Dramatization of cartoon scripts. A theatrical performance based on the fairy tale Mitten in the senior speech therapy group of a preschool educational institution. Scenario. Script for V. Suteev’s work “Who Said Meow”


Grandma Nastya is a storyteller

Mama Mouse

Grandma Nastya.

Hello, dear children!

Children. Hello!

Grandma Nastya. My name is Grandma Nastya.

I came to visit you,

I brought a miracle box.

There are toys in this box,

Dolls, various animals:

Hedgehog, squirrel and bear,

Bunny, wolf, fox and mouse.

And there is also a letter,

I'll read it now.

Lesovichok is writing to you.

Quiet! Mouth is locked,

Prick up your ears

To listen better.

(Music sounds.)

Grandma Nastya.

"Dear children,

Both girls and boys!

Katya, Olya, Nina, Masha,

Petit, Kolya, Vova, Sasha.

I am glad to the forest theater

Send it to your kindergarten.

They will show you a fairy tale now

These dolls are characters.

This always happens in fairy tales:

Even the dolls come to life.

About the boastful mouse

Our fairy tale, kids."

We invite everyone to a fairy tale,

Let's start the show!

Clap your hands louder

This will help us play.

There is peace and quiet in the forest in winter,

A mother mouse sits in a hole.

The son of a mouse is rustling in the corner,

Mother mouse looks out the window.

And outside the window the frost is crackling,

You can't stick your nose outside.

The mouse can't sit in the hole:

He wants to play and frolic.

Little mouse.

Where are my boots?

Hat, fur coat, mittens,

I don't want to catch a cold.

Mom, I'm going for a walk,

Get some fresh air, breathe.


Son, dress warmly,

And come back quickly.

Little mouse.

I'll be there for lunch, mommy!


For dinner? Well I'm waiting for.

Mouse(gets dressed and sings). I'm a little mouse.

(Change of scenery. A mouse walks through the forest and speaks.)


I'm not afraid of frost.

I'll have a lot of fun!

I'll play tag with the fox,

With a fast bunny - catch up,

I'll play with the nimble squirrel

Hide and seek, or burners.

Well, with the wolf - leapfrog.

I'll circle my finger

And I'll be confused

Silly wolf!

And I will fight with rapiers

With the bully hedgehog himself,

I will measure my strength with the bear...

(The fox jumps out.)


Oh, what a braggart you are!

Little mouse.

What are you, little fox, believe me,

Although I am small, I am a beast!!!

The strongest, dexterous, brave,

There are no animals equal to me in the forest.


To prove it,

Let's play now.

(Addresses a magpie sitting on a branch.)

Listen, Aunt Magpie,

Call the wolf quickly

Squirrel, hedgehog, bunny,

Wake up the bear in the den.

Carry out the order quickly!

Magpie(flies and screams).

I'll do it in a jiffy! I'm coming now!

Attention! Attention!

Everyone's off to the competition!

Forest animals, come,

Defeat the boastful mouse!

Mouse(singing) .

Although I am small,

But so distant

The strongest, dexterous, brave,

Brave, smart and skillful.

That's how great I am!

That's what a daredevil I am!


Well, let's see, braggart.

Fight with the bear first.

Who is stronger - the struggle will show.

(They fight, music sounds.)

Grandma Nastya.

Well, what will the guys say?

Dear viewers,

Who will be the winner?

(The bear falls backwards.)

Little mouse.

That's all! I won!


You acted dishonestly.

You tripped me up.

You don't follow the rules!

Little mouse.

Winners are not judged

Who will be here next?

(The hedgehog comes out.)

Little mouse.

Hedgehog? Well, give me the rapier.

I can make holes!


Wait, there's no need to rush,

I don't have a weapon.

Little mouse.

Why not?

You're covered in needles

There's just no point in them.

(Stabs the hedgehog with a rapier.)


We must win fairly.

Don't break the rules!

Little mouse.

The winners are not judged.

Who will be here next?

(No one comes out. The mouse turns to the hare.)

Little mouse.

Well, come here, oblique,

I'll deal with you.


You don't follow the rules

You constantly violate.

Little mouse.

Apparently, you chickened out, oblique!

Well, the squirrel will have to

Play burners with me.


I don't want to play with you

You will deceive everyone again!

Little mouse.

Have you given up the fight?

Well, let's record defeat!

Who's there, is there still a wolf left?

Maybe he was scared too?


Although I am a stupid wolf,

But I know a lot about mice.

I really love mice

I'll open my mouth to my ears,

I'll swallow you right away

I'll stop lying and bragging!


Wait a minute, wolf, listen,

It's time for me to eat

I'll play with the mouse

Catching up...

Bravo! Race!


I'm a beautiful fox

A master at running fast.

If I win the race,

I'll have a mouse for lunch!

Let's start catching up!

Count with a counting rhyme!

One two three four five!!!


It's up to me to catch!

Little mouse.

I have to run away!

(The fox hides behind a spruce tree and grabs the mouse. Music plays.)


What? Gotcha, braggart?

What a nice mouse!

This will be a delicious lunch for me!

Little mouse.

No, liar, no, no,

You acted dishonestly

You won by deception!


The winners are not judged!

And lunch will be delicious!

Little mouse.

Have pity on me, fox,

Finally I realized myself

That I acted dishonestly

That he won by deception.

I'm not at all dexterous, brave,

Brave, strong and skillful!

I'm a braggart mouse

I'm more cowardly than a bunny.

I ask your forgiveness

I invite everyone to a treat.

I invite you all to visit.


Well, shall we forgive him?



Maybe it's a lesson

Good for our little mouse?

So be it, we’ll believe him.

Little mouse.

Believe my word.

I won't brag anymore

And I won’t forget the lesson.


Okay, we forgive you

We accept the invitation.

(Music sounds. The animals come to visit. They all sing a song together.)

We are a cheerful crowd

Let's return home!

One two three four five!

It's fun to walk together!

Little mouse.

Mom, open the doors

Welcome dear guests!

(Everyone sits down at the table.)

Grandma Nastya.

The frost is crackling outside the window,

And the fire is burning in the oven,

Guests sitting at the table

They talk about this and that...

Tea is poured into cups,

They don't remember the bad things.

This is what I say, friends:

My fairy tale is over.

It's time for us to part,

Goodbye, kids!

to you today in this hall

The children showed the fairy tale.

This always happens in fairy tales:

Even the dolls come to life.

Roles in the fairy tale played,

The characters were introduced

Not artists, but children from our kindergarten.

Well, it's time to say goodbye,

The dolls go back to the box.

It's time for them to go to another kindergarten

Entertain other guys.

Script for a theatrical performance based on the fairy tale "Rukavichka" in a senior speech therapy group

Bogatova Oksana Nikolaevna, teacher, MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 94" Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description: the production can be used by educators and music directors in circle work on theatrical activities; in the development of scripts for New Year's matinees in the senior group of the kindergarten. The script uses the fairy tale by Olesya Emelyanova “A Mitten for a Puppet Show.” I adapted it for acting on stage or in a music hall.
Target: formation of interest in theatrical activities in children, enrichment of the emotional sphere, development of communication abilities.
- develop coherent speech;
- enrich active vocabulary, develop memory;
- improve the ability to combine words and actions;
- learn to control voice strength and timbre;
- promote the formation of clear, bright, intonationally expressive speech;
- to reveal the potential of speech-language pathologist children in public speaking.
Preliminary work:
- reading the Ukrainian folk tale “The Mitten”;
- reading the fairy tale “Mitten” by Olesya Emelyanova;
- distribution of roles;
- learning roles and automation of delivered sounds;
- registration of declarations, preparation of attributes;
- selection of musical accompaniment.
Old man
(All roles are played by children)
Narrator (adult)
A group of children (5-7 people) to perform noise accompaniment.
In the foreground is a mock-up of a mitten. In the background is a forest (several artificial Christmas trees).
A group of children tap a rhythm on wooden spoons to the words of a narrator.
Lyuli-lyuli, tili-tili!
Hares walked on water
And from the river, like ladles,
They scooped up water with their ears,
And then they carried it home.
The noodle dough was kneaded.
hung on my ears -
It was a lot of fun!

The game of spoons stops.
But they happen in the forests
More interesting miracles!
This fairy tale is small
About animals and a mitten.
An old man comes out from behind the Christmas trees, walks past the mitten (decarration) and drops the real mitten.
A group of children take plastic bags and rustle, imitating the crunch of snow under their feet.

An old man was walking through the forest,
I lost my mitten -
A new mitten,
Warm, downy.
The old man leaves.
A mouse appears from behind the Christmas trees (music sounds for the mouse to come out),
runs up to the right to the mitten.

I'm sitting under a bush
And I'm shaking from the cold.
The mitten is a mink!
I’ll run to her from the hill -
This is a new mink
Warm and fluffy!

Runs behind the mitten.
A bunny jumped along the edge of the forest,
His ears were frozen.
A bunny runs out from behind the Christmas trees (music plays)
And where should I go now?
Where can the unfortunate person warm up?
The bunny runs up to the mitten.

Who is inside - an animal or a bird?

Is there anyone wearing this mitten?
A mouse peeks out of a mitten.
This is the Scratch Mouse!
Let me go, little girl!
Bunny is very cold,
Runaway bunny!
There's enough room for both of us.
The mitten is new,
Warm and fluffy!
The Mouse and the Bunny are hiding in a mitten. A fox appears from behind the trees on the right (music plays).
Oh, save me, Santa Claus
Bit the fox on the nose
Running on her heels -
The tail is shaking from the cold!

Answer the fox,
Who's huddling in a mitten?
The Mouse peeks out of the mitten.
I'm the Scratching Mouse,
Long-tailed bitch!

I'm the Runaway Bunny,
Little bunny in the mitten!
Have pity on the fox
And put it in your mitten!
There's enough room for the three of us here.
It's softer here than on the bed -
The mitten is new,
Warm and fluffy!
The bunny and the fox are hiding in a mitten. A Wolf appears from behind the trees on the left (music plays).
He howled at the moon at night
And I caught a cold from the cold.
The wolf howls.
The gray wolf sneezes loudly -
The tooth does not touch the tooth.
The wolf sneezes and chatters his teeth.

Hey, honest forest people,
Who, tell me, lives here?

I'm the Scratching Mouse,
Long-tailed bitch!
The mouse hides, the Bunny peeks out from the mitten.
I'm the Runaway Bunny,
Little bunny in the mitten!

I'm a fluffy fox
In the mitten of everyone, sister!
You will let me live,
I will watch over you!
There's enough room for four here.
It's softer here than on the bed -
The mitten is new,
Warm and fluffy!
The wolf and the fox are hiding in a mitten. A Boar appears from behind the trees on the right (music sounds).
Oink! The barrel is completely frozen,
The tail and snout are freezing!
This mitten is by the way!

The Mouse peeks out of the mitten.
You won't have enough space here!
I'll get in somehow!
The Mouse and the Boar are hiding in a mitten. A fox peeks out of her mitten.
It's cramped here! Well, it's just creepy!
The fox again hides in its mitten. A Bear comes out from behind the trees on the left (music sounds).
Teddy Bear is freezing
My nose gets cold and my paws get cold.
The bear rubs his nose.
I don’t have a den!
What's here in the middle of the road?
A mitten will do!
Who, tell me, lives in it?

The Mouse peeks out of the mitten.
I'm the Scratching Mouse,
Long-tailed bitch!
The mouse hides, the Bunny peeks out from the mitten.
I'm the Runaway Bunny,
Little bunny in the mitten!
The bunny is hiding, and the little fox is peeking out of her mitten.
I'm a fluffy fox
In the mitten of everyone, sister!
The fox is hiding, the Wolf is peeking out of his mitten.
The top still lives here,
Warm gray barrel!
The wolf is hiding, the Boar peeks out from the mitten.
Well, I'm a tusker boar,
The mitten is stuck!
There's a bit too much of you here,
Shall I climb in with you guys?
Yes, I will somehow!
The Boar and the Bear are hiding in a mitten. Chanterelle looks out of it.
There's nowhere to sneeze here!
The fox again hides in its mitten. A mouse looks out of it.
Fat, and also there!
The mouse hides in a mitten.
Here the grandfather missed the loss -
He told the dog to run back,
Find the mitten!
A Dog appears from behind the trees on the right and runs towards the mitten (music plays)
Woof woof woof! So here she is!
You can see it from a mile away!
Hey you, animals or birds there,
Quickly throw out the mitten!
If I find anyone in it,
I will bark very loudly.
Immediately the grandfather will come with a gun,
He'll take the mitten away!

Animals jump out of the mitten one by one and hide behind the Christmas trees. The dog runs after them and barks. The old man comes out, picks up his mitten and leaves the stage with the dog.

The animals were very scared
They scattered,
They hid somewhere,
And lost forever
New mittens
Warm and fluffy!

Holidays in kindergarten are bright and joyful events in the life of a child. Combining various types of art, they influence the feelings and consciousness of children. The use of theatrical performances is of great interest to children during the holidays.

Theatrical performances at holidays are performance games that have a fixed content in the form of a literary work, performed by children in person. In them, as in real theatrical art, specific images are created with the help of such expressive means as intonation, facial expressions, gesture, posture and gait.

Why is it necessary to use dramatizations at holidays?

Theatrical performances at holidays are one of the brightest, most colorful and accessible spheres of art for a child. They bring joy to children, develop imagination and fantasy, contribute to the creative development of the child and the formation of the basis of his personal culture.

Thanks to the decorations and costumes, children have great opportunities to create an image using color, shape, and design.

The collective nature of theatrical performances allows children to expand and enrich the experience of cooperation. By acting in a role, children gain experience in various kinds of relationships, which is also important for their social development.

Theatrical performances at holidays help to activate different aspects of their speech - vocabulary, grammatical structure, dialogue, monologue, improving the sound side of speech, etc.

Stages of preparing performances for the holiday with children of senior preschool age.

Preparatory stage. When discussing the holiday with teachers, a staging is selected from several options that is accessible to the children’s capabilities; the gender characteristics of the group are taken into account; experiments are being carried out.

When discussing the holiday scenario, it is taken into account how many children are needed so that none of the children are left at the holiday without a role (who dances, who sings, who plays in the orchestra, someone reads a poem, at the same time, when distributing roles, it is necessary to avoid overloading the children The necessary attributes, masks, costumes, their renewal or making new ones are also discussed when selecting a performance for the holiday, its duration of 5 - 15 minutes is taken into account, numbers are thought out before and after the performance, since it is necessary to change the clothes of the children, install and remove the attributes.

Stage 1. Conducted directly with children, with the whole group, in free time from classes. Educator

Interests children in the content of the work that will be used for staging, performs it expressively;

He wonders whether the children liked it or not. Having received a positive assessment, he offers to role-play it in front of parents at the holiday and repeatedly reads it expressively to the children.

The teacher briefly conveys an artistic description of the place where the dramatization will take place (forest, house, etc.), and again reads the work expressively, involving the children in reciting individual lines that they remember.

– then analyzes the events that are described in the work. It forms in children an interest in them, a belief in the reality of what is happening and a desire to participate in it by taking on a certain role.

After distributing and accepting roles, the teacher encourages children to fantasize about the appearance of the characters, their behavior, attitude towards other characters, etc. In this case, the characteristics can be presented much wider than those events that are included in the dramatization.

At the second stage, work is carried out in subgroups in the music room. The music director outlines the boundaries of the “stage”, reminds where the children’s gaze should be directed during the performance, distributes the space of the hall (where there will be a house, a screen, a tree, etc., where the necessary attributes will be located. The discussion with the children ends with an expressive reading of the performance teacher with the participation of children. Then the music director suggests introducing music, reviving the fairy tale. This is how the entrance and exit of each hero is played out to the music, it is proposed to depict the dance of the heroes or learn a song. This is how individual sketches of the heroes of the dramatization are played.

From characterizing the movements of each character, we move on to characterizing the speech of the characters. First, depending on the image and character of his hero, each child is invited to choose the appropriate intonation, and then, just as when developing movements, we lead children to generalized ideas about the nature of the speech of this image as a whole.

In subsequent individual lessons, the etudes are assembled into a single whole, and the entire performance is played out in full. Work on the role ends with children being brought to an understanding of the need to create a unique identity for each image in which they will act.

When preparing for each holiday, we involve parents. Parents help sew costumes and make attributes for performances.

The third stage is performance at the festival. The presenter names the work, indicating the author, and talks about the place where the dramatization takes place. At the end of the performance, the presenter names each character and who performed, giving each child applause.

After the holiday, the children show the re-enactment to the kids, arranging concerts for them.

Thus, the use of theatrical performances at the holiday contributes to the development of children’s creativity, socialization, communication, enrichment of impressions and development of children’s emotions.


1. Bekina S.I. Holidays in kindergarten. – M. – 1990. – 256 p.

2. Bochkareva L.P. Theatrical and play activities of preschoolers. Methodological manual for specialists in preschool education. - Ulyanovsk, IPKPRO, 1993, p. 3.

3. Kozlova S. A., Kulikova T. A. Preschool pedagogy. – M. – 2003.

4. Metlov N. M. Music for children. – M. – 1985.

5. Soloviev V. B. ABC of an actor, director and teacher of amateur theater - Syktyvkar 1994.


Fairy tale dramatization “Bear on duty”, for children of senior preschool age.

Teaching preschool children the rules of the road is an integral part of the educational area "Safety" in preschool educational institutions. One of the determining conditions for successful training in traffic rules is the creation of an appropriate developmental environment. With the help of our parents, we made a mobile road alphabet. I use the most diverse and differentiated forms of work with children, but the most effective (from work experience) turned out to be a group on word creation with children of senior preschool age. Sharing your own poetic texts with children and staging them contributes to the successful implementation of tasks on this issue. A lot of preliminary work is being done with the active participation of parents. In addition, children really love to play certain roles, it is always a wonderful holiday for them!

Fairy tale - dramatization "Bear on duty"

Goal: Activating the cognitive interest of preschool children in the topic of road safety using their own poetic texts together with children.

Once upon a time there was a bear

Funny little naughty guy.

He didn't want to listen

The ABC of the road.

By your behavior

He disturbed all the animals.

But one evening

Mishenka can't sleep.

In the morning he looks outside the gate:

What's going on on the street?

Pedestrians on the road

Wherever you have to run!

Drivers at traffic lights

They don't pay attention!

No trouble happened

We need to hurry

And on your street

Put things in order.

He looks serious!

He is standing at a crossroads.

He is now an example for everyone!

Hare (runs in):

This morning I overslept something,

He quickly ran to school.

I'm running through a red light

I can't be late.

The bear stopped here,

He warned the hare:

"Be careful all the time!

And remember in advance:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian. "

Cross the road

You are always on the street

And they will help and advise

Talking colors.

The red light will say: "No!"

Restrained and strict,

Yellow light will give advice

Wait a little.

And the green light is on -

“Come in!” he says.

Bear (addressing the hare):

When the light is green - go!

And on red - stop!

Nothing bad then

Won't happen to you! "

(The light turned green,

The hare crosses the road).

Our hero smiled

And he walked down the street.

It doesn't just happen!

Looked around at the post:

The little wolf is having fun -

On the roadway he

Roller skating!

Little wolf (rushes and sings):

"I'm going faster than everyone else,

Don't catch me! "

The bear instantly caught up with him

And he punished the wolf cub:

"Be naughty on the road

Strictly prohibited!

In the yard, along the sidewalk

Skating is allowed! "

He picked up the little wolf

And he gave it to his parents:

"You are your son

Did you buy the videos?

Where can you ride them?

You didn't teach! "

Our Mishka is on duty

Strict and attentive

He keeps order!

What a disgrace this is

Does it happen on the bus?

These are the baby squirrels coming,

They fight and swear!

Our bear is right there:

“The uncultured will do!”

Bear (plants baby squirrels):

"What's going on here?

Why is there so much noise?

Why can't I see

Your dads and your moms? "

Baby squirrels (shrugs shoulders).

Bear (frowns):

"Are you alone on the street?

You're jostling in public transport!

You're disturbing everyone around you. "

(Squirrel mothers appear):

"Help, help,

Detain our kids! "

"Read it by heart

Laws of streets and roads!

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble" -

Mishka answered them.

And sat down on a tree stump

(Sits in the center of the intersection,

He wipes his forehead tiredly).

"What a day it turned out to be!

Oh, hard work -

Put things in order here! "

Pedestrians are watching

Everything is done according to the rules.

Let's not spoil

And play on the pavement.

(All participants move according to the rules.

The bear looks and smiles).

He should rest.

Yes, Chanterelle is right there:

"Hello, dear kumanek!

Tell me the lesson too:

What are the traffic rules?

Worthy of respect? "

(Walks around Mishka).

Our hero was not at a loss:

"What are you walking around?

You are crossing the road in the wrong place!

Pay a big fine.

You are a bad example for children! "

Foxy answered him:

“There’s no traffic light here!

Don't talk nonsense

Wherever I want, I go."

(Mishka lets her down

To the pedestrian crossing):

"If there is no traffic light

Every pedestrian knows -

On the road you will find


And the drivers respect you,

They stop and let you pass. "

(Translates Lisa on the transition)

All participants leave:

"This is our Mishka!

I put in a lot of effort -

Follow the laws of the streets

He taught everyone around him!

We know without a doubt

Traffic rules! "

Mishka (addresses the participants):

"You all know the rules

And don't break it! "

These are the happy faces of children after the holiday!


Ecological fairy tale-dramatization of moral content for children of senior preschool age “Autumn Tale”

Children run to the music and stop near the chairs.


Leading: We cannot live in the world without miracles,

They meet us everywhere.

Autumn, magical, fairytale forest

He invites us to visit him.

"Little Red Riding Hood" (girl) comes in to the music.

Little Red Riding Hood: How nice it is in the forest in autumn,

What a beauty!

Either a yellow leaf or a red leaf

Trees are falling.

I'm in a hurry to see my grandmother

I bring her pies,

I collected an autumn bouquet for her in the forest (shows).

I walk boldly along the path,

No one is afraid of me

And my favorite song

I always sing everywhere.

Song" Hedgehog with a squirrel."

Little Red Riding Hood:Oh, the weather is gloomy,

The cloud is approaching

You need to stand under a birch tree

And wait out the autumn rain. (hides)

"Droplets" (2 girls) run to the music.

Droplets: We are autumn droplets, running, running, running.

We knock, knock, knock on roofs and windows.

Don't forget to take an umbrella,

When you go for a walk.

Capricious weather at this time of year!

Disturbing music sounds "Wolf".

Wolf: Well, I've finally arrived

It's so nice to relax here.

(sits down, eats, scatters garbage, goes to bed).

"Bunnies" (3 boys) jump out to cheerful music.

1Hare: Oh, how nice it is for us to catch

The last ray of sunshine!

We love to run and jump,

Play hide and seek with each other.

2Hare: Play naughty, laugh, laugh

And never lose heart. (dance to cheerful music)

3Hare: Oh, trouble, quickly, save me,

Call the doctor here.

I stepped on something

My poor paw.

Comes in "Little Red Riding Hood"(girl) Good afternoon animals,

Cute bunnies.

Why don't you download?

And what are you crying about?

1 Hare: We hurt our paws

About tin cans.

3 Hare: Someone broke the glass here

It crashed into my paw.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, how disgusting!

Oh, how bad!

Someone is probably very evil

I visited the forest here,

Garbage was scattered everywhere.

We'll take the bunnies to the doctor,

And then we’ll clean it up together.

(Little Red Riding Hood leads the bunnies away).

(They run in "Squirrels") .

1 Squirrel: Aw! did you find at least one fungus?

2 Squirrel: No, my box is empty. (run away)

(The wolf wakes up and gets up).

Wolf: Teeth, teeth I sharpen

I want to eat all the girls.

And they poke their noses everywhere,

Life is simply not given.

I sharpen my teeth,

I want to eat all the girls.

(Little Red Riding Hood enters boldly)

Little Red Riding Hood: I'm not afraid of your teeth

Better answer me wolf

Who has been to the forest?

Scattered garbage everywhere

Did you pick mushrooms here and there?

Wolf: I visited the forest

I was resting under a bush.

Little Red Riding Hood: Shame on you, wolf,

The autumn forest is so good

And you don’t take care of him.

Squirrels(in chorus) In our forest to anyone

Nice to relax

But the trash follows

Don't forget to remove it.

(All the heroes together help the wolf clean up the garbage to the cheerful music)

Wolf(asks for forgiveness).

All artists line up facing the audience.

1 Hare: We will love nature

Let's live together with nature

All (together): And then at any time of the year,

Nature will delight us!

Song:“We want the birds to sing.” (at the end of the song, the artists turn one after another and leave the hall to loud applause from the audience).


Material on speech development (middle group) on the topic: Performance for children of middle preschool age based on the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats"

Dramatization for children of middle preschool age

based on a fairy tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Target: staging a mini-play based on the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats" Tasks:- development of emotional responsiveness, artistry, expressiveness of performance; - nurturing interest in theatrical activities.

Source nsportal.ru

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 5 “Rodnichok”

Educator: Petrenko Natalya Nikolaevna.

S. Konstantinovka

Lesson - dramatization for children of primary preschool age “Chicken - Rabushechka”

Program content: to give an idea about the hen and chickens, the hen is a large, motley mother, she has a comb on her head, a beak, eyes, wings, legs and a tail; the chickens—her babies, small, yellow and motley—follow the hen and squeak. To develop children's interest in fairy tales, games, and the ability to portray fairy tale characters.

Materials: a picture of a hen with chicks, toys of a hen and chicks, a chicken cap, a bucket.

Progress of the lesson.

Teacher: shows the children a picture of a hen and chickens.

Who is in the picture?

Children: Hen and chicks.

Educator: That's right. The picture shows a chicken - a hazel grouse. She is covered in colorful feathers, has a red comb on her head, a beak and eyes. The chicken has wings, she opens them, waves them, and calls her children.

She also has a tail and legs. The chicken walks around, rakes the ground, and looks for grains. She has babies - chickens, they are small, yellow and colorful.

They follow their mother hen and squeak: pee-pee-pee.

Educator: How do chickens squeak?

Source nsportal.ru

Games with theatrical elements for preschool children


The focus of teachers working with preschool children is on creating the necessary conditions for learning and education; children’s development of a system of knowledge and methods of independent activity; implementation of the state standard of preschool education.

A child’s acquisition of knowledge and skills and the development of his abilities are carried out only through active activity.

The most important activity of a preschool child is play. The game develops thinking, speech, imagination, memory, learns the rules of social behavior and develops appropriate skills.

One of the forms of organizing the pedagogical process is theatrical play.

Through various forms of theatrical play, children improve moral and communication qualities, creativity, and mental processes.

When solving these pedagogical problems, an important role is played by the coordination of theatrical elements with the plan of educational work. Depending on calendar planning, you can select game and stage material.

So, with children of primary preschool age, on the topic “Autumn, Autumn, we invite you to visit us!”, You can act out the Russian folk tale “Turnip” using a cardboard theater. In the middle group on the topic “How animals spend the winter in the forest” - a dramatization based on the Russian folk tale “The Winter of Animals”.

In the senior group on the theme “Autumn Forest”, you can offer children a mini-dramatization “Lesovichka’s Riddles”, using glove dolls: a bear, a bunny, a fox. In the preparatory group on the theme “Maslenitsa” for the lesson-game “Spring is Red” with folk games and round dances.

At the end of the school year, summing up the results of learning and the quality of children’s knowledge, it is possible to diagnose the level of the child’s emotional sphere and creative expression. The degree of manifestation of children's emotional and creative abilities is assessed by indicators: high level, medium, low. The dynamics of changes in the level of these indicators allows us to draw a conclusion about the advisability of using methods and techniques of theatrical games in the process of educational work.

The practice of educational work and the annual comparative analysis of the quality of knowledge and indicators of creative manifestation of children show: theatrical forms give impetus to the development of cognitive abilities; activates thought processes; awaken creative initiative, imagination, fantasy.

Theatrical play, corresponding to the age of the child, can harmonize his appearance. Speech exercises, sketches, a theatrical story, a game activity, a fairy-tale quiz, a dramatization of a fairy tale - all these forms of theatricalization develop mental processes, improve the moral and communicative qualities of the individual, and awaken the desire for creativity.

2. Development of moral and communicative qualities of the individual.

3. Development of motor qualities and skills.

4. Development of creative imagination and fantasy.

5. Development of cognitive abilities.

1. Games with theatrical elements.

2. Activity-game.

The most important conditions in the implementation of game forms of work are:

1. Using speech exercises.

2. The choice of exercises or tasks depending on the individuality of the children.

3. Ensuring psychological comfort in and outside of class.

4. Encouraging children to actively participate in theatrical games, exercises, sketches.

Let us dwell on the methodology of theatrical games and the conditions for their implementation.

I. Games with theatrical elements.

Games with theatrical elements include: speech exercises; sketches for the expression of basic emotions; sketches to reproduce the main character traits; games to develop attention and memory; studies on the expressiveness of gestures; role-playing games.

1. Speech exercises influence emotional and personal

the sphere of the child; develop clarity of pronunciation; improve intonation coloring of speech; develop the ability to use expressive means of voice. To perform these exercises, you must first learn the texts.

The exercise can be group or individual. It is important that children do this meaningfully, emotionally, and with interest. Texts must be age-appropriate for children.

For example, the following: “Echo”, “We’re going, we’re going on a cart”, “Pure sayings” - develop the expressiveness of speech, memory, and imagination.

2. Sketches for the expression of basic emotions develop moral and communicative qualities of the individual; contribute to understanding the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express one’s own. The content of the sketches is not readable to children.

An emotional retelling of the proposed situation is a condition for creating many game options on a given topic. Sketches should be short, varied and accessible to children in content.

Thus, in the sketch “The Fox Eavesdrops,” children learn to convey the emotional state of the character through a certain posture and facial expressions.

3. In studies for reproduction character trait Children learn to understand what behavior corresponds to what character trait.

The emphasis is on positive behavior models.

Thus, in the episodes “Greedy Dog”, “Terrible Beast”, through facial expressions, gestures, and posture, children convey individual character traits (greed, isolation, cowardice, courage).

4. Games to develop attention and memory develop the ability to quickly concentrate; activate memory and observation skills. In these games, children perform various movements according to a signal, repeat given movements and exercises.

Thus, in the game “Magic Circle”, children perform various movements according to a signal and develop attention; In the game “Wind-up Toys,” players develop motor-auditory memory through transformations.

5. Purpose sketches on the expressiveness of gestures is to develop children's correct understanding of emotionally expressive hand movements and adequate use of gesture. The content of the sketches activates the expressiveness of movements and creative imagination.

In the game “Snowballs”, children master the expressiveness of movements through imaginary winter entertainment; in “A Friendly Family”, through pantomime, the accuracy and expressiveness of conveyed actions develops: painting with a brush, knitting, sewing, modeling, etc.

6. Role-playing games Using elements of costumes, props, masks and dolls, they develop creative imagination, fantasy, and communication. Children, together with the teacher, make masks, props, elements of costumes and scenery. Parents can participate in the preparation process.

In the game “Organizing a General Theater,” children, together with their teacher, make dolls from paper bags and cups and act out everyday and fairy-tale scenes. Collective relationships, creative imagination, and fantasy develop.

II. Activity-game.

This form of organizing pedagogical work may include: sketches, fragments of fairy tales, games with theatrical elements.

During the lesson, fragments of a fairy tale are performed in an improvised form. This method of teaching helps to solve software problems in a fun way; has a positive effect on the formation of the child’s emotional and moral environment. At a complex lesson-game based on the Russian folk tale “Masha and the Bear”, children complete the teacher’s tasks to develop coherent speech, develop mathematical abilities, memory, and attention.

III. Theatrical story.

Techniques and methods of theatrical storytelling can be used both during class and outside of it. While reading or narrating a literary work, the teacher himself “plays” the characters, using intonation and emotional coloring of speech.

Through expressive reading, acting out episodes; Through illustrative material, children are immersed in the atmosphere of a literary work. All tasks that are included in the program content of the lesson can be solved with the help of expressive gaming theatrical means. An example of such a theatrical form could be a lesson on familiarization with fiction: the Russian folk tale “Khavroshechka”.

IV. Quiz is fun.

The theatrical form of literary quiz-entertainment helps broaden children's horizons; activates emotional and creative potential. Work is underway to make costumes and props. The musical arrangement is prepared, the soundtrack is recorded, the texts are learned, and excerpts from literary works are rehearsed.

A stage version of the activity-game based on the works of A. S. Pushkin “Lukomorye” takes children on a fabulous journey. In this quiz, children participate in short performances, answer questions, and solve riddles. Preschoolers participate with interest and pleasure in educational theatrical games.

V. Performance-game.

This form of work requires long and careful preparation: a special dramatization is written taking into account the age-specific individual characteristics of the children. Rehearsals are held in a playful way. Scenery and costumes are being prepared, posters and theater programs are being produced.

The play-play, based on the Russian folk tale “Turnip”, helps to reveal the creative potential of children, emotionally enriches the performers and spectators of the play.

Thus, children, through various forms of theatrical play, develop moral and communicative qualities, creative abilities, and mental processes.

Practical material.

1. “Funny poems” (for children 3-4 years old).

Goal: Develop purity of pronunciation. Pay attention to the intonation expressiveness of speech.

Progress: Children recite poetry together with the teacher. Gradually, from exercise to exercise, children acquire the skill of intonation expressiveness.

And for the holiday we want

To come to you with gifts. (Candies)

I have prepared jam, and cookies, and sweets... But there are no guests yet..... I will set the table as soon as possible for our dear guests!....

I put a cup and a plate, I work all day like a squirrel, Here are napkins, a fork, a knife... How did the Hedgehog teach me there?... (The bear comes out to the music)

I was walking in the forest, walking and saw a hut... Hey, who lives in the hut? What's tasty there?... It smells like honey and jam, I'm asking for a treat... Mouse: - I'm waiting for guests for my birthday, and I'm preparing a treat.

Help me set the table. I need to wash the fruit. (The mouse takes the basket of fruit and leaves) (The bear comes in and sits down at the table.) Bear: You can wash everything away anyway, I won’t help her...

I don’t like to eat from dishes.....(Takes a barrel of honey in his paws and starts to eat from it) - I eat with my paw, because it’s tastier and, in my opinion, more honest. Everything went to one, I don’t need order..... (He gets up and leaves, dropping the dishes on the floor along the way.) (A mouse comes running with a basket of fruit.) Mouse: - Oh! He ruined my whole table, spilled tea on the tablecloth! How will I greet guests? What will I treat them with?.... (The mouse sits and cries) (The Frog, a puppet character, comes under frog music. In his paws there is a gift - a beautiful green bag, and in it there is soap, also green.) Frog:

More details on the website infourok.ru

Lib.ru/Modern literature. Emelyanova Olesya Vladimirovna. Puppet show. Plays, scripts, dramatizations.

9 small plays (scripts, dramatizations) in verse based on Russian folk tales for reading and performance in a home puppet theater. All fairy tales can be acted out with 7 dolls (man, fox, hare, bear, crane, rooster, dog).

  • Emelyanova O. Goats and Wolf. A funny play (script, dramatization) in verse for puppet theater.14k Grade: 8.03*10 Children's
  • A funny play (script, dramatization) in verse based on a Russian folk tale for puppet theater - both home and professional. Other titles: “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Wolf, the Goat and the Little Kids”.
  • Grade: 8.03*20 Children's Comments: 1 (06/12/2009)
  • A play (script, dramatization) for a home puppet theater based on a favorite Russian folk tale.
  • Emelyanova O. Cat and Fox. A play (script, dramatization) in verse for home puppet theater.11k Grade: 7.87*13 Children's
  • Other names: “Kotofey Ivanovich”, “Cat-voevoda”, “Cat and Fox”
  • Grade: 8.38*11 Children's Comments: 1 (28/03/2010)
  • A play (script, dramatization) in verse based on a Russian folk tale for staging a performance in a home puppet theater.
  • Grade: 7.17*20 Children's
  • A five-minute play (script, dramatization) in verse based on a Russian folk tale for staging a performance in a home puppet theater.
  • Grade: 8.42*17 Children's Comments: 2 (12/05/2012)
  • A play (script, dramatization) in verse based on a Russian folk tale for staging a performance in a home puppet theater.
  • Emelyanova O. By order of Pike. A play (script, dramatization) in verse for home puppet theater.15k Grade: 8.13*11 Children's
  • A play (script, dramatization) in verse based on a Russian folk tale for staging a performance in a home puppet theater. Other titles: "About Emelya".
  • Grade: 7.85*23 Children's
  • A play (script, dramatization) in verse based on a Russian folk tale for staging a performance in a home puppet theater.

Scenario of a theatrical fairy tale for kindergarten "Forest Story"

Dmitrieva Nadezhda Vitalievna, music director of MBDOU "Kindergarten "Rainbow" in Cheboksary
Description of work: This fairy tale, as a result of the work of the theater group in the senior group, was shown at the end of the school year. The outfits were made by hand. Children plunged into the world of fairy tales thanks to beautiful costumes and an unusual atmosphere. The holiday was a great success.

Fairy tale "Forest Story" in the senior group of kindergarten

Target: development of children's artistic abilities through theatrical activities.
- improving children's artistic and singing skills;
- liberation of the child;
- work on speech and intonation;
- collective actions, interactions;
- awakening in children the ability to vividly imagine what is happening, sympathize and empathize with what is happening.
Source used: fairy tale by M.Yu. Kartushina "Hare - Tailor"

Scenario progress:

Narrator: In a clearing, under a pine tree,
Once upon a time there was a little bunny with a sideways eye,
But not just a white hare,
And the well-known tailor
(The Hare comes out and sings a song)
Hare: Yes! I am not an ordinary Hare,
I'm the best tailor!
What, friends, should I sew for you?
Will I accept any order?
Narrator: About the fact that there is a tailor in the forest,
The shaggy dog ​​found out
And he rushed to the workshop
And I brought my order!
(The dog Druzhok comes out and sings the “Druzhok song”)
Friend: Day and night I guard the big house,
I serve faithfully and diligently! Woof!
Hare: Well, why shout like that?
What would you like to order?
Friend: Hurry to me, Zainka,
Sew a new hat.
It's cold at night. Afraid,
I'll catch a cold very soon!
Hare: Tomorrow we will meet again,
The hat will be ready!
Friend: I will be very, very happy!
I will call the animals to you,
Whom will I meet on the road?
May there be many orders!
(The friend runs away, the mice come out into the clearing to the music and perform a song.)
Narrator: Fashionable mice are in a hurry,
The colorful dresses rustle.
Mice: Hello, bunny-squint,
We heard that you are a tailor.
Sew gloves for us quickly,
We are expecting guests for dinner.
(the cat comes out)
Cat: Are you expecting me to visit?
A guest like me is held in high esteem!
Mice: Cat, cat, oh trouble!
Run away in all directions!
(to the music, the cat catches up with the mice, who are running away)
Cat: Hare, my greetings to you!
Do you recognize me or not?
Hare: Would you like to sit down?
Cat: There is a small matter!
For my furry back
Sew me a cape, bunny!
Hare: Stay tuned for updates on Wednesday
I'll be waiting for you at lunchtime.
Cat: Well, I hope for you,
Hare: Good morning!
(The hare takes the material from the cat. The cat leaves, the hare begins to sew to the music)
Hare: I am finishing the cape,
I attach the fur more tightly.
There's only a little left.
Oops, the needle broke!
Should I go to the hedgehog?
Maybe he’ll give it if I ask!
(approaches the hedgehog's house)
Hare: Hello, hedgehog!
Hedgehog: Hello, bunny!
Look here for mercy-
My felt boots are leaking!
Bunny, bunny, hey, hurry up
Hem my felt boots!
(To the song of the Hedgehog the hare sews felt boots)
Hare: There you go!
Hedgehog: Well well! (looks at the felt boots) How can I thank you?
Hare: Hedgehog, today I received a lot of orders at once,
But there were no needles left and the last one broke!
Hedgehog: I'll give you small needles for these felt boots
(gives a box of needles)
Hare: I'll run home quickly! (runs into the house)
Narrator: Nice in the forest in winter
Red squirrels under a pine tree
They dance and sing
They live very happily
Performing "Song of the Squirrels"
Hare: Hey you mischievous squirrels,
Red-tailed sisters,
Stop jumping around to no avail
Through aspens and fir trees
Proteins: Hello, bunny,
Patch the squirrels' fur coats.
In fur coats in snowy times
We will be warm in winter!
Hare: Your warm updates
Everyone will be ready tomorrow!
Narrator: The squirrels hid, and Zainka ran to his home.
It’s quiet in the forest - the spruce creaks,
Someone is rushing here to join us.
ABOUT! Yes, this is a brown bear,
Why is he wandering around here like a tramp?
And he's not alone,
His son is next to him!
Teddy bear: I don’t want to, I won’t sleep,
Very hard bed!
Where are the cookies and chocolate?
Bear: Sleep, Mishutka, sweet, sweet!
Teddy bear: I don’t want to, I won’t sleep,
I'll suck your paw!
(Performing "Bear's Lullaby")
Narrator: The bear cub falls asleep, night in the forest... Only the sly fox does not sleep.
(Fox comes out)
Fox: About hats and dresses
I always think
But who will sew them?
Of course the hare, yes, yes, yes!
I'd rather run to him
I'll steal it quickly!

(Runs to the music, stops at the Hare’s house. He knocks. The Hare opens the door.)

Fox: Hello, bunny-squint,
I know - you are a fashionable tailor,
Sew velvet dress
Hurry up, my dear!
Hare: Dress? (Rubs his eyes, Fox creeps up from behind).
Okay, I'll sew it!
(Fox takes the bag)
Fox: Up! (covers with a bag)
You'll sit in a bag with a scythe,
Nice bunny tailor!
I wish I could get my paws off quickly,
While Shaggy Buddy is sleeping!
(Friend appears to the music)
Friend: Someone is walking in the forest here.
I smell the red fox!
Is Fox here?
Narrator: Yes!
Friend: She can't go anywhere!
Here she is! Stand! Don `t move!
Paws up! What's behind?
Fox: If you're really interested,
The bag here is completely empty!
Friend: I don't believe it - show me!
(The Fox removes the bag, the Hare comes out)
Fox: Oh, forgive me!
I won't upset you
And offend the tailor!
Ved.: How can we forgive her friends?
Animals: Sorry!
Hare: And we’ll invite you to the party!
Demonstration of models
We'll spend it at the old spruce tree.
Narrator: Are the updates ready?
Hare: All orders are ready on time!
Narrator: The tailor trimmed everyone in the forest,
I haven't forgotten anyone!
(Music sounds. The fashion show of animal costumes begins)

Narrator: Mice - in brand new gloves
Sewn according to the latest fashion,
Matches with colorful dresses
(Mice pass by and take their places)
And, gracefully arching his back,
Cat in a new cape.
(The cat walks and gets up with the mice)
Hedgehog in hemmed felt boots,
It stomps away.
(The hedgehog takes his place)
Squirrels deserve a fur coat,
(Squirrels come out)

Pants for teddy bear
(Squirrels and bears fall into place)
Hat - for Buddy,
In a velvet dress Lisa -
Real beauty!
(Fox comes out)
Narrator: Oh, and a wonderful demonstration of models!
All animals: The hare is just great!
This is where the fairy tale ends!
(All heroes come out to bow).

Characters: grandmother, grandfather, Alyonushka, bull, bunny, fox, bear (sometimes a wolf appears in other retellings)

3 different scenarios and a fairy tale based on a well-known story, when the cat tells the cockerel not to open the door, not to talk to strangers, but the cockerel does not listen. The fox steals the cockerel... Characters: cat, fox and rooster

Characters: grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse, turnip



Scenario based on Suteev’s fairy tale (how a chicken repeated everything after a duckling and almost got into trouble). Characters: duckling and chicken

28. Cunning COCK

Scenario based on a Bulgarian folk tale (how the fox outwitted the cockerel, and then the cockerel outwitted the fox and survived). Characters: cockerel, fox


Scenario in verse for children of senior and preparatory groups.The story is about how the cuckoo flew away from the clock, and the animals tried themselves in the role of the cuckoo.Characters:Cuckoo, Cat, Frog, Lion, Dog



Scenario for the youngest: 1.5-3 years old.Characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Fedya, mice, hares, foxes


Script in verse for kindergarten. The fox took the key from Santa Claus's box. But the animals find her and forgive her. Everyone goes to the Christmas tree together, where Santa Claus comes with a box. And in the box... Characters: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Fox, Bunnies, Squirrel, Bear.


New Year's script in verse for a nursery group with games, songs and dances. New Year's script in verse for a nursery group with games, songs and dances. Characters: Presenter, Fox, Bear, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.


Scenario based on Suteev’s fairy tale (how the animals divided the apple and the bear judged everyone). Characters: Hare, crow, hedgehog, bear.