting one sentence into several,
  • replacing dots with commas and commas with periods,
  • replacing spaces with dots or other white characters,
  • replacing words with synonyms is now also ineffective.

Looking at this, you realize that cheat Anti-plagiarism becomes more and more difficult: the verification algorithm is constantly being improved. And if we take into account that when writing an essay, term paper or diploma, we use set expressions (for example, “The purpose of the term paper is ...”, “The relevance of the topic is due to ...”, etc.), then getting around Antiplagiarism becomes a difficult task even for those who write academic papers on their own, without the use of ready-made abstracts.

But don't despair bypass anti-plagiarism for free still possible! It's not easy and fast, as it used to be, but still real. And in this article, we'll show you how to do it.

How to Cheat Antiplagiarism: General Points and Working Ways to Cheat Antiplagiarism 2015-2016

So, the best way to deceive the Anti-plagiarism system is to write the work yourself, without blindly copying from textbooks and finished works. But even this, as we found out, does not 100% guarantee a high level of originality of your texts.

For the lazy, the easiest thing is to order a term paper or essay from specialized agencies, indicating the required level of originality. And let them warm their heads for your money to raise the originality of the work. However, it costs money, and students usually don't have much.

For those who decide to deal with cheating Anti-plagiarism on your own, here are a few practical tips:

  1. Choose rare and complex essay topics. The rarer and more complex the topic, the easier cheat Anti-plagiarism free,
  2. Take as many materials as possible as sources of information, focusing not on textbooks, but on scientific articles. The more sources you have, the less likely they are already included in the Anti-plagiarism database, and the easier it is to copy fragments from different sources to get more or less original text.
  3. Process texts manually: add/remove words, change them to synonyms, rephrase. The main thing is to preserve the meaning and literary appearance (readability and logic).
  4. Add your thoughts, suggestions, conclusions to the text. Treat writing an essay or term paper as a presentation: first read the paragraph, and then state it in your own words. Sometimes this method is even faster than all the technical ways of cheating Antiplagiarism. After all, it is easier to express your thoughts than to follow the structure and meaning in other people's sentences. In this case, you don't even cheat Anti-plagiarism, but actually write the work yourself.
  5. Find the text on the topic you need in a foreign language, then run it through a translator, for example Google Translate (https://translate.google.ru/) and check that the meaning and literacy of the text are not lost (manually correct the obvious mistranslation of words, place signs punctuation, "comb" the resulting text.
  6. Find a textbook or a recently published book on a given topic in a bookstore, take a photo of the necessary fragments, and then recognize it on your computer using ABBYY FineReader, for example. There is a very high probability that this text has not yet been posted online, and, accordingly, it is not yet in the Anti-plagiarism database.

All these manipulations will help to write a work with high originality. But still the most effective how to bypass anti-plagiarism- write your own study paper. Those. not only to rethink the material read, but also to express all the information received from textbooks and scientific articles in their own words.

Technical methods to cheat Anti-plagiarism free:

  1. Use Word macros. Until recently, this method worked. This video shows in detail how macros allow bypass anti-plagiarism:

    But literally in the spring of 2015, Antiplagiarism banned any macros, and this method of deceiving Antiplagiarism is no longer effective.
  2. Create areas of invisible text. This method is also called the anchor method. In short, blocks of original text are added to the text with low originality, which are not visible to the Word reader, but are taken into account when checking Antiplagiarism.
  3. Using Word autocorrect, replace Russian letters with Greek ones (o - ο (omicron)).
  4. Use autocorrect to replace letters of the alphabet with symbols of mathematical formulas. For the Anti-plagiarism system, using 3 and 4 methods allows you to create the appearance of the original text, however, if the teacher opens your text in the Word, the words will be underlined in red (spelling check), so the methods are dubious.
  5. Instead of non-original copied text, place a screenshot of it. Anti-plagiarism recognizes only text, and does not take into account pictures. This will enhance originality.
  6. Auto-replacement of frequently repeated words with their synonyms (So - Thus, therefore - hence the conclusion, etc.). After such an autocorrect, be sure to subtract the text, because sometimes the text is "clumsy". Cheat Antiplagiarism in this way it becomes possible if you select the maximum number of synonyms.

How to Bypass Anti-Plagiarism for Free: 5 Steps (with Pictures)

  1. We select a service or program for checking texts for plagiarism, adopted in your educational institution.
  2. We check our academic work (downloaded or written) to find out the current level of originality of the text and evaluate the amount of work to improve originality.
  3. Choose a method bypass anti-plagiarism from those described above. With experience, you will already know which methods are most effective for you.
  4. With the help of the chosen Anti-plagiarism deception method, we process our text. Tip: keep the original anyway. If the selected text processing method does not work, we will start working again with the original. It is also desirable to make intermediate measurements of the originality of the text as it is being processed in order to assess how much work remains to be done.
  5. Having reached the originality required in an educational institution (usually 70%), we do not relax and increase the percentage of originality by a few more points (73-75%). What for? The teacher can use the paid version of Antiplagiarism, the bases of this version are wider, so it shows the percentage of originality lower. Thus, we are reinsured.
  6. As soon as it succeeds cheat Anti-plagiarism and get the desired percentage of originality - we save the latest version of the text and send it to the teacher for verification.

Anti-plagiarism scam: a word of caution

Recently, a lot of sites have appeared on the network offering to automatically increase the originality of your text. I would not recommend using such services for several reasons:

  • they are paid. It’s better to immediately order a work from professionals who will be responsible for it than to first suffer to write a work, and then pay money for raising originality,
  • cheat Anti-plagiarism with their help it is not always possible. The purpose of such services is to look for "holes" in the Anti-plagiarism algorithm and use them. The problem is that if yesterday these "holes" were not patched, then today the developers of Anti-Plagiarism know about them and are able to calculate them. Therefore, the use of such services is visible to the checker of your text. In addition, if the teacher decides to run your text through other systems (Advego, etxt), then the manipulations with the text will be visible.

Why You Shouldn't Cheat Anti-Plagiarism Yet

Still, it is better not to try to deceive the Anti-plagiarism system. There are several for this

A competent and qualified teacher will still notice plagiarism, feel its presence. It is possible to deceive the Anti-Plagiarism system, but a specialist teacher in his field of knowledge is not.

Topics for student work are set by teachers for more than one year in a row. They are so familiar that it is very difficult not to notice plagiarism. Only the teacher who does not read the work at all will not notice that the work has been completely downloaded.

Seeing that the words in the file are underlined as spelling errors, any teacher will understand that the student was trying to cheat anti-plagiarism system, and accordingly, his. The teacher can manually type a few paragraphs for verification and find out where the text was downloaded from.

No matter how you try to deceive the anti-plagiarism system, there is only one conclusion: creatively process the text and not a single teacher will be able to find fault!

Our site on 4 and 5 offers services to improve the originality of your work for the Anti-plagiarism system. If the actions described in the article seem complicated and time-consuming to you, or you simply do not have enough time to correct the work, then entrust this work to professionals!

Fill out an application on the site, noting in the comments that you need to increase originality, our specialists will promptly contact you!

Tons of hatred are generated by students in the process of bringing a term paper or essay to the required percentage of uniqueness. Usually you need to achieve at least 70%. It would seem that the bar is not high, but there are always enough terms, stable scientific phrases and quotations in educational papers, so 70% of uniqueness for educational or scientific work is a serious requirement.

Even the requirement of 50% uniqueness will make you sweat, and if a good teacher wants 80 - 90%, you can immediately look for soap and rope.

Why is this needed? Why such torment? Who invented these brutal programs? Right here, my hands are itching to insert a smiley face banging its head against the wall.

We discussed the need for these programs in detail in the article. And now let's talk about how to cheat anti-plagiarism- how to bring an essay, diploma or coursework to the desired threshold of uniqueness - and, preferably, with little bloodshed.

The battle for uniqueness

Strategy 1. Deep processing of the text. We leave untouched only quotes, definitions, put links. We process the rest of the materials: we rephrase the sentences, we express other people's thoughts in our own words. We approach compilation selectively - we take from books and articles what we need, and not everything. We analyze and synthesize. This time-consuming method of uniqueization allows you to pass anti-plagiarism even with a coursework compiled mainly from a couple of sources.

Strategy 2: Have more of your own thoughts. We use someone else's text only to confirm our position, for examples, and also as a basis for discussions (at the same time we process it). More conclusions, reflections, analysis. They inserted a reworked piece of someone else's text - they analyzed it. This way of fighting helps even in the war with programs like Text.ru or Content-Watch, which cut independent works in which there is a lot of rewriting (the article “What to do if your work is unique, but the anti-plagiarism program says no” is devoted to them in our blog). ?"). The more independent conclusions, the lower the rewrite percentage. Programs shut up and show 80 - 100% uniqueness.

A combination of the first and second strategies allows you to bypass anti-plagiarism for free... I would like to say - without much difficulty, but in reality it is not so. The work is going to be serious. But the result is also impressive.

Strategy 3. Painstaking uniqueization. It differs from the first strategy in much lesser use of intelligence. Deep processing of the text involves the use of methods of analysis and synthesis. If this is too difficult for you, use the following methods to increase the uniqueness of the text:

- the use of introductory constructions, epithets;
- selection of synonyms;
- permutation of words, phrases;
- shuffling paragraphs and sentences, changing the structure of the text.

Basically, it's a rewrite. Unlike deep processing, uniqueization is superficial.

This way of dealing with anti-plagiarism programs cannot be called easy either, since they get smarter every year and calculate the rewrite pretty well. To reduce the risk of fawn, you must use all of the listed methods of uniqueization academic work. For example, only a rearrangement of phrases will immediately burn you in front of Content-Watch and Text.ru, and Advego Plagiatus will highlight what has been retracted in blue.

The method of diluting phrases with epithets, introductory words and phrases does not work on its own either (besides, in educational work, the abundance of epithets does not always look appropriate).

The selection of synonyms is a good method, but it is of little use with an abundance of scientific and professional terminology. Well, we hope you understand that it’s stupid to use autocorrect or a dictionary of synonyms at all, otherwise the teacher will laugh at the nonsense text.

But the complex use of uniqueization methods helps to finish the work to a more or less acceptable percentage of uniqueness. And, most importantly, this anti-plagiarism war strategy is accessible even to a C student. True, a very assiduous triplet.

Let's fire a chip! Insert formulas, statistics, tables with pictures - anti-plagiarism programs will skip them. Adequate teachers themselves recommend this method, since it is impossible to uniqueize the formulas. Most importantly, don't overuse it.

Strategy 4. Use of materials not indexed by search engines. You can sleep here only if the teacher himself is intimately familiar with the materials you used. But if you work carefully and steal not from one text, but from several, and even periodically insert personal conclusions, the method works with a bang.

Where can I get non-indexed materials? In the bourgeoisie, offline libraries, paid dissertation online catalogs. As we already wrote in the article, these can be:

— translations of foreign books and articles;
- still undigitized materials obtained by you in libraries;
- dissertations from paid catalogs.

But keep in mind that the classic Anti-Plagiarism program, tailored for educational and scientific work, checks not only the pages indexed by Google and Yandex, but also the bases of scientific materials. Particular care must be taken with materials from dissertation halls and offline libraries. And remember, gentlemen, students: the fact that you have found suitable material in a regional or university library does not guarantee the passage of anti-plagiarism!

And then they xerify a textbook or an encyclopedia in the library, and then complain:

Strategy 5. Ordering uniqueization from a studentlancer. The easiest way to bypass anti-plagiarism... although not free. On the other hand, is it possible to call other strategies for fighting for uniqueness free? You still pay with something - not money, but forces and personal time.

All four strategies proposed by Studlans will lead you to victory. But only if you work seriously and thoughtfully. The fifth strategy will save you from workdays.

Studlancer can also unify the texts you have already compiled. The second option will save you some money.

If you don’t have time to order a work at all and you need to hand it in yesterday, use the Plagiant service. According to the developers of the service, their algorithm does not change the text of the document, the design remains the same, and the uniqueness is aligned to the required level.

Well, in conclusion of our review of strategies for the war against anti-plagiarism programs, we will warn against the stupid things that many students do (and which are sometimes used by novice student lancers, for which they pay with their reputation). Be sure to read articles about and about how suckers are bred by selling killer programs. Remember: the cheaper the cheese, the more palm oil it contains.

Students and schoolchildren are already well aware of the Anti-Plagiarism System (its full name sounds like “The System for Analyzing Texts for Borrowings”). She was born in 2006. Since then, a huge number of teachers began to actively use this system to control the quality of their students' work.

As for students and schoolchildren, this system has become a real nightmare for them. In this article, we will try to talk about all the well-known, popular, and most importantly modern methods of 2017 that answer the question of how to cheat Antiplagiarism.

What is plagiarism

To understand what is at stake, first you need to decide on the essence of plagiarism. What does he represent? After all, everyone is familiar with the situation when a teacher gives one work for correction without any special proceedings, and another work is accepted without any problems.

Plagiarism is the deliberate issuance of someone else's copyrighted material (it can be a work of literature, science, art) as one's own or illegal publication on one's own behalf of someone else's work (literary, scientific, musical, etc.).

Naturally, given how much students are afraid of Antiplagiarism, the most sophisticated ways to outwit this system began to be invented.

If we talk about students and their text works, then plagiarism here means the use of parts from other scientific works in their own educational work. Students use excerpts from other people's essays, diplomas, dissertations, books and pass them off as their own thoughts.

Scams that don't work anymore

More recently, the algorithm of the Anti-Plagiarism system was much more forgiving. Now many ways to bypass the system are not relevant. What "holes" were closed by the creators of the program and what is no longer working? We list non-working methods of deception:

  • Rearrangement of words within one sentence;
  • Rearranging paragraphs in the text;
  • Rearranging sentences within a paragraph;
  • Merging 2 sentences into 1 or splitting 1 sentence into several;
  • Replacement of letters identical in spelling - Russian to Latin and vice versa (e, a, o, s, etc.);
  • Replacing individual words with synonyms has become ineffective;
  • Replacing commas with dots and dots with commas;
  • Replacing spaces in text with dots and other similar white characters.

Looking at this list, it comes to understanding that cheat Anti-plagiarism far from easy. As noted above, the verification system is constantly improving.

We add here the fact that in the course of writing a term paper or thesis students use standard and well-established phrases (“Relevant to this topic ...”, “The purpose of the thesis is ...”, etc.). All this makes the process of passing the test on the system difficult even for those students who write their own work.

How to Cheat Antiplagiarism: 7 Tested Methods

Pupils of various educational institutions, university students constantly have to deal with writing term papers, essays, diplomas and other text works. The first task is to choose a topic for which you can find enough material on the Internet. But teachers today easily identify “downloaded works”, because they are no worse at using search engines. Special services come to their aid - Anti-plagiarism and other similar programs.

The minimum requirements for students' work are at least 3-4 sources and uniqueness at the level of 70%. This is not so much, but the problem is that students do not have to write essays, but quite serious scientific papers with an abundance of terms. It is simply impossible to come up with something new here, and there is not always enough time to conduct full-fledged scientific research for a regular essay. So you have to think about how to cheat Antiplagiarism in order to get a good grade.

Method number 1. Full text processing - deep rewriting

Anti-plagiarism services are constantly being improved, they use more complex algorithms to detect copying and borrowing. But still, the best tool in the struggle for uniqueness is the deep processing of the text. In simple terms, this means that it needs to be rewritten in your own words.

The advantages of this method are obvious:

  • high level of uniqueness of the text - over 90%;
  • the complete absence of any claims;
  • actually writing a new work in accordance with the requirements of the teacher.

The method is based on the fact that plagiarism is primarily a program, so it analyzes the text, breaks it into separate phrases and checks them through search engines. Thus, sources of borrowing are discovered, which do not always correspond to reality.

You can bypass the check by rewriting the text in your own words. Choose the most important fragments, rearrange them according to your own plans, add additional information. If you approach the work with the mind, then there will be no complaints. The main disadvantage is the large amount of time that it will take for such work to deceive the anti-plagiarism system.

Method #2. Shallow text processing

It was not in vain that we started with deep processing. When writing an essay, the student needs to take several sources and find answers to certain questions, draw his own conclusion. Deep processing is quite suitable for this. But if you do not want to waste time, then you can do surface processing.

It includes several basic steps:

  1. replacing words with synonyms, and turnovers with similar expressions;
  2. adding introductory sentences;
  3. rearrangement of phrases and entire paragraphs;
  4. changes in the structure in accordance with their own work.

In this case, everything is quite simple - it is best to first draw up a work plan or decide on the theses, and then type the material in separate paragraphs. To avoid questions, individual words can be deleted or changed to synonyms, as well as introductory or explanatory sentences can be added.

advantage this method is that the student does not have to "turn on the head". But the method cannot be called easy and fast, because replacing words and sentences takes a lot of time. In addition, anti-plagiarism systems are becoming smart enough to detect borrowing, so reliability depends only on one's own diligence.

Method number 3. Replacing tables and formulas with pictures

One of the main problems of any student when writing scientific papers is the abundance of special terms, formulas, tables with various names and listing of characteristics. It is simply impossible to replace them with other words, and therefore it is unlikely that it will be possible to make them unique. You can solve the problem easily and elegantly - insert special symbols, formulas and technical tables in the form of pictures.

They can be found on the Internet in search engines in the "pictures" section, or you can do it yourself:

  • Step 1. Take a screenshot of the screen using the PrtSc button in the top row of the keyboard;
  • Step 2. Open the Paint editor and press "paste" Ctrl + V;
  • Step 3. Select and cut out the desired area, save the picture.

This way of bypass becomes immediately noticeable, but for the most part, teachers have nothing against it and even recommend it themselves.

Method number 4. Remove rare words and set expressions

This item is directly related to the replacement of words and expressions. But you need to pay attention to the fact that some topics are associated with certain terms and set expressions. If they are used too often, then the Anti-plagiarism system finds sources of borrowing faster and uniqueness drops sharply. If possible, try to avoid excessive use of terms if you cannot remove them from the text. Do not abuse them to make the work more meaningful.

How can you cheat anti-plagiarism anyway? A special case of this method is the replacement of combinations of words and abbreviations. Some authors use special designations and abbreviations that are unique to their texts. If you remove them, you can increase the overall uniqueness of your work.

Method number 5. Add automatic hyphens

Simply structuring text can actually produce a certain result. In particular, this applies to automatic hyphenation in MS Word. This button is located in the page layout section. After that, the text will be stretched across the entire width of the page, and some words will be wrapped to a new line through a hyphen.

Despite its simplicity, the method really works, but you should not rely on it too much. Typically, the increase in uniqueness is no more than 2-5%. In addition, such formatting is rarely used today, so the teacher may ask you to change it. Sometimes a student lacks just a few percent, so you can keep it in your head.

Method number 6. Use rare materials and new sources

Often write a unique essay or coursework possible without the complicated manipulations described above. The thing is that students simply do not know how to use search engines and find the right materials. They often click 2-3 links on the first page of search results and download the first abstract with a similar title.

This leads to the fact that Anti-plagiarism systems immediately detect copying, because these materials have been on the network for a long time. Try to find a good source, and then you won't have to manually increase the uniqueness of the text. Use books or recent scientific publications, theses and dissertations from specialized catalogs. They are often freely available, but have not yet appeared in the Anti-plagiarism databases.

Review the lists of references attached to abstracts on your topic. Find them digitally and use them yourself to create new work. In this case, you still have to think about uniqueness, but the task is greatly simplified. In addition, teachers notice new thoughts, which can also be a plus.

You can use various sources to search:

  1. specialized catalogs with various works;
  2. scientific journals in digitized form;
  3. books by authoritative authors;
  4. specialized sites and forums;
  5. foreign sites.

The last point is a special case of this technique. If knowledge of English language at least at the minimum level, they allow you to work with foreign texts, then it is quite possible to find the necessary materials there. It's just that the translation of a foreign article is much better than many attempts to combat Anti-Plagiarism.

Method number 7. Contact the experts to deceive the anti-plagiarism.

If the situation becomes very difficult, and the deadlines are running out, then contact the specialists. Today, many people are ready to help students, for whom it is not difficult to write an essay, find fresh sources and bypass all Anti-plagiarism systems. The main disadvantage of this method is the need to spend money, but in some situations this is the best option.

If we sum up all the above conclusions, then the best option is a deep and “smart” processing of the text. Do not try to rework someone else's abstract, but make your own based on a preliminary plan, select sources accordingly. Do not try to use cheap and ineffective methods such as replacing Russian letters with English ones. Numerous synonymizing services are also unlikely to help you, because in this case the whole text turns into a set of absolutely crazy expressions.

If you act wisely, are not afraid to spend a little time choosing sources, adding your own thoughts, then there will be no problems with checking for uniqueness. Teachers usually see this immediately and positively evaluate such work of their student.

On our site you can find a service to increase the uniqueness of your work for the Anti-plagiarism system. If all the methods presented in this article are difficult for you, or you simply do not have time to fully work on the text, then you should entrust this task to professionals who have been working with Antiplagiarism for more than a year.

You just need to fill out an application on the site, indicating in the description: what system you need,% uniqueness, your mail. After clicking on the Calculate button, the cost of processing your work will be calculated, then you need to make a payment. After that, our staff will send you the processed work.

Every year, an increasing number of universities impose requirements on the level of originality of the text of term papers and theses. Unfortunately, not only students, but also many teachers do not understand what the level of originality of the work means. What exactly will the anti-plagiarism program check, what is plagiarism?

Perhaps many will be shocked now, but the Anti-plagiarism program does NOT actually show whether this work is copied from finished works from the Internet or not, as many people think. The anti-plagiarism program shows only borrowed text. The plagiarism program considers any text found on the Internet or in its own databases as BORROWED text.

We check term papers, diplomas for originality

One of the most popular services for finding plagiarism is the Antiplagiat website (antiplagiat.ru). On the forum of this site you can find comprehensive information about the work of this program and many reviews. There will be no more questions about the work of anti-plagiarism. After checking the text by this program, a report is issued with a list of links in which borrowing is found. And in each report, in large letters at the top of the page, it says: “Dear user! Please note that the Anti-plagiarism system answers the question whether a particular piece of text is borrowed or not. The system leaves the answer to the question of whether the borrowed fragment is plagiarism, and not a legitimate quote, at your discretion. It is also important to note that the system finds the borrowing source in its database, but does not determine whether it is the original source. That is, we note once again that the anti-plagiarism program shows only a borrowed text and it does not matter where it comes from - from a book, textbook, monograph, article, finished essay or diploma.

A term paper, at best, consisting of half of citations, cannot have 80% of the original text. We are now talking about theoretical work. For example, they ask for financial analysis based on the textbook by Savitskaya G.V., actively citing it in the theoretical part, and at the same time they require a level of originality of this chapter of at least 70 percent. Textbook Savitskaya G.V. practically the most popular textbook on economic analysis. Only the lazy did not quote him in their term papers. Quotes from this textbook are in every finished work on economic analysis on all abstract sites. Of course, if a theoretical chapter written according to the textbook by Savitskaya G.V. pass through the anti-plagiarism program, then the originality will not be high.

Another example, work on psychology suggests the presence of research and experiments on subjects using certain methods. All these techniques, of course, are cited in the work and are present in the appendices, so the work cannot be 100% unique either. Works on jurisprudence consist of citations of laws, comments on them and judicial practice, etc.

It is difficult for a non-specialist to write a paper with a high percentage of originality. To write unique works, you need to analyze sources and present the material in your own words, not all students can do it correctly, so artificial methods have become popular, which consist in replacing letters in the text from the Russian alphabet to English or adding hidden text to the work. Such methods of increasing originality are dangerous to use, they are too easy to detect.

Of course, it is possible and necessary to use anti-plagiarism programs, the program is very useful. But I really want to not approach the verification too formally. For example, there is an Etxt anti-plagiarism program. Universities use this program to a lesser extent to check student work. It was conceived mainly to check the content on the sites. Etxt-Antiplagiarism checks the work using search engines, that is, it checks all the material posted on the Internet. It is very, very difficult to achieve high uniqueness, when checking with this program, for theoretical works. But, if you look at the results of the check, in which the borrowed text is highlighted, you can easily understand whether the work has been copied or not, without even seeing the final percentage of originality.

How difficult it is these days to bring a term paper or essay to the required percentage of uniqueness in Antiplagiat.VUZ or ETXT. Students spend hours "sweating" over their texts in order to somehow raise originality and successfully pass their work. Well, if the "teacher" requires 60-70% - this can still be achieved, although you will have to spend enough time, and it depends where the material for work is taken from. What if the teacher set the requirement at 90%? This is the guard, friends!

How to deal with this disgrace and defeat the unfortunate anti-plagiarism? Who came up with all this and what is it for? - such questions are "born" in thousands of students' minds, when once again Antiplagiarism shows 30-40% of uniqueness.

Remember that for every anti-plagiarism there is an anti-plagiarism! :)

Let's go straight to the topic of the question and figure it out, how to cheat anti-plagiarism when checking a term paper, diploma or essay in 2019-2020. - all this is quite realistic to do and get by with "little blood".

Fight for uniqueness

Must include internal reserves vocabulary and start creating. Each sentence in the text will need to be rebuilt. We replace other people's thoughts with our own, we select synonyms. We leave only quotes and definitions from the original text. We create practically new work, change the structure. Yes, the work is painstaking, but uniqueness can be increased much. In this way, it is possible to make almost an author's work from a downloaded term paper or diploma. The main thing is that the text in the work makes sense and is formatted correctly.

It will take a lot of time and effort

The teacher can check the work for rewriting and find out where the material came from

If you approach the processing of the text "with your head", then this method is one of the best

It differs from the first recommendation in that we mainly use synonyms and use intelligence to a lesser extent. If in the complete processing of the text you have to use your own thoughts and knowledge on the subject of the work, then for superficial rewriting it is common to use:

- substitution by synonyms

- the use of introductory elements, revolutions

- permutation of phrases, words

- changing the structure of text, paragraphs and sentences

This way to defeat anti-plagiarism programs does not turn out to be easy to call, because. they (programs) "get smarter" every year and calculate rewriting quite well. In order not to get caught during the check, it is necessary to use in conjunction the listed methods of uniqueization of coursework and other work. For example, only a permutation of phrases will be immediately detected when checking for plagiarism in Text.ru or Content-Watch, and in the Advego program, the retracted text will be highlighted in blue.

Below is a screenshot from the ETXT program, where you can see that the rewrite is already checking too.

This recommendation can work well if the work already has at least 30-40% uniqueness and you need to reach 70-80 - this is a very real opportunity to increase originality. Outwitting anti-plagiarism in this way is within the power of even a weak C grade student. But patience and willpower will be required in any case.

That's how easy it used to be to pass term papers and essays ..! I replaced Russian letters in words with English ones and now you have 100% uniqueness. Now this doesn't work anymore. The freebie is over :) It's getting harder and harder to cheat anti-plagiarism for free.

The method of diluting sentences with epithets, introductory words and phrases does not work either (and in educational work, the abundance of introductory words does not always look appropriate).

The selection of synonyms is quite a good method, but it is of little use with a large number of scientific and professional terms. And, of course, if you stupidly use autochange, then the teacher will laugh at the "crazy" text.

Let's summarize what no need spend time:

Substitution of Cyrillic letters for Latin

Adding introductory words

Synonymizing in abundance

Let's fire the topic! Insert formulas, tables with pictures - anti-plagiarism programs will not notice them. Normal teachers themselves recommend this method, since it is impossible to make the formulas unique! Most importantly, do not abuse this chip.

In the markup of the MS WORD page, you can set automatic word wrapping. How can this help in cheating anti-plagiarism? Very simple. If you paste a document or copy a text that has automatic word wrapping enabled in Antiplagiat.ru, the system will recognize some of the words as unique, because words will be partially cut off.

Note: this way you can increase the uniqueness by no more than 2-7 percent. If you are missing a little bit to pass the anti-plagiarism check, then you can try this method.

To enable this option, you need to follow certain steps in ms word (screenshot below):

The essence of this way to bypass anti-plagiarism is that you need to look for material in English, Ukrainian or another language, then translate the material into Russian. The received material in Russian will need to be corrected in order to give the text the correct format. There is such an option to deceive anti-plagiarism for free, but it is also difficult to call it free, because. the loss of time for translation and correction is also a kind of payment. And it is not known how checking the text for plagiarism will behave, because it may happen that you find the work you need, and after translating the text it will be borrowed from another source in Russian. Each student chooses the method that suits him best.

We are talking about scientific works that are not indexed by search engines. You can be "bitten" if the inspector was already familiar with this work. But if you copy-paste carefully and dilute the texts with your personal thoughts, then the result can be very good.

Where to look for non-indexed texts? It can be:

Foreign sites

Translation of foreign works and articles

Dissertations from paid catalogs

Not yet digitized materials taken from the library

Note: the Antiplagiat.VUZ system can also check texts not only in Yandex and Google, but also against closed sources. Keep this in mind, and try to find a way to pre-screen your work against closed sources as well.

If you do not have time to correct the downloaded term papers, diplomas, essays on your own, then you can use the services of our service.

The system increases the uniqueness of the work in a technical way (at the level of the document code).

The text in the document does not change (visually), but when checked by Antiplagiat.ru, university or ETXT program, the uniqueness will meet your requirements.

For example, you can upload a downloaded finished work to the system with a uniqueness of 5%. To raise the uniqueness to the desired value, for example, up to 80-100%, you need to:

1. Upload the file with the finished work to our system

2. Select the desired processing system and indicate the percentage

3. Wait for online processing of your text

4. Check the processed document and successfully submit the work to the educational institution.

An example of checking a thesis that was processed in our service (screenshot below):

The picture shows that with the help of our service you can cheat anti-plagiarism online and increase the uniqueness of any academic work up to 80-100%, without wasting your precious time on "dancing with a tambourine" around a term paper or diploma.

We wish you successful studies and easy passage of anti-plagiarism!