6 mission of the organization. The mission of the organization. Examples of missions of manufacturers of consumer goods

In the article, we offer you a selection of missions of large well-known companies in the world's leading markets. The given examples of missions organization and manufacturing enterprises will help you to fully understand the meaning and meaning of this concept and will help to form the right vision of the business.

All examples of missions are broken down by key product groups and markets.

Retail brand missions

Walmart mission:"We help our customers save money to make their lives better"

Target mission:"Become the preferred shopping destination through innovative solutions, exceptional offerings, exceeding customer expectations."

Mission of The Home Depot:"To provide each customer with a high level of service, a wide range and competitive prices"

IKEA mission:"Improvement Everyday life everyone"

Amazon mission: "To create a space where everyone can buy anything they want online"

CVS mission:"Help people improve their health"

Mission of BestBuy:“We solve the unmet needs of our customers with the ingenuity of our employees”

Missions of IT and Social brands

Google mission:“It is convenient to organize all the information in the world and make it accessible and useful to everyone”

Microsoft mission:“Enabling everyone to realize their full potential”

Skype mission:"Become a platform for people to communicate in real time"

Mission of YouTube:"To provide quick and easy access to video content and provide the ability to share videos with each other"

Twitter Mission:"Instantly connect people everywhere"

Apple mission:"To provide students, educators, creative professionals around the world with the best personal computers through the use of innovative solutions"

Sportswear brand missions

Mission of Adidas:“Become the best sports brand in the world. never compare quantity with quality. The athlete always comes first.

Nike mission:"Giving inspiration and innovative solutions to every athlete in the world"

Umbro mission:“Excite and inspire. Let everyone fall in love with the wonderful world of football"

Asics mission:“Become the number one for sports enthusiasts. To achieve this, we promise to produce the best product, based on our technological advances, and push the boundaries of the body.”

Missions of food and beverage brands

Mission of Coca Cola:“Refresh the world, body, mind and spirit; Awaken optimism through our drinks and our deeds; Bring meaning to everything we do.”

Pepsi mission:“To be the world's best food company focused on ready-to-eat foods and beverages. In everything we do, we are guided by three principles - honesty, consistency and fairness.

Nestlé mission:"We believe that research and development will help make food better, thereby improving people's lives"

Danone mission:"To provide as many people as possible with healthy food"

Missions of B2B brands

Cisco Mission:"The company's software, hardware and services are used to create reliable networks that provide easy access to information anywhere, anytime."

IBM mission:“Lead in the invention, development and production of information technologies, including software, computers, information storage systems and microelectronics. And help with the help of advanced technologies to improve the business of our customers around the world.

Intel Mission:"Create and improve computer technology to connect and improve the lives of every person on earth"

Mission of General Electric:“We exist to solve the problems of everyone on earth, be it a company or an individual”

Mission of British Petroleum:"Promotion of human progress through the manifestation of the following qualities: honesty, openness of transactions"

Ready solutions

We have ready template, with which you can easily apply the theoretical knowledge of this article in practice. You can download a sample for developing the mission of your organization or product in the section.

A lot of materials have been written about such a concept as a “company mission”, ranging from books on marketing and branding to articles and posts on social networks.

Quite often, these publications are more like a scientific dissertation than a clear and easily applicable step-by-step instruction.

There are still open questions:

  • Does every company, business, expert in without fail Do you need a mission statement?
  • What is meant by "mission of the organization"?
  • How to formulate the working mission of the brand, and what examples to focus on?

Let's start with the terminology.

What is meant by the "mission of the organization"?

In classical management, the definition of the term "mission" is as follows - this is a statement that reveals the philosophy of the organization's existence and the difference between this company and its similar ones.

This is a very broad understanding of the mission, which is quite easy to get confused. Let's try to make specifics in its essence and content.

The mission of the company should answer a simple question - why was the organization created? Usually, the answer that pops up first is to make a profit.

This is logical, but let's look at the question from a different angle: what is wrong in the world around you, and how does your company (or you personally, as an expert) intend to fix it?

Much clearer, and gives scope to the imagination, right?

Another important concept that is often confused with the mission of the company is the vision of the brand. It answers the question - how do you see the company in the future. Or, to rephrase the mission question, what will the world around you be like when you're done changing it.

Does every company need a mission?

Certainly not. It all depends on your scale, goals and ambitions - this is your personal choice.

The owner of a single tent selling hot dogs, the mission is unlikely to significantly help in business. But if you are an Internet entrepreneur and strive to create a successful and systematic digital business, you should think about developing a brand platform and start with the company's mission.

This, at first glance, a philosophical concept is a powerful tool for promotion, ensuring the loyalty of the target audience, a platform for setting strategic goals and setting priorities, an indicator of the strengths of the brand.

It is important to note that there is simply no single rule on how to formulate the mission of an organization. But this process is quite simple, and below we will try to outline its basic principles step by step.

6 Essential Elements of an Organization's Mission

1 Focus on customer satisfaction How does your company, you, as an expert, change the life of the buyer for the better?
2 Uniqueness Different from what your competitors claim
3 memorability Ideally, it should be easy to remember
4 Transparency Clear, without ambiguity and room for interpretation
5 Emphasis on the company's strengths and values Takes into account the key competitive advantages of the company/product, as well as the values ​​that the brand conveys
6 Truthfulness What you declare must match reality, do not try to deceive the buyer's trust

When starting to form the text of the mission, be sure to consider the presence of at least 5 out of 6 attributes in it. You can sacrifice memorability, but observe the measure and respect for those people who will read your mission. For example, Avon's full mission statement consists of 307 words.

Stages of developing the mission of the organization

Despite the apparent complexity of the process of writing a mission, fundamentally, only 3 stages can be distinguished.

Stage 1. Creation of the mission skeleton

For clarity, we give all 5 key questions in the table with answers using the example of a babysitting agency for children.

Question Answer
What does the company do (what do we sell)? Provides babysitting services for children from 2 to 8 years old with full or part-time employment. Weekend babysitting service available.
Who is the target audience of the company (to whom do we sell)? Parents with children from 2 to 8 years old
What are the main customer needs we are trying to satisfy? What audience problems are we solving?
  • Peace of mind for the safety and health of your child when you need to be away from home temporarily or for a full day;
  • the desire to find a qualified nanny who will not only sit with the child, but will also be able to teach him according to the program approved by the parents;
  • the desire to find a trusted specialist who can be trusted with the baby;
  • a desire to work with an organization rather than looking on bulletin boards.
What determines the success of a project or what will make us successful in the future?
  • Exclusive responsibility in the selection of professional staff;
  • we can fill a vacancy even for the most demanding client;
  • a large base of candidates with special education (medical, pedagogical, knowledge of languages, psychological);
  • we guarantee that the nanny will find an approach to any child;
  • during the year we provide warranty service, which includes consultation on personnel management issues and replacement of an employee on demand;
  • we help in the installation of our cameras during the probationary period of the staff, the organization of video surveillance in the house and on the territory.
How do we achieve this success? Our nannies are constantly improving their skills, learning according to the most modern methods.
We regularly check the physical, mental state of health, and also constantly interact with those parents who have already used our services.
The nannies of our agency strictly adhere to the recommendations of parents, provide continuous visual control of the child, not only teach the child according to the approved program, but also develop talents, learn how to find an approach to modern children, become an interesting teacher and friend for them.

Feel free to answer in detail - so you can definitely cover all the important points.

Stage 2. Reduction and generalization

The goal of the second stage is to cut off everything superfluous, leaving only the keywords, and then summarize them into one sentence.

Stage 3. Check

We return to the table above and check whether all 6 elements of a successful mission are taken into account. You can also discuss the final version of the brand mission with company employees, show it to your friends and listen to their opinion. If there are any shortcomings, we correct them.

The final version of the mission of the agency for nannies after all the transformations is as follows:

“Surround children with care, provide them with professional care and reliable supervision so that the little ones feel comfortable and parents feel calm.”

Agree, creating a brand mission is quite simple. And so that you are convinced of this and always have a sample for inspiration at hand - we will give several options for the mission of organizations.

Examples of missions of well-known companies

Why did we decide to focus on those companies that everyone is talking about? We could take a few Internet business niches and develop examples specifically for this article. But the mission of a company whose product features are unknown to you will be just a beautiful phrase, nothing more.

Therefore, let's consider examples of several of the most successful missions formulated by marketers of well-known brands and startups.

Mission Apple is an example of a respectful attitude towards brand customers and is aimed at understanding them:

"We offer high quality products that free people's lives and work from hard and tedious work, make the world more convenient for life, and ensure the respect and loyalty of consumers."

Dropbox is a startup that few believed in in its early days. Today, the company's value is over a billion dollars, and their mission is:

“We create easy-to-use products based on trust. When people store their files in Dropbox, they can be sure that they are safe. The privacy of user data has always been and will always be our top priority.”

Marketers of the Lukoil oil concern have created a fairly short and capacious mission, which, nevertheless, reflects the purpose of the company's existence on the market:

"We were created to turn the energy of natural resources for the benefit of man."

The mission of the famous Japanese car manufacturer Toyota is more customer-oriented than the achievements of the company itself:

"Our mission is to maximize customer satisfaction by providing reliable and safe TOYOTA products and providing a network of high quality service and qualified service."

The mission of the Svyaznoy company:

“We work with people and for people. We create an exciting world of mobile communications and new offers that are understandable and accessible to everyone. We provide simplicity, convenience and attractive choice.”

And finally, 3 more important tips on how to write a successful brand mission:

  1. Don't talk about the company;
  2. Don't mention "process" - how responsibly you approach your business;
  3. focus solely on the result and the benefits that your target audience will receive from working with you.

And now that we have dealt with the pitfalls that may lie in wait for you when working on the mission of the organization, write in the comments, how would you formulate the mission for your business? And like if the content was useful to you.

There are many interpretations of the concept corporate mission- the meaning of existence, the main goal of activity; some higher purpose; expression of the social significance of the activity; the role the company intends to play in the market; quality content of the business, an attempt by a businessman to find the meaning of his professional activity; substantiation of non-financial goals of the organization.

We dare to add our own definition of mission to this collection.

  • Mission (organization, project, institution etc.) - an expression of one's ability and intentions to satisfy or create socially significant and ethically acceptable needs (requests) of humanity, groups of people (territories, states, peoples, communities, enterprises) and individuals.

And if we get rid of unnecessary complexity, let's say even simpler:

  • COMPANY MISSION- this is the social benefit that the company intends to bring (or already brings) to others.


The mission shows how the company's products (goods, services, relationships) form and enhance qualitative changes in the everyday life of the consumer and in the worldview of society.

That is, the mission should be directed outward, to society, outside the company, and not to the company and its stakeholders. This is the main criterion for understanding whether the mission is before your eyes or an attempt to justify the purely material interests of business. A vivid negative example of this is the missions of today's Russian banks and insurance companies, most of which have simply forgotten about the interests of the client.

The goals of the mission of modern Russian business acceptable to society can be:

  • formation of a new quality of life, summarizing the consumer properties of the company's products;
  • the desire to improve the already formed quality of life and expand its distribution;
  • creation of values ​​of a higher level of significance for society than the resources spent;
  • qualitative changes in the company itself, as a result of the emergence and mobilization of additional resources and a new attitude to the world;
  • growth of the company's adaptation to market requirements and its integration into the global community.
Pretty words about profits and dividends or a blatant desire to be a market leader are questionable for the public good and not so modest as to get into the mission statement. There are other, more ambitious documents for them.

There are many opinions about what should be the content of the mission of the organization.
The so-called four-pronged approach involves taking into account the following aspects in the mission statement:

  • market (products, strategies, competition, enterprise goals, markets),
  • social (taking into account the interests of business participants, social groups, references to corporate philosophy, culture),
  • private (business success from the point of view of the personal interests of the owners),
  • qualitative (the desire of business to change the conditions, the quality of life of society, the properties of the social environment).
In our opinion, a well-formulated mission of the organization should reflect precisely the qualitative aspect.
Another approach advises taking into account the main strategic goals facing any company in any market, and voicing business priorities regarding each of them:
  • public (contribution to the local community, solving specific social problems),
  • consumer (satisfying customer requests, taking into account the needs of suppliers and partners),
  • administrative-territorial (satisfying the needs of a particular system in the structure of which the company operates),
  • entrepreneurial (meeting the needs of participants and co-owners).
From the point of view of NLP, the mission of the enterprise includes three logical levels: the purpose of the company, identification, company values.

And, for example, on the website of one domestic state university it is stated that "The content of the organization's mission is:
1) philosophy (basic views, principles and values, system of motives);
2) description of the field of activity, product of the organization;
3) goals of the organization (current and strategic);
4) characteristics of potential and technologies;
5) description of the internal concept, strengths of the organization, its competitive advantages, development prospects;
6) characteristics of the market where the organization operates;
7) description of the external image (image) of the organization".
It’s not clear whether to believe such things or smile.

According to which method your company will formulate a business mission is up to you. Let's add: contrary to some authors, we do not believe that the "Mission of the company" is a document, "the provisions of which must be fulfilled." You need to know the mission of the company, it is desirable to share it, be guided by it, follow it, but fulfill its provisions ..? It is difficult to agree that the mission is "a corporate ideology, the values ​​of which correspond to the company's employees, and the philosophy of which is reflected in their work" (the quote is real). A mission is just a mission.

A well-formulated mission of the organization does not need additional interpretations, additions, does not contain any nested, expanding its interpretations, provisions. It is a full-fledged, independent document, logically included in a set of documents under the general name “Company Ideology”.


Of course, it is hardly possible to “design” a mission. Recognize, articulate - yes. We agree that each has a purpose (mission, meaning of existence). entity regardless of this awareness. The process of realizing the mission can go gradually, or maybe explosively - by insight.

In the conditions of small and medium-sized businesses, the mission of the organization almost always contains energy, the philosophy of the owners, founders. Without their participation, a full-blooded mission rarely appears.

There are many approaches to mission development.

  • The mission is developed by the owner and top managers whom he trusts. As a result of the discussion, a certain common document is born, reflecting the different interests of the participants. When the “conspirators” reach consensus on all issues, the mission is presented to the team.
  • The "general" of the company considers many options for the formulation of the mission proposed by each employee. Further, the most fruitful thoughts are summarized in a single document and brought to perfection, often with the help of external consultants. The result is a mission born from the very depths of the team.
  • Exclusively the top management of the company, together with the owners through brainstorming (or similar) under the command of third-party consultants, “generate from themselves” a mission, which is later brought to the attention of employees.
  • A working group is formed from executives, specialists, non-standard-minded employees and with the obligatory participation of a coordinator-consultant. During the discussions, the group creates a draft document and submits it to the coordinator, who then, in the course of personal discussions with members of the working group, brings the document to a working state and submits it for approval.
  • The mission of the company is formulated personally by the business owner with the unobtrusive participation of an external consultant. The interests of all interested parties are taken into account.


    • The mission of the enterprise really answers many questions (why? who? what? how? why? by what means? in the name of what?), but it does it as concisely, simply and concisely as possible.
    • The description of the mission should exclude the possibility of discrepancies, but at the same time leave room for creative and flexible development of the company.
    • Mission drafts can be of any size. The final text is 1-2-3 sentences. Such a brief mission of the enterprise is especially well understood, remembered and easily retold. However, if you like the smiles on the faces of your customers, you can paint the corporate mission on the page.
    • The simplicity of the mission lies in the logic of presentation. Do not make verbal mess out of the text of the mission of the enterprise, do not introduce elements of vision, strategic goals, a detailed description of services, philosophy, description of areas of responsibility into the mission statement - all those provisions that should be separate, independent text documents.
    • The "Mission of the company" document should not begin with the words "The philosophy of the company is to ensure that its own goals and the long-term interests of society are aligned." Why mix everything in one heap? The text of the mission is not a place for the concepts of "vision", "goals", "objectives", "values", "politics", "principles", "philosophy", "strategy". For them - other documents.
    • From the text of the mission it should be clear without hints - what the business is doing (industry, direction of development, type of service) and why, why is it doing this.
    • Do not be afraid of beautiful text if it correctly conveys the concepts of the mission. Use rare, bright words and phrases, but avoid random unpleasant associations.
    • Reduce the distance, get closer to the consumer. Just call the company "We".
    • Do not mention material gain in the mission (with the exception of financial market players, banks). Earned money is not what your business will become famous for centuries.
    • Avoid the dominance of obscure terms, words and phrases worn to the point of meaninglessness, such as "customer focus", "social partnership", "maximum benefits at the lowest price", "mutually beneficial cooperation", "development and improvement of business", "we value our customers". Do not make competitors laugh with such platitudes.
    • Make the mission statement active-active, not passive-observant. The best business mission verb is present tense.
    • It doesn't matter that many corporate mission statements begin similarly: we do..., we teach..., we improve..., we care..., we help..., we solve..., we develop..., we provide..., we improve..., we we contribute.. we provide.. we feed.. we give.. we serve. The main difference is in the sense of the words that follow.
    • The mission statement of the company should not be fabulous, overstated, unrealistic, miserable, clumsy, forced, so as not to give rise to a smile and doubts in the sanity of its authors. Better - none than a ridiculous mission.
    • A competent mission text is like blank verse: full of meaning, elegant and laconic. Misspellings, misprints and missing punctuation marks in the organization's replicated mission are an indicator of its negligent attitude towards own business and the strongest blow to the image. Editing the mission text is a must.

      companies, you can independently or with the help of specialists of the bureau PUNCTUATION MARKS.


      formulated, from our point of view, very briefly, weightily and meaningfully.

      Mission of Gazprom– the most efficient and balanced gas supply to Russian consumers, the fulfillment of long-term gas export contracts with a high degree of reliability.

      Mission transport company Aeroflot is the most complete and safe provision of one of the fundamental human freedoms – freedom of movement.

      Mission of the group of companies GAS. To produce commercial vehicles that guarantee the customer the benefits of purchasing through uncompromising quality and reliable impeccable service, backed by the highest competence of personnel, partner suppliers, innovations in production and products.

      The mission of the brewing company Baltic. We create a quality product that gives people the joy of communication, makes their life brighter and more interesting.

      Mission MegaFon. MegaFon will unite Russia by breaking down barriers and developing communications to become the obvious choice for everyone.

      Bank mission(Rosselkhozbank). Ensuring affordable, high-quality and effective satisfaction of the needs of agricultural producers and the rural population Russian Federation in banking products and services, all possible assistance in the formation and functioning of a modern national credit and financial system of the agro-industrial sector of Russia, support for the development of the agro-industrial complex and rural areas of the Russian Federation.

      Russian Mission Insurance company– provide comprehensive protection, confidence and harmony in life for those who strive for the best!

      The mission of beauty salons and stylish clothes ELITE: We decorate people's lives, make important events in their lives more vivid and memorable, providing beautiful outfits for any holidays, celebrations and ceremonies, high-quality image and style creation services. Mission Creation Feedback

      Agency Mission PRINT - to be a link between publishers and readers.

      Mission of the restaurant Indian Cuisine Orissa: to combine Indian cuisine - one of the most delicious and ancient - with European culture of service against the backdrop of interiors in the style of oriental palaces and baroque.

      The mission of the insurance company MOSCOW - to promote the growth of insurance coverage for every citizen of Russia, to actively support the insurance coverage of domestic businesses, to ensure the growth of the national economy, to promote socio-economic development, to ensure reliability, high quality services, to help strengthen the country's financial system.

      Mission of the hotel PUNICATION SIGNS (working version) - to provide high-quality, modern, comfortable accommodation that will help city guests to better appreciate the beauty, cultural and business activity of St. Petersburg.

      Mission construction company METALLLINE: We build modern residential and office buildings in Yekaterinburg - we create comfortable living and business conditions, thereby ensuring the economic development of the region, the company and the well-being of its employees.

      The mission of the shops Castorama is to help buyers make their homes more perfect and comfortable, to transform the laborious and costly process of repair and improvement into an interesting hobby accessible to everyone.

      The mission of the shops TERVOLINA: Quality, comfortable shoes and excellent service - for every customer!

      The mission of the travel agency SOLAR SAIL - development of water tourism in the North-West region of Russia.

      Mission automotive factory URAL - meeting the needs of society in vehicles with a gross weight of 12 to 44 tons and creating conditions for maintaining the performance of vehicles during operation.

      Mission factory packaging products - to provide industrial enterprises in Russia and the CIS countries with modern packaging solutions, thereby contributing to their economic growth, as well as the development of the industrial packaging industry as a whole.

      Mission educational institutions (kindergarten KROCHA) is the creation of conditions that reveal the individuality of the child and contribute to the formation of competencies that will ensure his success today and in the future.

  • With the most generalized and at the same time with the most profound understanding, the role of the mission of the organization is that it, as it were, establishes a bundle, orients in a single direction the interests and expectations of those people who perceive the organization from the inside, and those who perceive the organization from the outside.

    Moreover, the mission allows orienting or even subordinating the interests of “internal” people in relation to the organization to the interests of “external” people. By defining what the organization was created and exists for, the mission gives meaningfulness and purposefulness to the actions of people, allowing them to better see and realize not only what they should do, but also why they carry out their actions.

    So what is mission?

    Mission is writingpersonal message about the purpose of your businesscarried. With it, you can explain to all stakeholders why your business exists and how it differs from many others.

    Mission- a mission statement that reflects the meaning of the organization's existence, its distinctive features, guidelines, stakeholders.

    Mission of the organization- this is short description of an economic entity, its main goals, purpose, scope of activity, norms of behavior and role in solving the social problems of the region and society as a whole. The literal translation of this term means "responsible task, role."

    The purpose of the mission is:

    Determination of the general course of development of the organization

    Ensuring uniformity regarding development directions and key tasks

    Demonstration of reliability for business partners, customers and society.

    At its core the mission is a concise, clear expression of the strategic vision. For its consideration between employees and stakeholders.

    Mission- a short, clear, precise definition of the main directions of development, motivating employees to highly productive work.

    In the literature there are no clear rules for formulating a mission, requirements for its content, it is a creative, individual product.

    There is a broad and a narrow understanding of mission.

    In a broad sense, the mission is the philosophy and purpose, the meaning of the existence of the organization.

    The philosophy of an organization defines the values, beliefs and principles in accordance with which the organization intends to conduct its activities. A mission defines the activities an organization intends to do and what type of organization it intends to be. The philosophy of the organization rarely changes.

    As for the second part of the mission, it may vary depending on the depth of possible changes in the organization and in the environment of its functioning.

    In a narrow sense, a mission is a stated statement about why or for what reason an organization exists, i.e. The mission is understood as a statement that reveals the meaning of the existence of the organization, in which the difference between this organization and similar ones is manifested.

    A correctly defined mission, although it always has a general philosophical meaning, nevertheless necessarily carries something in itself that makes it unique in its kind, characterizing exactly the organization in which it was developed. Further, we will talk about the mission in the narrow sense.

    The meaning of the corresponding mission, which is formally expressed and effectively presented to the employees of the organization, cannot be exaggerated. The goals developed on its basis serve as criteria for the entire subsequent process of strategic planning and management. If leaders do not know what the main purpose of their organization is, then they will not have a logical starting point for choosing the best alternative. Without defining the mission as a guideline, leaders would have only their individual values ​​as the basis for making decisions. The result might be a huge spread of effort rather than a unity of purpose essential to the success of the organization.

    Thus, the mission details the status of the organization and provides direction and benchmarks for setting goals and strategies at various levels of management. Therefore, there are currently two approaches to understanding the mission of the organization. Firstly, the mission is of great importance for communication within the organization: it allows employees to better understand the specifics of its activities. Secondly, the mission contributes to conveying basic information about the organization's activities to shareholders, consumers, and suppliers. This is the dual purpose (dualism) of the mission.

    The organization's mission statement should include the following:

    1. The task of the firm in terms of its main services or products, main markets and main technologies (company products (needs satisfied), target market).

    2. The operating principles of the firm, which are determined by the external environment (key technologies, the way the market is covered, the strategic principles for the development of financing).

    3. Definition of organizational culture, type of working climate within the firm (proclaimed values ​​and beliefs).

    Mission Statement Principles:

    1. A clear, specific formulation of the business area.

    2. Expressing the mission in a clear, inspiring and stimulating way.

    3. Compliance with the mission of the current situation (when the environment changes, the mission must be adequately measured).

    The mission statement should be, on the one hand, as general as possible so that competitors cannot decipher the business plans of the enterprise in detail, and on the other hand, clear enough so that customers and all addressees can orient themselves in them. It should be expressed in relatively simple definitions and in a form convenient for perception, often it is a slogan.

    Making a profit cannot be seen as a shared mission by an organization. Profit is a completely internal problem of the organization. Because an organization is an open system, it can only ultimately survive if it satisfies some need outside of itself. In order to earn the profit it needs to survive, an organization must take care of the environment in which it operates. Therefore, it is in the environment that management looks for a common goal (mission). The choice by the management of the organization of such a narrow mission as profit limits the ability to explore acceptable alternatives when making a decision.

    Before beginning to formulate a mission, the leadership of the organization must answer the following questions:

    Who are our main clients?

    What needs of our customers do we meet now and will we be able to meet in the future?

    Many nonprofit organizations have so many different "clients" that it's hard for them to come up with an appropriate mission statement. Despite these difficulties, they must first formulate a suitable mission for themselves.

    Small organizations also need an appropriately formulated mission statement. The danger for a small organization is to choose a mission that is too complex.

    While the mission is undoubtedly of paramount importance to an organization, the imprint of the values ​​and goals of top management cannot be underestimated. Values ​​are formed by personal experience, education and socio-economic background. Values, or the relative importance that people attach to things and phenomena, guide and orient leaders when they are faced with the need to make critical decisions. At the same time, top management maintains and respects certain values ​​that are manifested in the choice of the type of management, as well as in the goals of the organization.

    Mission Statement Goals

    1. The mission gives the subjects of the external environment a general idea of ​​what the organization is like, what it is striving for, what means it is ready to use in its activities, what its philosophy is, etc. In addition, it contributes to the formation or consolidation of a certain image of the organization in the representation of the subjects of the external environment.

    2. the mission promotes unity within the organization and the creation of a corporate spirit. This manifests itself in the following:

    The mission makes clear to employees the overall purpose and purpose of the organization. As a result, employees orient their actions in a single direction;

    The mission makes it easier for employees to identify with the organization. For those employees who identify themselves with the organization, the mission is the starting point in their activities;

    The mission contributes to the establishment of a certain climate in the organization, since, in particular, through it, the philosophy of the organization, the values ​​and principles that underlie the construction and implementation of the organization's activities are brought to people.

    3. the mission creates an opportunity for more effective management of the organization due to the fact that it;

    It is the basis for setting the goals of the organization, ensures the consistency of the set of goals, and also helps to develop the strategy of the organization, setting the direction and acceptable boundaries for the functioning of the organization;

    Gives a general approach to the allocation of resources of the organization and creates a basis for assessing their use;

    Expands for the employee the meaning and content of his activity and thereby allows the use of a wider range of motivation techniques.

    The mission is developed by the top leader (collectively). When approved, it is informally discussed and tested.

    The mission should not carry specific instructions on what, how and in what time frame the organization should do. It sets the main directions of the movement of the organization and the attitude of the organization to the processes and phenomena occurring inside and outside it.

    Therefore, the formation of a mission is by no means only the development of provisions, but bringing these provisions to employees and accepting these provisions by the latter. The organization acquires a mission when the members of the organization agree with it and follow its provisions in their activities.

    That is, the mission is understood as a statement that reveals the meaning of the organization's existence, in which the difference between this organization and similar ones is manifested.

    Typically, the definition of the mission of the organization pursues the solution of the following tasks:

    • identify the area of ​​active actions of the organization and cut off the development paths that lead nowhere;
    • determine the basic principles of competition;
    • develop a common basis for developing the goals of the organization;
    • develop a concept of activity that inspires the employees of the organization.

    Mission objectives is a vision of what an organization should be or stand for. They should reflect the interests of all groups of influence or different groups of people, one way or another connected with the activities of the organization and involved in the process of its functioning (owners, managers, employees and workers, consumers, suppliers, banks, government agencies, local governments, public organizations and etc.).

    When developing a mission, the following groups of factors are taken into account:
    1. The history of the emergence and development of the organization, its traditions, achievements and failures, the current image.
    2. Existing style of behavior and way of action of owners and managers.
    3. Resources, i.e. everything that an organization can manage: cash cash, recognized product brands, unique technologies, employee talent, etc.
    4. , representing the totality of all factors that affect the organization's ability to achieve its goals with the help of selected strategies.
    5. Distinguishing characteristics of the organization.

    For example, the mission of the Marriot Hotel Company is formulated as follows: "We strive to be the best in the world in providing accommodation and food for our customers by encouraging staff to provide customers with extraordinary services and to protect the interests of shareholders."

    Following the above rules is a very difficult task. This is one of the main reasons why not all organizations have well-defined missions, and some simply do not have them.

    Organization goals

    The main initial base for the formation of the goals of the organization - and innovation. It is in these areas that the values ​​of the organization are located, for which the consumer is willing to pay. If an organization is not able to meet the needs of consumers at a good level today and tomorrow, then it will not have a profit. In other areas of activity (production, personnel, etc.), goals are valuable only to the extent that they improve the organization's ability to meet customer needs and implement innovations (innovations).

    There are six types of goals:

    1. Achievement of certain indicator values market share.
    2. Innovation Goals. Without the development and delivery of new services, an organization can very quickly be knocked out by competitors. An example of this type of goal would be: 50% of sales should come from products and services introduced in the last five years.
    3. Resource goals characterize the organization's desire to attract the most valuable resources: qualified employees, capital, modern equipment. These goals are marketing in nature. Thus, organizations compete to attract the most capable university graduates, retailers compete for the best location. outlets. As a result, the achievement of such results creates the prerequisites for the implementation of other tasks.
    4. Performance Improvement Goals. When personnel, capital and production and technical potential are not used efficiently enough, then the needs of consumers will not be satisfied enough, or this will be achieved through excessive expenditure of resources.
    5. Social Goals are aimed at reducing the negative impact on the natural environment, at helping society in solving problems of employment, in the field of education, etc.
    6. Purpose of obtaining a certain profit can only be established after formulating previous goals. is something that can help raise capital and encourage owners to share the risk. Profit is therefore better seen as more of a restrictive goal. The minimum profitability is necessary for the survival and development of the business.

    Organization and Marketing Performance Indicators

    The definition of activity goals and their evaluation are directly related to the choice of appropriate ones.

    Very often, such an indicator is considered. In doing so, it is assumed that profit maximization is the main goal of the organization.

    The following arguments are usually given in support of this view:
    1. Profit maximization is the formal goal for which an organization exists. The one who has invested is not interested in specific projects, but in profit.
    2. Profit is the ultimate reward for working efficiently and creating value for consumers.
    3. Profit is a simple and understandable criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of business decisions. This is the main criterion for choosing the best solutions.

    When profit maximization is considered as the main and only goal of the organization's activity, then this approach should be considered simplified both from a theoretical and practical point of view. The organization seeks to achieve, rather than the maximum level of profit. Often this value of profit acts as a restrictive goal when formulating goals focused on consumers and innovations.

    Profit maximization as an evaluation criterion when considering alternative strategies can be used as a first approximation in finding the best solutions. Other criteria should be taken into account in the subsequent stage of the analysis.

    The choice of the criterion for the effectiveness of the activities of a non-profit organization

    First of all, it should be noted that along with organizations that live off their profits, there are also non-profit organizations. The choice of a school or a hospital as a criterion for the effectiveness of the activity contradicts the very idea of ​​​​creating such organizations. However, profit can be one of the indicators of the effectiveness of the self-supporting component in the activities of non-profit organizations.

    Below we will only talk about organizations that live off their production and economic activities, which will be called companies.

    Despite the predominant use of profit indicators to measure business success, they have certain disadvantages. First, in practice, profit indicators can be manipulated quite easily and simply by managers in order to obtain falsified results. A variety of and, moreover, completely legal methods of depreciation accounting for inventory valuation, accounting for research and development costs, foreign currency transfers, and in particular many options for registering new acquisitions, can turn losses on individual accounting items into large reporting profits and vice versa.

    Of course, companies that care about creating and maintaining a favorable image, first of all, proclaim missions that have a social sound and have a high attractive force for all groups of the company, and above all for its managers and employees. Without this, it is difficult to use such an important management tool as (corporate culture). True, there is an opinion that the goals of the mission belong to the category of so-called declared goals, "working for the public," and among the hidden, undeclared goals, the goal is to make a profit.

    To a certain extent, this contradiction can be overcome if the company's goals are connected with the goals. Since the marketing plan directly sets the task of selling certain products in the selected markets, the goal of such activities is to achieve the planned indicators of sales volume, profit, market share. At the same time, the priorities and values ​​of these indicators depend on the development goals of the company as a whole. Thus, the profit indicator naturally fits into the goals of the marketing plan, and the achievement of certain results contributes to the achievement of the company's more general goals.

    Today, a company is required to be able to choose a multi-purpose perspective for itself and satisfy the needs of a wide variety of interest groups. The main task of the company's management is to reconcile these dissimilar and in many ways conflicting interests. Within a well-balanced company, the reconciliation of these interests is usually not difficult. One reason is that influence groups generally do not seek to maximize their interests, instead they just hope to get a satisfying outcome. In fact, leaders operate in the zone of tolerance. tolerance zone- this is the area of ​​effective functioning, within which the company satisfies the interests of all its key influence groups.

    The second most important indicator after profit for many companies it is growth, turnover or value of assets. Some executives believe that there is a relationship between company size and marginal profitability. Until a company becomes a major player, they argue, it will be vulnerable to stronger competitors. Others point to a link between the size of a company and the pay of its executives.

    Therefore, the multidimensional, rather than focused on 1-2 indicators, nature of determining the goals of the company's activities is becoming more widespread. As a result of this methodological reorientation, a multi-criteria approach to evaluating the performance of companies is becoming more and more widely used. Thus, Forbes magazine uses a ranking system for the top 500 US companies, which includes the following evaluation criteria: the average level of profitability over the past 5 years (their total market value and return on invested capital), sales growth rates, stock returns, as well as absolute values ​​of sales volumes , net income and profit share in the price for the last year.